IELTS 7 Merged

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Test 1

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Type of crime: theft
Personal information
Name Louise . .....Tt!Y.l9.r.. ...... .

Nationality 1 . ........................................ .
Date of birth 14 December 1977
Occupation interior designer
Reason for visit business (to buy antique 2 . ..........................)
Length of stay two months
Current address 3 . ......................................... Apartments (No 15)
Details of theft
Items stolen I - a wallet containing approximately 4 £ . ..........................................
- a 5 . ..............................
Date of theft 6 . ..........................................
Possible time and place of theft
Location outside the 7 . ......................................... at about 4 pm
Details of suspect - some boys asked for the 8 . ....... then ran off
- one had a T-shirt with a picture of a tiger

- he was about 12, slim build with 9 . ......................................... hair

Crime reference number allocated

10 . . ....................................

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

Induction talk for new apprentices

Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO pieces of advice for the first week of an apprenticeship does the manager give?
A get to know colleagues
B learn from any mistakes
C ask lots of questions
D react positively to feedback
E enjoy new challenges

Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does the manager say mentors can help with?
A confidence-building
B making career plans
C completing difficult tasks
D making a weekly timetable
E reviewing progress

Questions 15-20
What does the manager say about each of the following aspects of the company policy
for apprentices?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20.

A It is encouraged.
B There are some restrictions.
C It is against the rules.

Company policy for apprentices

15 Using the internet . ...................

16 Flexible working . . ..................

17 Booking holidays ... ..... , . .......... ,.,

18 Working overtime . ........................

19 Wearing trainers ..... , . .................
20 Bringing food to work ······················

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Cities built by the sea

21 Carla and Rob were surprised to learn that coastal cities
A contain nearly half the world's population.
B include most of the world's largest cities.
C are growing twice as fast as other cities.
22 According to Rob, building coastal cities near to rivers
A may bring pollution to the cities.
B may reduce the land available for agriculture.
C may mean the countryside is spoiled by industry.
23 What mistake was made when building water drainage channels in Miami in
the 1950s?
A There were not enough of them.
B They were made of unsuitable materials.
C They did not allow for the effects of climate change.
24 What do Rob and Carla think that the authorities in Miami should do immediately?
A take measures to restore ecosystems
B pay for a new flood prevention system
C stop disposing of waste materials into the ocean
25 What do they agree should be the priority for international action?
A greater coordination of activities
·B more sharing of information
C agreement on shared policies

Questions 26-30
What decision do the students make about each of the following parts of their

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to
Questions 26-30.

A use visuals
B keep it short
C involve other students
D check the information is accurate
E provide a handout
F focus on one example
G do online research

Parts of the presentation

26 Historical background
27 Geographical factors
28 Past mistakes
29 Future risks
30 International implications
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Marine renewable energy (ocean energy)

More energy required because of growth in population and 31 . .......................................... .
What's needed:
• renewable energy sources
• methods that won't create pollution
Wave energy
Advantage: waves provide a 32 . .......................................... source of renewable energy
Electricity can be generated using offshore or onshore systems
Onshore systems may use a reservoir
• waves can move in any 33 . . .........................................
• movement of sand, etc. on the 34 .
................................................. of the ocean may be affected
Tidal energy
Tides are more 35 . . ......................................... than waves
Planned tidal lagoon in Wales:
• will be created in a 36 . .......................................... at Swansea
• breakwater (dam) containing 16 turbines
• rising tide forces water through turbines, generating electricity
• stored water is released through 37 ............................................ , driving the turbines in
the reverse direction
• not dependent on weather
• no 38 . .......................................... is required to make it work
• likely to create a number of 39 . ...........................................
• may harm fish and birds, e.g. by affecting 40 . .......................................... and building up silt
Ocean thermal energy conversion
Uses a difference in temperature between the surface and lower levels
Water brought to the surface in a pipe
Test 2

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.


