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Modeling and Simulation – Homework 1

Questions and Short Answers

1. A model is a product and the simulation is the process of using a model to study the behavior of
a system.
2. In these systems the state evolution depends on the occurrence of asynchronous discrete
events over time. The use in domains such as computer and communication engineering are
encouraged because they are non-deterministic and discrete and capable of internal elections.
3. They have a great complexity because the number of stated of DEDS increases combinatorically.
4. These are some types of modelling used for simulation:
a. Calculus of logical modeling
b. Predictive modeling
c. Restrictive modeling
5. We know that the model is an abstract representation of a system with a specific accuracy. That
being said the accuracy of the simulation is based on how much work we put in the model to
have less or more ambiguous scheme, therefore increasing the accuracy if the model is better
6. The verification of a simulation refers to comparing the conceptual model with the programmed
code and the validation of a simulation refers to analyzing the correlation between the model
and the real system.
7. A possible proof of demonstration is written below:

We choose S to be a set of elementary events, and B ⊂ P(S) a system of subsets in S


1. S ∈B.

2. E1, E2 ⇒ E1 ∪ E2 ∈B; E1∩ E2∈B; Ḕ1∈B, Ḕ2∈B

3. E1, E2,.., En , ….. ∈B⇒ E1,∪ E2∪……∪ En ∪……∈B

E1∩ E2 ∩… En∩…∈B, then B is a Borel field of events

8. An elementary event is an element in the set and an event is a subspace of a set.

9. We will start with the coin which we know that has a tail and a head, and then the dice has 6
faces. So as a conclusion we have twelve elementary events.
10. A possible solution to the problem is written bellow:

Average(x) = (1+2+3+4)/4 = 10/4 = 2.5

Average(f) = (3+6+2+1)/4 = 12/4 = 3

Variability(x) = (1-2.5)^2 + (2-2.5)^2 + (3-2.5)^2 + (4-2.5)^2 )/4= 5

Variability(f) = ((3-3)^2 + (6-3)^2 + (2-3)^2 + (1-3)^2)/4 = 3.5

11. We have the following formula for this problem: P(X=x) = (λ ^ x / x!) * (e ^ (- λ))

We also know that λ = 5.2 holes/km and X = 8 holes/km

P(X=8) = (5.2^8)/8! * e ^ (-5.2)

12. Finite State Automata refers to a models based on states for discrete event dynamical system.
13. State-based models refers to a system as a set of states and a set of transitions between states
and trace-based models is a record of trace left by the appearance of discrete, qualitative
changes in the system.
14. The static part of the model proves theorems about properties and the dynamical part executes
specification text to reveal properties.
15. The most complete type of modelling is a statistical level that can the used in tandem: operation
models plus simulation models.
16. The dynamical system is a rule for time evolution is a state space, so in another words is a
mathematical formalization for any fixed rule which describes the time dependence of a point’s
positions in its ambient space. When we speak about the language, we can refer to a formal
method to describe the behavior of a DEDS which are executed by the ASF.
17. A regular language admits only regular expressions so we can have the following: If I ⊂ E* is a
regular language, we will define the closing of I, denoted Ī, as a set of all strings that
represent strings prefixes from I, namely: Ī = {s| s ∈ E* şi not t ∈ E* a.î. st ∈ I}.
18. ….
19. Having an ASF: (X, E, f, x0, Xm, ), if X is the state space, R includes X it is a state space
equivalent with X, relative to Xm, if any x,y ∈ R are distinct space and any string u, f(x,u) ∈ Xm
f(y,u) ∈ Xm
Any common string applied to x and y states leads to the same set of marked states
Differencing x and y is impossible to be made by passing observation of the system and x and y
can be treating as an unique state of aggregation.
20. Supervisory control of discrete event dynamical systems refers to the copy of the systems plus
the controller.

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