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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital

Image and Video Processing 2021-2022
Sem I Switch account

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An image is considered to be a function of f(x,y), where f represents: 1 point

a) Resolution

b) Width

c) Resolution of image

d) Amplitude/ intensity of image

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

How many bits are required to add four 3 bits gray-scale images without 1 point
losing precision in the data?

The amount of memory required to store 3 bit gray image of size 100x100 1 point

in bytes is





Image zooming is 1 point

Under sampling

Over sampling

Critical Sampling


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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

For a darker input image, which of the following transformations on gray 1 point
values(r) produces a better image


r+a where a>0

s= rγ where γ<1


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The low-pass filter is used for enhancement 1 point






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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

Median filters are suitable for 1 point

a. Smoothing

b. Sharpening

c. Removing salt and pepper noise

d. None of above

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The limitation of smoothing filter is 1 point

a. Blurs the edges

b. Removes the sharp transitions

c. Blurs the inner pixels

d. Sharps the edges

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Laplacian operation on the images gives us 1 point

Blurs the edges

Removes the sharp transitions

Blurs the inner pixels

Sharps the edges

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

The image ( b and c) is the result of applying 1 point

a.Low pass and high pass filter respectively

b. High pass filter and low-pass respectively

c. Median filtering and laplacian respectively

d. Median and low pass respectively

Histogram of the image 1 point

a. Represents total number of pixels in the image

b. Represents the intensity values in the image

c. Represents number of pixels at particular intensity value

d. None of above

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

In histogram equalization the transformation function T( r ) should satisfy 1 point


a. T(r) is double valued and monotonically decreasing in the interval 0≤r≤1; and
0≤T(r)≤1 for 0≤r≤1

b. T(r) is double-valued and monotonically increasing in the interval 0≤r≤1; and

0≤T(r)≤1 for 0≤r≤1

c. T(r) is single-valued and monotonically increasing in the interval 0≤r≤1; and

0≤T(r)≤1 for 0≤r≤1

d. T(r) is single-valued and monotonically decreasing in the interval 0≤r≤1; and

0≤T(r)≤1 for 0≤r≤1

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When the histogram of the image is populated towards right side indicates 1 point

a. Image is brighter

b. Intensities are evenly distributed

c. Image is darker

d. High contrast image

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Intensity value I in HSI model if R=100, G=200 and B=50 is 1 point




d. 67

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

The input image and it’s histogram is presented in the figure. Suggest the 1 point
most suitable techniques to improve quality of above image

a. Gamma correction with γ<1

b. Gamma correction with γ>1

c. Histogram equalization

d. Negative imaging

Which is a color attribute that describes measure of the degree to which a 1 point
pure color is diluted by white light.


b) Hue

c) Brightness

d) Intensity

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

Following is true for Rods and cones i)Rods provides Photopic vision and 1 point

Cones provides scotopic vision ii) Rods provides Sotopic vision and Cones
provides photopic vision iii) Rods gives high resolution information iv)
Cones gives high resolution information

a) only i

b) i and iv

c) i and iii

d) ii and iii


The smallest discernible details in image is called 1 point

a) Resolution

b) Saturation

c) Contrast

d) Hue

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

The transformation s = T( r ) producing a gray level s for each pixel value r 1 point
of input image. Then, if the T is single valued in interval 0 ≤ r ≤ 1, what does
it signifies?

a) It guarantees the existence of inverse transformation

b) It is needed to restrict producing of some inverted gray levels in output

c) It guarantees that the output gray level and the input gray level will be in same

d) All of the mentioned


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Suppose storing an image made up of a square array of 256x256 pixels 1 point

requires 65536 bytes. The image is compressed and the compressed
version requires 16384 bytes. Then the compression ratio is





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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

Given two pixels P(5,2) and Q(4,7), the D8 distance between them is 1 point


b) 6



Choose lossy statistical method example 1 point

1. Run length encoding

2. Huffman Encoding

3. Jpeg

4. Improved Gray Scale Quantization

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A Huffman code A=01, B=10, C=11, D=000, E=001 P(A)=0.25, P(B)=0.25, 1 point
P(C)=0.2,P(D)=0.15 P(E)=0.15, the average number of bits per letter is





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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

Calculate entropy for P(A)=0.25 P(B)=0.47 P(C)=0.25 P(D)=0.03 1 point






Which of the following are lossless compression techniques? i) Run length 1 point
ii) JPEG iii)Huffman iv) Lempel ziv

a) i and ii

b) ii,iii

c) i,iii,iv

d) i,ii,iii


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Which is not a basic step in JPEG? 1 point

DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation)

b. Segmentation

c. Quantization

d. Zigzag Scan

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

Color model used for printers is 1 point





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If F(u,v) rep[resent the fourier transform of f(x,y) then F (0,0) is called 1 point

AC component

DC component



Image quantization is 1 point

a. digitizing intensity

b. digitizing image coordinates

c. framing

d. sequencing

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

In a normalized histogram sum of all components is ? 1 point

a) 1

b) -1

c) 0

d) None of the mentioned

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Salt and pepper noise is 1 point

a)Impulsive noise

b)Rayleigh noise

c)Gamma noise

d)White noise

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Principle sources of noise in image arises during 1 point

a) Degradation

b) Restoration

c) Acquisition

d) Reconstruction

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

The type of Interpolation where for each new location the intensity of the 1 point

immediate pixel is assigned is ___________

a) bicubic interpolation

b) cubic interpolation

c) bilinear interpolation

d) nearest neighbour interpolation

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In spatial domain, which of the following operation is done on the pixels in 1 point
sharpening the image?

a) Integration

b) Average

c) Median

d) Differentiation

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Image sampling is 1 point

a. digitizing intensity

b. digitizing image coordinates

c. framing

d. sequencing

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10/9/21, 4:05 PM BE EnTc In-Sem Examination Digital Image and Video Processing 2021-2022 Sem I

The gray level values covered by image is 1 point

a) Band range

b) Dynamic range

c) Peak range

d) Resolution range

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