Personal information
Name Julie Anne .......<?.f!tP!�...... .
Contact phone 1 . ............................, ...........
Date of birth 2 ..... , . ............................................... , 1992
Occupation works as a 3 . ........................................
Insurance company 4 . ....................................................... Life Insurance

Details of the problem

Type of problem pain in her left 5 . ................... .
When it began 6 . ........................................................ ago
Action already taken has taken painkillers and applied ice

Other information
Sports played belongs to a 7 . ............................................. club
goes 8 . ........................................................ regularly
Medical history injured her 9 . ..................................... last year
no allergies
no regular medication apart from 10 . ........................................................
SECTION 2 Questions 11-20
Questions 11-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Visit to Branley Castle

11 Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576,
A repairs were carried out to the guest rooms.
B a new building was constructed for her.
C a fire damaged part of the main hall.
12 In 1982, the castle was sold to
A the government.
B the Fenys family.
C an entertainment company.
13 In some of the rooms, visitors can
A speak to experts on the history of the castle.
B interact with actors dressed as famous characters.
C see models of historical figures moving and talking.
14 In the castle park, visitors can
A see an 800-year-old tree.
B go to an art exhibition.
C visit a small zoo.
15 At the end of the visit, the group will have
A afternoon tea in the conservatory.
B the chance to meet the castle's owners.
C a photograph together on the Great Staircase.

Questions 16-20
Label the plan below.

Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 16-20.

16 Starting point for walking the walls ..................

17 Bow and arrow display ............... ,.,

18 Hunting birds display ...........................

19 Traditional dancing .................

20 Shop ······················
SECTION 3 Questions 21-30
Questions 21-24

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Woolly mammoths on St Paul's Island

21 How will Rosie and Martin introduce their presentation?
A with a drawing of woolly mammoths in their natural habitat
B with a timeline showing when woolly mammoths lived
C with a video clip about woolly mammoths
22 What was surprising about the mammoth tooth found by Russell Graham?
A It was still embedded in the mammoth's jawbone.
B It was from an unknown species of mammoth.
C It was not as old as mammoth remains from elsewhere.
23 The students will use an animated diagram to demonstrate how the mammoths
A became isolated on the island.
B spread from the island to other areas.
C coexisted with other animals on the
24 According to Martin, what is unusual about the date of the mammoths' extinction on
the island?
A how exact it is
B how early it is
C how it was established

Questions 25-30

What action will the students take for each of the following sections of their

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to
Questions 25-30.

A make it more interactive
B reduce visual input
C add personal opinions
D contact one of the researchers
E make detailed notes
F find information online
G check timing
H organise the content more clearly

Sections of presentation
25 Introduction
26 Discovery of the mammoth tooth
27 Initial questions asked by the researchers
28 Further research carried out on the island
29 Findings and possible explanations
30 Relevance to the present day
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each

The history of weather forecasting
Ancient cultures
• many cultures believed that floods and other disasters were involved in the
creation of the world
• many cultures invented 31 . ..................................... and other ceremonies to make the
weather gods friendly
• people needed to observe and interpret the sky to ensure their 32 . ..................................... .
• around 650 BC, Babylonians started forecasting, using weather phenomena
such as 33 ...................................... .
• by 300 BC, the Chinese had a calendar made up of a number of
34 . ...................................... connected with the weather
Ancient Greeks
• a more scientific approach
• Aristotle tried to explain the formation of various weather phenomena
• Aristotle also described haloes and 35 . ..................................... .
Middle Ages
• Aristotle's work considered accurate
• many proverbs, e.g. about the significance of the colour of the
36 ........................................ , passed on accurate information.
15th-19th centuries
• 15th century: scientists recognised value of 37 . ...................................... for the first time
• Galileo invented the 38 . ..................................... .
• Pascal showed relationship between atmospheric pressure and altitude
• from the 17th century, scientists could measure atmospheric pressure and
• 18th century: Franklin identified the movement of 39 ....................................... .
• 19th century: data from different locations could be sent to the same
place by 40 ....................................... .

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Flanders Conference Hotel

Customer Services Manager: . ...........Ane.�l�........... .

Date available
• weekend be ginning February
Conference facilities
• the 1 . ........................................ room for talks

(projector and 2 .......................................... available)

• area for coffee and an 3 ........................................ .
• free 4 . ........................................ throughout
• a standard buffet lunch costs 5 $ . ........................................ per head

• Rooms will cost 6 $ . ........................................ including breakfast.

Other facilities
• The hotel also has a spa and rooftop 7 .......................................... .
• There's a free shuttle service to the 8 . . ...................................... .

• Wilby Street (quite near the 9 . ....................................... )
• near to restaurants and many 1 O ......................................... .

SECTION 2 Questions 11-20
Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO activities that volunteers do are mentioned?

