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Declaration of Student

I, Sharif Ahmed, hereby declare that the present Internship Report on “General
Banking activities of Janata bank Ltd.” Uniquely prepare by me after completion of
three months internship of Janata Bank Limited.
I also confirm that this report is only prepared for my academic requirement. The
work has not been published in any journal or magazine, any other university or
institution for any degree, associate-ship, and studentship fellowship and other
similar title of prize. I further under take to indemnity the university against any
loss or damage arising of forgoing obligation.

Thanks, and Regards

Yours Truly


Sharif Ahmed
ID No :16172101112
Intake :42
Program : BBA
Department of Accounting
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)
Certificate of Supervisor
I am pleased to declare that Sharif Ahmed bearing the ID: 16172101112, student
of BBA program was advised to perform a study on the issue “General banking
activities of Janata bank Ltd” for writing an Internship Report.
This student has reviewed all the relevant materials and has conducted efforts
practically in “Janata Bank Ltd” for three months to achieve practical knowledge
regarding banking sector in Bangladesh. I have supervised his study from the very
beginning as well as the preparation of the final Report.
I also knowingly certify that the Internship Report is an original one and has not
been submitted elsewhere previously for publication in any form. He is wished all
the best in his effort

Md. Tanim-UL-Islam
Assistant Professor
Department Of Accounting
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Successful completion of any work needs inspiration, guidance, and financial and
logical help from others. My study is not behind this theme. In preparing this
report, different persons have extended their helping hands to me. It would have
not been possible for me to prepare this report without their help. I am very
much fortunate to get the sincere guidance and supervision from a number
experienced person.
First of all, I would like to express my indebtedness and deep sense of gratitude to
my Institution’s supervisor Md. Tanim-UL-Islam Assistant professor, Department
of Accounting Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) as
without Md. Tanim-UL-Islam sir direction and proper guideline this study would
have been a failure. In every phase of preparing the report, their supervision
helped me a lot to complete this report.
I am especially grateful to Md.Mazedul Islam the Manager Mirpur-01 Branch, and
help to do my internship. I also like to give thanks to all other officers of the
Branch for giving me suggestions and facilitating my internship report.
I would like to convey my thanks to all other officers for their valuable suggestions
and contributions that have helped me much in preparing this report.

Sharif Ahmed
ID : 16172101112
Intake : 42
Program : BBA
Department of Accounting
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT)

Executive Summary
Janata Bank limited has been established in 1972. The Aim is to delivering high
quality financial products, providing excellent customer service through an
experienced management team and ensuring good corporate governance in every
step of banking network in our country. It wants provide service for
underprivileged children & adults. This industrial unit location is all over the
country & now it’s servicing process ongoing to become best organization in
remote rural areas & urban areas of Bangladesh.
It is needless to mention that this country is improving in economics sector as
rapidly as possible. JBL has some strong point that help them to survive the
market as a same time it has also weaker point that can reduce the market. It has
also some threats but also has opportunities, opportunities is stronger than
threats. JBL is trying to find out these reasons & solve this weakness & threats as
soon as possible & emphasize on strength & opportunities rapidly. Initially they
are not fixed any policy that may be effective for them. To capture the market,
they maintain Huge consumer chain & Better image in mind of its clients &
shareholder, Skillful management, Positive regulatory committee that evaluate
everyone performance in each month end , providing Better working environment
to all employee & employer , providing Better communication skill practice. Their
weakness is Technological resource not properly use, Lack of customer identity
knowledge, Lack of promotional activities in any service. Opportunities are
Gathering of more experience & managerial knowledge, by providing better
service quality, make better relationship with consumer, by providing training to
employees about latest technological resource use and make them efficient, By
Providing better remuneration & other benefits to employee to motivate in work.
Threats are there is other nonfinancial & financial organization around JBL that
are offering same service as JBL, Political influences, Globalization of services,
Technological improvement. In this report I have used the background of this
company, finding and analysis with show result presenting the graphically, then
the financial part shows the net income, balance sheet, and sales forecast then
SWOT analysis & then recommendation and conclusion.


