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Amrutam E-Book - Sexual ● Understanding vaginismus &

Health & Wellness emotional triggers associated
with it
● Pros & cons of using Aloe Vera
Sexual Health & Wellness: The
as a lubricant
Basics ● How Aromatherapy helps you
with sex drive?
● Why does sex hurt?
● Things you didn’t know about
Male Masturbation
● Seven surprising benefits of
female masturbation
● Five ways to look after your
sexual health during COVID-19

Mental Health & Sex

● How mental health affects your

sex life?
● Why is it so difficult to talk to
your partner about sex?

The Role of Ayurveda

● Five Ayurvedic herbs to boost

your sex life
● Six Ayurvedic diet
recommendations for a healthy
sexual life

Tips to Improve Your Sexual Health

● Is PCOS affecting your sex life?

● Five ways to make your sex life
more eco-friendly
● The ultimate colour guide to
vaginal discharge


Sexual Health & Wellness - The hurt, the role of Ayurveda, and the herbs
Basics that can help in curbing the pain or
Why does sex hurt?
Infections & endometriosis
Growing up, a lot us are raised with the
idea that sex is supposed to be, or ● Sometimes pain during sex is the
indeed is, painful. And not only are first sign of an infection. Vaginal
these notions deeply ingrained in our yeast and bacterial infections can
brains but more often than not, they reduce lubrication and irritate the
becomes barriers in our way to have a opening of the vagina, and are
healthy and pleasurable sex life. usually accompanied by itching
or an unusual discharge or odour.
Sexual intercourse or any kind of sexual
activity for that matter should involve ● Endometriosis is a painful
consent and mutual respect for one condition in which tissue from the
another’s needs. While most of us are lining of the uterus grows into
fascinated with the idea of sexual areas outside of the uterus such
pleasure, some of us also experience as the vagina or pelvis where it
discomfort or pain while engaging in becomes inflamed.
sexual activities.
● When you feel that you may have
a urinary tract infection, but
antibiotics won't make them go
away, the problem is probably
interstitial cystitis. This condition
causes the bladder to become
chronically inflamed, leading to
severe pelvic pain that tends to
worsen during sex.

● Chronic, unexplained pain in the

area around the opening of the
vagina is known as Vulvodynia. It
Have you ever wondered what causes
can be so uncomfortable that
this pain? Or what is it about sex that
some activities can feel
causes your body to go in a deep state
unbearable, such as sitting for
of shock or stress?
long periods of time or having
In the following segment, we provide
you a meaningful view of why does sex


● Another unexplained cause for intercourse in Ayurveda. According to

pain could be Vaginismus. It is a Ayurvedic texts, this type of pain is due
condition wherein the vaginal to irregularities in the body’s Vata dosha.
muscles go in a state of spasm
due to the fear of being hurt. It is Occasionally, it may be due to infections
said to be attributed to the most likely to be originating from Pitta
extreme fear of sex, sexual irregularities.
abuse or trauma or unease with
your partner. Herbs that can help:
● Shatavari: known for its myriad
● Males may experience trouble health benefits, this herb helps
with the foreskin or the shape of with fertility, and inflammation,
the penis which may have a bend along with boosting sex drive and
or arch because of which energy.
penetration may becomes
painful. ● Ashwagandha: one of the main
ingredients of Amrutam’s
B-Feral Malt & Capsules,
consumption of Ashwagandha
improves sexual satisfaction and

● Amalaki: consumption of Amlaki

improves functioning of the liver,
heart, brain, and lungs
maintaining the body’s optimal

● Apart from the above, other

● Mulethi: this potent herb helps
factors leading to painful
relieve painful menopausal
intercourse include lack of
symptoms and hot flashes that
lubrication, fibroids, menopause
may be caused due to hormonal
or menopausal dryness,
presence of STDs, and
psychological factors like anxiety,
● Vidarikanda: helps manage
stress, or fear.
inflammation with its antibacterial
and anti-viral properties.
The Ayurvedic view
● Tulsi: a healing herb found in
Maitunaasahishnutha is the Sanskrit
most Indian households, Tulsi
term used for describing painful


boosts immunity, helps heal Things you didn’t know about Male
infections and purifies the blood. Masturbation