A decorating
B cleaning
C delivering meals
D shopping
E childcare

Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO ways that volunteers can benefit from volunteering are mentioned?
A learning how to be part of a team
B having a sense of purpose
C realising how lucky they are
D improved ability at time management
E boosting their employment prospects

Questions 15-20

What has each of the following volunteers helped someone to do?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to
Questions 15-20.

What volunteers have helped people to do

A overcome physical difficulties
B rediscover skills not used for a long time
C improve their communication skills
D solve problems independently
E escape isolation
F remember past times
G start a new hobby

15 Habib
16 Consuela
17 Minh
18 Tanya
19 Alexei
20 Juba

SECTION 3 Questions 21-26
Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Background on school marching band

It consists of around 21 . ......................................... students.

It is due to play in a 22 . ........................................ band competition.
It has been invited to play in the town's 23 . ......................... .
They have listened to a talk by a 24 . ........................................ .
Joe will discuss a 25 . ........................................ with the band.
Joe hopes the band will attend a 26 . . ....................................... next month.
J l

Questions 27-30

What problem does Joe mention in connection with each of the following band

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to
Questions 27-30.

A makes a lot of mistakes in rehearsals
B keeps making unhelpful suggestions
C has difficulty with rhythm
D misses too many rehearsals
E has a health problem
F doesn't mix with other students

Band members
27 flautist
28 trumpeter
29 trombonist
30 percussionist

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Concerts in university arts festival

Concert 1
• Australian composer: Liza Lim
• studied piano and 31 . ......................................... before turning to composition
• performers and festivals around the world have given her a lot of commissions
• compositions show a great deal of 32 . ....................................... and are drawn from
various cultural sources
• her music is very expressive and also 33 . . ......................................
• festival will include her 34 . . ...................................... called The Oresteia
• Lim described the sounds in The Oresteia as 35 . .........................................
• British composers: Ralph Vaughan Williams, Frederick Delius

Concert 2
• British composers: Benjamin Britten, Judith Weir
• Australian composer: Ross Edwards
• festival will include The Tower of Remoteness, inspired by nature
• The Tower of Remoteness is performed by piano and 36 . ....................................... .
• compositions include music for children
• celebrates Australia's cultural 37 . ........................................

Concert 3
• Australian composer: Carl Vine
• played cornet then piano
• studied 38 . ......................................... before studying music
• worked in Sydney as a pianist and composer
• became well known as composer of music for 39 . ........................................
• festival will include his music for the 1996 40 . ........................................
• British composers: Edward Elgar, Thomas Ades
:L_t� T" E �.I �.9.

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10

Questions 1-7

Complete the notes below

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Enquiry about booking hotel room for event


Andrew is the . ...........;v.��t�... . . . . . Manager


Adelphi Room
number of people who can sit down to eat: 1 .................
has a gallery suitable for musicians
can go out and see the 2 . ......... in pots on the terrace
terrace has a view of a group of 3 . ........................................ .

Carlton Room
number of people who can sit down to eat: 110
has a 4 . .........................................
view of the lake


Master of Ceremonies:
can give a 5 . ........................................ while people are eating
will provide 6 . . ................................ if there are any problems

in hotel rooms or 7 . ........................................

Questions 8-10

What is said about using each of the following hotel facilities?

Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to
Questions 8-10.

A included in cost of hiring room
B available at extra charge
C not available

Hotel facilities

8 outdoor swimming pool ......................... .

9 gym
10 tennis courts
SECTION 2 Questions 11-20
Questions 11-16

What information does the speaker give about each of the following excursions?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to
Questions 11-16.

A all downhill
B suitable for beginners
C only in good weather
D food included
E no charge
F swimming possible
G fully booked today
H transport not included


11 dolphin watching
12 forest walk
13 cycle trip
14 local craft tour
15 observatory trip
16 horse riding

Questions 17 and 18

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does the speaker say about the attraction called Musical Favourites?
A You pay extra for drinks.
B You must book it in advance.
C You get a reduction if you buy two tickets.
D You can meet the performers.
E You can take part in the show.

