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10 homebrew herbs for

your D&D campaign (2)

It is a black, slimy, thick seaweed. It lives in brackish water. Each plant poisons up to 3 cubic
meters of water around it. Touching it imposes a ST (CON) DC
12 to halve 1d6 poison damage each turn for 1d6 turns.

It exudes a very faint aura of transmutation. It grows on stone, it is magical. Eating it causes
poisoning for 10 minutes if you fail a ST (CON) at DC 14, and
then roll 1d6. The higher the roll, the more your voice rises in
terms of timbre. The changes last for 5 days, or until you are
targeted by Dispel Magic / Greater Restoration / Lay on of
Hands and the like.

Luminescent delight
It is a large, thick mushroom that does not grow too tall. It is a slight blue, emits dim light within
50 cm.

If consumed, it can be considered as an entire ration, and

imposes a ST ([CON] - 14+): if failed, the eyes of those who ate
the mushroom turn a vague blue.

It is a very rare ower, found almost only in the gardens of powerful arcanists who cultivate it
speci cally. It does not wither on its own, but it can be
damaged or destroyed.

These owers have only one e ect: to trap "scenes".

Since they are born, it takes them 20 years to mature, going

from a dark gray to a bright blue. The moment they nish
ripening, they magically memorize all the events that occurred
in the following twenty minutes, in a sphere with a radius of 10
meters centered on the ower.

Soon after, the ower turns purple.

A ower of this type that has turned purple can, once a day
when hit by any spell, create an equivalent of Greater Image to
show, all around itself, what it has memorized, projecting it as
an illusion.



Each plant has 1d4 unsightly ocher leaves that are hard to miss (each leaf is sti , about 60cm tall
at an acute angle to the ground). Eating a leaf, whole or in
powder, costs one action and returns 1 hp. Specialized
herbalists (or characters who are becoming herbalists) can
dry and crumble the leaves to keep them for a long time, the
cost is 1 gp for every 10 leaves, halved if the character learns
on his own.

Usable for recipes.

Rare plant usually cultivated by the Illithids. They are dull orange bulbs, supported by dark brown
roots. They emit a smell of decay curiously mixed with moss. It
takes 50 days to ripen, and every 25 days they must be treated with
arcane procedures via a roll (ARC) at DC 19. If you fail a roll, the
ower will wither.

When consuming a bulb, ST ([INT] - 12+) not to be stunned for 1d4

turns, and gain resistance to psychic damage for 5 minutes.


They are owers with huge petals, orange and lanceolate, straight and rigid like vegetable blades.
They grow only near volcanoes and in general places where
ash tends to deposit. With a Roll ([SLEIGHT OF HAND] - 13+)
it is possible to remove petals from a ower (roll 1d6 for the
number of petals in each ower). Each petal can be used as a
dagger, once: when it hits a target it becomes red-hot dealing
1d4 points of re damage.

To preserve the delicate petals, players will have to nd

something reproof: if placed in any normal bottle, in fact,
they will explode on their own in 1d8 hours.

They resemble violets, have white petals with blue streaks. They only grow in snowy areas. With a
Roll ([SLEIGHT OF HAND] - 16+) it is possible to remove
petals from a ower (roll 1d4 for the number of petals in
each ower). Each of these petals, if thrown into a liquid,
can freeze it: 8 petals can freeze a cube of liquid with a
side of 30 cm, depending on the actual amount of water
that composes it.

Unlike the Fior re cousins, these owers do not require

special precautions to be preserved.


They are trees that grow only in places that have been the scene of immense battles, or more
frequently in places where powerful necromancy has been
used. The trunk resembles a series of aligned vertebrae,
which in a very macabre and disturbing way trace the
physiological curvatures present in the vertebral column of
humanoids. The main branches are arched, like ribs, and
have no leaves or fruit. By breaking branches or carving
the trunk, a dark red viscous liquid sprays out: a player
can perform a Roll ([DEX] - 16+), combined with a Roll
([ARCANA] - 17+) of another player, to obtain an ampoule
of this liquid, working 90 minutes.

For each vial obtained this way, you can deduct 50 gp

from the costs of copying wizard spells into a spellbook
(or a warlock's rituals with Pact of the Tome).

Each tree provides no more than 1d4 ampoules, and

failing at least one of the two checks implies losing the
chance to obtain an ampoule.

Brown lichen carpeting rock with a minimal amount of Thamil, a gypsum-like material. They eat
that. Five plants can be used to make an infusion with
calming abilities for animals: if consumed by a Beast, all
creatures that make an Animal Handling check on it in the
next hour will have advantage.

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