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The Early Americas and European Exploration Topic Test

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. First is a dream song (ganonhwai’wi’) or the so-called marching song when the conductor leads the masked
company into the long-house or a private dwelling. This is the same type of song as is sung at the Midwinter
Festival for stirring ashes; it is also called “a dis-organized mind,” and it appeals to the wind spirits which
the masks represent. It is said that no wind ever blows when this song is sung, and that singing it will avert a

—Library of Congress

Which common characteristic of many Native American religions does this text demonstrate?
A. a strong sense of loyalty to a single god
B. a belief that dancing will welcome healthy crops
C. a spiritual connection to the physical environment
D. a commitment to making human sacrifices for the gods

2. The birth of the Prophet Muhammad in A.D. 570 forever shaped Saudi Arabia. Today, many Arabs refer to
the era before the introduction and spread of Islam as “the time of ignorance.” Muhammad was born in the
city of Mecca into the prominent Quraysh tribe. His life and ministry did much to unify Arabia. Until the
seventh century, the peninsula’s tribes fought a destructive series of wars for control of the region. The
situation had changed dramatically by the time of Muhammad’s death in A.D. 632. Muhammad, as well as
his political successor Abu Bakr, enjoyed the loyalty of almost all of Arabia. Although the Prophet did not
appoint a spiritual successor, the institution of the caliphate emerged and expanded the Islamic empire.
—Library of Congress

Based on the excerpt, in what way did Islam help unify Arabia?
A. Because of the spread of Islam, Mecca played a more prominent role in Arabia.
B. Because of the spread of Islam, territorial wars between the peninsula’s tribes ceased.
C. Because of the spread of Islam, many places of worship were built for
growing congregations.
D. Because of the spread of Islam, the era of ignorance in Arabia came to an end.

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3. From Europe eastward lay the dominions [territories] of the Kings of Portugal, who came to be known, after
the quip [joke] of their brother-monarch, Francis I of France, as the royal grocers [seller of foods and goods]
of Europe. For both in fact and in name they had become Lords of the Commerce and Navigation of India,
Persia and Africa. Portuguese mariners had transformed the Cape of Storms into the Cape of Good Hope,
conquered the Indian Ocean and penetrated [entered] the China Seas. For long they tapped at source the
spices that the whole world coveted, jewels most glittering, and the exquisite oriental craftsmanship that
made gracious the living of the anciently powerful and the newly enriched in their European homes.
—Library of Congress

Based on the text, how did Portugal have such a large influence on Europe’s commerce?
A. Portugal grew almost all of the food that sustained Europe.
B. Portugal was the only source for expensive items that wealthy Europeans wanted for
their homes.
C. Portugal supplied Europe with highly desired goods from many eastern regions.
D. Portugal possessed the necessary navigational skills required to reach China.

4. The name America was given to the Western Hemisphere by a European writer and mapmaker after
Columbus' death. Nothing in their experiences had led the first explorers to realize that they had come into
contact with a vast and unrecorded continent, many times the size of Europe. Previously there had been no
accounts, or even rumors, of the “unknown” peoples of this “new” continent in European scholarly
literature and discussion or in popular chronicles.

Mediterranean explorers in search of the spices and riches of the Far East initially believed that they had
reached Asia. In part due to this confusion, Europeans conjured up or “invented” images and tales to
explain America that would conform to the descriptions of Marco Polo and others.

—Library of Congress

Which statement provides an example that supports the text?

A. The Spanish monarch urged Columbus to find gold and wealth at any cost.
B. Columbus referred to the natives he encountered on his voyages as “Indians.”
C. Columbus proved to be an unsuccessful governor of his colony on Hispaniola.
D. The “discovery of America” by Columbus represents a turning point in history.

5. The Southwest is a hot and dry region consisting of deserts, the southern Rocky Mountains, and the Colorado
Plateau. People could survive only if they found water. The Pueblo people were originally nomads, but by
building dams and tanks to store water from snowmelt, they were able to grow corn and cotton on small
farms. It wasn't all work in the desert. The Hohokams played games on ballcourts and made beautiful art
with acid-etchings on shells.

Based on this excerpt from the text, which of the following is the BEST example of how early Pueblo Indians
modified the environment in which they lived?
A. They built ballcourts in the desert.
B. They made art with acid-etchings on shells.
C. They moved from place to place to find food.
D. They built dams and water tanks for farming.
6. How was the Olmec civilization able to support large cities?
A. by implementing heavy taxes to raise public funds for each community
B. by constructing residential dwellings for the growing populations in its cities
C. by cultivating a surplus of food that could feed its large population
D. by developing a system of roadways to connect different communities

7. While some remained faithful to Christianity, Judaism, and other religions, many people in conquered lands
chose to convert to the new religion. Elsewhere, Muslim merchants carried the new faith to people living
along the trade routes of Asia and Africa. Islam united Muslims from many lands and fostered the growth of
trade. Muslims had a basic duty to make a pilgrimage, or journey, to the holy city of Mecca at least once in
their lives. Every year, people from across the Muslim world traveled to Mecca. Muslims from North Africa,
Persia, Afghanistan, India, Spain, and West Africa crowded Mecca’s dusty streets. They prayed in Arabic,
the language of Islam. This regular travel encouraged trade among the Muslim lands.