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does the speaker say about the Castle Feast?
A Visitors can dance after the meal.
B There is a choice of food.
C Visitors wear historical costume.
D Knives and forks are not used.
E The entertainment includes horse races.
SECTION 3 Questions 21-30
Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

21 What does Trevor find interesting about the purpose of children's literature?
A the fact that authors may not realise what values they're teaching
B the fact that literature can be entertaining and educational at the same time
C the fact that adults expect children to imitate characters in literature
22 Trevor says the module about the purpose of children's literature made him
A analyse some of the stories that his niece reads.
B wonder how far popularity reflects good quality.
C decide to start writing some children's stories.
23 Stephanie is interested in the Pictures module because
A she intends to become an illustrator.
B she can remember beautiful illustrations from her childhood.
C she believes illustrations are more important than words.
24 Trevor and Stephanie agree that comics
A are inferior to books.
B have the potential for being useful.
C discourage children from using their imagination.
25 With regard to books aimed at only boys or only girls, Trevor was surprised
A how long the distinction had gone unquestioned.
B how few books were aimed at both girls and boys.
C how many children enjoyed books intended for the opposite sex.

Questions 26-30

What comment is made about each of these stories?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to
Questions 26-30.

A translated into many other languages
B hard to read
C inspired a work in a different area of art
D more popular than the author's other works
E original title refers to another book
F started a new genre
G unlikely topic

26 Perrault's fairy tales
27 The Swiss Family Robinson
28 The Nutcracker and The Mouse King
29 The Lord of the Rings
30 War Horse
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

The hunt for sunken settlements and ancient shipwrecks

• was a village on coast of eastern Mediterranean
• thrived until about 7,000 BC
• stone homes had a courtyard
• had a semicircle of large stones round a 31 . ..........................................
• cause of destruction unknown - now under the sea
• biggest settlement from the prehistoric period found on the seabed
• research carried out into structures, 32 . .......................................... and human remains


• used in the oil industry, e.g. to make 33 . ....................... .................
• problems: they were expensive and 34 . ..........................................

• much easier to use, relatively cheap, sophisticated
• Marzamemi, Sicily: found ancient Roman ships carrying architectural
elements made of 35 . ..........................................
Underwater internet:
• 36 ............................................ is used for short distance comnliunication, acoustic
waves for long distance
• plans for communication with researchers by satellite
• AUV can send data to another AUV that has better 37 ............................................ ,
for example
Planned research in Gulf of Baratti:
• to find out more about wrecks of ancient Roman ships, including
one carrying 38 .
supplies; tablets may have been used
for cleaning the 39 . ..........................................
others carrying containers of olive oil or 40 . ..........................................

SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Questions 1–5

Complete the notes below.


Transport from Bayswater

Example Answer
Destination Harbour City

• Express train leaves at 1 …………………….

• Nearest station is 2 …………………….

• Number 706 bus goes to 3 …………………….

• Number 4 ……………………. bus goes to station

• Earlier bus leaves at 5 …………………….

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Questions 6–10

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Transport Cash fare Card fare

Bus 6 $ …………… $1.50

Train (peak) $10 $10

Train (off-peak) $10

– before 5pm or after 7 …………… pm) 8 $ ……………

9 …………… ferry $4.50 $3.55

Tourist ferry (10 ……………) $35 –

Tourist ferry (whole day) $65 –

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–14

Which counsellor should you see?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 11–14.

A Louise Bagshaw
B Tony Denby
C Naomi Flynn

11 if you do not have an appointment

12 if it is your first time seeing a counsellor

13 if your concerns are related to anxiety

14 if you are unable to see a counsellor during normal office hours

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Questions 15–20

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Workshop Content Target group

Adjusting what you need to succeed 15 ………………… students


Getting Organised use time effectively, find all students

16 ………………… between
study and leisure

Communicating talking with staff, all students, especially

communicating across cultures
17 …………………

Anxiety 18 …………………, breathing students about to sit exams

techniques, meditation, etc.

19 ………………… staying on track for long periods 20 ………………… students


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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21–30

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Novel: 21 …………………

Protagonists: Mary Lennox; Colin Craven

Time period: Early in 22 …………………

Plot: Mary → UK – meets Colin who thinks he’ll never be able to

23 ………………… . They become friends.

Point of view: “Omniscient” – narrator knows all about characters’ feelings,

opinions and 24 …………………

Audience: Good for children – story simple to follow

Symbols (physical items that represent 25 …………………):

• the robin redbreast

• 26 …………………

• the portrait of Mistress Craven

Motifs (patterns in the story):

• the Garden of Eden

• secrecy – metaphorical and literal transition from 27 …………………

Themes: Connections between

• 28 ………………… and outlook

• 29 ………………… and well-being

• individuals and the need for 30 …………………

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31–35
Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Time Perspectives

Time Zone Outlook Features & Consequences

Past Positive Remember good times, e.g. birthdays.

