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The History Of The Elite And Who They Really Are.

Don't be fooled by what you think you know and what's behind them in there power base.

For them to orchestrate and put the whole game together takes a fair amount of intelligence and know

So were did they get this knowledge and what lies in the unseen that directs there power base?

The answers lie in our ancient past through what little that filtered down in ancient texts and

All the cultures possessed what was known as mystery schools.

the art of knowing the unseen dimensions and the secrets that went with this knowledge.

It's quiet obvious that the elite were indoctrinated into these mystery schools and learned there craft of
what is termed the knowing.

The original schools were meant for anyone that was willing to partake in this knowledge.
not everyone was willing to because there were risks involved.

Later on in history these schools became infiltrated by people that were hell bent on power. They
virtually infiltrated every culture like locusts.
Today you will see these secret society's that are based on the same concept from the past.

As you know most cultures decayed and fell from grace.

They only appear in our history books in our modern world.

Think about why? What we term elite were responsible for most of these cultures falling.

Today's world is built on the same lines of decay as these past cutures were after they got there claws
into them.
The energy from these entity's is constrictive in nature leading to decay.

The concept of how the elite work is not based on a few that site on there so called thrones.
There are many factions that are inbedded in the system.

This holds the whole structure in place.

There is more that I'll share but I'm inpatient writing long threads.

What I've put down may get me into trouble most likely but I say bring it on.

The reason I know this is because I'm awaken to a certain in my younger years they tryied
to recruit me.
They only recruit certain people that hold a certain energy that may benifit there lot.

Also I'm from the same linage as they are...not blood linage. More of what is termed energy signature.
The difference from me and them...I love the sacred that permeates in creation.

Originally they were termed as adepts. In today's world the adept is scorned and
hardly known.
They no longer hold that title as they have became corrupt to it's full extent.

They know your make up and they know how to play the mind games that they
orchestrate in today's world.
It's easy for them to dumb you down.
They know the make up of your awarness and how to manipulate it.

They are master manipulators. On a certain smaller level this is prevalent through

They also know how portals work and the energy grid of this planet.
Lets just say they opened pandoras box sometime in our ancient past and were
infected by entity's that have there own interests in hand.

While i'm in the mood i'll write a bit more.

The entity's that are behind them have been around this system before the earth
came into being.
They are a type of artificial entity that mimicks our world.
They have been known in our history books as ginns or gennies..archons...demons and
so on.

The elite think they control these beings but in fact it's the other way around.

These beings attach themselves in the energy field of humans.. drug

users..criminals...people with depression...
virtually anyone that has there energy scattered.
The elite use this as a weapon to disrupte and keep people in a chaotic state.

Most drugs have a crystalline structure that can be altered.

This alteration when ingested causes untold damage not only on a physical sense but
on a ethric state also. They alter there structure. As you know crystals can be
So they can program anything that is crystalline in structure. This includes food
and alcohol.

They know we are stronger than they are.

this is why they poison us daily.
we are strong in numbers, so they divide us.
we are strong spiritually, so they confuse us.
we are stronger than they are, but we are their slaves.
Yes your right.. were unlimited in our abilities if we realise it and know it. They
have restrictions because they use an energy that can only go so far before it
consumes everything. The secret is that they keep us divided.
But I believe this will change in due course.
Certain latent energy's that were shut down in ancient times need to be reawaken.
They were closed down because the elite wanted to get access to them.

save yourself some time and trouble because the work has already been done. Just
google Mayer Amschel Rothschild or go to muckety and watch the lineage of a handful
of families who have controlled the money, the politicians, the media and the
agenda for the past 300 years.

I think your missed the point. This goes far further than 300 odd years. The
rothchilds are dummies in the scheme of things. You have no idea how this is set up
at this point.
There is a lot of deception in the conspiracy field.
The whole lay out is a deception..... It's smoke and mirrors.

According to the Ringing Cedars of Russia, there is only one who is control, the head priest, and 6
others.. they have been re-incarnating for over 10,000 yrs now... the head priest is almost just a normal
guy, no bodyguards, he has a family, and he controls everything from behind the scenes, or he used to...
he and the 5 have given up control and are trying to make the world better now, they are trying to be an
example for the rest of us to follow, apparently they are skilled in the art of "remote influencing" in that
they can make people hear things, and think the things they want them to.. this is how they "make
things happen" Now their minions who are/were under their control are the ones in control of the
monster which is the system.. and I guess thats why the system is breaking down day by day.... I would
also guess that the minions are decendents of the tribe of the Levites, who were the 'priestly' class of
ancient history.. and so it seems the Zionists are mostly those minions who are running the show...

Thanks for this info..

Can you please confirm what these entities are?? Multidimensionals creatures, beings??
What herbs/pil/potion I should take to be more enlighted??
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1356448

The entity's are an artificial entity. Example that I'll give you...The curse of the pharaohs tomb. It's not
a curse as such. These entity's were placed inside these tombs by people from what was termed the
priesthood. the priesthood had the seat of power behind the throne.

There is no pill or herb you can take.

On a personal note what things do you try to avoid- (OP) ??

Like TV, Wi Fi, cell phones, non organic foods, fluoride, popular music, meat??

How do you protect yourself from being controlled, brainwashed, poisoned, killed??

Do you believe Australia will be the seat of the new global government?
 Quoting: stillhere

As much as I can but not being overly focused on what's bad or good.
You can over ride a lot of things if you start to open up.
Your energy shifts as such and you become what we term calm...At peace.
In this state you flow much better in creation and a lot of what the elite have put into place is not as
effective as the rest of the populance is subjected to.

Fully awakened people can not be touched by the elite.

I've only met one.

To hard to explain tonight how to protect yourself. getting late here. tommorow night.

OP are "dragons" real? And can they shapeshift into human form?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1388690

Shapeshifting is not physical.It's a energy shift. Hard to explain in words.

Dragons are associated with the lay lines of this earth. some are dormant awaiting to be reawakened.

There are many factions of the elite in australia. Especially along the east coast
and in the southern region.
I doubt it very much that the seat of power will be in australia.
I've never been controlled because I've been able to see the bigger picture since
my youth. I've been very open with my intuition which serves me well. The thing is
we all have the same abilities but people are so ingrained in this reality, that
they have become comfortable in there day to day life.

A lot of people are very unhappy in this reality but they don't know anything
better at this stage.

The only thing that I'll recommend is a form of mystery school initiation that was
done in the past. what i mention is scaled down to what used to happen in the great

It's not a form of meditation but you can call it what you wish.
When you withdraw from the world inwardly. Imagine that your awarness is a triangle
and you are immersing inside this geometric shape. Because your not used to this,
fear will grip you. But try this a few times until you become used to the
When fear grips you, the whole experience will stop. There is no danger involved in
doing this.

I will add to this thread because people need to know what's happenning. This will
be the only thread on this subject that i'm going to write.

my experiences with the elite is that they have some basic psychic abilities, telepathy and remote
viewing at the least. How does that fit in with everything?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1164296

What we term magic applies to the elite. They know the art of magic and how it's used. This has been
open to them from ancient times through the ages until present day.
There are different variations in abilities in each faction of the elite.
Some are more pronounced than others.

They know the difference between wave form and resonance and how it affects our consciosness.
This can be seen in and so on. it's all resonance and wave form. The
trouble is the resonance that is around now, disturbs our field of awarness.
It keeps us scattered and dumbed down

Were all connected to this planet. The planet has the same make up as we do. I'm
talking about it's energy and consciousness. We have meridian lines and charkras..I
call them vortexes..The planet has meridian lines and vortexes.

At the moment were closed to this information and the elite know this.

The drugs that are distributed in society...crystiline in nature...have been

altered after cultivation.
That's why drug users are so scattered. There very essence in there blue print and
ethric level is distorted. This serves them well because most drug users turn to

They want crime because it breeds fear in society..fear is there number one weapon.
Well, you're only partially correct. The elite are born a hybrid race of Nephilim,
part human, part fallen angel. The term "Nephilim" comes from the Hebrew root word
Nephal, which means to fall. The Nephilim have ten seperate bloodlines from which
they choose ten kings or queens from this lot. Pure humans are never allowed into
the top elite, only the lower ranks.

At the top of the "pyramid" is a queen, a woman who rides the "Beast". The Beast,
is a Principality, a high ranking fallen angel with great power, this entity rules
over the seven seperate Illuminati kingdoms, which is ironically, a mirror image of
the Kingdom of God.

The Book of Revelations prophesied about a Beast with seven heads and ten horns,
but most biblical scholars have not found the key to unlocking it's mystery.

The woman who runs everything, the woman who rides the "Beast" is the evil Queen
Hephzibah. She is the one at the top of the pyramid. She rules over the Rothchilds,
the Illuminati, all secret societies, and such. She calls the shots. She is also
called "The most powerful witch" or MPW. She is worshipped in secret by the Jesuits
as the "Queen of Heaven" and the Jesuits and not the Jews are more involved in the
destruction of the current world system than what most people realize. As a matter
of fact, you never hear of the Jesuits...see!

I am an insider; I know these people, these kings and queens on a first name basis,
and they know me well. I am their nemesis, their ultimate enemy. This is how I know
these things, and what they are planning is horrible. They are destroying the
earth, they are the Locusts of Prophecy in the OT book of Joel. Another name for
the evil queen is the "locust queen". They consume ll the resources and then leave
nothing behind. They are pure evil and they are as satanic as it gets. They are
hungry for human blood, they can't get enough, they rejoice over the floods in the
south of America, they rejoice over the loss of life in Japan, and they believe
their NWO is fully going to be established.

best thing to do is lay low, stop attracting attention to yourself, stop posting etc etc
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1239553

Your directing this to someone else but i'll put my two bob in.
No use laying low anymore. one... I don't fear them.
two..I'm awaken to some extend on the non physical level.
There extinguished many people through the ages and this includes people that have been awaken. I'm
not talking about people that are awaken on a intellectual level but people that have the abilities that
would be termed super human.
That applies to all when there open to it and know it.

There are people out there that have a different aspect to most..not in abilities but in using aggression to
These people are very hard for the elite to get rid of. If anything they fear them.
Regardless of the finer details... it's irrelevant. They are locusts and there
known as the watchers in certain circles. Which applies to what you said about the

One thing i'll say is...they won't succeed..something from left field will arise
that will catch them by total surprise.they won't be expecting it.

Good Evening OP,

Could you give us a time frame on this thing coming from left field?

Also, is there truth about a pole shift? If the earth changes axis or has in the past don't the Ley Lines
change? So the ones from the past are not correct now??

What would be the best way to protect ones self from the "waves"?

I have a grounding sheet on my bed--silver threads in fabric connected to a wire and into the ground
outside--is this good or not?

Could you go deeper into how they use fear? I've heard so much about how they need us to have fear,
but I don't understand how they use this.

Thank you!
 Quoting: stillhere

My intiution tells me in this life time.

I don't believe we will have a pole shift. What I sense is the sun which is connected with our earth is
altering it's energy. I'm not talking about solar flares but an energy shift. The sun is a living entity like
our earth. Many people have been commenting on this lately.

The thing is that in the past we have had major disasters and cultures have vanished because of this.
What we don't want is a major disaster on a grand scale because the elite will just start up again..
Regardless. There have been cycles through history that involve people dying of on a major scale. The
elite can restart after a disaster because they are able to instill there ways when society starts up after a

We need to end these cycles now so this won't occur again.

What will happen is, we will instill the harmony in society and every person that is born is not
indoctrinated into the energy that the elite instilled through history.

The best divice to use is a tesla copper coil in a pyramid shape to keep the electric pollution down.
Fear is generated on many levels in our you know there are numerous systems that generste
Fear is an energy that permeates through our world and it hinders us on many levels.
It makes us easier to be controlled.

The elite have highjacked many portals on this planet. The main sacred sites that
direct the blood life energy of this planet.
The great pyramid is one of the major control panels of vortexes that was
highjacked. This is basically a portal to other dimensions.

The entity's come through these open gates into our field of awarness. There is a
thin veil that exists from our physical world and the astral. The egytian culture
decayed around the middle kingdom due to these people which were hell bent on there
dark and distructive ways.

They used the dark arts of magic for self gratification to harm people and destroy
whole civilisations.

These blach arts of magic are handed down through history to it's present day.
There not into the satanic worship like people think.
The reason for this is they know what lies behind that thin veil that seperates our
world and the unseen.

These entity's that come into our field of awareness have a drone like character.
There is a leader that the gnostics refer to as the demerge. This entity thinks
it's the sole creator of all things. A delusional being that gives energy and
substance to these other beings.

This so called entity is known by many names through our

history..yaoth..baal..jehovah..yahweh and so on.
A false and demented being that has these elite by the balls because it feeds them
that power.

The main vortex points on this planet were generating a resonence that was on
different frequency in ancient times.

These vortex points were shut down in the past so the elite would not have access
to these energy points.

When these energy's were shut down, what was termed as the fall came into effect.
Awareness locks into these energy points and regulates the input and output through
the body.
It permeates through our nervous system which acts as an antenna.

Because the vortex points were closed down as such it led to our fall from grace.

This had to be done because the elite were infiltrating through society's like
locusts and taking over the mystery schools.
If the energy points were left at there opium state, the elite would of eventually
got access to these sacred points of power and the most likely consequence would've
been a total destruction of this planet and beyond.

Much like what happened in atlantis.

As we know the elite do have intelligence, but so did the ancients.

To put it in a phrase...To change there systems on this earth like people have
tried and keep trying..well..I would have a better chance of becoming the prime
minister of australia than this occurring.

I've got no chance of that happenning, nor will anyone change there systems from

The only way of changing this is to reawaken those energy points that have laid
dormant for millenniums.

You may well ask if those energy points get reawaken and why would the elite not
get access to them.

one...the unseen part of things would also get altered.

two..there would be a vibrational shift on many levels.
There is more to this that I'm not privy to at this point but it would definetly
change things on many levels.

The major control panel is at the giza complex. This point of vortex can reawaken
and regulate these energy's.

I'm guessing there must be some sort of left field protection that was put in place
for this to take place.

[link to]

I AM Sereti. My Presence has been made possible by the addition of four Living Ones into your etheric
channel which allows Me to descend to this channel. I am a form of Light intervening not in the destiny
of your people but in the destiny of this entire solar system and in other planetary systems.
Nevertheless it is appropriate that I give you some information regarding events that will occur in the
next few years in the development of your human, philosophical, spiritual, and structural cycles, and in
the psychological evolution of your beings and in the rebuilding of your solar systems.

Our radiance only begins at the 18th dimensional level and extends up to the 31st dimension which is
thus the final dimension that is accessible to any radiance isolated from the Light before returning to
the original Source of all Light. The degree of evolution of Our radiances is deeply different from your
incarnated humanity and does not have any similarity of evolution to or involvement with yours. Our
role involves a radiance of Light that allows the planetary systems and other solar systems to align
themselves with Our radiances so that the Source's matrices may be formed and relocated via
dimensional stargates in order to allow the transformation of entire planets and solar systems, and
through Our radiances We are able to use this radiance in order to move you closer to the Source of the
Central Sun of the galaxy and to other central suns in order to take part in the evolution of the Father,
the Mother, and the Child in connection with the Law of One.

There are similarities existing between the planetary spheres and your own energy vortices. First the
planet Mercury will be absorbed into the solar protosphere [the clouds of gas and dust in space], thus
involving a release of sizable energy in your own terrestrial atmosphere [this apparently means that
there will be massive explosions and that Mercury will be demolished and will not be a planet here
after that time]. An extremely intense expansion of the central area of your planet Earth inside the
crystalline core will also occur [resulting in earthquakes], and the amplitude of radiation in your own
inner bodily areas will also become larger. At this time your crystalline bodily structures will vibrate in
order to transform certain components into other components, which are a etheric cleansing for you.

The Moon will disappear at that time [it is no longer needed]. At the time of this transitional movement
of the orbit of your planet around the Sun Earth will stop spinning with the result that half of Earth will
be in full daylight during the three days whereas the other half will experience three days of darkness.
Shocking and appalling noises will be present in the atmosphere of your planet. During this delicate
phase the awakened beings will be put in a state of catatonic stasis [sleep] in order to avoid damage
being done on the cellular, cerebral and biological structures.

During these 3 days, the planet Venus will move closer in its terrestrial orbit to the Sun as it was long
ago [Earth will also move closer to the Sun]. At that time the solar radiation will change its appearance
(for those who will have the chance to see it) during these 3 days, and the radiation will change color.
You will begin to feel these new radiational effects which will be made up of unusual gold Light which
is already present in the blue radiation of the galaxy 's Central Sun. This will be seen as the influence of
Our blue radiance, We who are the Blue Guides of Sirius. [Saturn will probably also ignite soon like
Jupiter has and they will appear as blue stars in 5D.]

Thread: JUPITER IGNITION!!!!!!! (Page 379)

I have another question--

I've been thinking lately that what happens in our "earth" reality is controlled by the "elites"--but, other
dimensions, and even when we die-- nothing changes-- we are still trapped and controlled.

Those that think when they die they will be enlightened and know everything are wrong--

We will still be "here" only on the other side--

Is all of humanity one--like a hive mentality which has to "upgrade" together as one??

Are the "elite" part of this Humanity/hive-- or are they something else all together?

Thank you.
 Quoting: stillhere
Yes it does extend into the unseen. We still create our own worlds in the unseen. This depends on the
persons belief systems on how it's played out.

There are people that are fully awakened on this earth. I've met one. I can give you an insight into who
this person is or was. You can view the book online.

A search in secret egypt by paul brunton.

The last chapter is titled..I meet an adept.

This is the person I meet when I was in egypt.

The book was realized in 1935 and he meet this person in 1927.

I meet the adept in the eighties. Read the book because it holds information that is relevant to our world
and the elite.

After you read this, I'll tell you some hard core stuff that will blow you away.
What I'll say is all through experience.

I'm getting deep with some of this stuff and I'd say the idiots (elite) will see all of this.

But as I said earlier in the thread...I don't fear them.

This will be along the same tangent...