Based on this excerpt from the text, how did Islam affect trade in the Middle East?
A. It expanded trade by requiring Muslims to travel through new lands to reach Mecca.
B. It minimized trade as merchants focused on Islamic missionary work.
C. It increased trade by threatening the influence of Christianity in the region.
D. It restricted trade by encouraging Muslims to reject the need for material possessions.

8. In what way might the Spanish choice to claim North American land be considered controversial?
A. Spanish explorers promised to free the slaves of North America.
B. Spanish explorers failed to convert native people to Christianity.
C. Spanish explorers seized territory already inhabited by Native Americans.
D. Spanish explorers laid claim to land that was already controlled by Portugal.

9. The Chinese had invented the printing press and movable type, or metal letters that be could used to print on
paper. However, the Chinese language required thousands of different letters, and movable type had little

During the 1430s, a German printer named Johannes Gutenberg is believed to have invented movable type
without knowing that it had existed in China. Movable type was much more useful for printing in European
languages, which used only 26 letters. Together, movable type and the printing press helped to spread
Renaissance learning. Before movable type and the printing press, books were scarce and costly because each
was copied by hand. With these technological innovations, large numbers of books could be produced
quickly and at a low cost. Soon more people began to read, and learning spread more quickly.

Based on this excerpt from the text, how did the innovation of movable type encourage more people to read?
A. It made the Chinese language easier to print.
B. It showed that books copied by hand often had incorrect information.
C. It made it easier for books to be printed in different languages.
D. It allowed books to become available at a much cheaper price.
10. To which region did Islam first spread after it emerged in Arabia during the 600s?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
11. According to the map, how did people first arrive in North America?

A. They traveled by boat from Africa.

B. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
C. They migrated from South America to North America.
D. They crossed a land bridge from Asia to North America.

12. Based on the chart and what you know of the Columbian Exchange, which statement BEST explains why
people in West Africa eat manioc?

A. Europeans introduced manioc to Africa after encountering it in America.

B. Early Native Americans established trade routes with West Africans.
C. Manioc is native to West Africa and a traditional part of local diets.
D. Early Native Americans brought manioc with them on voyages to Africa.
13. Which of the following statements BEST summarizes the information on this chart?

A. Cultural diffusion was the result of trade between the kingdoms of North Africa
and Eurasia.
B. More technological advances were exchanged between Africa and Eurasia than
resources and goods.
C. Trade between African and Eurasian merchants was mainly based on precious metals
and technology.
D. New methods of transportation led to the exchange of goods and ideas between
Africa and Eurasia.
14. Based on what you know and the information shown on the map, why might there be so few Native
American groups in the Arctic/Subarctic region than elsewhere in North America?

A. The dry climate made farming difficult.

B. The mountainous terrain was difficult to cross.
C. The heavy rainfall led to many diseases and deaths.
D. The cold climate made gathering resources challenging.

15. The rebirth of artistic and technological innovation in Europe, known as the Renaissance, was prompted by
A. the growing number of immigrants from the Middle East.
B. the increase in travel by Europeans and their trade expansion.
C. the decrease in Christian converts throughout North Africa.
D. the desire to compete with Chinese intellectual and cultural advancements.
16. What effect of the Columbian Exchange does this image illustrate?

A. The population boom of domesticated animals that escaped into the wild.
B. The conversion of the physical environment from grasslands to pasture.
C. The introduction of milk cows to the Native Americans of the Midwest.
D. The destruction of the natural landscape due to grazing cattle.
17. What is the purpose of the Pueblo Indian harvest ceremony represented in this image?

A. to pray for good rainfall

B. to worship the god of the sun
C. to offer sacrifices to the kachinas
D. to celebrate the ripening of corn
18. In what way was the tool being used in this drawing a significant aid to early sailors?

A. It allowed ships to travel in the direction of the wind.

B. It helped ships stay on course by continuously pointing north.
C. It helped people navigate in open sea by determining their locations.
D. It allowed people to navigate more easily a night.

