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The Machine that

Would Predict the

Future II
Prime Radiant Device Obama:
Maliatashe’s Hypothesis and the Principle
Mathematics of Applied Psychohistory

[Malia] Authors:
[Hatashe] Bachelor of Military Science in Applied Psychohistory,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Master of Disaster and Human Security Management
(continuing), Bangladesh University of Professionals
(BUP), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka

Sidwell Friends School, Maryland, Washington D.C.

This research was belongs to the PRISM with thy title
Physics of Noble Materials: The Life Simulation Device
"Obama" of Commonwealth System; Wherever
Commonwealth, Internet & Telecom System is the Life
Simulation Platform and Obama, Computer & Mobile
Phone is their Prime Radiant Device. Traffic signal by
using color lights gives the sense of future action on road.
Color graph of Stoke Exchange and Forex system predict
the future economical status. The Machine of Device
Obama’s principle is few color equations that would
predict the general course of future flow of Human
The Machine that Would Predict the Future II
Prime Radiant device Obama: Maliatashe’s Hypothesis
and the Principle Mathematics of Applied Psychohistory

Key Words: Psychohistory, Hatashe’s Hypothesis, Hatashe’s Law, Prime Radiant Device Obama,
Isaac Asimov, Theory of Jimmy Sanger, Seldon Black or Obama Black, Speaker Red, Deviation
Blue, Notation Green, Projection Purple, White House, Red Square Kremlin, Isaac Ratio, Seldon
Ratio, Seldon Constant, Commonwealth, Internet, Telecom, Obama, Computer, Mobile Phone,
Theory of Prediction, Maliatashe’s Hypothesis, Malia, Hatashe.

Bachelor of Military Science in Applied Psychohistory, Harvard University
Master of Disaster and Human Security Management (continuing), Bangladesh
University of Professionals (BUP)

Sidwell Friends School, Maryland, Washington D.C.

First Edition:
Prime Radiant da Luxuries Physics: Hatashe’s Hypothesis and the Principle Mathematics of
Applied Psychohistory
February 2011

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“This program is dedicated to Forty Four Thousand individuals has been working to
transmute the science fiction dream into the fact. With them was light of PRISM, without
them the program would not exist."
Professor Dr. Barack Obama, J. D.
President and Chief Scientist, PRISM
(Prime Radiant and Integrated Simulation Module)
44th President of the United States of America

“Hello Hatashe, Physics has shaped my thinking about Dignity, and so I am glad to learn of
your work, and encourage you to publish it. My suggestion to you is to make it available on a
website. Often a writer can reach more readers this way than with a traditional book. If you
want to get feedback from the public, create a place on the website for readers' comments.
You can also find a free copy of my book on mathematical physics (Mathematics of Classical
and Quantum Physics) on the Internet by googling its title. I think that learning the math in
that book might provide you with tools with which to pursue your admirable goals. I could
send you the link when I return home at the end of January. My best wishes for you.”

Professor Dr. Robert W. Fuller, Ph. D.

Physicist, Research Advisor

"Who knows what the future hold?"

Kenneth W. Braddock
Research Advisor
Ex-Naval of United States Navy
Naval Air System Command

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Revelation of Psychohistorical Mathematics
Hatashe the Informal Mathematician to the all Mathematicians and Physicists belongs to the
entire world. The Mathematics about Psychohistory, the term Psychohistory popularized by
Isaac Asimov in his Foundation Series and actually the idea developed by United States
Founding Father's team which was lead by George Washington and later it extended by
Barack Obama through PRISM (Prime Radiant and Integrated Simulation Module) Program.
Psychohistory is a branch of science that could predict the general course of future flow. First
I would like to give special thanks to three books and its authors; the Republic by Plato,
Foundation by Asimov and Audacity by Obama. The three books were helpful to understand
the Psychohistorical Literacy. I am still trying to give its Psychohistorical Mathematics shape.
Calculus was established by Newton and Leibnitz and today it is enough mature but the
Psychohistory is a new born mathematics, not reached to such stage yet that could predict the
future. Here are the some mathematical definitions and Psychohistorical Mathematics that
one day will come when psychohistory will be reached to such stage that can able to predict
the future.

Let, T and S is the two Grids of Psychohistorical Revelation. Wherever 'T' stands for 'Time'
and 'S' stands for 'Situation'. So, T is the Revelation of P, as well S is the Revelation of P,
and T & S both is the coordinates of P. Now, if r the grid of T will be saturated to the b the
grid of S, so r will be the feature equation of b. Wherever, r stands for Speaker Red and b
stands for Obama Black. As well the same formula will applicable for Deviation Blue (bl),
Notation Green (g), Projection Purple (p), White House (h), and Red Square Kremlin (rk).

So, the above equation's primary outline will be like þ(r) = X+Y+280

280 G.E. (G.E. Stands for George Era or Galactic Era, 2800 G.E. equivalent to 2012 C.E.)

As well þ(b), þ(bl), þ(g), þ(p), þ(h), þ(rk) will be same.

From Hatashe's 2nd Law which is Equation of Section 42R254,

S = 8.943518519, Where, 'S' is a Constant of Seldon plan or Seldon Constant.

If F= b, þ, bl, g, p, rk

So, þ(Ft) will be truth for any color equations of b, þ, bl, g, p, rk and for it's any values.

