MO2VATE - November 2021

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Ever been to prison?
Learn how three men
changed their lives
from behind bars
to business owners!

shares with us
how supporting
his daughter
led him from
dentistry to real

Have you faced

or bias living with a
disability? Two men
share their struggles
of diversity and
inclusion and their Imagine finding out you had
determination to keep a flesh eating disease? Read
pushing upwards. one man’s story of his fight to
conquer Necrotising Facsiitis


Contents. FROM THE
4. As One Door Closes 16. Transforming Lives
6. On the Other Side of Failure 18. EI Saved My Sanity

8. The Belief Mindset 20. A City of Hope Congratulations to ALL the

men in this issue who put
10. Reaching a Crossroads 22. Owning My Freedom themselves forward and
12. Defining an Inspirational Man 24. My Prison Gap Year took that step to share their
story. We need more men
14. Becoming a Career Criminal 26. A 360 Degree to share their stories and to
understand that they can, and
28. The Unseen Struggle of people will listen. The stories
Cerebral Palsy put forward for this edition
are truly powerful and it was
30. Pets and Debts
a very hard choice for me to
choose Editors Choice this

We started promoting this

one around 6 months ago
and we had hundreds of men
put forward for nomination,
but only a fraction of them
actually submitted stories and
FEATURED we’ve chosen the best of the
32. Jenga Changed My Life best for this. We hope you
enjoy reading this issue, we
certainly did.
34. Adaptbility is Key

36. The Attitude of Gratitide Our Stories from around the

Globe (Women’s edition) has
38. Don’t Suffer in Silence now been published and
40. Who Are You Really? what a fantastic book this
48. Why I’m Here!
is. We’re now producing the
42. My Challenge 50. Taking The Easy Route men’s edition and this will be
another explosive read once
44. The Question That Changed My Life 52. Out of Adversity
it’s published next March!
46. The Journey 54. Resilience
Watch this space.

All opinions within these articles

are the writers own.

2 3
I found a purpose, and the fulfilment I got from

As One Door Closes

the results of others drove me on to give more. I
was ready for release but little did I know that life
back in society would be so cruel. I had an uphill
struggle as all the things we take for granted were Philip Mallourides
out of my reach. I could not get a bank account,
insurance, a credit card, loans, a mortgage or even

he door slammed closed and The only thing that was getting rent a home. But I persevered. I got help. It took
I was alone. The room was me through was the photo of my me over three years to be able to tell anyone my
small, with painted concrete young son, the rest of the time I story; I was too ashamed, too embarrassed to talk
walls and a broken window was numb. about it.
letting in the cold air. The bed was
wooden, fixed to the wall with My focus was in the wrong place.
one of those thin blue mattresses I was spending my time thinking Now I do talk about it as much as I can to help inspire others. I use my
you see on hospital beds. There about who was to blame, the experiences to help people discover their idea of success and then take them
was a washbasin and toilet on the reasons why I was locked up and on their journey to achieve their best life. Never give up, find your passion,
opposite wall by the window. The who I could hate. I had to change; leave the past where it is and concentrate on your future.
date was the 5th April 2011, and I I had to accept that this was real
was in prison! and I was not in control. I knew I
had to let go, and after reaching
There are many reasons why I the lowest point in my life, the
should not have been there, but I feeling of ending it all, I came to the
had to accept that I was. realisation that I was the only one
Acceptance and taking who could make the difference.
responsibility for oneself are hard
to do, and many of us fail at the first I immersed myself into the
hurdle. That’s why we stand still. education department, becoming
a teaching assistant and a
The environment was intimidating, Mentor. I helped fellow prisoners
one that I never thought I’d see. with their Maths and English. 4
I was in shock. It wasn’t the first I began to focus on my future,
night that was my worst; that was completing qualifications in Life
to come. All I had in my head was Coaching, Mentoring, Supporting
the feeling of anger, the feeling of Adult Education, Leadership &
being ashamed and thoughts of Management and more. Helping
how I could get revenge on those others helped me.
who got me there.

4 55
on the
other side The next morning there I am speaking to him, sharing my embarrassing story, to which he
laughed, strangely taking the edge off of the whole situation. At that point, he shared three
things with me:

of failure Speak in short, simple and succinct sentences until you gain

1 more fluency in English and Swedish. I wanted to present in both


T here I am, completely

frozen and unable to
That same night, I’m about
to pick up the phone to tell
Don’t ask me how it happened,
but I’m glad it did. Use visuals to help you remember and to support your points.
speak. I’m shivering. My
heart about to explode in
front of an audience in the
my parents in Venezuela that
I’m going back. I had already
rehearsed what I was going to
At that moment, like a beam
of light came the image of my
2 Great, I thought because I had brought loads of posters showing
nature, landscapes and more.
north pole, at least that’s how say, “Mum, Dad, this is not for English teacher in Sweden, an
Sweden felt back then coming me, I don’t think I can do it and incredible person who kept
all the way from the warm want to fly home right now”. us entertained, laughing and
seas of Venezuela. After a
couple of years of a very strict
selection process, I was given
As I’m about to dial, a memory
came to mind, my teacher from
high school telling me, Ucar,
engaged while learning loads
during his lessons. 3 Focus on your audience and have a good time with them.

the incredible opportunity to to succeed in life, you only

represent my country as an need two things, to read the
exchange student. All I wanted newspaper and to master public That was a completely new beginning for me.
since I was five, and at the age speaking.
of 16, it finally happened; yes,
Uc ar | fi ndin I went back to the same auditorium and
dreams do come true. s e g-e
Jo xc knocked the audience’s socks off. I went on
el to present throughout the country as I was
And dreams can also vanish le supposed to, and the rest is history.
very quickly. After not being

able to speak, I apologised I could’ve given up, and who knows


to the audience and left the where I’d be right now. I’m very glad

auditorium. My first shot,


I didn’t. I’m grateful I listened to

and I blew it. “I’m a complete that quiet voice inside my head that
failure, I just ridiculed myself, guided me through my moment of
they must think I’m stupid despair.
because I couldn’t even start
after so much preparation”, and Next time you are faced with failure,
so my self-defeating dialogue quiet down and listen to the wisdom
continued. that you carry within, look to learn
from the situation and remember to ask
for help.

66 7
The 30 years later, that persistence,
that belief, that tenacity, and

dedication has led me to be the
holder of not one but TWO black
belt certificates; a black belt in
Look at the picture, this is the state
Karate and one in Jujitsu, and I am
of my feet; they have been like this

now practising stunt martial arts,
since childhood. You can see how
which teaches you those fancy
inverted my big toes are and how
tricks from martial arts movies.
my 2nd toes nearly overlap the 3rd
ones. I’m also quite flat-footed, yet I
The great Jeff Olsen said that
never let these limitations beat me!
some things are “easy to do, and
easy not to do.” It was just as
My childhood days at school were
easy for me to quit martial arts
quite treacherous to say the least.
altogether as it was to focus on
I was badly bullied; many mocked
my possibilities and break free
me for my good nature and told
from that mental prison cell.
me that my feet made me look like
Breaking free and overcoming my
an elf. After a lot of thought and
fears has led to endless, creative
courage, I started Karate aged 11
opportunities which would not
to improve my self-confidence. The
have been foreseeable had I
state of my feet didn’t allow me to
listened to both my inner and
hop or even run fast, let alone jump;
outer demons.
when I started Karate, I almost gave
up because I couldn’t do jump kicks.
Never let your restrictions or your
It made me so angry and upset.
critics dictate to you what you
can and can’t do. You simply find a
way, keep going, and you NEVER
GIVE UP. You take each challenge
Was I going to give my critics the
as an opportunity to grow and flip
victory they craved for? NEVER! It
Satwinder Sagoo your stories to that dream climax
was time to change that story from you’ve always wanted to happen
one I hated to the one I desired. It
and be brave enough to act that
was time to create a special new
desires chapter out because this
chapter in my life.
is your film...