Generally, by the word “Bank” we can easily understand that the financial
institution deals with money. But there are different types of banks such as:
Central Bank, Commercial Banks, Savings Banks, Investment Banks, Industrial
Banks, and Cooperative Banks etc. But when we use the term “Bank” without any
prefix or qualification, it refers to the ‘Commercial Banks’. Janata Bank Limited is a
one kind of commercial bank in our country. It is head office in Dhaka; the bank
started its operations within an initial authorized capital of TK 50 million and paid-
up capital of TK 10.5 million. Now it has an authorized capital of Tk. 20000 million,
paid up capital of Tk. 19140.00 million, reserve of Tk.17976.20 million. The Bank
has a total asset of Tk. 586082.98 million as on 31st December 2018.Janata Bank
has a large participation in foreign exchange business in overseas remittance.
Janata Bank Limited has been awarded 2018 Performance Excellence Award by
Citi Bank N.A. and Asian Banking and Finance Wholesales 2018 and Retail Banking

In Modern world business is highly difficult due to changing nature of customer

choice, preference, taste etc., and also for the technological improvement and
high contest. As globalization is on the competition is spread an over the world.
Therefore, every organization should be in international standard to survive in the
long run. Every company or firm wants to make their loyal customer group &
provide them better service to maintain better relationship in long run of
organization. Each firm tries to expand utmost profit by providing better
consumer satisfaction. Today, each corporation has to face so much competition.
To achieve all marketing tasks marketer are to faces some feature. 4 types of
them are strength, weakness, opportunities, threats. They have to solve
weakness, threats to do better & make opportunities as strength to do well in
long run. We identify that our economy is developing day by day by the help of
various banking service. There is some problem by any bank. For solving this
problem SWOT analysis must be done. For necessity of continued existence and
broadly preferred by the clients. Nevertheless, the service demand becomes high
in any time for growth of bank. There is a high forecast for the banking service in
this country. Bank is one of the economical pillars of this beautiful country.

Overview of Janata Bank LTD.

JANATA bank limited is the oldest government bank in Bangladesh. In 1971, When
Bangladesh becomes independent after a destructive war which is full of blood
and tears, pain & war already broken financial support of the country. Then it
becomes necessary to restructure economy of the country. It is urgent to
establish bank to improve economy as soon as possible. In this time for
reconstructing the country's economy, actions must be taken to launch a number
of banks to operate in this region for economic survival & that’s why formation of
Janata Bank in 1972 by combining the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union
Bank Limited under the Banks Nationalization Order (President's Order No. 26) of
1972. In 15 November 2007 Janata Bank got registered with the Joint Stock of
Registrars and restructured it as a public limited company with the name Janata
Bank Limited. Including 4 overseas branches in United Arab Emirates Janata Bank
runs its business with 912 branches across the country having a family of around
12,391 (As on 31.12.2019) employees with its head office located at Janata
Bhaban at Motijheel C/A, the heart of the capital city, Dhaka. At the end of 2019
the Bank held Deposit BDT 649,440.78 million, Advance BDT 459,580.05 million
with Authorized capital BDT 30,000 million and Paid-up Capital BDT 19,140 million
which is better than any other government banks in Bangladesh. Janata Bank
Limited is the 2nd largest commercial bank in Bangladesh & it has been playing
key role in all financial activities of the country and is possessing a long tradition
of discharge admirable services to the society since banks emergence. The
contribution of the Bank to the national economy and social improvement has set
standard high that others in this business cannot help aspire touching the
standard of success earned by Janata Bank Limited (JBL). It is a matter of great
honor is that the contribution, commitment and success of the Bank have been
recognized with a number of important awards by national and international
organizations of repute. Now it has become public limited company sees CSR
activities as a significant component of nonstop improvement to be a more
socially responsible and sustainable organization. Being one of the leading state-
owned commercial banks in Bangladesh, Janata Bank Limited, with its branches
has also realized its responsibilities to the society and is contributing to the social
life of the poor people, communications, environment etc. Not only that, it has
stepped forward to introduce interest-free loans to the poor and minor farmers in
the natural calamity’s unit areas. Education and Research is universally known
that there is no alternative to education. By keeping this in mind, it has extended
its helping hands towards the financially disadvantaged meritorious and those
who have great inclination to be benefited with education. Not only that, it is
imparting in different types of conferences, symposiums, workshops etc. related
to education and research. Health and treatment is other essential part. In the
last decade, diabetes, heart diseases, cancer, liver siroccos etc. have taken an
outbreak form. For building up a healthy nation, as a bank of the people, JBL is
playing an important role in this sector. Poverty Reduction and Rehabilitation is
other to make the people free from the bother of poverty and minimize the gap
between the poor and the rich, JBL has considered street people, landless,
handicapped etc. as its target field to develop their economic status. Natural
Calamity is other part. Our country is a gifted child of nature. It is not free from
the calamities like flood, cyclone, earth quack etc. Considering the civilized
character, JBL stands to this hopeless people as a friend. History, culture,
tradition, sports etc. are another part of CSR of JBL. Aiming at consciousness of
the war of liberation into the heart of the people, JBL takes initiatives to support
our magnificent history, culture etc. by sponsoring related organizations arranging
different programmer on these subjects. Environment Protection is must. Now-a-
days, pollution of environment has become a very strong issue. For sustainable
development, JBL considers the matter as an important issue and is providing
attractive amount in tree plantation, forestation and other environment friendly
behavior for better & pollution free environment. Miscellaneous is other CSR.
Apart from these, control of the country, protection, discipline, economic
freedom, ensuring justice etc. are also been considered in CSR activities practiced
by the bank.

