Bí Quyết 8.0 Writing

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Đọc đề và xác định dạng đề.

Mỗi đề bài Task 2 đều gồm 2 phần: CHỦ ĐỀ & CÂU HỎI (thường là câu cuối cùng). Các bạn dựa vào CÂU
HỎI để xác định dạng đề.
Chúng ta có 5 dạng đề Task 2 chính, như sau:

Dạng 1: Argument
Có các câu hỏi
- Do you agree or disagree?
- To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Ví dụ:
Some people think that all teenagers should be required to do unpaid work in their free time to help the
local community. They believe this would be benefit both the individual teenager and society as a whole.
Do you agree or disagree?

Dạng 2: Discussion (Disscuss both views)

Có câu hỏi:
- Discuss both views and given your own opinion
Ví dụ:
Nowadays anima experiments are widely used to develop new medicines to test the safety of other
products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to
cause animal to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Dạng 3: Reason/ Problem & Solution

Câu hỏi có từ problem/ reason/ cause/ solution/ measure
Ví dụ:
In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals
and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations.

Dạng 4: Advantage and Disadvantage

Có 2 dạng nhỏ
4.1 Chỉ yêu cầu nêu advantages và disadvantages
Câu hỏi
- What are the advantages and disadvantages?
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
4.2 Yêu cầu lựa chọn advantages nhiều hơn hay disadvantages nhiều hơn
Câu hỏi
- Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
- Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Ví dụ:
In order to solve traffic problems, governments should tax private car owners heavily and use the money
to improve public transportation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

Dạng 5: 2-part Question

Có 2 câu hỏi riêng biệt
Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define?
What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Sau khi xác định được DẠNG ĐỀ thì chọn cho mình một TEMPLATE để theo

Dạng 1: Argument

Template 1
Totally agree/ disagree
There is currently a contentious argument over whether _______________________________.
I totally agree/ disagree with this opinion because ____________________________________.

Body 1
The main reason why I believe/ do not believe ___________ is because ___________________.
(Supporting ideas)

Body 2
Another reason wht I support/ do not support the notion that __________ is due to the fact that
____________________. (Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, I completely agree/ disagree that ______________ because ______________ and
___________________. Given this situation, it seems that ______________________________.

Template 2
Somewhat agree
Many people feel that ___________________________________________________________.
I somewhat agree with this opinion because _________________________ and
_____________________; however, _______________________________________________.

Body 1
The main reason why I believe _________________ is because __________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
In addition, ____________________________________________________________________
(Supporting ideas)

Body 2
However, it does seem reasonable that _____________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, I somewhat believe that _____________________________________________.
This is because ________________________________________________________________.
However, I admit that ___________________________________________________________.
Given this situation, it seems that _________________________________________________.

Dạng 2: Discussion

Many people feel that ___________________, whereas others believe that ________________.
This essay discusses both sides of this argument and then I will give my own perspective.

Body 1
On the one hand, there are people who argue that ___________________________________.
(Main idea 1) The main reason for believing this is that ________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) In addition to this, ___________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas) One good illustration of this is _____________________________________.

Body 2
On the other hand, it is often argued that in fact ______________________________________.
(Main idea 1) People often have this opinion because _________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) As well as this, ___________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas) A particularly good example here is ________________________________.

In conclusion, I believe both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I feel that
____________________. This is because ___________________________________________.

Dạng 3: Reason/ Problem – Solution

It is true that __________________________________________________________________.
This essay looks at some of the reasons/ culprits behind _____________/ some of the negative
consequences of this trend and suggests some solutions to the problem.
Body 1
There are two reasons as to why/ two problems caused by ___________________________.
First and foremost, / The main cause of _______ / issue is that _________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
Another driving factor that result in __________ is/ Another pressure will inculde _________.
(Supporting ides)

Body 2
In order to address the aforementioned issue(s), _____________ should ______ and________.
Firstly, ______________________________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
Another feasible solution could be to + V __________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, _____________________ may stem from _____________ and ____________/ some
problems such as ________ and _______ are certain to arise as ___________________. The best
approaches to deal with it are (for ___) to V __________ and (for___) to V ________.