“I persisted, I persisted, I found a way around

my restrictions and from the point
of not even being able to hop, I was

I found a way starting to do jump kicks. The feel-

good factor was pushing me to do

around my
more; gradually, my feet became
more flexible and conditioned
to help me push past my limiting

restrictions” beliefs.

8 9
He found himself at a crossroads, one
direction was to continue on this path, not
fulfilled or enjoying life with no end in
sight, or he could make a change! But what
was missing? He realised that one thing that
really made him feel good was his martial
arts, teaching and seeing the looks of joy
and achievement when one of his students
got the next grade or won a competition;
that’s what felt good, helping others achieve.

That young man was me! So, what did I do

about it?

I decided enough was enough, I had to

make a change, and with my new realisation
and love of fitness, I decided to take the
path of a Personal Trainer (PT). I enrolled at

Reaching a
university to study sports science, took my
gym instructors qualifications at the same
time, found a part-time position in a local
gym; I was on the way to becoming what I
wanted to be. I was lucky that my current
employers were understanding enough

to allow me to work part-time, as I still
had bills to pay. It was a tough few years;
balancing two jobs, studying, and getting
assignments in on time, but I had to do it.

So I finished university, found a full-time

gym position, and continued my study to
become a qualified PT. Over the last 18
years I’ve worked for various health clubs
gaining experience in the industry and now
Once upon a time, there was Life was good on the surface, run my own business. I’d done it, it took
a young man, he worked in and he knew that there were time and hard work, but I made the change
various production factories, many people a lot worse off that I knew I had to.
making car parts to fitted than him, but he wasn’t happy.
bedrooms. He had done this He felt something was missing My life is totally different now; I have a wife
since he was 14 years old when and was fed up of the routine; and two children and live a good life, sure
he got a Saturday job after work working for the weekend, clock I have my troubles as everyone does, but
experience. He lived with his watching all day just waiting I’m doing something I love, helping others.
partner in a house he bought at for the bell to ring to say, “time I hope this story helps you in some way; if
19 years old, made a good wage to go home.” His relationship you’re at a point where you’re not happy,
for his age, paid the bills, put wasn’t good, he ended up look for another direction and make the
food on the table, taught and splitting up with his partner, change; you can make it work if you really
practised martial arts at local and after 10 years he’d had want to.
clubs and didn’t really have any enough.

Dean Palfreyman
10 11
Defining an
Inspirational Man
B eing nominated as an
inspirational man came
as a shock, as I don’t consider
Growing up with a sense of
inferiority as I didn’t have a
father to teach me things that
there is an end in sight. And
that is why, I feel, I have been
nominated to be a part of this
myself to be one. That got fathers teach their children, special edition.
me thinking about how you coupled with the things that
become an “inspiration” and we didn’t do as friends, did In conclusion, you do not
some of the traditional signs weigh heavily on me. And it know if you are an inspiration
that you would associate with still does. That’s why I try to to anyone unless they know
such a person. be the person that he would what you have been through.
have been proud of. Or how you have ended up
I had an article published in the position you are now
in the second edition of Being a child is all about in. And that sometimes being
the magazine dealing with having fun and no “afraid” to take that first step
grief and my mental health responsibilities, learning as is the thing that is holding
struggles over my life. As a you go, so having the added you back. I know my nieces
brief recap, my father died pressure put on me by my and nephews, along with the
when I was seven years old, relatives contributed to my rest of my family, are proud
two weeks before Christmas; I Mental Health struggles; but of the person I am and hope
struggled to accept this, which also made me who I am today. that someday someone will
led me to be diagnosed with The person who was always say, “Your story inspired me,
depression, and I have been acting responsibly around and this is what helped me
on medication for about ten others, showing respect to through my dark times.”
years. everyone, and just being a nice
Being given the burden of
being the “man of the house” Over the 40 years since his
and helping my mum raise death, the effect that has
my two younger brothers had on me, coupled with the
and developing a stammer bad places I have been in
- you can imagine my low with my Mental Health, may
confidence and self-esteem inspire someone somewhere.
growing up. However, what I do know,
is by sharing my story, I am
But that is what makes me an an inspiration to someone
Inspirational Man. who is also going through a
tough time in knowing that

Mark Paterson

12 13
Becoming a
Like many teenagers before me, I was interested in motorbikes, and my friend Tony made a living
out of stealing them. He kindly offered to teach me how to ride one, and I was hooked, for me it
was great. I had stopped attending school by this time, I had a “family” of friends around me, and
I felt empowered.

Career Criminal
The business that Tony had was based upon the constant need of those who raced motorbikes
to acquire new engines. This was because under race conditions the engines had a very limited
life. We would be asked by a racer to supply a particular engine, and Tony would then find a
motorbike that fitted the need and steal it. The engine would then be removed and sold onto the
racer, and the rest of the bike would be stripped down for sale or scrap.

One day Tony asked me to travel as a pillion rider on his Honda motorbike to nearby Wembley,
he would steal a bike, and I would need to ride his bike back to the workshop. It was a horrible
Born in 1958, I began school in 1963 and seemed I grew up rather faster than my day, it was raining, but we did the job, and my life of crime had begun!
like many other children of that age, “normal”. schoolmates. I liked junior school
Elements of my life were not of my choice, my and, in 1969, moved up to senior

“He kindly
father was nowhere to be seen, and my mum school, which I hated with a passion.
had eight of us to look after. Times were tough. They treated me as thick because of
We lived in a top floor flat in Paddington, North my Dyslexia, so aged 13, I stopped

offered to
London, but there were many other families attending. But life at Jacks had
similar to ours, so for me, this life was “normal”. another dark side; I began to be

teach me how
physically abused by the owner
In those days supermarkets were not like they himself.
are today, and we used a local corner shop called
“Jacks” to buy all our food. By the time I was ten, I
began working at Jacks, filling shelves and serving
In the ’70s, the phenomena we now
call “Paedophilia” was not recognised to ride one,
and I was
customers. If I worked hard, I could earn about £3 like it is today. I had no one to confide
each week, which was simply deducted from the in, nobody helped me, and as long as
weekly bill my mum ran up. I stayed at the shop, then I expected
that it would continue. Aged 14, as
revenge for the abuse, I set the shop hooked, for
me it was
and his home alight.
I then terrorised him

both physically and
mentally and found
myself in prison! Upon
release, I became
interested in petty
crime, and some of
the local criminals
encouraged me to join