In this book I described three laws and few valuable equations and I hope in the next book, I
will able to define a general course of past, present and future, through mathematical
equations along with the Maclaurin's Theorem. Maclaurin's Theorem states that the theorem
giving conditions when a function, which is infinitely differentiable, may be represented in a

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neighborhood of the origin as an infinite series with nth term (1/n!) · ƒ(n)(0) · xn, where ƒ(n)
denotes the nth derivative.

Maclaurin's theorem is a specific form of Taylor's theorem, or a Taylor's power series

expansion, where c = 0 and is a series expansion of a function about zero. The basic form of
Taylor's theorem is: n = 0 (f(n)(c)/n!)(x - c)n. When the appropriate substitutions are made
Maclaurin's theorem is:

f (x) = f(0) + f'(0)x + f''(0)x2/2! + f(3)(0)x3/3! + ... f(n)(0)xn/n! +....

The Taylor's theorem provides a way of determining those values of x for which the Taylor
series of a function f converges to f(x).

In conclusion, I would like to give special thanks to Professor Dr. Robert Fuller, and Kenneth
Braddock my advisors, President Barack Obama for his famous quoted "Higher Education is
Not a Luxury" that known as Ann Arbor Declaration. Thanks to my native Pinu Rahman for
his inspiration on Lambert. And many thanks to Julia Taylor from Germany with whom I
communicated to publish the research book. Thanks to Modern Ghana dot com that they
published my research articles without any question, special thanks to Russian Federation
President Vladimir Putin who is one of us of the PRISM program that he gave shelter our
analyst Edward Snowden who leaked a lots of information about PRISM without understand
it properly.

Junior Executive
Research & Security Analysis
PRISM (Prime Radiant and Integrated Simulation Module) Program

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This research “The Machine that Would Predict the Future II- Prime Radiant device Obama:
Maliatashe’s Hypothesis and the Principle Mathematics of Applied Psychohistory” was
belongs to the PRISM program operated by NSA with thy title Physics of Noble Materials:
The Life Simulation Device "Obama" of Commonwealth System; Wherever Commonwealth,
Internet & Telecom System is the Life Simulation Platform and Obama, Computer & Mobile
Phone is their Prime Radiant Device. Traffic signal by using color lights gives the sense of
future action on road. Color graph of Stoke Exchange and Forex system predict the future
economical status. The Machine of Device Obama’s principle is few color equations that
would predict the general course of future flow of Human Civilization. As my knowledge
best PRISM known as an electronic surveillance program assigned to the United States
National Security Agency (NSA) since 2007 and PRISM’s associate partner is DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).

PRISM Program outline and methodology:

Barack Obama the Chief Scientist and President of the PRISM (Prime Radiant and
Integrated Simulation Module) Program, obtained permission from the Cabinet, United States
Military Forces and Espionage Agencies like Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), via The Divisions of Public Safety (DPS), to start the PRISM.

PRISM will be the one kind of giant Encyclopedia of Email, Social Networking,
Conversation and Image data assigned to the National Security Agency (NSA) as Wikipedia
is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia supported by the non-
profit Wikimedia Foundation. The National Security Agency (NSA) obtained permission to
direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple, Phone Call and other US internet

In the Second Phase of PRISM (PRISM II), it planned to built an Optical Device namely
PRISM because the device will be like Prism (optics). Scientist say, whatever word we reveal
from mouth it do not exit from the world but exist in the entire world with very low
frequency. The voice frequency is remaining in the world with very weak frequency but it's
possible to capture the previous voice information even with its video data. PRISM
Surveillance Program also targeted to build the Optical Device to track the thousand and
millions years ago's voice information and to recollect it. It's like a science fiction story but
PRISM Phase I targeted to build a giant encyclopedia of Email, Social Networking, and
Conversation and Image data. Initially, it was the basic Obama Plan outline and methodology

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Psychohistory, a science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe, combines history, sociology,
and mathematical statistics to make (nearly) exact predictions of the collective actions of very
large groups of people, such as the Galactic Empire. Include the controversial study of the
psychological motivations of historical events. It combines the insights of psychotherapy with
the research methodology of the social sciences to understand the emotional origin of the
social and political behavior of groups and nations, past and present. Its subject matter is
childhood and the family (especially child abuse), and psychological studies of anthropology
and ethnology (must) with the three axioms of Isaac Asimov. This research is belongs to the
Physics of Noble Materials: The Life Simulation Device "Obama" of Commonwealth
System; Wherever Commonwealth, Internet & Telecom System is the Life Simulation
Platform and Obama, Computer & Mobile Phone is their Prime Radiant Device. Traffic
signal by using color lights gives the sense of future action on road. Color graph of Stoke
Exchange and Forex system predict the future economical status. The Machine of Device
Obama’s principle is few color equations that would predict the future of Human Civilization.