19. Which of the following statements BEST describes the importance of Magellan’s voyage around the world?
A. The voyage proved that there actually was a western all-water route to Asia.
B. The voyage proved that sailing west to reach Asia was a shorter and less dangerous
route than traveling east.
C. The voyage proved the theory that the world was round.
D. The voyage proved that circumnavigating the globe was nearly impossible with
current navigation tools.

20. How do scholars know that the Vikings had traveled to North America prior to Columbus’s voyage?
A. Scholars have located ancient Viking maps of North America’s northeast coast.
B. The Vikings left written records and archaeological evidence.
C. The Inuits have passed down oral histories about their battles with the Vikings.
D. Archaeologists have found the ruins of Viking ships along the west coast.

21. What later inspired Benjamin Franklin to unite the colonists in the 1700s?
A. the prospect of gold
B. the threat of disease
C. the structure of the Iroquois League
D. the voyage of Ferdinand Magellan

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22. In what way did the Chinese civilization differ from other ancient world civilizations?
A. It engaged in foreign trade over sea as well as across land.
B. It was geographically and politically isolated from outsiders.
C. Its innovations did not spread to other cultures.
D. It made important advancements in sailing and shipbuilding.

23. What effect did Zheng He have on China’s position in the ancient world?
A. His extensive voyages expanded China’s trade and increased its influence on
other civilizations.
B. His decision that nothing would be gained from outsiders resulted in China
having limited contact with other civilizations.
C. His trading of unique goods such as gunpowder increased the demand for Chinese
goods in western civilizations.
D. His large fleet of 300 ships caused fear among the people of western civilizations of
the military power of China's empire.

24. I am Dekanawidah [identified as the traditional founder of the Iroquois Confederacy] and with the Five
Nations confederate [united for a common purpose] lords I plant the Tree of the Great Peace. . . . Under the
shade of this Tree of the Great Peace we spread the soft white feathery down of the globe thistle as seats for
you Adodarhoh [an Onondaga chief], and your cousin lords. . . . There shall you sit and watch the council
fire of the confederacy of the Five Nations, and all the affairs of the Five Nations shall be transacted at this
place before you.

. . .We place at the top of the Tree of the Long Leaves an eagle who is able to see afar. If he sees in the
distance any evil approaching or any danger threatening he will at once warn the people of the confederacy.
The smoke of the confederate council fire shall ever ascend and pierce the sky so that other nations who
may be allies may see the council fire of the Great Peace . . .

—Iroquois Constitution

Based on this excerpt, what was the purpose of the Iroquois League?
A. to help maintain the local forests for use by the people of each member tribe
B. to work together and defend each other to keep peace
C. to establish laws that all Native American nations were to follow
D. to provide comfort and care for visiting tribal leaders

25. Which of the following is an example of an effect of cultural diffusion in early North America?
A. Native American groups created their first trade networks.
B. Climates became more hospitable for Native American groups.
C. Many Native American groups learned how to farm.
D. Native American groups often used different materials to create similar tools.

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Short Answer
Read each question and fill in the best answer.

26. Explain how the Incas were able to unify their vast empire throughout portions of South America.

27. Discuss the role of the sun god in Aztec culture.

28. Describe the different social classes that structured early Mayan society.
29. Identify Cause and Effect What effect did the Crusades have on European cultures?

30. Identify Central Issues What spurred the Portuguese to explore during the 1400s and how did Henry
the Navigator contribute to this effort?

31. Describe the family values and traditions that were common in many ancient African cultures.

32. Draw Conclusions How do you think Native Americans viewed European exploration?

33. Explain why Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain agreed to finance Columbus’ voyages to America.

34. Support Ideas with Examples What were some of the positive and negative consequences of the
Columbian Exchange in North America?
35. Describe the technological innovations in shipbuilding and sea navigation during the Middle Ages
and explain their impact.
The Early Americas and European Exploration Topic Test
Answer Section


1. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_3

2. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
3. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
4. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
5. ANS: D DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
6. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_1
7. ANS: A DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
8. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_3
9. ANS: D DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
10. ANS: B DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
11. ANS: D DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
12. ANS: A DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
13. ANS: D DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
14. ANS: D DIF: medium TOP: dok_3
15. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
16. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
17. ANS: D DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
18. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
19. ANS: A DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
20. ANS: B DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
21. ANS: C DIF: simple TOP: dok_2
22. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
23. ANS: A DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
24. ANS: B DIF: medium TOP: dok_2
25. ANS: C DIF: medium TOP: dok_1


26. ANS:
The Incas united their empire by modifying the environment to enable transportation between different
regions. They built bridges out of rope and carved paths into the mountains, eventually developing a system
of roads that stretched across more than 10,000 miles of territory, which were used for communication,
trade, and government.

