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Kashmir issue and Geography of Kashmir Video No.

The history of Kashmir is too much old. In 1846, under the Amritsar Agreement, the
British Government had sold Kashmir to Dogra Raja Gulab Singh for Rs. 7.5 million.
The last Maharaja of Kashmir was Hari Singh, who was a Hindu ruler. At the time of
formation of Pakistan, about 14 states were independent in the Indian subcontinent.
Kashmir was also an independent state out of these 14 states. The Kashmir issue
started with a deception. At the time of establishment of Pakistan in 1947, all the
sovereign states were given the right to either join Pakistan or India. On October 26,
1947, Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu and Kashmir, being a Hindu, annexed /joined
Jammu and Kashmir with India under a backdated agreement. When Maharaja Hari
Singh's joined with India the war of independence started in Jammu and Kashmir, and
on October 27, 1947, Pakistani troops and Mujahideen arrived to help the Kashmiri
Muslims. Maharaja Hari Singh presented an agreement dated October 26, 194 that
Jammu and Kashmir were annexed to India, which allowed Indian troops to enter
Kashmir and Indian troops to join Jammu and Kashmir and Indian troops aggressively
occupied on Jammu and Kashmir.
At present Jammu and Kashmir is under the control of three nuclear powers countries
of the world, namely Pakistan, China and India. The total area of Azad Jammu and
Kashmir borders are joined with Pakistan, India, China and Afghanistan. Gilgit-
Baltistan is under the control of Pakistan and the total area of Gilgit-Baltistan is 77,277
sq km and the capital of Gilgit-Baltistan is Gilgit. Jammu and Kashmir are under
Indian occupation and the total area of Jammu and Kashmir is 90,820 sq km and the
capital of Jammu and Kashmir is Srinagar. The part which is still called Akasai Chin is
under control of China and Pakistan ceded it to China in 1963 under an agreement, and
Kashmir has an area of 38,000 square kilometers which is called Ladakh is under the
control of China while both China and India claim Aka Sai Chin as their own territory.
Azad Kashmir which is an independent region Azad Kashmir has its own Prime
Minister, President, Legislative Assembly and Supreme Court. However, the syah Chin
Glacier is still a disputed area between India and Pakistan.
The total area of Azad Kashmir is 13297 sq km and the capital of Azad Kashmir is
Muzaffarabad. The borders of Azad Kashmir adjacent with'Rajouri', Poonch,
Badgram, Kupwara and Gilgit-Baltistan and Chilas and then Gilgit-Baltistan joins
Afghanistan and the Karakoram Highway passes through the rugged Gilgit-Baltistan
mountains lead to china from in land route.
Pakistan controls 35% of the total area of Kashmir including Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-
Baltistan, similarly, India has occupied 55% of the total area of Kashmir and China has
20% of the total area of Kashmir is under the control of China. Kashmir issue is the
bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Due to Kashmir conflict Pakistan and
India have been fought three wars.
1. 1965 war
2. 1971 war
3. 1999 Cargil War.
In 1948, India took the Kashmir issue to the United Nations Security Council, on which
the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 147, and after that Resolution
39, to resolve the Kashmir issue, that the United Nations Commission will be formed
commission and this commission shall send to Kashmir and the United Nations will also
send its Army troops to Kashmir so that the Kashmiri people can pass their free vote to
decide whether they want to join Pakistan or India. So far, the United Nations has not
set up a commission or sent their Army troops to establish peace in Kashmir.
On March 14, 1950, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution No. 80
stating that both Pakistan and India were withdrawing their troops from Kashmir.
Due to war of 1965 and 1971 between India and Pakistan, with the intervention of the
United Nations, the Shimla Agreement settled under which the Line of Control was
determined. India has been persecuting Kashmiri Muslims ever since, and thousands of
human rights violations that have been recorded by international observers and
presented to the UN General Assembly.

Once again in 1962 the Kashmir issue was presented to the UN Security Council and the
Security Council drafted a resolution on 22 June 1962 and two votes were in favor of the
resolution and seven votes were against it. In against voted one vote was from the
Soviet Union.
The Kashmir issue once again raised in the UN Security Council in 1972, but at this
time the Security Council did not pass any resolution.

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