Summary Response Essay Feedback

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Writer : Ahmad Zudan Sujada

Reviewer : Miftahul Jannah

Date : 2021-11-24

1. FORMAT - Read your friend essay and check the following points


INTRODUCTION  In the opening Zudan puts the name of writter
and the tittle of article
Summary  Zudan explained the article shortly based on the
Hook  Zudan chose the topic of turning waste into
energy related to FTSL (RIL)
Thesis statement  Zudan put the thesis statement in fiirst paragraph
Interesting points  Zudan immediately expressed his response
Response 
Reason 
Evidence 
Opposing argument 
Counter argument/Refutation 
Restatement of TS 
Suggestion/Recommendation  Zudan suggest to use waste into energy but does
not explain the first steps to do it

2. CONTENT – Read the essay carefully and review it by answering the questions. Please give
clear and detail comment since your review is very important for the writer to revise his or
her work.

1 Does the first paragraph of the essay present a qualified summary and clear general
YES :  NO :
Use this space to give the author helpful feedback
In the text I have found some grammars error and speelings error, are : wich(which),
writed(writted), effort(efforts), make it(making it), also solve (also solves).
2 Are you convinced by the analysis presented in the response part?
: I do not find the analysis entirely convincing
: I think the analysis has strengths as well as weaknesses
 : I find the analysis very convincing
Use this space to give the author helpful feedback, for instance by suggesting how the
analysis could be improved even further
Analysis is convincing but some ways of writing are still not good, the quote should be
written with Ebenezer Nyarko Kumi and Sakhi Shah write in their article tittled 'WASTE-TO-
ENERGY: ONE SOLUTION FOR TWO PROBLEMS?' the reason behind people against this, they
argue that...
3 Is the analysis supported by relevant references? Elaborate on your answer in the comment

YES :  NO :
Comment Field
Zudan put the tittle and the writter of the article that discusses about what people think
about his topic.
4 Does the essay present opposing argument and its refutation? Elaborate your answer in the
comment filed.
YES :  NO :
Comment Field
Zudan put the tittle and the writter of the article that discusses about what people think
about his topic.
5 Does the final paragraph of the essay succeed in offering a good conclusion?
: I think the final paragraph could be improved
 : I think the final paragraph is OK as a conclusion
:I think the final paragraph is a very good conclusion
Explain what you think works well in the conclusion and what you think could be improved!
Zudan suggest to use waste into energy but does not explain the first steps to do it
6 Are the in-text citations formatted correctly? If not, explain what the problems are in the
 : Yes No :

Comment Field

7 Is the list of references formatted correctly? If not, explain what the problems are in the
: Yes No : 
Comment Field
 The quote should be written with Ebenezer Nyarko Kumi and Sakhi Shah write in
reason behind people against this, they argue that...
 Zudan does not put any link sources
8 If you have any further comments that you think the author might find useful, please add
them here

Maybe Zudan can make space between paragraphs because the text looks very full

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