14 15
Transforming Lives. Until the world’s leading online physique and
lifestyle consultant said to me, “You have to
make this one of your highest values for your
change to succeed.“ Does that mean I have to put
myself before everything else? I had to pin my
Picture this 2014, 5 years into On business trips, I had an excuse highest value to my change.
running my own business, helping my to join in, build rapport, make
clients worldwide implement their 7 change happen, attend fantastic I signed up for a professional custom personal
- 10 figure business transformations dinners, not to mention drinks. training and nutrition plan tailored to my body.
- a devoted husband and father to my I set out my reasons, built a plan, running it like
loving, highly supportive family. I tried Karate with my daughter, any incredible transformations I had successfully
kickboxing with friends, delivered. Fitting them into my already rammed
Just imagine you take your family alongside countless diets. I joined schedule, learning how to adapt, so they work
away on holiday in Orlando, Florida, accountability groups; I even wherever I was, whether a luxury gym in
over Christmas only to be told created an accountability group! Dubai, rooftop gym in Prague, basement gym
you couldn’t take your children on I paid thousands to gain results, in Bucharest, or local gym near my home. In 12
rollercoasters because you couldn’t yet nothing stuck. Nothing could weeks, despite being away from home for 8 of
fit in the seats! marry my commitment to my them, I’d dropped over 22lb!
family, friends, or clients with
I was 24 stone/154kg with symptoms losing weight. Another 7kg/15lb down over 3 months!
- aches/pains, lower back problems,
trouble breathing, I tried to change - My suits didn’t fit like a young kid playing dress-up with his dad’s clothes. I had to start
getting a gym membership, personal replacing my wardrobe regularly. People I’ve known for years pass me by as they don’t
trainer, downloaded diet plans, recognise me. I dropped 40kg/88lb in 1 year, despite travel, client engagements, and
walked 10,000 steps/day, tracked COVID lockdowns.
calories, aiming to eat less, move
more. If a calorie deficit is good, then Would you agree that sometimes you have to put yourself first? Be selfish to be selfless!
a bigger one should gain a faster
result, right? I’m no longer just existing in life for others. Now I’m living my life for myself. Capable of
cycling for miles, I can perform handstands again. Not sure when that will come in handy
None of these worked. The gym for meetings. Yet feeling reinvigorated certainly does.
membership and PT went unused
because of client deadlines or issues Now, I love doing nothing more than helping others
or not being in the city, county, achieve their health, fitness, and lifestyle goals.
or country, which would mean I
wasn’t available. The only thing that
happened regularly was 10,000 steps
per day as I shuffled around offices
between meetings.
Martin Sharp

16 17
EI Saved In 2004 I was awaiting the
birth of my twins’ when I

my Sanity
got the news of my mum
passing away. She was to
visit me in the UK from my
home country, Pakistan but
had committed suicide.

I was devastated. One

minute I was expecting to
see her, and the next, she’s
gone. The biggest hurt was
that she had taken her own
life. Neither my family back I couldn’t visit to pay my last respects at her funeral because of my family responsibilities.
home nor I had picked any This hurt me further, and I slipped into depression. There were so many questions I
signs of her being in chronic wanted to ask mum. Why did she do this? Did I pressure her to come to the UK? Maybe
depression. It was ironic she resented this. Was she unhappy where she was? Was something bothering her? How
that we have two health come my brothers and their wives had not noticed anything? I was so angry about the
professionals in our family, whole situation; the more I tried to reason with what’s and whys, the further my thoughts
both very well experienced got entangled, causing me pain and upset.
and frontline workers.
Maybe the people closest I felt helpless.
are easy to miss.
Being a man started to feel like a curse. I was expected to have it all under control, but I
so did not feel like this. Social and mental pressure was building up, and I gave in. I started
Sam Dossa
getting counselling which gave me some relief and helped me manage my thoughts.
I began to see that I was not alone in this struggle. Many men hide their true selves
beneath the demeanour of machismo, digging their heels in.

I decided that enough was enough!

After completing my counselling sessions and gaining mental and emotional stability,
I enrolled on a counselling course to be qualified to help others. I took on personal
responsibility to be the man who doesn’t need to pretend to be something he isn’t. I
decided to undo all my social and cultural conditioning and reprogramme myself to live a
healthier, happier, and fulfilled life.

I became a qualified Emotional Intelligence (EI) coach, able to recognise where things
aren’t right and how they can be corrected. Often we don’t need to do anything; EI
teaches us acceptance and awareness and techniques to implement these. I have
accepted my mum is gone and that it must have been painful for her. I have also accepted
that for me personally, the incident was a wake-up call. Had this not happened, I would
still be on the hamster wheel.

“There were so many questions I I am a proud father of three girls, and I use EI as a shield, cushion, and mentor to resolve
and deal with situations. I also share my knowledge, learning and experiences with my
clients so they can progress in any area of their lives using EI.
wanted to ask mum.” Emotional intelligence truly saved my sanity and continues to do so every single day.

18 19
A City of Hope

I grew up on a Council Estate in the UK, “Seeing my friend and I am from the
known as “The Projects “, in the US. The Flower Estate.” I replied.
residences of low-income families, the
unemployed and the unemployable. All three of them stepped back
Relying on state benefits that keep visibly shaken, apologising profusely;
them in poverty or luxury, depending they kept on backing away. They had
on how well you can work the system. My mindset over money and unworthiness I became Mayor of my city and resolutely
heard how tough the Flower Estate”
Notorious for being overrun with drugs screaming in my ear, everything is ‘Hopeless’. instigated the changes until I was free of
and violence. Gangs and bullies on the Mentality of the Council Estate.
every street corner. “Why bother. You can’t escape the Council
One of the biggest issues on a
Estate Mentality” tore at my identity each day. You too can become Mayor of your city,
Council Estate is that there is an
My Council Estate was no exception. of your life.
invasive attitude of “NO HOPE”.
Most of the estates’ gang members And it was hopeless. I was without hope.
They have no hope and no great
lived on my street and they made my You want “Hope”, then seize this moment
desire to better or escape their
life hell. Bullied at school, then home to Until an “A-Ha” moment. to break free.
circumstances. The only escape
the bullies and gangs on the streets. for many, oblivion in cheap drugs.
A path lit up before me. A way to escape the What are you waiting for? Go and
Content to live like that for the rest
Enduring years of physical, mental and Council Estate for good. become Mayor of your own city.
of their days.
emotional abuse, it got to the point
where I planned suicide at ten years I would become Mayor of my own city. A city
I, on the other hand, could not wait
old and survived a suicide attempt at called Hope.
to escape. As soon as I was able, I left
sixteen. My life was desperate. this prison.
Unworthiness was banished beyond its walls.
Once, the notoriety of my Council However, the Council Estate had
Estate saved me from a beating. Visiting Poverty replaced by the riches of self-worth.
not left me. It hounded me for years.
a friend in the next town, three huge, An inner voice heckled me at every
strong guys stopped me. The potholes of despair filled in.
opportunity. You see, even though
I had physically ‘left’ the Council
“Hey, this is our area. What are you The slums of shame regenerated into towers
Estate, the mindset and mentality
doing here, and where are you from?” of honour.
were ingrained deep within me.
one of them demanded.
As Mayor, I make the rules; I make the laws;
I push forward with change.

Kevin Hill
20 21
Owning my freedom
David Phelps

Do you consider yourself to be successful?

If so, what does that mean to you?