There’s no “normal” amount of

masturbation. Guys can get hung up on
whether they masturbate too much. But
it’s not how many times you masturbate
in a week (or day) that really matters,
says Logan Levkoff, PhD, a sexologist
and sex educator. It’s how it fits into your

If you masturbate many times a day and

have a healthy, satisfying life, good for
you. But if you masturbate many times a
day and you’re missing work or it is
affecting your daily life, then it is
something to worry about.

Masturbating doesn’t reflect on your

relationship. The most damaging myth
about male masturbation is that it’s a
sign something is wrong in your
relationship. That fact is that most guys
masturbate. They masturbate if they’re
single, in a bad relationship, or in a
great relationship.


But isn’t masturbation bad for you? No. e. Consult an expert at

It is actually good for you. It will help you Amrutam.Global for any
understand your body and your concerns or queries.
sexuality and what turns you on better.
This may help you communicate with
your partner more easily, enjoy sex
more and avoid sex-related
psychological problems.

It’s tough for men to ask for help but if

you don’t ask when you need it, things
generally only get worse. Especially
during a major pandemic like COVID-19.
So we’re asking.

Here are some things you can do to

a. Create a non-judgmental space
between you and your partner to
talk freely.

b. Create and spread more

awareness. Be open to learning
and trying new things and respect
one another’s needs and desires.

c. Sexual need is our basic need as

an adult and shying away won’t
help you. Speak up in your
closed circles when necessary.

d. Take or suggest Ayurvedic

recipes such as B-Feral Gold
Malt and B-Feral Gold
Capsules to those suffering from
a sexual health disorder or


Seven Surprising Benefits of Female ● Reduces stress: masturbation

Masturbation helps release hormones and
neurochemicals like serotonin,
Like men, women also masturbate. But oxytocin and dopamine which
female masturbation is continued to be give you a feeling of pleasure and
viewed from a taboo lens. Did you know satisfaction.
that there are actually many benefits of
female masturbation? ● Improves sex life: knowing what
gives you pleasure can be
Sherry Ross, MD, OB/ GYN and author immensely beneficial as you can
says that masturbating helps relieve communicate better with your
anything from cramps to back pain to partner in bed.
headaches to joint aches.
● Helps with post-menopausal
Surprising, isn’t it? Well, be prepared for sex problems: masturbating
truckloads of them! In the following stimulates blood flow to the vulva
segment, we share with you some further stimulating lubrication.
surprising benefits of female This relieves discomfort from
masturbation you probably didn’t know vaginal atrophy or dryness which
about: is a common side-effect of
● Eases menstrual cramps and
body pain: during periods, the
uterus contracts to shed its lining
that causes cramps.
Masturbating increases the blood
flow and releases endorphins that
help with period cramps and

● Prevents cervical infections:

the opening of the cervix that
occurs as part of the arousal ● Promotes better sleep: once
process is called “tenting”. This you orgasm, your body releases
enables fluid circulation, allowing vasopressin accompanied by
cervical fluids full bacteria to be melatonin which promotes
flushed out preventing infections stress-free and better sleep.
and UTIs.
● Strengthens the pelvic floor: an
orgasm leads to a contraction of


muscles in the pelvic floor which Five ways to look after your sexual
supports your vagina, uterus, health during COVID-19 lockdown
bladder and bowels.
The uncertainty of the pandemic and
lockdowns has affected our sex lives.
While for some of us it was a chance to
cozy up with our partners under one roof
for endless periods, the rest of us
struggled with feelings of tension, stress
and anxiety that adversely impacted our
sexual health and sex lives.

