Shohorat Bin Lutfar ID: 182011178

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Shohorat bin Lutfar

ID : 182011178

Four strategic business objectives of using an Information System:

 Operational Excellence : The first strategic objective of IS is to increase the operating

profit of the organization. In this phase the organization or our information system tries to
cut off the operating cost. This can be achieve by doing the robotic process automation so
that manual efforts will be reduced and we save our operating cost. This also included to
provide values to the client so that we can increase in revenue and this increase in
revenue directly reduces our operating cost and increases the operating profit.

 New products, Services and business models : In this phase we are planning to identify
what new products and services we are going to sell in the market. In this we plan the
trending market or the targeted market and The models of the business are important in
the established business as well as new businesses. It helps to grow an organization by
motivating the peeps and the staffs of the organization.
 Customer and supplier intimacy : In this phase we are more focusing on how to apply
the strategy to get the better and effective outcomes. And these strategies gives strength
to the customer base and the intimacy of the suppliers. These strategies builds the strong
relationship between the company and their suppliers. It also gains the trust to a business
and also help to build good relationships.

 Competitive advantage : In this phase we are compare our organization to our

competitors. So that we can use information which is available in open source to gain
more focus and consumers in the market. Those organization whose services are globally
available have more information which can be used to beat their competitor and to
capture the market easily.
As a mid level manager in a large multinational company the types of information systems that
I would be using :.

 Ofice Automation Systems-This is an information system that collects, processes,

stores and transmits information related to functions of an ofice. Ofice Automation
Systems help in automating routine ofice tasks. Example of such systems include: word
processors, spreadsheet, presentation, communication program etc.

 Transaction Processing Systems-These are information systems that are fundamental

to the information infrastructure of an organisation. These kind of systems provides
features to collect, process, store, display, modify or maintain transactions. Transaction
data collected by such systems is stored in databases. Transaction Processing Systems
allow generating and displaying reports for different business purposes. Transaction
Processing Systems help companies increase their eficiency in performing their
business transactions and can help increase their revenue base in the long term.

 Management Information Systems-This is an information system that is designed to

support the needs of different categories of managers in the organization. They typically
produce a range of reports catering to the requirements of different levels of
management (mid-level). Reports produced by MIS include summary, exception and
ad-hoc reports. These report use data collected through corresponding transaction
processing systems. These systems facilitate making routine business decisions in
response to problems.

 Decision Support Systems-This is an information system that provide facilities to

access and present data from different perspectives to the managers. These systems have
features that can be used to generate statistical projects and data models. These systems
are normally in the form of spreadsheets customized for specific businesses. These
systems help in the process of decision making and improves the quality of managerial

 Expert Systems-This is an information system that automates the decision making

process in a specific area such as a retail chain. These systems analyze data and produce
recommendations for a course of action. These systems store large collection of human
expertise in a specific area in a highly detailed database. This database is referred as
"Knowledge Base".

The online shopping (e-commerce) industry for grocery in Bangladesh using Porter’s
Competitive Forces Model :
Rivalry among Existing Competitive Sellers (Strong Force)
The level of rivalry in the industry is high because of the large number of players. The number of
local and global brands in the e-commerce market has grown and this has also led to higher
competition. Apart from Panda Mart, Daraz, and Evaly, there are several other local brands like
uBuy, etc along with some of the retail brands like Walmart and Costco. So, the
overall rivalry between these brands gets to be very strong.

Bargaining Power of Buyers (Moderate to Strong Force)

The bargaining power of the buyers is moderately strong in the e-commerce industry. It is
because several small and big brands have cropped up and there is hardly any switching cost for
the customers. Today’s customer is well informed and has every piece of information available
at a single click. Apart from it some of the physical retail brands have also entered the e-
commerce market and the physical retail market itself adds to pressures. Most of the brands are
trying very hard to retain every customer and for this purpose they make very large investments
in technology and customer service. Due to all these factors the bargaining power of the buyers
is moderately strong. The factors that can moderate their bargaining power include brand image,
quality of products and service and prices.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Moderate Force)
The bargaining power of the buyers is moderately strong in the e-commerce industry. It is
because several small and big brands have cropped up and there is hardly any switching cost for
the customers. Today’s customer is well informed and has every piece of information available
at a single click. Apart from it some of the physical retail brands have also entered the e-
commerce market and the physical retail market itself adds to pressures. Most of the brands are
trying very hard to retain every customer and for this purpose they make very large investments
in technology and customer service. Due to all these factors the bargaining power of the buyers
is moderately strong. The factors that can moderate their bargaining power include brand image,
quality of products and service and prices.

Threat of Substitute Products from Other Industries (Moderate to Strong Force)

Substitution can dampen revenues in the e-commerce industry by attracting vendors and
consumers into using substitute services. Brick-and-mortar marketplaces and retail stores and
online own-brand stores are substitutes to online marketplace services

Threat of Potential New Entrants into the Market (Moderate Force)

The threat of new entrants is weak to moderate in the ecommerce industry. This is because there
is a need for large investment in technology, human resources and marketing. The barriers to
entry are moderately high. One can enter with enough capita. However, the difficulty is in terms
of building brand image and trust with the customers. So, the overall threat from the new entrants
gets moderated.

Essentially, cloud computing is a kind of outsourcing of software, data storage, and processing.
Users access applications and files by logging in from any device that has an internet connection.
Information and programs are hosted by outside parties and reside on a global network of secure
data centers instead of on the user’s hard drive. This frees up processing power, facilitates
sharing and collaboration, and allows secure mobile access regardless of where the user is or
what device is being used.
If I were a CEO of a firm,I would rely on Cloud Computing.Because :
Cloud computing has been around for approximately two decades and despite the data pointing
to the business efficiencies, cost-benefits, and competitive advantages it holds, a large portion of
the business community continues to operate without it.69% of businesses are already using
cloud technology in one capacity or another, and 18% say they plan to implement cloud-
computing solutions at some point. At the same time, companies that invest in big data, cloud,
mobility, and security enjoy up to 53% faster revenue growth than their competitors. But more
than that, they are using this technology to more efficiently run their firms, better serve their
customers, and dramatically increase their overall profit margins.Cloud computing operates on a
similar principle as web-based email clients, allowing users to access all of the features and files
of the system without having to keep the bulk of that system on their own computers. In fact,
most people already use a variety of cloud computing services without even realizing it. Gmail,
Google Drive, TurboTax, and even Facebook and Instagram are all cloud-based applications. For
all of these services, users are sending their personal data to a cloud-hosted server that stores the
information for later access. And as useful as these applications are for personal use, they're even
more valuable for businesses that need to be able to access large amounts of data over a secure,
online network connection.For example, employees can access customer information via cloud-
based CRM software from their smartphone or tablet at home or while traveling, and can quickly
share that information with other authorized parties anywhere in the world.Still, there are those
leaders that are remaining hesitant about committing to cloud-computing solutions for their
firms. There are a lot of business advantages of cloud computing :

 Cost Savings
 Security
 Flexibility
 Mobility
 Insight
 Increased Collaboration
 Quality Control
 Disaster Recovery
 Loss Prevention
 Automatic Software Updates
 Competitive Edge
 Sustainability

That’s why if I were a CEO of a firm,I would definitely rely on Cloud Computing.

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