Does it mean having a certain amount of money in the bank? Living in a certain zip code? Being recognised
as a leader in your industry? Or even having an impact on the world in a meaningful way?
So after evaluating my options, So I committed to putting the
I sold my dental practice and strategies and tactics I teach my
I believe all of these things are valid signs that you have achieved success.
invested the cash into real estate. members into the hands of as
At first, this meant less income, many people as possible. When
But I believe there is another, more significant sign, which most never achieve.
but it gave me the flexibility to I sat down and started writing,
spend time with my daughter, I covered not just how to build
That is freedom.
and as I continued to invest, my life-changing, generational
income grew. wealth, but also the mindset
And when I say freedom, I don’t just mean financial freedom, although that is paramount to true success.
that’s needed to achieve that and
I mean freedom in all forms. The freedom to live your life as you see fit, unencumbered by government or
Along the way, other dentists how to create a lasting positive
society. (So long as you’re not hurting others, of course.)
began to ask how I was impact in the world.
supporting my family after
I say this because I know exactly how important freedom is.
selling my practice. They saw the The end result was my latest
freedom I now had and wanted book, Own Your Freedom.
While I’ve always been what most would consider successful, I haven’t always had freedom. That didn’t
the same for themselves. I shared
seem to matter when life was going smoothly, but it became my number one priority when my daughter was
my knowledge freely, and many I know the profound impact that
suddenly facing leukaemia, epilepsy, and late-stage liver failure.
started asking to invest in my this approach to investing had on
deals. That quickly evolved into my life, my family, the
My career as a dentist provided substantial income, but I wasn’t able to take time away from my practice to
Freedom Founders, the investing members of Freedom Founders,
support my daughter during this crisis. So I had to choose between supporting my daughter in the fight for
and mastermind community I and the communities they live in.
her life or continuing to work and receive income.
run today. Now, I’m on a mission to do the
same for as many people as I can.
For me, the choice was easy. I chose my daughter.
But as powerful as that company
was, it still wasn’t possible to help
But this meant I had to radically transform my life. I needed time to support my daughter, but I also still
most people.
needed income to support my family.

22 23
My Prison Gap Year
21 years old, standing in Crown Court- before this day, I was a
medical student studying at Plymouth University from a South Asian
working-class family in Northwest London. It was surreal as the
jury read my verdict, “guilty”. My world came crashing down; there
was no hope of me graduating as a doctor now; I was sentenced to
2 years 8 months in prison for three deleted messages on my phone
that associated me with the sale of cannabis. Six years of work,
through school, university, and my free time taken from me in the
bang of a gavel.

Prison for me was the school of life, I had gone from a privileged
medical student with a promising future to a convict. Given a prison
number, a small cell with a toilet and some plastic cutlery to get by
with. Due to shortages in the prison system, I remember using the
same two pairs of boxer shorts over two weeks, washing them in my
sink at the end of each day and leaving them to dry. Within my first
month, there was a suicide, seven different violent incidents and
shortages in everything from clothes to hot water.

As each day passed, it got easier as I found acceptance and meaning

in my situation. Yes, I had lost my hope of becoming a doctor, I had
lost my freedom and felt ashamed for my family and friends, but
it was not the end. I stood there in that moment and decided that
I wouldn’t let a judge choose my fate. I wanted to be a doctor as I
wanted to impact people’s lives using my intellect and appetite for
learning. My mind searched for solutions; I deduced that I could have
a much larger and significant impact by becoming an entrepreneur.

Upon release from prison, I went onto attain a BSc (Hons)

The definition of an entrepreneur is an individual who partakes in Medical Biochemistry, MSc Innovation Management and
value creation activities that result in social, cultural or commercial Entrepreneurship while starting a digital marketing and
value. I aimed to embody that definition in my lifestyle and actions business development agency targeting SMEs and non-profit
from that point on. I began teaching on the wing about financial organisations. My magnum opus is my community interest
literacy, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. From this birthed company, 3T Collective; a human incubator aimed at providing
the idea of 3T, an incubator to help empower individuals from all individuals from all backgrounds with the tools, skills and
backgrounds. That pivotal moment where I decided to reframe my resources necessary to attain their professional, academic or
narrative and focus on finding meaning in my struggle changed my entrepreneurial vision.
My message to anyone out there is simple; no matter where you
are, no matter how bad it feels, you have a choice There’s power
in realising that it’s all down to you. Accept what you cannot Sobanan Narenthiran
change while fighting for what you can.

24 25
As my life continued, my
confidence grew, conquering

A 360 degree
various milestones, high school
graduation, college graduation,
employment. Finally, it was time
for me to give back. In 2015, in
what started as a passion project,

I began to encapsulate my life in
short stories to engage the reader.
I had no intention to publish at
the time. But as I continued to
write, I met someone who is now
a good friend of mine, and they
encouraged me to finish my story
Anthony Frisina and publish.
2016 would be a difficult year;
losing my mom wasn’t easy,
but “Above and Beyond” was
created in her honour. I became a
To inspire, first and foremost, you must With staff support, I got on the bus and the published author, a talk show host
be inspired, and to me that came at such travels began. and producer, actor, coach, and
a young age. Being born with a disability consultant in the world of access
(spina bifida and hydrocephalus), my parents As we got on to the campgrounds, I was and inclusion. I vowed that lived
to this day have been an integral part of the last off the bus as I needed the support. experience was going to count
man I have grown up to be some 41(ish) Exiting the bus, I was approached by a man for more than it typically does.
years later. who said, “Hi, my name is John, welcome I have been told that I inspire.
to Camp Marydale.” That statement would In my world, I am grateful that
But to be inspired happened to me when I open my eyes up to a whole new world. That you feel inspired, but it takes a
was 8 years old. My parents entrusted me to statement taught me that I belonged and that village. I believe inspiration is in
go to this camp, which was inclusive, called I mattered. I would go on 30ish years later allyships and a call to action, and a
Camp Marydale. They had a one-to-one to live a life based on how he inspired me responsibility for everyone. To lead
program for kids with disabilities. This was and how he showed me that I belonged and is to empower, and to empower
the first time being outside of my comfort that I mattered! At 8 years old and a kid with is to progress and progress with
zone, with no family or core group of a physical disability, belonging is critical to momentum. We must trust in
friends. I was starting to carve my own path. growth and development. John is one of the one another and work together.
My mom dropped me off at the bus stop that best friends that I have; he believed in me. I Where there is a win for access
morning and she and I were both nervous am grateful. and inclusion, there is a win for
wrecks, not knowing what to expect. collective prosperity.

26 27
Shortly after graduating, I met with A few months later, I learned through a
an architect who acted as a sounding mutual friend that her daughter, who was in
board as I explored employment options. high school at the time, applied for a co-op
In our meeting, we discussed career placement with that same architecture firm.
options and my portfolio, which he was She landed the placement and worked under
impressed with. He hammered home the the same architect I met with a few months
importance of starting from the bottom, earlier. I couldn’t believe that a student
which I obviously was, and that I should with little to no skill was hired before me,
sweep floors on job sites if I had to. At someone who graduated with honours and
that point, it wasn’t clear whether he knows architectural design in and out. I was
fully understood my situation or not, but happy for her, but I felt deceived.
I decided to ask if he would allow me to
volunteer for his architecture firm. He I know I’m not the only person who has faced
immediately declined by saying, “I don’t these types of situations, but it’s always a
have time to oversee something like that.” bitter pill to swallow. There aren’t many
It was like a slap in the face. Dismissing architects where I live, yet finding work
the issue by referring to my situation as with CP has been next to impossible. I’ve
“something like that” wasn’t the response submitted dozens of resumes to businesses
I was expecting considering his earlier in buildings that weren’t wheelchair
suggestion to volunteer. I left that meeting accessible. How is that still possible? It often
feeling down, but not out. feels like we’re forgotten by the world, and
that’s why I became a voice for the disabled
in our community a few years ago. I’ve since
written a book, provide advice to families
with disabled children, and attend events
to make sure we’re seen and heard. Our
voice needs to be in the conversation. But
the question is, can society look past my
wheelchair to hear what I have to say?

