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U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T C O U N C I L 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2


he University Student Council must promote and protect students’ rights and
welfare; thus promote EQUALITY and protect the students from
discrimination. Apart from our diversity in social background, religion,
political ideology, and race and ethnicity, we have a vast array of sexual
orientation and gender identities as human beings. This can be especially applied in
the context of the student population of the University of the Philippines. With this
gender diversity and prevailing social norms, there is a rapid increase in the cases of
gender discrimination usually against women and lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and
transgenders (LGBT). Women and LGBTs experience violations against their human
rights in various situations in their everyday lives. Furthermore, due to fear and the
feeling of powerlessness, we are also confronted with a culture of tolerance that fuels
this form of injustice in our society.

This is the purpose of the Gender Committee in the University Student Council
(USC), to serve as a medium of EQUALITY and NONDISCRIMINATION in the
university. The USC Gender Committee, which is a special standing committee, shall
spearhead series of campaigns, programs and activities concerning gender and
sexuality in the interest of the promoting gender equality and empowering women
and LGBTs in the University and society.


The USC Gender Committee shall aim to:

♥ Have an Anti-Discrimination Policy in the university, which aims to provide

an environment free from discrimination and harassment based on sexual
orientation and gender identity.
♥ Organization of gender committee/adhoc in every local college council.
♥ Provide programs and services that will promote gender equality within the
university and that will ensure the protection of gender rights and welfare of
students and members of the UP community, such as gender sensitivity
trainings, forums and talks, etc.
♥ Encourage and strengthen research on gender diversity, integration of gender
concepts in academic curricula and initiating the establishment of Gender
Studies in the University
♥ Start campaigns on prevailing issues related to gender and sexuality in order
to combat discrimination against women and LGBTs

Specific Tasks:
Committee Chairperson • Oversee tasks delegated within the Committee
• Liaison with various gender movements
• Representation in external functions
• All functions of Committee Officers
• Finance

Director for Director for Director for Public

Internal Affairs Research and Relations
Specific Tasks: Specific Tasks:
• Documentation Specific Tasks: • Layout
Internal information • Research • Posting logistics
dissemination • Lobbying • Distribution
• Venue reservation • Training • Electronic media
• Discussions information
• Statement-writing dissemination
• Feedback





LIVE OUR ADVOCACY - initiate in breaking the culture of tolerance for

discrimination against women and LGBTs through campaigns that aspire to create
awareness, to educate and to catalyze concrete action for the protection of their rights
and welfare.

• G.Rule – We will aid avenues for lobbying to push for an Anti-Discrimination

policy within the university and mandatory gender sensitivity workshops for
faculty. Also we will review the existing policies, rules and regulations with
relations to gender equality for more proper implementation.

• Center for Gender Studies – In order to make UP gender sensitive university,

information regarding women and LGBT’s advocacies, stories, struggles, and
movement must be readily available. We will collect different literary works,
studies, book, and also, academic papers of students on gender and sexuality.
These materials will be donated to Center for Women’s Studies and UP Main
Library (for the LGBT section that we will also push for). This will bring out new
and fresh perspectives and will strengthen and advance the level of discourse on
issues concerning such.
• Localize Gender Committee/ Adhoc – The USC Gender Committee serves its
purpose to a special sector here in the university. The committee will more
flourish and strengthen if we can have a logistical arm in every college council.
With this, we can reach a larger scope of students, and ensure that their rights and
welfare are protected.

• RH AGENDA (Reproductive Health And GENDer Advocates movement) – We

will convene an alliance to enable a stronger working group for the actualization
of the objectives of the Committee. This will involve representatives of college
councils, sororities, and other organizations that promote the advancement of
gender rights. This alliance will give services and campaigns that will make
greater awareness about gender and sexuality issues.

• Alt+GC (Alternative Gender Curriculum) – Since the Committee’s discussions

will cater only to a particular number of UP students; we will provide information
on academic subjects that tackle gender and sexuality in order to reach out to a
larger audience.