Keep family records, photo albums, etc.

31 ………… Focus on disappointments, failures, bad decisions.


Present Hedonistic Live for 32 …………….. ; seek sensation; avoid pain.

Fatalistic Life is governed by 33 …………….. , religious beliefs,

social conditions. Life’s path can’t be changed.

Future 34 ………… Prefer work to play. Don’t give in to temptation.


Fatalistic Have a strong belief in life after death and importance of

35 …………….. in life.

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Questions 36–40
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

36 We are all present hedonists

A at school
B at birth
C while eating and drinking

37 American boys drop out of school at a higher rate than girls because
A they need to be in control of the way they learn
B they play video games instead of doing school work
C they are not as intelligent as girls

38 Present-orientated children
A do not realise present actions can have negative future effects
B are unable to learn lessons from past mistakes
C know what could happen if they do something bad, but do it anyway

39 If Americans had an extra day per week, they would spend it

A working harder
B building relationships
C sharing family meals

40 Understanding how people think about time can help us

A become more virtuous
B work together better
C identify careless or ambitious people

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SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Questions 1–6

Complete the form below.


Application Form for use of Library Internet Service

Example Answer

Existing cardholder? Yes

Family name: Milton

First names: 1 ……………….. Jayne

Address: 2 ………………..

35 Maximilian Way


Post Code: 3 ………………..

Occupation: Nurse

(works the 4 ………………..)

Home phone: N/A

Mobile: 0412 214 418

Type of ID: 5 ………………..

ID number: AZ 1985331

Date of Birth: 25th 6 ………………..

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Questions 7 and 8

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

What will the woman use the internet for?

A trade & exchange

B research
C email
D social networking
E job vacancies

Questions 9 and 10


9 How much does it cost to register as an internet user?


10 What is the maximum amount of time allowed per single daily internet session?

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–15
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11 The guided bushwalk is suitable for

A adults only
B children over 12 and adults
C children over 8 accompanied by a parent

12 On the bird observation outing, it is recommended that you have

A waterproof footwear
B a bird identification book
C binoculars

13 For the trip to the sand dunes, a company will donate

A water
B tools
C gloves

14 The bush tucker excursion will cost (per person)

A $15
B $12
C $7

15 The deadline to register for the bush tucker outing is

A 25 November
B 15 November
C 10 November

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Questions 16–20

Complete the table below.


Activity Leader Date Venue Time

Bush walk Glenn Ford 16 …………… Springvale 17 ……–1pm

Bird watching Joy Black, club 10 September Camford 4.30–6.30pm

18 ……………

Sand dunes Rex Rose 26 November 19 …………… 8.30–10.30am

Bush tucker Jim Kerr, ranger 3 December Carson Hills 10am–20 ……

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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21–25

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

21 Students must follow ……………………. to prevent accidents in the lab.

22 The students have not been using ……………………. while in the lab.

23 Students cannot eat or drink until ……………………. is finished and they have

washed their hands.

24 Tessa should tie her hair back to avoid danger when she is working with

a ……………………. or chemicals.

25 Students must wear long sleeves and shoes made of ……………………. in the


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Questions 26–28
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

26 Which student is currently using an appropriate notebook?

A Vincent
B Tessa
C Neither student

27 The tutor says that writing observations in complete sentences

A is often not a good use of time

B makes them easier to interpret later
C means that others can understand them

28 The students must write dates

A next to each drawing

B next to each written section
C next to each drawing and written section

Questions 29 and 30
Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO things must be included in the conclusion to the experiment?

A the questions investigated

B the solutions to the questions

C the student’s own thoughts about the experiment

D the length of time spent on the experiment

E the student’s signature

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31–40
Complete the notes below.

Climate change

• Cutting down trees for 31 ……………………

• Industrial Revolution
• 32 ……………………
• Increase in population  deforestation

• Over previous 130 yrs: temp.  by 0.6 ° C

• Since Ind. Rev.: CO2  by 30% & Methane  by 33 …………………… (from
mining, animals, rice paddies)
• N2O  (from 34 …………………… esp. fertiliser; waste management; car
• Greenhouse Effect: gases form 35 ……………………  heat trapped  Earth
warms up


1. Rise in sea levels  ice melting

Sea level Number of people at risk

1998 levels 36 ……………………

+50 cm 92 million

+1 metre 37 ……………………

2. Change in 38 …………………  more arid areas  population movement to

3. Increase in pests and 39 …………………… e.g. malaria

4. Change in ecosystems: *shift in 40 …………………… – some die, others

multiply *deserts get hotter & bigger

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SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Questions 1–5

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Second-hand Bedroom Furniture for Sale

Example Answer

Number of items for sale: three

Bedside tables

Construction: wood

Colour: 1 ………………..

