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Meeting Reports of Nokha Marketing Strategies

Tropa company choose to do research on the marketing strategy of Tropa's competitors. This
meeting we discussed about Nokha marketing strategies to develop their business. The
meeting was held on Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 03:25 P.M. The meeting conducted through
the WhatsApp group and it went well without any obstacles. This meeting was led by Ms.
Eka ayu Riani with Ms. Jasmine P. as presenter, Mr. Oka Franando as minutes of meeting,
Mr. Riki Pangestu and Ms. Yulianisa Eka as audience objectives, and Fauzan Akbar was
absent in this meeting.
In this meeting, Ms. Jasmine said that Nokha company is a local company based in Bandung,
West Java that is engaged in the design, development, marketing and sales of shoes. This
brand has a mission to become one of the leading fashion brands in the world by bringing an
adventurous spirit to live together in every pair of shoes, clothes, and accessories from its
fashion brand. The shoes sold here are sneakers and boots, both for women and men.
Ms. Jasmine explain the The promotion that Nokha does relies a lot on online marketing
through social media, interacting with customers and being used as a promotional tool on
Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok. Nokha's followers on instagram increases every month due
to use of instagram ads on on their marketing strategy. Not only use of instagram ads, but
they also make the appearance of their instagram feed attractive so that it attracts people to
follow their accounts. Nokha also actively creating content on Instagram stories to keep their
followers from decreasing, for example: interaction with followers directly through qna, live
streaming on Instagram, or holding virtual games with followers, giveaway, etc.
Nokha also actively make content on YouTube to increase followers opportunities. They
make video reviews with such great cinematography so that people don't even realize it's one
of their marketing strategies. Another Nokha's marketing strategies is asking celebrities to
review their products so that their products are increasingly recognized by many people,
especially those who like to travel.
Nokha also actively make content on YouTube to increase followers opportunities. They
make video reviews with such great cinematography so that people don't even realize it's one
of their marketing strategies. Another Nokha's marketing strategies is asking celebrities to
review their products so that their products are increasingly recognized by many people,
especially those who like to travel.
Ms. Yulianisa Eka asked a question to Ms. Jasmine, “ Had Nokha company ever failure in
carried out this marketing strategy?”. Then Ms. Jasmine answered, “ I believe there is bound
to be a failure in every marketing in any business. Unfortunately, I did not find any
information regarding the failure experienced by Nokha Company considering the very
limited information I can got.” Since there is no one ask or give an opinion Ms. Eka Ayu
Riani closed the meeting.

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