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1. (25/07/2015) As well as making money, businesses also have social
responsibilities. Do you agree or disagree?
The idea that, besides making money,
enterprises also need to have public
to generate = to produce or create
responsibilities remains a source of
something. We use it to talk about
controversy. In my opinion, while ‘generating electricity’ as well as
‘generating profits’.
generating profit is the top priority for
each company, I agree that they should priority = a priority is something which
you think is more important than other
also conduct their business in a socially
things and should therefore receive
responsible manner. attention first.

On the one hand, the efforts of to maximize = to increase something,

such as profits, as much as possible
companies to maximise their profits
may have some benefits for society as a enterprises, companies, businesses,
corporations and firms = are all used
whole. [1] Firstly, the higher the profits
in this essay as different words which
earned by enterprises, the more taxes have almost the same meaning.
they pay to the government. As a result,
revenue = the money that the
authorities may have more revenue to government receives from taxes and it
can then spend this revenue on whatever
spend in key fields, including education
priorities it has.
and health care, which leads to an
improvement in the quality of life of the
whole community. [2] Secondly, by
earning huge profits companies have the


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opportunity to grow their business. For
example, firms could use their capital to
expand their production, creating new
job opportunities within the community.

On the other hand, there are strong

reasons why businesses should also degradation = this describes a process
in which something becomes worse or
accept that they have social
is damaged.
responsibilities. [1] The first reason is
global warming = is the increase in
that their activities have an effect on the
temperature of the atmosphere of the
environment. Without controls, Earth.
production processes may result in
stemming from = this means to be the
serious environmental degradation, result of something.
such as global warming stemming from
emissions = these are simply gases that
factory emissions or the irresponsible are sent out into the atmosphere – in this
case by factories.
disposal of industrial waste. For
example, if factories installed waste irresponsible = not thinking about the
effects of what you do
treatment systems instead of
discharging chemical wastes into rivers, disposal = is the act of throwing
something away or ‘getting rid of’
water pollution could be controlled. [2]
Another reason is that enterprises
waste = is another word for rubbish or
should help those who are less
‘garbage’ in American English.
fortunate, since they have the money to
install = to install something is to fix it
do so. For example, big corporations
into a position where it can be used.
such as Unilever and Vinamilk have
to discharge = to make something go
enhanced their public image through
into the sea or a river.


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philanthropic actions such as providing
philanthropic actions = are actions that
scholarships and giving charitable
help poor people, especially by giving
donations. them money.

charitable donations = money given to

In conclusion, although I recognise that organizations which help poor people or
people in need of help.
making profits is the fundamental
principle of business, I would argue that fundamental principles = are the basic
ideas on which a company carries out its
all businesses should profoundly reflect
upon their social responsibilities.
290 words

2. (16/06/2016) Most large companies nowadays operate multi-nationally.

To what extent do multinational companies have responsibility toward
local communities in which they operate?
It is true that, in this era of globalisation,
most large companies operate outside
confines: limits or borders.
the confines of national borders. While
it is necessary that companies maximise maximise: increase something as much
as possible.
their profits, this must not be at the
expense of the welfare of the people in
areas where these companies are based.

From a social perspective, multinational

enterprises should provide jobs for local
people and ensure that workers and their


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families have adequate salaries and
access to health and education services.
The horrors of the industrial revolution horrors: the very unpleasant nature of
in Europe and America must be avoided
– child labour, starvation wages and starvation wages: the state of suffering
and death, as a result of having no food.
unhealthy working conditions. It is also
in the self-interest of multinational self-interest: considering only the
advantage to yourself, without caring
firms to employ a healthy and educated
about others.
workforce. Physically fit workers are
alert: aware of something, especially a
more productive and mentally alert to
danger or a problem.
the importance of health and safety at
work. Finally, an educated workforce
gives the company more flexibility, as switched: changed, moved.
skilled employees can be switched from
one task to another to meet production
requirements, as in the case of car
assembly plants like Ford or Nissan.

From an environmental perspective,

safeguard: protect
multinational firms must safeguard the
somebody/something from danger or
natural resources of the area in which harm.
they operate. Local communities may
traditionally depend on such resources
irresponsible: not thinking about the
for their survival. Irresponsible oil
effects of what you do.
extraction by firms such as Shell or
oil spills: accidents which allow oil to
Texaco, for example, may result in oil
escape into the sea.