Psychohistory depends on the idea that, while one cannot foresee the actions of a particular
individual, the laws of statistics and mathematics as applied to large groups of people could
predict the general flow of future events. Asimov used the analogy of a gas: an observer has
great difficulty in predicting the motion of a single molecule in a gas, but can predict the
mass action of the gas to a high level of accuracy. Physicists know this as the Kinetic theory.
Asimov applied this concept to the population of his fictional Galactic Empire, which
numbered a quintillion. The character responsible for the science's creation, Hari Seldon,
established two axioms:
1. That the population whose behavior was modeled should be sufficiently large.
2. That the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the application of
psychohistorical analyses.
3. That Human Beings are the only sentient intelligence in the Galaxy.
(There is a third underlying axiom of Psychohistory, which is trivial and thus not stated by
Seldon in his Plan, but certainly Isaac Asimov, established three axioms in his foundation)

Newton’s third law of Motion

The important laws and axioms of the world are very simple and direct on human being for
that reason generally people cannot understand or realize it, because it is very simple. After
invention everybody says it’s very simple! We knew it, but nobody never realize like
inventor. Such as I can say about Newton’s third law of motion;
"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
And can be summarized as follows:
“Whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F
on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.”
But before the invention of third law, do human being not facilitated by the law of motion?
Off course, but after invention, human only understand about their working policy by the
third law and it’s developing our civilization. Just Newton first realized the simple but very
important law of the universe.

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Development of Psychohistory
Some literary critics have described Asimov's psychohistory as a reformulation, either for
better or worse, of Karl Marx's theory of history (historical materialism) or of Kant's theory
of controllable history, though Asimov denied any direct influence. Arguably, Asimov's
psychohistory departs significantly from Marx's general theory of history based on modes of
production (as distinct from Marx's model of the capitalist economy, where "natural laws"
work themselves out with "iron necessity") in that psychohistory is predictive (if only in the
sense of involving precisely stated probabilities), and in that psychohistory is extrapolated
from individual psychology and even from physics. Psychohistory also has echoes of
modernization theory and of work in the social sciences that by the 1960s would lead to
attempts at large-scale social prediction and control such as Project Camelot.
Hari Seldon, in other word, Isaac Asimov did not describe any law or equation of
Psychohistory, he just state three axioms. Isaac just say Psychohistory will works when fill up
the three axioms.
He predicted it’s related the behavior of Molecules of gases which Kinetic Theory of gases.
It also may relate the Browne’s Motion of gases.
Second axiom state that the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the
application of psychohistorical analyses.
So what is the result about Psychohistory theme?
He says about Kinetic Theory of gases. But certainly, human being is not molecules of gases.
Human has an intelligent mind and a life. So, how will it be possible? Its just prediction, May
similar to Kinetic Theory of gases. But how? He established it through “Theory of

Axiom or postulate
In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated
but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary decision. Therefore, its truth
is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory
dependent) truths.

In informal speech, self-evident often merely means obvious, but the epistemological
definition is more strict. In epistemology (theory of knowledge), a self-evident proposition is
one that is known to be true by understanding its meaning without proof.

Some epistemologists deny that any proposition can be self-evident. For most others, the
belief that oneself is conscious is offered as an example of self-evidence. However, one's
belief that someone else is conscious is not epistemically self-evident.

The following propositions are often said to be self-evident:

1. A finite whole is greater than any of its parts.

2. It is impossible for the something to be and not be at the same time in the same

Certain forms of argument from self-evidence are considered fallacious or abusive in debate.
For example, if a proposition is claimed to be self-evident, it is an argumentative fallacy to
assert that disagreement with the proposition indicates misunderstanding of it.

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It is sometimes said that a self-evident proposition is one whose denial is self-contradictory.
It is also sometimes said that an analytic proposition is one whose denial is self-contradictory.
But these two uses of the term self-contradictory mean entirely different things. A self-
evident proposition cannot be denied without knowing that one contradicts oneself (provided
one actually understands the proposition). An analytic proposition cannot be denied without a
contradiction, but one may fail to know that there is a contradiction because it may be a
contradiction that can be found only by a long and abstruse line of logical or mathematical
reasoning. Most analytic propositions are very far from self-evident. Similarly, a self-evident
proposition need not be analytic: my knowledge that I am conscious is self-evident but not

An analytic proposition, however long a chain of reasoning it takes to establish it, ultimately
contains a tautology, and is thus only a verbal truth: a truth established through the verbal
equivalence of a single meaning. For those who admit the existence of abstract concepts, the
class of non-analytic self-evident truths can be regarded as truths of the understanding--truths
revealing connections between the meanings of ideas.

Moral propositions can also be said to be self-evident. For example, Alexander Hamilton
cited the following moral propositions as self-evident:

1. The means ought to be proportioned to the end.

2. Every power ought to be commensurate with its object.
3. There ought to be no limitation of a power destined to affect a purpose which is
itself incapable of limitation.

A famous claim of the self-evidence (Theory of Prediction) of a moral truth is in the United
States Declaration of Independence, which states, "We hold these Truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.";
Philosophically, that proposition is not necessarily self-evident, and the subsequent
propositions surely are not. Nevertheless, many would agree that the proposition we ought to
treat subjects known to be equal in a certain sense equally in regard to that sense is morally
self-evident. Thus, as Thomas Jefferson proposed, one can hold the propositions to be self-
evident as the basis for practical, even revolutionary, behaviors.