There is a fallen matrix which harbors the origins of the fallen entity Jehovah that is at war with
another fallen entity Allah from another fallen matrix. Now, they are fighting over our reality because
neither of them can exist on their own as they are disconnected from Source. They need divine energy
to survive. So they have set our matrix as their battleground and as the ultimate prize. We of course are
the chess pieces. This childish melodrama has been going on for eons. That is why the hatred is so
deep-rooted and we are seeing the true ugliness manifest before us now with so much negative energy
concerning this very issue. It is like witnessing a fight between two brothers, neither willing to give an
inch due to relentless pride. Love but an inch away, yet miles apart.
Thank you for the thread and information OP. I know it puts you at risk so I greatly admire you for
doing this. There are angels protecting you even in Australia you know?

Can you tell me why Sirius is so significant to us?

 Quoting: YoU~€iT¥ <aka> abe

People can take this information as they please. I'm not here to ram it down peoples throats or am I
interested in anything but people wakening up to the truth.

We need to change things and do it soon.

Thanks for your input and concern.

I can take care of myself against them.

This is not a stupit ego driven mind thing.
I'm talking through experience...I've crossed paths with them in this life time and they did threaten me.
Lets just say that for some reason the part that we all have that awakens...being what we term our
this clicks into action. It only happens if I'm in some sort of danger.

I can say one thing...they don't like that part of us one bit..there scared.

The thing I'd like to mention is...they are limited..we are not...
When we realize our abilities...We will have no limitations.

They have limitations because of the energy they use.

It's it has it's limitations. That's why they continue to dumb us down and keep us in fear.

As soon as we realize what we truly are...the elite then will know that there days will be numbered.

Also before I forget..There in your history books..In the past they were adored as gods..In today's world
they need to keep a lower profile.

I agree that they try to reqruit you at a very early stage in life :) I feel you on
that . The earlier the better as they say.

The human race has never really learned and are so stupid that they let the same
elite people into power over and over again. They will play these stories or
political games for you over and over again , but still you vote for the same
fucking Power Elite.

Why does the human race keep repeating the same system again and again over time
only to go under tyranny and a worst tyranny than you had before. ·
It’s the same old stuff all over again yet just some things change ....

is it now time to get rid of them? You see that’s what you’ll find again in
history, they’re allies with common causes when they’re all benefiting and yet
they’re all well aware each one’s a fox and they’re all well aware too that they
better play very, very quick games if they’re going to survive when times get bad.

Because the ones that are slightly higher than them will have no problem at
throwing them to the people as a cause of all their problems.

When the base itself is faulty and corrupt. The foundation is corrupt. That’s why
we keep repeating the same system again over time. The crooks must always rise to
the top in this system. I say FUCK' M all and get rid of them !!!

All evil examples have their origin in good beginnings . That’s what all of the
elite fuckers know. They say what you want to hear, where they can have evil intent
behind themselves.

They know how to distract the public. They know how to terrify the public and just
how much to terrify the public. How to divert the public’s attention through wars
and so on . They dont like free thinkers.

They want power over others. They want acclaim. They want to go down in history.
They love to have buildings named after them and streets named after them and
statues put up after them .

They know how to play the game and what the public expect to see and hear,they’re
born into powerful families of the same type who run the world through money and
through taking money which just represents your labor, there’s always been slavery,
they are and have simply been forming and creating a new and more efficient form of
slavery. Well you see it’s here. It’s always been here since time it self .

There isn’t a government in the world today that doesn’t have its annual scandal of
millions or even billions of whatever currency they use—it’s all a con anyway—going
missing and they have their inquiries and we go back to sleep and no one’s punished
and it’s all accepted by the human slaves on this planet .

They know they must cooperate with each other. They know they still have the same
money system and that’s the key. That cannot possibly exist and have a just society
at the same time, and they work away quietly until they regain power again.
The Ringing Cedar series is said to be encoded with "logos" ( So I would recommend
that you read these aloud or put them thru a text to speech program that reads them
for you , spoken word has a power above thought , the spoken word is like flipping
the light switch on. Thats why deamons are invoked/evoked verbally at rituals)that
repairs your Dna to an original State ..many of those who have read this
series,including after the first book alone, say that reading that series increased
their awareness and have been filled with a peace and love beyond anything they
have ever know among many other changes they have stated along with it.

"Yes it does extend into the unseen. We still create our own worlds in the unseen. This depends on the
persons belief systems on how it's played out.

There are people that are fully awakened on this earth. I've met one. I can give you an insight into
who this person is or was. You can view the book online.

A search in secret egypt by paul brunton.

The last chapter is titled..I meet an adept.

This is the person I meet when I was in egypt.

The book was realized in 1935 and he meet this person in 1927.

I meet the adept in the eighties. Read the book because it holds information that is relevant to our
world and the elite.

After you read this, I'll tell you some hard core stuff that will blow you away.
What I'll say is all through experience.

I'm getting deep with some of this stuff and I'd say the idiots (elite) will see all of this.

But as I said earlier in the thread...I don't fear them."

 Quoting: stillhere

~~~~OK, I read the chapter. And fine for you to say you don't fear "them", but what about those of us
reading this thread?

The chapter was interesting. I hadn't known about the adepts- and that they could be re-animated.
How can the evil spirits released by the looting of the pyramids be contained?

Do you recommend reading any of Paul Brunton's other books or reading the whole "Secret Egypt" ?

At this point they can't. When the energy shifts on this planet, these beings will no longer cause havoc
in our field of awareness.
They will no longer be able to interfere with us or the planet.

There are two more chapters that are very interesting..magician in cairo...a night in the pyramid..

But if you get a chance, the rest of the book is very interesting. this is the only book that contains this
knowledge anywere.

The other book that might interest you is a search in secret india.

He talks about the fakirs..similiar to the adepts to some extent. They can bury themselves for a few
days and come out untouched by suspending there bodily functions.
similiar to the adepts....but not as pronounced.

These adepts were part of the original mystery schools on this planet. They went very deep in what we
term the rabbit hole.

I'll put a question out there to think about..did these elite go through these mystery schools and were
taught by these adepts the secrets of the universe.
The initiation was presided over by a hierophant. This was done because the initiate would encounter
dangers in the unseen worlds.
The hierophant was a very experienced intiator into the mystery's. They were labeled as adepts.

If so...everyone can use this knowledge to there discretion..some get ingulfed and corrupted by the
shear power that opens up to them.

s there any evidence to suggest that Australia is being prepped as the hq for the NWO?

I haven't seen anything personally. I mean, there are your garden variety masonic/kabbalist structures
around the place, sure but aren't these found everywhere?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1390306

There are more than you think.

They don't go and advertise for people to see.
I can tell you exactly were they are. In some instances they have shops of esoteric nature were they can
recriut certain people.

This depends on the person that they come in contact with and there energy. They also recruit,what I
term bunny's. These people do the dirty stuff for them.

These bunny's are young and very good looking. They use them to attract and scan others by
befriending them.
If there got someone in mind to recruit, they use these bunny's through the journey of scanning the
recipient they want by being very careful over time to see if this person is taken into there fold.
They are very patient in knowing everthing about that person.

Are you familiar with the story of Adamic and Pre-Adamic man? The idea that there are 2 races of
humanity on the earth, one of them that does not possess a "soul".

Would you say this idea applies to the "elites" that you're talking about?
 Quoting: BD 1391571

No I don't see this applying to the elite.

I haven't heard the adamic and pre adamic. I can say that without knowing what your talking about, the
no soul apply's to the unseen part of a race that has existed in our field of awareness since the birth of
this planet.

They are a type of artifical being..some call them ginns or gennies..archons...demons and so on. If you
look into the ancient texts of cultures, you will find that these beings did exist. This apply's in every
culture that has existed on this planet.

The elite are connected with these beings.

"After you read this,"

"I'll tell you some hard core stuff that will blow you away.
What I'll say is all through experience."

~~~OP (Darkness Comes), what were you going to reveal? Do you know of any of the Adepts re-
 Quoting: stillhere

What you read in the book is not what was intended by the adept. You have to realise that the author
puts his own spin, to some extent.
What he was talking about was living adepts that have been indoctrinated into this reality like every
body else.
When he mentioned that the secrets would be handed down to these living adepts he meant that they
would reawaken from there sleep as such.

That knowledge is inbedded in these living adepts.

When I came in contact with this adept in the eighties, I had the same experience as brunton had. I saw
this spinning wheel of light that was centered within my mind.
This has a calming effect that is hard to explain.

These adepts are not well known in today's world. Virtually unheard of because of the state were in.

To my understanding, these adepts which are very few in numbers...maybe a hand full...are the ones
that hold the key to awakening these energy's that have laid dormant since ancient times.

There sort of gate keepers to the vortex points of energy on this planet because of there knowledge that
they possess.

When I mentioned that the points of energy on this planet were shut down...well these adepts were
responsible for this action.

I'll write the rest of what i've got to say tommorrow night as it's getting late here.

Thank you for your response.

In case you are interested, I first came into contact with this "Pre-Adamic" idea via the writings of
Boris Mouravieff. His definition of "soul" was something like - a connection to higher intellectual and
emotional centers (the source of things such as empathy or artistic inspiration). According to him, some
humans have no access to these higher centers, but can imitate an "ordinary" human being perfectly. So
without some sort of "higher" sight one cannot distinguish between the two types of humanity.

When I read this, I thought of the idea of "psychopaths" and those elite who are in positions of power
in all the governments of the world. It seemed to be a parallel.

But perhaps this term does not apply to the archons that you refer to, because it sounds as if they do not
even resemble human beings in physical appearance.
 Quoting: BD 1391571

This is a very good perception. This apply's to the elite and also to the beings that preside in the unseen

These beings imitate humanity because they don't have access to these higher centers. The elite and
these beings have limitations because of this, that's why if we awaken we can change this in a twinkle
of an eye.
Imitation is confined on this level through it's system because the accsess is limited to these realms.
What presides in this realm is a never ending cycle that has to be changed.

When you hear about cycles within greater cycles...this is the realm we are stuck in and so are the elite
and the beings that exist in the unseen worlds.

We change this and we change the whole system of cycles that repeat themselves.

Thanks for writing that perception. It's spot on.

OK-- but what is the best way to break these cycles within cycles and how to you tell who is not
connected higher?
 Quoting: stillhere

Virtually everyone is disconected from these higher centers.

Everything has frequency and vibration in the universe.
Our consciousness taps into these frequency's which gives us access to other worlds. At the moment
were only operating in this realm of vibration.
connecting to these higher centers is called multidimensional access.

To alter this we need to change this habit were been ingrained in for millenimums. Try to connect your
awarness to this planets heartbeat (frequency). we communicate to each other on this planet...why not
communicate to this's alive like us.

For starters we have become very meek as beings and don't have that confidence or knowing.

Think big...don't believe it...KNOW IT.…

I'll give you some insights on how the elite operate these systems.

You hear of people that are public speakers in the conspiracy field that are well known. Certain people
in this field have been hassled and thrown in jail or become bankrupt through the forces that be.
Some are given the perception to give up what they are doing.

As you all are well aware, the person in question will go out into the public eye and talk about there
experience of what they went through by the forces that be.

This virtually adds a badge to there information that they are given out. So the perception is, this
information he or she is getting out must be valid.

This is not the case in question actually. The elite control the conspiracy field and feed it. They don't do
anything without an agenda behind it.
If your a real genuine danger to this system, they will get rid of you.

You have to understand that the majority of the conspiracy field and the new age movement is infected
by the elite.

When you view the whole system...It's very much like a spiders web.. In it's intricate web lies
deception on a large scale.

They are masters at deceiving...They should not be called the elite...They should be known as the

I agree. People are killed all the time--people with credentials, scientists, whistle blowers, John Roll-
Chief Judge of the U.S. District Court for Arizona-the entire federal judiciary from the state of Arizona
had recused themselves because of their ties to Roll....

How easy it must be to feed someone a bit of miss-information must happen all the time. A person
seems to be legit- reporting good info--then they start giving "off" info--

If you have eyes to see you know that what is promoted anywhere is planned.

There is a war going on-- in this world and beyond. A war for our minds- why?

the "Elite" are at war with each other in a power grabbing timeless fight.

No "real" God would require worship they "false gods" need our "light" or energy.

This is why we are trapped here- we are generators.

A perfect example of their weaving "magic" was the announcement of the killing of "Osama Bin
Laden" on the MSM news.

"Tune in for (big) announcement---huge news---wait----big important, never before---announce to the

world----stay tuned---wait----wait more----"

We were told how we would feel about the news, that it was important we wait and listen to every

Why not just say--up front "we got Bin Laden"--no, they had to "BUILD" the suspense, create the
emotions--stage the celebrations--
OP: Thank you for this great thread, Brother. The Archons are at the heart of our problems.

I work in an Initiatory school, and the biggest problem is getting over the hump of their interference.
When a modern person tries to do the work of Initiation, and I mean the inner work and disciplines
necessary to unlock their abilities and gain true knowledge, the archons activate like a virus.

In psychology this is often confused with the Shadow, which is the primary structure they use to
control the human psyche from within. Only about one student in 100 is able to get past this stage,
and even then, there are problems.

Turning things around so that people can access what Initiation was structured to provide is going to
take some serious intervention or a lifestyle that relieves people from the omnipresent fear and
psychic viruses that work against their inner evolution.

I do agree that other forces are working which the elite are unaware of - it has to do with their lack of
understanding of the nature of consciousness, particularly the higher orders of consciousness. They
are as you imply, trapped at a lower level of operation and cannot see what is above them.

Very well put. Your on the money with what you have brought up.
The archons have infected many avenue's to all of us openning up and gaining that knowledge.
The elite were infected by these beings through there initiations from ancient past. So in reality the elite
are nothing more than people that are blinded by shear stupity.
I've never hated them at any stage or do I see them as evil.
They are in error. The error has to be corrected.

There are people that can transcend the initiatory path and and not be infected by these beings. These
people did go deep in the past from there own choosing to explore the very essence of life on many
levels. Even coming back into matter through many life times they do get ingrained into this reality but
they can override a lot of the interference. They still can see the larger picture that's hidden from most

This has to do with there past that is inbedded in there structure.

So how would one activate the pyramids?

 Quoting: Xibalbá be

In the past the great pyramid had certain devices that regulated these energy points. They were closed
down and hidden so the elite would not get there hands on them.

In atlantian times they had access to certain devices and if we believe the myth, they destroyed that
land and most of the people on it. That's what they do...they want more and more of that power.
Activation lay's in over riding the interference that we are subjected to. These frequency's are locked in
at the moment.

Find that key to unlock the door and you'll find what your looking for.

The Archons interfere by putting every possible distraction between the person and their actual work.
The person loses the ability to follow instructions, omits things, changes the content they are given, or
will even start manifesting physical or mental fatigue or illness when applying themselves.

When this happens, the only thing that appears to help is the direct assistance of their tutor. By writing
notes for every session they do and sharing them with the instructor, the guide is able to help them
navigate every step of the way, and identify what is being done to them.

Then it becomes a test of endurance, which a committed student will win. Without a guide, they lose.
Its as simple as that. I believe this is why the mysteries were taught hand to hand, mouth to ear, over
the centuries: to ensure the best chances that the Archons would be overcome.

With a qualified tutor, even a student of very average ability and no special gifts or talents will succeed
with Initiation if they are truly committed, and trust their instructor. However, even a gifted student of
high intelligence and ability will fail without one. In fact, it seems the most 'intelligent' types fail the

The instructors that you mentioned were known as hierophants in ancient times. They guided the
initiate through the process of initiation into the unseen.

A prime example in modern times has been were a few people have been allowed to stay inside the
pyramid overnight.
Everyone of these people went through the same experience inside the pyramid.
At first they encounted what they descibed as devilish creatures (archons,gennies,demons) that came
into the kings chamber were they were situated.

After a certain period they no longer felt threatend by these creatures and the whole exprience just
vanished from there awareness.
After this occured they felt a benevolent energy enter the room that put them at ease.

Each person described virtually the same experience.

This would of been similiar to what the initiate went through in ancient times.

The process of openning up the consciousness to these levels makes you come in contact with these
beings initially.
So that's one of the parts that a heirophant guided these initations through that process.

The other thing that you have to take into account is that these creatures could not get through this
portal originally. The doorway to there realm must of been opened by people that had there own
agendas or they were to stupid to know better.

Activation lay's in over riding the interference that we are subjected to. These frequency's are locked in
at the moment.

Find that key to unlock the door and you'll find what your looking for.

We all have the ability to over ride the interfering frequencies that harrass us into disbelieving our own
inner strength and power.
The key is the "Blocker" the energy field that is pure and deflects all negetivity and malevolent
frequencies designed to corrupt,demean and make us distrust ourselves.
From personal experience it protected me from dangerous encounters on numerous occassions.
I was once shown something amazing a pearl the size of a tennis ball I was told it was all I was and, all
what I was to be .That the energy within was mine to keep for eternity.It would grow and glow in
intensity as long as I believed in it.It would protect and shield me from evil and help me to the next
level.And as it floated towards me she smiled and beckoned me to accept the gift. Believe in yourself
that is the key.

buford 2
i didn't see if OP answered you, . .yet, . .but permit me
to take a try, . .it is an open question that deserves
multiple answers, . .the more the better.
it is a creature that hunts us.
a creature alien to this planet.
this much i surmise by studying history, religion, mythology, and archeology.
the tracks of the beast goes back into time until
they are covered over with dust and disapear behind
the veil of antiquity.
it can be killed, . .not with bullets or bombs.
there is a line in the old testament that gives the clue
to how, . .and thus to what this thing is.
the best way to stop a cancer is to quit feeding it.
what we need to do is quit buying plastic stuff.
quit the monetary exchange system, . .switch over
to the free gift exchange. it is the only way love
can replace greed.
if it ain't free it ain't love.
this is the start, . .the next step in ridding ourselves
of this beast will then become self evident.

The key to unlocking the door is resonance. The grid is interwoven with a network of vibrations that
resonate with certain frequency's.

So if you look at the bigger picture..the elite incorporate a vibration through frequency that locks our
consciousness into this reality. like I said... they learned these things in the past.

When you went into these mystery schools and experienced walking the grid, you immersed yourself
into these other realms and reality's that exist. The veil between worlds is thin.
Certain structures like the pyramid was a storehouse that regulated and locked into the grid that
manifests all there is and will be.

It's as plain as day that the so called deciever's as I call them, knew how this information about the grid
can be used to advance or hinder, depending on how it's used.