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spills which devastate the local fishing
devastate: completely destroy
industry, as incidents in Alaska have
something, such as an area of land.
shown. Similarly, unsustainable
unsustainable logging: cutting of trees
logging of timber for construction or
that cannot be continued at the same rate
paper manufacture may have serious indefinitely.
effects on local farmers due to resultant
resultant: caused by the thing which
soil erosion. Thus, it is essential to re- has just been mentioned.
invest corporate profits into schemes to
soil erosion: the process by which the
prevent pollution and to guarantee the soil/the land is gradually destroyed by
the action of wind and rain.
long-term prosperity of local

In conclusion, multinational companies

have a moral duty and a practical
interest in improving the quality of life
of the local communities in which they
conduct their operations.
298 words

3. (21/10/2017) Many people think that increasing business and cultural

contacts between countries is a positive development. However, others
believe that these are leading to the loss of national identities. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

It is true that growing business and

cultural contacts are part of the modern
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process of globalisation. While some
people mourn the loss of national
identity which they believe occurs as a
result of this process, I disagree with that
view on the basis that it is important to
embrace change and accept new
realities. to embrace change: to accept change
with enthusiasm
The expansion of business and cultural
exchanges across the world is a positive
feature of contemporary life. Companies
have broken into new markets by to break into a market: to enter a new
doing market research and taking into business market, despite some
consideration local differences in difficulties
consumer demands and preferences.
They introduce new products without to do market research: to collect
dismissing traditional ideas. The information about what people buy and
appearance, for example, of why
McDonald’s fast food outlets in
Malaysia, China or Vietnam is not to take into consideration: to consider
incompatible with the success of or remember something when judging a
restaurants serving time-honoured situation
cuisine. Such innovations do not
necessarily mark the disappearance of to dismiss traditional ideas: to decide
traditional ways of life and to accept that traditional ideas are not important
new customs is to extend choice for and not worth considering anymore
every consumer.
to be incompatible with: not able to
Thus, it is an exaggeration to maintain exist or work with another person or
that these developments will lead to the thing because of basic differences
loss of a strong sense of identity in
countries. For example, people in many time-honoured (adjective): respected
former colonial nations have embraced because it has been done or used for a
change, but they still proudly preserve long time
traditional cultural traits. In India,
English - the language of the former the disappearance of traditional ways
colonial power - is widely spoken, but of life: the fact that traditional ways no
this has not led to the disappearance of longer exist
local languages or indigenous cultural


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practices. Therefore, joining modern to accept new customs: to agree to
culture does not always mean that adopt new ways of behaving
national or local customs have to be
abandoned. On the contrary, enforced
isolation from trade and cultural
contacts with other countries will have
the inevitable consequence of a strong sense of identity: the feelings
withdrawal from all the changes taking and beliefs that distinguish people from
place globally. others

In conclusion, I would argue that the

growth of contacts in commerce and
culture is a positive development which to preserve cultural traits: to cause or
will not destroy national identities. allow the main features of a culture to
291 words continue for a period of time

indigenous practices: practices that

naturally exist in a place or country
rather than arrive from another place

to join modern culture: to become part

of modern culture

enforced (adjective): that somebody is

forced to do or experience without being
able to control it

an inevitable consequence: certain to

happen and unable to be avoided or


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4. (10/02/2019) In most successful organisations, some people believe that
communication between managers and workers is important, while other
people said that other factors are more significant. What is your opinion?


It is true that many people argue that,

in any efficient organisation, it is vital
that there is good communication
between managers and workers. In
my opinion, while this is one aspect to
consider, I consider that other factors
are more important.

On the one hand, in order to conduct

a business or organisation effectively,
communication among all the
workforce is necessary. A breakdown to conduct a business: to operate a
in communications may be one reason business in a particular way
why a production process in a factory
comes to a stop. The management may
not be aware, for example, of a breakdown in communications: a
problems with a machine or the raw misunderstanding which results from
material, if they do not regularly people failing to discuss and resolve
consult the workers. In a store, the something
manager must train the staff to offer
good customer service, so that the
employees understand how to provide
this. In an organisation such as a
hospital, the managers have to see the raw material: a basic material that is
big picture, and talk constantly to used to make a product
doctors, nurses and support staff to
ensure that everyone knows their tasks
and has everything they need to carry
them out.


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On the other hand, I would argue that
job satisfaction is the most important to see the big picture: to understand
factor in creating a successful working all the important aspects of a situation
environment. No organisation can
prosper if the workers are dissatisfied. job satisfaction: the good feeling that
An authoritarian style of management you get when you have a job that you
which dictates to the workforce is no enjoy
basis for reaching a consensus. When
workers enjoy a decent salary, with working environment: the
sick leave, holiday entitlement and a conditions that you work in
retirement package, then the
organisation will benefit enormously to prosper [verb]: to develop in a
from the loyalty of their staff. successful way, to be successful
Supportive work colleagues cooperate
to ensure that things run smoothly, and authoritarian [adjective]: believing
therefore I believe that worker that people should obey authority and
cooperatives without management are rules, even when these are unfair, and
the future. even if it means that they lose their
personal freedom
In conclusion, in a traditional
management structure, to dictate [verb]: to tell somebody
communication with the workers is what to do, especially in an annoying
important. However, when the way
workforce organises itself, this results
in an effective organisation with to reach a consensus: to come to an
satisfied workers. agreement
sick leave: permission to stay away
293 words from work because of illness or injury

holiday entitlement: the number of

days off work that you are allowed as

retirement package: the money or

other benefits that you receive from a
company or organization when you
stop working there because of your age


