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MICROBIOLOGICAL REVIEWS, June 1996, p. 407–438 Vol. 60, No.

Copyright q 1996, American Society for Microbiology

Polyphasic Taxonomy, a Consensus Approach to Bacterial Systematics


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Laboratorium voor Microbiologie, Universiteit Gent, Ghent, Belgium

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................408
POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY.....................................................................................................................................408
Different Types of Information Used in Bacterial Polyphasic Taxonomy ......................................................409
Genotypic Methods .................................................................................................................................................409
Determination of the DNA base ratio (moles percent G1C).......................................................................409
DNA-DNA hybridization studies.......................................................................................................................409
rRNA homology studies .....................................................................................................................................410
DNA-based typing methods ...............................................................................................................................411
Phenotypic Methods ...............................................................................................................................................412
Classical phenotypic analyses ...........................................................................................................................412
Numerical analysis .............................................................................................................................................413
Automated systems .............................................................................................................................................413
Typing methods ...................................................................................................................................................413
Cell wall composition .........................................................................................................................................413
Cellular fatty acids .............................................................................................................................................413
Isoprenoid quinones ...........................................................................................................................................413
Whole-cell protein analysis................................................................................................................................413
Polyamines ...........................................................................................................................................................413
Pyrolysis mass spectrometry, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, and UV resonance
Raman spectroscopy .......................................................................................................................................414
EVALUATION OF POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY ..................................................................................................414
Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Genus Xanthomonas..............................................................................................414
DNA-DNA hybridization studies.......................................................................................................................414
16S rRNA sequences...........................................................................................................................................414
DNA base ratio....................................................................................................................................................415
Numerical analysis of phenotypic features .....................................................................................................415
Monoclonal antibodies .......................................................................................................................................415
Whole-cell protein analysis................................................................................................................................415
Cellular fatty acid analysis................................................................................................................................415
Xanthomonadins .................................................................................................................................................415
Polyamines ...........................................................................................................................................................415
Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Genus Campylobacter............................................................................................415
rRNA homology studies .....................................................................................................................................416
DNA-DNA hybridization studies.......................................................................................................................416
DNA base ratio....................................................................................................................................................417
Classical phenotypic characteristics ................................................................................................................417
Respiratory quinone components .....................................................................................................................417
Cellular fatty acid analysis................................................................................................................................417
Protein analysis...................................................................................................................................................417
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................................................417
Polyphasic Taxonomy of Lactic Acid Bacteria....................................................................................................418
Phylogenetic analysis based on rRNA homology............................................................................................418
(i) L. delbrueckii group ...................................................................................................................................418
(ii) L. casei-Pediococcus group .......................................................................................................................418
(iii) Leuconostoc group....................................................................................................................................420
(iv) Other lactobacilli.....................................................................................................................................420
Delineation of Lactobacillus species by traditional phenotypic tests ...........................................................420
(i) Obligately homofermentative lactobacilli (group A) ............................................................................420
(ii) Facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli (group B) .....................................................................420
(iii) Obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli (group C) ........................................................................420
Delineation of Lactobacillus species by DNA-DNA hybridization studies ...................................................420

* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Laboratorium voor Mi-

crobiologie, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium. Phone: Fax: Electronic mail address: Jean.Swings


(i) L. delbrueckii group ...................................................................................................................................421

(ii) L. casei-Pediococcus group .......................................................................................................................421
DNA base ratio....................................................................................................................................................421
rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes .............................................................................................................421
Whole-cell protein analysis................................................................................................................................421

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Lactate dehydrogenase .......................................................................................................................................421
Cell wall components..........................................................................................................................................422
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................................................422
Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Family Comamonadaceae......................................................................................422
rRNA similarities................................................................................................................................................423
DNA-DNA hybridizations ..................................................................................................................................423
Amplified rDNA restriction analysis................................................................................................................424
DNA base ratio....................................................................................................................................................424
Whole-cell protein analysis................................................................................................................................424
Numerical analysis of phenotypic features .....................................................................................................424
Immunotyping .....................................................................................................................................................424
Cellular fatty acid analysis................................................................................................................................425
Polyamine patterning .........................................................................................................................................425
Other features .....................................................................................................................................................425
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................................................425
EVOLUTION OF POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY AND PERSPECTIVES............................................................425
DNA Hybridization Studies ...................................................................................................................................425
rRNA Sequence Analysis .......................................................................................................................................426
Phenotypic Data ......................................................................................................................................................427
Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Analysis.............................................................................................................................428
Whole-Cell Protein Analysis..................................................................................................................................428
DNA-Based Typing Methods .................................................................................................................................429
Strategy in Polyphasic Taxonomy.........................................................................................................................429
Polyphasic Identification........................................................................................................................................429
Unculturable Bacteria ............................................................................................................................................429
Population Genetics................................................................................................................................................430
Perspectives and Conclusions ...............................................................................................................................430
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................431
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................431

INTRODUCTION In the three parts of the present contribution on polyphasic

taxonomy, we will successively (i) discuss the types of informa-
For a long time, bacterial taxonomy was considered one of tion used, (ii) illustrate the practice of polyphasic taxonomy in
the dullest fields in microbiology, not immediately the pre- a selected number of cases, and (iii) discuss its problems and
ferred discipline of young or ambitious scientists. Recent de- future developments. For overviews of modern taxonomic the-
velopments have changed this attitude, mainly because of the ory and practice, we refer to recent handbooks, e.g., by Priest
spectacular developments witnessed in the last 10 years in the and Austin (257), Goodfellow and O’Donnell (112), Towner
field of sequencing of rRNA and genes coding for rRNA and Cockayne (304), and Logan (187), and general works, e.g.,
(rDNA) and their contribution to bacterial phylogeny and in The Prokaryotes (8) and Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteri-
molecular fingerprinting techniques. These techniques revolu- ology (172).
tionized our insights in the phylogeny and taxonomy of all
living organisms. Taxonomy of bacteria finally also could be POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY
assigned a place in phylogeny.
Another development of bacterial taxonomy, polyphasic tax- Taxonomy is generally taken as a synonym of systematics or
onomy, arose 25 years ago and is aiming at the integration of biosystematics and is traditionally divided into three parts: (i)
different kinds of data and information (phenotypic, genotypic, classification, i.e., the orderly arrangement of organisms into
and phylogenetic) on microorganisms and essentially indicates taxonomic groups on the basis of similarity; (ii) nomenclature,
a consensus type of taxonomy. The term “polyphasic taxon- i.e., the labelling of the units defined in (i); and (iii) identifi-
omy” was coined by Colwell (45) and is used for the delinea- cation of unknown organisms, i.e., the process of determining
tion of taxa at all levels (219). Also, the terms “polyphasic whether an organism belongs to one of the units defined in (i)
classification” and “polyphasic identification” can be validly and labeled in (ii) (51, 292). Two additional parts are needed
used in this context. The recent developments of polyphasic to completely define modern biosystematics: phylogeny and
taxonomy and phylogeny clearly constitute milestones in mod- population genetics. In the last decade, it became generally
ern bacterial taxonomy. There will never be a definitive clas- accepted that bacterial classification should reflect as closely as
sification of bacteria. But let us be clear: this is not meant as a possible the natural relationships between bacteria, which are
“fin de siècle” pessimistic statement of postmodernists among the phylogenetic relationships as encoded in 16S or 23S rRNA
the choir of jubilating optimists! It is only the illustration of a sequence data (363).
rule, valid in all experimental sciences, stating that scientific The species is the basic unit of bacterial taxonomy (343) and
progress is linked to and made possible through technological is defined as a group of strains, including the type strain,
progress. sharing 70% or greater DNA-DNA relatedness with 58C or

less DTm (Tm is the melting temperature of the hybrid as multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and serological analyses
determined by stepwise denaturation; DTm is the difference in are not useful for phylogenetic studies, whereas rRNA or pro-
Tm in degrees Celsius between the homologous and heterolo- tein sequencing is, in general, not adequate to type large num-
gous hybrids formed under standard conditions [343]). Pheno- bers of strains. Chemotaxonomic methods such as fatty acid
typic and chemotaxonomic features should agree with this def- analysis are fast methods, which allow us to compare and group

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inition. The designated type strain of a species serves as the large numbers of strains in a minimal period, whereas DNA-
name bearer of the species and as the reference specimen DNA hybridization studies, for example, will be restricted to a
(292). Before this definition was generally accepted, Staley and minimal but representative set of strains.
Krieg (292) defended a much more vague species concept that The list of methods given below is not meant to be complete
consisted of the type strain and all other strains considered or to contain a description of all of their aspects. It comprises
sufficiently similar to this type to warrant their inclusion within the major categories of taxonomic techniques required to study
a single species. The bacterial species definition given above is bacteria at different taxonomic levels and will roughly describe
founded upon whole genomic DNA-DNA hybridization values their general concept and applications.
(343). Practical problems exist, however, because different
methods are used to determine the level of DNA-DNA hy- Genotypic Methods
bridization. These methods do not always give the same (quan-
titative) results, and the value of 70% DNA relatedness seems Genotypic methods are those that are directed toward DNA
only to be indicative rather than absolute (see below). Al- or RNA molecules. Undoubtedly, these methods presently
though not available, an alternative phylogenetic species con- dominate modern taxonomic studies as a consequence of tech-
cept could delineate a species in a phylogenetic framework as nological progress, but primarily because our present view on
determined by percent 16S rRNA similarities. classification is that it should reflect the natural relationships
Bacterial taxonomists, asked about their ideas about the as encoded in the DNA. In fact, we are only substantiating our
bacterial species, are caught between Scylla and Charybdis: own dogma.
either they stick to a coherent species definition without it Determination of the DNA base ratio (moles percent G1C).
necessarily being a biological reality, or they visualize bacterial Determination of the moles percent guanosine plus cytosine is
species as condensed nodes in a cloudy and confluent taxo- one of the classical genotypic methods and is considered part
nomic space. The latter view implies that classification is a of the standard description of bacterial taxa. Generally, the
frame for the condensed nodes where some isolated internodal range observed is not more than 3% within a well-defined
strains must also get a (provisional) place and name. Loosen- species and not more than 10% within a well-defined genus
ing the 70% rule often allows a compromise between the two (288). It varies between 24 and 76% in the bacterial world.
views (see below). DNA-DNA hybridization studies. As mentioned above, the
Within the present manuscript, all the attention will be fo- percent DNA-DNA hybridization and the decrease in thermal
cused on the taxonomic ranks of species, genus, and family. stability of the hybrid are used to delineate species (343). The
The species is certainly the most important and at the same percent DNA binding (57) or the DNA-DNA hybridization
time the central element of bacterial taxonomy, but the hier- value or the relative binding ratio (21, 121, 248) is an indirect
archical structure of taxonomy requires us to consider at least parameter of the sequence similarity between two entire ge-
the higher taxa of genus and family. Much more than the nomes. It has been established that thermal stabilities decrease
species, they are difficult to define and represent agglomerates from 1 to 2.2% for each 1% of mispairing (13, 287, 306). It is,
of nodal species and internodal strains and agglomerates of however, highly debatable whether data which were obtained
genera, respectively. with short oligonucleotides and experimentally induced mis-
pairing can be extrapolated to entire genomes. At present, it
Different Types of Information Used in Bacterial therefore remains impossible to convert a percent DNA-bind-
Polyphasic Taxonomy ing or DNA-DNA hybridization value into a percentage of
whole-genome sequence similarity.
In principle, all genotypic, phenotypic, and phylogenetic in- Different methods have been described: the hydroxyapatite
formation may be incorporated in polyphasic taxonomy. Ge- method (21), the optical renaturation rates method (57), and
notypic information is derived from the nucleic acids (DNA the S1 nuclease method (52, 121) are the most common. The
and RNA) present in the cell, whereas phenotypic information advantage of the optical renaturation rates method is that the
is derived from proteins and their functions, different chemo- DNA needs no label, but it has the inconvenience of not
taxonomic markers, and a wide range of other expressed fea- allowing DTm determinations and of being taxonomically in-
tures (Fig. 1). The number of different molecules which have significant below approximately 30%. The hydroxyapatite
been applied in taxonomic studies is large, and their applica- method and the two procedures of the S1 nuclease method
tions as markers are manifold. Several of the methods de- allow determination of the DTm and have been compared
scribed briefly below (e.g., determinations of the moles percent (121). It has been shown that the results obtained by these
G1C content and DNA-DNA hybridization studies) became methods give different relative binding ratios but similar DTm
classic and were applied in taxonomic analyses of virtually all values. The most similar relative binding ratios were obtained
bacteria. Others, such as amino acid sequencing, were per- by the S1-DE81 procedure and the hydroxyapatite method
formed on a limited number of taxa only, because they are when hybridized at 758C (120, 121). These classical techniques,
laborious, time-consuming, or technically demanding or be- however, need considerable amounts of DNA and are time-
cause they were applicable to only one particular taxon. consuming. New, quick methods consuming less DNA have
Working one’s way through lists of methods, it is of primary been described (93, 152) and are promising to replace the
interest to understand at which level these methods carry in- classical methods provided that they are further compared with
formation and to realize their technical complexity, i.e., the them under strictly comparable conditions. Indeed, a large
amount of time and work required. The taxonomic information number of DNA-DNA hybridization protocols have been de-
level of some of these techniques is illustrated in Fig. 2. Ob- scribed, and it is often not clear whether if hybridizations are
viously, typing methods such as restriction enzyme patterning, performed under optimal, stringent, or suboptimal conditions.

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FIG. 1. Schematic overview of various cellular components and techniques used. RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism; PFGE, pulsed-field gel
electrophoresis; ARDRA, amplified rDNA restriction analysis; RAPD, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA; AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphism; LMW,
low molecular weight; 1D, 2D, one- and two-dimensional, respectively.

The stringency of the reaction is determined by the salt and rRNA homology studies. It is now generally accepted that
formamide concentrations and by the temperature and the rRNA is the best target for studying phylogenetic relationships
moles percent G1C of the DNAs used. DNA-DNA hybridiza- because it is present in all bacteria, is functionally constant,
tions are often performed under standard conditions that are and is composed of highly conserved as well as more variable
not necessarily optimal or stringent for all bacterial DNAs. domains (274, 287, 363).
Generally, optimal conditions for hybridizations are preferred, The components of the ribosome (rRNA and ribosomal
because the optimal temperature curve for hybridization is proteins) have been the subject of different phylogenetic stud-
rather broad (about 58C). As a rule, renaturation or hybridiza- ies for several decades. The gradual development of new mo-
tion under optimal conditions requires a temperature of 22 to lecular techniques enabled the microbiologist to focus on the
268C (mean, 248C) below the melting temperature, measured comparative study of the rRNA molecules. Indirect compari-
or calculated at equal salt concentration. The melting temper- son by either hybridization studies (58, 240) or rRNA catalog-
ature (Tm) can be calculated from the salt concentration and ing of RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides of 16S rRNA (100,
the DNA base ratio by using different equations (57, 200). The 101, 290) have already revealed the natural relationships with
melting temperature and the optimal hybridization tempera- and within a number of bacterial lineages (for reviews, see
ture decrease by 0.68C for each percentage of formamide references 56 and 363). Later, sequencing of the rRNA mole-
added to the melting or hybridization mixture (158). cules gradually resulted in an rRNA sequence database of 5S

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FIG. 2. Taxonomic resolution of some of the currently used techniques. Abbreviations are defined in the legend to Fig. 1.

rRNA (365), which was the first rRNA molecule to be se- lished partial or complete sequences have been constructed
quenced for numerous bacteria because of its less complex (66, 226).
primary and secondary structures. A limited number of 16S DNA-based typing methods. DNA-based typing methods
rRNA gene sequences became available by direct sequencing generally refer to techniques which allow us to subdivide spe-
after cloning of the genes from the bulk of the DNA (195). cies into a number of distinct types. Classically, subtyping of
Sequencing of 16S rRNA with conserved primers and reverse species was performed by means of phenotypic analyses such
transcriptase (176) was a very important advance in bacterial as biochemical (hence biotyping) or serological (hence sero-
phylogeny and resulted in a spectacular increase in 16S rRNA typing) tests, antibiotic susceptibility patterning, phage or bac-
sequences. Nowadays, these techniques have mostly been re- teriocin typing, and many others (see below). During the last
placed by direct sequencing of parts or nearly entire 16S or 23S few years, a battery of DNA-directed typing methods has been
rDNA molecules by using the PCR technique and a selection developed. Ideally, these techniques are universally applicable
of appropriate primers. They provide a phylogenetic frame- (the number of nontypeable strains, if any, is mostly small),
work which serves as the backbone for modern microbial tax- they are reproducible and simple to perform, and they are
onomy. The results obtained and the dendrograms constructed highly discriminatory. Although several of the techniques listed
with data obtained from the above methods are more or less below do not conform to this general description, genotyping
equivalent, taking into account the specific resolution of each has replaced classical typing in many laboratories and will most
method. However, it is obvious that the larger the conserved probably continue to do so (202, 302).
elements, the more information they bear and the more reli- The first-generation DNA-based typing methods included
able the conclusions become. The cataloging method and the whole-genome restriction fragment analysis and plasmid DNA
DNA-rRNA hybridization experiments have gradually disap- analysis. In the former, whole-genome DNA is extracted and
peared, although the latter method had the important advan- digested with restriction enzymes. The resulting array of DNA
tage that multiple strains could easily be included. Interna- fragments is separated and visualized by agarose gel electro-
tional databases comprising all published and some unpub- phoresis, and restriction fragment length polymorphisms are

established. The technique has the disadvantage that often digested with a selected combination of restriction enzymes. In
very complex patterns of DNA fragments are generated, which contrast to most other DNA-based methods, amplified-rDNA
are very difficult to compare. restriction analysis generates mostly species-specific patterns
The disadvantages of plasmid analysis are obvious. Strains (122, 155, 174, 258, 331), which is not unexpected considering
do not always contain or keep their plasmids, and most strains the conserved character of the rRNA genes.