The Unseen Struggle

of Cerebral Palsy
hey say the world is in your hands, graduate with honours as an architectural
but when you’re living with cerebral technician. And that was the easy part.
palsy (CP), the world is as hard to
hold as a basketball. Over the course of 32 For years, I’ve been struggling to get my
years, I’ve always factored my disability career off the ground. Even though my
into my life and choosing a career was work is impressive, every job interview
no different. I wasn’t going to let future ends the same way. “We’ve decided to go
opportunities slip away because of my daily in a different direction.” I have no trouble
challenges. Despite living with spasticity, getting interviews, but they end rather Kyle N. Scott
speech articulation issues and needing a abruptly once they see and hear me.
wheelchair, I soldiered through college to

28 29
pets and debts
There are certain things that can happen to you during your life, and the top three most
stressful sometimes come in this order: death of a loved one, moving house and divorce. What happens when plans get messed up? Should we actually plan
for every eventuality, or does that remove our spontaneity?
I’ve completed all three, plus some others, and have the t-shirt to show for it too.
In my previous career, it was almost the law that you wanted a
And the scars. bigger house, a better car, and definitely a divorce. Come on,
everyone in that profession has to have at least one divorce, don’t they?
In fact, the scars are almost like a badge of honour. They show that you have ‘been there,’ and
have faced life’s greatest challenges and come through. What they never show is just how deep I had one. A horrible one. One which left me traumatised with a range of emotions: grief,
those wounds actually are. sadness, anger, disbelief, and finally realisation that it would never be fixed, no matter what I
thought. I tried to make it work, but this choice was outside of my control. As the working partner,
Yes, people see the surface damage, the I was left with the house, the majority of the pets, and all the debts, which I had no option but to
‘gosh, you’ve changed’ response when continue paying. And it nearly broke me.
they meet you after such a trauma, and
their friendly offer of help is welcomed, But I made a choice, a choice to survive and carry on. Believe me, there were times early on that
but can they actually really help get you when I did eventually get some fitful sleep, I didn’t want to wake up. But I did, and I kept going.
back on your feet? Slowly, painfully sometimes, and I went through the first three months and came out alive.

Or do you have to go it alone? And it made me a better person. The bubble burst and I took control of my life, got things
organised, and carried on.
Well, life is all about choices. The
choices we make, the choices others My relationship with my ex is now good; we get on and talk as adults with each other.
make, and the choices that are outside
of our hands and over which we have And there is someone out there waiting for you too, as I found out.
no control.
My advice is this. Dwelling on the past will hold you back and tie
It’s true that we have a certain plan for you down to something which no longer exists, no matter how
our lives, and this is what we aim for much you long for it. Start afresh, take on a new challenge and live
right from schooldays. Get a job, get a your best life.
partner, kids (perhaps), nice house and
car, some debt, some savings, lovely
holidays, a better house, retirement.

“The bubble
burst and I
took control
of my life” Mark Wood

30 31
How JENGA Changed My Life
I quietly paced up and down My breath froze in front of me as I let out a sigh…
behind the stage area, my
eyes were closed as I mentally “I can’t go on, “the world and my family would be Centre
rehearsed my talk, visualising better off without me.” Feature
every slide and audience reaction.
I could hear the event organiser Minutes earlier, I had told my wife I was going for
beginning my introduction; I a walk to clear my head, to think about our options
took a deep breath and a smile and the next steps…that was a lie…
crossed my face as I felt that
wave of gratitude descend over I had no intentions of returning home that
me. I was about to step out morning, I had made the decision to take my own So how did I get from there to here?
on stage and share my story life.
in front of hundreds of other JENGA!
Entrepreneurs…how did I ever Just three years earlier I had it all, a successful multi
get here…my thoughts drifted six-figure property development business with my What…yeah, that’s right, JENGA.
bay to that morning in December wife; we drove our dream cars, lived in our dream
2010… home, and went on dream vacations! During my journey from that dark moment to
standing at the side of that stage, I discovered
It was a cold winters morning, Now I was standing there having lost the business many things, but the biggest breakthrough was
the sky was blue and the winter in the financial crash, lost a six-figure when I understood that ALL our behaviour
sun was low in the sky, I could investment with another financial company, is BELIEF driven, so in order to change my
hear the leaves on the ground been almost killed in a car accident, lost the cars, behaviours, I needed to change my BELIEFS.
crunching as I walked through the bankrupt and staring at the real possibility of losing I realised that the JENGA tower is just like any
woodland into the clearing. our home. I was done. behaviour pattern, it is built and supported by
a set of blocks (beliefs and conditionings); if I
could figure out and remove all the blocks that
supported that specific behaviour pattern, it
would collapse, just like the Jenga tower and
I would be free from the behaviour pattern

I made it my mission to discover the blocks

that support the most destructive behav-
iour patterns for entrepreneurs and business
owners, patterns like Procrastination, Perfec-
tionism, Fear of Public Speaking and Fear of
Rejection and develop a method to help them
end them permanently just like I had done.

Se I now know that we are capable of more Dean Fox

than we ever think, we can be, do and have
whatever it is we want, providing we are will-
ing to give up the beliefs that support our own
JENGA towers.

“Please welcome to the stage…”

32 33
“Before long, I was one
of the top-producing
Realtors in America.”

over time, break. We must But I didn’t stop adapting

continuously adapt to life’s here, either. (Are you
changing circumstances. seeing a pattern yet?)
Your industry. Technology.
The economy. Everything. As I scaled the real
So I continuously adapted estate investing side of
to ensure I stayed at the my business, performing
top. hundreds of transactions
each year, I realised that
I decided that while I the traditional acquisition
loved being a Realtor, I and disposition channels
wanted more certainty, were not scalable. So I
especially considering the built a software platform
experience that got me to streamline the process,
into the industry in the first allowing me to profitably
place. So I adapted again scale past my current
by becoming a real estate position. Since its
investor while continuing inception, it has already
to work as a Realtor. been used to conduct over
18 $170 million in GMV.

Adaptability is
I already had the
The lesson was that the knowledge, and as a And while this is a game-
ability to adapt is the key Realtor, I had access to changer right now, it’s

the Key
to success. data others don’t. I also only one more step in
heard about properties the constant process of
As a new Realtor, I started before they hit the market, adaptation. Someday well
by following traditional and I had built a network into the future, this may
“best practices” and then of buyers, sellers, and too lose its effectiveness,
adapting based on what lenders. This was a perfect and I’ll have to adapt yet
I was just a teenager when my mother lost her job. I had worked or didn’t. Before opportunity because it again.
to accept the fact that life was about to change whether I long, I was one of the top- enabled me to create a new
liked it or not. No more carefree days. I had to adapt to our producing Realtors in revenue stream from what I This is all a part of
new circumstances and find a way to support our family. America. was already doing. the process, and it’s
Otherwise, we would soon be homeless. what separates great
I didn’t stop there, though. And in addition to the entrepreneurs from
I vividly remember reading an article in the Dallas Business Most people achieve a revenue, I was now building average entrepreneurs. If
Journal about real estate and deciding that this would be my certain level of success a portfolio of assets. This you want to perform at the
path. and settle into their ways. gave me more certainty top of your industry, it’s
They think, “Don’t fix because now I had two exactly what you need to
Adapting to face that challenge changed my life. It not only what’s not broken.” They streams of income and a do, too.
Josh DeShong helped provide the income we needed, but it also taught me a don’t realise that what real estate portfolio that valuable lesson. isn’t broken today will, was increasing in value.

34 35
The Attitude of Gratitude (TAG) Chris DT Gordon

“You can’t always get what you want.”