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supportive work colleagues: people
that you work with who give you help
and encouragement

workers cooperative: owned and run

by the workers involved, with the
profits shared by them

5. (24/03/2019): Some people think that hard work and determination bring
success. Others think other factors such as money and good appearance
are more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


It is true that some people believe that

the key factors for success in life are
hard work and determination, to earn a living: to earn money
although others place more
importance on money and smart
appearance. While all these are a heavy workload: having many tasks
necessary, I would argue that money is to perform
the single most essential factor for
those who wish to achieve success. minimum wage: the lowest wage that
an employer is allowed to pay by law
On the one hand, the determination
to work hard is essential for anyone job prospects: the chances of being
who wants to earn a living and raise a successful and having more
family. Firstly, this is true in terms opportunities at work
of employment, because most jobs
impose a heavy workload on promotion opportunities: chances to
employees. Even jobs such as serving move to a more important position in
customers in stores, supermarkets or a company or organization
coffee shops, offering a minimum
wage, no job prospects and no


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promotion opportunities demand hard to support a family: to have enough
work and dedication. Secondly, from money to be able to look after a family
a perspective of life outside work,
simply supporting a family involves commitment: the willingness to work
commitment and a lot of effort to hard and give your time and energy to
maintain a close-knit family. Such a job or activity
parental involvement is the basis of
preparing children to enter adult life, a close-knit family: a family having
and to pursue a successful career. strong relationships with each other,
helping with problems and enjoying a
On the other hand, money and lot of time together
appearances are the things most
valued in the modern world. People parental involvement: the act or
are increasingly judged by their wealth process of parents when taking part in
or their smart and fashionable clothes. their children’s activities.
Without money, it is impossible to
think about running your own business to enter adult life: the stage when
or developing contacts with rich and adolescents are almost old enough to
influential people who can help you to be legally independent of their
get ahead in life. Most aspiring parents.
entrepreneurs, film or sports stars, for
example, do not achieve their dreams, to pursue a successful career: to
and are considered by society as have a series of jobs in a particular
failures. If you have money, then area of work, with more responsibility
designer clothes and celebrity status as time passes
advertise your success to others. judged: to form an opinion about
something or somebody
In conclusion, it is a sad reality that of to run your own business: to have a
all the factors most likely to bring business which you own
success, money is, in my opinion, the
most important. influential: having a lot of influence
on something or somebody
283 words get ahead in life: to succeed in life
aspiring: wanting to be successful


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6. (01/08/2019): In many countries the cost of living is rising. What are the
effects on individuals and society? What measures can be taken to deal
with this problem?


It is true that in many countries, it is to make ends meet: to earn just

becoming increasingly difficult for the enough money to be able to buy the
majority of people to make ends meet. things you need
While the effects on individuals and
society as a whole are serious, I
believe that steps can be taken to to address: to think about a problem
address this issue. or situation and decide how you are
going to deal with it
Rising living costs result in hardship hardship: a situation that is difficult
for many individuals and serious and unpleasant because you do not
consequences for society. In terms have enough money, food, clothes etc
of individuals, they are faced with
higher prices for everyday necessities,
such as food, paying rent or heating to make cutbacks: to decrease, to
bills. They are forced to make reduce
cutbacks in their household budgets in
to make the most of something: to
order to make the most of the income
make something appear as good as
that they have. From the perspective
possible; to exploit something; to get
of society, when goods and services
as much out of something as is
are more expensive, major socio-
economic changes occur. People
spend less in stores and on socio-economic changes: changes
entertainment, or they have to pay in relating to the society and economy of
arrears or run up debts, and the whole a country
economy of the country goes into
decline. to pay in arrears: refers to making a
payment to a supplier later than the


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However, effective policies must be terms of the arrangement under which
adopted to tackle the rise in living goods or services were purchased
costs. Firstly, governments should from the supplier.
provide public subsidies for basic
needs, such as food, heating and to run up: to allow a bill or a debt to
healthcare. For example, in the USA reach a large total
citizens on average incomes cannot
afford rising medical bills, and so to adopt policies: to start to use
universal free medical care should particular policies
high on the agenda of the government.
Secondly, if governments curbed to provide public subsidies for: to
public spending on military weapons, give government money to reduce the
costs of services or to produce goods
they would be able to prioritize
in order to keep the price low
expenditure on programmes to reduce
taxes for people on low incomes. This high on the agenda: something which
would help people to afford the higher is among the first things in the list of
prices in the shops and enable them to actions to be taken
buy the things they need.
to curb public spending on: to
In conclusion, in order to tackle the restrict what the government spends
increase in the cost of living, on something
governments must adopt measures to
to prioritize expenditure on: to put
help those in society who are in most
the need to spend money on certain
need. things first

276 words


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