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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the ABM

Submitted by:



Submitted to:
Mrs. Jannette B. Ramos, LPT,MBA
Table of Contents

Chapter I: Executive Summary -------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter II: Situational Analysis of the Company ---------------------------------------

Chapter III: Market Research ---------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter IV-A: Marketing Mix (Product) ---------------------------------------------------

Chapter IV-B: Marketing Mix (Promotion) --------------------------------------------------

Chapter IV-C: Marketing Mix (Distribution) -----------------------------------------------

Chapter IV-D: Marketing Mix (Pricing) -----------------------------------------------------

Chapter V: Implementation and Control -----------------------------------------------------

Chapter VI: Financial Analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------


● Executive Summary

Our company name is Elegante, The word elegant is used to describe something
that is pleasing and graceful in appearance, just like our products, they are
simple yet very well thought out and exudes elegance. Fashion is one of a habit
that people encounter, especially students and workers. They usually spend
some of their money to look pretty. This is the reason why we chose to make a
shop, we want to target customers like girl students and workers and also those
people who loves to style. We will do their best to provide a good service. Our
company name is Elegante, The word elegant is used to describe something that
is pleasing and graceful in appearance, just like our products, they are simple
yet very well thought out and exudes elegance. The product that we sell is
jewelry because we believe that accessories are relevant to this day and people
are always into fashion. It also stays relevant in the market since accessories
never go out of style. We have a supplier where all the metals for the accessories
are ready and our company will make our own packaging for the accessories.
These are the 3 competitors, @Herajewels.mnl, @Neutrals.mnl, and @itsy.ph.
We considered them as our competitors because of the similarities of the
products that we sell. Their shops sell jewelries and also offer customized
necklaces wherein the buyer can request to put their name or whatever they
want on their necklace, just like what our company offers. The following
competitors also offer different types of pendants and have considerable
variations of designs which is why we consider them as our competitors. Our
accessories are made with good quality gold and silver stainless steel, this
stainless steel does not cause skin irritation for our customers therefore it is
safe and suitable for anyone who wishes to purchase our products. We also
offer personalized/ customized necklaces wherein our buyers are free to
choose and request for names to be made on their necklace. Aside from the
products that we sell, our packaging also contributes to the uniqueness of our
company because we will use pouches for our jewelry and we include thank you
cards and logo cards inside, which contributes to our brand identity. For our
supplier, we found someone in Alibaba who meets our criteria, someone who
manufactures metals with low-cost material like brass, copper, etc..

● Company Mission and Vision

- We are the company of Elegante. We are an institution that is responsible for its
people and society. We are a company uniquely placed to help create a world in
which everyone can thrive through social, environmental and economic


- In the next 5 years we shall be responsible for the three pillars of Corporate and
Social Responsibility.

§ To Increase the integration of sustainability into business models and

management of companies.

§ Be a platform for collaboration with other business entities for innovation to

build a sustainable and inclusive society in the Philippines and beyond.

§ Engage with the Philippine institutions about policy to drive the global
sustainability agenda.


● Situational Analysis of the Company

 SWOT Analysis

 The following SWOT analysis catches the strengths and weaknesses inside the
organization, and portrays the chances and threats confronting Elegante.

 Strengths

 Strong relationship with suppliers.

 The flexibility to provide custom pieces.

 Unique designs and construction method.

 Low Cost Price.

 Weaknesses
 Struggles to constantly create new designs.

 The possible inability to meet demand due to the small size of the company.

 Limited time to make orders.

 Opportunities

 Online purchasing can also be used to make the brand awareness and recall

 People who’s into fashion

 Threats

 A decrease of availability of raw materials

 People preference change

 Competition of already established companies

CHAPTER III (market research)

● Statement of the Problem

- The problem of our company is the amount of competitors we have, considering

that we offer necklaces and other accessories as our products and we are still
starting out as a small business. The jewelry industry is a wide field, with a lot of
brands competing and presenting new products to the public, which is why
Elegante is determined to do the same by fully utilizing online platforms in order
to promote our products to the public and further develop our brand identity by
regularly posting on our pages and being consistent with our brand’s theme which
is all about elegance and sophistication. In this time of pandemic, wherein most
businesses find it hard to operate, we utilize online platforms and delivery apps in order
to carry out our products more efficiently. However, there is also difficulty in selling our
products considering the strictness of certain places especially during enhanced
community quarantine which might cause delays in the materials that we order from our
supplier, which is why we make sure to inform buyers through our social media accounts
to place their orders at least 2-3 days before their desired delivery date so that we have
the time to contact our supplier and deliver their product as early as possible. We can also
make advance orders from our supplier in order to prevent any delayed shipments.

● Objectives
● Research Design

● Data Gathering

● Target Market

● Product Positioning


● The thickness and purity of the gold coating, the base metal used for the piece, and the
degree of craftsmanship all influence the quality of gold plating. A thin layer of gold is linked
to a base metal in the gold plating .

● Gallery of Pictures with Captions

 This is our entry product. We chose the gold colour for our products because it is
almost complimentary for any color.
 This is the cross that was our first product to sell. We chose a cross design
because a lot of people would like to strengthen their faith to God and sometimes
when people wear a cross necklace, they feel a stronger connection to God.
 This is the rose design. Rose is commonly aligned with love and affection and it is
perfect to be a gift to your significant other so that they will feel loved.

 This design is the spiral circle one. A spiral represents one’s journey and change
of life as it unfolds. This design is perfect for the people who want to have a
clearer picture of their journey.

● Product Packaging
CHAPTER IV-B(promotion)

● Promotional Strategy:

 Sales Promotion:
 We include vouchers to customers who made a minimum purchase of 1,000 so that
they can have a 15% discount on their next purchase.

 Online Advertising:
 We created a Facebook and Instagram Page because the internet allows us to associate
with people around the world at the same time. We can highlight our brand’s offerings
beyond our local area and reach out to our target audience.


Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/EleganteJewelryMNL

Instagram Page Facebook Page

 Public Relation
CHAPTER IV-C (distribution)

CHAPTER IV-D (pricing)

CHAPTER V (Implementation and Control)

 Business Implementation Report

- This report details the next step that the company, ELEGANTE, will take in order
to propagate and grow. Elegante’s success, yet small, is a step forward towards
the right direction.

- Focusing on social media advertisement and growing its scale in order to gain
more quantity of people to see our company’s page and the products we are
selling. This will guarantee an increase in customer interest and buyers.

- Increasing the number of our suppliers to 2 instead of relying on only 1 supplier

will provide more flexibility in situations where shortages is a problem and
having 2 suppliers is a suitable number for a small and start-up business.

- Using personalized marketing will net the company more profit. Cautionary
implementation is advised given the pandemic situation.


 Action Plan:
 Gantt Chart:

● Financial Analysis



Firstly we thank God Almighty whose blessing were always with us and helped us
to complete this research work successfully. We are extremely grateful to
Prakash Joseph (Head of the Department, Computer Science) for the valuable
suggestions, support and encouragements. We wish to thank our beloved
Manager Rev. Fr. Dr. George Njarakunnel, Respected Principal Dr. Joseph V. J,
Bursar Shaji Augustine, Vice Principal Fr. Joseph Allencheril, and the
Management for providing all the necessary facilities in carrying out the study.
We lovingly and gratefully indebted to our teachers, parents, siblings and friends
who were there always for helping us in this project.

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