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often belong to only a few types. Restriction fragment analysis Another combination of the PCR and restriction enzyme
of plasmids combines the two techniques and generates more methodologies yielded the AFLP (amplified fragment length
simple banding patterns; it is necessary to establish the identity polymorphism) technique (372). The basic principle of AFLP
of plasmids with equal molecular weight. Methods that were is restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis but with a
elaborated subsequently have reduced the number of DNA PCR-mediated amplification to select particular DNA frag-
fragments compared with the former method and enhanced ments from the pool of restriction fragments. AFLP screens for
the reliability and discriminatory power. amplified fragment length polymorphisms by selective ampli-
The number of DNA fragments can be reduced by selecting fication of restriction fragments. The restriction is performed
restriction enzymes which only rarely cut DNA, recognizing a by using two restriction enzymes, which yield DNA fragments
specific combination of six to eight bases. The technique is with two different types of sticky ends, combined randomly. To
referred to as low-frequency restriction fragment analysis. The these ends, short oligonucleotides (adapters) are ligated to
fragments, however, are too large to be separated by conven- form templates for the PCR. The selective amplification reac-
tional agarose gel electrophoresis. The technique of low-fre- tion is performed by using two different primers, containing the
quency restriction fragment analysis has therefore been depen- same sequence as the adapters but extended to include one or
dent on the development of special electrophoretic techniques, more selective bases next to the restriction site of the primer.
generally known as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and is now Only fragments which completely match the primer sequence
often considered to be the most discriminatory DNA-based are amplified. The amplification process results in an array of
typing method (118, 202, 302). about 30 to 40 DNA fragments, some of which are group
Alternatively, the complex DNA patterns generated after specific while others are strain specific (153). The technique
restriction enzyme digestion can be transferred to a membrane can therefore be used simultaneously for identification pur-
and then hybridized with a labeled probe, which allows us to poses and typing purposes.
reveal the hybridized fragments. A typical example of one of Apart from the application of tRNA sequences in the PCR-
these developments is the ribotyping method, which uses based typing methods mentioned above, the tRNA gene pool
rRNA as probe (119). Since its initial description, many vari- can be used in a so-called low-molecular-weight RNA profiling
ants have been presented, but the general principle has re- method (146). These fingerprints comprise the 5S rRNA and
mained the same. The rRNA probe may vary in both the the total tRNA pool, which appear on one-dimensional gels as
labeling technique and sequence. For example, 16S or 23S a set of bands belonging to three different classes (148). The
rRNA or both, with or without the spacer region, or a con- rRNA fraction of the profiles allows us to discriminate be-
served oligonucleotide part of the rRNA can be used (17). tween some of the major eubacterial groups, while the tRNA
Also, DNA sequences corresponding to elongation factor fraction reveals more specific taxonomic information (147,
Tu, ribosomal protein S12, and flagellar proteins have all been 148).
used as probes (116).
The introduction of the PCR methodology into the micro- Phenotypic Methods
biology laboratory has opened a vast array of applications.
Among others, a battery of different typing methods was de- Phenotypic methods comprise all those that are not directed
veloped. PCR-based DNA-typing methods attracted much in- toward DNA or RNA; therefore, they also include the chemo-
terest because of their universal applicability, simplicity, and taxonomic techniques. As the introduction of chemotaxonomy
rapidity. Different methods in which short arbitrary sequences is generally considered one of the essential milestones in the
were used as primers in the PCR assay were described: oligo- development of modern bacterial classification, it is often
nucleotides of about 20 bases are used in arbitrarily primed treated as a separate unit in taxonomic reviews. The term
PCR (346); oligonucleotides of about 10 bases are used in “chemotaxonomy” refers to the application of analytical meth-
randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (362); and oli- ods to collect information on various chemical constituents of
gonucleotides of about 5 bases are used in DNA-amplified the cell to classify bacteria. As for the other phenotypic and the
fingerprinting (28). Alternatively, consensus motifs comple- genotypic techniques, some of the chemotaxonomic methods
mentary to fragments of repetitive elements dispersed throughout have been widely applied on vast numbers of bacteria whereas
the genomes of gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria (196, others were so specific that their application was restricted to
338) or to tRNA gene fragments (204) may be used as primers. particular taxa.
The latter PCR-based method was reported to allow differen- Classical phenotypic analyses. The classical or traditional
tiation at the species (347) and infraspecific (276) levels de- phenotypic tests are used in identification schemes in the ma-
pending on the stringency of the PCR conditions. PCR assays jority of microbiology laboratories. They constitute the basis
have also been used to amplify the rDNA genes (with or for the formal description of taxa, from species and subspecies
without spacer regions) by means of universal rDNA primers. up to genus and family. While genotypic data are used to
The polymorphisms between the different rRNA operons gen- allocate taxa on a phylogenetic tree and to draw the major
erate simple arrays of DNA fragments with different lengths borderlines in classification systems, phenotypic consistency is
(170). required to generate useful classification systems and may
PCR-based DNA typing was combined with restriction en- therefore influence the depth of a hierarchical line (343). The
zyme analysis in the so-called amplified-rDNA restriction anal- paucity of phenotypic characteristics in particular bacterial
ysis method. The PCR product, being 16S or 23S rDNA or groups often causes problems in describing or differentiating
parts of both genes with or without the spacer region, is am- taxa. A typical example concerns the genus Campylobacter and
plified by using universal primers located in the conserved allied bacteria (see below). For such bacteria, alternative che-
regions of the rRNA genes. The amplicon is subsequently motaxonomic or genotypic methods are often required to re-

liably identify strains. In addition, the phenotype of endosym- is multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. In this technique, native
bionts or unculturable bacteria is beyond the reach of our enzymes are electrophoretically separated and stained for en-
present methods. zyme activity and their mobilities are compared. The mobility
The classical phenotypic characteristics of bacteria comprise is an indicator for the existence of multiple polymorphisms of
morphological, physiological, and biochemical features. Indi- the encoding gene (279). Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis

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vidually, many of these characteristics have been shown to be has been extensively used in population genetics, allowing us to
irrelevant as parameters for genetic relatedness, yet as a whole, establish the overall genetic relatedness of bacterial strains.
they provide descriptive information enabling us to recognize Cell wall composition. Determination of the cell wall com-
taxa. The morphology of a bacterium includes both cellular position has traditionally been important in gram-positive bac-
(shape, endospore, flagella, inclusion bodies, Gram staining) teria. The peptidoglycan type of gram-negative bacteria is
and colonial (color, dimensions, form) characteristics. The rather uniform and provides little information. Cell walls of
physiological and biochemical features include data on growth gram-positive bacteria, in contrast, contain various peptidogly-
at different temperatures, pH values, salt concentrations, or can types, which may be genus or species specific (273). The
atmospheric conditions, growth in the presence of various sub- procedure is time-consuming, although a rapid screening method
stances such as antimicrobial agents, and data on the presence has been proposed (273).
or activity of various enzymes, metabolization of compounds, Membrane-bound teichoic acid is present in all gram-posi-
etc. Very often, highly standardized procedures are required to tive species (7), whereas cell wall-bound teichoic acid is present in
obtain reproducible results within and between laboratories only some gram-positive species (168). Teichoic acids can eas-
(see, e.g., references 227 and 228). ily be extracted and purified (96) and can be analyzed by
Numerical analysis. Phenotypic data were the first to be gas-liquid chromatography (97, 98).
analyzed by means of computer-assisted numerical compari- Cellular fatty acids. A variety of lipids are present in bacte-
son. In the 1950s, numerical taxonomy arose in parallel with rial cells. Polar lipids are the major constituents of the lipid
the development of computers (285) and allowed comparison bilayer of bacterial membranes and have been studied fre-
of large numbers of phenotypic traits for large numbers of quently for classification and identification purposes. Other
strains. Data matrices showing the degree of similarity between types of lipids, such as sphingophospholipids, occur in only a
each pair of strains and cluster analysis resulting in dendro- restricted number of taxa and were shown to be valuable within
grams revealed a general picture of the phenotypic consistency these groups (159). The lipopolysaccharides present in the
of a particular group of strains. Obviously, such large numbers outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria can be analyzed by
of data reflect a considerable amount of genotypic informa- gel electrophoresis, giving typical lipopolysaccharide ladder
tion, and it soon became evident, by comparing the results of patterns which are interpreted as variants in the O-specific side
such cluster analyses with those of other taxonomic ap- chains (74, 283). Fatty acids are the major constituents of lipids
proaches, that analysis of large numbers of phenotypic char- and lipopolysaccharides and have been used extensively for
acteristics was indeed taxonomically relevant. taxonomic purposes. More than 300 different chemical struc-
Automated systems. Miniaturized phenotypic fingerprinting tures of fatty acids have been identified. The variability in chain
systems have been introduced and may in the future replace length, double-bond position, and substituent groups has
classical phenotypic analyses. These systems mostly contain a proven to be very useful for the characterization of bacterial
battery of dehydrated reagents, and addition of a standardized taxa (298). Mostly, the total cellular fatty acid fraction is ex-
inoculum initiates the reaction (growth, production of enzy- tracted, but particular fractions such as the polar lipids have
matic activity, etc.). The results are interpreted as recom- also been analyzed (90). Cellular fatty acid methyl ester con-
mended by the manufacturer and are readily available with a tent is a stable parameter provided that highly standardized
minimal input of time. The outcome of a particular test with a culture conditions are used. The method is cheap and rapid
commercial system is sometimes different from that with a and has reached a high degree of automation.
classical procedure, but the same is often true for two classical Isoprenoid quinones. Isoprenoid quinones occur in the cy-
procedures in the same test. Clearly, phenotypic tests must be toplasmic membranes of most prokaryotes and play important
performed under well-standardized conditions to obtain repro- roles in electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, and,
ducible results. possibly, active transport (36, 39). Two major structural
Typing methods. Many of the cellular compounds which groups, the naphthoquinones and the benzoquinones, are dis-
belong to the bacterial phenotype have been used in typing tinguished. The former can be further subdivided into two
systems to characterize strains at the infraspecific level. Simple main types, the phylloquinones, which occur less commonly in
biotyping systems were used which involved a number of tests bacteria, and the menaquinones. The large variability of the
yielding variable results within species. Serotyping is based on side chains (differences in length, saturation, and hydrogena-
the presence of variability in the antigenic constituents of the tion) can be used to characterize bacteria at different taxo-
cells (142). Structural components such as capsules, cell enve- nomic levels (39).
lopes, flagella, or fimbriae and intracellular molecules or se- Whole-cell protein analysis. The comparison of whole-cell
cretion products such as enzymes and toxins have all been used protein patterns obtained by highly standardized sodium do-
in serological studies. Antigens may be proteins or carbohy- decyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE)
drates and may be thermostable or thermolabile. Different has proven to be extremely reliable for comparing and group-
kinds of serological reactions, including simple precipitation or ing large numbers of closely related strains (164, 255, 335).
agglutination tests and reactions requiring one or more addi- Numerous studies have revealed a correlation between high
tional components, such as complement fixation tests, have similarity in whole-cell protein content and DNA-DNA hybrid-
been described (142). ization (47). The use of SDS-PAGE for general identification
Many of the described typing techniques are suitable for purposes is hampered by the fact that it yields only discrimi-
only some organisms and are performed by only a few refer- native information at or below the species level.
ence laboratories (202, 302). As their application in taxonomy Polyamines. Although the role of polyamines in the bacterial
is restricted, they will not be discussed here. One of the phe- cell is not entirely clear, they seem to be important in bacterial
notypic typing methods which is still used for various bacteria metabolism (299). The observation of their universal character

and quantitative and qualitative variability turned them into a TABLE 1. Impact of polyphasic examination of the taxonomy of
suitable chemotaxonomic marker that can be determined by the genus Xanthomonas
gas chromatography (368) or high-performance liquid chroma- Date Species
tography (see, e.g., references 30 and 271). Depending on the
1991 ............. X. albilineans, X. axonopodis, X. campestris, X. fragariae,
group of organisms studied, polyamine patterning has been
X. oryzae, X. populi, X. maltophilia

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
used to trace relatedness at and above the genus level and at
the species level (25, 124, 278, 370). 1995a ............ X. albilineans, X. arboricola, X. axonopodis, X. bromi,
Pyrolysis mass spectrometry, Fourier transformation infra- X. campestris, X. cassavae, X. codiae, X. cucurbitae,
red spectroscopy, and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy. X. fragariae, X. hortorum, X. hyacinthi, X. melonis,
Pyrolysis mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spec- X. oryzae, X. pisi, X. populi, X. sacchari, X. theicola,
troscopy, and UV resonance Raman spectroscopy are sophis- X. translucens, X. vasicola, X. vesicatoria,
ticated analytical techniques which examine the total chemical S. maltophilia
composition of bacterial cells. These methods have been used a
After the introduction of polyphasic examination.
for taxonomic studies of particular groups of bacteria (198).


tris, Xanthomonas fragariae, Xanthomonas oryzae, and Xan-
Polyphasic taxonomy has been applied to many bacterial thomonas populi. X. campestris was composed of over 140
groups to attain a consensus assessment on the basis of all the pathovars which have a more or less limited host range but
available genotypic and phenotypic data. The strengths and which are phenotypically almost indistinguishable. This spe-
weaknesses of the approach are best demonstrated by outlining cial-purpose classification was designed to meet the practical
studies of four bacterial groups with which we have consider- needs of plant pathologists and was adopted as a provisional
able experience. solution until classification was established on more generally
The genus Xanthomonas is an example of a biochemically accepted principles. The pathovar name is derived from the
versatile group, which forms a very tight phylogenetic lineage. name of the host plant, although in most cases our knowledge
The use of a variety of techniques has proven that the previous of the host range of strains of a particular pathovar was limited
pathovar notation is an artificial system, and it will be illus- as no extensive host range study had ever been performed. The
trated that the classification and identification based on host former X. (Pseudomonas) maltophilia, which is not a plant
specificity were not always correct. The genus Campylobacter, pathogen, can be differentiated from Xanthomonas species and
on the other hand, represents a biochemically restricted group has recently been reclassified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
of bacteria which constitutes an extremely heterogeneous phy- (241).
logenetic lineage. All members of this group have been studied During the last 10 years, an extensive examination of the
by large numbers of different methods, illustrating in detail the genus Xanthomonas has taken place, using a panoply of meth-
usefulness of the different techniques in distinguishing taxa at ods. These studies have addressed (i) the delineation of the
various hierarchical levels. The lactic acid bacteria were chosen genus Xanthomonas, (ii) the species within this genus, (iii) the
to illustrate the problems that occur if settled phenotypic clas- pathovar system, and (iv) the problem of identification of non-
sification schemes do not corroborate phylogenetic insights virulent Xanthomonas strains. The application of different ge-
based on rRNA sequencing. The presumed causes of confu- notypic and phenotypic methods (including chemotaxonomic
sion are the large number of species in, e.g., the genus Lacto- markers) has shed new light on the taxonomy of this plant
bacillus, which are difficult to discriminate with a limited num- pathogen and will be summarized in the following paragraphs.
ber of phenotypic tests, and the overreliance on morphological DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Extensive DNA-DNA hy-
and biochemical characteristics. For the family Comamona- bridizations between Xanthomonas strains allowed the distinc-
daceae, polyphasic analysis led to a transition type of taxonomy tion of 20 DNA hybridization groups (332), of which 4 contain
in which a compromise was formulated on the basis of the the species X. albilineans, X. fragariae, X. populi, and X. oryzae,
results at hand. It is an example of a family exclusively delin- and 16 are clearly not consistent with the current classification.
eated by using DNA-rRNA hybridization data and in which The latter 16 genomic groups have been described as new
phenotypic coherence had a major impact on the delineation species and are composed of one or more former X. campestris
of genera and species. It represents a biochemically very di- pathovars or part of them (Table 1). One DNA hybridization
verse group of bacteria, which form a tight phylogenetic clus- group, X9, consisted of X. axonopodis and 34 former X.
ter. campestris pathovars! Extensive DNA-DNA hybridizations not
only revealed the natural relationships between Xanthomonas
Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Genus Xanthomonas strains but also clearly demonstrated that a number of patho-
vars were composed of two or more unrelated genotypes and
Bacteria belonging to the genus Xanthomonas are plant could thus not be regarded as biological entities. Table 1 dem-
pathogens for at least 124 monocotyledonous and 268 dicoty- onstrates the impact of polyphasic examination of the taxon-
ledonous plant species, on which they cause a variety of disease omy of the genus Xanthomonas. It might erroneously suggest
symptoms including necrosis, gummosis, and vascular or par- that polyphasic taxonomy is mainly an activity of “taxonomic
enchymatous diseases on leaves, fruits, or stems (186). The splitters,” but this would not give credit to the tremendous
Xanthomonas diseases may cause serious economic losses, e.g., inputs of polyphasic analyses that have been performed.
on bean, cassava, citrus fruit, cotton, crucifers, gramineae, pop- Within the genus Xanthomonas, the major effort was devoted
lar, rice, sugarcane, and tomato (138), and identification is to DNA-DNA hybridizations and has resulted in a complete
crucial. matrix (332).
The classification of the genus Xanthomonas as described in 16S rRNA sequences. The different Xanthomonas species
Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (20) underwent a delineated by DNA-DNA hybridizations showed more than
few changes and finally comprised six species: Xanthomonas 97.8% 16S rDNA sequence similarity and showed 95.2% sim-
albilineans, Xanthomonas axonopodis, Xanthomonas campes- ilarity versus Stenotrophomonas (135, 212).

