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1. (08/11/2014) Some people believe that crime is a result of social
problems and poverty, others think that crime is a result of bad person’s
nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
innate: an innate quality or ability is
Many people consider that innate one that you were born with, not one
characteristics are responsible for the you have learned
fact that some people choose to turn to
a career of crime. While I accept that turn to a career of crime= become a
crime may result from individual criminal
characteristics of violence or greed, I
would argue that it is largely a
consequence of social issues and

There is a belief that a person’s nature

determines whether or not they become
a criminal. [1] Firstly, some argue that
an individual who is cruel turns to
crime more easily than a kind person. bullying: using strength to frighten or
For instance, a child bullying other hurt weaker people.
boys or girls at school may turn into a
violent criminal in the future. [2] turn into: become.
Secondly, bad characteristics such as
laziness or selfishness could also breed breed future offenders: influence
future offenders, who seek to acquire people [especially youngsters] in such
easy money without working for it. A a way that they later commit crime.
number of youngsters choose to steal
from others, instead of working hard to easy money: money that you get
without working hard for it.

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make an honest living. These are make an honest living: getting money
strong reasons for thinking that those to buy the things that you need without
who have an inborn bad nature are committing crime.
more likely to break the law.
break the law: do something illegal.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that social

issues and poverty are the main causes
behind crime. There are many
problems in society which might lead
to an increase in the crime rate. [1]
For example, unemployment pushes
people into resorting to crime the crime rate: a measure of the
because they simply cannot find a job. number of crimes committed in a
As a consequence, the number of particular area during a certain period.
offenders has climbed in many
countries over recent decades. [2] resorting to crime: to use crime
Another reason is that, more broadly, because there is no other solution.
poverty in general leads to a rise in
crime. If people do not have enough
make ends meet= to earn just enough
money to make ends meet, they will
money to buy the things you need.
be tempted to pursue illegal activities
just to support themselves and their

In conclusion, although both views

certainly have some validity, it seems
to me that the principal causes of crime
are a result of social conditions and
291 words

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2. (30/01/2016) Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the
problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide people with
a better education. Agree or disagree.

the crime rate: a measure of the
Many people believe that the reduction number of crimes in a particular area
of the crime rate will be achieved during a period of time.
more effectively through better
education rather than prison sentences.
I disagree with this view, because I distinctive: having a quality that
consider that both approaches have makes something different and easily
their own distinctive merits and should noticed
each play an integral role in tackling
crime. play an integral role in tackling
crime: play an essential part [along
with other parts] in dealing with crime.
On the one hand, I would argue that
offenders: people who commit crimes.
prison is effective in dealing with
offenders. One reason is that a person
commits a crime: does something
who commits a crime must learn that wrong or illegal.
unlawful actions have consequences.
Murderers, for instance, must be
imprisoned for many years and such a
punishment may act as a deterrent. deterrent: a thing that makes
They know that they will face loss of somebody less likely to do something.
freedom, social isolation and
separation from their loved ones if they social isolation: the state of separating
carry out such a criminal act. Another somebody from society.
reason is that when serious offenders
are behind bars, they are no longer a loved ones: people that you love,
usually members of your family.
danger to society and people can walk
in the streets or relax in their homes
behind bars: in prison.

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more safely. complementary: two things which are
different, but form a useful
On the other hand, I consider that
education has a complementary role to
play. Firstly, in schools, students
should study some aspects of the law
which affect their lives. Having some
knowledge of the law, students are
better prepared to avoid situations
which may involve them in crime or
becoming a victim. For example, released: freed from prison.
youngsters must study the important
laws about driving and road
safety.Secondly, in prisons themselves,
educational programmes must aim to
provide prisoners with skills and
qualifications to find work when they
are released.