GIVE OUR LOVE AND SERVICE - programs that will particularly address the
personal concerns of the UP studentry and members of the community through
valuable information on gender and sexuality and coordination with specific
University offices.

• Gender Grievance Desk – This will respond to gender grievances of UP students

with the help of UP Diliman Gender Office (UPDGO), Office for Counseling and
Guidance (OCG), the Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH), and the Student
Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT). The Gender Grievance Desk will also respond to the
need for the safety and security of female and LGBT students within the campus
by pushing for intensified measures from the UP Administration. Furthermore, it
will spearhead gender sensitivity workshops for security personnel in order for
them to genuinely ensure this need.

• Educational Forums, Talks and Exhibits - A series of educational discussions that

tackle various aspects of and issues on gender will be undertaken to broaden the
understanding of students. Subjects may include human sexuality, gender
sensitivity and discrimination, love and affection, and so on. This can also be done
with the support of the Center for Women’s Studies (CWS) and the Diliman
Gender Office (DGO).

Possible Topics

o Forums

 HIV and AIDS

 Reproductive Health Bill
 Anti-Discrimination Bill

o GLAM presents (A year-long ACLE)

 Health-related issues (sexually transmitted infections,
prostate health, hormones, cervical cancer, etc;)
 Love, Sex and Relationship
 Make up, Fashion and Beauty Tips
 Gay Lingo
 Self- Defense
 Machismo 101

• G2 (Gender on the Go!) - We will establish a regular college and dormitory visits.
We will be holding discussions and activities promoting the Gender Grievance
Desk, and conducting other relevant lectures such as Gender Sensitivity
Workshops to bring the issues on gender and sexuality closer to students.

• G-Byte – This will be the official Gender Committee online site (website, facebook
and twitter). A website and blog will make the Committee more accessible and
expand its capacity for information dissemination.

• BarangGAY – we will carry out programs on gender and sexuality that will be
relevant to members of baranggays within the campus. These include reproductive
health care and gender sensitivity workshops.

CELEBRATE OUR DIVERSITY - activities that raise the level of knowledge

and understanding of gender issues that will ultimately lead to heightening the sense
of pride among women and LGBTs and respect from the community and society.

• G-Spot – We will have (free) film screenings that promotes women and LGBT
empowerment. Also we can ask the film major students to create series of short
films that will be aligned with the objectives of this project.

• LGBT Week – In line with the international celebration of LGBT Pride march
(June 28), we will have a localize celebration of Pride March which will be held on
June 28, 2011 – July 1, 2011. Here is the tentative line-up of activities:

o Oblation with rainbow flag (Upon permission of the


o UP Pride March
 June 28, 2011
 3pm, Acad Oval

o Multimedia Exhibit Opening

 Opening: June 28, 2011, 4pm at FC Galleria 1
 Exhibit Proper: June 28, 2011 – July 1, 2011 (FC)
July 5-8, 2011 (AS Lobby)

o Stone Wall Free Film Showing

 June 29, 2011
 1pm-5pm, CAL AVR
o National Situation (Legislation)
 June 30, 2011

• Women’s Day– This is the day that we commemorate and recognize the women’s
struggle for the right to live free from all forms of oppression and repression. As
we celebrate women’s day, there will be a march, and staging of “Vagina
Monologues” within the university. This will mark our participation in
empowering women in our society.

• Oh My G! – DZUP Program, which will be discussing gender issues, can be a

grievance desk and other stuffs.

• APO (Advocacy Photo Opt) - We see the Project Headshot Clinic as an effective
tool for our campaigns. With the given technology and existing social online
networks, the profile pictures for this campaign could reach a number of people
and influence them to support the Anti-Discrimination Bill and for the
advancement of Gender Equality in the whole Philippines.

• Variety Show – this activity will showcase the talents of UP students, and the
variety show will talk about culture of respect and inclusion, women and LGBT
situation in UP and Philippines and gender appreciation and empowerment. Also,
this is a celebration of Gender Arts, literary works, books, photography, and
different artworks. This will be the culmination of the year-long campaign for the
establishment of LGBT section in the Main Library.

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