Compare between few important laws of science

Asimov used the analogy of a gas: an observer has great difficulty in predicting the motion of
a single molecule in a gas, but can predict the mass action of the gas to a high level of
accuracy. Physicists know this as the Kinetic theory. But Human is not molecules of gases.
Human has a strong mind and intellectual creativity.
For primary Self-evident or assumption we just Compare between few important laws of
science. Such as:

1. Newton's law of universal gravitation and Coulomb's law.

2. Rutherford Atomic Model and Planetary Model.

Newton's law of universal gravitation

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation states that every massive particle in the universe
attracts every other massive particle with a force which is directly proportional to the product
of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
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Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line
intersecting both points. The force is directly proportional to the product of the two masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses:

* ‘F’ is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two point masses,
* ‘G’ is the gravitational constant,
* ‘m1' is the mass of the first point mass,
* ‘m2’ is the mass of the second point mass, and
* ‘r’ is the distance between the two point masses.

Coulomb's law
Coulomb's law is a law of physics describing the electrostatic interaction between electrically
charged particles. It was studied and first published in 1783 by French physicist Charles
Augustin de Coulomb and was essential to the development of the theory of
electromagnetism. Nevertheless, the dependence of the electric force with distance (inverse
square law) had been proposed previously by Joseph Priestley and the dependence with both
distance and charge had been discovered, but not published, by Henry Cavendish, prior to
Coulomb's works.
Newton's law of gravitation resembles Coulomb's law of electrical forces, which is used to
calculate the magnitude of electrical force between two charged bodies. Both are inverse-
square laws, in which force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the
bodies. Coulomb's Law has the product of two charges in place of the product of the masses,
and the electrostatic constant in place of the gravitational constant.

Coulomb's law may be stated in scalar form as follows:

The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point electric charges is directly
proportional to the product of the magnitudes of each of the charges and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the two charges.
The scalar form of Coulomb's law will only describe the magnitude of the electrostatic force
between two electric charges. If direction is required, then the vector form is required as well.
The magnitude of the electrostatic force (F) on a charge (q1) due to the presence of a second
charge (q2), is given by

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Where r is the distance between the two charges and ‘ke’ a proportionality constant. A
positive force implies a repulsive interaction, while a negative force implies an attractive
The proportionality constant "ke",called Coulomb's constant (sometimes called Coulomb's
force constant).


Rutherford's Atomic Model

Rutherford's Atomic Theory was a revolutionary theory regarding the nature of atomic
structure that varied significantly from past theories on the same subject matter. In fact,
although the Rutherford Atomic Theory was first posited in 1911, many facets of it are still
accepted by the majority of the scientific community. He compared his Atomic model to the
planetary model, but actually its not, it’s had too much limitation to complete the planetary
model. He says a number of tiny electrons circling around the nucleus like planets around the
Key point of Rutherford Atomic Model
1. The electron cloud of the atom does not influence alpha particle scattering.
2. A large number of the atom's charges, up to a number equal to about half the atomic
mass in hydrogen units, are concentrated in very small volume at the center of the
atom. These are responsible for deflecting both alpha and beta particles.
3. The mass of heavy atoms such as gold is mostly concentrated in the central charge
region, since calculations show it is not deflected or moved by the high speed
alpha particles, which have very high momentum in comparison to electrons, but
not with regard to a heavy atom as a whole.

Fig: A stylized representation of the Rutherford model of a lithium atom (nuclear structure
anachronistic, number of tiny electrons circling around the nucleus like planets around the
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Applied Psychohistory
Establishing the psychohistory through the Theory of Prediction and Kinetic theory of Gases,
Asimov used the analogy of a gas: an observer has great difficulty in predicting the motion of
a single molecule in a gas, but can predict the mass action of the gas to a high level of
accuracy. Isaac also discuss Quantum Mechanics in psychohistory.
Asimov applied this concept to the population of his fictional Galactic Empire, which
numbered a quintillion.
His first axiom states the population whose behavior was modeled should be sufficiently
But it does not describe how many people will be sufficiently large.
We can represent this sufficiently large group by donated, “Nγ”.
Let where ‘γ’ (Gamma) is Isaac constant or Isaac Galactic Empire constant.
And “N” (bold ‘N’) is number of Population of Galactic Empire.
Now consider an “Absolute Foundation” which fulfills the three axioms of Asimov’s
Psychohistory. This absolute foundation is a large community of people where population is
sufficiently large, Nγ. That the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the
application of psychohistorical analyses and That Human Beings are the only sentient
intelligence in the Galaxy.

Applied Psychohistory is an extension of combine science that can be apply to human beings
on earth, (In addition) to make (nearly) exact predictions of the shared application of large
groups of people such as: community, country, and earth.

Taxonomy of Applied Psychohistory

Then Applied Psychohistory is sorting in four segments:
1. Asimov’s Axioms.
2. Theory of Prediction.
3. Hatashe’s Hypothesis.
4. Mental Science.

Isaac Asimov’s Axioms

We know that Isaac Asimov has given three axioms:
1. That the population whose behavior was modeled should be sufficiently large.
2. That the population should remain in ignorance of the results of the application of
psychohistorical analysis.
3. That Human Beings are the only sentient intelligence in the Galaxy.