Drawers: two (in each table)

handles made of 2 ………………..

Height: 3 ……………….. cm

Condition: 4 ………………..

Price: 5 ……………….. (for both)

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Questions 6–10

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Dressing table

Drawers: five (two are 6 ………………..)

Width: 7 ………………..

Mirrors: three: one large, two small (all

8 ………………..)

Condition: good

Price: 9 ………………..

Seller’s details

Name: Carolyn Kline

Address: 19 10 ……………….. Road

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–17
Label the plan below.
Write the correct letter, A–J, next to questions 11–17.

11 Administration office
12 Sports medicine clinic
13 Bike racks
14 Café
15 Conference room
16 Men’s locker room
17 Pool shop

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Question 18

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

18 The sports centre is open on public holidays from

A 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
B 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.
C 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Questions 19 and 20

Choose TWO letters, A–E.

Which TWO services are covered by the membership fee?

A Personal training
B Swim squads
C Childminding
D Programme design
E Tennis lessons

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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21–25

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Part One – Checklist:

 Write an 21 ……………………. – keep it brief.

 List relevant 22 ……………………. .

 Have two academic advisors read over your 23 ……………………. .

 Choose the journal you want to submit to.

 Apply the journal’s 24 ……………………. to your article.

 Sign the 25 ……………………. .

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Questions 26–30

Complete the flow-chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Part Two – Process

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31–33
Complete the summary below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

If soil is healthy, it is a 31 ………………… teeming with life such as worms, fungi

and bacteria. If plants are grown in poor soil, they will lack 32 ………………… and

human health will suffer. Plants are nourished by organic matter, 33 …………………

and other essential elements which are broken down by insects and other organisms in

a synergistic relationship.

Questions 34–36
Label the diagram below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

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Questions 37–40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

 Erosion
 37 ………………… from various sources, including chemical fertilisers

Conventional farming methods Organic farming methods

 monoculture  crop rotation
 synthetic fertiliser & chemicals  covering crops
used for 38 …………………  use of insects as natural
 genetically-modified seeds 40 …………………
 pesticide & fungicide sprayed on  addition of manure & green waste
crops after picking
 no need for documentation of

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SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Complete the notes below.



Example Answer

Name of caller Peter Smith

Vehicle Details:

• Vehicle for sale: 2012 Toyota sedan

• Vehicle colour: 1 ……………………
• Condition of vehicle: original 2 ……………………
no scratches
no dents
engine: no problems, regular servicing

• Ownership: one driver, old lady

3 ……………………
• Tyres: back tyres: worn
front tyres: 4 ……………………

• Extras air conditioning

5 ……………………
power steering, central locking, ABS brakes
manual transmission
tow bar – useful for Peter’s 6 ……………………
Mileage: 7 …………………… km

Meeting Arrangements
• Tina’s address: 8 352 ……………………
• Time of appointment: 9 …………………… today
• Peter’s phone number: 10 045 -……………………

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–17

Label the plan below.

Write the correct letter, A–I, next to questions 11–17.

Daisy Day Care Centre

11 shoe rack ………

12 carpet ………

13 bookcase ………

14 dress-up cupboard ………

15 cubbyholes ……....

16 climbing walls ………

17 chickens ………

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Questions 18–20

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

18 The official ratio of adults to children who are two or older is one adult to
…………………. children.

19 Parents who are often late may be asked to ………………….. .

20 The quickest waiting time for a place in the Day Care is …………………. .

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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21 and 22

Choose TWO letters, A–E

Professor Jones thinks that Mark will ask for more time for his essay because:

A two other students have already asked her

B her students never plan their assignments
C most students have handed in their assignments
D it is the day before the assignment is due in
E Mark is always late with his assignments

Questions 23–25

Choose ONE letter, A, B or C

23 Mark needs an extension because:

A he was sick and went to the doctor
B he had a problem with his computer
C his brother had a personal problem

24 Mark didn’t come to see Professor Jones a week ago because:

A he thought his writing was very bad
B he planned to finish the essay on time
C he wanted to keep his grade point average

25 Which rule below is NOT correct? You should

A ask at least 3 days before the essay is due
B fill out a form and then email it
C talk to your teacher in person

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Questions 26–30

Complete the notes below.


