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NURJATI CIREBON Pusat Pengembangan
Bahasa (PPB) Center for Language
Development / ‫ مركز تطوير اللغات‬Jl.
Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Phone:
0231-481264 (131) Fax. 0231-489926
Cirebon 45132

Intensive English I
MORNING CLASS (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun
Draf disimpan
* Wajib

Full Name: *


Group/ Class *
NO 1-5
Listen to the audio and choose the answer based on what you hear.

1. What is the information the man need? *

(A) a tour
(B) an email
(C) a trip
(D) a hotel

2. Who is the woman? *

(A) a tourist officer
(B) a tourist
(C) a customer
(D) a flight attendant

3. What is the man last name? *

(A) Alfonso
(B) More
(C) Morelli
(D) Superdada

4. What is the man email? *


5. What will the woman do to the man? *

(A)call him
(B) email him
(C) book him a hotel
(D) guide him

NO 6-15
Listen to the audio and decide whether no 6-15 True or False.

6. Berkhamsted is a historic market town 20 miles north of Manchester. *


7. The castle is open everyday, and it is free. *


8. There is a rose garden and a bench in the Ashridge Estate. *


9. There are ten trains in an hour into London. *


10. One of the biggest hotels is the King’s Arms Hotel. *


11. the King’s Arms Hotel and the Pennyfarthing Hotel are located on the High
street. *

12. Shops are located on High Street and Lower Kings Road. *

13. There is no French restaurant there. *


14. There is a street market every Saturday. *


15. The Rex cinema is in a luxurious 1930’s building. *


Items in this part are incomplete sentences. Following each of these sentences, there are four words or
phrases. You should select the one word or phrase-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that best completes the sentence.

1. My sister........a guitar. *
A. Can
B. Can play
C. Can plays
D. Can playing

2. The cat is eating a lot of food. very hungry. *

A. Will
B. Must
C. Might
D. Would

3. a piano. He never practices it. *

A. Cannot
B. Can
C. Might not
D. Might

4. The hand bag the backpack. *

A. More expensive
B. Expensive
C. As expensive
D. Most expensive

5. Question no. 2 is..............than question no. 1. *

A. Difficult
B. More difficult
C. Most difficult
D. As difficult

6. Trains are..........transportation in Cirebon. *

A. Expensive
B. The most Expensive
C. More expensive
D. As expensive as

7. She will..... vacation next week. *

A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having

8. a message tomorrow. *

A. will dropped
B. will drops
C. will drop
D. will dropping

9. She is still in the hospital. our party *

A. will
B. will not
C. will come
D. will not come
10. Don't be noisy. I............for Math exam. *
A. am studying
B. am study
C. studying
D. study

11. We............English right now. *

A. learn
B. learning
C. are learning
D. are learn

12. My mom and 10.30 yesterday. *

A. cook
B. cooks
C. are cooking
D. were cooking

13. It.......when I woke up. *

A. rain
B. raining
C. was raining
D. were raining

14. We........the match at 9.30 tomorrow. I cannot wait. *

A. watch
B. watching
C. will watching
D. will be watching

15. She..... really hard last week. *

A. study
B. studies
C. studied
D. studying

In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are
to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), o r (D), to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the
number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.


Botanists have found a new type of plant. This kind of plant usually eats insects which fall inside it. It is called
the carnivores, or meat eaters, that use the sneakiest of tricks to trap their insect dinners. Take bladderworts,
for example. They appear so small and delicate growing in a quiet pond. But these are the fastest-known
killers of the plant kingdom, able to suck in unsuspecting mosquito larvae in 1/50 of a second using a trap
door! Once the trap door closes on the victim, digestive enzymes similar to those in the human stomach slowly
consume the insect. When dinner is over, the plant ejects the remains and is ready to trap again.

Carnivorous plants grow in places with soil that doesn't offer much food value. "You and I could take a vitamin
pill," says Van Cleef. "But these amazing plants have had to evolve over thousands of years, developing insect
traps to get their nutritional needs met. Just look at all they've done in the fight to survive." The traps can be
well-disguised to fool the eye, like pitcher plants, which get their name because they look like beautiful
pitchers full of nectar.