Here are five ways to look after your

sexual health during COVID-19

● Scientific research shows that

masturbation can enhance sexual
health and relieve stress and
anxiety, whether you’re single or
in a relationship.

● Try sexual activity at a distance.

You might want to try flirting over
text, sexting, phone sex, things
like that. It’s important though for
any couples who are sexting,
having phone sex or sending
each other images to make sure
they agree on rules for what is
OK and not OK.


Mental Health & Sex

How Mental Health affects your Sex


Have you been worried that your mental

health may be impacting your sex life
and causing sexual problems?
Sometimes we are so fixated on the
physicalities of our bodies that we
overlook the mental issues that may be
affecting our everyday lives including
our sexual health and sex life.

Our mental health is as crucial to our

● If you are living together with your sexual wellbeing as our physical health.
partner during lockdown - try to Following are some things you can do to
schedule time for yourself and for keep your mental health in check:
each other. Book a time when
you’ll go to bed early and spend ● Keep your stress in check. Stress
time with each other as a couple. can leave you feeling too tired for
Scheduling sex might seem sex and other forms of intimacy, It
boring, but it actually does build can also be a significant factor in
anticipation and excitement. your loss of libido, erectial
dysfunction, and overall lower
● If you want to avoid pregnancy, sense of wellbeing.
make sure you are using effective
contraception. Even though many ● Seek help when your anxiety is
pharmacies now offer emergency building. Anxiety can lessen your
contraception, it is the last thing desire and lower your libido. If
you want to worry about during anxiety has been impacting your
lockdown. mental health for some time, it
can even impact your self-esteem
● Try something new, whether and crush your confidence. You
that’s sex toys, sharing fantasies can find a therapist here.
or doing something you haven’t
tried for a while. It is always a
positive for the relationship and
now more so than ever.


with the help of nutrition, you

should start taking Nari
Sondarya Malt (for women) or
B-Feral Gold Malt + Capsules
(for men).

● When you feel overwhelmed,

overloaded, and
under-appreciated, especially
when the division of emotional
labour is imbalanced, it can
severely affect your partnership,
build resentment and passive
aggression. Opening up about
your partner’s troubling behaviour
● Monitor how much time you can help you deal with that
spend on social media and other pent-up conflict. Ignoring it
tech devices, as it can cut into doesn’t help.
the quality time with your partner.
Becoming more mindful of your ● Readdressing how you talk about
usage, and focusing on how you intimacy can be the first step
can balance your digital and towards rekindling your
physical communication to focus connection and fixing any
on the moment can both be good breakdowns in communication.
starting points. When that sense of intimacy
becomes imbalanced or feels like
● If you struggle to talk about your it has decreased, it can lead to a
desires and needs, it could be a sense of loneliness, anger,
sign that working on your confusion and loss.
communication with your partner
could help. Creating an open,
honest dialogue is the first step
towards creating a happier

● What we eat can not only impact

our moods, but can also have a
significant effect on our libido and
stamina. If you’re looking for
ways you can boost your sex life


Why is it so difficult to talk to your

partner about sex?

Having respect for one another’s needs

and desire and focus on mutual
pleasure are key to a healthy and
enjoyable sex life. But with the way most
of us are brought up, sex is viewed as
taboo and something that should only
be done for the purpose of procreation.

And thus, talking about sex can be a

We are also led to believe that sex is
sensitive and awkward topic that raises
something that comes naturally and we
feelings of embarassment, shame or
should be instinctively good at it, which
just isn’t true. In reality, the key to
becoming a good lover is to have good
As kids, most of us were provided with
communication with your partner.
all the negative messages about sex.
Adults are ashamed of talking about it,
Another important factor to consider is
children just learn from them and then
the vocabulary of sex which can often
carry them as grown ups.
be confusing or misleading if we do not
approach authentic sources. This can
With a lack of sex education, it means
lead to a lot of misinformation.
most of us don’t even have relatively
basic information. To be silent about sex
Fear of rejection, not performing well
keeps us ignorant, and most of what we
enough, body insecurities or anxiety
learn is from the internet or porn which
about disclosing an unusual sexual
misleads us into several body images
desire can stop us from communicating
freely. Therefore, talking about sex is the
only way to have better sex.
Revealing your sexual wants and
desires to your partner can be scary,
especially when your partner’s reaction
is not positive, which can make you feel
ashamed or humiliated. There is also
the fear of hurting each other’s feelings.