DNA base ratio. The percent G1C values of the genera (371) has allowed the differentiation of the species defined by
Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas range between 63 and Vauterin et al. (332, 336).
70% and between 65 and 68%, respectively. Xanthomonadins. The yellow pigment of Xanthomonas spe-
Numerical analysis of phenotypic features. Van den Mooter cies is composed of brominated octaenes (4, 295), whereas
and Swings (330) have numerically analyzed 295 phenotypic Stenotrophomonas strains have chlorinated hexaenes (156).
Polyamines. Both Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas spe-

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features determined on 266 Xanthomonas and related strains
and distinguished the following nine phena. Phenon 1 and cies were characterized by the occurrence of spermidine and
phenon 2 comprise S. maltophilia and Xylophilus ampelinus low quantities of spermine, but Stenotrophomonas species
strains, respectively. These organisms were previously included characteristically contained considerable quantities of cadav-
in Xanthomonas, solely on the basis of phenotypic similarity. erine (370).
Phenon 3 contains X. fragariae; phenon 4 contains X. albilin- Conclusions. The recent developments in Xanthomonas tax-
eans; phenon 5 contains X. axonopodis; phenon 6 contains X. onomy reflect the conflicting interests of a general-purpose
populi; phenon 7 contains X. oryzae; phenon 8 contains X. and a special-purpose classification, with the first being based
campestris pv. graminis; and phenon 9 contains a complex of on real biological units that are defined by polyphasic taxon-
189 X. campestris strains, representing most pathovars. Only 29 omy and the second being defined only by phytopathogenicity.
differentiating features were found between the phena. The genera Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas are pheno-
In spite of the very high phenotypic similarity of Xanthomo- typically and genotypically highly related, with the former
nas species, it was shown that extended analyses of large num- probably being a recently evolved branch, specializing as a
bers of strains of separate pathovars could reveal differentiat- plant pathogen, from a ubiquitously occurring Stenotrophomo-
ing phenotypic features, e.g., between X. campestris pv. nas-like ancestor. Whether Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomo-
manihotis and X. campestris pv. cassavae (328), between patho- nas are two separate genera or should be retained in the single
vars from grasses (329), and between X. oryzae pv. oryzae and genus Xanthomonas might be a mere reflection of splitting or
X. oryzae pv. oryzicola (337). lumping opinions of taxonomists.
Monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies have been
generated for many Xanthomonas species and X. campestris Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Genus Campylobacter
pathovars (333), and they allow the identification of large num-
bers of isolates. Phytopathologists hoped to find a simple way The genera Campylobacter and Arcobacter form a family of
to identify pathovars by this technique. The strains of certain gram-negative, nonsaccharolytic bacteria with microaerobic
pathovars, e.g., X. campestris pv. pelargonii and X. campestris growth requirements and a low G1C content, the Campy-
pv. begoniae, are indeed each characterized by a single com- lobacteraceae (317). As such, this definition is in full agreement
mon antigen, but strains of other pathovars, e.g., X. campestris with the original criteria used by Sebald and Véron (277) to
pv. campestris, X. campestris pv. dieffenbachiae, and X. campes- separate a number of Vibrio species from the genuine vibrios
tris pv. vesicatoria, do not share a single common antigen and and to include them in the newly created genus Campylobacter.
can be identified only by a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Members of the family Campylobacteraceae are encountered
Pathovars with a broad host range and with demonstrated mainly as commensals or parasites in humans and domestic
heterogeneity (e.g., by SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins) are animals. The taxonomic history of these bacteria has been
serologically complex compared with pathovars with a narrow dominated by their biochemical inertness. Classical phenotypic
host range and a demonstrated homogeneity. Monoclonal an- tests routinely used for the identification of clinically signifi-
tibody X1 reacts with all Xanthomonas and Stenotrophomonas cant bacteria often yield negative results or yield variable re-
isolates and demonstrates the relatedness between the genera. sults within species. This lack of differential characteristics led
Whole-cell protein analysis. Vauterin et al. (334) have ap- to the widespread use of vernacular names for many isolates,
plied SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins to 307 Xanthomonas e.g., gastric Campylobacter-like organisms or urease-producing
strains and delineated 19 protein electrophoretic clusters. The thermophilic campylobacters (terms reflecting the unusual iso-
most aberrant protein patterns were these of the S. maltophilia lation sources or aberrant phenotypic characteristics of the
strains. Separate clusters were found for the species X. albilin- strains). Over a period of about 30 years, these groups were
eans, X. fragariae, X. populi, and X. axonopodis. The most detected, described, and identified as different biotypes of ex-
important and unexpected result of this study was the demon- isting species or as new species. The genus Campylobacter
stration of the heterogeneity of many pathovars, e.g., X. became a deposit for a wide assemblage of taxa characterized
campestris pv. vesicatoria and X. campestris pv. dieffenbachiae. by a minimal set of phenotypic characteristics including the
These protein electrophoretic clusters have been used to select microaerobic growth requirements and a nonsaccharolytic me-
strains for subsequent DNA-DNA hybridizations. tabolism.
Cellular fatty acid analysis. The cellular fatty acid compo- The situation improved when phylogenetic studies revealed
sition of Xanthomonas strains (371) is very complex, as over 65 a considerable genotypic heterogeneity among these species,
different fatty acids have been found, and also very character- and three major natural clusters (rRNA homology groups)
istic through the occurrence of many branched and hydroxy- were recognized (303, 321). Campylobacter was separated into
branched fatty acids. The fatty acid patterns of Xanthomonas three genera, and a revised genus description was given. New
and Stenotrophomonas species are very similar. Moreover, the names were proposed for the remaining two natural clusters,
two genera share a characteristic set of nine fatty acids. Typical Arcobacter and Helicobacter (113, 321). At present, the genus
for S. maltophilia is the occurrence of the fatty acid 17:0 cy- Campylobacter comprises 15 species with Campylobacter fetus
clopropane. as the type species (2, 91, 293, 316, 321), Arcobacter comprises
Cluster analysis revealed 31 main clusters, including those 4 species with Arcobacter nitrofigilis as the type species (326),
for the taxa X. albilineans, X. axonopodis, X. fragariae, X. populi, and Helicobacter comprises 12 species with Helicobacter pylori
X. oryzae pv. oryzae, X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, S. maltophilia and as the type species (22, 78, 85, 100, 104, 184, 244, 294, 321).
24 clusters containing X. campestris pathovars. This was also an Table 2 lists the members of the genus Campylobacter and
indication that the latter species consists of several biological related bacteria and the modifications which resulted mainly
entities. A reevaluation of the data generated by Yang et al. from a polyphasic taxonomic study (321).

TABLE 2. The genus Campylobacter and allied bacteria

Date Genus Species
1989–1991 Campylobacter C. cinaedi, C. coli, C. concisus, C. cryaerophila, C. fennelliae, C. fetus (type species), C. hyointestinalis,
C. jejuni, C. lari, C. mucosalis, C. mustelae, C. nitrofigilis, C. pylori, C. sputorum, C. upsaliensis
Wolinella W. succinogenes (type species), W. curva, W. recta

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Bacteroidesb B. gracilis, B. ureolyticus
Others About 10 groups of Campylobacter-like organisms

1991–1995c Campylobacter C. helveticus, C. hyoilei, C. showae

Arcobacter A. butzleri, A. skirrowii
Helicobacter H. acinonyx, H. bilis, H. canis, H. felis, H. hepaticus, H. muridarum, H. nemestrinae, H. pametensis

July 1995d Campylobacter C. coli, C. concisus, C. curvus, C. fetus, C. gracilis, C. helveticus, C. hyoilei, C. hyointestinalis, C. jejuni, C. lari,
C. mucosalis, C. rectus, C. showae, C. sputorum, C. upsaliensis
Arcobacter A. nitrofigilis (type species), A. cryaerophilus, A. butzleri, A. skirrowii
Helicobacter H. acinonyx, H. bilis, H. canis, H. cinaedi, H. felis, H. fennelliae, H. hepaticus, H. muridarum, H. mustelae,
H. nemestrinae, H. pametensis, H. pylori (type species)
Wolinella W. succinogenes
Bacteroidesb B. ureolyticus
Situation before taxonomic revisions.
Generically misclassified Bacteroides species.
New species and genera since 1991.
Present situation.

Below, several techniques and parameters used in taxonomic values below 55%, and thus the exact branching sequence is
studies of campylobacters and related bacteria are discussed. not significant. For these species, the branching order easily
rRNA homology studies. Sequence comparison of 16S rRNA shifts upon changing the number of taxa included, changing the
has been used primarily to unravel the taxonomic structure and outgroups, or choosing a different set of relatives (243, 316).
relationships of Campylobacter and affiliated genera (177, 243, Partial 23S rRNA sequences (about 800 bases) have been
263, 303). As described above, rRNA sequence homology stud- determined for a number of Campylobacter species. The gen-
ies allowed us to divide the genus Campylobacter into three eral topology of phylogenetic trees derived from these partial
distinct groups, each corresponding to a separate genus. sequences is in overall agreement with that of trees based on
Within each of the three major groups, the genotypic hetero- complete 16S rRNA cistrons (313).
geneity was considerable, with sequence differences of up to Sequence information derived from 16S or 23S rRNA cis-
9.4% in the genus Campylobacter, 5.7% in Arcobacter, and trons has been used successfully to design a battery of species-,
8.6% in Helicobacter (78, 91). The putative anaerobes Wolinella group-, or genus-specific primers and probes (11, 12, 78, 92,
recta, Wolinella curva, Bacteroides gracilis, and Bacteroides ureo- 215, 262, 312, 348). Applied in a PCR assay, these primers and
lyticus belonged to the same rRNA homology group as the probes offer valuable alternatives for the identification of these
genuine campylobacters (the homology group comprising the bacteria.
type species), whereas Wolinella succinogenes appeared to be a Most of the Campylobacter, Arcobacter, and Helicobacter
close neighbor of the Helicobacter cluster. Subsequent physio- species have been included in DNA-rRNA hybridization anal-
logical studies revealed that none of these bacteria were gen- yses as well (315, 321, 325). Again, the general topology of the
uine anaerobes (129, 130). Only B. ureolyticus and W. succino- phylogenetic tree confirmed the one based on 16S rRNA se-
genes were clearly differentiated from their neighbors in their quence data (303, 321). A number of intrageneric relationships
respective rRNA homology groups. The others could not be were revealed: a close association was found between C. fetus
separated from campylobacters on genotypic or on phenotypic and C. hyointestinalis; between C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari, and C.
grounds and were therefore reclassified as Campylobacter spe- upsaliensis; and between C. concisus and C. mucosalis. The
cies (316, 321). W. succinogenes was originally separated from former two clusters were also found to be significant after
H. pylori and Helicobacter mustelae (the only two Helicobacter bootstrap analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences (316).
species at that time) on the basis of differences in ultrastruc- DNA-DNA hybridization studies. Most DNA-DNA hybrid-
ture, morphology, cellular fatty acid and respiratory quinone ization studies were performed before the phylogenetic rela-
components, growth characteristics, and enzyme capabilities tionships of campylobacters were established by means of
(113). However, since then, the number of Helicobacter species rRNA-directed studies and focused on the species known since
has increased drastically, and most of these features have not the early 1980s (15, 16, 32, 91, 134, 140, 182, 236, 264–266, 270,
been examined for the recently described species. Finally, in 307, 308, 319, 323, 326). Significant DNA hybridization was
spite of an extensive knowledge of its genotypic and phenotypic found between C. fetus and C. hyointestinalis (264, 307); be-
characteristics, the classification of B. ureolyticus remains un- tween C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis; (32, 134, 140,
settled (316). 264, 270, 308); and between C. rectus and C. showae (91). Roop
The application of sequence comparison for studying the et al. (265, 266) also demonstrated that the former C. sputorum
intrageneric structure of each of these genera has been hin- subsp. mucosalis (180) does not belong to C. sputorum and that
dered by the instability of the branching levels between closely C. sputorum subsp. sputorum, C. sputorum subsp. bubulus, and
related bacteria (i.e., within the genera). Bootstrap analysis “Campylobacter fecalis” should be considered biovars of a sin-
revealed that within the genus Campylobacter, several clades of gle species, C. sputorum. These data were confirmed by Chev-
species are stable and therefore their linkage can be consid- rier et al. (32). DNA-DNA hybridizations between all other
ered significant (316). However, other clades have bootstrap Campylobacter species yielded nonsignificant hybridization val-

ues. The precise level of DNA-DNA binding is difficult to ability of cellular fatty acid analysis for the differentiation and
compare because of the lack of correlation when different identification of campylobacters (18, 44, 53, 115, 175, 181, 217,
hybridization techniques are used (see below). 342). Lambert et al. (175) and Goodwin et al. (115) used
DNA base ratio. The percent G1C values of Campylobacter, similar procedures and performed the most comprehensive
Arcobacter, and Helicobacter species range between 30 and studies. They included nearly all known Campylobacter taxa