Mission and vision of JBL

Convert the actual largest commercial bank in Bangladesh to sustenance socio-
economic and expansion of the country becoming a notable bank all over the

(1) To continue a stable growth strategy.
(2) Conveying great excellence monetary products.
(3) To provide outstanding client facility through a knowledgeable
administration group and certifying respectable commercial authority in each
stage of banking network

Product Line of Janata Bank LTD

Deposit Credits & Amenities Present Finance
Present credit Pastoral acclaim e- Services: ATM Online banking JB
Immovable credit Waged principal Automated remittance JB pin
Immobile finance Branch Banking cash House
payment Agricultural Green banking e- building Loan for
Collusions credits GP payment OMIS govt. Employee

Remittance of funds is a very crucial service of JBL. It aids to remit fund from one
place to another place on behalf of its customers as well as non- customers of
bank. JBL has its branches in the major cities of the country and therefore, it
serves as one of the best mediums for remittance of funds from one place to
The main instruments used by JBL, local Office Branch for remittance of funds.
 Payment Order Issue/Collection
 Demand Draft Issue/Collection
 T.T. Issue/Collection
 IBC/OBC/LBC Collection

Payment Order Issue/Collection:

The pay order is an instrument issued by bank, instructing itself a certain amount
of money mentioned in the instrument taking amount of money and commission
when it is presented in bank. Only the branch of the bank that has issued it will
make the payment of pay order.

Issuing of Pay Order:

The procedures for issuing a Pay Order are as follows:
 Deposit money by the customer along with application form.
 Give necessary entry in the bills payable (Pay Order) register where payee’s
name, date, PO no, etc. is mentioned.
 Prepared the instrument.
 After scrutinizing and approval of the instrument by the authority, it is
delivered to customer. Signature of customer is taken on the counterpart.

Demand Draft (DD) Issue:

The person intending to remit the money through a Demand Draft (DD) has to
deposit the money to be remitted with the commission which the banker charges
for its services. The amount of commission depends on the amount to be
remitted. On issue of the DD, the remitter does not remain a party to the
instrument: i) Drawer branch ii) Drawee branch iii) Payee. This is treated as the
current liability of the bank as the banker on the presentation of the instrument
should pay the money. DD will be paid only by the drawing branch or paying
branch. The banker event on receiving instructions from the remitter cannot stop
the payment of the instrument. Stop payment can be done in the following cases:
Loss of draft before endorsement: In this case, “Draft reported to be lost, payee’s
endorsement requires verification” is marked. Loss of draft after endorsement: In
this case, the branch first satisfies itself about the claimant and the endorsement
in his favor.
A commission of 0.10% is taken on the draft value & 15% vat on DD commission &
Tk.25/= is taken as postal charge.

Demand Draft (DD) Collection:

To cancel an issued DD, the client has to submit an application. Then DD issuing
branch sends a request letter to drawn branch to caption mark as “DD
Cancel/Lost” in respective register. Issuing branch then sends an Inter Branch
Debit Advice (IBDA) to the drawn branch against previously issued IBCA for
reconciles the amount.

T.T. Issue/Collection:
Though TT stands for Telex Transfer it is used as Telephonic Transfer since Telex
has eliminated. Telephonic transfer (TT) is another widely used mode for
remittances of funds. In case of telephone transfer the message for transfer of
funds is communicated through tested telephonic message. JBL generally
recovers from the telephone charges in addition to the usual service charges.