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

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27. ANS:
The Aztecs worshipped many gods as part of their religion. The god of the sun, in particular, influenced the
way the Aztecs lived their lives. They believed that the sun god’s daily journey across the sky was a battle,
much like the battles that the Aztecs endured. Because of this, the Aztecs considered themselves to be
“warriors of the sun.” They made human sacrifices for the sun god, believing that it wouldn’t rise unless
such sacrifices were made each day.

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

28. ANS:
Nobles were the most respected people in Mayan society, and they also held the most power. Kings, priests,
warriors, and government officials were all members of the noble class. The only members of this class who
could perform special ceremonies in order to bring good harvests and battle victories were the priests. They
studied the sun, moon, and stars to worship the gods of the natural world, and in doing so they made great
achievements in astronomy and mathematics. Laborers and farmers were lower in the Mayan social
hierarchy. Although they grew corn, squash, and other crops that sustained the civilization, they had little
social power. At the very bottom of the class system were slaves, who were often criminals or prisoners of

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

29. ANS:
The Crusades encourage many Christians to travel and fight in the Middle East. As a result of their travels,
Europeans made contact with other civilizations and were introduced to new goods, inventions, and ideas.
When Crusaders returned to their homes in Europe, they brought an increased demand for the fruit, spices,
rugs, fabrics, and other goods that they had encountered in the Middle East. This high demand encouraged
European merchants to increase trade with the Middle East. In addition, while in the Middle East, Crusaders
learned of new sailing skills and inventions such as the magnetic compass and the astrolabe. This exposure
to new goods and ideas led Europeans to explore far beyond where they'd gone before.

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

30. ANS:
As trade increased prosperity in Europe during the Renaissance, Portugal sought to increase its wealth and
influence by leading a search for the source of African gold and new trade routes to Asia. Henry the
Navigator established a school to improve exploration by teaching sailors about navigation and shipbuilding.
With his help, the Portuguese created a new kind of ship called the caravel, which included triangular sails
and steering rudders that made sailing easier and more effective. Portuguese explorers traveled around
Africa, crossed the Indian Ocean, and reached the East Indies, where they gained access to valuable spices
and other goods that were in high demand in Europe and elsewhere.

DIF: complex TOP: dok_2

31. ANS:
Many people in ancient Africa lived with their extended families in shared households. These extended
families included multiple generations of family members. Such cultures emphasized the importance
of respecting elders. They also believed that ties of kinship formed strong bonds between people,
which encouraged cooperation, community, and loyalty. Many ancient African cultures honored the
spirits of ancestors.

DIF: simple TOP: dok_2

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32. ANS:
At first, the Native American groups may have been excited about meeting the Europeans and sharing ideas
and trading with them. As there seemed to be much to gain for both groups, it is possible that the Native
Americans welcomed the explorers as friends and equals. However, over time, it is likely that the Native
Americans came to resent the Europeans for taking their lands, stealing their gold, and forcing them to
work under harsh conditions. In addition, as more and more Native Americans began to die subsequent to
the arrival of the explorers, it is possible that the Native Americans blamed the explorers for this
occurrence, increasing tensions and resentment toward the Europeans.

DIF: complex TOP: dok_3

33. ANS:
The Spanish monarchs funded Columbus’ first expeditions because of a desire to increase Spanish wealth
by expanding trade. Spain hoped to establish a direct trade route between Spain and Asia by traveling west
across the sea to compete with Portugal who had control of the eastern route. When Columbus arrived in
America instead of the East Indies, he did not find the spices he was looking for, but Spanish leaders
supported further exploration in hopes of gaining wealth, learning about new crops, spreading Christianity,
and acquiring slaves.

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

34. ANS:
The Columbian Exchange introduced new animals and plants to North America, such as bananas, oranges,
lemons, and figs, which diversified the diets of Native Americans. The contact with new cultures provided
Native Americans with new resources and skills, such as horseback riding. However, the introduction of
domesticated animals such as chickens, pigs, cattle, and horses led to the destruction of some forests and
grasslands. In addition, the diseases that were brought over from Europe had detrimental effects on the
Native Americans, killing thousands upon thousands.

DIF: complex TOP: dok_2

35. ANS:
Innovations in shipbuilding and sea navigation encouraged the expansion of trade across the world. For
instance, Africans developed the triangular lateen sail, which enabled people to sail towards the wind. They
also invented the astrolabe, which helped sailors to navigate at sea based on latitude. People in ancient
China invented the rudder and the magnetic compass, making it easier to steer large ships and navigate
without getting lost. The Portuguese designed a new kind of ship called the caravel, which combined lateen
sails and rudders. People in the Middle East adopted and further refined many of these innovations. Using
these innovations, explorers and traders were able to travel further than ever before.

DIF: medium TOP: dok_2

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