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46%, between 27 and 31%, and between 35 and 44%, respec- and subdivided them into so-called gas-liquid chromatography
tively. groups. Several of these gas-liquid chromatography groups
Classical phenotypic characteristics. The cellular morphol- consisted of more than one species, and several species were
ogy of campylobacters and their relatives is extremely diverse. present in different gas-liquid chromatography groups. Classi-
A slender spiral (“corkscrew-like”) morphology is generally cal phenotypic tests were required to identify some strains at
considered typical. However, such cells, which are most often the species level. Differences in the cellular fatty acid compo-
found in the group of the so-called thermophilic campy- nents were used as one of the criteria for including the former
lobacters (C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis), readily C. pylori and C. mustelae not in the genus Wolinella but in a
lose this morphology upon aging and cells incubated longer newly created genus, Helicobacter (113). At present, these dif-
than 24 h will transform into bent rods or straight rods and ferences can no longer be considered genus specific, because
finally may become virtually completely coccoid. Again, cells of two additional Helicobacter species, H. cinaedi and H. fennel-
other species such as C. fetus are spiral yet not slender, and liae, again had different cellular fatty acid patterns (115)
huge spiral or threadlike cells (up to 20 mm long) may be whereas none of the recently described new species has been
present in old cultures. Cells of other species are predomi- examined. Clearly, this technique is not efficient for the iden-
nantly S-shaped rods, bent rods, or even straight rods. tification of Campylobacter species and a comprehensive study
In addition, the diversity in flagellation types is striking as on the various Helicobacter species should be performed be-
well. Most campylobacters are characterized by a single polar fore general conclusions for this genus can be drawn. In con-
or bipolar flagellum. Sporadic nonmotile cells occur naturally. trast, a detailed study of the genus Arcobacter revealed quan-
C. showae, however, has polar bundles of two to five flagella, titative or qualitative differences (or both) between most of its
whereas C. gracilis (formerly B. gracilis) is aflagellate. An even members (326).
larger diversity is found within the genus Helicobacter, in which Protein analysis. PAGE of proteins has often been used
single flagella, bipolar flagella, and lateral flagella are found in successfully to classify phenotypically aberrant campylobacters.
different species. The number of flagella and the flagellation Since the early 1970s, this technique has been widely applied
type are obviously not a relevant taxonomic parameter in this for the differentiation and identification of campylobacters,
group of bacteria. Conversely, the structure of the flagellum arcobacters, and helicobacters. Acid- plus phenol-soluble pro-
appears to be significant, because all taxa of the Campylobacter teins (131, 216), water-soluble proteins (95, 216, 225), and
and Arcobacter rRNA homology groups have unsheathed fla- whole-cell proteins (48–50, 91, 99, 117, 206, 232–234, 237, 246,
gella whereas a flagellar sheath is present in all Helicobacter 293, 294, 301, 316, 318–320, 323–326) are separated in poly-
species (128, 321). acrylamide gels and stained and may be subjected to computer-
The problems inherent in the identification of campy- assisted numerical comparison. The latter is a prerequisite for
lobacters and their relatives by means of classical phenotypic comparing large numbers of strains. As with other bacteria,
tests have been mentioned above and have been the subject of strains with highly similar protein patterns share high DNA
several studies (23, 78, 87, 88, 141, 145, 209, 249, 264, 366). hybridization values and therefore belong to the same species
They will not be discussed here. Recently, On and Holmes (47, 235). This correspondence between high correlation coef-
(229) performed a most comprehensive study: they examined ficients of protein patterns and high DNA hybridization values
67 characteristics for 347 strains representing all present spe- has been illustrated for several Campylobacter and Arcobacter
cies within this phylogenetic lineage and subjected the data to species (319, 323, 326).
numerical comparison. Their data indicated that there was However, the interpretation of protein pattern similarity
considerable correspondence between the grouping obtained regularly requires considerable expertise. In a numerical anal-
and previously determined genomic relationships and that ysis, variation in the number or molecular weight of one or a
most strains were accurately identified to the species or sub- few dense protein bands may cause strains of a single species to
species level. form distinct clusters. Only a thorough visual examination of
Respiratory quinone components. The study of the respira- the protein electrophoretic traces of strains from each cluster
tory quinone components of campylobacters was of major im- will reveal the reason for such subdivisions. The part of the
portance for the revision of their classification. The respiratory protein profile with these variable dense bands is situated
chain of campylobacters, unlike most gram-negative bacteria, mostly in the 39,000- to 50,000-molecular-weight range, and it
comprises only menaquinones (37, 38, 114, 217, 218, 316). All may be necessary to omit this region from the numerical anal-
species belonging to the Campylobacter rRNA homology ysis to obtain clusters of closely related strains (47, 318, 319,
group, including the former W. recta, W. curva, B. gracilis, and 323).
B. ureolyticus, contain menaquinone-6 and the so-called ther- Interestingly, whole-cell protein patterns of campylobacters
moplasmaquinon (a methyl-substituted menaquinone-6) as are stable regardless of the time and methods of preservation,
major components. Species belonging to the Arcobacter rRNA growth conditions, and age of the cells (99, 131, 324). Within
homology group, the closest phylogenetic neighbor of Campy- other bacterial groups, growth medium and growth conditions
lobacter species, are characterized by menaquinone-6 and a may considerably influence the protein profile (151, 163). This
second menaquinone, whose structure has not yet been unrav- stability may be explained by the limited nutritional capabilities
elled. The same situation occurs in the Wolinella-Helicobacter of the campylobacters.
group, as Wolinella species are characterized by menaqui- Conclusion. Various taxonomic parameters of campy-
none-6 and the thermoplasmaquinon whereas Helicobacter lobacters and allied bacteria were studied, and a huge amount
species contain menaquinone-6 and the above-mentioned qui- of data was collected. The taxonomic structure of the entire
none with the unknown structure. group is thus well understood. The genera Campylobacter, Ar-
Cellular fatty acid analysis. Several authors studied the suit- cobacter, and Helicobacter were separated primarily because of

the large genotypic divergence between the three groups (321). spoiling bacteria by the production of growth-inhibiting sub-
This subdivision was supported by chemotaxonomic and ultra- stances (bacteriocins) and the production of large amounts of
structural characteristics. The large differences in 16S rRNA lactic acid. However, lactic acid bacteria are also known to be
sequences between and within these genera may indicate that involved in spoilage of, e.g., beer and wine and to occur in the
they represent old evolutionary branches in which substantial respiratory, intestinal, and genital tracts of humans and ani-

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genetic drift occurred. The enormous range in DNA base ratio mals, in sewage, and in plant materials. Many lactic acid bac-
which is found in the genus Campylobacter is an additional teria are known to have a positive impact on human and
support for this hypothesis. animal health (109). Some pathogenic species are found
At the species level, the congruence between the whole-cell among, e.g., the streptococci.
protein pattern similarity and DNA-DNA hybridization was Given the very large number of species described, only the
clearly established, and the former technique was successfully most notable species of the lactobacilli, with some related
used to identify phenotypically aberrant strains. New Campy- species of Leuconostoc and Pediococcus, will be highlighted
lobacter and Helicobacter species have been emerging rapidly, here. Furthermore, it is not our purpose to list the wide variety
and although they are mostly well characterized and their phy- of techniques used in the study of the taxonomy of these
logenetic position has been clearly established, their identifi- organisms; instead, we will focus on those techniques which
cation by means of classical phenotypic tests is cumbersome. have directed some of the major taxonomic changes within the
Protein electrophoresis offered a valuable alternative for spe- lactobacilli. Table 3 presents a subdivision of these lactobacilli
cies identification. As mentioned above, the suitability of cel- according to their fermentation type and phylogenetic assign-
lular fatty acid analysis for the differentiation of these species ment.
is genus dependent; poor discriminatory power was found in Phylogenetic analysis based on rRNA homology. At present,
Campylobacter species, whereas most Arcobacter species were the genus Lactobacillus comprises 56 species, 5 of which con-
easily differentiated. Helicobacters were only partly examined. tain at least two subspecies. During the last several years, 9
The total number of taxa within this lineage of the Pro- Lactobacillus species were transferred to other Lactobacillus
teobacteria now approaches 50. Many of these can be differen- species and at least 14 species were transferred to new or
tiated only by a single or a few classical phenotypic tests or, already existing genera (Table 3). These taxonomic reassign-
alternatively, by using a large number of phenotypic tests ments were based almost exclusively on the results of rRNA
(229). Molecular diagnostic methods with DNA probes or spe- sequencing or DNA-rRNA hybridizations. The large number
cific PCR assays or, alternatively, a chemotaxonomic method of nomenclatural revisions is a striking indication of the dis-
such as whole-cell protein analysis may therefore become es- crepancies between the results obtained by former traditional
sential to reliably identify unusual or atypical campylobacters phenotypic tests (classical taxonomy) and the present phyloge-
pending the discovery of additional phenotypic tests. netic insights obtained by rRNA sequencing (molecular taxon-
Polyphasic Taxonomy of Lactic Acid Bacteria In a recent overview of the phylogeny of lactic acid bacteria
(275), a phylogenetic tree was constructed by using distance
Lactic acid bacteria are gram-positive, non-spore-forming matrix, parsimony, and maximum-likelihood analyses. The ma-
cocci, coccobacilli, or rods with a DNA base composition of jor phylogenetic groups of lactic acid bacteria sensu stricto,
less than 50 mol% G1C. They generally lack catalase, al- which are largely in agreement with data published by Collins
though pseudocatalase was detected in cultures grown at a low et al. (41), are described. The lactobacilli can be subdivided
sugar concentration. They need a fermentable carbohydrate into three major groups: the Lactobacillus delbrueckii group;
for growth; glucose is converted mainly to lactic acid (homo- the Lactobacillus casei-Pediococcus group; and the Leuconos-
fermentatives) or to lactic acid, CO2, and ethanol or acetic acid toc group.
or both (heterofermentatives). However, this definition gener- The percent homologies of 16S rRNA within the two major
ally covers more taxa than are normally covered by the name lactobacillus groups vary from 90.8 to 99.3% (L. delbrueckii
“lactic acid bacteria.” It is mainly their importance in the group) and 90.3 to 99.0% (L. casei-Pediococcus group) (41).
fermentation of food and feed products (meat, vegetables, Within the Leuconostoc group, the position of Oenococcus oeni
fruits, beverages, dairy products, and silage) which delineates is very interesting. Extremely low homology values of 85.9 to
the group of lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, lactic acid bacteria 91.5% and 85.9 to 86.8% were registered between this organ-
are generally restricted to the genera Carnobacterium, Entero- ism and the other species in the same group (201). This specific
coccus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus, phylogenetic structure has been discussed as a case of a rapidly
Pediococcus, Streptococcus, Tetragenococcus, Vagococcus, and evolving organism (369) and was one of the arguments in
Weissella. Representatives of the genera Aerococcus, Alloiococ- removing the species from the genus Leuconostoc into the
cus, Atopobium, Dolosigranulum, Gemella, Globicatella, Helco- genus Oenococcus (79).
coccus, Melissococcus, and Saccharococcus are generally not (i) L. delbrueckii group. The L. delbrueckii group contains L.
considered to belong to the lactic acid bacteria, although they delbrueckii (the type species of the genus Lactobacillus), the
might, to some extent, meet the definition given above. Be- seven species of the L. acidophilus group (see below), L. ace-
cause of its use in food and its probiotic role in the human totolerans, L. hamsteri, L. jensenii, L. kefiranofaciens, and, pe-
intestinal tract, the genus Bifidobacterium is often listed along ripherally, L. amylophilus.
with the lactic acid bacteria sensu stricto, although phyloge- L. delbrueckii contains three subspecies which cannot be
netically it belongs to the Actinomyces subdivision of the gram- discriminated by rRNA sequence analysis.
positive bacteria (comprising also Atopobium, Brevibacterium, (ii) L. casei-Pediococcus group. The second phylogenetic
Propionibacterium, and the microbacteria) and therefore is group of the lactobacilli, the L. casei-Pediococcus group (41,
only quite distantly related to the genuine lactic acid bacteria, 275), with 37 Lactobacillus species and 5 Pediococcus species,
which belong to the Clostridium subdivision of the gram-posi- outnumbers the other groups. Four of the pediococcal species
tive bacteria. (Pediococcus acidilactici, P. damnosus, P. parvulus, and P. pen-
In food, lactic acid bacteria contribute to the taste and tex- tosaceus) form a separate clade. P. dextrinicus is more closely
ture of fermented products and inhibit the growth of food- related to L. coryniformis and L. bifermentans than to the other
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TABLE 3. Subdivision of the lactobacilli according to their phenotype and phylogenetic assignmenta
Species in fermentation group:
Phylogenetic group
A (obligately homofermentative) B (facultatively heterofermentative) C (obligately heterofermentative)
a (L. delbrueckii group) L. acidophilus, L. amylophilus, L. amylo- L. acetotolerans, L. hamsteri
vorus, L. crispatus, L. delbrueckii subsp.
bulgaricus (“L. bulgaricus”), subsp. del-
brueckii, subsp. lactis (“L. lactis”), L. galli-
narum, L. gasseri, L. helveticus (“L. ju-
gurti”), L. jensenii, L. johnsonii, L.
kefiranofaciens, L. kefirgranuma
b (L. casei-Pediococcus group) L. aviarius subsp. aviarius, subsp. araffinosus, L. agilis, L. alimentarius, L. casei, L. bifer- L. brevis, L. buchneri, L. collinoides, L. fermen-
L. farciminis, L. ruminis, L. mali (“L. ya- mentans, L. coryniformis, subsp. corynifor- tum (“L. cellobiosus”), L. fructivorans (“L.
manashiensis”), L. salivarius subsp. salici- mis, subsp. torquens, L. curvatus, L. gra- trichodes”), L. hilgardii (“L. vermiforme”), L.
nus, subsp. salivarius, L. sharpae, Pedio- minis, L. homohiochii, L. intestinalis, L. kefir, L. malefermentans, L. oris, L. para-
coccus damnosus, Pediococcus dextrinicum, murinus (“L. animalis”), L. paracasei buchneri, L. parakefir,a L. pontis, L. reuteri,
Pediococcus parvulus subsp. paracasei, subsp. tolerans, L. pento- L. suebicus, L. sanfrancisco, L. vaccinoster-
sus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. sake cus, L. vaginalis
(“L. bavaricus”) Pediococcus acidilactici,
Pediococcus pentosaceus
c (Leuconostoc group) L. fructosus, W. confusus (“L. confusus”), W.
halotolerans (“L. halotolerans”), W. kandleri
(“L. kandleri”), W. minor (“L. minor”), W.
viridescens (“L. viridescens”), W. hellenica,
W. paramesenteroides (“Leuconostoc
paramesenteroides”), Leuconostoc amelibi-
osum, Leuconostoc argentinum, Leuconostoc
lactis, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconos-
toc pseudomesenteroides, Leuconostoc geli-
dum, Leuconostoc carnosum, Leuconostoc
fallax, O. oeni
Other lactobacillib L. catenaformis, L. vitulinus, L. rogosae,c Atopobium minutum (“L. minutus”), Atopobium rimae (“L. rimae”), Atopobium uli (“L. uli”), Carnobacterium divergens
(“L. divergens”) (“L. carnis”), Carnobacterium piscicola (“L. piscicola”) (“L. maltaromicus”), Lactococcus lactis (“L. hordniae”) (“L. xylosus”)
Data from reference 126. L. kefirgranum and L. parakefir have not been included in 16S rRNA sequence analysis.
Species in this group are no longer considered members of the genus Lactobacillus and are assigned to various fermentation groups.
L. rogosae was described to have a DNA base composition of 59 mol% G1C, which is outside the range defined for the genus Lactobacillus; no strains corresponding to the original description are presently available.
VOL. 60, 1996

Pediococcus species. The position of the latter lactobacillus is teria and a considerable number of more recently described
particularly interesting, since L. bifermentans shows, depending species. The phenotypic differentiation of the obligately homo-
on the pH, an aberrant type of fermentation (161, 247). fermentative lactobacilli is given by Hammes and Vogel (126).
The L. casei-Pediococcus group contains a number of well- The obligately homofermentative lactobacilli are allocated to
known lactobacilli including the poorly characterized species two phylogenetic subgroups, the L. delbrueckii subgroup (group
Aa) and the L. casei-Pediococcus subgroup (group Ab). Be-