I believe that prison sentences are one

essential weapon in the fight against
crime, and I disagree that providing
better education alone is a more
effective solution to reduce the crime
275 words

3. (03/02/2018) The only way to improve road safety is to give much

stricter punishments on driving offenses. To what extent do you agree or

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It is true that stricter punishments will

deter many motorists from driving
dangerously or carelessly on the roads.
However, I strongly disagree that this
is the only way to improve road safety,
because there are alternative measures to act as a deterrent: to act in a way
which would also be effective. that makes somebody less likely to
commit some crime.
Stricter punishments will undoubtedly
act as a deterrent, so that motorists
will think twice before committing
traffic offenses. It is often forgotten the full weight of the law: all the
that motoring offenses are, in fact, strictest punishments available
crimes. The full weight of the law according to the laws of a country.
should be applied in imposing a range
a non-custodial sentence: a sentence
of non-custodial sentences, such as
which is not served in prison.
heavy fines, and the confiscation of
driving licences. The letter of the law the letter of the law: the exact
must be strictly implemented, banning wording of the law, without any
offenders from the roads so they will excuses
no longer pose a danger to other road-
users, including pedestrians. Those
driving while intoxicated: the crime
who drive while intoxicated should
of driving a vehicle after drinking too
serve a prison sentence, as is much alcohol.
sometimes imposed in the UK, because
they endanger innocent lives. to serve a prison sentence: to be
confined in a prison as a punishment
While harsh penalties for offenders for some crime.
should be high on the government
agenda, there are other steps which
high on the agenda: something which
national and local authorities should
is among the first things in the list of
take to improve road safety. Firstly,
actions to take
installing speed cameras has made

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drivers aware of the need to adhere to
speed limits. Many authorities around national and local authorities:
the world have adopted this very cost- government organizations acting at a
effective measure. Secondly, traffic national level or within a smaller, local
calming measures have succeeded in area.
reducing the number of accidents,
especially in built-up areas. Finally, it
is necessary to adopt a policy of to install speed cameras: to put
conducting regular vehicle cameras on certain roads to check that
inspections, at authorised centres, to cars are obeying the speed limits.
avoid accidents caused by mechanical
to adhere to: to behave according to a
In conclusion, in order to improve road particular law, rule or set of
safety, it is not enough to be tough on instructions
traffic crimes by punishing more
harshly those who violate the law. A traffic calming: building raised areas
range of road safety measures should on roads, as a way of making sure that
accompany harsher driving penalties. cars go more slowly.
277 words
to conduct regular vehicle
inspections: to inspect all cars, buses
and trucks at regular intervals to check
that they are in good condition and safe
to drive.
to be tough on crime: to punish crime

4. (07/03/2019) Research suggests that the majority of criminals who are

sent to prison commit crimes when set free. What are the reasons? What can
be done to solve the problem?

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Essay: to re-offend: to commit a crime or
crimes for a second time, or for more
It is true that a large proportion of times
criminals are known to re-offend after
they have been released from prison.
There are some important reasons for to mitigate: to make something less
this return to a life of crime, but there harmful or less serious
are solutions which could mitigate the
to serve a prison sentence: to remain in
prison as a punishment
I believe that there are two principal
reasons why many criminals who have
served their sentences, commit further to release back into society: to give
freedom to prisoners who have finished
crimes when they are released back into
their sentences.
society. Firstly, prison is popularly
regarded as an institution whose purpose
is to punish wrongdoers. There is a to punish wrongdoers: to punish
public outcry against being soft on people who do something illegal
crime, and many argue that only the full
weight of the law will act as a deterrent,
even though this is obviously not an outcry against: a reaction of anger
working. As a result, few resources are or strong protest shown by people in
allocated to prison programmes which public
will help ex- offenders to make a fresh
start in society. Secondly, prisons are
overcrowded and often violent places, in to be soft on crime: not to impose strict
punishments on offenders
which the most hardened criminals
influence and intimidate other inmates,
and form networks to plan future crimes, the full weight of the law: all the
such as a criminal prison gang called the strictest punishments available
PCC do in Brazil. according to the laws of a country.