Issuing of TT:
JBL follows the following procedures:
 The customer deposits money with JBL to be sent.
 The customer obtains a cash memo containing TT serial number.
 TT serial number, notifying part name is mentioned in the telephonic

Online Banking Services:

Now JBL started test basis online banking service in eight branches. As a
result, customer of one branch will deposit or withdrawal his/her
money through any other branches of JBL at cheapest cost or service
charges. Here it is mentioned that online facilities are available for
Current Deposit A/Cs, Savings Deposit A/Cs & Special Notice A/Cs only.
Account Department plays most vital role in Banking. Accounts Department is a
department with which each and every department is related. It records the
profit & loss A/C and statement of assets and liabilities by applying of book-
keeping. The functions of it are theoretical & computerized based. JBL REB Branch
records its accounts daily, weekly, and monthly every record.
Basically, Accounts Department is not alone. Accounts department is a mix of as
This section of any branch plays very significant role in Accounts Department.
Because, it deals with most liquid assets of the JBL. This section receives cash
from depositors and pay cash against cheque, draft, PO, and pay in slip over the
counter. Every bank must have a cash counter where customer withdrawn and
deposit their money. When the valued client’s deposit their money at the cash
counter they must have to full fill the deposit slips his/her own, then they sing as
the depositor option’s then they deposit their money through cash officer at the
cash counter. There are several types of deposit slip as follows:
 Current Deposit A/C Slip,
 Saving’s Deposit A/C Slip
 Demand Draft Slip
 T.T. Slip.
 Online Deposit Slip
After paying these kinds of slip, the valued client waits for the deposit slip book
outside of the cash counter. The Deposit officer the money in their account
through computer software, while the depositors account credited, then he puts
a seal in the deposit slip.
Basically, transfer is a type of register maintaining matter. In this register officer
write down every day transactions in Debit and Credit side then the officer
calculates both the side of the register if both sides shown same amount, it
means that the total day’s transaction is completely okay. Transfer is not a critical
sector in banking but it is very important. Transfers play a vital role in banking
Clearing is one of the crucial parts of banking. Different cheques of banks come
from different clients to pass through clearing. In this case these cheques are sent
to the head branch to get advice whether it will be passed or not and for that it
takes minimum one day to credit his or her account.

Credit Department:
Credit in charge: responsible of all kinds of analytical and financial analysis of
borrower in every step of lending that i.e., selection of borrower, proposal
preparation, documentation, disbursement, recovery
Credit officer: proposal preparation, documentation, disbursement, repayment
monitoring, prepare all kinds of monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly advance
related statement. Selection of borrower: Borrower is selected on what the credit
products they want to take based on the terms and conditions. Each term if they
fulfill in order to requirement then supervisor from the bank goes to visit to
justify. Sometimes the clients come to borrow with the reference of manager or
the head office.