The grid contains all other dimensions,realms,and universes within it's infinite boundaries.

Only when synchronization occurs and frequency's are locked in phase and resonate,then that doorway
will open.

If you look at the grid as the ultimate infrastructure, you will see that on this earth we also have our
own infrastruce's in place. we manifest from this grid and bring it into reality.

so at this point...the so called people that rule are doing the majority of manifestation by the way it's

OP- Has this "Grid" always been in the same place? For instance, after a pole shift or partial shift like
we have had recently--do the points of power in the grid and the grid itself stay in the same position?

Thank you.
 Quoting: stillhere

The grid is not only associated with the earth grid. the grid is like a blue print of creation that permeates
every were. It's very hard to explain in words because they have limitations on how to describe the
vastness of how it works.

Your talking about the vortex points on the planet if there is a flip and they change destinations on the
The major points are funnels that spiral energy in and out of the grid. These points are the earth's
breath. The grid extends beyond this planet. It is interwoven with all there is and will be. So if you
were out in what we term nothing but space, you'll find that the grid extends in every area of creation.

The energy points do not shift. Only the land shifts.

So your talking about what once was is not in it's right location in today's world. The pyramid is still
associated on the major vortex point since ancient times.

Energy does not get does not only gets regulated and changed.
so our minds or what we know of consciousness is the instrument that regulates and changes that

you want to change this reality you change how we regulate this energy into reality.

What I'm going to say about the elite on how they are structered is not known in today's world by

The grid is like a mesh like structure that is very similiar to a spiders web. The elite have manifested
there structure from the grid in there own image that they have projected into being.

What I'm saying is that on a physical level, they have manifested there structure that permeates on this
earth, very much like the grid that's meshed like a spiders web.
There earthly structures are divisions or factions that exist through out our world. That is why when
people go into the conspiracy field they are inundated with different perspectives and hidden truths that
are very hard to find.
in this field they can easly control the truths and deceptions that they put out there.
when we look into who and why...the answers are skewed all over the place like it's not tangiable. This
is far from the truth because there structure can be indepentent from each other but they still bring there
reality into unison through this system.

This all stems from the source of there creation through the grid into this reality. The problem for them
is...there acccess through the grid is limited because of there energy and motivation for personal
power.In ancient times, when you went into these mystery schools you walked the grid basically. They
wanted access to the greater part of the grid but the access was closed down.

If we as beings have the focus of living in creation in harmony and awaken to how we reconnect to this
Then we will have no limitations and things will change in a twinkle of an eye.
The elites pyramid with the all seeing eye signafies many levels in it's structure on how they have
access to the grid. The whole pyramid is condensed with freqency's on each level of access through it's
structure that's been brought into being.

What I've just wrote, is far more important than the rest of what I've been writing..

What I'm saying is that on a physical level, they have manifested their structure that permeates
on this earth, very much like the grid that's meshed like a spiders web.

They will now take notice of me because of what I've just put down...
 Quoting: mysterynomore

I'm trying to understand what you are revealing.

1. This "grid" is an energy grid where energy is available and concentrated?

2. "They"--the elite or the ones who control the "elite"?

3. "structure" --physical like roads and buildings, or human power structures like groups with
authority over others.

4. Could you give an example in our present or past of what you mean by the above sentence?


They will now take notice of me because of what I've just put down...
 Quoting: mysterynomore

I am confused about what we are confused about. Is it that the conspiracies are real but distracting from
the higher goal of advancing, getting out or being about to access more power?

Are the conspiracies are draining our power?

Are the conspiracies are meant to drain our power and grab our focus away from our possible escape?

Would this example be correct--?? Say a person was studying Jesus and trying to get to the truth of his
miracles. Did he really do them? Was he involved with Mary Magdalene? This focus prevents one
from just getting the message of how to achieve enlightenment. (is this true?)

Or how about from the news of today-- Does it matter what is causing the weather disturbances? Is it
HAARP, Cern, aliens, our government or another's, or just Earth changes.....Whatever we believe we
give power to and help manifest...

So.....if a critical mass of people (the tipping point) concentrated on, and believed that the Earth would
have PEACE, heal, etc. that would be more effective and powerful than focusing on the myriad of

Is this true??

Like---if enough people shared a "VISION" of the future--a world that worked for everyone--the
"Elite" could not prevent it from happening???

Last Edited by stillhere on 06/02/2011 12:31 PM

f we as beings have the focus of living in creation in harmony and awaken to how we reconnect to
this grid.
Then we will have no limitations and things will change in a twinkle of an eye.

What I've just wrote, is far more important than the rest of what I've been writing..

They will now take notice of me because of what I've just put down...
 Quoting: mysterynomore

How do we awaken to how we reconnect to this grid???

Is it physical--like connecting to the Earth, being grounded--touching the energy grid...

or is it mental--thinking about and imagining the future or present to be how we would like it to be???

Is it true that "whenever two or more of you are gathered in his name" this the POWER of group
think/manifestation .....and why gatherings, and protests and rallies are discouraged---because of the
power they can access???

Is a group more powerful than the sum of it's parts??

I have the answers many of you seek as a recipient of over 20 years of "secret society" education.

This educative process is all that separates us, but it is a wide void. This void presents serious problems
in such a poor communicative medium such as English, but I will endeavor despite this obvious
difficulty regardless.

All true power emanates from the House of Accad.

It started on the plains of Assyria, some 5,500 years ago when Sargon, a Priest of Sol, worked out the
basics of celestial mechanics to the point where eclipses could be accurately predicted.

To the ignorant agrarianist who clearly understood the power of the Sun this was a superhuman feat,
and allowed Sargon and his caste to "own" God. This established the first major plank on which
civilization is based; mind control via the control of false Gods.

The priests of Sargon, the beginning of the House of Accad, put slaves to spearpoint and had them
mine gold, and hammer it into disks representative of God, the Sun. These golden disks, warm, heavy,
incorruptible and soft, intrinsically pleasing Holy relics were an immediate hit. This was a major
turning point, as now material wealth could be stored and summoned by those that controlled the
process of the minting.

This manufactured wealth was fundamental to control a soldier class, gover mente. Gover=power,
control; Mente=mind.

These control mechanisms were what allowed the House of Accad to build the first human civilization,
Sumeria, and later Babylon.

The third King of Babylon, Hammurabi, put all laws into publishment as the "Code of Hammurabi".
Examine the Uniform Commercial Code of today, and there is the Code of Hammurabi, chapter by

These methods are still the prime control mechanisms currently employed, with few metamorphosis.
These processes are only taught to those of the blood, the House of Acaad.

The God concept has evolved, but all religions are just as false and just as controlled as in the

The money concept has evolved, now human rulers replace the image of God on currency, that since
the revolution of the Templars now literally grows on trees.

Government has increased fractionally, due to employment of recent technological means, but is still
fundamentally mind control.

Same as it ever was.

I'm trying to understand what you are revealing.

1. This "grid" is an energy grid where energy is available and concentrated?

2. "They"--the elite or the ones who control the "elite"?

3. "structure" --physical like roads and buildings, or human power structures like groups with
authority over others.

4. Could you give an example in our present or past of what you mean by the above sentence?
 Quoting: stillhere

Everthing that's based in our world,is the opposite to what was in the past. The education systems are
the opposite to the mystery schools that existed. if you look at the education that people get through
life, it's built on the same concept of our past schools. The difference is that it's reversed into
materialism and not the whole concept of creation.

If you stood on a platform and were able to view the grid, it would appear as a vast web like structure
that has no boundaries. It would look like a spiders web. So the elite have implemented the same
concept in our reality in a physical form that's not able to be viewed as a web with the eye but on an
ethric level it's manifested on the same principles.

Every nook and granny of this reality is imprinted from the spiders web.
I hope that makes sense, because it's very hard to explain in words. I can see it and know it. But when
you try to explain doesn't come out the same as your mind percieves it.

The beings in the ethric state are tied to this concept as they mimick our world. In there world or realm
they have copied our state of reality. they have structures like us and houses and community's like us.
There a mirror image of our reality, that is a counterfiet copy.

In one sense they are real and in another there false. the false part is all the disinformation that's in the
conspiracy field. 'the who and why concept that flies around is false. the illuminati..freemasons and so
on.. they are but tools that feed the system. that includes the jesuits.
The majority of what we have learned about the elite is a lie. Why do you think they are known as the
These people are puppets in the scheme of things. that includes the jesuits too.

They were drawn into worlds that they had no understanding of and came back into this reality to
proclaim to people that they were the all seeing eye. The gods of the past in our history are mere
mortals that projected this reality to people.
When people stop giving there power to these false gods, then they will hold there head high and know
what they really are.

This includes the conspiracy field. who do you recon feeds this monster. we do.

when you stop feeding the dies.

have a good look on glp how it's feed here. I can feel the energy that's portrayed out there and that
includes through computers.... words have energy behind them.

I'll reply to the rest of your questions on the weekend.

Once while under the influence of drugs, I saw a grid of illuminescent purple lines surrounding my
girlfriend's television, which was turned off at the time. This grid of lines was only on the television,
and the grid surrounded it on all sides.

I really don't see how we can change our circumstances without acquiring some sort of higher
perception. Until then, everything is just hearsay.

How were you able to acquire higher perception?

 Quoting: BD 1391571

It's not that I aquired higher perception. I instinctively know certain information that's imbedded inside.
I'm not as suscepible to these freqency's that keep people locked in to this reality. Awareness can tap
into this information that's in the grid that holds all there is and will be.
I'm not fully awake like we all should be yet.

I know that I went into these mystery schools in the past as hierophant.

I've seen things in the ethric and I know these entity's. I've seen people that have been taken over by
these beings.

People delve into things they have no understanding of and don't realise the consequences that occur.

Once the so called elite fall...and they will...those mystery schools will flourish on this planet once
more, and then people will understand the part that has been missing in there life.
How do we awaken to how we reconnect to this grid???

Is it physical--like connecting to the Earth, being grounded--touching the energy grid...

or is it mental--thinking about and imagining the future or present to be how we would like it to be???

Is it true that "whenever two or more of you are gathered in his name" this the POWER of group
think/manifestation .....and why gatherings, and protests and rallies are discouraged---because of the
power they can access???

Is a group more powerful than the sum of it's parts??

 Quoting: stillhere

One...your body needs to me nourished by food that no longer contains the chemicals that preside in
our food today. I know that it's impossible to be 100% clean in this area but it can be done to a very
good effect if people don't became lazy and eat easy meals that are present in society. And this includes
what you drink.

The mind clears up and you have more clarity once the body no longer gets impeded by these

In this state the mind is able to tap into the ethric more easley. The focus and intent goes into the
planets grid and you see what happens from there. I don't talk on what experience you will have as your
consciousness will guide you into these level of experience.
Don't expect it to happen in an instant as we all have become to comfortable in this reality and it's only
when the mind remembers what to do that you will start to open up. you will be guided by your own

The group is more powerful than the sum ..but doing protests is useless.. They can change little things
in society that don't have much credence in the scheme of things.

The majority of protests on this planet are infiltrated by bunny's that the elite incorporate. You will see
that a lot of protests on tv or media that have a small roque element in it.

This is enough for the goverments to hark up annd use it to there advantage by saying this group has
people that use violence.

If we ever go down the parth of mass demonstrations to rid the goverments and use violence, the
goverments or elite will be justified to use there own violence.

There are certain people on this planet that are awakened that will use a type of aggression to protect
the sacred.

This is a small climpse into what we all can do..this person has a small awakenning. imagine if we are
fully awake..the link to chi energy amazing footage.
[link to]

When I was younger I discovered Edgar Cayce and it was the first time that I had some sort of spiritual
"awakening", or the impression that I had come into contact with something created from a higher

He always said that the most important element in health is to make sure that your body is eliminating
toxins properly. Most illnesses are created, according to him, from the body retaining poisons that
should have been eliminated through the bowels, skin, or other methods. Would you agree with this

I recently bought a bag of diatomaceous earth, would you say this is helpful for clearing the body of the
toxins put into it by our current society? If not, what would you recommend?
 Quoting: BD 1391571

Even if we didn't have all these chemicals in society. The body would still accumulate certain toxins.
The thing is the body usually gets rid of these toxins and they don't get traped in our cells.
Our energy fields are distorted, so our body's don't eliminate these toxins. There are many factors that
contribute to this in today's world.
Distorted energy fields around us that interact with our field of awareness and stress at high levels in

There is a combination of not just the food that we take, but also how calm and fluid we are in mind.
remember, we the conscious being bring the body to life.
So it also starts in our awareness too.

The diatomaceous contains many minerals that our growing fields lack or have been stripped of.
Useing it on your garden with any organic produce can only enhance the food.
The best way I recommend is to plant as much as you can in your garden, then you know that it's clean
from toxins.

For bugs I use a mixture of water, garlic and hot peppers mixed in to spray on the produce. It works a
the other thing that's effective is citronella.
I don't know how his healing went, but i'd assume he does quiet well.

The best way to know you get the right foods in today's world is to grow your own, if that is possible.
Then you know what your taking inside your body. We as a species weren't ment to consume meats.

There is not just the foods that come into effect. The mind or what we term awarness needs to be in a
calm and peaceful state so toxins are eliminated through the system. the energy field through our body's
is like a network, when it's out of balance the toxins accumulate in our cells and we age quicker and
have diseases.

Stress and electromagnetic pollution are a distortion on our field also.

Water that you purschase in shops is basically filtered water. I get mine from a spring that is been
tested at 7.2ph acidity. This is roughly the level that's balanced.

I recommend that you don't be strict with all of this as it puts pressure on ones mind and that defeats the
As long as your mind is at peace, the energy field of awareness eliminates the majority of any toxin that
inhibits the body.

Two books...the key to resonance...not in his image by john lamb lash. this is a great book on the secret
knowledge of the gnostic mystery schools.. it mentions the elite in the second half.

you should check out a book called "Alpha, Mu, Omega" by Iilazzandroff Chickalo. It is not easy to
find, has been out of print for many years, but is one of the best books I have ever read. The chapter on
Palenque (particularly pages 120-130) describes its function and the high tech stuff they were doing. If
you are interested in Mayan history, and yet you say they "didn't have any high tech technology" then I
humbly suggest that you locate a copy of this book and read the chapters on Chichen Itza, Tulum, and
especially Palenque (which was a hospital and research laboratory, according to Chickalo).

The whole book is actually highly recommended to anyone at this point in earth's history. This book is
a rare gem that is hard to find but well worth reading if you can get your hands on a copy of it.

I wasn't sure about this book, I got "The Resonance Key" by Marie Jones, I couldn't find
The Key to Resonance" who is the author?
 Quoting: mysterynomore

I've got the wrong title. Your right with the one you got.
The resonance key is the right one by marie jones.

OP - would be interested to hear what you think of the Yahwe entity?

Muhammed seems to have met a Djinn masquerading as Gabriel in his cave and set up Islam to
wipeout the Jewish linneage prior to any ascension type event.

It could be understood simply as vengeance due to the role Solomon had in binding enslaving and
banishing many of the Djinn - or preventing that power ever emerging again.

But given all the Jewish prophecy regarding end times - before Islam was ever set up - its kinda hard to
figure out who is fighting who here - The Temple Mount though, seems to be a Portal they all want to
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1034753

All these entity's in the bible are not what you think.
They masquerade as so called gods when in reality they are decievers. Many names are attached to
these entity's through history, such as...djinn..ginn..gennies..archons..demons and so on.

Yahwe goes by many names..yahwah..jehovah..saobath and so on. This entity is in the top hierarchy of
ginns. He is known as the great deciever.
The top dog so to speak. This entity is not just an entity as such but a conscious artificial imprint that
resides from the first time creation started to form from the grid. An essence that's so deluded that it
thinks it's the sole source of creation.

It is a parisite that infects our field of awareness in this realm. There are many hierarchy's that reside
through this system and the imprint follows through to our life on this earth. The elite are hierarchy and
so is religion. Our systems are built on this perception.

Through this perception we are divided and in a state of denial to who we really are.

The power of the djinn goes back before religion ever came into being on this planet. The ancient
egyptians were very well infused into this power through there preisthood.

There are djinns that hold the power to inflict damage and mayhem on humanity. There are ones that
are not what we term bad.

Right through history you will see pictures of demons or entity's in books or texts that are nothing more
than the djinn.

An artificial entity that has no emotion or understanding in humility. They have never experienced
creation on a physical level. In a way, they are lost like us because they have become addicted to
feeding on energy that's fear based and chaotic.

You have to remember that religion and it's characters have been put into place to control and dictate
the minds of humans.

There are portals that are open to these beings that flood our field of awareness. You'll find many
references that are obscured, but if you put the pieces together you will find the answers.

As much as I love many of the stories in the Bible, I came to the conclusion that if that was God, I
didn't want to ever be in Heaven or meet him. The requirement of sacrificing animals, burning their
flesh and keeping those "his" people wandering in the desert- killing a good percentage of them then
killing those already in the "promised Land" horrid.

I do have another question-- the Bible does seem very powerful, and I do believe people can (or believe
they can) exorcise demons with the name of Jesus or the directions in the bible-- how does that work??

Thank you.

There is a perception that people that have been put on a pedestal is far reaching in power, when in
reality we hold the same concept and we don't realize it yet.
Hypothetically speaking, would jesus be happy in being portrayed as a being that is supreme and
worshiped in a religion that has sufficated humanity for generations.

People construct and feed these beings into reality in there own belief system. It is a belief system that
is feed and constructed into this reality.

I'm not saying that I put these beings down, but you have to realize that we are the ones that put these
beings on a pedestal.

When they exercise these entity's, they do so through a power that resides on many levels.
one..It can come into reality through ones own power.
two..there are beings that reside in the ethric that help
out when one projects there imprint into manifestation.

There are many factors involved in this process.

This includes what they term miracles. Man can create more than what they think. Even if they think
it's a outside source controlling the situation.