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L. plantarum, L. paracasei, which is found in many habitats
(dairy products, wine, silage, sewage, and the human intestinal sides L. delbrueckii and L. jensenii, subgroup Aa contains the
tract and mouth), and also L. sake, L. curvatus, and L. bavari- industrially important assembly of species known as the L.
cus, which are used in many food fermentations. acidophilus group (157). Despite its industrial and medical
(iii) Leuconostoc group. The third phylogenetic group within importance (136, 160, 210, 259), the taxonomy of L. acidophi-
the lactobacilli, the Leuconostoc group (41), comprises two lus remained confusing for a long time (106, 133, 214, 231,
subgroups. A first subgroup is the so-called paramesenteroides 280). A first indication of its heterogeneity was obtained from
cluster containing the former species Lactobacillus confusus, L. serological data (86). Later, electrophoretic analysis of soluble
halotolerans, L. kandleri, L. minor, L. viridescens, and Leu- cellular proteins or lactate dehydrogenases, detailed cell wall
conostoc paramesenteroides. The latter species is quite far re- studies, and determination of the moles percent G1C content
moved from the other leuconostocs, Lactobacillus fructosus, of the DNA confirmed the presence of a number of genotypic
and O. oeni (the former Leuconostoc oenos), which together groups, each deserving a separate species status. Finally, DNA-
form the second subgroup within the Leuconostoc group (275). DNA hybridization studies and standardized SDS-PAGE of
More recently, the paramesenteroides group (42) was assigned whole-cell proteins (see below) have been necessary to actually
to the new genus Weissella, comprising the species Weissella delineate the species present in this pool of phenotypically very
confusus, W. halotolerans, W. kandleri, W. minor, W. parames- similar organisms. At present, these species still cannot be
enteroides, W. viridescens, and a new species, W. hellenica for reliably differentiated by simple phenotypic tests (105).
isolates from fermented sausage (42). Some presumed obligately homofermentative lactobacilli of
(iv) Other lactobacilli. Finally, rRNA sequence analyses re- the phylogenetic group of L. delbrueckii (L. acetotolerans, L.
vealed a considerable number of misnamed lactobacilli, related amylophilus, L. hamsteri, and L. kefiranofaciens) can ferment
to the clostridia and Erysipelothrix (Lactobacillus catenaformis, pentoses and were therefore classified as facultatively hetero-
L. vitulinus), to the actinomycete branch of the gram-positive fermentative lactobacilli in group B (as subgroup Ba [126]). It
bacteria (L. minutus, L. rimae, and L. uli, all transferred to the has been suggested that the group A species may have evolved
genus Atopobium by Collins and Wallbanks [43]), or to the from metabolically more versatile facultative heteroferment-
lactococci (L. xylosus and L. hordniae, both transferred to Lac- ers, e.g., by the loss of phosphoketolase activity (126).
tococcus lactis [165]). (ii) Facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli (group B).
Delineation of Lactobacillus species by traditional pheno- Facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli ferment hexoses
typic tests. The genus Lactobacillus was proposed by Beijer- almost exclusively to lactic acid by the Embden-Meyerhof
inck in 1901 (14). Since then, many species have been de- pathway or to lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, and formic acid
scribed but either not validated or, as mentioned above, shown under glucose limitation. Pentoses are fermented to lactic acid
to be homologous to existing species. Examination of the pres- and acetic acid via an inducible pentose phosphoketolase; the
ence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase resulted in the sub- group includes the former streptobacteria and many newly
division of these bacteria into three physiological groups: (i) described species.
the obligately homofermentative lactobacilli, (ii) the faculta- Again, two subgroups of species are distinguished: group Ba
tively heterofermentative species, and (iii) the obligately het- (facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli from the L. del-
erofermentative species which lack fructose-1,6-bisphosphate brueckii rRNA branch) comprises L. acetotolerans and L. ham-
aldolase. Although correct classification and identification of steri (both regarded as obligate homofermenters until recently
lactic acid bacteria are difficult without the support of modern [126]), and group Bb (facultatively heterofermentative lacto-
genotypic techniques (see above), the large number of species bacilli from the L. casei-Pediococcus branch) harbors 15 Lac-
renders an exclusively genotypic approach quite cumbersome. tobacillus species (126).
Therefore, fermentation reactions (mostly examined via com- (iii) Obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli (group C).
mercially available test systems) remain important as tools for The obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli ferment hexoses
identification and classification. to lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, and CO2 via the phospho-
The subdivision of lactobacilli into fermentation groups was gluconate pathway. Pentoses are fermented to lactic acid and
maintained with some major modifications until the late 1970s, acetic acid. In general, a pentose phosphoketolase is involved
(260, 261, 281) and is still used today. To cope with the in- in both pathways. According to Hammes and Vogel (126), a
creasing number of newly described species, the fermentation total of 22 Lactobacillus species are spread over two phyloge-
groups were consecutively redefined in 1986 by Kandler and netic branches: 16 species have been assigned to group Cb
Weiss (162) and by Hammes et al. (127). In an attempt to (obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli from the L. casei-
match the phenotypic division of the lactobacilli with the phy- Pediococcus branch), and 6 have been assigned to group Cc
logenetic data obtained from rRNA sequencing, the subdivi- (obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli from the Leuconos-
sion described below was proposed by Hammes and Vogel toc branch), 5 of which have recently been transferred to the
(126). In this subdivision, the capital letters A, B, and C, refer genus Weissella (42). As for the lactobacilli of group A, the
to fermentation types and the lowercase letters a, b, and c, species of group Cb may have been derived from the metabol-
refer in each subdivision to the three phylogenetic subgroups ically more versatile group Bb species by the loss of the aldo-
(the L. delbrueckii group, the L. casei-Pediococcus group, and lase and triose-phosphate isomerase of the Embden-Meyerhof
the Leuconostoc group, respectively). pathway.
(i) Obligately homofermentative lactobacilli (group A). Ob- Delineation of Lactobacillus species by DNA-DNA hybridiza-
ligately homofermentative lactobacilli degrade hexoses almost tion studies. As with Campylobacter species, most DNA-DNA
exclusively to lactic acid by the Embden-Meyerhof pathway, hybridization studies were performed before the phylogenetic
cannot use pentoses or gluconate, and include the thermobac- relationships of the lactobacilli were fully established, with

emphasis on the species of economic interest used by the food is a characteristic of the so-called Clostridium branch of the
and feed industry. gram-positive bacteria, in contrast to the gram-positive bacte-
There are many reports on the use of this technique, and ria of the Actinomycetes branch, which have a G1C content
mostly they have served the proper description of new species higher than 50 mol%. L. pontis, however, has a DNA base
or contributed to the reduction of previously heterogeneous composition of 53 to 54 mol% G1C (341) and is phylogeneti-
cally very closely related to L. reuteri, with a G1C content of 40

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taxa and therefore proved to be indispensable for species de-
termination within the genus Lactobacillus. to 43 mol% (162).
(i) L. delbrueckii group. On the basis of DNA-DNA hybrid- rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. As an increasing
izations, two subgroups have been delineated. Subgroup 1 in- number of DNA or rRNA nucleotide sequences become avail-
cludes L. delbrueckii, with the three subspecies delbrueckii, able, the comparison of homologous sequences can yield oli-
bulgaricus (previously “L. bulgaricus”), and lactis (previously gonucleotide stretches which are specific for the taxa being
“L. lactis” and “L. leichmannii”), which share over 80% DNA compared. These oligonucleotides can be labeled and used as
similarity (344). probes in hybridization experiments with unknown isolates. By
Subgroup 2 is represented by L. acidophilus sensu lato, using PCR techniques, the target sequences can be amplified
which was shown to be composed of at least six species: L. and the detection level can be enhanced. The use of probes,
acidophilus sensu stricto (133), L. gasseri (179), L. crispatus (31, especially in food microbiology, has been reviewed by Schleifer
213), L. amylovorus (222), L. gallinarum (105), and L. johnsonii (272). The value of this technique is demonstrated by the
(105). This species classification is a result of several DNA- design of species-specific 23S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide
DNA hybridization studies (31, 105, 157, 178). Moreover, probes useful for the identification of authentic L. acidophilus,
within subgroup 2, a DNA-DNA similarity of 13 to 44% was L. johnsonii, L. gasseri (253), L. delbrueckii, L. paracasei, and L.
found between L. helveticus and L. acidophilus (157). This helveticus and group-specific probes for L. casei and L. rham-
relatedness was confirmed by (i) a comparable base composi- nosus and for L. casei, L. paracasei, and L. rhamnosus (144).
tion of the DNA, (ii) biochemical resemblance, and (iii) 16S Oligonucleotide probes at the subspecies or genus level were
rRNA sequence analyses (41). The synonymy between the also developed, e.g., to identify the genus Lactococcus (269) or
former species “L. jugurti” and L. helveticus was already estab- the subspecies Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris (269), and
lished (62, 282). Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (166).
(ii) L. casei-Pediococcus group. Numerous DNA-DNA hy- Whole-cell protein analysis. The comparison of whole-cell
bridization studies revealed discrepancies between species protein patterns obtained by highly standardized SDS-PAGE
level identification by means of phenotypic tests and genotypic has proven to be extremely reliable at the species and subspe-
approaches. Only a few examples are given below. cies levels (67, 73, 144, 245, 250, 253, 254, 305, 327). It was
When comparing the five subspecies of L. casei (230) by possible to solve specific identification problems for, e.g., lac-
DNA-DNA hybridization (40), the majority of the subspecies tococci (67, 89, 154, 251), vagococci (250), L. kefir and L. reuteri
casei strains, together with members of the subspecies alacto- (81), the species of the L. acidophilus group (253), and Leu-
sus, pseudoplantarum, and tolerans, shared high levels of DNA conostoc strains (9, 82). The use of SDS-PAGE for the iden-
relatedness but were quite distinct (10 to 20% DNA similarity) tification of a wide variety of lactic acid bacteria is hampered
from the type strain, L. casei subsp. casei. Therefore, a new by the fact that it yields only discriminative information at or
species, L. paracasei, was proposed for all these organisms. below the species level, requiring a certain degree of preiden-
Strains previously assigned to L. casei subsp. tolerans were tification. This problem has been overcome by the creation of
phenotypically as well as genotypically sufficiently distinct to be a database of digitized and normalized protein patterns for all
maintained as a separate subspecies of L. paracasei (L. para- known species of lactic acid bacteria (254). Identification of
casei subsp. tolerans). L. casei subsp. rhamnosus, which formed lactic acid bacteria is then reduced to the preparation of a
a genotypically homogeneous group not related to the other protein pattern and a subsequent comparison with the patterns
members of L. paracasei, was elevated to the species rank as L. available in the database (245, 305, 327). The preparation of
rhamnosus. The name L. casei (132) was restricted to the type similarity dendrograms also yields information important for
strain only. the classification of lactic acid bacteria (144, 253). The tech-
DNA-DNA hybridization studies performed by Dellaglio et nique has proven to be extremely useful for grouping of large
al. (63) showed that L. plantarum was quite heterogeneous, numbers of strains (67, 305). After numerical comparison, a
since 8 strains (of the 28 strains investigated) displayed only 46 limited number of representative strains can be selected from
to 65% DNA relatedness to the type strain. These strains were every (sub)cluster for further analysis by genotypic or pheno-
shown to be highly related to L. pentosus (63), a species which typic methods.
was not included in the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Lactate dehydrogenase. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) has
(284). In 1987, the latter species name was revived by Zanoni been an important characteristic in the classification of lactic
et al. (373). In 1991, Collins et al. (41) showed that the two acid bacteria and has been studied in many ways.
species shared more than 99% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. The electrophoretic mobility of LDH in starch gels (106) or
Vescovo et al. (339) found that 13 of 24 presumed L. brevis in polyacrylamide gels (143) was used mostly for the discrim-
strains belonged to the species L. hilgardii, L. kefir, L. confusus, ination of phenotypically very similar species (e.g., L. acidophi-
or L. collinoides, which indicates that the identification of L. lus, L. crispatus, L. gallinarum, L. gasseri, and L. johnsonii
brevis-like strains by carbohydrate fermentation reactions or [105]). A compilation of the relative migration distances of
additional simple phenotypic tests is insufficient. Farrow and LDH of various species has been given by Kandler and Weiss
Collins (94) investigated the genetic interrelationships of some (162) and more recently by Fujisawa et al. (105). NAD-depen-
strains from the human oral cavity and saliva, earlier assigned dent D-LDH profiles have also been used for the differentia-
to L. brevis (54, 137, 139), and on the basis of nucleic acid and tion of Leuconostoc species (80). The following example shows,
biochemical data, the strains were assigned to a new species, L. however, that care should be taken with the results of electro-
oris. phoretic mobility tests of LDH. L. jensenii is indistinguishable
DNA base ratio. As mentioned above, the DNA base com- from L. delbrueckii by simple physiological tests. Only a slight
position of lactic acid bacteria is less than 50 mol% G1C. This difference in the migration distance in starch gel electrophore-

sis of the D-LDH of the two species has been reported by using study inter- and intraspecific relationships which are not re-
starch gel electrophoresis (106). This difference could not be vealed by rRNA sequence analysis. (ii) SDS-PAGE of whole-
demonstrated by polyacrylamide disk gel electrophoresis (162), cell proteins has proven to be extremely reliable in revealing
and therefore the authors advised the use of the large differ- relationships at the species and subspecies levels. Since it is fast
ence in the moles percent G1C of the DNA (35 to 37 mol% and cheap, this technique is well suited for identification of

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for L. jensenii versus 49 to 51 mol% for L. delbrueckii) to even large numbers of strains. Provided that a database cov-
differentiate the species. ering all known species is available (254), the presence of a new
Quantitative immunological techniques have been used with taxon can be easily established. To estimate observed similarity
LDH as an evolutionary marker besides numerous other en- in quantitative genotypic terms, however, DNA-DNA hybrid-
zymes like fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (188, 190, 191), ization and rRNA sequence analysis are required. (iii) rRNA
malic enzymes (192, 193), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate de- probe hybridization is a promising tool, especially if it is cou-
hydrogenase (189). The data were used to create dendrograms pled to a PCR amplification step. The limitations at present
and (three-dimensional) phylogenetic maps. On the basis of are twofold. Because of the conserved nature of the rRNA
results with both D- and L-LDH, L. acidophilus sensu lato was molecule, cross-reactions between closely related species oc-
divided into immunological groups I, II, and III (107), con- cur. In addition, the variation in hybridization procedures is
firming the genotypic heterogeneity of this species discussed large, which renders this approach for the identification of
above. large numbers of strains quite complex.
Purification and characterization of the D-LDH from L. del- For the identification of unknown isolates, it is necessarily a
brueckii subsp. bulgaricus showed considerable sequence dif- combination of these techniques that may actually prove to be
ferences from representatives of the relatively well-character- the most rewarding with respect to accuracy and expenditure
ized NAD-dependent L-LDHs (183). of time and labor.
Cell wall components. The phylogenetic distribution of dif-
ferent murein types in lactobacilli was comprehensively sum- Polyphasic Taxonomy of the Family Comamonadaceae
marized by Hammes and Vogel (126). Homofermentative as
well as facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli from the L. The family Comamonadaceae contains saprophytic and phy-
delbrueckii group (groups Aa and Ba, respectively) all have the topathogenic bacteria with diverse physiological profiles (che-
Lys–D-Asp type. The obligately heterofermentative organisms moorganotrophic or chemolithotrophic at the expense of H2 or
from the Leuconostoc group (group Cc) all have the Lys CO oxidation) (353, 354). They have been isolated from a wide
(monoamino, monocarbonyl) amino acid type (Lys–L-Ser–L- variety of ecological niches such as soil, water, natural and
Ala2 or Lys–L-Ala2 [64]). Representative species of the L. industrial environments (353, 354), clinical samples, and in-
casei-Pediococcus group (homofermentative [Ab], facultatively fected plant material (240, 354, 356) and have an oxidative
heterofermentative [Bb], and obligately heterofermentative metabolism in which O2 is used as the terminal electron ac-
[Cb]) have either the Lys–D-Asp type or the diaminopimelic- ceptor, while some species can also use nitrates. Because of
direct type. Only a few interesting exceptions occur: in L. their physiological flexibility, they may play an important role
fermentum and L. vaginalis, lysine is replaced by the chemically in the biodegradation of xenobiotics (24) and recalcitrant com-
similar ornithine (Orn–D-Asp type); the Lys-Ala type is found ponents such as oil-derived wastes (1) and pollutants such as
in L. sanfrancisco; and the Orn–D-Asp type is found in L. nitrate (311).
pontis. This family is currently composed of the genera Comamo-
Conclusion. The phylogenetic structure of the lactic acid nas, Acidovorax, Variovorax, Hydrogenophaga, and Xylophilus
bacteria, as deduced from rRNA sequencing, is at present clear and several misclassified Aquaspirillum species. Its core origi-
but is different from the physiological and chemotaxonomic nated from the so-called Pseudomonas rRNA group III, one of
classification schemes used for almost a century. Most of the the five distinct rRNA homology groups found in Pseudomonas
taxonomic revisions were proposed during the last decade and species by the initial rRNA studies of Palleroni et al. (242).
are increasingly dependent on rRNA sequence information. The phylogenetic distance between each of these rRNA groups
However, because of the widespread use of relatively fast com- was later (68) correctly interpreted by the inclusion of repre-
mercialized systems for testing phenotypic characteristics and sentatives of a wide variety of members of the Proteobacteria
the large number of taxa, the traditional phenotypic analysis (291) in the DNA-rRNA hybridization experiments. Further
remains important. The subdivision of lactobacilli (and other investigation by comparative rRNA similarity studies (70, 72)
lactic acid bacteria) into three main fermentation categories illustrated the phylogenetic diversity of named Pseudomonas
(homofermenters, facultative heterofermenters, and obligate members compiled in addenda I through IV of Doudoroff and
heterofermenters) is still used to identify strains. The discrep- Palleroni (83). An important number of these species with
ancies between phenotypic data present in traditional micro- uncertain taxonomic affiliation could be assigned to one of the
biology textbooks and phylogenetic data that have recently five rRNA groups mentioned above, while others were scat-
become available have not sufficiently been translated into new tered over the entire class of Proteobacteria (70, 72), belonging
strategies for future work. Within the group of lactic acid to existing or new taxa, which implemented a complete reclas-
bacteria, the use of phylogenetic methods has provided a sification of the genus Pseudomonas (240), which is now re-
highly reliable basis for the reevaluation of the phenotypic stricted to rRNA group I organisms because the type species
classification schemes; a result is the effective phenotypic de- Pseudomonas aeruginosa belongs to it. This nomenclatural re-
scription of new genera like Oenococcus and Weissella, which arrangement of the genus Pseudomonas entailed the creation
both form well-delineated phylogenetic and phenotypic enti- of several new genera encompassing either a complete rRNA
ties. group, e.g., Brevundimonas (278) or parts of rRNA groups such
For the study of the relationships at the species level, given as Burkholderia (111, 367), Stenotrophomonas (241), Hydrog-
a general identification by classical methods, several tech- enophaga (351), Acidovorax (356, 360), etc. An overview of the
niques are available. (i) The first is DNA-DNA hybridizations, updated taxonomic position of the pseudomonads will be pre-
which were useful and helped to select reliable reference sented elsewhere (69).
strains for the rRNA sequence analysis. They are essential to The phylogenetically related group of the Comamonadaceae

is also known as the acidovorans rRNA complex. As men- and Xylophilus each represent a single subbranch. Four of the
tioned above, it originally consisted of the misclassified remaining rRNA subbranches each contain a misclassified
pseudomonads from Pseudomonas rRNA group III (68, 242): Aquaspirillum species: A. delicatum, A. gracile, A. metamor-
P. acidovorans, P. testosteroni, P. delafieldii, P. flava, and P. phum, and A. anulus. A. sinuosum and A. giesbergeri are closely
palleronii. Later, it was shown that this rRNA complex encom- related (150, 171, 252, 256) and belong to the last rRNA