Malia’s Hypothesis for Obama Equations:

Theory of Prediction
We hold these truths to be Self-Evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
(Signed by 56 Delegates of Continental Congress)

Asimov presents the Prime Radiant, as storing the Psychohistorical equations showing the
future Development of Humanity.The Radiant, as well as being interactive, employs a type of
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colour-coding to equations within itself for ready comprehension by Psychohistorians: 01.
Seldon Black or Obama Black, 02. Speaker Red, 03. Deviation Blue, 04. Notation Green,
05. Projection Purple.

Obama Equations Factors:

1. Seldon Black or Obama Black- is the original Plan equations of future development and
defined as Seldon Crises, the Plan's duration, and the yield of the Second and Third world.

2. Speaker Red- are additions to the plan and the another foundation of future developments.
This convention is supposed; all men are like Grass, and all its Glory like the flower of
Grass. The Grass withers and the Flower falls off; But Development of Humanity stands

3. Deviation Blue- is observed deviations away from Psychohistorical projections with a

deviation in excess of 1.5 standard deviation of predicted outcomes (1.5 σ). The Era of
Deviations, at the rise of the Mule, produced deviations in the Seldon Plan in excess of 0.5
through 10 sigmas.

4. Notation Green- additions of pertinent scientific papers appended to findings.

5. Projection Purple- Useful for determining limits on future Speaker Red equations, using
projections of events with regard to a very sketchy but still Seldon Black scheme include a
tool of a number of generations of Psychohistorians.

Hatashe’s Hypothesis
Hatashe’s Hypothesis classified in three categories:
1. Hatashe’s Extension.
2. Hatashe’s Law.
3. Wiki Process theory.

Hatashe’s Extension
Hatashe’s Extension: The extension has few statements such as:
1. A community consists of only sentient intelligence know as humans dispersed
throughout a sufficiently large populations. Psychohistory considers a man or woman
as a half human or half creature.
2. The performances of the designers are negligible compared to the total performance
of the application. Similarly population to the community.
3. The humanity of the community are separately identical and have educational and
strong work abilities.
4. The designers should in random think with high work abilities.
5. The psyche and accepted good judgment between the designers may vary, but a
human (designers) should consist of two half human with matching (nearly)
understanding and exertion capabilities.
6. Everybody can move freely in understanding, in physical and self-governing to each
7. Emotional impact may occur between the designers, but make sure it should not put
together outcome on the residents of the communities.

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8. The behavior and performance of the population should be recorded by the designers,
but the population should remain in ignorance of the recordings, as well as results of
the Application.
9. Device, time and designers of the application should be blueprints on which
dependence of total population and/or character of environment of the region.

Hatashe’s Laws
According to the three axioms of Isaac Asimov and Hatashe’s hypothesis of extension, their
three laws are establishing:

1. In an absolute foundation; certainly, sufficiently large peoples will attentively work in

leading development application for human being and do not thrive in isolation.

2. The Installation Momentum of the application in sustainable times is directly proportional

to the summation of Isaac Ratio and Seldon Ratio;
(a) Isaac Ratio: the ratio between total designers of the application and number of designers
will establish in office their absolute performance.
(b) Seldon Ratio: the ratio between numbers of hypothetical dormant sentient designers and
the total designers of the application.

3. The Sustainable Installation time is directly proportional to the total Time of installation
and inversely proportional to the value of Installation Momentum in sustainable times.

Explanation of Laws

First Law
In an absolute foundation certainly, sufficiently large groups of people will attentively work
in leading development application for human being and do not thrive in isolation.
Actually this is the first law is the summary of Isaac Asimov three axioms. In other words it
is a ground-breaking theory and code of the Psychohistory.

Second Law
the Installation Momentum (Ft) of the application in sustainable times (t) is directly
proportional to the summation of Isaac Ratio (IR) and Seldon Ratio(SR);
Isaac Ratio (IR)
(a) Isaac Ratio (IR): the ration between total designers (N) of the application and
number of designers (n) establish in office their absolute performance.

Seldon Ration (SR)

(a) Seldon Ration (SR): the ration between numbers of hypothetical dormant
sentient designers (N-n) and the total designers (N) of the application;

So, the second law in mathematically,

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“N” is totaling number of Designers of Application.
“ρ” is a Galactic Constant. Applicable when “N = Nγ”.
Seldon Constant
“S” is a constant of Seldon plan or Seldon Constant. Consider its value is 8.94 by several
examinations. (Authentic value is 8.943518519)
“Ft" is value of Install in sustainable Installation times (t).


Several times experiment successes when 20% < n < 60% of total designers of Application
(N). The value of n > 60% is complicated and n > 70% to 90% is so difficult and may
impractical in realistic.

Third Law
the Sustainable Installation time (t) is directly proportional to the total Time of installation
(T) and inversely proportional to the value of Installation Momentum in sustainable times

So, in mathematically,

Compare the equation (v) and (vi), we can write =>

‘T’ total expected duration of the Application.

“S” is a constant of Seldon plan or Seldon Constant. Its value is 8.94.
“Ft" is value of Installation Momentum in sustainable times.
“t” minimum sustainable Installation times.