It's hard to explain the whole concept to you but I hope you get the jist of what I'm trying to portray.
Thank you. I have often felt that the "trick" to solving some problems was changing what one believes.
That in fact a solid belief in something makes it true. Real power lies in getting people to "believe" in
whatever. We attract what we believe and are confirmed in our belief- it is important for us to be
"right". I get stuck at how to change my beliefs--when all I want is just the bottom line truth. this correct---The Bible works and Jesus and miracles--because, the people involved "believe"
and the energy of their belief creates beings and gives power to them that enables them to actually
"help" in the cases where that is what happens.

~~~also, are you reading this thread? "Elite Family Insider Returns for Q&A"

Thread: Elite Family Insider Returns for Q&A

And what do you make of this statement? by "elite" (the darkness comes)

"Lucifer only demands one thing - for humans to transcend and shed their material bodies through
knowledge (no matter what the costs)."

~~~is this true??

One last thing--English isn't your first language is it?

Not so much with the entity's in the bible but when miracles manifest they are a projection of mind.
Man can manifest were mind focuses it's intention. When you have many minds with the same
intention of focus, they bring it into reality. Everything is manifested from the grid. the grid has
different levels that resonate with frequency's.

Were locked in one particular level of frequency in this grid that manifests all there is.

Many stories have been said about the symbol the elite use with the all seeing eye on the pyramid.

The levels from base to top signify different levels of frequency that's based like the grid. The all
seeing eye is the power that runs the manifastations that sits on top of the levels that are put in place.
Each level is interwoven through the whole system.
That's why people are confused by all this because of it's multi layered structure.

I've read parts of that thread you mentioned on the elite insider.

It's false...The person is no more than a basic freemason or masonic in nature at best. It's easy for me to
spot who is and who isn't. I doubt very much that they come on this site,So if you see people claiming
that there elite on this site or any other, it's a very high probability they aren't.

The thing is, I've mentioned that they will view what i've written. When I said that,I was more talking
about an element that are not high up that are rogue in nature and can cause disruptions on a smaller
They are still dangerous people in there own right.
The ones that sit higher up are different to the rest.They hold a energy that's far more pronounced in the
concept of this matrix.

All through the system they are different in there own right but resonate on the same principles.

My first language is english. I know why you have asked that..

Don't be fooled by how I write. I know it's different in it's context the way it's presented and looks

I find language primitive at best and I see and think differentley. Also it's a good cover
makes me look unintelligent. That's done by design.

Thank you. I never got the impression you were unintelligent.

I have a question/questions about language. Although it may be primitive--there is a lot written about
their power.

"In the beginning was the WORD and the word was with god and the word was god."

In many mystery traditions the power of the spoken word and the spoken word spoken by many in
unison is powerful.

"In speaking words, you are literally moving substance, making a definite difference some where in
some way. Most of all, you are making a definite, although seemingly imperceptible, difference within
yourself and upon the conditions of your life."

"By making use of knowledge of the powers in the letters and the spoken word, the Merkavah mystics
were able to ascend through the heavens."

[link to]

I have often wondered about the story of the tower of Bable, and the many different languages people
speak that act as a barrier to the ability of a single thought shared globally that could have unimagined

I will concede that there is not the proper vocabulary to describe "the grid" and how it functions, but I
sense the power in the spoken and written word.
Do you know how or why different languages were put in place?

Thank you.

Can you elaborate on the idea of being "locked on a particular frequency"?

Does this locking restrict our perception? Such as there are things in our surroundings that are invisible
to us because they resonate at a different frequency?

What are your thoughts on lucid dreaming and meditation, for a person who wishes to transcend this
"frequency lock"? I've taught myself how to lucid dream, but I still feel that I can't find the proper
groove or technique with regards to meditation.
 Quoting: BD 1391571

If this field of awareness has a certain frequency that resonates at the same wave form, it continues in
this state were we only operate at it's given signal.
So your right about it restricting our perception.

Our viewing platform is restricted to about 20% at the moment. I'm talking about our awareness, not
the eye senses that we look out from.

An example for what I'm trying to say is... say the grid is infinite in it's concept with no bounderies. It
has depth as such in it's energy and resonance frequency that permeates through it's concept.

We are only accessing a small portion of it's vastness. This has to do with many factors that have arisen
by our coming into body. Everything is holographic in nature that arises from the grid into existence.
we bring all this into existence because awareness is able to imprint this into creation.

Sorry but it's very difficult to explain it's full concept. Words are very limited in there context to
express the infinite vastness.

You have to realize that these elite know about the grid and it's function. The thing is they can only
access a small portion of it's vastness. In our ancient past they walked the grid in the mystery schools
and knew it's secrets.

Power corrupts some individuals and they want more. The thing is they wanted to access the a larger
portion of the grid. Certain energy points on this planet were closed down as such so they would not be
able to access a larger portion of the grid. This in turn was our fall from grace that's written in certain
history books.

Our awarness was basically shrunk into a low percentage of it's use. In the state we have been in for
millenniums has been manipulated by people who can only operate in it's restricted space of awareness.
So you see, the knowledge was lost to us and they retained it's usage and use it against us for there
stupit benifit.
I can tell you this about them...They know that they are restricted also like us to an extent, but they
think that if they can get there hands on a larger portion of the grid they can rule indefinite.

The one thing they don't realize is that they aren't able to access a larger portion. It's impossible that
there awareness being in the state of denial to get access at this point of time. That's why sometimes I
refer to them as dumb and dumber. People always ask me how can you be so confident that they will
fall from there so called thrones.

The only answer I can say is....It's a knowing within oneself that has no doubt attached to it. It's not that
I hope or believe it will happen but I know it will. There days are numbered...

I'm not going to be criptic here but I'll give you a clue.
I know how religion was formed in it's concept to corrupt so I'm not into any religious belief what so

This pope that resides as there public puppet is the second last pope to ever grace this earth again.
There will be one more after this one and that will be the last one...ever..

The fall of there main weapon (religion) that served them so well in history will crumble with them.
That's all I'm going to say about that. I don't write things like that just for the hell of it.

I'll write the rest on the weekend for you about techniques's for openning up.

Can you elaborate on the idea of being "locked on a particular frequency"?

Does this locking restrict our perception? Such as there are things in our surroundings that are invisible
to us because they resonate at a different frequency?

What are your thoughts on lucid dreaming and meditation, for a person who wishes to transcend this
"frequency lock"? I've taught myself how to lucid dream, but I still feel that I can't find the proper
groove or technique with regards to meditation.
 Quoting: BD 1391571

If this field of awareness has a certain frequency that resonates at the same wave form, it continues in
this state were we only operate at it's given signal.
So your right about it restricting our perception.

Our viewing platform is restricted to about 20% at the moment. I'm talking about our awareness, not
the eye senses that we look out from.
An example for what I'm trying to say is... say the grid is infinite in it's concept with no bounderies. It
has depth as such in it's energy and resonance frequency that permeates through it's concept.

We are only accessing a small portion of it's vastness. This has to do with many factors that have arisen
by our coming into body. Everything is holographic in nature that arises from the grid into existence.
we bring all this into existence because awareness is able to imprint this into creation.

Sorry but it's very difficult to explain it's full concept. Words are very limited in there context to
express the infinite vastness.

You have to realize that these elite know about the grid and it's function. The thing is they can only
access a small portion of it's vastness. In our ancient past they walked the grid in the mystery schools
and knew it's secrets.

Power corrupts some individuals and they want more. The thing is they wanted to access the a larger
portion of the grid. Certain energy points on this planet were closed down as such so they would not be
able to access a larger portion of the grid. This in turn was our fall from grace that's written in certain
history books.

Our awarness was basically shrunk into a low percentage of it's use. In the state we have been in for
millenniums has been manipulated by people who can only operate in it's restricted space of awareness.
So you see, the knowledge was lost to us and they retained it's usage and use it against us for there
stupit benifit.

I can tell you this about them...They know that they are restricted also like us to an extent, but they
think that if they can get there hands on a larger portion of the grid they can rule indefinite.

The one thing they don't realize is that they aren't able to access a larger portion. It's impossible that
there awareness being in the state of denial to get access at this point of time. That's why sometimes I
refer to them as dumb and dumber. People always ask me how can you be so confident that they will
fall from there so called thrones.

The only answer I can say is....It's a knowing within oneself that has no doubt attached to it. It's not that
I hope or believe it will happen but I know it will. There days are numbered...

I'm not going to be criptic here but I'll give you a clue.
I know how religion was formed in it's concept to corrupt so I'm not into any religious belief what so

This pope that resides as there public puppet is the second last pope to ever grace this earth again.
There will be one more after this one and that will be the last one...ever..

The fall of there main weapon (religion) that served them so well in history will crumble with them.
That's all I'm going to say about that. I don't write things like that just for the hell of it.

I'll write the rest on the weekend for you about techniques's for openning up.
Some time ago there was a similar man posting such details, and he introduced techniques

Thread: A Voice Track From An Elite Bloodline Insider

so what do you think of this thread, a time ago I have tried these techniques and some of them
worked, put i did not finish them to their full extent.

Coming from egypt, it's possible that he is associated with the magical rites that they practise over

A lot of there knowledge is handed down through generations.

it depends if this person being young is an apprentice of some sort.

Most won't devulge there secrets, but you might get a few that are more modernized and they might go
on sites and give some knowledge.

In his case I'm not sure, but I've never come across his tecniques. I'd be careful with what he has

You should not get pain or see entity's like he has suggested.

The word meditation has a new age feel to it and what is achieved by withdrawing inwardly. it gets you
some results but they are minimal.

Your focus and intent is what brings results.

The thing is, I can mention things about openning up but people are so closed it's hard for them to
achieve this on there own.

I'm able to show people a lower form of initation which I've done before but this needs to be in person
to activate the experience. This is very much like the ancients that guided the initate.
This is not going to happen on this site as we are expressing a way to find the truth.

I mentioned about an experience by forming a pyramid shape in the mind. It's in my earlier thread.

I'll expand after you try it and see were you get with it.
Someone replyed if that techneque opens doors to demons or entity's. No it does not. It's more to do
with your consciousness expanding and feeling like your traveling.
I'm going to throw something out there that's been high on peoples minds about the mayan calander.

Is it a calendar? Or is it a stargate?

Lets assume it's a stargate of sorts. The cycles within the greater cycle of the stars. We in this part of
the universe move through a procession and some say we are nearing the galactic center.

What I'm trying to say is, lets assume that dimensions move in some sort of procession were they
overlap each other through time.

With this overlap they virtually interact with there energy's. Could the mayan so called calendar be on
these lines. Something that hasn't been brought up.
This can apply with all the gods that dissapeared from our history..such as nibiru..the watchers..and so

To explain it better..It's like the dimensions go out of our field of awareness as they move in different
parts of creation through the grid.

What we may be experiencing now is the field of an overlapping demension that we have interacted in
our distant past..

Remember the elite know about this stuff about dimensions and how they interact.

The sun is experiencing a change at the moment...not so much with huge solar flares, but with an
energy that's interacting with our system. The sun and earth are connected with portals. These portals
carry energy, so if the sun is stirring, so will the earth. They are concsious entity's.

..the portals from sun and earth are fact..they know about these portals.

[link to]

I'll keep it going for a bit longer. At the moment I'm busy with what's occuring around the world. Just
seeing these few disasters that are coming into effect. The effects are at a lower level at this point as
certain energy's are starting to stir up. i'm not into prophecy or will i say otherwise on what's going to

The only thing is, don't fear it and think this is doom coming.

I've known certain things about what is to unfold but as I said, the disaster part is...what will happen
will happen.

These major disasters on a world wide event have happened in the past and the elite have just started up
The one thing that must not occur, is this to happen in our present world.

The saying goes...The line has been drawn in the sand.

We must stop this in this life time so there rule no longer goes on beyond this point.

To them it's irrelevant if there world is destroyed.

The cycle of deception will continue.

This must stop here and know...and it will.

They can run...but they can't hide..The ancients were aware of this scenario and what would unfold. It's
there for people to seek in there texts and monuments that they put in place.

I want to say it all but my inner self say's no at this stage. I know what is to unfold with them and there

That's why I've been so confident that they will fall.

You have no idea how focused I been at the completion of this to come into being.

The reason for this is, that I love everything about creation and it's experience.

We all must experience the same level of enjoyment when we come into creation.

The reason for this is, that I love everything about creation and it's experience.

We all must experience the same level of enjoyment when we come into creation.
 Quoting: mysterynomore

Maybe you can give some tips on how to get into this state of enjoyment.

Based upon my life experience, my most honest assessment is that there are many things that make
existence on earth tolerable, but nothing makes existence on earth worthwhile. Living here is more or
less and endless nightmare.

So finding enjoyment in life for myself is not a matter of leisure but a matter of attempting to thrive and
be a warrior in the face of what appear to be insurmountable odds.
 Quoting: BD 1391571

I totally realize that the state were in is very hard for most people. The whole set up is structured on a
laborious life that we slave on that has many restrictions.

A lot of people just don't see or know that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for change.
Our major restriction is our creative part that's suppressed because of the energy's that surround this

We need to let go of the old habits that we are entrenched in. I know this is hard because we have
become so comfortable and we don't know anything better.

The one thing that I'll say to people is to have passion.

How you use this is up to boils down to intent.

You'll find that if you start small by changing certain things in your life that you don't like, the rest
makes it easier to alter.

Forget the elite,.there nothing in the scheme of things.

Enjoyment is a sensation that you want to be in body and live to appreciate every part that you partake

The majority of our thinking is done by others. We get dictated to by what others think about us and
our thoughts follow suit.

If we took that part of the equation out...we would only have about 10% of thoughts (If that).

Think about it and see how many thoughts we generate by what others think about us. You will be
suprised how much quieter your mind will be if we were able to stop this.

We would became calmer, more precise in our actions..our every day life would flow in sync with

Things open up on many levels when you became calm..the ancients call this..(being at peace).

I've written something above that you could take into account.

One thing that alters a lot of things is, (don't believe it)
know it. When you know it, there is no doubt attached to this thought process. It makes it easy to
proceed in your actions and there is no second guessing.

With passion and knowing it, it makes things easier in life to achieve your experience.

On the unseen level were we tap's harder for me to recommend a certain technique. this is
because everyone is different in there intent and people will get there own experience through there
personal intent.

Change the thought process first..undo what we have become comfortable in. (our current thought
Then and only will see changes happenning.
If I was face to face with someone, then I could show some sort of experience that the ancients used to
do in those mystery schools. I'm talking through experience when I mention this.

The vortex points on this planet are spiral in nature.

If you look at all the galaxy's, you will see it has the same concept. Our dna spirals on the same
principle as creation does in our cosmos. These vortex points are portals that open up on the grid that
feed each dimension with the flow of energy through there systems.

Our energy vortex's are operating at a diminished scale. Were basically operating at a restricted intake
and outake.

When they say we are all one...that means we have the same operational skills in our make up. The
skills that involve how our body's are set up to operate in creation and in energy fields.

Multidimensional being means were able to walk the grid in it's different frequency realms that were
able to tap into.

Our dna is structured to contain all information in a spiral structure that generates energy to open up to
these realms while were in body. It's not just the solid that comes into effect here.

Beyond this solid matter there are inprints of the same concept, but in energy form on each scale.

These inprints are our conscious body's that come from the primal grid.

Mankind puts labels to most things such as god or gods..ect.ect...

Primal grid is your god if you want to call it god.

It is all that is and what will be in it's latent state.
It contains all the inprints, blueprints and signatures of what has been and what is and what will be.
We are the ones that bring things into form.

n that remote viewing thread, you said you don't come into body unless there is a major change to the

What do you mean by this? Is this something that you see as beneficial to your growth, or just
something you want to witness?

You also said we are at a critical point on the planet.

What do mean by this? Is there a possibility we could be set back if we don't move forward? Like we
can't stay where we are, we either must move forward in our development or we must be set back, reset
if you will?

Thanks, great thread.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1437622

I'm not the only one on this planet that has one objective.
It's embedded in my system and thought structure to protect the sacred. That is my number one
objective and nothing else matters. That's how I think. Totally dedicated to the cause you can say. I've
known that i've been through those mystery schools in the past.

I have no interest in being out there in the public eye or do care about what others think of me. It's not
about self, it's about the whole part of this creation that has stagnated. (earth and mankind). nothing
matters more to me.

I come into body in these times of stress because what I went through in those schools gives me an
advantage over the ones that rule this earth basically. I carry that energy from ancient past in my
system, and it's not to there liking. I'm not getting into the whole concept and there is more to this.

Were at a critical point because the earth could cause destructive behavior on the populance. There are
a few variables that can happen. one... there are two points of actions the elite could take depending on
certain situations.
On the latter I like it not to been seen here for certain reasons.

People are not awakenning like they think they are. It's all false in some sense because there
awakenning is based on intellectual knowledge and the part of them that holds all the ability's is still
closed in there field of awareness.

When I meet people and look on these sites I see no awakenning. I new this was going to be. People
say were awakenning and I'm saying to them no were not.

The reason for this is, because people have became so intrenched into this reality, they are set into it
like concrete.

There awareness has become lost to the whole concept of there viewing platform. It's in a single
element of frequency and it has become trapped. We all live in box like structures, which we call home.
The energy of these structures are a reflection of our state of being. THE WHOLE WORLD IS
To some of your questions concerning if were going to be set back...My answer is no. It's certain that
we all will break out of these systems that permeate our reality at this point.

There are a few scenario's that will partake in this occurring. Forget the disaster parts on the earth

What will happen will happen. It won't be on a major scale like people think.

This time that part is being held back because the line has been drawn in the sand. The elite need to be
taken of there thrones in this life time so this can be finished, once and for all so we get on with life
how it's ment to be.

Open knowledge..reopenning those schools to all who wish to partake in. No secrecy..No deception.

I know everything about them and the back of my hand I know there deceptions, there ways
of brainwashing and so on.

It's not about what they do on the physical that I know as much but how they operate on the unseen part
that I know very well.

The reason I know how they operate is,what I mentioned before they went in these mystery schools in
ancient times as well as I did. I guided these idiots through these schools. So I know them very well.
They were corrupted...I was not. That is the only difference.

You have to understand that those schools originnaly were open to everyone..And I mean everyone that
wanted to partake into these mystery's.
There were degrees upon degrees of how far the individual wanted to immerse themselves into the
infinite primal grid.