The Role of Ayurveda dealing with sexual disorders and

boosts sex drive.
Five Ayurvedic Herbs to Boost Your
Sex Life

● Ashwagandha: According to a
study published in the journal of
BioMed Research International,
consuming Ashwagandha
continuously for 8 weeks can
help in improving your libido
● Saffron: Saffron has been a tried
● Shilajit: The journal Andrologia
and tested aphrodisiac for ages.
conducted a study which claims
According to a study published in
that Shilajit also helps in
the Avicenna Journal of
increasing testosterone in the
Phytomedicine, Saffron is truly a
male body. This herb is also
godsend for improving various
known to help in improving the
sexual dysfunctions not just in
sperm count and quality.
women but in men as well.

● Shatavari: According to a study

published in the Asian Pacific
Journal of Tropical Disease.
Shatavari is also known to
nourish the ovum so that
childbearing is hassle-free. It can
also act upon other sexual
disorders like inflammation in sex
organs, impotency, premature
ejaculation, etc. It is also one of
the main ingredients of
Amrutam’s Nari Sondarya Malt.

● Gokshura: According to a study

published in an international
journal AYU, infertility affects an
average of 8 to 12% of couples
worldwide. Consuming Gokshura
for 60 days or more can help in


Six Ayurvedic Diet Recommendations are high in natural glucose which

for a Healthy Sexual Life is immensely beneficial for
keeping your energy levels intact
● Pure milk everyday: drinking and maintaining good gut health.
milk everyday improves energy
levels as it is packed with ● Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
nutrients that boost vigour and as snacks: seeds are a great
immunity. source of magnesium and
contain anti-oxidative,
● Honey: honey contains a mineral anti-hypertensive, and
called boron which regulates cardio-protective nutrients.
hormone levels responsible for
sexual functions. It is also a ● Amla sharbat for immunity and
symbol of fertility and procreation fertility: Amla contains allicin
in some cultures. Amrutam’s which helps improve blood flow
Madhupanchamrut is enriched towards the genitals. It is highly
with topical herbs that help you recommended in Ayurveda as a
attain an optimal level of health youth and longevity mantra.
and wellness.

● Nourishing nuts like walnuts,

almonds and cashews in
appropriate quantities: nuts are
a rich source of minerals, protein
and energy. Nuts like almonds
and pistas are known to improve
the sperm quality and count.

● Fresh seasonal fruits,

particularly sweet ones: fruits


Tips to Improve Your Sexual Health excessive body hair and acne that can
impact one's self-image.
Is PCOS affecting your sex life?
Irregular periods are never fun.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a Unfortunately, irregular menstruation is a
hormonal imbalance common among common side effect of PCOS. High
women of reproductive age. Women levels of Androgens (also known as
with PCOS may have infrequent or ‘male-type hormones’) and too much
prolonged menstrual periods or excess insulin in our bodies can disrupt the
male hormone (androgen) levels. The monthly cycle. Some tips to deal with
ovaries may develop numerous small PCOS are
collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to ● Eat plenty of dense leafy greens.
regularly release eggs. ● Avoid carbs as much as possible.
● Consume healthy fat sources like
Believe it or not, one study found that coconut and olive oil.
99% of participants reported issues with ● Exercise regularly, but stick to
sexual desire and/or arousal. low-impact workouts like yoga or
Oftentimes, these feelings go pilates.
hand-in-hand with low self-esteem and ● Get plenty of quality sleep (this is
poor body-image. one of the most important lifestyle
factors when it comes to

