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rt OED eee eee and graphics adaptation and sound-effects lettering (Tg ce digital lettering and additional graphics adaptation Pr Crng OT og Clg Ce ed or a collection designer ST io ba) ah NG a © 2001 NASHROOM Co Ld, Wanslation and English-language adaptation © 199,198, 2001 MASH=ROOM Co, Lil and Kodansha Lid, Toye Graphics adaptation © 2000 Ednans (lena. Alter matral © 2001 Dark Horse Cris, ne. Alright reserved. Pulicalion rights aranged through Nodansha Lid Yokyo. Originally published in Japan in 1886-1988 in Youie Mazacine by Kodansha Ui. Yohye. Wo portion ol this publication may be reproduced. man Tor or by ary means, witht te express writn permission ote copyright holders. Names, characters. places, and cients featured in his publican are eter te produto the authors mapation or ae sed ict ously ny resemblance i actual parsons (living o dead, evr, nsttuinsor neal, witht sti ent cancer Dark Hrse Camis andthe Dark Norse logo are rademarks Dark Horse Com, Tne. roistered in various categories and countries. lights reserve. Th artwark of this volume has bean prodvced as a mirro-image othe erignal panes eon to conform to English-Language standards. Publishad by Dark Horse Comics nc, 10856 SE. Main Suet, Milwaukie, OR 97222 + wwndarhors Totind a comics hopin your ara, call the Comic Shop Locator Servic tlre at 1-488-256-4226 Fist edition December 2001 + ISBN 1-56871-527-0 Printdin Canada + 10 8 87654321 KATSUHIRO OTOM O ¢ DARK HORSE COMICS" THE STORY See aa ea Tokyo, destroyed four decades earlier by the re eet) a military project gone horribly wrong, Akira Se ae) rece ene ys ee aL ee arma, ‘formidable psychics withering away in children's eet et etre ACR ay motorcycle gang led by hs fiend Kaneda, A violent accident sets off within Tetsuo dormant See eee Ao ren cs Tetsuo soon explodes ina psychic kiling spree ‘against friend and foe, turning Kaneda from blood-brother to mortal enemy. Yetsuo has not Poa ee eee ety errr et ) Pt eateke cbc See Lod — and Tetsuo's discovery of Akia's existence foments within him the urge to confront the eed rr alee eu tuublenaued ced ert sr eg eee Ped cd er Se eee ais Tetsuo’s psychic vibrations stir Akira, and the A eed cet the frantic Colonel orders the gigantic laser cannon ofthe military satelite SOL to fre on Tetsuo and Akira. Tetsuo's arm is shredded, nd Leckey akaoliedcct Cee oe) Pere a ee eet population heads for shelter, the streets ‘quarantined by military patrols and Caretaker ee Chiyoko, a powerful woman of the resistance bring Akira to a yacht for safekeeping. but eee rra Ret) ‘Airato use asa weapon against the government Sree ett tg iJ vay lo freedom, and they invade Nezw's home Pe mL eventually corer Akira, who forthe first time eae ee eed eae es Fels Wales Norcwtastshesc cee ered Cerna’ surges through Neo-Tohyo, and the citizenry Bee eee ye PO eed pe ee a cael From the floaded ruins rises the Great Tokyo ur con tore) eo ost cd Cee ad St ated oe i wa) neutralize its mast mmediate enemies, the child psychics and Lady Miyako — an enigmatic religious figure and Project survivor — whose temple is a haven for refugees. Tetsuo begins feeding the super-drug to volunteers." Mast SNe te ad ee ae and executed by the new psychics, but one operative. Yamada, evades capture Lert ‘Masaru and Kiyoko, but Kaneda is nowhere to Ce ic) Se eee) ee ores enlist the aid of Miyako, who gives them the ee a ea) Se ri ‘escape and leaves to investigate. He finds the