How far they wanted to walk along this grid was up to the individual. Not everyone wanted to go deep
because there were dangers involved. The hierophant who guided the initiate would be there for them
in case they encounted certain problems. Then they would be stoped from going further for there own
saftey. There was a cut of point for most but some went deep..and I mean very deep into the primal

These few are not special in anyway..but the stupity of people see these few as some sort of demi gods
and through the stages they get put up on a pedastal. not of there doing or liking but from ignorance
I'm going to mention somethings about the disaster parts that have engulfed our planet through history.

There technology's are as advanced in our prehistory as they are now. The link of causing plates to shift
are through frequency disruption to the grid were the vortex points interact with the earth crust. This
includes our weather patterns also.

If certain sound frequency's are directed into the energy points to disrupt the flow of energy, then we
will see the plates shift and we have earthquakes. If we didn't have these disruptions on a frequency
level, the earth would be relatively quiet and even our weather patterns would be stable.

The majority of upheaval in our world is caused by energy's that are disruptive to the life blood of our
planet and the fields of energy around us all.

Trust me when I say they will cause a major disater if need be. If they are totally threatened by there
existance they will take the rest of us down to preserve there lot.

When this occurs they restart the cycle again.

This is were things need to change, once and for all.

They need to be taken out basically from this field of awareness so there influence is no longer here.

There is two ways for this to occur..

One the grid is accessed to it's fullest optimum state.

Two..The last option is that if they get to a point were they arrest there plan to ditch this whole place so
they get restarted...Then the option is they all get ripped out of there body's and there awareness is
locked up into a certain field of dimension were they no longer can penetrate this field.

How this is done, I can't get into it, as it involves certain things that are best not said.
I know that one or the other will be implemented. It's up to them which road they take for this to

I've written this more so for there eyes to view.

I haven't finished baiting them yet.
There is more to come on a totally new thread. I'll get into the field of energy of the grid and how we
are involved and how they operate within it's borders.

The scenario to all of this is that this part of there existence that has prevailed up to this point is the
finish of there hold on this planet. That's why I mentioned that the line has been drawn through the

They will no longer prevail beyond this part of our journey in this field of creation. There time is
coming to an end once and for all. This will be there last gasp of air on this planet. They were warned
on many occasions to stop there ways but they have become to comfortable in power.
There is no return...This will happen one way or another.
How and why will be decreed by there actions on how they proceed. This is written in stone.
I'll be posting a totally new thread that will be very detailed.
The new post will be called...The forgotten nexus between mankind and the matrix grid functions.

The whole function on our being and the grids working will be incorporated into this post with very
detailed information on how it works and how we have become separated from it.

There is only one way to change everything on this planet..I can say without doubt that there can only
be one way...That is to be conscious of the grid again like we once were. Shamans..magicians and
seer's, once walked this grid in full consciousness. The link between us as crystalline beings,is the same
as the pattern of this grid. As the great pyramid is the embodiment of our own structure also.

The decievers won't be happy to see this information out there, that is for sure.

Thanks for posting your insights OP.

I have some questions for you if you would answer them if possible.

A: What do you think about this guy he talks much about what you have said and after awhile he got
banned from a site i can not tell was a huge thread many people got involved he to debunked
much of those "insider from the elite" threads.

to give you an idea here is a link:

[link to]

and here is the other wich i cant tell the name here

[link to]

go to the SECOND link.

B: What are your views regarding reincarnation? Imo i think its a trap to keep us here and before
incarnating into this world your memories are erased, abvious for the reason we cant learn anything. I
dont buy the its a "school" thing nor do i buy "god wants to experience trough us". How many times
should god experience war, hatred, suffering, lies, raping, murder etc...its no point to that.

C: What happens when a human die in your view? Take into account the Archons rule over the astral
worlds hierarchy.
Do we keep our memories and individuality/personality if we succeed to see the traps?

D: What are your toughts about planet Saturn (EL) the one with the hexagram (3d cube=obstruction
and the cube volded is a cross) on the pole and the one eye on the other pole. Also from my
understanding it could be the headquarter of the Archons. Hear the A.I. sound of Saturn link:
[link to]

Watch and listen the entire 3:35 min.

E: Could you elaborate more on the "truth movement" aka conspiracy sites/theories wich you have
stated is a sort of trap. Wich i agree but wanted to know how its done in a general way.

F: Last question. Lately i'm feeling the hunger for knowledge that truly makes you free. The
concpiracies might tell you some truths but all it does is showing you how deep the rabbit hole goes
and how full it is with sh*t, always another hole that appears to "invest" and i'm done with it for the
most part my research is mostly gnostic in nature (archons and their traps, after life, freedom, and still
im missing something i feel like i'm losing it trying to hold on to old habbits wich fail most of the time.
Is clearing your mind and asking your inner spark for answers the correct way to do? All i want is
peace, happiness, adventure, love for me and all living creatures.

I hope i didnt ask to many questions but for me their important. Keep up the good work OP.

Thanks in advance
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1344892

Part of what he said is correct.

We come here in matter to enjoy the experience. At the moment we have become sort of traped in this
matrix through the ages. I'll explain it in full detail in the new post that I've got lined up. The grid
structure has got a lot of answers to our state and how the whole web like structure is put in place.
I don't won't to rush into this new post, because the information is important. Should be on within the
next two weeks as I'm putting this together in it's right format.

Your right about the lives we live in matter. We are not here to learn or school. The god concept is
mankinds concept.
We are more powerful than what we are lead to believe.

The saturn thing I'm not to sure about so I can't answer that question.
Thanks for the youtube link about the sounds taken by cassini. Very interesting.
The archonic influence is based in the unseen part that we are not aware of at this stage.

The more you get pulled into the conspiracy field, the more you will get lost. It's layered with untruth's
and deceptions.

The main factor is it's fear based in it's conception. We term them as the elite...but in truth they are
so if they are deceivers, they would implement a system that is layered with untruth's in so called
conspiracy fields.

What they don't want you to know is how to reconnect to the grid. The grid is the entire blueprint of
The grid is multi layered in it's energy centers and
they opererate through this system on a limited base.
I'll explain the entire structure from past to present and how to access this energy that runs through the
grid system.

The earth's grid was in existence before it took on a solid body.

Thanks for your input..I can sense you have an awakening like a few others that have been on this

My only interest is for every single person on this planet to awaken from there sleep. This will
happen..It's inevitable.

The main reason that the conspiracy field is to the elites advantage is that conspiracy theorists, are very
much inclined to seek feverish into this realm and most are left feeling more fearful after inquiring into
this minefield.

There mind is absorbed into all the conspiracy's that are thrown around through there truth seeking.

They are left virtually disempowered through the fearful nightmare that these acts, by a so called elite
are running this planet and our lives.

Lets look at these people as a whole...they must have there own emotional needs inside there own
social standing.

Whatever that may be, they have feelings and emotion of sorts.

They have to have loved ones like the rest....some of them would think that they are doing the right
thing in there own minds.

The thing is that these people are decievers. Why do they use this type of action to hide and be

My thinking is that if we new there inner circles and how they operate as people (human)..They would
be percieved as vulnerable. In the actions that they hide, they must fear us from finding this

They wouldn't hide behind manipulation or deceit if they weren't worried about us in general.
This would point to them having not as much power as we think they do.

I mentioned that they have factions within factions worldwide. They have to have disagreements, as the
world is large enough but it has regions of power base that has it's agenda.

The main direction of there plot would stand the test but the inner workings has division.
So they are not as united as we think they are.

To have disgreements amongst eash other, they are not set on one mind to there so called journey.
They divide us and make us think were powerless, so there division makes them have weaknesses.

The thing is that we as concpiracy theorists, have a perception that they are all powerful and mighty in
how they have set this up over the ages.

This just fuels the fire. We need to change this perception of them. That's why they love these sites and
how conspiracy theorists think.

I know some people are going to mention that they are not human or are in cohorts with aliens.

This is not important in the scheme of things as they are all flesh and blood. They are not as united as
we think.
Power corrupts. Faction within faction corrupts by power play.

There's another part that I want to mention which is not provable because the majority can't see it.

All around us in the ether, there are little filaments of energy that resembles little worms that are made
of energy.

These energy filaments get into food and drinks and we ingest them into our body's. They come from
the astral plane.

In the astral there is a sludge like energy that resides within it's boundiries and these energy filaments
come from there.

Most are dark in energy and some are more vibrant in there frequency. Because our world has a
stagnant energy field which is imprinted within the astral, these filaments come into our field which we
attract by our thought structure.

Some of the elite know how these work and how they are interwined within the populance by our fear
based minds that attract these worm like filaments.

They are virtually everywere in our atmospere. If you have the insight to see these things, you would be
shocked how our spaces are filled with so much energy.

I'm not saying that all people get these things inside of them, but this depends on our state of energy
field that resides around us all.

Depressed people would attract more and fearful people the same basically. This depends on our state
of mind (thought attracts like)

How to describe them...they look like a worm that riggles, but it's basically energy that has movement.
they seem to work in unison together as they move through this field of awareness.

The energy is stagnated dense energy. You have beings that reside in the astral that are not what you
term positive.
they also feed of these energy filaments. So it's more what we term fear based energy. I don't like the
word negative because there is energy that's negative, but it's not negative in tha fact it's bad...if that
makes sense.

You have negative ions that are beneficial. So this energy that resides in this ether is a built up over
time that is condensed from our imprints of awareness with our emotional states.

The elite also absorb this beacuse they are like minded in this energy to attract it.

It's obvious that energy attraction is the field that we think into being. like attracts like.

If you viewed the astral side on, like a building, you would see the basement. This is were the slunge
would reside.

interesting post.

you mentioned that vibrations were around before the world was created, or at the beginning. Not
coming from a religious point but i always see similarities in creation stories through different cultures
(Sumerian, Mesopotamian etc) and remembered that in Genesis in that it says in the beginning there
was the word, having thought about this (which I thought until now made no sense) that the word could
also mean 'noise' or vibrations which is the same thing you are saying (not only as Christians would
take it as 'the word' meaning Jesus aka God's word becoming audible to us.)

Also these 'worms' in the ether you mention, do you consider either the grid you speak of or ether to
correspond to anti matter which science knows so little about?

I also remember watching a short video of a satellite or space shuttle filming space whilst in orbit, and
once they turned the camera light on things like you describe started to react and interact to it ( they
looked like how bacteria multiply in a petri dish, in terms of their movement) that's the best i can
describe it.

Oh and I also picked up on when you were talking about hierophant's (I'm familiar with this word as
appears in the tarot deck) I notice that the figure in the deck holds a staff with a double cross symbol,
you'll know what symbol Im referring to, hard to explain but in relation to the grid etc you speak of and
those so called 'elite'as they fashion themselves to be, that symbol appears in the catholic church, I
think on staffs they hold, is this a reference to their possibly secret knowledge of the real workings of
the universe and their intended control of it by controlling people i.e. their followers?

Just some thoughts of mine, are they wide off the mark?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1469727

Sound or what we describe as tones fashion vibrations.

What you say about the word being spoken is a vibration or tone that fashions energy. Energy has
always existed..It has no beginning or ending...It never dies.
Energy can be altered or regulated.
Consciousness is a tone regulator that fashions energy to it's intent.
So primal mind works on the same concept with sound..tones..

These worms are not from anti matter...

There like our polution as such..The dense muck we create from emotional disturbance and so on. The
energy is darker and slower in density..That's why I describe them as worm like..Slower movement and
less vibrations...
I hope that makes sense.

Energy permeates out into space from this planet so what you talk about the shuttle is quiet possible in
what they saw.

The hierophant's were not originally associated with religion as we know it.

They worked as a go between..

What you descibe in the church is a corrupted part of what was introduced by these elite that knew
about the symbology of the hierophant.

I didn't know about what you said about the symbol in the church, but it confirms that they knew about
what has been said here that the elite went through these schools.

If you look around you'll find many symbols that was introduced from the mystery schools.

The staff originates from ancient egypt...So they took a lot of these symbols from there past and
brought these into there made up institutions we call religion.

The staff was a device as such originally...A device that altered through sound and tone.
I'm the same person who posted the above reply by the way.

Forgot to mention do you know the relevance or importance of Yonaguni, the sunken structure off the
coast of Japan?

And also the symbol of the 'flower of life' as it is known, this symbol is everywhere, historical sites etc
I also notice that it is in its 3d form represented as a globe under the paws of Chinese dog sculptures
(incorrectly called foo dogs) is this a reference to the grid? It contains a lot of elements of sacred
geometry and vortex symbols when it is broken down.

Would love to hear your opinions

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1469727

Yes.. you are right..The flower is a geometric shape that is connected to the grid. The vortex points are
associated with this shape.

The middle of the flower is the funnel were energy is distributed from the vortex points of the grid. the
pedals are representations of it's output.
I've put that as a simple explanation as to understand the major concept, words are limited to express
it's total functions. but plainly it is part of the grid...yes...

I've heard about yonaguni pyramids...I don't know much about it.

I was given information a while back concerning a facility in australia called pine gap...This facility is a
joint american and australian secret facility.

In reality it's an elite structure...

Any person that's had a blood test in there life, it is stored in this facility..

The blood has a certain frequency from each they have the technology to inprint this
frequency and alter it.

The how's and why's I'm not privy to..Maybe someone out there knows more on what that use is..I'll
leave that up for debate.
I agree, something about that symbol evokes the feeling of power, must research it further.

Speaking of snakes, have you read the book by Jeremy Narby (an anthropologist) called "The cosmic
serpent, DNA and the origins of knowledge" I have just finished it, brilliant book, it is about his
journey to the Indians of the Amazonian rain forest, and their knowledge of many plants etc.

I couldn't recommend it highly enough, it also mentions the appearance of the snake throughout
history, from Persian, Egyptian, even Aboriginal and Hindu traditions, very insightful.

Speaking about the flower of life, I've noticed it is in many guises often in public places (below picture
is Plazzo del Campidoglio)

[link to]

it seems to me a lot of these symbols are quite visible in public places, all over the world.

Have these mystery schools and adept people died out? Are there places where the study of these
matters continue, in relation to the grid etc?

On another note, I think there is great significance to the eight pointed star, is it a representation of
another dimension (the grid so to speak) is it perhaps a visual clue about peoples knowledge of the
grid? (hard to put into words)

also the Freemasons black and white floor pattern, I read somewhere that they use the floor in their
temples as a platform or portal if you will where they can cross dimensional planes. Do you know
anything regarding this?

Just some things I've picked up on.

Thanks again
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1469727

Yeh, I read his book a few years ago if my memory is correct. His journey to the shamans were they
opened the band width of conscousness into the primal grid with there mind altering hynotic drug.
(forget the name of the plant they use).

The mystery schools are virtually a shadow of the ancient past..It's got to do with the control
mechanisms of people in power that control these things.

There are adepts that live among us. I know one that exists..I met him many years ago in egypt.
They are virtually unknown in today's world.

The floor is more of a symbolic nature with the freemasons.

Most of them would not even know it's greater significance.

The patterns are interchangeable doorways. That's why one is white and the other black.

Black is the hidden part and the white the visible and tangible part.
Each one is a reflection of the same doorway if you know what i mean.

There is probably a greater understanding in it's working's , but that's what I've picked up on.

Ah, I see. Thanks for expounding on that point. I think I understand what you mean. I also read
somewhere that the complete flower produces a 3d image and in it there is an 'entity' of sorts called the
khaibit man, is this the same thing as when you describe about the beings or things put into the tombs
in the pyramids? Does this have any connection? Or is it a fabrication?

I must get the book you mentioned to read about this adept further. What questions did you ask the
person you met? Can you share any more about your experience?

Are there any other materials on the grid? Oh and what would you describe as your outlook or religion,
would you come from a more holistic viewpoint such as what native Americans or Buddhists believe?
Just curious to know!

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1469727

The flower of life is a connection to the grid. The khaibit is a shadow projection and comes in many
forms. He who looks inwardly, see's the image from one's projection.
I don't think it has to do with the gennie.

The gennie were in the realm of this field of consciousness before we came into matter. The elite are
magicians basically. when you work within the grids realms, depending how far you have advanced
into this field, you can open doorway's that interact with our field of consciousness.

In other words, we have contact with the energy's that come from that realm. The invisible worlds are
more interactive than people think.
Lets say the elite opened a pandora's box and let these devilish entity's commune with our field of

That book I mentioned is a must for people to read. It's totally different to any information that you've
If you read between the lines you'll pick up on some very interesting information.

I read the book before I went to egypt, so I knew about the adept. But to tell you the truth, I already
knew about these people that existed.

When I was at the pyramids, I decided to go on a camel ride into the desert. Just before we were going
to go, I decided to ask the group of egyptians that were around us, if they had heard of ra mak hotep.
(This was the name of the adept)
At first they looked at each other and they didn't say much.
I yelled out the name a few times more times and one of the youger egyptians said yes.
What convinced me was that he made him see a spinning wheel of light. This was mentioned in the
book when brunton came in contact with the adept.

To cut the story short, I met him in sakkara were I saw the same spinning wheel. It was not outside of
me were i was viewing it with my eyes. It seemed to be in my inner field of awareness.
This was a spiritual connection of shorts. Very hard to explain the full feeling of what it does.

A lot of the conversation went on about myself and things about the world. I've written certain things in
my threads and I'm in the process of writing the thread that i've started called..The primal grid is the
missing link of humanity.

There will be parts of the knowledge that I picked up go into that thread.

These adepts are very profound...Much more than people think.

They are more open than the indian fakirs or surfis and so on.
They seem to be linked to the vast field of the grid and they are shamans and magicians of the highest
I got the impression he was not of body but he looked totally solid.

The reason I say this, brunton meet him in around 1927...The book was released in 1935. He thought is
age was about forty or so. I meet him in the early eighties and he didn't look a day over 45.

So do your maths from 27 to 83..

How can a person not age from these dates. But then again the adepts were renowned for there
longivity. We as humans should be living into the hundreds of years anyway.
So it does not surprise me at all.

The future is not written in stone...Like the 2012 thing.

What people are saying about the mayan calander is not going to happen.

There won't be an end as people think. I'm not going to go into scenario's about events, but i'll say that
we will get certain disasters but not on a large world wide scale.
That won't happen.

There is going to be a change into the energy lines on this planet and these adepts do work behind the
scenes as such.
It won't come into the effect were they change things, but they do help out to a certain extent.

People that think that someone will come and hold there hand and get them out of this shit are kidding
That won't happen.