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Seldon consider 1000 years Installation times (T) in his plan but in realistic it’s difficult. So
in experiment; I considered minimum 20 years to 100 years. The value of ‘T’, ‘N’, and
‘N’&‘n’ is associated each others (not in depended) on design of application. And
application’s necessity is very important.
(Bold ‘N’ is total population)

Wiki Process theory

Few scientist say, Bernoulli predicted the kinetic theory of Gases to compare the Gas
molecules to the billiard balls in random motion, bouncing off each other and off sides of the
pool table.
It is necessary to mention, in using wikipedia Project as a steady application and comparing it
to the Kinetic theory, calculating and experimenting with others projects more than thousand
times. applied the Newton’s Forward and Newton’s backward formula to resolve or conclude
an assumption of the value of installation time, number of designers, number of population of
the project/ application area and etc. In several experiments of psychohistory, using a
minimum of ten years of the application of installation times.

Theory of Jimmy Sanger

“When a requirement is moving up in the sufficiently large number of population, a design
can be relevant according to set of laws of Psychohistory (a) hypothetically increase the
requirements in the population, and/or (b) be supposed to create a sustainable understanding
of the application to the population.”

Rate of Installation Momentum and breakdown

Percentage of achievement (Installation Momentum) and breakdown within expected time
(total duration):
“In experiment of Second and third law, its provided evidence the rate of breakdown (f ) is
directly proportional to the summation of Isaac Ratio and negative sign of Seldon Ration;

In mathematically,

“fT" Rate of breakdown (fail)
“N” is total number of Designers of Application.
“ρ” is a Galactic Constant. Applicable when “N = Nγ”.
“S” is a constant of Seldon plan or Seldon Constant. Consider its value is 8.94 by several
examinations. (Authentic value is 8.943518519)
“Ft" is value of Installation Momentum in sustainable Installation times (t).

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Percentage of achievement (Installation Momentum) of the Application (F or F T) within
expected time (T) is,
F = 100 - Ft………………………… (ix)

First law and wiki process theory

Certainly, sufficiently large groups of people will attentively work in leading development
application for human being and do not thrive in isolation. It’s so much more simple and
direct like as Newton’s third law of motion.
It is nature of human beings that certainly, they will attentively work in leading development
application for human beings. The best example is Wikipedia. Day by day all knowledge of
civilization are stored up in here by large number of voluntary wikipedian, and they are
working without pay.
In practical, if we consider Wikipedia as an application and wiki territory as an absolute
foundation, which is sufficiently large, so it follows the three axioms, three law and theory of
Several times I have tested the hypothesis with many applications to consider and Wikipedia
as a constant application.

Equations of Basic Seldon or Prime Radiant

Equations of Section 42R254

Equations of Section 33A2D17 or Terminus Equation

These six equations are called as Basic Seldon Equations of Psychohistry or Equations of
Prime Radiant machine Obama.

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Isaac Asimov, Biography of

Born on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi, Russia, Isaac Asimov immigrated with his family to
the United States and became a biochemistry professor while pursuing writing. He published
his first novel, Pebble in the Sky, in 1950. An immensely prolific author who penned nearly
500 books, he published influential sci-fi works like I, Robot and the Foundation trilogy, as
well as books in a variety of other genres. Asimov died in New York City on April 6, 1992.

Early Life and Education

Isaac Asimov was born Isaak Yudovick Ozimov on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi, Russia, to
Anna Rachel Berman and Judah Ozimov. The family immigrated to the United States when
Asimov was a toddler, settling into the East New York section of Brooklyn. (Around this
time, the family name was changed to Asimov.)
Judah owned a series of candy shops and called upon his son to work in the stores as a
youngster. Isaac Asimov was fond of learning at a young age, having taught himself to read
by the age of 5; he learned Yiddish soon after and graduated from high school at 15 to enter
Columbia University. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree in 1939 and went on to get
his M.A. and Ph.D. from the same institution.
In 1942, he wed Gertrude Blugerman.
In 1949, Asimov began a stint at Boston University School of Medicine, where he was hired
as an associate professor of biochemistry in 1955. He eventually became a professor at the
university by the late 1970s, though by that time he'd given up full-time teaching to do
occasional lectures

'I, Robot' and 'Foundation'

Yet even with his impeccable academic credentials, writing for general readers was to be the
professor's passion. Asimov's first short story to be sold, "Marooned Off Vesta," was
published in Amazing Stories in 1938. Years later, he published his first book in 1950, the
sci-fi novel Pebble in the Sky—the first in a line of titles that would mark a highly prolific
writing career.
An influential vision came with another 1950 release, the story collection I, Robot, which
looked at human/construct relationships and featured the Three Laws of Robotics. (The
narrative would be adapted for a blockbuster starring Will Smith decades later.) Asimov
would later be credited with coming up with the term "robotics."
The year 1951 saw the release of another seminal work, Foundation, a novel that looked at
the end of the Galactic Empire and a statistical method of predicting outcomes known as
"psychohistory." The story was followed by two more installations, Foundation and Empire
(1952) and Second Foundation (1953), with the series continuing into the 1980s.