According to a 2011 study conducted in

Sweden, “Women with PCOS reported
decresed satisfaction with theor sex
life.” Classic PCOS side effects include


Five Ways to Make Your Sex Life The Ultimate Colour Guide to Vaginal
More Eco-Friendly Discharge

Sex is great but you know what’s better Did you know that vaginas are one of
than that? Sex that is eco-friendly and the strongest organs in the human
does not harm the environment! Yes, body? Not only vaginas conceive life but
you read that right! We may not realise also give birth which itself is a
this but in trying to pleasure ourselves miraculous thing.
we end up harming the environment.
Here are five ways to make your sex life But there’s a lot we are yet to know
more eco-friendly: about our vaginas especially in terms of
the fluids they release. Here we present
● Buy sustainable condoms. If you before you the ultimate colour guide to
can’t, at least dispose of your vaginal discharge:
condoms in a responsible way.

● Switch to non-petroleum based

lubricant such as Aloe Vera Gel.
Amrutam’s Aloe Vera Gel is
100% natural and pure and is
optimum for everyday use.

● Skip shower sex. It’s wasteful and

probably not super fun anyway.

● The next time you are looking for ● Red or brown blood discharge is
sex toys, opt for ones that are normal during your period. Colors
made of recyclable materials, might range from cherry red at
come with rechargable batteries, the beginning of your period to
or are even solar-powered. rusty brown. But if you do see red
throughout the month, it could be
● Make sure you use a towel or a sign of health issues, like an
wash cloth to clean up after sex, infection.
as tons of “flushable” wipes are
clogging our water systems. Reason: Some of us simply have
irregular periods and spotting and some
of us experience spotting due to birth
control methods hormonal changes.


● A variety of white shades of Reason: This color is usually a sign of

discharge, from eggshell to infection, but if you know you are in the
cream, can be normal. Unless clear (as in it’s a one-off occurrence),
your discharge is accompanied what you eat may be affecting the color.
by certain textures or smells, Some women may periodically
don’t fret too much. experience light bleeding after
intercourse, which can result in pink
Reason: White discharge occurs for discharge.
many of the same reasons as clear
discharge. It’s simply natural lubrication, ● Clear discharge which can also
keeping your vaginal tissue healthy and be whitish in color is usually
minimzing friction during sex. normal. It may have an egg-like
consistency. It’s also the go-to
● Very light yellow discharge is discharge a healthy body expels
more normal than you think. to rebalance itself – because your
Sometimes the color is daffodil vagina is an amazing,
yellow. Other times it’s more of a self-cleaning organ.
greener chartreuse.
Reason: Ovulation. Is it about day 14 of
Reason: This color is usually a sign of your cycle? You are probably ovulating
infection, but if you know you are in the and producing cervical mucus.
clear (as in it’s a one-off occurrence),
what you eat may be affecting the ● Pregnancy can also cause a
color.Some people report this color change in hormones and
change occurring whenever they take increase how much discharge
new vitamins or try certain foods. you have.

● Pink discharge ranging from a Reason: Sexual arousal. The blood

very light blush to the deep pink vessels in your vagina dilate and fluid
of sunset, is often just a sign of passes through them, causing an
the beginning of your cycle. But increase in clear, watery discharge.
at other times, it can be a sign of Totally normal.
serious health problems.
When white turns to gray, like storm
clouds or exhaust, see your Ayurvedic
doctor at Amrutam.Global. It could be a
sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is
a very common infection in women.