The Rolling Stones said it best, but we all know the truth of this statement. We create Becky, my wife, drove me to
plans and scheme tirelessly, expecting our efforts to produce the exact fruits of our the hospital’s emergency room.
desire precisely how we imagined it would go. However, life has a way of changing our Medical professionals tried their
plans in unexpected ways. best, but the hospital eventually
stated that my situation was
Sometimes, those unexpected changes are painful. beyond them, and I was flown
to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Really, really painful. MN, where I was diagnosed TAG challenged me to ask three questions:
with necrotising fasciitis (flesh- 1.“What good things do you have in your life?”
Before March 18, 2015, I had a great family, a good job, and enjoyed a decent life, no eating bacteria). Once doctors 2.“Who do you appreciate, and why?”
overwhelming drama or challenges. This was the life I thought I wanted. knew the extent of my illness, 3.“How can you give someone else a reason to
they prepped me for surgery and be grateful?”
On March 18, I merely scratched my right hand on an exterior garage wall. Three days placed me in a medically induced
later, I woke up to find a lacrosse ball-sized bump on my right elbow. Within 10 hours, coma for five days. In that By answering these questions daily, I
that bump had spread so that it tripled the size of my right arm. time, they performed several developed the positive, grateful, and resilient
life-saving and reconstructive mindset that motivated me to not only
I looked like the Incredible Hulk in mid-transformation. surgical procedures. proactively participate in my own recovery,
but also establish (and accomplish) several
I woke up after my coma not only personal goals. I’ve also become a professional
with extensive physical trauma, speaker who shares TAG with young adults.
but I had begun dealing with
increasingly negative thoughts. “You get what you need!”
“What am I going to look like
when/if I fully heal?” “How will While I was living a pretty good life before my
this affect my relationships/ hospitalisation, TAG has greatly increased not
mindset/finances?” only my gratitude but also my social impact. I
now have a greater purpose than just having a
“But if you try sometimes, well, good life.
you might find…”
We’re only here for a short amount of time, so
A couple of days after I woke we must make the most of it. By realising the
up, Becky told me about how value of what we already possess, letting those
people in our lives helped us we love know how much they mean to us, and
out. Learning about those acts giving others reasons to be grateful, we can
of kindness washed away those make the world around us a better place!
negative thoughts and helped
me develop The Attitude of
Gratitude (TAG).

36 37
Sam Ortyl

After that experience, I made a promise to myself that I will do everything that I
can to never find myself in the same situation again.

It took me close to a year to recover from drinking, battle anxiety and start
creating a different path. Significant changes to every area of my life were
necessary for me to move forward and start looking after myself better. It was
the most challenging thing that I have done in my life, but it has brought me to
the best experiences and to the most amazing people that I have met.

Through my struggle, I have learned that you don’t need to suffer in silence and pretend.
There are a lot of people who are willing to support you. Talking about your problems
and asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of courage.

If you are going through something challenging, don’t stop, don’t give up; life can get
better for you. Sometimes your darkest days and most challenging experiences will lead

Don’t suffer in silence you to the best moments of your life.

You are important! Your life matters! You deserve support! You deserve a better life!
My journey started with a personal struggle. For eight years, I have suffered from severe
anxiety, panic attacks, periods of depression and substance abuse. All this drove me to almost
complete self-destruction and being close to suicide. Like many men with mental health
challenges, I chose to suffer in silence and use alcohol to “cure” my problems.

During all that time I became a master at hiding my struggle. Nobody knew what I was really
going through, including my family, closest friends, and the girl I was dating at the time. All
these years I have pretended that everything was great and that I was happy with how my life
was going, but on the inside, I was riddled with anxiety, fear, and worry.

I felt too embarrassed and ashamed to talk to anyone about what I was really going through. I
didn’t feel like I could ask for help; I didn’t feel like I deserved help or that anyone really cared.
All the stereotypes about how men should be didn’t help either; they only made me feel weaker
and more hopeless.

The turning point came when I smashed my face on the proverbial rock bottom. A heavy
drinking binge that ended up with a trip to A&E and a visit to the psych ward. No, I didn’t have
an accident while I was drunk. I realised that after a few days of heavy drinking, I was not able
to stop, and I was totally unable to function without alcohol. At that point, I knew that I had
to do something about my situation, or it would not end well for me. So, I chose to go to the
hospital and ask for help; it was one of the most difficult things I have done in my life.

38 39
Who you
are really ?

“So, what do you do for a living?” Looking back over my career, I often welcomed the The answers I gave over the
question being asked of me when I met someone various stages of my career
It’s the well-versed ice breaker question we all new. My answer gave me a sense of pride in what I ranged from the initial “I’m
ask whenever we meet someone for the very first did for a living, that my career was important, and a trainee accountant, to “I’m
time. that my job title gave me some sort of ‘professional a qualified Accountant”, then
standing’ among my peers that I otherwise wouldn’t most recently, “I’m a Business Development Director”.
We could ask, “So, what do you do in life?” or “So, have.
tell me about yourself ”. But no, that would just Then, one day, I suddenly stopped wanting to tell people what I did for a living. You see,
seem strange, wouldn’t it? So instead, we always I’m sure my answer even gave me a little sense of in-between time, I suffered a stress-related break-down, having completely burned myself
start with the more conventional “So, what do subconscious superiority sometimes, depending on out. Not the kind of burnout that simply needs a few weeks off work to recover from, but the
you do for a living?” It’s so normal that we ask it what the person asking did for a living themselves. mother of all burnouts, which meant I had to give up working altogether.
without giving it a second thought. A bit like a real-life version of the Top Trumps card
game, but purely based around job titles. Thankfully, I was fortunate enough to retain both my family and our home. My job, however,
was another thing completely. It disappeared, along with my sense of identity, my confidence
and my sense of purpose.


Now when someone asked what I did for a living, I avoided the subject, telling them I was
‘in-between jobs’ or that I’d taken time out to consider what I wanted to do next. What I
didn’t do was tell them the truth, that I didn’t actually ‘do’ anything now.

After a while though, I began to realise there were, in fact, huge benefits from no longer
having to spend 3 hours a day commuting, needing to hit yet another deadline or work at
weekends just to keep up.

The biggest benefit by far was now having time to spend with our children, taking them to
school, picking them up and just being there for them whenever they needed it.

It gradually dawned on me that there’s no shame in being a stay-at-home Dad, just as there’s
no shame in being a stay-at-home Mum.

Philip Horrod Now I can’t wait to meet new people and tell them what I do for a living. After all, it’s the hardest but most rewarding ‘job’ I’ve ever had.

40 41
My C hallenge I took the advice, started the new
job in Birmingham on April 1st
1980, and lived in a hotel for three
months before our house in Surrey
was sold, and we bought a new
I married Elaine on June 6th 1970. I set out to consider my options. Both home in Worcestershire. I rose to
We had two sons, Paul, born in 1974 areas were inviting, but the economics the biggest challenge I had ever had
and David in 1977. My life seemed of the offer meant that Birmingham was up until that point.
complete, with a career as Service the better one. The challenge was simple,
Manager for a large equipment if I selected Birmingham, would it be Sadly, it did not all go well because
manufacturer in Wandsworth, accepted by my wife and two sons, would in 1983 Elaine decided she wanted
London. Clearly, I could not foresee they move with me, or would it destroy a divorce.
the future, but events conspired to the family? That was major challenge number
make me review my life direction. two; what do I do now? As before,
Advice came from a close friend I could I took the advice of close friends,
My challenge arrived when my talk to on the phone, although she and stayed living in the family home for
employer suggested that I might her family lived overseas. One Saturday a short while (this was very hard
like to change careers within the morning, I phoned and discussed the to do ), and then began the story of
organisation and move over to a choices open to me. Her advice was to the rest of my life.
sales role. I was interested because
it seemed to offer a higher salary,
explain to Elaine that this opportunity
was rare and would turn out well, that I I fell in love with the lady who was I rose to the
job satisfaction/challenge, and a had no desire to split the family up, but losing her husband to my wife, a
new way of life that would benefit
my family and myself. I was asked
that I honestly felt we should all go. situation I had no prior warning
of, and nor did she! A business biggest challenge
to consider taking a job that could What a challenge, such high stakes, so colleague advised me to at least
either be based in Bournemouth or
what did I do? move in with her as a lodger and
see what might happen. Diane had I had ever had up
three girls, and I had two boys;
would five children be easy? The
story ended well, as we are now until that point.
almost 38 years married, have a
wonderful family, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren, what a

Do I have regrets? Very few.

