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Ten Small Ways to Help the Environment

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Ten Small Ways to Help the Environment
 Public Transit
 Reduces your carbon footprint and the gas emissions that promote poor air quality and breathing
conditions like asthma.
 Virtual Shopping
 Shop online you save the planet many stresses simultaneously by shopping comfortably and
environment-consciously from your own home.
 Walk or Cycle
 Walking or cycling to work, school, and social outings significantly reduce gas emissions and energy
consumptions compared to driving. Walking or peddling will also challenge you to buy closer to
home and thus, locally.
 Compost Your Waste
 You can be more eco-friendly and cut your contribution of trash that goes to landfills by starting a
compost bin, or rather by recycling food and biodegradable nutrients back into the earth.

Ten Small Ways to Help the Environment
 Telecommute
 It’s pretty obvious how working from home vs. working in an office saves energy. Firstly, your
company can save energy in the form of lights, computers, and more from staffing a huge office
building. Secondly, you’ll cut your carbon emissions because you don’t have to drive to the office
and back every day.
 Reduce Product Packaging
 Seek out those products with recycled packaging. You can always confirm eco-friendly packaging by
checking the label or buying products packaged in cardboard.
 Save Plastic and Glass Jars
 Reuse glass jars unless they are cracked, however, with plastic, be sure to confirm reuse on the
bottom of the jar so you don’t risk toxic leakage. Usually numbers 2, 4, and 5 indicate reusable

Ten Small Ways to Help the Environment
 Buy Local
 The local farmer’s market or buying directly from the farm is a much more intimate way to shop for
fresh fruit, meats, eggs, dairy, preserves, and veggies. If you aren’t within distance of a local farm,
sign up online for a monthly farm share, which is delivered, in-season to your front door.
 Use Reusable Coffee Cups
 Carry along a reusable coffee cup to work and school with you. A person who purchases at least 2
coffees each day from a local café, can save 10 paper or Styrofoam disposable cups each week,
which translates to 40 per month…and 480 per year!
 Use Reusable Bags
 Plastic bags contribute to the mess of plastic floating in landfills and oceans, threatening bird and
marine life.

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