Dạng 4: Advantage – Disadvantage

Template 1
What are the advantages and disadvantages?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

It is a common belief that _______________________________________________________.
However, there is another persuasive argument that __________________________________.
This essay looks at both the pros and cons of __________.

Body 1
On the one hand, _________________________ is advantageous to a certain extent.
(Main idea 1) First, ____________________________________________________________.
Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) Second, _________________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

Body 2
On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, I am convinced that __________has its/their
own setbacks/ downsides.
(Main idea 1) A major drawback is that ___________________________________________.
Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) In addition to this, ________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, there is no denying that _________ has some positive implications for _______.
Nevertheless, _________ can bring about numerous challenges to ________.

Template 2
Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
It is a common belief that _______________________________________________________.
However, there is another persuasive argument that __________________________________.
In my opinion, ___________ outweigh/ outshadow __________.

Body 1
On the one hand, _________________________ is advantageous to a certain extent.
(Main idea 1) First, ____________________________________________________________.
Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) Second, _________________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

Body 2
On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, I am convinced that __________has its/their
own setbacks/ downsides.
(Main idea 1) A major drawback is that ___________________________________________.
Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 2) In addition to this, ________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
(Main idea 3) Last but not least, _________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, while there are some advantages to V-ing/ N ______________, it is evident that/ I would
contend that the disadvantages of ________ outweigh/outshadow/more than compensate for the
benefits. Given this situation, it seems to me that _______should/ should not __________.

Dạng 5: Two-part question

It is true that _________________________________________________________________.
While there are various reasons why _______________________, it is actually a negative development
because __________________ and ___________________.

Body 1
There are two main reasons as to why ____________________________________________.
First and foremost, ___________________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
Another driving factor that results in __________ is _________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

Body 2
Nevertheless, I firmly believe that ___________________ is having an overall negative effect. /
Nevertheless, I opine that the advantageous effects of this issue definitely overshadow its drawbacks.
The first reason worth considering is that _________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)
In additon, ___________________________________________________________________.
(Supporting ideas)

In conclusion, ____________ and ____________ are two drivig factors behind/ give rise to
___________. I believe that the unquestionable benefits of this phenomenon are weightier than the

Viết mở bài – dựa vào template từng dạng.
Viết theo Template thì đảm bảo đúng, không cần biết Thesis statement là gì cũng được. Tuy nhiên, biết
thì tốt. Đó chính là CÂU TRẢ LỜI cho CÂU HỎI của đề bài.

Viết thân bài – dựa vào template từng dạng
Chú ý mỗi đọan thân bài phải có TOPIC SENTENCE (câu chủ đề của đoạn, cho người ta biết đoạn đó mình
sẽ viết về nội dung gì). Câu này thường là câu đầu tiên của mỗi đoạn thân bài.
Tìm main ideas – supporting ideas
Lưu ý:
- Main idea là ý lớn của 1 đoạn thân bài, nên phải chọn ý bao quát -> phân tích xé nhỏ
- Tìm ý chính là tìm nguyên nhân tại sao ủng hộ 1 quan điểm, tìm lợi ích, bất lợi, giải pháp theo
yêu cầu từng đề bài
- Sau khi có main idea thì phải phân tích sao cho logic: giải thích lý do, kết quả mang lại, ví dụ
minh hoạ.
- Đi theo đường 1 chiều, không lặp lại ý đã viết trước đó, mà phải đi giải thích nó.
- Mỗi đoạn thân bài thường có 2 main ideas hoặc 1, tuỳ đề bài, tuỳ dạng.

Viết kết bài – dựa vào template từng dạng

Đọc lại bài
Viết theo Template từng dạng thì chắc chắn đủ số từ, khỏi đếm.

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