Prolific and Varied Writer

Asimov was also known for writing books on a wide variety of subjects outside of science
fiction, taking on topics like astronomy, biology, math, religion and literary biography. A
small sample of notable titles include The Human Body (1963), Asimov's Guide to the Bible
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(1969), the mystery Murder at the AB A (1976) and his 1979 autobiography, In Memory Yet
He spent most of his time in solitude, working on manuscripts and having to be persuaded by
family to take breaks and vacations. By December 1984, he had written 300 books, ultimately
writing nearly 500.
Asimov died in New York City on April 6, 1992, at the age of 72, from heart and kidney
failure. He had dealt privately with a diagnosis of AIDS, which he'd contracted from a blood
transfusion during bypass surgery. He was survived by two children and his second wife,

Janet Jeppson.
Over the course of his career, Asimov won several Hugo and Nebula Awards, as well as
received accolades from science institutions. He stated during a televised interview that he
hoped his ideas would live on past his death; his wish has come to fruition, with the world
continuing to contemplate his literary and scientific legacies.

Barack Obama, Biography of

Professor Dr. Barack Obama, J. D., is the President and Chief Scientist of Prime Radiant and
Integrated Simulation Module (PRISM) Program and 44th President of the United States of
America. He has born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was a civil-rights lawyer
and teacher before pursuing a political career. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in
1996, serving from 1997 to 2004. He was elected to the U.S. presidency in 2008, and won re-
election in 2012 against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. President Obama continues to
enact policy changes in response to the issues of health care and economic crisis.

Personal Information
In June 1989, Obama met Historian Michelle Robinson when he was employed as a summer
associate at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin. Assigned for three months as Obama's
adviser at the firm, Robinson joined him at group social functions, but declined his initial
requests to date. They began dating later that summer, became engaged in 1991, and were
married on October 3, 1992. The couple's first daughter, Malia Ann, was born on July 4,
1998, followed by a second daughter, Natasha ("Sasha"), on June 10, 2001. Despite that,
throughout Michelle’s lifetime willing to advice and protect her husband Barack Obama.

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Professional Information
Barack Hussein Obama II is the 44th President of the United States since 2008 to 2016. He is
the first African American to hold the office. Barack Obama’s great Contribution is in the
Field of Democracy. Democracy launched in wiki steps by Jefferson, Washington, Franklin.
Democracy was a new born baby even after 200 years later of United States born. Obama
reformed the Democracy and established it as Political Science. Especially; The Audacity of
Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, Dreams from My Father: A Story of
Race and Inheritance, Change We Can Believe In, Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters,
his books- became the only Metonymy and most valuable resource for Democracy and
Barack Obama Portrayed as the Political Prophet forever in the George Era. Neil Armstrong
pointed out that Science has not yet mastered prophecy. We predict too much for the next
year and yet far too little for the next Ten, Barack Obama established the Democracy as a
Predictable Platform.

Obama said at the National Academy of Sciences; At such a difficult moment, there are those
who say we cannot afford to invest in science, that support for research is somehow a luxury
at moments defined by necessities. I fundamentally disagree. Science is more essential for
our prosperity, our security, our health, our environment, and our quality of life than it has
ever been before.

Ann Arbor Declaration

Obama’s concept to higher education known as the Declaration of Ann Arbor. President
Obama visited the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor to recap the plan he set out in his
State of the Union for college affordability: expanding aid for students and making sure
colleges and universities prevent tuition hikes. Speaking to a crowd of college students and
supporters. Obama declared in the multitude; Higher education is not a luxury! It's an
economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford. And when I say
higher education, I don't just mean four-year colleges and universities; I also mean our
community colleges and providing lifelong learning for workers who may need to retrain for
jobs when the economy shifts.
Obama’s 30 minutes speech of Ann Arbor Declaration he sat out his plan for college
affordability, it is just another step in his commitment to break down the barriers to higher

Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital
(Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women and Children) in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he spent
his childhood; he also spent some time in Indonesia from 1967 to mid-1971. He later studied
political science at Columbia University in New York City and law at Harvard in Cambridge,
Massachusetts. His mother, Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas, and was of mostly
English ancestry. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Kenya.
Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian class at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, where
his father was a foreign student on scholarship. The couple married in Wailuku on Maui on
February 2, 1961. Prior to his election as President in 2008, Obama had previously served as
a community organizer, Senator for Illinois, and a member of the Illinois State Senate.
Obama was introduced to the world during the 2004 Democratic National Convention, when
he gave a keynote speech that aspired to post-partisan solutions.
Dr. Obama is a Juris Doctor (J.D.), he is a Professor; he graduated Doctor of Law (J.D.) from
Harvard in 1991. In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an
editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year, and president of the journal in
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his second year. During his summers, he returned to Chicago, where he worked as an
associate at the law firms of Sidley Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990. After J.D.
magna cum laude in 1991, he returned to Chicago. Obama's election as the first black
president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention and led to a publishing
contract and advance for a book about race relations, which evolved into a personal memoir.
The manuscript was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father. Obama is Nobel
laureate; he awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen
international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. Obama Preceded by President
George W. Bush and held the position of President of United States for eight years.
Efficiently Obama is a Community organizer, a Lawyer, an Author. Professionally Barack
Obama is a Constitutional law professor of Harvard University, a Political Theorist, a
Scientist and all of his skill made him two times President of United States, and he has
another identity that Obama is Psychohistorian. And After all out of his all address, Barack
Obama is the Reformer of Democracy, A Political Prophet in this entire world known

