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Unit 3: History of Mental Health of Asian Americans
Unit Test

1) Parental trauma often leads to

a) Parents being more lenient of their children’s lives
b) Parents actively seeking mental health care
c) Parents being overprotective of their children
d) Parents being more open to the dominant culture
2) Mental illnesses in traditional Asian culture are often attributed to
a) Genetic disorders
b) Religious or spiritual misfortunes
d) Familial lineage
3) Which of the following is not a factor in why individuals are discouraged to talk about
mental health in Asian households
a) Domestic hierarchy and roles
b) Religion
c) Economic status
d) Mental illness is not an issue
4) Mark all that are correct. What is a way generational trauma can be passed to immigrant
a) Situational distress
b) Quality of communication between parent and child
c) War and conflict from their homeland
d) Parental practices
5) Which of the following is not a key factor that influences mental health for Asian
a) Age
b) Occupation
c) Physical strength
d) culture
6) The ailment of mental illness in Asian countries are often
a) Psychological therapy
b) Physical remedies
c) Open discussion of mental health
d) Denial of acknowledgement and spiritual consultation

7) According to the study from Reading #2, what percent of children of Asian American
immigrants are at risk for depression
a) 65.8%
b) 32.5%
c) 5.3%
d) 21.1%
8) Mark all that are correct. Which of the following choices is a/are reason/s family with
traumatized parents are reluctant to talk about mental health
a) Fear
b) Shame
c) Inexperience
d) Sadness
9) Which of the following is not a result in parents with trauma effect their children
a) Not being able to meet emotional needs of their children
b) Parents creating a tight familial bond with their children
c) Parents forming a barrier of communication with their children
d) Children being exposed to more individual trauma
10) Dr. Richard Nakamura found that the likely cause of his family’s mental illness was
a) Being placed in concentration camps during WWII
b) Genetic disease of bipolar disorder
c) Individual cases of depression
d) Genetic disease of depression disorder
11) Immigrant parents do not often carry traditional practice of mental health when they
a) True
b) False
12) Asian cultures prioritize the family unit over the individual
a) True
b) False
13) Confucianism and collectivist tradition encourages the open display of emotions
a) True
b) False
14) Mental illness is often attributed to spiritual misfortune in Asian countries
a) True
b) False
15) Overprotective parenting often correlates to children rejecting parenting
a) True
b) False
16) Knowledge of English is not a limiting factor in how Asian Americans can receive
mental health treatment in America
a) True
b) False

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