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I trust and believe in God, our Father and Creator.

I think that we are God's sons and daughters, and that He will always
comprehend our emotions and sentiments.
Who created this entire universe for us to inhabit.
Who gave us the ability to be brothers and sisters.
I believe in His only son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Who carried our sins and atoned for us,
He died on the cross for our sins, not for His own.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, whom I believe guides and protects us from our
Who welcomed us into the Catholic community's home.
I am a devout Catholic who believes in the Catholic Church, where we
worship, pray, and seek forgiveness.
God will always forgive us for our sins, no matter how severe they are, and
He will always be there to protect and forgive us.
Mary, our Mother, is someone I believe in.
Who, like the Holy Spirit and our own mother, looks after us and helps us
overcome problems in our lives.
They assisted us in overcoming our fear of failure.
I believe that, like the saints in Heaven, we can all change and become
better people.
I believe in the afterlife and the resurrection of the body. Amen.

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