Plan Of My Internship Program

A brief introduction of the branch where I performed my internship
Janata Bank Limited is the second largest state-owned commercial bank of the
country. Janata Bank Limited was formed combining the then United Bank Limited
and Union Bank Limited under the Bank Nationalization Ordinance of 1972
(President's Order 26). The management of Janata Bank has been transferred to
Janata Bank Limited after transforming the bank into a company following the
existing company act under the Enterprise Growth and Bank Modernization
Project' (EGBMP) which has been taken in 2004-05 in order to reform the
nationalized commercial banks. Janata Bank Limited has started its operation
from November 15, 2007.
The management of the bank lies on a 12-member board of directors. The
government appoints the board of directors and the executive head is managing
director and chief executive officer (CEO). He is assisted by one deputy managing
director, six general managers and other higher executive officers. The general
managers are in charge of six administrative divisions of the country Dhaka,
Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Sylhet' and Barisal. There are 27 divisions of Janata
Bank Limited including 1 training institute at its head office.
The starting and ending date of my internship
I, started my internship October, 1,2021 and will be ending date December, 31,
The names of the departments in which I obtained training and the duration of
me training in these departments.
Short time training program arranged in the organization. Employees are given a
supervisor under whom they will learn how to perform the job more efficiently. It
is non-paid training program in Janata Bank.
Foreign Remittance Department:
I worked at Janata Bank Limited, Mirpur-01 Branch where firstly I have started
with the Foreign Remittance department. Here I have learned the procedure of
how to process Foreign Remittance comes to the accounts or by pin to Janata
Bank Limited. My immediate supervisor tried to give me a brief description of her
routine tasks before deploying me to any specific task. Later on, through my
personal observation and superior officer’s guidance, ultimately allow me to
understand the purpose of various types of accounts along with their features
which includes, collecting pin number from customers, collecting information
about transection, collecting photocopy of NID in case of large transection,
Checking Pin number from Website For example Ria is a worldwide money
transfer network they transfer money through a 13-digit pin number. Every
branch of Janata bank has an ID in RIA. When I logged in from that account, I can
input pin provided by the customer and if the pin is correct all information comes
up. After checking information provided by the customer, I print a copy of
transection. And give it to the customer for taking money from cash counter.
Sometimes I have to check transection from bank to bank using Bangladesh
Electronic Funds Transfer Network (BEFTN). BEFTN has a server,
giving user name and password an officer can see transection. Filling up SBS form
on Bangladesh Bank server where code for Janata Bank
Mirpur-01 branch is 0342. In this server customer who have transection more
than a million in a month are listed. In October 2021 we have 23 customers with
41 transection.
Accounts & clearing Department:
Accounts department is sensitive part of a bank. I have worked in the accounts
Department for few days. This department is one of the important and busy
departments. Actually, in this department, all the department task, all
department transaction vouchers are maintained. All accounts are finalized and
maintained and send its one copy in corporate branch. Moreover, all kinds of
daily expenses are maintained and office materials and equipment like- Pen to
office clearing material everything purchase documents and its accounting
procedure all are maintained in this department.
 Printed out the transaction listing of previous day for checking Debit and
credit voucher.
 Voucher sorting, counting and filing by checking the number of accounts
has been debited or credited, check the account holder signature, account
number so on.
 Debit and credit voucher separation.
 Registered the entire vouchers in register book after checking the voucher
with the trail list of branches in details. Here the amount of debit and credit
voucher will be same but the number can differ. After check requisition, a
list of check book holders name with a/c no are given to write down in
cheque book register.
 Stamping various kinds of documents with authorization and endorsement
Issuance of Demand Draft (DD) / Pay Order (P.O):
A demand draft is provided to the client in whom he has to specify that on which
bank it is drawn. The amount both in words and figures is written on the demand
draft. Pay order is only payable to payee. In this section I know how to write PO
and what is this process.
Cash Collection:
In cash counter I used to help bankers to collect cash from customers that they
used to deposits in Saving Accounts.
Learning Experience
Knowledge Acquired:
Working in Janata Bank Limited (JBL) Mirpur-01 branch as an intern was the very
first opportunity for me to acquire practical knowledge about banking sector. I
worked in the investment under the supervision of Md.Mazedul Islam Manager of
Mirpur-01 branch. I worked in almost every division by rotation. It was
tremendous journey for me to go through the actual experience of banking
sector. Real word is far away different from the theoretical knowledge. Especially
in service sector there are both encouraging and off- putting thinks to experience
every day. As an intern of JANATA BANK LIMITED(JBL) Mirpur-01 branch I had
experienced of so much new things. I come to know actual works of bankers and
observed how the works are being done accordingly to serve to serve the
customer properly.
Skills Learned:
Through this whole journey of internship, I have learnt many things related to
general banking in this chapter I have shown my experience in my internship
period there are many things that was done by me which is shown in below:
 I Know how to open account.
 Capable to find the error.
 I Know how to write cheque and correction.
 Correction of account opening file.
 I know How to do a bank draft
 Correction of account opening form

The most challenging task performed:

 Branch was going through renovation process, which was hampering the
working environment.
 Officers are busy with their respective works. Many of them have truly
failed to manage time to have a talk with me about his work in the desk.
 One of the major challenging tasks is the time constraints.
 Confidentiality of data was another important barrier that was faced during
the conduct of this study. Every organization has their own secrecy that is
not revealed to others. While collecting data on JBL, personnel did not
disclose enough information for the sake of confidentiality of the
Problem Identification and Solution

Each & every organization has some problem that provide hinders to run this
company in better way. So, organization must find those & try to solve it as soon
as possible. problem means external conditions that are harmful to achieving any
objectives of organization. It could be in negative in nature. Try to consider it as a
weakness. Like other organization JBL has some problem that are presenting
 The first problem of this bank is employees are not punctual.
 They have no uniform. For that reason, some customers find it difficult to
identity the bank employees.
 Some superior Officers of this bank are not available sometime.
 Lack of motivation among mid and lower-level Officer
 Some employees are less trained to handle technologies. Such as-
computer, internet etc.

Frist of all, they should be punctual. Then, they should have specific uniforms.
Officers must be present at all times. Mid and lower-level officers should have
good motivational skills. Bank employees need to be well trained.

Janata Bank Ltd. is such a commercial bank which is rendering all commercial
banking services to the customers. In addition to that they make available micro
credit and SME finance to the millions of needy people of the country. As part of a
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), it is playing a remarkable role to help the
distressed people of the society in different welfare related activities. They focus
on dignified, prompt and personalized services being rendered to their customers.
They believe in developing strong interpersonal relationship with each
stakeholder. As such, they are morally bound to provide high quality banking
services with the latest technology to obtain optimum return on shareholder's
equity ensuring safety of depositor's money and making all efforts to introduce
their innovative Islamic banking products and services to their existing and
prospective customers. Besides they should try the best for improving their
general banking services mentioned. Then JB will be the leading commercial bank
in Bangladesh.

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