Professor Jones’s feedback:

• Mark needs to add 26 …………………… to his bibliography

• He should look in the online databases, e.g. Languageline

• His essay has no 27 ……………………

• Mark plans to explain the theories and show 28 …………… for each of them

• He should 29 …………………… the essay before he hands it in

• He can have one 30 …………………… for his assignment

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31–35

Complete the summary below.


Managing Creativity in Your Business

Managing creative staff is a difficult task. They have creativity and 31 ……………….., so

they need freedom. In the past, in factories, 32 ……………….. was vital for making a

high quality product. Nowadays, we hire staff to create new products and find new

customers. But, their new ideas must be 33 ………………. if we want to make money

from them. A standard method for managing staff is setting 34 ……………….. targets,

related to profits, products or new clients. This method has some problems, because

staff might be dishonest or break the law so that they can meet the company goals.

These goals are often tied in to 35 ……………….. and this can make the problem worse.

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Questions 36–40

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Robert Simons’ Three 36 ……………………..

The first: Develop a mission statement

Engage the workers with the Follow the company 37 ……………………..

company’s core values

the best tools in the world

the customer is no 1

The second: Don’t tell your creative staff what to do;

The power of 38 tell them what they should not do, e.g.
this product is not part of our company goals

this behaviour is not OK

You need to set 39…………………….. to help

control creativity

The third: Be aware of and discuss external factors

40……………………. the competition

the company profits and losses

other new products in the market

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SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Questions 1–6

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Harry’s Hire Company


Hire for: birthday party

Equipment Hire:

Day and date of event: 1 …………………… November

Number attending event: 2 ……………………

Rental: 5 dozen dinner plates, bowls

5 dozen sets of 3 ………… and …………

40 plastic 4 ……………………

4 dozen each small / medium glasses

six 5 ……………………


Weekend Package: 5 p.m. Fri – 10 a.m. Mon: $1600 + tax

6 …………………… Package: 5 p.m. Sat – 10 a.m. Mon: $1350 + tax

7 ……………………: $50 (within 10 km)

Breakage Insurance: $60

Replacement costs: plates, bowls – $3.55 per item

small glasses – 8 …………………… per item

medium glasses – $4.40 per item

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Customer Details:

Full name: 9 ……………………

Address: 28B Sandstone Close, Martinsborough

Contact number: 10. 084 ……………………

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–15

Match the creatures to their behaviour.

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D next to each description.

A swifts

B bats

C cockroaches

D centipedes

11 feed on the guardrail beside the path

12 are dangerous to people

13 collect in large groups

14 fly only at night

15 live on the roof of the cave

Questions 16 and 17

Answer the questions below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

16 What is the guano from the caves used for?


17 What are the birds’ nests from the cave used for?


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Questions 18–20

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

In the cave, you should:

18 carry a .…………………

19 wear a .………………… and a hat

20 keep to the .………………… at all times

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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21–23

Choose ONE letter, A, B, or C.

21 Mary has been called in for a meeting because:

A she has been working too hard
B she has offered to lead an activity
C she is going on a training programme

22 The most important part of planning a field trip is:

A to organise activities for everyone
B to know about the official rules for field trips
C to think about and plan for problems

23 Leaders must develop:

A a tailored trip plan
B an adventure activities plan
C a hazard management plan

Questions 24 and 25

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

24 Mary’s plan must consider .…………………, such as local rain or wind, the land and the
party members.

25 Mary’s plan does not need to consider things such as tropical storms or serious illnesses,
which are known as ………………… .

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Questions 26–30

Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer



• everyone needs warm clothing and a 26 .…………………


• hiking – first aid kit, map and a 27 .…………………

• avoid routes where an avalanche, mudslide or 28 .………………… is



• think about the fitness and 29 ………………… of the group

• do not allow 30 .………………… to be responsible for transport.

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31–34

Label the diagrams below

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

A Normal Ear An Ear with Cochlear Implant

31 .…………………

32 ………………….