There will be an openning of that doorway to an extent. Then it's up to humanity to realize what they
are capable of. Then things will start to change like a chain reaction.

I don't follow religion of any sorts..Not the earthly ones that exist.
I've always thought differently than the majority. My priority is always been towards this earth and
everyone that's on it.
They are my main thought's...I see us all coming into creation to enjoy the experience..have fun...
Because we are stuck into this field of band..were not enjoying creation.
So my priority is to do things to help in some way.

I understand how people work..How they operate..How they go about there field of awareness.
I know every angle people immerse themselves in.
It's very much like how the elite know our every inner field that we operate in.. But the difference from
me to them is that I hold creation in the highest regard.

So my point of view is not a religion but a magic...the magical field that we reside in...That's the best
label I can give you.

Just a thought or a ponder lol ...

I call them archons btw, I use to call them demons but Im deprogramming from christian
indoctrination. I didnt throw the baby out with the bathwater as I knew these critters existed so now
take a Gnostic leaning.

Anyway on with my ponder...

The archons were around before the earth came into being as you and the Gnostics say, and now they
mimic us. I know they mimic and have often thought how uncreative and boring they must be that they
feel the need to mimic us.

They mimic us because they want to BE us and have not only possessed and infultrated systems but our
bodies too.

Trouble is (for them) that they will not be able to stay because when kundalini is activated it is like an
eject and burn button and they become crispy critters. They dont smell to good when theyre burning
either roflto

Transhumanism will get round this to a certain extent, however anything remotely human will still have
kundalini capabilities which can be activated by higher forces so I think they are screw whatever

Back to my pondering on the archons pre-earth.

What were they like before they had us around to copy. Did they have something else offworld that
they were copying. Do they mimic by design or is this their method of take over???
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1402197
They mimic by design..What they were before the earth was created is up for debate. i haven't come
across this information and I doubt that many would know.
Not sure if the gnostics even knew.
I'd say this is a hidden part of our history and I haven't really given it much thought at this stage.

I have a question for you Mystery, it seems like you might know the answer:

Lately I've been lying down before I go to sleep and counting my breaths, just lying there and looking
out through my closed eyes.

Pretty consistently every night, after a while I begin to see in the darkness a spiral of dark and light
bands. If my memory is correct, it is moving counter-clockwise. Sometimes these bands even seem to
shape themselves into what looks like human forms (it almost looks like a line of forms walking down
a corridor). Often in the center of the spiral is a point of light.

Over the course of lying there I will cycle from seeing this spiral into seeing just a still blackness. And
then some time later, the spiral will return.

Do you happen to know what this spiral might be?

 Quoting: BD 1391571

It seems to me that your openning up to the primal grid.

these spiral corridors are right through the unseen systems.
They connect to the other realms basically.

I did a thread on the primal grid..instead of me going into it will find the answer there.

Good God Almighty about freaking time!

With all the smart people on here I can't believe I never see the following things mentioned.

Find ways to play with what you believe to be true about yourself and others by changing the filter you
use to perceive the world here ---> Mind Lines - Lines for Changing Minds by L. Michael Hall.

For information on creating realities using words you can find a how-to manual here ---> TRANCE-
Formations Neuro-Linguistec Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis by John Grinder and
Richard Bandler.
David dIcke's take on his journey up at uluru and pine gap.
I'll add to this in the coming day, with other information that has been given to me.

David's story
I was driven out to Pine Gap to get a 'feel' for the place. That is all you can really do, because you are
told to turn back before you even see the entrance. We drove on past the turn-back sign until we could
see the main gate, but even that is well forward of the facility itself.

I say facility - there is very little on the surface. I had a great view from my aircraft when I flew back to
Alice Springs and all you can see are a series of 'domes' or 'balls' known as 'radomes', and a few
buildings here and there. Everything else is underground and this 'everything else' is massive.

It is reckoned to go down at least 12 levels with long tunnels going out in all directions to who knows
where. Work is obviously ongoing, too. A resident told me that enormous amounts of concrete are
being delivered to the base at this time.

All of us in the car that got close enough to see the entrance had the same feeling of being drained of
energy and experiencing headaches and I am sure we were either hit by some electromagnetic device or
simply that an electromagnetic field is being beamed from the base into the near vicinity. Certainly for
all of us to feel the same confirmed that one or the other is true.

The signs talk about a 'joint' defence facility with Australia, but that is nonsense. It is a United States
(global cabal) operation on Australian soil and the 'joint' bit is just to hide the fact that the American
military runs the show there and does whatever it likes. Australians were not even allowed to be
involved in the construction.

The Australian government and Australia in all its administrative and military forms are not allowed to
know what goes on there in the most secret areas. Change the government? It doesn't matter. Whoever
is officially in power in Australia, Pine Gap goes on unchecked and unsupervised.

The agreement between the American and Australian governments does not commit America to
revealing everything that goes on at Pine Gap, nor what discoveries have been made by the advanced
research that goes on there.

Australians were told at first that it was a 'weather station' and then a 'Space Research Centre', but
Prime Minister Gough Whitlam revealed in 1975 that the official head at Pine Gap was a CIA agent.
Whitlam insisted that all CIA agents in Australia be made known and that was too much for the secret
government to accept.

Whitlam was removed from office in November 1975 by the Queen's representative in Australia, the
deeply offensive Governor-General John Kerr, who was carrying out the orders of the country's head of
state, Queen Elizabeth II, in league with the CIA which funded and manipulated the 'constitutional
crisis' that removed Whitlam.
The hundreds of staff at Pine Gap are all Americans in the key areas while there are some Australian
liaison staff to give the impression of Australian involvement and federal police who live off base.
They patrol the security fence with the American military.

It is a similar situation to Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire, England, which is supposed to be a British
Air Force facility. But while you have British personnel at the main entrance, the rest of Menwith Hill
is completely controlled by America and everyone, even non-American visitors, is subject to US laws.
Pine Gap is, like Menwith Hill, part of the Echelon surveillance system monitoring phone calls, emails
and other communications worldwide.

This surveillance includes the communications of political leaders who are supposed to be running their
countries and, in theory, though not fact, having oversight of the very facilities that spy on them.

Everything the US personnel need at Pine Gap is flown in from the United States several times a week.
They rarely leave the base and any locals in Alice Springs involved any way will not speak about what
they see or experience.

Alice Springs itself, about 14 miles from the base, has a very strange atmosphere, almost surreal; and
you can feel an 'untold story' vibrating in the energy field around you. It is a bit like walking through a
sci-fi movie.

Pine Gap is definitely involved in the broadcasting of low frequency waves that can affect people
mentally, emotionally and physically and also lock into human brain activity. This would explain the
effect on those of us in the car, but those waves penetrate vast distances and not only around the facility

Pine Gap is a key part of a global frequency field or 'fence' that is manipulating human perception and
this also includes other US bases in Australia and around world. The HAARP facility in Alaska is
fundamental to this and the network of bases and technology centres work as one unit to generate and
maintain this frequency web.

Pine Gap is also a ground station for satellite communications in this region of the Earth and so much
else. American military operations, like those in Iraq and Afghanistan, are guided from there and
supported by communication intercepts of 'enemy' commanders.

Even if an Australian government was opposed to a war involving the United States (highly unlikely)
the military operations and mass murder would still be supported by American personnel working from
beneath central Australia.

I suggest that another prime reason for the base is as an interface between the American military,
various expressions of the National Security Agency (NSA) and extraterrestrials.
There is something about the ancient energy field of Australia that makes Pine Gap so important in the
global network of underground bases. The immense energy field in the region around Uluru (Ayers
Rock) is only 25 minutes away by aircraft and that will connect into the Earth energy grid in which
Pine Gap operates.

There is a raw power in this enormous land mass that can be used and tapped into - this is why
Australia is one of the Satanism capitals of the world.

Sightings of strange lights over Pine Gap are legion and the same with other 'UFO' activity around
Alice Springs. Some who have got close enough to the base to see the facility through strong telescopes
have reported seeing strange craft over the base and some sort of interaction with the ground through
beams of light.

Aircraft passengers have reported seeing large white objects leaving the base at great speed and there
are a number of reports of people seeing camouflaged doors opening in the hillsides and sometimes
tube-like objects going inside.

People have no idea how close and advanced are the interactions and cooperation between the beyond
government global cabal and non-human species of reptilian type and others, including the 'Greys'.

It should also be emphasised that many craft called 'extraterrestrial' by onlookers are actually flown by
humans and so sightings of advanced craft don't always mean 'off planet'. The scientific and
technological cutting edge in these secret facilities is light-years in advance of what we are allowed to
see in the public arena.

A government map-maker who camped near Pine Gap reported seeing an object hovering over the base
at around a thousand feet. He estimated that the circular disc was up to six hundred feet in diameter and
he said a blue light was beamed from the ground to the craft. This was joined by a beam of golden

The cartographer said that he watched this for some 40 minutes, but when he told his boss in Alice
Springs, he said he was warned by aggressive officials that he would be in serious trouble if he talked
about what he saw.

Five witnesses led by an employee of a government department in Western Australia were reported to
have camped out for several nights to observe activity at Pine Gap with powerful telescopes after a tip
off that something 'big' was going to happen there.

They saw nothing out of the ordinary for the first few nights, but then the action started. They said they
saw vehicles and groups of people in overalls gathering near the radomes. Then a golden beam of light
of great intensity several metres across was projected into the sky from the radome area. It appeared to
generate stationary clouds and when the beam was cut the clouds drifted away.

Four objects described as 'star-like' then appeared together with a cigar-shaped craft which descended
to some five hundred feet above the base. Blue beams began to flash between all of the craft and the
ground. The observers said the craft appeared to be in communication with Pine Gap personnel.

Advanced craft are seen around many known underground bases, most notably Area 51 in Nevada
which is far from the most important even though it is the most famous. Many of these bases operate as
interfaces with non-humans, some in 'physical form' and others who come in energetic form as flashes
of light and operate under the ground in technologically-generated atmospheres that suit them.

We see mass protests outside parliaments and other political gatherings, but they are just the here
today, gone tomorrow politicians who mostly have absolutely no idea who is really controlling and
directing global events. The real power is in the unseen realms - including underground bases.

If anyone still believes that there is no Hidden Hand at work, well here is a question. American
presidents and politicians are not allowed to know what is really going on at US underground bases in
America and around the world; British prime ministers and politicians are not allowed to know what is
happening at British underground bases and American bases on UK soil like Menwith Hill; Australian
prime ministers and politicians are not allowed to know what is happening at Australian underground
bases and American bases on Australian soil like Pine Gap.

So what force is making the decisions about what happens at these facilities no matter who is
theoretically in political power? Answer that, and you name the force that is really controlling global

Any structure that is above ground is not the main vehicle to harness these energy's.
The facility in canada is not haarp.
There are no tesla like devices above ground. they are all underground and well hidden.

If you have a good look at the haarp facilty in canada, it's just basically antenna's wired up in
They serve a purpose but it's only minor in the scheme of things. In reality it's not haarp. Earth grid
devices don't look like that.

These other ancient devices that tap into the grid at selected vortex points on this earth are hidden

The pine gap facility is one of them. David dIcke is correct in his analogy of this facilty. This vortex is
one of the main points in the earth's grid system.

In my earlier posts, I talked about this facility having blood stored there from the population.
It also serves as a conduit that links other posts in the world with there underground systems. When
people witness lights and colours around these points, thay are energy's that are being emmited from
the vortex energy point from there devices.

This technology is very similiar to the ancient tech that they had.
Also tesla had a big part to play indirectly.

When you start to look into the conspiracy field...view it as an ancient culture...These fields are from
ancient times.

When I talked about our earth's biofields been distruped with frequency's...I was refering to these
facility's that are put in place...
Like David dIcke and a few others experienced these frequency's while they were in the car....imagine
what it's like in our whole earth's sphere.

There are other facility's around victoria that I won't name at this point because it's irrelevant.
These other facility's are diffrent in nature to the pine gap one...These deal in implants.

Australia has a vast network of lattice dormant energy in it's grid structure.
There are corridors that bind these systems, which the aboriginals call songlines.

I know for a fact that there is a wide spread of magical practises that exist in australia. More than
people realise.

There all in different stages...from personal.. to groups and elite involment.

Most of these major practises from the top end...are centered on mountainous ranges...the energy is
more pronanced there.

There is one close by in my area that's infested with these people. There are pockets of vortex lines up
there that I've sensed myself.

I'm not sure overseas what it's like with hospitals...but if you have a good look, up on top of the roof of
most hospitals, there are shit loads of antennas and mobile towers. Some places call them cell towers...
but there one and the same thing.

Why would you have these energy's centered on a so called healing center. I don't even have to go into
that answer.

The disruption would be massive.

There is one hospital here, and I'm sure they exist overseas too, that have underground systems
attached to them.

I'm not going to get into the alien agenda like icke does but it's not relevant to the whole concept.
Pine gap is a form of haarp and it's quiet strong...stronger than what the other so called facility in
canada..that one is mild in comparision.
There would be a device like pyramid underground that harnesses these energy's.
But like I said in other posts...they are limited in there accesss.
Don't get me wrong...there still very powerful energy's that they work with.

Thank you greatly for imparting your knowledge towards us. I could write more but I am sure you
know you are greatly appreciated.

Whats your take on the Denver Airport conspiracies (the murals, pyramid construction above ground
currently) and also the American FEM@ camps?

You say you do not expect any big event to happen, but my intuition is that there is a holocaust
planned, where both soldiers and the sun will play there part. I've gleaned quite a bit from music I listed
to - the "system of sound" is perpetuating fear undoubtedly.

I hope this is because the elites feed on fear, and not because these plans are real - they seem to me to
be real.

Thank you for your reply - it's these negative events that most greatly are curtailing my awakening
attempts, which is too bad as I feel I am making great progress if not for the burden of the beast. I am
sure others share this experience along with me.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1611270

My gut feeling towards the denver airport is that it's only made visible, these murals and structures to
make people think that there is a so called agenda.

Symbology plays a big part in altering perception.

When I say that there will be no event like people's a knowing..a deep intuitive understanding
of the direction we are all heading in.

You have to understand that these people in so called power, have made the perception viable to the
populance, that they do have control.

But underneath it all, in the intanbibile...they are no way near it...people get this perception because it's
inbuit in there perceptions.

These structures will evenntually break's inevitable.

They won't succeed...I know.
(I'm pasting from the primal grid thread, look forward to your thoughts)

Hi OP I'm back again, haven't posted here in a very long time, remember i was talking to you about
starfire? well i think I've joined a few more dots.

Must remember where I learned this, but apparently (remember the watchers you told me about) well
those negative entities/fallen angels/ aliens/ demons/ annunaki/ you know who im talking about, well
anyway they apparently to intermarry with the earths population, they had to drink blood to become
'human' or mortal so to speak

(i remember where i heard this, look up 98th degree mason on youtube, man with white beard)

as i was saying, yes they needed human blood to become and stay human as they are not of our form.
this originated in Sumer (remember I read up on this history quite a lot i told you before) well this is
what the sumerians referred to when they were talking about their ancestors. Well more interestingly,
over time (due to the silk road and the trade routes to armenia and eventually eastern europe such as
romania region) these 'people' who drank blood aka starfire settled in that region -hence the whole
vampire mythology, so simple when you think about it, and why in mythology the locals rebuking
these negative/demonic beings would mention a positive entity such as jesus etc to get rid of them.

anyway, these 'people' because of their original and literally other worldy superior intellect would
become trade masters i.e. the black nobility, this is why their families have so many serpent symbols
associated with themselves. This is who the elite are, if you look at a recent example google 'flemish
cabinet in holyrood house' i was watching a bbc programme on this and saw this chest, inside it has a
black and white!!! checkerboard enclave and above it is a reversed pentacle star, this was treasured by
queen victoria (prince albert, mason built balmoral remember - the uk equivalent of the mothers of
darkness castle and the 'pink ballets' remember i was telling you about) anyway look at this cabinet, i
have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that this is in actual fact an altar of sorts, this ties into the fact
that elite and starfire if you trace back to egyptian times were so closely connected.

im sorry for this rather haphazard prose, but i obviously havent told anyone this information and i have
a discernment that this is inportant.

Where was I, yes as parallels are drawn with religions which try to explain this eg. muslims and jinns
christians and fallen angels etc this is why in religious texts it is forbidden to drink blood, this also
makes sense now. now fastrack to the present goals of the elite, they are interested in altering DNA to
become in effect immortal, like those negative entities who drank starfire, this the explanation of the
blood facility you are talking about.

OP this is all beginning to fit, more dots are being connected, its quite sickening when you think about

Now finally, the reason im quoting you here is, at Bitsun there is an inscription in rock in one of the
books im reading, this is a higly significant site in mesopotamia (iraq) which explains why the invasion
of iraq commenced - about wars to control the grid like you said - the point im making is that (like the
masonic/egyptian needle behind the whitehouse which focuses the elites control of the grid) there is in
the background of this picture a modern army camp (probably government archaeologists) and the
camp is st out as a pentacle star within a perfect circle, thereby focusing the energy to the elites aims. i
will be looking for the picture to prove this.

Your thoughts as always OP are greatly looked forward to.

Egypt was one of the major centers of learning..this includes arts and science, grid geomancy, and
magical practises.

The elite rose up through atlantis and went onto the egyptian culture. They were the black magicians
through the infiltration of the mystery's.

They underminded and corrupted the morals of the greater mystery's.

They unsurped the positions of the intiates and gained control of these learning schools. They basically
seized the reins of the spiritual goverment.

Black magic dictated the society's and they paralyzed humanity's intelect..The spiritual values were
totally corrupted. They made people indoctrinated into there dogma. which was formulated by there

Like today's systems, were you have presidents and prime called heads of power...the
ancient pharoah was just a puppet...these systems are repeated up to this present day.

These elite or sorcerers had began the sytematic destruction of all the key knowledge and ancient
wisdom that was evident in our distant past.
Every person who went into these learning centers to become adepts and gain knowledge, had only one
choice ...that choice was to go into the only science centers that were controled by them.

In other words..they unknownly became one of there order...the dictated dogma.

By professing to the masses they were preserving the mystery's...they controled how far the initiate
would go into the degree of intiation.