Understanding Vaginismus & other sexual activities. You may

Emotional Triggers associated with it experience vaginismus even if you have
previously engaged in and enjoyed
Vaginismus is a condition when the penetrative sex.
muscles around the vagina tighten
involuntarily with no abnormalities in the Some emotional triggers commonly
genital organ. This condition prevents associated with Vaginismus are:
any vaginal penetration. According to
Ayurveda, Vaginismus is considered in ● Anxiety about performance or
the ‘Yonivayapad’. because of guilt
● Childhood experiences such as
Acharya Charaka has written that when exposure to sexual images
a woman having a predominance of ● Past trauma like history of sexual
Pitta (either due to Pitta Prakriti or abuse
consumption of a diet which aggravates ● Fear of pain or pregnancy
Pitta) withholds her natural urge of ● Relationship problems like having
sneezing and erection at the time of an abusive partners or feelings of
coitus, then the vitiated Pitta along with vulnerability
Vayu reaches Yoni (reproductive
system) and produces its abnormalities. Possible treatment options for
The Yoni becomes inflamed and tender vaginismus can include psychosexual
due to which there is pain in the therapies, relaxation techniques, pelvic
lumbosacral and groin region. floor exercises, sensate focus and using
vaginal trainers for the body to get used
to penetrative objects.

Complications in vaginismus can lead to

poor self-esteem, stress, depression
and fertility issues. That said,
vaginismus does not generally affect
your ability to get aroused and enjoy


Pros & Cons of using Aloe Vera as a


Who would have wondered that a plant

revered for its healing properties can
also be used as a wonderful lubricant
during sexual intercourse?! You read
that right! Aloe Vera is a natural,
sustainable and ready to use lubricant
that helps ease the discomfort of sex.

Here are a few pros and cons of using

Aloe Vera as a lubricant:
● Dries quickly: Aloe Vera can dry
● Natural: Aloe Vera is 100% out quickly and you might have to
natural and Ayurvedic unlike use a lot of it to ensure it helps
other lubes available in the you with penetration.
● Itchiness: It can cause itchiness
● Water-based: it is water-based for sensitive skin.
so it can be used with condoms
unlike oils and oil-based lubes. ● Sticky: It is also very sticky and
gooey and may make sex a lot
● Eases pain: it also helps ease less fun!
the pain during intercourse.

● Accessible: easily available and

accessible at Amrutam’s e-store.
If you have a plant at home, that’s
simply a bonus!


How Aroma Therapy helps you with lovers more sexually-liberated are:
sex drive? Sandalwood or Chandan, Saffron or
Kesar, and Khus Khus or Vetiver.
One of the biggest attractions in a
person is the way they smell. A good Amrutam Ashtagandha Body Lotion
scent is an instant mood-lifter and contains all the three above ingredients
makes you want to spend more time and more, and its fragrance instantly
with a person. uplifts your mood.

Our sense of smell stimulates the nerve

endings of the olfactory bulb, which lies
at the back of the nose, which in turn
stimulates a part of the brain called the
limbic system that triggers our libido.

The essential oils do magic and

stimulate the pituitary gland, the master
of the endocrine gland, which controls
hormone production. Inactiveness of
pituitary gland can lead to low sex drive.

Natural scents present in aroma oils

bear key importance when it comes to
sexual attraction. Some scents are
overpoweringly arousing aphrodisiacs
for women while others are good
enough to bewitch even the most sober
of men.

Three Ayurvedic exotic scents that

enhance physical sensuality and make


Further readings:

● Suffering from Vaginismus? Get

rid of it with Herbal and Home

● Understanding Vaginismus

● Foods to eat for better sex

● Four Ayurveda recommended

foods that can help you boost
your sex life

● 13 Reasons Why Every Woman

Should Masturbate Regularly

● 17 benefits of masturbation that

show that masturbation is good
for you

● All the ways that masturbation

can make you healthier

● What does Ayurveda have to say

about sex?

● Six Ayurvedic Practices for a

Better Sex Life

● Five Ayurvedic Herbs to Jolt Your

Libido into Action and Work
Magic on your Sex Life

● Pain during intercourse in male -

How can it be treated?

● Pain during sex


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