dota ad makes a beeline for Akira stronghold. With Ryu Pea Chiyoko and Kei return to find the children cr eer ee red Masaru, but Kiyoko's captors escape. Kei sets CT a te pete eee a Tetsuo aso gives the drug to young women for De ed Pe et ad Tetsuo's companion and Akia’s nami. Tetsuo Te teetibedca uote ical his thoughts are being manipulated by Akira, ero rere Ce og chambers. Tetsuo withdraws in terror, having pe Tr ee cd colossus. He eventually comes to is senses and erred him. He takes more drugs, kicking his power to new heights, and transports across space to tee te ad Tee erred SE aoa Only by going cold turkey wil he become alle en es re eLny DO eee EN er ee Tord Tetsuo's newly bred psychics. Facing almost certain capture, the two are rescued by the et ed facility manned by a scientist stricken with De et ee Sees ned cae kd arduous journey trough the rubble tothe temple DOU nad Ce ate e ‘etsuo begins his agonizing withdrawal Yetsuo's lieutenant, upon discovering that Masaru has tbc uLuetr utr Pe es eer rd See one ees See eee ee rey repelled, partially by the psychic skis of the Preven euieketou dad lieutenant hostage. She eventually lets him go, Cas Tetsuo appears to Ryu and Yamada and tells ead ot at get too clase due tothe power of Akira. Yamada Tro hes) te ‘As the Colonel nears the Temple, a second attack i ee Talal vemplanlamboscatoatoont rete kd Cee et ee ed etc os Plessis utabucra 4 his power and tossing wrecked shyserapers about tes tthe ‘ime and space reliving hs birt, and evertually Petar d ed Praha bean) aneda suddenly appears. AIRCRAFT IN VIEWS you ARE CLEARED TO LAND ON PAD SIX. TUNE IN ON FREQUENCY 759.48 FOR LANDING INSTRUCTIONS... ge — ah i Pow y =S—<—sI7y797 Sp> Chee BS RY rRoFesson! Gy =z K\ 3 FZ = x} i —S Mt F nes | oJ HL f¢ € oe OSS 2 na vio Fe a C A es 7, 7 i é Ww FO BRIA | THAT's & C? f ea 28 THE NUMBERS: KEEP IN MIND THAT THE NUMBERS MARKED IN BLUE. PROJECT THIRD PHENOMENON, CANNOT BE VERIFIED AND Tugm | | WHICH OCCURRED SEVERAL MUST BE REGARDED JUWENILE “A’ AS ESTIMATES. TOKYO, = ill Lh | is OF AMPLITUDE MODULATION.’ \ 4G ye Me 30 PES Sok pe bp SO WHEREAS THE GENERATED READINGS (ACROSS THe ENTIRE enRey || @ ‘SPECTRUM, THE THIRD ENT 31 RY Sorris, aRe YOu sue- GESTING THIS WAS NOT A ~ GENERATION ‘THAT NUMBERS WERE REGISTERED ALL THE WAY UP TO 4... ...NUMBERS 34, 35, AND 34 WERE STILL IN ‘THE SECRET LAB AT THE TIME WITH NEO-TOKYO, THEY ARE LISTED AS MISSING. SOL FIRED AT THE COMPLEX WHERE AKIRA WAS a ‘THAT, EVERY- THING RESTS WITH NUMBER 4 SHIT... TO THINK HE SURVIVED KL THAT. no everyone = V7 Tuere's Avot HANDED. i OF SERIOUS BARTER AND TRADING... PLENTY ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE... IT'S LIKE A REGULAR CITY IS GROWING AROUND THE SHRINE. PEOPLE ARE EVEN DIGGING JM FOR SCRAP METAL TO LIKE YOU THINK YOURE GONNA FIND AN OPEN STORE THIS TIME a 45 A

» u ay T mK a K Sess weeded y 7 = a 2 f q wha Ale) eA RZ Og A it ¢ oe x és 3 3 i a) i Ly el | GF i SRN A \ N Bs | ns WAYS RAS > Pies ke presse Mal ts LAT = eed Eh Me Te P Iss ALAN ; 137 q e 144, ) En 38 y ZA im ie 4 SHIT! IT'S } ALREADY PAST . DAWN. Gy, Ca » / }} xy ‘ b) x7 Fe I 5 ‘ : He il wi 4 PF Cy SS a f ae Pd 4 COULDN'T GE" 5 IDE : i a ome ey ih ox As Fe AA eta A, Sl i \ RS wal Ny : Wan 158 161 162 164 ey (APPE ONE Fl ‘CRAS 7 L=tee ee MO ie parece MOY ase Al yee ab yey Ey ft Yea Re PAulaly Y/ Ik WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO FIND fe BY STUDYING 7 Efi [ fi WW

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