Have I succeeded in overcoming

my challenges? Well, you be the
judge… but I think so.

John Robert Reed

42 43
As I stood there in the delivery room, helpless to what was happening,
the doctor said the words no parent ever wants to hear, “He’s not
going to make it.” My soul was crushed hearing those words. I felt

The Questions helpless. As a parent, my duty was to protect my children, and here
I was, standing in a room completely unable to do anything. That’s
when I asked the questions that turned that moment into a force for

That Changed
positive change.

My Life
As I stood there in the labour and delivery room, holding my son,
Scott, in my arms, I asked myself three questions:

What good is here that I’m not seeing?

What can I give?
What can I celebrate?
In February of 2016, my life was shattered. I
found myself in a place where no parent should These questions re-directed my mind to those of finding the positive
ever be, holding my son who had just passed in the negative. What good was here that I’m not seeing? My wife
away, stillborn. What got me through this life was still alive and recovering. What can I give? All I could give in
altering moment in time? How did I come out that moment was my strength, love, and compassion for my wife.
stronger? And how did I transform this into a What could I celebrate? An odd question to ask in a time of loss, but
story of positive hope? Below I share all of that. I searched for the answer. I could celebrate that my son had been my
best man at the wedding.

Two months earlier, my wife and I celebrated

our marriage. We went on our honeymoon to My mission now is to
the warm, sandy beaches of Aruba. We met empower people around
in high school and got married on our 10-year the world to turn negative
anniversary. We were overjoyed that we had a experiences into positive
baby on the way. Not long after, our lives were outcomes by having
changed forever. authentic, real, and inspiring
conversations, by asking the
empowering questions, and
It was early February. Snow covered the by making each day matter.
ground, and it was bitter cold. My wife woke up I’m happy to say that now,
in the middle of the night screaming because after 8 miscarriages, my
of a pain in her stomach. We rushed to the wife and I have a beautiful
hospital and were told that she had to stay; daughter who would not
something was wrong. We were told that our be here if my son had not
baby was too early for delivery; he was only 23 gone through what he did.
weeks, just shy of his lungs being developed. I He paved the way for her to
remember going home to grab some essential come into this world, as any
items, toothbrushes, a pillow, some toothpaste, big brother would.
when I received the message from my wife, “My
water just broke.”

Jacob Lethbridge

44 45
To be able to connect through When you speak your truth, there
human values, highlighted the will always be people who don’t

The Journey
reality of corporate leaders during agree with you, and that’s OK!
these challenging times. They too Influencing others is not always
have been impacted in many ways. appreciated. Will you influence
To positively guide and support people? Without a shadow of a
them through their journey was doubt. Will it always be positive?
another humbling experience. Mostly. Is it worth it? Always!

Everyone matters! It is time for all We all influence some people. The
of us to set our perceptions, our big question is not how many you
beliefs, our calcified ideologies will influence, but how you influence
aside and reach out to our fellow them.
human beings.
Jan Robberts It took resilience, perseverance, and
Stephen Covey quoted: “Try hard work, and is an ongoing process
to understand before being but, the brilliant part is that it’s
understood”. We need to stop achievable.
The journey of a Global Influencer is scary, exciting, humbling, encouraging, reacting to everything around us
definitely challenging but always immensely satisfying. and start to respond from within. I am a person whose inner voice
We do this by respecting others as inspired me to do bigger things
Being bullied as a child was probably one of the greatest gifts I received human beings.
in my young life. It taught me an early lesson on serving others, as I was …and I listened!
desperate to belong, to fit in. I also experienced several broken relationships,
and dark, difficult times on the death of a dear friend. I delved deep into my work
to forget, but I never stopped developing myself.

I needed to overcome many limiting That led me to Squatter camps

beliefs, which started by making a with our values-based leadership
few seemingly insignificant decisions program, where we saw much
at an early age. Looking back, those hardship, yet many amazing and
were major milestones as they resourceful people who were
awakened my curiosity in personal hurting from poverty, gender-
development, a growth journey that I based violence, Xenophobia and
intentionally pursue every single day. a long list of other injustices not
being talked about or addressed.
No excuses why I couldn’t, instead
reasons why I could, had to, and
must continue to do so, by making
To see and feel the impact in so
many areas inspired me to do "We need to
intentional choices. We are free to more. I learned lessons I never
make our own choices, but we are expected; compassion, kindness, stop reacting
never free from their consequences. love, integrity, and appreciation
That’s why our development is so
important. Not as a ‘someday thing’
being just some of them. to everything
but an everyday thing. I also worked with young leaders
and upskilled them with my
around us and
I made a powerful choice to leave
a job I loved for a journey of
experience and knowledge,
allowing them to impact 20 start to respond
significance. schools. This is what collaborative
partnerships look like. from within."
46 47
Why I’m here
The greatest story you have is the one about yourself!

I was four days away from getting married and knew

that I had to make some serious changes.

This was in October 2014, and with just four days to

go, I made the toughest decision of my life; I could see
the rest of my life being so much different if, for once,
I followed my intuition instead of going through with
things and living a life not being true to myself.

No matter how hard things would get, I knew that I

had done the right thing.

For years I had lost my sense of purpose, I was stuck in

a dead-end job, and I didn’t feel like this was the life I
was going to live until I retired.

I was a lost soul, stuck in the comfort zone but knew I

had the potential for much more.
During this time, I had my first encounters I started a business using my passion for
with my mental health. Muay Thai to help others become physically
Shortly after calling off the wedding, I decided it was
fitter and mentally stronger.
time to leave my career. I had worked in retail for
Some days my motivation had just gone, I
nearly 16 years, where I went through the ranks and
struggled to leave the house, often putting As business evolved, so did I, I often feature
finished as a Security Manager.
back going to the gym or to the shops to get on radio shows, podcasts, magazines and
food. have expanded in the corporate world where
Around this time, I had started doing more security
I talk about my mantra of all things Mindset,
work with the aim of having my own business, but it
I just couldn’t switch it off. I was feeling Motivation and Mental Health.
wasn’t that easy. I enjoyed the work I was doing from
depressed and anxious about the future and
Film Premieres, VIP and Royal Parties, Film and TV,
often wondered whether life would be better I love helping people overcome their fears,
Sporting Events and much more.
without me being here. find purpose, and overcome adversity and
guiding clients to a much more positive life.
To help, I would watch motivational videos
Adam Claxton which often left me feeling upbeat and I am living proof that you can bounce back inspired to achieve more. I studied all from your biggest setbacks and want you to
things that fascinated me, such as the law know that you can too. What doesn’t break
of attraction, numerology, mindset, and I you makes you stronger, and sometimes you
recognised positive patterns every time I just have to have faith that everything will
focused on these subjects. work out how it’s supposed to.