33 .…………………

34 .…………………

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Questions 35 – 40

Complete the summary below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Cochlear Implants – Advantages, Disadvantages and Factors

Hearing aids 35.…………………… normal sounds, so they are good for mild hearing loss but

not for severe loss. Cochlear implants help some people a lot, but do not work so well for

everyone. The brain gets different 36.…………………… from an implant, so users must

relearn how to hear. Cochlear implants are not a cure. Users need ongoing training in

37.……………………, lip-reading and sign language. The surgery can damage nerves. It

may also destroy any 38 .……………………; in such cases, those users cannot go back to

using a hearing aid. The most important factor for selecting users is the

39.…………………… of their deafness, and also age and previous speaking ability. Finally,

the condition of the nerve cells in the cochlea is a factor, because 40 ……………………. can

damage these cells.

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SECTION 1 Questions 1–10

Questions 1–6

Complete the table below.


Cell Phone Packages

Type of Plans • Pre-paid

• 24-month contract plans

Prepaid Plans • 1 without ………………

SIM cards • 15 minutes of 2 ………………

Minimal Plan • $12

• 40 minutes

• 3 without ………………

Social Plan • $40

• 200 minutes

• 4 ………………

• 2GB data

5 ……… & ……… Plan • 5 numbers, free talking and texting

• $70

• 3GB data

Changing Plans • at any time

• in person

• access the 6 ………………

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Questions 7–10

Complete the sales form below.


Sales Form

Plan Social Plan

Phone Number 7 047 - ………………

Customer Name 8 ………………

Address 375 Thompson 9 ………………

Total Payment $42.50

Payment Method 10 ………………

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SECTION 2 Questions 11–20

Questions 11–13

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11 Which option is NOT part of keeping the kitchen clean?

A hair covers
B hand wash
C touching counter surfaces

12 The locked door is NOT used to protect against …

A theft of money
B damage to food
C unwanted visitors

13 Mayonnaise is measured …
A to count the number of burgers sold
B to make the burgers taste delicious
C to know how much has been used

Questions 14 and 15

Choose TWO letters, A—E

Which TWO of the following make the company efficient?

A achieving sales targets

B knowing the busy times and days
C throwing away burgers after 10 minutes
D hiring extra staff at key times
E teaching staff to work in one area

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Questions 16–20
Complete the sentences below.


There is a 16 …………………. on the back of the paper tray covers.

Exact servings are important for stock checking, for 17 …………………. and, most
importantly, for providing correct food values.

Customers in cars account for 18 …………………. of the total sales.

Paid orders are sent to 19 …………………., for both cooks and servers.

The order is finished when the 20 …………………. arrives.

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SECTION 3 Questions 21–30

Questions 21–30

Complete the form below.


Experiment Planning Form

Experimental hypothesis:
That 21 …………………. impacts on crabs at the beach.
Visitor numbers overall number of visitors
Time of day changes in number of people and 22 ………………….
23 …………………. left by visitors to the beach

• floating rubbish
• boat pollution
Available beaches and usage levels:
Main town beach 24 ………………….
Beach over the hill Little use
25 …………………. No use; control
Experimental method:
Count crab holes:
• over a set 26 ………………….
• in a defined area of sand
• the same 27 …………………. from the sea
Equipment: (3 of each):

• measuring tapes, balls of string, small posts

• 28 …………………. to check that we start and stop at the same time
• stop watches for timing
• 29 …………………. to see at night

• Initial time period: one hour / day and night

• Total observation period: 20 hours over a 30 ………………….

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SECTION 4 Questions 31–40

Questions 31 and 32
Choose TWO letters, A—E

The lecturer states that in the past mythologies offered …

A stories to explain the unknown.
B a substitute for religion.
C characters with special powers.
D examples of goodness and virtue.
E an escape into fantasy.

Questions 33 and 34
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C

33 The Warring States are mentioned as an example of …

A how myths affect poor people.
B political change in modern China.
C the social power of myths.

34 Luke Skywalker’s story is told to show that ...

A modern myths have new values and ideas.
B myths are still being retold today.
C myths are written mainly for young people.

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Questions 35—40

Match the creation mythologies to their features.

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D next to each feature.

A Greek
B Norse
C Chinese
D Māori
E Australian

35 An animal brings up life from the sea.

36 The world is formed from the body of a god.

37 The gods fight with each other.

38 The Earth forms as a god becomes bigger.

39 A son separates his parents.

40 People steal from the gods.

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