1. Meat eater plants consume... *

A. plants
B. leaves
C. insects
4. water

2. Where do the bladderworts grow? *

A. on sand
B. in water
C. on dirt
D. on ice

3." They appear so small and delicate growing in a quiet pond. " the word small is
closest in meaning to *
B. big
C. huge
D. tiny

4. Bladderworts are able to suck in larvae using.... *

A. leaves
B. trap doors
C. enzimyes
D. stomach

5. When the digestive enzymes consume the insect? *

A. When it's over
B. in 1/50 seconds
C. Once the trap door closes
D. while in human stomach

6. Based on the text, which statement is true? *

A. Bladderworts are big.
B. Bladderworts live on fertile soil.
C. Bladderworts are not carnivore.
D. Bladderworts are fastest-known killers of the plant kingdom.
7. What is the topic of the first paragraph? *
A. Insects
B. Plants
C. Food
D. Bladderworts

8. Where does the carnivorous plants grow according to paragraph 2? *

A. In a fertile land
B. In an infertile land
C. In a nutritious land
D. Ina land full of food

9. Why carnivorous plants are developing insect traps? *

A. to grow a new plant
B. to kill the insect
C. to catch the insect
D. to get food

10. the pitcher plants gets their name because *

A. they eat insect
B. They are carnivorous
C. they look like pitchers
D. they have bright colors


Take a bottle of soda. Shake it really hard. Gas bubbles will form inside, causing a buildup of pressure. Twist
the cap off. Pressure will release from the bottle. Soda will shoot everywhere. A volcanic eruption works much
the same way. Pressure builds up inside a volcano as gas bubbles form in magma. Magma is hot liquid rock
beneath the surface of the Earth. Gas bubbles in the volcano need to escape. So the volcano erupts. Boom!

A volcano is a mountain or hill with an opening. When a volcano erupts, magma is pushed up through the
opening with great force. When magma reaches the Earth’s surface, it is called lava. Lava can be as hot as
2,200°F (1,204°C). Some volcanic eruptions are explosive. Lava shoots into the sky. Gas and hot pieces of
rock and ash are also released. The intensity of an eruption depends on a few factors. One is the magma’s
temperature. Another is the magma’s thickness. The amount of gas trapped within the magma is also an
important factor.

About 75% of the Earth’s volcanoes are located in a region called the Ring of Fire. This 25,000-mile “ring’ is
located around the Pacific Ocean. It runs from the southern tip of South America and up the west coast of
North America. It continues across the Bering Strait and then south through Japan to New Zealand.

The ring sits along the outline of several tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are the large puzzle pieces that make
up the Earth’s crust. The crust is Earth’s outer layer. Most volcanoes form at the edges of tectonic plates.
These huge plates are constantly shifting. Sometimes, the plates pull apart or slide into each other. When this
happens, magma rises to fill in the space. Strong pressure and intense heat force the magma upward. It
squeezes upward like toothpaste through a tube.

11. What is the purpose of paragraph 1? *

A. To explain how a bottle of soda explode
B. To describe how a volcano erupts
C. To tell about soda
D. To explain how magma build up

12. "A volcanic eruption works much the same way." the word eruption is closest in
meaning to.... *
A. shot
B. explosion
C. bubble
D. pressure

13. What happens when a volcano erupts? *

A. it pushes magma through the opening.
B.It produces gas bubbles.
C. It reaches the earth surface.
D. It becomes liquid.

14. What is Lava? *

A. an opening in a volcano
B. rocks in a mountain
C. magma that reaches the Earth’s surface
D. hot liquid that stay inside the volcano

15. Which one is TRUE based on the text *

A. Gas is not released during eruption.
B. some volcanoes are not explosive
C. Hot pieces of rock is not released during eruption.
D. Ash is not released during eruption.

16. These are the factors of The intensity of an eruption, EXCEPT *

A. the magma’s temperature
B. The amount of gas outside the volcano
C. the magma’s thickness
D. The amount of gas trapped within the magma

17. Where is the Ring of fire? *

A. in Atlantic
B. only in Japan
C. around the Pacific Ocean
D. Close to New Zealand

18. "It runs from the southern tip of South America and up the west coast of North
America." The pronoun "it" in the sentence refers to... *
A. The volcano
B. Pacific Ocean
C. The Ring of Fire
D. New Zealand

19. "Tectonic plates are the large puzzle pieces that make up the Earth’s crust. The
crust is Earth’s outer layer." The word "large" is synonymous with... *
A. small
B. tiny
C. long
D. huge

20. What is the best title for the text? *

A. What are volcanoes?
B. What is The Ring of Fire?
C. How magma explodes
D. Volcanoes in a c

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