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passes a variety of physiologically and morphologically diverse subbranch. A. metamorphum is equally far removed from the
organisms, including rods and helical cells which are polarly, other rRNA subbranches and constitutes the core of an addi-
lophotrichously, or peritrichously flagellated (71, 72, 351, 353– tional rRNA subbranch.
361). The grouping of these apparently unrelated phenotypes Because features such as meta cleavage of protocatechuate,
into a single family was based on rRNA similarity data only. growth at 418C, absence of denitrification, and typical regula-
Apart from the misclassified Pseudomonas species, other mem- tion of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis (see below) were not
bers of the Comamonadaceae were wrongly assigned to genera studied for all species, the phenotypic description of the family
(e.g., Xanthomonas, Aquaspirillum, and Alcaligenes) of which Comamonadaceae, which was created merely in terms of
the type species belong to other rRNA branches of the Pro- DNA-rRNA hybridization data, is still incomplete (353).
teobacteria. It was also shown that Comamonas terrigena be- Recently, a new genus, Ideonella (199), has been proposed
longed to a separate rRNA subbranch and thus deserved a for new isolates that are capable of growing anaerobically with
separate generic rank. As a consequence, the genus Comamo- chlorate as an electron acceptor. They belong in the beta
nas and the species Comamonas terrigena were revived (71). P. subclass, with 89 to 90% rRNA sequence similarity with C.
acidovorans and P. testosteroni, belonging to the same rRNA terrigena, Alcaligenes eutrophus, and Burkholderia cepacia. Ad-
subbranch as Comamonas species, were transferred to Co- ditional phylogenetic data on the other members of the Co-
mamonas as C. acidovorans and C. testosteroni, respectively mamonadaceae are needed for comparison to reveal the rela-
(300). tionship of Ideonella and the Comamonadaceae.
rRNA similarities. Indirectly measured rRNA similarities DNA-DNA hybridizations. DNA relatedness was used as the
(58) were used to unravel the phylogenetic structure of the genotypic parameter to delineate species, but we have reser-
Comamonadaceae. By using 15 different rRNA probes from vations about the absolute application of the 70% rule to
well-selected strains, 14 distinct rRNA subbranches were de- species recognition (343), as discussed elsewhere. By using the
lineated, each with a DTm(e) range of 4 to 58C (353); each initial spectrophotometric renaturation rates method (57), spe-
theoretically deserved a separate generic status. Together, the cies were defined as groups of strains sharing at least 40% of
14 distinct rRNA subbranches constitute a separate lineage DNA binding (356).
with DTm(e) values that are similar or slightly lower than those The selection of strains is important, and only a few repre-
observed in several other bacterial families including the Neis- sentative strains of the different groups have been used in
seriaceae [DTm(e) range, 7.68C (267)], the Alcaligenaceae DNA-DNA hybridization experiments (351, 356, 357, 360,
[DTm(e) range, 68C (61)], the Acetobacteraceae [DTm(e) range, 361). The strains were selected as consensus representatives of
58C (59)], and the Pasteurellaceae [DTm(e) range, 88C (60)]. clusters obtained by different techniques (SDS-PAGE of cel-
Consequently, this separate lineage was proposed as a new lular proteins, cellular fatty acid analysis, and phenotypic and
bacterial family, the Comamonadaceae, and the internal simi- chemotaxonomic methods) used to screen large numbers of
larities of the whole rRNA complex (of which the members of strains. When the groupings obtained by the different tech-
the Comamonadaceae constitute only one of the rRNA lin- niques did not match, strain selection was enlarged to repre-
eages) are shown in reference 353. The assignment at the sent all nonmatching clusters.
family level was arbitrarily restricted to organisms with a Tm(e) Nomenclatural changes were proposed only when consistent
of at least 758C when hybridized with the rRNA from the type phenotypic evidence was available to describe and differentiate
strain of C. acidovorans. The grouping obtained by DNA- between the taxa. In some cases (e.g., C. terrigena), DNA-
rRNA hybridizations was in agreement with 16S rRNA cata- rRNA and DNA-DNA hybridization data could not be con-
loging, since several members of the Comamonadaceae form a firmed by phenotypic differences. Consequently, a single spe-
relatively tight cluster (364). Among the various members of cies was proposed for the C. terrigena phenon (361) containing
the Comamonadaceae, only the 16S rRNA sequence of C. three genomic groups. A. aquaticum belongs to one of them
testosteroni is available. It constitutes a separate lineage in the and lost its nomenclatural status. In the genus Acidovorax, the
beta subclass, with Rhodocyclus gelatinosus as its closest neigh- species delineation was hindered by the fact that the former P.
bor. Recent 16S rDNA sequences of more members of this delafieldii and P. facilis were shown to be phenotypically and
family (211) are in general agreement with the DNA-rRNA chemotaxonomically more similar to each other than to A.
hybridization results. temperans, a new species constituting a separate rRNA sub-
The internal taxonomy of the Comamonadaceae at the ge- branch with the former two species. However, DNA-DNA
neric and species levels was clarified by investigating more than hybridizations revealed separate DNA groups (DNA binding
150 strains belonging to the 14 rRNA subbranches with various below 35%) for both Pseudomonas species, which were conse-
genotypic and phenotypic methods. Table 4 gives an overview quently assigned to two different Acidovorax species (351).
of the taxa belonging to the Comamonadaceae and illustrates Within A. delafieldii, at least two subgroups, showing 40 to 50%
the discriminatory power of the different methods used. The of DNA relatedness, were delineated. New Acidovorax isolates
results of each technique were analyzed numerically, and the (110) showed 40% DNA binding with A. facilis as well as with
composition of the groups obtained by all methods was eval- A. delafieldii, suggesting that both species constitute a kind of
uated. Nomenclatural changes at the genus and species levels genotypic continuum. Identification at the species level be-
were proposed only when there was a consensus between the came difficult, if not impossible. This means that A. facilis and
data obtained by the different techniques and when phenotypic A. delafieldii must either be united into one species or can be
data allowed clear-cut differentiation of the taxa to be pro- considered to constitute a number of taxa deserving separate
posed. Five genera covering nine rRNA subbranches were species status if they can be discriminated phenotypically. In
proposed: Comamonas encompasses four rRNA subbranches, view of the high phenotypic similarity between the species, a
Acidovorax encompasses two, while Variovorax, Hydrogenophaga, fusion of the species seems the more appropriate response.

TABLE 4. Polyphasic taxonomy in the family Comamonadaceaea including results and taxonomic resolution of the techniques used
Genus, species, and subspecies Methods for intrageneric species and/or infraspecific differentiationc

delafieldii, facilis, temperans 8 ARDRA, SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA, FAME, and auxanography

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
avenae subspp. avenae, cattleyae, and 14 ARDRA, SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA,d and auxanography
citrulli) and konjaci

acidovorans 1 ARDRA, SDS-PAGE, DNA-DNA, immunotyping, and auxanography
testosteroni 2 ARDRA, SDS-PAGE, DNA-DNA, immunotyping, and auxanography
terrigena DNA hybridization group 1 3 rRNA,d ARDRA,d SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA,d immunotyping,d and auxanography
terrigena DNA hybridization group 2 4 rRNA,d ARDRA,d SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA,d immunotyping,d and auxanography
terrigena DNA hybridization group 3 sepe rRNA,d ARDRA,d SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA,d immunotyping,d and auxanography

flava, pseudoflava 6b ARDRA, SDS-PAGE,d and auxanography
palleronii 6a ARDRA, SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA, auxanography, and FAME
taeniospiralis 6 ARDRA, SDS-PAGE,d DNA-DNA, and auxanography

paradoxus 7

ampelinus 5
anulus 9 Classical phenotypingf
giesbergeri, sinuosum 12 Classical phenotypingf
metamorphum 11 Classical phenotypingf
delicatum 10 Classical phenotypingf
gracile 13 Classical phenotypingf
psychrophylum sepe Classical phenotypingf
The results are from references 239, 268, 296, 300, 351, and 353–361.
Genera or species belonging to different rRNA branches can be differentiated by their rRNA. The 14 rRNA branches of the Comamonadaceae have been numbered
in Fig. 1 in reference 353 from top to bottom.
ARDRA, amplified rDNA restriction analysis; SDS-PAGE, analysis of electrophoretic protein patterns; FAME, analysis of fatty acid methyl ester profiles;
DNA-DNA, DNA-DNA hybridization.
Allows infraspecific differentiation.
At the base of the 14 rRNA branches in the Comamonadaceae.
According to Krieg (171).

Amplified rDNA restriction analysis. The value of amplified Numerical analysis of phenotypic features. Phenotypic anal-
rDNA restriction analysis for identification of the phylogeneti- ysis based on classical physiological and morphological char-
cally and phenotypically delineated genera and species within acteristics and a wide variety of carbon assimilation tests per-
the Comamonadaceae has been investigated (331). Restriction formed in miniaturized commercially available galleries (bio
analysis of the 16S rDNA, the 16S to 23S rDNA spacer region, Mérieux, Montalieu-Vercieu, France) allowed us to cluster the
and part of the 23S rDNA with HinfI and CfoI resulted in strains by computer-assisted numerical interpretations into dif-
consistent species-specific patterns (331), suggesting that iden- ferent phena (351, 356–358, 360, 361). When the phena cor-
tification at the species level is possible. Within C. terrigena, the roborated the clustering found by other techniques, the groups
three genotypic groups could be differentiated by the com- involved were classified and the phenotypic results were used
bined use of HinfI and NciI patterns. to discriminate them at the appropriate taxonomic level. If the
DNA base ratio. The mean percent G1C content of repre- phena did not support the clustering obtained by other screen-
sentative members of all genera and species of the Comamona- ing techniques and by DNA-DNA hybridization, the pheno-
daceae was determined. The range within this family is from 57 typic grouping was considered decisive for taxonomic conclu-
to 70%. The lowest values (57 to 58%) were found for some of sions.
the misclassified Aquaspirillum species (361). Within the dif- Immunotyping. The immunotyping technique (319) as de-
ferent genera, the moles percent G1C range varies from 1% in signed by Falsen (Culture Collection of the University of Göte-
Xylophilus (359) to 9% in Comamonas (361). borg, Göteborg, Sweden) was extensively used to unravel the
Whole-cell protein analysis. In several rRNA subbranches, internal structure of Comamonas and Hydrogenophaga species.
the numerical interpretation of the profiles of SDS-PAGE of For Hydrogenophaga species (351), immunotyping confirmed
whole-cell proteins allowed us to group large numbers of ge- the close relationships of the yellow hydrogen oxidizers origi-
notypically related strains. Fairly stable groups were usually nally and erroneously classified as P. flava, P. pseudoflava, P.
obtained, which corroborated DNA hybridization groups (256, carboxydoflava, P. taeniospiralis, and P. palleronii. P. pseud-
351, 355, 356). In some genera, e.g., Xylophilus (359) and oflava and P. carboxydoflava even showed an identical precip-
Comamonas (361), individual strains showed aberrant profiles itation pattern. Furthermore, A. delafieldii and A. facilis turned
because of the presence of one or more heavy protein bands out to be the only members of the Comamonadaceae to react,
that affected the numerical interpretations. although to a minor degree, with the antiserum against Hy-

drogenophaga pseudoflava. This suggests again a closer relat- lophilus, Hydrogenophaga, and Variovorax), a single genus cor-
edness between A. facilis and A. delafieldii, which was also responds to one rRNA subbranch only. Also, on the species
found by phenotypic and chemotaxonomic methods but which level, new taxa were not created when phenotypic differentia-
could not be confirmed by DNA-DNA hybridizations (356). tion was not possible (e.g., C. terrigena). Despite their separate
Cellular fatty acid analysis. Cellular fatty acid analysis was genotypic positions, we avoid proposing nomenclatural changes
for the different misclassified Aquaspirillum species, because

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
applied only to a limited number of strains of certain species,
and different methods have been used (238, 239, 268, 296, 300, each branch is composed of only a few strains and because not
356). Therefore, general conclusions about the suitability of enough phenotypic data are available to clearly differentiate
this method to differentiate all members of the Comamona- these branches from all the other aquaspirilla (256).
daceae cannot be drawn (Table 4). The major fatty acids are Strategies for polyphasic identification of unknown isolates
palmitoleic acid (16:1 cis 9), palmitic acid (16:0) and cis-vac- within the Comamonadaceae can be deduced from Table 4.
cenic acid (18:1 cis 11) (238, 239, 268, 296, 300, 353). The For family and genus level allocation, it is clear that rRNA
absence of 3-hydroxypalmitic acid (16:0 3-OH) has a limited information is needed. For differentiation between most spe-
value to discriminate the members of the Comamonadaceae cies, DNA-DNA hybridizations are recommended, although
from other related groups (353). Two fatty acid groups were different fingerprinting techniques (Table 4) often allow reli-
discriminated by Stead (296) and by Sakane and Yokota (268): able species identification.
one without 2-hydroxy acids (C. acidovorans, the plant-patho-
genic members, and the Aquaspirillum species) and one (C. EVOLUTION OF POLYPHASIC TAXONOMY
testosteroni) containing small amounts of several 2-hydroxy ac- AND PERSPECTIVES
ids. Tamaoka et al. (300) differentiated C. acidovorans and C.
testosteroni by measuring the levels of myristic acid (14:0). The The problem of classifying bacteria into orderly arranged
comparison of fatty acid profiles was intensively used in the taxa was initiated in the previous century (34, 35). The odyssey
genera Hydrogenophaga and Acidovorax (351, 356). Numerical of bacterial classification is characterized by several milestones
analysis revealed that most species investigated form rather which led toward our present insights and ideas. Minimal num-
homogeneous clusters. However, both interspecies and inter- bers of phenotypic characters were replaced by large numbers
generic distances, as measured by this technique, appeared to of phenotypic and genotypic data which rendered classification
be uncorrelated with the genetic relatedness observed in Hy- systems more stable and which are now embedded in polypha-
drogenophaga and Acidovorax species (351, 356). sic classification systems. Taxonomic studies have often re-
Polyamine patterning. Since polyamine patterning was not vealed that classifying bacteria by a single approach conflicted
used on a representative selection of all species in the family with results of polyphasic analyses. These monophasic ap-
Comamonadaceae, its ability to discriminate the species and proaches include the ancient “form” classification and patho-
genus levels is unclear. All members of the b-subclass of the var systems and also rRNA sequence analyses, as discussed
Proteobacteria are characterized by the presence of 2-hydroxy- below. A classification which considers all information on all
putrescine (24, 25, 125). In the genus Comamonas, the poly- known aspects of a particular organism covers essential parts
amine profile was rather simple and contained only hydroxy- of its genome. It can be argued that this is the underlying
putrescine and putrescine as major components, together with reason for its superior stability.
a small amount of spermidine. Every classification should be an attempt to arrange the
Other features. Low-molecular-weight RNA profiles allow natural diversity among strains into a hierarchical system. Dif-
us to differentiate Comamonas and Hydrogenophaga species ferent taxonomic levels are discriminated to score the extent of
from the rRNA group I pseudomonads (148). A ubiquinone divergence. Variability among organisms is expressed in nu-
with eight isoprenoid units on the side chain was found to be merous different molecules, which explains why monophasic
the major respiratory quinone component in all members of classification systems are bound to fail. Any character which
the Comamonadaceae tested (39, 238, 239, 268). Enzymes reveals part of this variability is therefore useful and can be
which participate in the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids considered. Experience showed, however, that some of these
exhibit a diverse assemblage of qualitative “character states,” characters have superior value and are relevant parameters for
whose distribution can be traced in a phylogenetic progression. particular taxonomic ranks. Some of these characters are dis-
The concordance of the phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA cussed in detail below, because their application in polyphasic
and the clustering observed for character states of aromatic approaches is not always straightforward.
amino acids biosynthesis has been documented (26, 27, 350).
Recent studies have shown that C. testosteroni, C. acidovorans, DNA Hybridization Studies
Hydrogenophaga facilis, and P. saccharophila constitute a cohe-
sive group sharing the same distinct character states for aro- At present, the bacterial species concept is generally ac-
matic biosynthesis (297). The electrophoretic pattern of differ- cepted among taxonomists, and DNA hybridization is acknowl-
ent enzymes was used to characterize C. terrigena and C. edged as the reference method to establish relationships within
testosteroni (300). and between species. Wayne et al. (343) defined a species as an
Conclusion. The physiologically and morphologically diverse entity which included “. . .strains with approximately 70% or
group of the Comamonadaceae constitutes one phylogenetic greater DNA-DNA relatedness and with 58C or less DTm. . .”
lineage as measured by rRNA similarities containing 14 rRNA Both values were to be considered, and phenotypic character-
subbranches. Each subbranch is genotypically sufficiently dis- istics had to agree with this definition. This species definition
tinct to represent a separate genus. A combination and evalu- was based on a large amount of experience combining both
ation of the data obtained by the stepwise use of techniques DNA hybridization data and other features.
with complementary discriminative power were applied to fur- Although proclaimed as the “gold standard” to delineate
ther unravel the inter- and intrageneric similarities within this bacterial species (343), the technique of DNA-DNA hybrid-
family. ization did not gain large popularity, and complete triangles of
A number of rRNA subbranches have been united in one hybridization values between related species are extremely
genus, e.g., Comamonas and Acidovorax, while for others (Xy- rare. A complete triangle based on 790 hybridization values for