Steps should be taken to solve these to act as a deterrent: a measure which

makes somebody less likely to do

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problems. One solution is reintegrating something
offenders back into the community.
Programmes which provide vocational
training or academic study opportunities to allocate resources to: to make
must be implemented in order to give money and materials available to do
prisoners a chance of rehabilitation and something
to find work. Some universities in the
UK and the USA, for example, offer
to make a fresh start: to try something
degree programmes to enable offenders new after making mistakes in one’s life
to gain qualifications. Another solution
is to segregate the most dangerous
convicts, in order to prevent intimidation hardened: having developed a way of
and bullying in prisons, from which dealing with bad experiences, so that
offenders are released as even more they no longer upset you
expert criminals.

to intimidate: to frighten or threaten

In conclusion, while important reasons somebody, so that they will do what you
for the rate of re-offending can be want
identified, some steps must be taken to inmate: one of the people living in a
implement workable solutions. prison
to reintegrate back into the
community: to restore someone into
286 words society through education or therapy

a chance of rehabilitation: a chance of

helping someone to have a normal life
after serving a prison sentence
to segregate somebody: to separate
people for some reason and treat them in
a different way
convict: a person who is guilty of a
crime and who has been sent to prison

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5. (27/06/2019): Science finds that by studying the behavior of three-year-
old children they can predict if they will grow up to be criminals. To what
extent is criminality related to human nature? Is it possible to stop children
from being a criminal when they grow up?

Essay: to turn to crime/ drugs: to start

committing crimes or using drugs.
It may be possible to predict
scientifically if children will grow up
and turn to crime. While this may
law-abiding citizens: people who obey
suggest some link to human nature, I
and respect the law
believe that children all have the
chance to grow up and become law- to condemn: to express very strong
abiding citizens. disapproval of something/somebody

It seems absurd to condemn children as to shape a child’s personality/ values:

evil criminals at the age of 3. Parents to decide or influence the form of a
have an enormous influence on shaping child’s personality
a child’s values during the formative
years of a child’s life. Children often
copy, or are influenced by, the patterns formative years: a period of a
of behavior which they observe in their person’s life, usually childhood, that
parents. For example, in a has a big influence on the person they
dysfunctional family there is often a become later in life
lack of parental involvement in the
upbringing of children. The failure to
teach ethical values such as honesty patterns of behavior: ways of acting
and concern for others, may combine and doing things (either positive or
with social factors such as living in negative)
deprived neighborhoods so that
children are already damaged as they
prepare to enter adult life. a dysfunctional family: a family in
which the relationships are bad or
It is possible to deter children from

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embarking on a life of crime. Firstly, parental involvement: the act or
in schools, ex-prisoners who have process of parents when taking part in
served their sentences and been re- their children’s activities.
integrated back into the community
should be invited to talk about their
experiences and warn children that it is deprived: without enough food,
not glamorous to be a criminal. This is education and all the things that are
already done in some schools in the necessary for people to live a happy
UK, for instance. Secondly, all adults and comfortable life
in society have a responsibility to
provide children with good role
models. Modern consumer culture has to enter adult life: the stage when
a negative influence on individual adolescents are almost old enough to
families, with the result that children be legally independent of their parents
learn that it is more important to have
things than to be a good member of the
community. to embark on something: to start
something new

In conclusion, if criminal behavior is

linked to human nature, then there is no to serve a prison sentence: to carry
hope for young children who are out confinement in prison as a
identified as criminals by some punishment
‘experts’. On the contrary, children
can be led away from a life of crime.
to reintegrate back into society/
community: to restore someone
293 words through education or therapy

glamorous: especially attractive and

exciting, and different from ordinary
things or people

negative influences on individual

families: negative meaning bad;
influences meaning effects; on

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individual families refers to each
nuclear family - a couple and their
children, rather than families in

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