Little did I know that what I was studying, I Always strive to be the best version of you.
was about to become!
This is my story; this is me

48 49
Taking The
Easy Route
There comes a time when you have to start I swayed from one option to the other; I enjoyed
making what seem like, big decisions. school, so staying on was appealing, but that would let
Do I stay on at school and further my my father down. In the end, I took the easiest route;
I grew up in a normal household; by normal, I enjoyed school, had plenty of friends, and found education or do I leave and find a job? I I left school to join the rapidly growing family retail
I mean my father went out to work, and my something interesting in most subjects; if I had a didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted business. I say easiest; in reality, it was the route of
mother was the homemaker and took care favourite, it would have been maths. Consequently, to do as far as a career, only that it most least resistance; I wasn’t one to rock the boat; in fact I
of my two brothers and me. I’m the middle when choosing subjects for my exams, I decided to probably would involve numbers in some would do everything to keep the peace.
son, yes the one who’s not the eldest and not study accountancy and economics alongside maths; way. An obvious route at the time was to
the youngest, the one who is never the first numbers were definitely my thing. When I took my go into the financial world and get a job I spent the next 30 years in that business, progressing
consideration. I say this tongue in cheek; it’s exams, I gained good grades across the board, but my in a bank; I know, how exciting you’re from bagging up potatoes to taking over the reins and
the stereotypical middle child scenario, I never top three were the ones just mentioned; I never found thinking! running the business. There were plenty of numbers
felt I was less thought of than my brothers. them easy, but studying them was never a chore. involved setting prices, working out margins,
Eighteen months previously, my father controlling costs, and ensuring the bank account was
had jumped ship from his position at a healthy.
large retailer and started a retail business
of his own. He made it clear that he It didn’t turn out to be an easy option; retail can be
wanted me to join the business, there was hard work but at the same time exhilarating and
a job waiting for me, at the same time rewarding. The important thing is to be committed
my teachers were telling me, you only get and to keep learning, I may have dropped out of
one chance to gain an education, it was a school, but my education has never stopped.
tough dilemma for a sixteen-year-old.

“In the end,

I took the
easiest route”
Mark Terrell

50 51
out of adversity
Sometimes things happen in life that are right out of the blue. They knock you
Chris Brain
for six, disrupt your stability and make you reflect on things previously taken
for granted. This story is about one of those moments.

It was August 2015. The first full day of a family holiday in Dartmouth, South
Devon. I started to experience what can only be described as black spots in
One big thing I learned during the months and years of impaired vision is that
the vision of my left eye. A phone call to NHS 101 was quickly followed by a
a visual disability is invisible. It is invisible to your employer, to people walking
recommended visit to the nearest A&E at Torbay Hospital.
towards you in the street, to those that tolerate trip hazards, to those that design
and maintain public spaces and buildings - especially colour schemes or lighting.
Within hours of arriving at A&E, I was in the operating theatre to correct a
Even those that design departure boards at railway stations and airports. I
retinal detachment in my left eye. The technical name was superotemporal mac-
discovered not everyone saw the world as I now saw it.
on retinal detachment. It is an emergency surgery to preserve sight.
When you have a visual disability, you live and operate in a different world. The
The significant, unavoidable, or frequently occurring risks were that it may not
same rules don’t apply to you, yet you have to play by those rules. We would all do
work, infection, bleeding, cataracts, further surgery – or loss of sight in that eye.
well to remember not all disabilities can be seen and how challenging it can be to
imagine walking in another person’s shoes.
I will spare the squeamish among you the detailed account of the tests, eye
injections and surgery under local anaesthetic that followed.
However, out of adversity comes learning. I learned I had the inner strength to
take a positive outlook and to keep working when things were thrown at me; to
Two days post-op laying faced down, plus five days
ask for help when I needed it; to adapt and find new ways of doing things; to keep
laying only on your right side, provided time to
perspective during times of instability and tribulations; to remember there is
always light at the end of the darkest tunnel, and to appreciate adversity is rarely
forever. My eyesight is now better than when I was seven!
When it happened to me again in the right
eye three months later, there was more
time for reflection (and more injections
and surgery!). That was followed by yet
further reflection with cataract surgery
in both eyes the following year, plus
more eye laser treatment the year after.
It was a long and challenging time with
really poor vision.

52 53
I realise I do have one At this point I was at my
skill, gift, strength, most ill and was
whatever it is. Whether probably closest to death
by nature or nurture is in 2003. I had a spell
debatable. But it is on dialysis, which was
positive and has been rubbish, but I got

recognised by others through it and received
(recently by someone another kidney (one
who I would have never of my mums) at 28. 17

expected to), and that is years later, my 2nd
resilience. If I were on a transplanted kidney is
Top Trump card, I’m sure working brilliantly. I’m

I would be rated very very grateful for that and
badly in a fair few areas, remind myself how lucky
tidiness (ask my wife), I am pretty often. not surprising, as it comes

tardiness (ask anyone), from the perception
organisational skills…the I have always been one to society has of illness or
list goes on. For all these tackle health issues head- disability.
low scores, I would be up on, looking to fix them
there with the best in my or find work-arounds I want to inspire people
resilience rating. where necessary. I have with chronic illness
never and never will see to take responsibility
I was born with Alport my illness as something for their lives, achieve
Syndrome; this is a to restrict me. I rattle what they want to
genetic disease that with medication, most of achieve, no matter
causes permanent which stop my body from what society expects of
hearing loss, eyesight rejecting the foreign body them. I understand the
issues and kidney failure. (my mum’s kidney) which challenges and realise we
keeps me alive. are all individuals, but we
My kidney failure was can take responsibility
slow and progressive. I Mad, isn’t it? Not really – for our own health and
had my first transplant it’s just something I have not let ill-health define us
when I was 21. It put to do, and I accept that. fundamentally.
paid to my rugby career Some people see illness,
as I could no longer particularly taking pills,

E veryone has a story with good and

bad in it. Mine is no different and has
both in spades.
do contact sport. A
transplanted kidney is
placed in the abdomen
as somehow invalidating
their character,
destroying their image
and thus less protected. and disempowering them.
The goods have been great. Some of I’m now a keen runner They think it restricts
the bads have been terrible (why do and absolutely love it, but them and forces them to
we always remember the bad more that is another story. live in parallel to the rest
vividly?). We are all good at spotting our of the ‘able’ human race.
own weaknesses, especially during bad My transplanted kidney This isn’t true. This is a
times, but there are always strengths failed after a few years. distorted view of oneself;
there too that everyone has.

Richard Bennett
56 57
Business Coaching
Business Coaching
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Listening Your Voice 07944 478 348
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Dare 2 Be Coaching
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stronger-together/ Sharp Fit For Life Anita Andor
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Elke Wallace
60 61
Aurea Reis Donna Marie Yoga Visionary Heart

Gabrielle Anya Rafello com YBU Coaching Monika Mateja
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Jannette Barrett Mel Riley Counselling
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The Book Chief Bob Sanderson Gill Whitty-Collins
Kim Lengling Author Tecassia Publishing Little Red Typewriter
L&G Associates Caron Asgarali caronrasgarali78691029 Book Brilliance Publishing
Nicci Lou admin@bookbrilliancepublishing. Debora Luzi com

62 63

Asking for
help isn’t easy
for anyone!
Sam Ortyl shares
why he did
before the point
of no return!

tells us how he
learned to build his
financial stability
after facing a
life of possible

The Questions that changed my Life:

Jacob Lethbridge shares how he got
through one life altering moment.



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