183 strains was given for Xanthomonas species (332). DNA- species that cannot be differentiated from another genospecies
binding values for strains belonging in the same DNA hybrid- on the basis of any known phenotypic property not be named
ization group were never below 60%. The average levels of until they can be differentiated by some phenotypic proper-
DNA binding between strains of different DNA hybridization ty. . .” Logically, it is practical to differentiate species on a
groups were typically less than 40%, although values of 50% routine basis only if they can be readily differentiated. Prefer-

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
also occurred. Analysis of such observations suggests an un- entially, a number of simple and straightforward tests (at least
even distribution in taxonomic space, with clusters of highly two [10]) should endorse species determination based on DNA
related strains that have more than 80% DNA-binding values hybridization values. Phenotypically similar but genotypically
(332). distinct groups of strains have been referred to as genomic
DNA hybridization techniques present severe disadvantages species, genomic groups, genospecies, genomospecies, or
because they depend on physicochemical parameters, are not genomovars (309). Comamonas terrigena is such an example,
cumulative, are cumbersome, and require great quantities of since it contains three clear-cut genotypic groups constituting
DNA (287). As long as DNA-DNA hybridization experiments one phenotype. The name “genomovar” may be misleading,
form the cornerstone of the bacterial species definition, there because these taxa are given an infraspecific rank, whereas they
will be a need for a new, more rapid, miniaturized, automated, are to be considered by definition to be species that cannot be
and standardized method. DNA hybridization data obtained in reliably differentiated by phenotypic tests. Aside from the tax-
various laboratories do not always correlate well, partly be- onomic categories species, genus, and family, a number of
cause different methods give different results (121) but also additional categories have been introduced, e.g., biotype, bio-
because hybridization data are not always obtained under var, subspecies, and genomovar. They often created more
strictly comparable conditions (optimal, stringent, or subopti- problems than they resolved, functioning more as smoke
mal). Examples of such lack of correlation are found when screens to hide uncertainty, conceptual weakness, or lack of
comparing results of DNA hybridization studies among campy- imagination. Although these are sometimes initially meant as
lobacters. One of the rRNA clusters within the genus Campy- temporary tools to handle unsolved problems, taxonomic rela-
lobacter comprises C. jejuni, C. coli, C. lari, and C. upsaliensis tionships will not be clarified by merely introducing additional
(243, 321) and has been the subject of DNA-DNA hybridiza- categories, terminologies, or both. The level of 70% binding
tion studies. Using the hydroxyapatite method, Ursing et al. and 58C DTm is very strict, and often phenotypic consistency
(308) reported low but significant DNA-binding values be- would not be achieved if these recommendations were strictly
tween C. upsaliensis and C. jejuni (36 to 43%), C. upsaliensis applied. Ursing et al. (309) considered species to be groups of
and C. coli (23 to 44%), C. lari and C. jejuni (29 to 40%), and strains sharing 50 to 70% DNA reassociation and 5 to 7%
C. lari and C. coli (26%). However, Roop et al. (264, 265), difference in thermal stability between the homologous and
using the S1 nuclease procedure, detected significant DNA- heterologous duplexes, which clearly is a more realistic stan-
DNA hybridization values only between C. jejuni and C. coli dard. Even with this less strict definition, many species of
(25 to 49%) and detected values up to 20% between, e.g., C. different phylogenetic lineages contain genomovars. Although
lari and C. jejuni, but similar values were also found between C. the presence of genomovars is obviously too important to be
lari and several other Campylobacter species from other rRNA ignored, it is just not practical to create additional names for
clusters such as C. fetus and C. sputorum. Comparison of these groups which cannot be readily identified, and it was proposed
values with the percent difference in 16S rRNA sequence ho- to denote these genomovars by using numerals, not names
mology confirms the importance of the DNA-DNA hybridiza- (309).
tion technique and the conditions used. C. upsaliensis differs in In other cases, DNA hybridization values conflicted with
5% of its 16S rRNA sequence from C. coli (294), whereas data derived from other analyses. The genus Bordetella pre-
about 40% DNA-DNA binding is detected by the hydroxyap- sents a striking example. Bordetella comprises an extensively
atite method (270). On the other hand, C. coli and C. jejuni studied group of gram-negative bacteria, closely related to the
differ only in 1.5% of their 16S rRNA sequence (294), and, genus Alcaligenes (61) and comprising six species (322, 349):
again, about 40% DNA-DNA binding is detected by the S1 Bordetella pertussis, B. parapertussis, B. bronchiseptica, B.
nuclease procedure (264). avium, B. hinzii, and B. holmesii. All these species are readily
Obviously, quantitative comparisons of DNA hybridization differentiated by means of classical phenotypic tests and whole-
values generated by different techniques should be handled cell protein analysis, and most of them have clearly different
with extreme caution. As stated above, the conditions for hy- whole-cell fatty acid components as well (314, 315, 322). Par-
bridizations are extremely important and only results obtained ticularly B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica are,
under comparable conditions can be evaluated objectively. It in laboratory practice, very different organisms, which are eas-
might therefore be safer for such comparisons to distinguish ily differentiated by several morphological, biochemical, and
three categories of DNA-DNA relatedness, such as high DNA chemotaxonomic characteristics. However, these three species
relatedness, which would denote relationships between strains share more than 80% DNA binding (167, 322, 349). If there
of a single species; low but significant DNA relatedness, which were indeed a simple linear relationship between thermal sta-
would denote the range of significant hybridization values be- bility and DNA mispairing as described by Bautz and Bautz
low the species border (the depth of this range depends pri- (13) and Ullmann and McCarthy (306), a tremendous amount
marily on the technique used); and, finally, nonsignificant of information must be encoded in a limited part of the Bor-
DNA relatedness, which would indicate that the degree of detella genome. Cases like this were foreseen in the guidelines
DNA hybridization is too low to be measured by the method of Wayne et al. (343), which state that phenotypic character-
used. As discussed above for A. delafieldii and A. facilis, it is not istics can override the phylogenetic concept of species in a few
easy to discriminate low but significant DNA binding from exceptional situations.
nonsignificant DNA binding, which can lead to confusion in
the species delineation and hinder the identification. rRNA Sequence Analysis
Regardless of the hybridization method used, serious diffi-
culties were encountered in applying the 70% DNA hybridiza- It is well documented that the deep phylogenetic relation-
tion rule. It was recommended (343) that “. . .a distinct geno- ships between living organisms can be deduced from sequence

comparisons of rRNA molecules and from some of their sig- the GenBank database (Release GenBank87; 15 February
nature features (123, 226, 363). Comparisons of the 16S and 1995), with remarkable results. Unexpectedly high levels of
23S rRNA sequences revealed the phylogenetic framework of intraspecies variation (within and between strains) of 16S
bacterial classification and became indispensable in polyphasic rRNA sequences were found. The variability was thought to
taxonomy. Analysis of partial sequences, although valuable, represent interoperon variation within a single strain, strain-

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
should preferentially not be used for taxonomic conclusions to-strain variation within a species, misidentification of strains,
unless it has been shown that they give the same degree of sequencing errors, or other laboratory errors (33). Analysis of
similarity as that obtained with full sequences (287). The dif- the available data revealed interoperon differences from 0 to
ferent phylogenetic positions of Rhizobium galegae obtained by 5% and interstrain differences from 0 to 16%, which appears to
partial and total 16S rDNA sequences (223, 352) support this. undermine the application of rRNA sequences for phyloge-
Total rDNA sequences are accumulating rapidly and are ac- netic and identification purposes and to question the ability of
cessible via international databases (66, 226). The presence of this method to identify unculturable organisms or to study
universal bacterial sequences in the rRNA molecule allowed us microbial communities without the need for cultivation (3).
to classify unculturable organisms and to perform phylogenetic However, in numerous reports, the conclusions based on
identifications and in situ detection of individual cells without rRNA sequence analysis confirmed results obtained by equiv-
cultivation (3). More recently, rRNA sequence analysis was no alent techniques such as DNA-rRNA hybridizations (in which
longer used exclusively to determine relationships between several strains were usually included) or rRNA cataloging (cf.
genera, families, and other higher ranks but also for species the examples of polyphasic taxonomy described above) or were
delineation and increasing numbers of new species are de- substantiated by a polyphasic approach on a large number of
scribed without DNA hybridization studies or equivalent tech- strains. This indicates that although the scientific rationale of
niques (see below). rRNA sequence analysis cannot be doubted, the problem of
Within this wave of enthusiasm, a number of dissonant errors in some sequences present in the EMBL database
voices were recorded. In 1992, Fox et al. (102) reported that should not be underestimated.
16S rRNA sequence identity may not be sufficient to guarantee Confirmation of the validity of an rRNA sequence requires
species identity. Three phenotypically similar Bacillus strains repetitive assays, but for a well-studied taxon it may also be
exhibited more than 99.5% rRNA sequence similarity (rRNA achieved by the selection and evaluation of taxon-specific
sequences are considered identical if they differ in less than 5 primers from that sequence, which would avoid the need for
to 15 positions [102]), whereas DNA hybridization experiments multiple-sequence analysis and has the advantage that it is
indicated that they belonged to two distinct species. It has been feasible to examine many strains. Alternatively, several other
proposed to refer to such taxa with (virtually) identical rRNA macromolecules have been examined for their potential as
sequences as rRNA species complexes or rRNA superspecies microbiological clocks. Among others, the beta subunit of ATP-
(102). ase (194), elongation factor Tu (194), chaperonin (340), vari-
In 1994, Stackebrandt and Ludwig (289) discussed the im- ous ribosomal proteins (224), RNA polymerases (374), and
portance of choosing outgroup reference organisms in phylo- tRNAs (147, 148) were shown to be valuable molecular chro-
genetic studies. It is more than relevant to know that the nometers in bacterial systematics. These alternative macromol-
branching order in phylogenetic trees depends not only on ecules should be universally distributed among bacteria, their
differences in base composition, tempo of evolution, unequal genes should not transmit horizontally, and their molecular
rates of evolution in different regions of the rRNA genes, and evolution rate should be comparable to or somewhat higher
selection of sequence stretches analyzed but also on the num- than that of 16S rDNA, which would render them more suit-
ber of organisms and the selection of reference organisms. able for differentiation of closely related organisms. The clos-
Therefore, it is best to include a wide range of apparently ing remark of Clayton et al. (33) covers both past and future
related and apparently unrelated reference organisms. It is classification systems and is indeed certainly valid for bacterial
important not to restrict the selection to a large number of systematics: “. . .Assessing within-taxon variability of the char-
apparently related taxa, even if this seems to be common prac- acters examined has long been standard procedure in animal
tice. It is recommended to determine the significance of the and plant systematics and ecology, whether features studied
branching levels in a phylogenetic tree by means of bootstrap are morphological, behavioral, or biochemical. It should come
analysis (173). as no surprise that nucleic acid sequences require similar scru-
Stackebrandt and Goebel (287) presented a taxonomic note tiny, especially in prokaryotes, a paraphyletic group in which
on the place for DNA-DNA reassociation and 16S rRNA se- systematic designations are so often provisional.”
quence analysis in the present species definition in bacteriol-
ogy. Their review of the literature data revealed that, in gen- Phenotypic Data
eral, organisms sharing more than 97% rRNA similarity may
belong to a single species and that the resolution of 16S rRNA In taxonomic practice, phenotypic characterization became
sequence analysis between closely related organisms is gener- compromised and sometimes more of a burden than a useful
ally low. There is simply no threshold value of 16S rRNA taxonomic activity. Frequently, phenotypic data are compared
homology for species recognition (287). However, organisms with literature data, which were or might have been obtained
with less than 97% 16S rRNA sequence homology will not give by using other conditions or methods. However, identification
a DNA reassociation of more than 60%, no matter which of microbes in the day-to-day practice of the routine microbi-
DNA-DNA hybridization method is used. Therefore, in fact, ology laboratory relies nearly exclusively on those differential
rRNA sequence analysis may replace DNA hybridization stud- phenotypic features. The report of the Ad Hoc Committee on
ies as part of the description of new species, provided that the the Reconciliation of Approaches to Bacterial Systematics
rRNA similarity level is below 97% and that rRNA sequence stressed that any phylogenetically based taxonomic scheme
data of all relevant taxa are available for comparison. must also show phenotypic consistency (343). In fact, this is the
Clearly, one should be prudent with conclusions based on bottom line of polyphasic taxonomy. The depth in an rRNA
single-sequence analysis. In 1995, Clayton et al. (33) presented dendrogram at which a given hierarchical line is to be drawn
a detailed comparison of duplicate rRNA sequences present in should remain flexible to achieve phenotypic consistency. In

practice, this is not always possible, as illustrated above for the recommended that new species containing a single strain or
lactobacilli. In the case of the above-mentioned examples of new genera containing a single species be validly named only if
genera delineated by polyphasic approaches, the depth ex- their genotype and phenotype have been thoroughly and ade-
pressed as a percent difference in 16S rRNA sequences corre- quately characterized.
sponded to about 4% in the genus Xanthomonas, 10% in In light of the increasing application of phenotypic finger-