This stands up in our world today with the freemasons..they have degrees that brings them up the
the thing is... that they only get so far because these elements are controled by higher factions.
They rarley let the populance into it's highest realm.

The majority of freemasons are not elite at all...they are just puppets that get dictated to.
A lot of freemasonary is part of the old mystery's...but it's only a shallow shell of it's old self.

The symbolism and it's knowledge has been given false other words all this
knowledge has been altered to suit the agenda.

These people have highjacked the science of grid geomancy and spiritual knowledge..they have
replaced it with different connotations to suit.
This has confused and deprived humanity to there righful birthplace. These beings are spiritual

Through atlantis and egypt...they have brought there deceptive black magic into today's world.
eveything has risen from these continents.

This is because they were the major learning centers on this planet...a lot of the other cutlures were of
shoots from these learning centers.

So it wasn't hard to gain control into the other cultures

Even the qabbalists had a large number of black magicians.

I'll go through some inside knowledge on these peoples practises.

Being magicians...they work in the invisible realms. They partake in ceremonial practises but they use
a higher form of magic.
They converse with the elementals..They gained knowledge through these beings..Some gained an
energy form that binds them to these elementals.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread about the ancient egyptian curse in the tombs of kings.

This was put in place by these black magicians by summoning these elemental spirits. As you see they
have been doing it since our ancient past.

They opened these doorways through the mystery schools and they unleashed these elementals into our
field of consciouness. The corridors of energy between realms can be accessed. That doorway has been
opened through our history.
The giza pyramid is a conduit to these realms.
don't get me wrong..the pyramid was the original ceter of an extent it's highjacked.
They know that people who take drugs...are a good candidate to have these elementals attach
themselves to there auric field. the untold damage from this is staggering.

All the set up is elaborate..from drugs, alchol,prescription drugs, certian foods and so on. They bind our
auric field to be accessed by these realms of elementals. That's why they are known as magicians.

Magicians work in the invisible realms and know there make up and know what resides in them.

The other thing that I wanted to bring up is the current full moon. there has been a strong flow of
energy that's coming from this shere at the moment.
it's definetely a doorway of energy that's permeating into our field of awareness. it's become stronger
just lately.
I can sense these things and when i go out side and view it..I can feel these energy's coming our way.
The moon has always had an effect on our field and it's not one that's made to up lift our awareness.
These magicians are up to something.

A lot of what you have mentioned is connected to these people..I've put parts of this through the thread.

That picture in the middle there looks like there is a water pond of sorts..then you have what
looks like corridors that go into different directions.
I know it resembles a pentacle but i think it's more than that.
It symbolises a device of sorts. The water is a conduit..maybe a vortex point?
The corridors are ley lines that crisscross at it's point...maybe i'm wrong..but that's what i think it
resembles to me.

The round barrels of sorts that line up along the corridors must have a significance to. There are fifty of
Something to explore.

Yes regarding that iraq picture (persepolis) of the pentacle, apparently it is a recently constructed site of
tents that archaeoligists have installed to bring to life a sense of the historic city.

oh yes i know not all factions would use blood/starfire etc but Egyptian and Persian history is very
closely related as Xerxes or Darius (can't remember which Persian king) conquored Egypt, then placed
into power Cambyses (remember the bent pyramid he constructed.) this is why i believe that the
mystery schools of both cultures are related, and remember too that Persians were Zoroastrians, an
interesting religion to research, the use of magic is present (they are known as Magi)

oh what i said about hercules aka heracles (same god, just romans changed the greek names) anyway, i
have been to the vatican in rome, and i was perplexed at the amount of egyptian mummies and statutes
of gods they had thinking why would a christian church have these things in their possession (so clear
now as they are the corrupted mystery schools!!) yes well, hercules is always depicted with a club (like
apollo had a lyre, neptune had a trident etc) basically every god had an accessory to identify
themselves, really easy to affirm this on google,

so why would the statute of hercules have a bowl, especially since it was carved by the greeks, the
makers of this god myth to celebrate trade between greece and iraq/iran!!

yes what you say about persepolis and the vortex corridor sounds right, as soon as i saw the picture in
the book it stood out like a sore thumb!
your writings are very informative, and totally bang on. oh look up on youtube this ex 98th degree
mason, he was also a druid/magician sorry i dont know enough to categorise which branch he was
from, anyway he explains a great deal and im sure this will be especially interesting to you, he
mentions a lot of technical stuff. (its easy to find on youtube, guy with white hair and white beard.) he
also mentions that the 360 degree masons (known as olympians) are 'kings' of the illumaniti and it is
those 13 which sit on the council of thirteen, apparently at the mothers of darkness castle, and the high
priestess sits on a crescent throne there. (from what i recall.) anyway this ex mason guy talks
extensively about how he used to summon up beings or whatever they are and all the ceremonys he
used to do. il find the video now and put it in a link!

forgot to say, when you were talking about the moon, is the field of our awareness increasing? as in
positive action or do you mean the 'elite' are trying to reduce our awareness? funny you should say this
because its only the start of this week i remembered about this thread (been busy with work and

also when you mentioned those beings in the pyramid, alister crowley spent the night there too, and i
remember reading how he drew a picture of one of the things that was talking to him, looked
stunningly similar to a grey. now i absolutely thought the whole alien mumbo jumbo thing was
ridiculous a year ago, but now i am begining to see that 'aliens' can be also termed 'demons' or negative
entities, your views??

thanks! always look forward to seeing your posts every day!

here's the mason guy i was telling you about, if you go to youtube he has several videos, let me know
what you think esp regarding magicians as you know infinately more than me, would like to see if his
story stacks up!

[/liveleak][youtube] [link to]

VERY important!!! he mentions at his highest degree, he had to drink the blood of what he calls a
fallen angel, starfire reference, this is when he was told to join a vampiric cult.

I've got a good sense of energy that I can pick up on.

It's almost like a beam of energy that's constricted.
In other's a restricted numbing sense of energy.
it's directed at the earth..not necessarily from the elite, but an energy that's controlled.

The pyramid has a vast portal that's been toned down. It's still strong enough to have an open doorway
into the ethric worlds.
These beings.. that have been seen...range from demons..genni's, aliens and so on.
The aliens are not necessarily alien from other worlds. These demons or genni's can shape shift in the
ethric worlds of energy. They can appear to be something there not.

Aliens exist in other dimensions...not like we think, on other worlds.

There are infinite numbers of entity's in the manifested worlds. Everything is possible..don't discount
anything you come across.

I'll tell you a story about when I went to egypt, when I was young. As soon as I got near the pyramid in
the mini bus, I felt an energy that was so strong, I haven't felt anything like it since.

It virtually was all around felt gentle and strong in the fact, it became part of me at that point.

Being young and inexperienced..I didn't know better at that point.

The things that happened over a week...was quiet extraodinary to say the least.

The next few days I went into shops that had jewlery incased in glass casings...when I was in the first
one..the glass casing on top just collapsed and broke into a million pieces...on to the jewlery. I didn't
think much of it at the time, until the next day I went into another one and the same thing happened.
This occured three times.

It had to do with the energy's there...the thing was, I didn't know how to control it. That's the only
answer that made sense.

We went back to the pyramid with a taxi driver we hired for the day...we decided to climb the small
As we were half way up there, we heard the car horn go of from the taxi. I thought what the hell does
he want.

He must be trying to get our attention. We could see him coming out of the car and throwing his hands
in the air.
being out of the car the horn just keeped blowing..he eventually disconnected it.

It doesn't stop there..I went out for the day by myself and I got back late..I hadn't eaten and the dinning
room was closed.
I asked if I could get some food...they said it was not a problem and i could eat in the dinning room.
I was the only one the waiter that stood at the doorway.
The lights had gone out in the whole block and they were useing candles.

I don't know what came over me...but I started focusing on one of the candles across the room.
All of a sudden the light from the candle must of shot up about a good foot. It started crackling and
sparkling as it shot up.
I looked back at the waiter with a smile and he looked at me and looked back at the candle and he ran
out of the room screaming.

Next day he must of told everyone and they started to look at me strangley. Cutting the story short..I
had to get out of there..the egyptians are very superstitious.
I haven't told this story to anyone before..but the jist of it was, I must have tapped into the energy's that
were around that region..
The problem was...I didn't know how to control them.

We can all tap into these energy' showed me that we have great accesse into these realms of energy.
It's a matter that we need to reconect to these dormant energy's.

OP, thank you for sharing all this great info. Im a bit perplexed about a few things.
Many people want doom. They want the reset button. Many are committing suicide at an alarming rate.
These people are really genuine good folks who just cant adjust to this increasingly darkening world.
Short of a catastrophe or a global miracle, none of us will be released from the bindings of this reality
and gaining access to our truth both personally and collectively.
At this rate, we will never be connected as a species. Too many divisions amongst us to make it happen
organically in the blink of an eye.
You state it will change in our lifetime, maybe after yet another pope. You have also stated that no one
will help us out of this situation we are in, humanity has to help themselves and has to realize its

1. How are we all supposed to get on the same page with all the divisions amongst us? That would take
another 200 years...maybe.

2.How can this ontinue without intervention of some sort?

3.How are we supposed to learn that which we were never taught in an increasingly polluted psychic
atmosphere to regain our powers?

3.What about these ET races that are supposed to be showing up that a lie as well?

Thank you in advance.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1055324

I wrote this thread about doom.. Thread: Why has mind in humans turned to doom?

What do you think?

On the last page..a guy posted a great write up on our upbringing..I think you'll find this to be a great
summary on our current status.

I've got some issues with this bloody internet provider on my computer.
For some reason it keeps dropping out.
As soon as I get this fixed, I'll get around to answering some of your questions.
I'll have a look at that video to.
Should be the next couple of days.

hi again OP!

Hope you get time to comment back here. I have just come across a very interesting piece of
information. I wondered why lately the markets have gone crazy over the price of gold, and I've picked
up along the way that gold is important in some capacity, not just in monetary value. So I did some

You know the way the great experiment of the masons and the elite is to alter human DNA to create
immortal humans, thereby achieving godlike status? Well I have researched this further, and as Im sure
you are aware to do this a hybrid must come about, aka what is referred to as the antichrist. Well, to
create this hybrid I have found out that triple strand DNA is needed (this is what the elites refer to as
the holy grail) and I'm sure your thinking how does this relate to gold? Well look at this link!

[liveleak] [link to]

"Peptide nucleic acid (gold) readily enters DNA's major groove to form triple-stranded and other
structures with DNA, allowing it to modify the activity of genes in new ways."
"Drugs based on PNA would achieve therapeutic effects by binding to specific base sequences of DNA
or RNA, repressing or promoting the corresponding gene.
Some researchers working to construct artificial life-forms out of mixtures of chemicals are also
considering PNA as a useful ingredient for their designs.
PNA-like molecules may have served as primordial genetic material at the origin of life."

your thoughts as always OP.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1761822

Thanks for the link..very interesting.

This sort of stuff dates back to atlantis... the black magicians were experimenting with hybrids
then...animal-human splicing.
It reminds me of a story from india..don't remember what date it was...but there was a creature called
monkey man that terrorized new deli. Some believe that it was some sort of hyrid.

There are numerous accounts of beasts and creatures in a lot of cultures..even in our modern world.
There is a good chance that some of these are genetic hyrid's.

There is no doubt that the elite have gone down this track...and I think it goes back further than people

I can't comment on the scientific parts on how or why..but there is no doubt that there are some
grotesque hybrids, that have been experimented on in our current state and our past history.

I'll let you into a secret..there is a picture of akhenaten and his queen..there siting down on thrones with
there hands raised up towards the sun.
Now if you have a very close look...behind there necks..there appears to be some sort of needle device
that has been injected into there necks.
I've told a few people about this and they have dismissed it.
This object behind there necks is a dna sequence that is being injected into there system.
Now why would a so called ancient culture that had no knowledge of these type of things...are playing
around with dna.
The reason people would dismiss this scenario, is because they view our ancient past as primitive.
how wrong they all are.

I'll see if I can hunt down the link to the picture and have a good look at what I've just mentioned.

This will all tie in with what you are saying.

Here is the link to that's just on your right hand side as you scroll down. They are sitting
down with two infants.

They appear to look like some sort of scarf..but there dna sequence that is being unfolded.
This picture isn't in colour..if you hunt around there should be one somewere. In colour it's more
obvious with the stripping of the dna.

[link to]

OP, thank you for sharing all this great info. Im a bit perplexed about a few things.
Many people want doom. They want the reset button. Many are committing suicide at an alarming rate.
These people are really genuine good folks who just cant adjust to this increasingly darkening world.
Short of a catastrophe or a global miracle, none of us will be released from the bindings of this reality
and gaining access to our truth both personally and collectively.
At this rate, we will never be connected as a species. Too many divisions amongst us to make it happen
organically in the blink of an eye.
You state it will change in our lifetime, maybe after yet another pope. You have also stated that no one
will help us out of this situation we are in, humanity has to help themselves and has to realize its

1. How are we all supposed to get on the same page with all the divisions amongst us? That would take
another 200 years...maybe.

2.How can this ontinue without intervention of some sort?

3.How are we supposed to learn that which we were never taught in an increasingly polluted psychic
atmosphere to regain our powers?

3.What about these ET races that are supposed to be showing up that a lie as well?

Thank you in advance.

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1055324

Sorry I got you mixed up with another post.

The video was from another post.

It's hard for all of us to get on the same page in our current state. There are a few scenario's that have to

Things can alter with how they proceed..(the elite)..but the one singular thing that will open that
doorway..will come into matter what.

There are certain people on this planet that will open that doorway to the primal energy's. They won't
do it in open fanfare.

This energy was toned down in our past...I mentioned this in the primal grid thread.
These energy centers will be toned such.

They will correlate with our own energy centers.

Basically the whole earth will experience these energy's.
With the elite..there are a few scenario's that will happen.
I'll go into one only...if they want to proceed towards destruction..they will leave this force if
need be.This will be done in the unseen part of things.
The cooridors that lead into realms will be open in one specific location were they will go..this includes
the entity's that reside in there energy.

This will only be done if it's the last resort..

I just know all of this because it's in my nature basically..I've known this as a kid.

All of this will change..they will have no say in it's inception..the elite.
These people hold a different energy to most..what you know of aggression in our world...will not be
the same aggression these people hold.
They will use aggression to protect the sacred.
If you have a good look through history..every person that has tried to change things, has been muzzled
or killed before they could do anything.

These people are different..they will use aggression to protect. Trust me when I say they are very good
at what they do.
Don't expect to see them in your media or will they do it in the public eye.

The reason for this is...our state of being is at a hopeless point..what I mean by this is, that we think we
have no abilities of any sort.
So in our current state we will view anyone that comes along and has these abilites.(we all have the
same anyway)..they will percieve them as some sort of god or demi god..that is not the way to percieve
These people are just awakened first before the rest..that's the only difference.

I hope you get the jist in what i'm saying.

These alien scenario's are bullshit...there are aliens that exist..but they will not interfere in our
Don't expect that the light switch will just click on and we all get to our natural state. It will be doses...'we have to get used to these energy's.

There will be thousands if not millions of people that will institute and help along the's a
cordinated effort.
An example is people like us know a fair bit and will help others.
You know what I mean by that.

The elite will be taken care of in due course..there power structure will fall..that I can guarantee.

They don't hold all the aces in the grid structure..there are adepts that are very pronanced in the field of
And I mean very pronanced..they are awakened to the full viewing platform in consciousness. The elite
are not.

here's the mason guy i was telling you about, if you go to youtube he has several videos, let me know
what you think esp regarding magicians as you know infinately more than me, would like to see if his
story stacks up!

[/liveleak][youtube] [link to]

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1761822

I came across bill shnoebelen's stuff many years ago.

The only problem with his take is.. that he incorporates his religious view points in his information.
This can distort what he went through.

I have no doubt that he knew stuff from his dealings with the masons and illuminati and so on.

You have to take into account that he didn't go into the real deep knowledge of the so called elite.
These are only factions in factions that hold a certain degree of that knowledge..some of it is

There are many magicians that work in hidden secrecy..some might be your next door neigbours and
you would never know.
I know of a few around my area that deal in the unseen magical realms...I dont personally associate
myself with these magicians.
There are a lot that use personal satisfaction appease there ego.
Then you have ones that do some of the middle age type of magic that follow the god or gods
concept..with the elementals. This is not really magic as such.
Magic is ones that delve into the grid..shamans or adepts..what ever label we want to use.
They work primarily with energy and not with entity's or gods.
Don't trust the ones that use entity's..gods..elementals..and any thing that resides with a conscious being
in there so called magic.
Don't get me wrong..there are people with good intentions out there, but they still don't know what
there really doing.
I dealt with that stuff when I was younger..I didn't know better at that stage.
It can be quiet distructive on people and ones self. A lot of people can't handle this type of's not
a natural magic.
Natural magic is with the energy's that reside in ones self and the earth. When a person realizes how to
tap into these grid structured energy fields and how to use them, they can open up a connection with the
earth itself.
This is the ancient magic that existed in our past.
Today's magic is distorted basically.

It's still very powerful and distructive on a certain level and it can alter destiny's of people and even
This type of magic would be more pronanced in the elite realm.

Yes completely! The more I read up on things I realise that the ancient were more probably just as
intelligent if not more than us! Just reading today that the Sumerians invented 30 firsts of the world, so
how could a primitive society do things like this?! The Egyptian thing you said, I must look it up, yes
remember I was telling you a while ago about the ankh being depicted, and the womb representation
part was filled in to make a spoon for the consumption of semen starfire etc (historians say its milk) so
yes that totally would make sense that the Egyptians would be into DNA, after all there are pictorial
representations of DNA if you look at eg. ashurbanipals reliefs, he is holding a pine cone to his
forehead in the previous section obviously representing the third eye so clearly he knew about all this!

Thats probably what all those ancient myths about eg. cyclops, yetis etc are, probable sightings of these
monsters, funny how the concept does not ever go away, eg. frankensteins monster, maybe this book
too was a subtle hint to whats really going on behind closed doors!

Just looked at the picture! Amazing, even looking at the glyph proportionally the depictions are too big
to be scarves because the eye is drawn to them due to the size of the carving, so the artist must have
been making a point carving this, and since those sun rays have ankh's on them at the end and they are
with their child then it must be about reproduction and DNA, makes sense!