Robert W. Fuller, Biography of

Professor Dr. Robert W. Fuller earned his Ph.D. in physics at Princeton University in 1961,
and taught at Columbia University where he co-authored the book “Mathematics of Classical
and Quantum Physics”. The mounting social unrest of the 1960s drew his attention to
educational reform, and in 1970 he was appointed president of his alma mater Oberlin
College at the age of 33, one of youngest college Presidents in US history. In 1970 Fuller
traveled to India and served as a consultant to Indira Gandhi and, on a return visit the
following year, witnessed firsthand the famine resulting from the war of succession of
Bangladesh from Pakistan. With the election of Jimmy Carter, Fuller began a campaign to
persuade the new president to lead the nations of the world, once and for all, to end hunger.
His meeting with Carter in the Oval Office in June 1977 led to the establishment of the
Presidential Commission on World Hunger. During the 1980s, Fuller traveled frequently to
the USSR, working as a Citizen-Scientist to improve the Cold War relationship. Fuller lives
in Berkeley, California with his wife Claire Sheridan. Fuller also writes regular articles for
The ‘Psychology Today’, ‘Huffington Post’ and ‘OpenLeft’. Fuller wrote some books “All
Rise: Somebodies, Nobodies, and the Politics of Dignity”, “Dignity for All: How to Create a
World without Rankism”, “Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank”. and
have been translated and published in India, China, Korea, and Bangladesh.

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Kenneth W. Braddock, Biography of

Kenneth Wayne Braddock earned his graduate degree from East Central University at
Oklahoma in 1978. During 1969 to1972, he served in the United States Navy Air Systems
Command as Aviation Administrationman. Later he joined United States Postal Service and
served till his retirement at 2009. He completed his high school degree from Stonewall
Jackson High School, where he passed his childhood and beginning career in cattle farming,
he earned money by himself and provided his livelihood and education expense. He met with
Sharyl Lynn in the same school when he was in class nine and they married when he was 22
years young and Sharyl were 20. Now he is working for a Ministerial organization as Logistic
Coordinator. His wife Sharyl Lynn is a Mathematics Teacher in a Community High School in
Oklahoma and his son graduated from Mechanical Engineering and working for National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Mr. Ken W. Braddock is theologist,
historian and social worker, he is highly expert in Biblical theology but involved with the
research in 2008 while he frequently visited Bangladesh and met with Hatashe and worked as
his adviser. He has keen interest in Psychohistory, Mathematics and Physics.

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1. The Machine that Would Predict the Future by David Weinberger, Scientific
American, December 2011
6. Prime Radiant da Luxuries Physics: Hatashe’s Hypothesis and the Principle
Mathematics of Applied Psychohistory, February 2011, ISBN-984-70112-0152-8
7. The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama
8. The Republic by Plato
9. Physics in the nineteenth century By Robert D. Purrington
10. Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation, Foundation, Foundation and Empire,
Second Foundation, Foundation's Edge, and Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov
11. Wikipedia- Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger:
12. Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy by Isaac Newton
13. Rutherford Atomic Model:
14. United States Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson and Signed by 56
Delegates of Continental Congress.
15. U.S. Constitution:
16. The structure of the atom and Coulomb's Law by John M. S. Speirs
17. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Physical Law, Empirical, Classical
Mechanics, Point Particle, Proportionality, Gravitational Constant, International
System of Units, Isaac Newton by Lambert M. Surhone, Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan
F. Marseken
18. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Ron Chernow
19. Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow
20. Thomas Jefferson by R. B. Bernstein
21. Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
22. John Adams by David McCullough
23. Common Sense (pamphlet) by Thomas Paine

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Email Communication with Lambert Publishing Houses, Germany

Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 2:50 PM

Dear Sir,
Could you please publish it?
Sincerely, Hatashe

Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 3:31 PM

Dear Hatashe,
Thank you for your message.
Can you please tell me if you would like to publish your work with the Royal Society journal
or with our publishing house?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Julia Taylor
Customer Service
VDM Verlagsservicegesellschaft mbH
Heinrich-Boecking-Strasse 6-8
D - 66121 Saarbruecken
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 17040
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Ohm, Inka Monz, Dr. Katrin Martin, Marc Wegmann, Bernd
UST-ID: DE 260233629

Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:58 PM

Madam Dear,
Once I sent it to Royal Society and I had one or two emailing with them and later it decided
not to publish. Now I want to publish it with you. I will be glad if you will publish it.

Thank you.
Sincerely, Hatashe

Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 10:26 AM

Dear Hatashe,
Thank you for your message.
Unfortunately your manuscript is too short to be published as a monograph.
Please note that it should at least consist of 42 pages. Maybe it is helpful for you to know that
some authors, who have the same problem, format their text in PDF in order to win some
extra pages.
If you decide to expand your work, we will be happy to publish it.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Kind regards

Julia Taylor
Customer Service
VDM Verlagsservicegesellschaft mbH
Heinrich-Boecking-Strasse 6-8
Prime Radiant Device Obama: Maliatashe’s Hypothesis and the Principle Mathematics of Applied Psychohistory|Page 24 of 25
D - 66121 Saarbruecken
Handelsregister Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HRB 17040
Geschäftsführer: Thorsten Ohm, Inka Monz, Dr. Katrin Martin, Marc Wegmann, Bernd
UST-ID: DE 260233629

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