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
Campylobacter, 8% in Helicobacter, 6% in Arcobacter, and 5% printing systems, it should be mentioned that the application of
in Bordetella. The genera in the family Comamonadaceae show phenotypic fingerprinting systems (e.g., Biolog) and their in-
a phylogenetic heterogeneity corresponding to a DTm(e) of clusion in official descriptions restrict the examination of the
their DNA-rRNA hybrids of between 2 and 58C. Since only few bacterial phenotype to a minimum, thus also restricting the
16S rRNA sequences are available in this group, a maximum of knowledge of the phenotype. This problem is clearly illustrated
5% sequence dissimilarity is estimated indirectly. Similarly, by the newly described Xanthomonas species (332), which are
polyphasic approaches combining rRNA sequence data and based largely on Biolog data, and by the description of, e.g.,
phenotypic data entailed the delineation of the families Acidovorax temperans, which is based exclusively on auxano-
Campylobacteraceae at 16% (294, 317), Neisseriaceae at 7% graphic results obtained by an API system which is no longer
(75), Cardiobacteriaceae at 8.5% (76), Pasteurellaceae at 6% commercially available in the same format. The limited con-
(77), and Alcaligenaceae at 5.5% (84). Within the Comamona- sensus between results obtained by classical phenotypic growth
daceae, the percent difference in 16S rRNA sequences between tests and commercial systems is the origin of the decrease in
the genera is indirectly estimated at around 5 to 6%. the availability of reliable tests for the description and identi-
The need for a continued phenotypic characterization at fication of new species, as, e.g., for Burkholderia species (111).
every taxonomic level cannot be denied, not only to delineate
taxa and appreciate their phenotypic coherence but also to Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Analysis
evaluate their physiological and ecological functions. A mini-
Whole-cell fatty acid analysis is increasingly used, both in
mal phenotypic description is not only the identity card of a
taxonomic studies and in identification analyses (345). The
taxon but also a key to its biology. Although they are accepted
applications and restraints of the technique were extensively
as necessary, differential phenotypic characters are often hard
discussed and documented by Welch (345). In the framework
to find with a reasonable amount of effort and time. For
of polyphasic taxonomy, cellular fatty acid analysis is often very
Campylobacter and its relatives, the phenotypic inertness of the
useful as a rapid and fairly inexpensive screening method. The
bacteria has prevented the development of a solid phenotypic
procedures for extraction, chromatographic separation, and
identification scheme, whereas for lactobacilli, the large num-
data analysis are relatively simple and highly automated. The
ber of species and the overall phenotypic similarity between
method therefore allows the comparison and clustering of
some closely related species (e.g., the L. acidophilus complex)
large numbers of strains with minimal effort and yields descrip-
did prevent a reliable method of species determination until
tive information to characterize the organisms. It is important
genotypic methods were used. The phenotypic description of
to determine the resolution level of this technique for every
bacterial families presents even more problems, as was illus-
taxon under investigation. For some genera, whole-cell fatty
trated above for the Comamonadaceae.
acid analysis allows differentiation and identification of indi-
It is impossible to estimate the variability of the phenotype
vidual species, or even subspecies, while for others, different
in the one strain-one species case or in the one strain-one
species have identical fatty acid profiles (345). Therefore, de-
species-one genus case, for which many recent examples exist
pending on the group of bacteria studied, similar fatty acid
(see, e.g., references 19, 22, 65, and 197). The question whether
patterns may be shown by diverse taxa representing different
to validly name such strains has been the subject of many
taxonomic ranks. Importantly, strains must be grown under
debates. There are different views, each with advantages and
highly standardized conditions to obtain reproducible results.
disadvantages. In a thorough taxonomic study, a single strain
The commercial microbial identification system (Microbial ID
can unambiguously be shown to represent a new genus or a
Inc., Newark, Del.) gives strict guidelines and provides data-
new species within an existing genus. The genotypic and phe-
bases containing species-specific fatty acid patterns. However,
notypic characteristics of this strain can be determined and
in our experience, individual species within genera are often
compared with those of strains of its nearest neighbors. For
not differentiated, because when large numbers of strains are
many taxonomists, this is sufficient to validly name this organ-
examined, some grow slowly, and it is often necessary to pro-
ism. However, the characteristics of one isolate cannot repre-
long the incubation period to generate sufficient cells for each
sent the phenotypic variability of an entire species, and there-
strain under the same growth conditions. The differentiation of
fore the description of the new species, which is at that
Bordetella avium and B. hinzii is an example of such a loss of
moment represented by a single strain, cannot be adequate. It
resolution: cells of both species, grown for 24 h, were easily
can be argued that a classification based on results obtained
differentiated (46), whereas the same strains, grown for 48 h,
with a single strain cannot be stable and may warrant future
were no longer distinguishable (322). Additional examples
emendations of descriptions, nomenclatural corrections, or
have been described by Welch (345). Prolongation of the in-
both. Clearly, these modifications jeopardize the credibility of
cubation period cannot generally be considered a cause of
taxonomists in the microbiology community. In this discussion,
reduced resolution, because in other groups such as Aeromo-
two additional points should be mentioned. The same could be
nas and Xanthomonas species, the discriminatory power is con-
argued for the description of a single species which represents
siderably higher when strains are grown for 48 h than when
a new genus. The variability of the genus-specific characteris-
they are grown for 24 h (149, 371).
tics can also not be estimated if only a single species is avail-
able. However, it is perfectly possible that a genus comprises
only a single species, and therefore, the two situations cannot Whole-Cell Protein Analysis
be validly compared. Alternatively, it is often very simple to Numerous studies have documented the application of
obtain, mala fide or not, many isolates which do not represent whole-cell protein electrophoresis to taxonomic studies (47,
different strains (e.g., daily samples of a single source). 164, 255, 335). The rationale for this method is (i) that strains,
The discussion will probably linger, but at present, it can be when cultivated under highly standardized conditions, will be

characterized by a protein composition which can be separated cific strain comparisons, they may prove to be useful in classi-
by electrophoretic techniques and visualized by staining pro- fication as well.
cedures, and (ii) that a high similarity in whole-cell protein
content is usually an indication of extensive DNA hybridization Strategy in Polyphasic Taxonomy
(47, 255). Therefore, an obvious advantage of this technique is
From the examples and discussion given above, it should be

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
that once the correlation between percent similarity in whole-
obvious that there are no simple and straightforward guide-
cell protein composition and DNA relatedness for a particular
lines for performing polyphasic taxonomic studies. The scope
group has been established, it can replace, in part, DNA hy-
of the study is determined primarily by the problem itself.
bridization experiments. It should be remembered, though,
Classifying 100 strains without any preexisting knowledge of
that in some groups, strains within a single species may have
their possible identity and classifying a single unidentified Bor-
rather different whole-cell protein patterns and therefore that
detella strain are totally different problems. Any chosen strat-
differences in whole-cell protein composition do not necessar-
egy may be influenced in the course of the study by the results
ily imply low levels of DNA hybridization (323).
obtained. Researchers who intend to perform polyphasic anal-
Provided that highly standardized conditions are used
yses should be equipped with techniques which allow them to
throughout the procedures of cultivation and electrophoresis,
determine the phylogenetic affiliation of an unknown isolate.
computer-assisted numerical comparisons of protein patterns
Undoubtedly, at present, rRNA or rDNA sequence analysis is
are feasible and databases can be created for identification
the best choice, although other macromolecules probably have
purposes (164, 254, 318). This allows large numbers of strains
a similar or even additional potential. Preferably, two different
to be compared and grouped in clusters of closely related
screening techniques should be available to compare and
strains (47, 255). For some bacteria, numerical analysis may be
group large numbers of strains. The genotypic structure of such
hindered by the presence of distorted protein profiles or hy-
groups may be analyzed by DNA-based typing techniques, but
pervariable dense protein bands. In these cases, visual com-
ultimately, DNA-DNA hybridization studies of a limited num-
parison is essential to interpret the similarity of protein pat-
ber of well-chosen strains are required to delineate individual
terns. For certain taxa (e.g., rhizobia), standardizing the
species. Finally, to provide the scientific community with useful
growth period is not always possible, since closely related
information which is also easily accessible, the phenotype
groups of strains can differ considerably in generation time
should be characterized.
For its application in polyphasic taxonomy, protein electro-
phoresis has an important drawback: in contrast to, e.g., whole- Polyphasic Identification
cell fatty acid analysis, it does not supply descriptive informa- Choosing a polyphasic approach to bacterial classification
tion, because in general, the identity of none of the protein raises the question of identification of individual isolates. In
bands is revealed. this context, it should not be forgotten that most isolates in
routine microbiology laboratories are identified without diffi-
culty by using conventional phenotypic schemes. Databases of
DNA-Based Typing Methods rRNA sequences and whole-cell fatty acid components and
miniaturized batteries of phenotypic characteristics exist, al-
As described above, the introduction of molecular biological lowing the identification of many isolates. However, the suc-
techniques into the microbiology laboratory yielded a large cess of these databases depends on the exactness of the meth-
variety of DNA-based typing methods. Although most of these ods used and on how carefully the individual entries were
methods are particularly useful in determining infraspecific delineated. In our view, a stable entry can only be the product
relationships, some of them have found broader taxonomic of a polyphasic analysis which will reduce the amount of work
applications. for subsequent monophasic identification schemes. The classi-
Amplified rDNA restriction analysis has been used to exam- fication of new or unusual isolates will, however, often require
ine the taxonomic structure of a growing number of genera a polyphasic approach.
including Streptococcus (155), Clostridium (122), Rhizobium
and Bradyrhizobium (174), Brevibacterium (29), and Leptospira
Unculturable Bacteria
(258) and the family Comamonadaceae (331). The available
data reveal that this technique is useful primarily to identify Another remaining problem concerns the classification and
strains at the species or infraspecific level. Numerical analysis nomenclature of unculturable bacteria which are only mini-
of the patterns generated with several restriction enzymes pro- mally characterized by morphological characteristics or by dif-
vides supraspecific information as well. Obviously, the resolu- ferences in a molecular sequence (220). In case the difference
tion of this method is determined primarily by the target of the in 16S rRNA similarity with its closest neighbor is very large, it
PCR (e.g., if a spacer region is included, a higher discrimina- can be argued that the unculturable organism represents a
tory power will normally result). novel taxon. However, this assumption does not take into ac-
The first results of the AFLP technique applied to Xan- count that a 16S rRNA or rDNA sequence is not available for
thomonas and Aeromonas species suggest its potential useful- all known bacteria for comparison. Alternatively, some bacte-
ness at the species and subspecies levels, as well as for the fine ria were named just because they differed morphologically
typing of individual strains (153). from the other bacteria present in the same habitat. As an
PCR-based typing methods with random or repetitive ele- example, unculturable bacteria morphologically different from
ments as primers have been applied to strain characterization H. pylori were found in the human stomach and named “Gas-
in a wide variety of bacteria (310). In several of these studies, trospirillum hominis” (205), but later rRNA analysis showed
species-specific DNA fragments were generated (e.g., for spe- that they belonged to the Helicobacter lineage, and so the
cies belonging to the genera Campylobacter, Capnocytophaga, species was renamed “Helicobacter heilmanii” (286). However,
and Naegleria [108]). These specific DNA fragments may be comparison of the 16S rRNA sequences of two of these organ-
useful as probes to rapidly screen and identify other isolates. isms with those of other helicobacters revealed only 96.5%
Although these techniques are primarily applied to infraspe- rRNA similarity between the two sequences and values of 96.6

and 98.8% toward Helicobacter felis (104), an organism which able, more bacteria will be detected (whether they can be
is extremely fastidious. In the same period, additional gastro- cultivated or not), there will be more automation, and software
spirilla were detected in the stomachs of a lemur and of pigs, development will need to address the combination and linking
and these were named “Gastrospirillum lemur” and “Gastrospi- of the different databases. We will also have increasing access
rillum suis” (208), respectively. rRNA sequence comparison of to the genome, and numerous DNA sequences will be accu-
mulating. The most challenging task will definitely be to pro-

Downloaded from on March 11, 2015 by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MADRAS
the latter organism revealed more than 99% similarity to one
of the “G. hominis” strains (207). It is obviously not possible to cess this mass of information into a useful classification con-
conclude how many species are involved, because all these cept. The different methods used in polyphasic taxonomy can
rRNA similarity values are about 97% or higher and there is, be considered different windows through which the same land-
at present, no other way to compare these isolates. scape is seen. Polyphasic taxonomy is an attempt to synthesize
Although these names are probably only meant as working the real landscape and a step toward a synthetic taxonomy
designations, they cause a lot of confusion, and therefore it is which will be made possible through the development of new
at present obviously more appropriate not to refer to such mathematical and information strategies. Although the idea is
bacteria by the usual binominal species denomination. Murray presently purely speculative, an insight into a vast amount of
and Schleifer (220) recently proposed that unculturable bacte- data could be the basis for a perfectly reliable and stable
ria be included in a new category, Candidatus, pending a more classification system. However, with our present data, it is
thorough characterization and classification. already sometimes unclear whether it makes sense to order
bacteria into a classification system. Undoubtedly, there is a
Population Genetics huge amount of biodiversity, which can only be practical to
handle if it is founded in an ordered structure, artificial or not,
The link of taxonomy with population genetics is essential to
with appropriate terms for communication.
better understanding bacterial species determination. Popula-
Large data sets should be numerically analyzed, and appro-
tion genetics deals with the variability of populations of bac-
priate software packages can represent the results of the sim-
teria and the formulation of theories that account for the
ilarity comparisons as a two- or three-dimensional plot. In such
variability. From studies conducted in this field during the last
plots, dense cores, each containing a different taxon, often
20 years, the following findings are relevant for the present
seem to be present along with a number of intermediate
discussion and have been summarized by Maynard Smith
strains. A classification system makes sense as long as this
duality exists. The crucial question when we have access to
Populations of bacteria consist of a number of indepen-
growing data sets is the following: will this duality remain, or is
dently evolving clones, a clone being defined as a set of genet-
it merely an image of our current limitations to study the full
ically similar cells, derived from a common ancestor, without
range of diversity, which will gradually disappear with the
chromosomal recombination. It is of no use in bacterial tax-
mounting piles of information?
onomy to try and formulate a “genetic definition” of a bacterial
It is worthwhile to attempt to summarize what we have
species, because recognized species clearly do not correspond
learned about polyphasic taxonomy as it has been practiced
to evolving populations that have a common gene pool, iso-
during the last 20 years.
lated from the gene pool from other species.
(i) The contours of the polyphasic bacterial species are less
Clear evidence of recombination in bacterial populations is
clear than the ones defined in the past by Wayne et al. (343)
available from the mosaic structure of some nucleotide se-
and take into account more elements than before. The bacte-
quences, from the lack of association of alleles at different loci,
rial species appears to be an assemblage of isolates which
and from the comparison of gene trees. In bacteria, limited
originated from a common ancestor population in which a
local recombination occurs, giving rise to “mosaic structures”
steady generation of genetic diversity (5) resulted in clones
in sequence data as a result of horizontal transfer of pieces in
with different degrees of recombination (according to the spe-
the range of 10 to 1,000 bases only. Without recombination,
cies), characterized by a certain degree of phenotypic consis-
the ancestral history of all chromosomal genes is identical and
tency and by a significant degree of DNA-DNA hybridization
the phylogenetic trees derived from sequences of different
and over 97% of 16S rDNA sequence homology. Although
genes should be similar.
gene acquisition can obviously represent an interesting step in
There is no way of defining a species that will correspond to
long-term evolutionary development of bacterial strains, it
both a phenotypically recognized entity and an evolving unit
should not occur too frequently. This is necessary to respect
and that will have, even approximately, the same meaning for
the need for a reasonable degree of genetic stability, which is
all bacterial taxa. Maynard Smith (203) criticizes the bacterial
generally thought to be necessary to ensure the endurance of a
species concept based on DNA hybridization for arbitrarily
species of organisms in ecosystems (6), whereas other results
imposing divisions upon a continuum. Although a large num-
suggest a much higher genome plasticity (221). There is no
ber of generations can be easily observed in bacteria, the evo-
phylogenetic standard for species, genus, or family delineation,
lution of the bacterial genomes and thus the process of spe-
nor is there a “gold standard” to identify bacterial species, and
ciation are not well documented. A limited number of publi-
this is the major reason why a polyphasic approach is valuable.
cations on experimental evolution (185) and on the general
(ii) A polyphasic approach to bacterial classification includes
principles of the evolution of bacterial genomes (5, 6) is avail-
methods to phylogenetically allocate bacteria, methods to com-
able. The science of experimental evolution might not only
pare and group large numbers of strains into clusters of similar
lead to fresh ideas on the bacterial species concept but might
bacteria, DNA-DNA hybridizations to determine the relation-
also eventually lead to the new field of experimental bacterial
ships between representatives within and between each of
those clusters, and descriptive methods which will provide fur-
ther genotypic and phenotypic information. All possible meth-
Perspectives and Conclusions ods that inform on the biological nature of strains merit equal
One of the perspectives in bacterial taxonomy is that tech- attention in principle. Nevertheless, even the best laboratory
nological progress will dominate and drastically influence can provide only a few sets of methods.
methodology, as it always has. More data will become avail- (iii) Polyphasic classification is purely empirical, follows no

strict rules or guidelines, may integrate any significant infor- positions as Postdoctoral Research Fellow (P.V.) and Senior Research
mation on the organisms, and results in a consensus type of Associate (P.D.V.).
classification, satisfying most but not necessarily all users of REFERENCES
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