Regarding elementals, are they something like spirits/ghosts/demons etc? In other words are they
negative entities? Oh have you seen the film the Chronicles of Riddick? Judy Dench plays an elemenatl
in the film, I also picked up that the spine is often accentuated in Thandie Newtons character with
jewelry, Lady Gaga also does this a lot, and she is interested in the esoteric so there must be something
significant there, i suppose this links back to that Egyptian glyph!
The elementals come in different disguises. There are artificial elementals that date back before the
creation of our earth. These elementals were known by many names...genni...archons...demons and so

Not all of these are negative in nature...but the majority are very hard to control.
In the wrong hands they can be very destructive..not only on a personal level but also on a grander
They can influence whole nations.

The black magicians use these elementals to do there so called bidding.

If the magician is very pronanced in there field, they can use these beings to alter far more than just


Hope you are keeping well, thanks for explaining the meaning of elementals. Interestingly I was re-
reading some of the older posts, and it's kind of funny how the actor keanu reeves has acted in the
matrix and also the film constantine, which shows quite clearly the different lower dimensions he can
access, obviously through the grid, he uses water as a conductor to ease the transition, im sure you've
seen the film, it was on last night in the uk, very interesting, just thought i'd mention it! Oh and in that
film they also explain the concept that full angel/demons whatever you want to label them can't exist
on this plain/dimension hence the need for half bloods, this would tie in with a lot of what we have
been discussing before.

Do you have any other things you'd like to share? I'm always checking back to this thread, and I'm
still noticing how productive it still is, no trolling. Just shows the energy attached to it!

Hi again OP!

Just read an interesting article which rings true.

[liveleak] [link to]

When I was younger I never understood why people paid money to go to the cinema to watch a horror
movie which would frighten them and contain scenes of violence towards humans, I still don't watch
those negative sorts of films, as I don't see the point, and also think they are a bad influence, I prefer
more artistically and visually stunning films, ever seen 'the fountain?' very good film with rachael
weisz in it. Anyway, i often thought that someone or something must be profitting from these negative
films and the negative emotional results that comes from them, and the above article pretty much
explains it all.
What do you think?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1761822

I'll check it out in the next few days.

With these horror movies that people boils down to the individual not getting caught up
emotionally in the concept that they are viewing.
People should see it as just a movie and not identify what they are viewing is real.

It's hard for this to happen because it instills fear in the person that's viewing these images.

I've viewed these films...but it does not imprint on my consciouness...I view them as just being
entertainment for what they are and nothing more.

So it depends on the person.

I agree with what you say that it does imprint on peoples minds.

I'm going to post a document with a video in the next two weeks or so..the shit will hit the fan big time.
It has to do with our sovereignty.
That's all I can put down for now...stay tuned.
I'll put it down on my threads were I'm going to place it.

I read the article about the alien agenda.

Most of these alien ideology's are false. there won't be an alien invasion, or will there be an alien
I've come across a few people that think that we will be saved by aliens. I can guarantee everyone that
this won't happen.

I'm not saying that aliens don't exist because they do.
But a lot of what's out there is not alien as such.
It's man made deception.

Remember that I mentioned that these people have been manipulating our genetic dna for centuries.
From the time of atlantis. They can create hibrids that don't look like anything that comes from our
these grey's are not what they seem. they are an artificial constructed entity. Very robotic in nature.

I rarely get into conversations about aliens...and if you notice, i've rarely mentioned anything about
There are to many grey areas on the information that's out there and it confuses our objective towards
In other words...there is to much disinformation in this realm of conspiracy field.
Oh I think you're picking me up wrong, I agree with you with the alien thing, in the article the
information I meant was interesting was the inter dimensional aspect of what the writer was saying.
Yes I agree with what you say about how they have created all this alien crap as a side show or
something like that. What I was meaning to ask you was about the aspects of the article about the
different planes of existence and is that refering to the archons or elementals you have been talking

sorry about the confusion!

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1761822

I was refering in general with the alien thing..more so for others to see.
I know were your coming from with what your saying.
Just been busy at the momement and have my mind on other things at this point.

More than happy to discuss things on these threads.

These realms contain corridors as such..between each realm with it's set frequency or wave form, they
vibrate at a different level on each tone. They are not sepreate from each other as such, but it depends
on the consciousness that resides within each realm.

Consciouness dictates the vibration from it's intent.

These realms contain many forms or what we call entity's.

We can label them as archons or genni or demons but in reality they are life forms that contain

Some of these corridors were opened up in our ancient past and certain life forms flooded our astral
plane which is the closest vibration to our material plane.

These life forms are parisitic in leeches that bind to our awareness and energy fields.
The majority of black magicians are binded by these life forms because they use these energy's in there
ceremonial workings.

Magic and science are one in nature...this was so in our ancient past.
Today we have science but no that's based on, basically material form.

When you see symbolic it in today's world or our ancient past...this form of language is our
universal language.

The corridors of energy are centered in some of our sacred places on our vortex centers.
Some of these were highjacked in our past. they let these devilish entity's conect with our field of

When they talk about pandora's box being open...this is the main meaning behind the phrase.
Lol, you don´t have acess to akashic records.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4921378

Akashic records is new age rubbish.

It does not work like that.
If you want a label to what you's called the primal grid.
It contains everything and anything that exists.

The elite of this world are working under the direction of various alien groups. The most prominent
alien group appears to be the reptillians from the star system of orion.

They have control of many planets in this quadrant of the galaxy. They employ various approaches of
control, some are covert and some are overt. Earth is under covert control at this time. However it was
not always.

During the time of atlantis, they employed overt control, where their presense was open for all to see.
Atlantis was involved in many experiments, using very advanced technology, that eventually caused
their undoing. The planetary spirit brought about earth changes, resulting in earth changes, sinking and
destroying their civilization.

After the earth settled down, they began building up again, but this time, they switched to covert
control. They operated covertly primarily through a religious hierarchy they established. They are a
very old race of species, skilled at employing methods to control planets under their influence.

Genetics, financial, military, and pyramid structures are employed skillfully to expand and control the
population. Genetics especially are very potent - they have genetically altered the bodies on this planet
to weaken the persons ability to know their true spiritual nature while alive, 12 strand dna, down to 2.
They could not have pulled off the relgious hierarchy without the alteration.

They also programmed the body with a command structure, to get it moving in the direction they
decided, such as breeding. The body has the ability to produce pulses of joy or sorrow, sort of a reward,
punishment structure. Move in the direction they want you are rewarded, move away and you get

The constant mind chatter is the result of this structure. Come to church, feel the presense of god is
their mantra. This presense of god is a activated command structure in operation sending pulses of joy
throughout the body. This is the nature of covert control, people have no idea about the genetic
alterations, and what they are sensing is believed as truth. Going to church is a well laid out trap.

Much can be added to this, but I think you get the idea of who the elite are working for, and why they
are successfull.
Hi again OP!

Been over a week since I've been on here, don't know why though... Just looked up you're answer there
and you do explain things very well. Everything really does boil down to vibrations in the end, very

Oh on a side note, do you believe these people who can see auras in their different colours? My
thoughts on it are, well, the recent deep space pictures that were taken recently, they captured red light
that was from stars etc right at the formation of our universe, and although we as humans can't pick up
such low wavelength light it is still there, as light is vibrations of particles. so applied to this aura thing,
as humans we are quite similar to 'batteries' and are brains emmit radiowaves (light emmited reality
matrix is good to look up on a side note) anyways, as we as humans emmit radiowaves etc therefore we
emmit vibrations, which could possibly be what auras are, and as you say depending on the persons
specific vibrations it could transate into a different colour of aura, so maybe there is an element of
thruth in that whole area of things. just some of my thoughts! what do you think?

oh and i very much agree with you that science=magic

hope you're well!

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5568710

Yes you correct with what you stated about the aura fields.
We emit tones that have a specific resonance through our conscious intent.
The different colours that they pick up is through our emotional state.

Auras are fields of's like a planets bio field.

The earths field is very much like ours.

Have a good day.

Natural magic is with the energy's that reside in ones self and the earth. When a person realizes
how to tap into these grid structured energy fields and how to use them, they can open up a
connection with the earth itself.This is the ancient magic that existed in our past.
Today's magic is distorted basically.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1055324

If you have a look on the primal grid thread...I mentioned how to connect.

The thing is that we must learn to get used to these energy's again.
Doing what is termed as magic is working with these energy's.
If you built the device I mentioned in the primal will start to open up to these energy's.

Not refering to you in what i'm about to say...but people have become to comfortable in this reality.
It becomes to hard for them to change and experience something that once was the norm.

People worry about these people in power to much..there focus is on entity's that are basically in a state
of denial and they are nothing but a grain of sand in the scheme of things.

I'm not stating there true nature but there so called power.
It's nothing...

We need to focus our intent on openning up and not on conspiracy fools that know nothing.
All this conspiracy field is made to feed the machine.

I don't expect everyone to be focused on my words because I'm sure that people out there are very
intuitive and opened... to do what has to be done.
I hope that certain things i've mentioned sparked something more so in the primal thread than the elite

Don't believe everthing in the conspiracy field and that includes the so called financial down fall.

Natural magic is with the energy's that reside in ones self and the earth. When a person realizes
how to tap into these grid structured energy fields and how to use them, they can open up a
connection with the earth itself.This is the ancient magic that existed in our past.
Today's magic is distorted basically.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1055324

 Quoting: mysterynomore

If you have a look on the primal grid thread...I mentioned how to connect.

The thing is that we must learn to get used to these energy's again.

Doing what is termed as magic is working with these energy's.

If you built the device I mentioned in the primal will start to open up to these energy's.

Not refering to you in what i'm about to say...but people have become to comfortable in this reality.
It becomes to hard for them to change and experience something that once was the norm.

People worry about these people in power to much..there focus is on entity's that are basically in a state
of denial and they are nothing but a grain of sand in the scheme of things.

I'm not stating there true nature but there so called power.
It's nothing...

We need to focus our intent on openning up and not on conspiracy fools that know nothing.
All this conspiracy field is made to feed the machine.

I don't expect everyone to be focused on my words because I'm sure that people out there are very
intuitive and opened... to do what has to be done.
I hope that certain things i've mentioned sparked something more so in the primal thread than the elite

Don't believe everthing in the conspiracy field and that includes the so called financial down fall.

Ok, couple of things. First, I ordered all the books you have mentioned in this thread. I just started
recieving them this week and today, by syncronicity started "Not in his image". Im 60 pages in but
deeply disturbed at what we have become from what this species started off to be. I also ordered
Resonance Key, Secrets of Egypt & India.

Second, I have no idea what you are referring to regarding the Primal Grid thread. Can I bother you for
a link? Thank you in advance.

Third, you are saying not to believe in the financial downfall, however, how can we not? Its clear that
all systems are malfunctioning, which personally im happy about. Are you implying that these systems
will come back to life? :-( I hope not.

Im also the same person that asked about the status of the
document and video link that you were going to post. Any idea when that will become available?

Lastly thank you so much for your quick reply as I was hoping you didnt disappear or that I didnt have
to wait too long for a reply.
Hi OP!

I've been researching lately and have some more thoughts and research for you, do you mind me
bouncing ideas off you? I appreciate and value your opinions in all this. Anyway, firstly,

Remember how I told you that the sunken structure of yonaguni, japan kept coming up in my research?
well i've found out a little more about it.

there is a link between yonaguni and lovecrafts writings, and also a sumerian connection to the
watchers etc.

*The oldest human culture, that of Sumer, claimed that civilization, complete with agriculture,
warfare, metallurgy, science, medicine, writing, and all the rest, came out of the seas. The
Sumerians, who possessed knowledge which is in itself an anomaly, such as the existence and
orbits of all the "spherical" planets around the sun (yes, all the planets, including Pluto and
another, gigantic maverick world that modern science has yet to discover), believed that the arts
and sciences had been taught to them by the mysterious god EA, later called Enki, a giant who
had scales like a fish or reptile and who dwelt in a traveling ship that could move beneath the sea
as well as fly to the various lands--and heavenly abodes--of the Annunaki, or gods. (39)

*One ancient prayer, as translated by R. C. Thompson, in his work THE DEVILS AND EVIL

"'Seven are they, seven are they. In the Ocean Deep, seven are they. They are reared in the home
of the Ocean Deep. Neither male nor female are they. They are as the roaming wild beast. No
wife have they, no son do they beget. They know neither mercy nor pity. They harken not unto
prayers and supplications. They are as the horses reared on the hills. The Evil Ones of EA,
throne-bearers of the gods are they. They stand in the highway to befoul the path. Evil are they,
evil are they. By Heaven be ye exorcised!'" (39)
"The Call of Cthulhu:" by H.P. Lovecraft

"He talked of his dreams in a strangely poetic fashion; making me see with terrible vividness the
damp Cyclopean city of slimy green stone--whose geometry, he said, was all wrong--"

Coincidentally or not, this is an exact description of the ruins at Yonaguni. What did Lovecraft
actually know, or thought that he knew? For "Cthulhu" seems to correspond to the
Sumerian/Akkadian "Kutulu," a demon of the sea, and in Lovecraft's fiction, this being was
summoned with chants containing cries of "Ia! Ia!" which is of course identical to the name of
EA, "Lord of Waters." Is Cthulhu/Kutulu one of the regents, under "EA," of one of the "seven
seas?" (40)

this is quite interesting in that regarding modern interdimensional/inter terriestrial contacts many
'portals' such as the bermuda triangle, on the grid occur underwater.

Also connecting this structure to atlantis is this article on Mu (the lost continent) on wikipedia

[liveleak] [link to]

basically this continent was where many advanced civilisations lived, and after its destruction they
populated Egyptian, Indian, Mayan and other cultures, so this ties in with what you have said about the
abuse of powers by the elites that previously destroyed atlantis.

Another thing I noted was that

H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) featured the lost continent in his revision of Hazel Heald's short story
"Out of the Aeons" (1935).[15] Mu appears in numerous Cthulhu mythos stories, including many
written by Lin Carter.[16]

So some very interesting stuff.

My second thought was that how you mentioned the use of water as a conductor for elites ceremonies
etc. Thinking about this, water is mentioned in the film Constantine, he uses it as a tool to ease the
transition between the dimensional plains, also in the bible, when jesus cast out the legion of demons
from the man in the graveyard into pigs which ran off a cliff into the sea i.e. water and drowned, so it
must have acted to send those demons back to their dimension. Maybe this is where the idea of 'holy
water' came from, as protection against these 'demons.' So it would make sense that many portals to
those dimensions, such as the bermuda triangle are located over water, and that quote from the
babylonian myth at the top about the 'demons' under the sea seems to tie into it too.

what are your thoughts?

talk soon i hope!

 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5935148

I was interacting on another thread with someone else and he came up with a good anology of how our
energy field has changed.
This is what he wrote
As with magnets (they have energy propagation, which when changes - with influence, the magnet
pickups another variation of the field, it is a reaction to change...propagation of electrons changes,
making a brand new working variant - same preferences, another combination)

This variation apply's with the energy points through the grid structure as such.
Because the crystalline structure in it's molecular structure can be altered.

The ancient sites used crystals in there power vortex points..they were in there structures also.
There is one thing that most people don't know is that crystals are very sensitive to radiation.
If you notice..there is plenty of that floating around from disasters in our world.
This must surely distort there frequency...the earth is full of these crystalline structures in it's belly

These structures you talk about have a variation in it's points were the elite have altered there output as

It's like an imitation variation of our true state of being.

Thanks for putting all that information up on this thread.
Your on the right track.

Water can be altered in it's structure...certain energy interactions can change the carbon molecular
structure in water. The majority of our drinking water contains distorted carbon molecules in a
distressed state.
This apply's with what you mention about the water.
If water is in it's true state it vibrates to a certain frequency.

Ok, now I read the info about the watchers from the link you provided. According to one of the books
that you recommended reading at the beginning of this thread (not in his image), the watchers are
children of seth (aka mystery school initiates)? How can that be if in the link you provided it links them
directly to a bi-product of the patriarchal religions which would be the polar opposite of what is stated
in the book? Im confused.
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1055324

Not everything in the books that I recommended should be taken as the truth.
There are pockets of information in books that are worth taken in and other parts are to be dismissed.
That applies with all books and information.

The main point in the book (not in his image) was in the second half about the archons and the creation

When you read things, you need to tie the information in with intuition. Gut feeling basically makes
you search out the information.

The link I gave you was basic...there is not much around except the religious ties that the watchers had
in the history books.

The watchers are an of shoot from the elder race...known as the giants.

These giants were what was known as gods...they are in our history books, in certain cultures.

Some of these watchers became of shoots and branched out into there own sphere of control...they
became corrupted into the power structures of control.

They are known as the elite.

They are the black magicians from atlantian times.

These giants were the builders of the giza complex.

People don't realise what there dealing with in the so called elite. I've mentioned things in my earlier
posts put it seems people are blind to it's concept.

Every aspect of conspiracy- new age movement has been put in place by these people.
The future pridictions which include the mayans is a construct of there work.
To give you an example...if I new the same model of concept and was in a position of power, I could
easly implement a strategy to impose the same restraint on the minds of people. That's how easy it is to

The image of preception on the mind is easly dictated to when rules of power dictate the norm.

Your dealing with a highly intelligent mind set that knows every aspect of your conditioning of the
mind perception in reality.

It dictates your path and sets your agenda.

This mind set was a renegade from the original mystery schools from ancient times.
It has thrived from the ages to implement it rules and constraints on your minds.

If you look at the bigger picture and how this occurs, you will see the mind fields that have been put in
place and see it in it's original form of implimentation.

Don't believe everything that's put in your field of perception. Lies and deception are it's strong points.
Look into our past and see how the ancients lived through there sacred sites.

They lived through the energy field of the earth which was in unison with our conscious intent.

The earth in today's world has a frequency's in it's biofield that is not natural.
This is done by products that are man made.
This in turn has disrupted the weather patterns around the globe and has increased the possibilities for
major quakes and volcanoes in our world.

This has got to do with frequency distruptions and not golbal warming like they have mentioned.

That part is a big lie.

I have a question mysterynomore. Do you honestly think singers and rappers (i.e Rihanna and Jay-Z) is
really part of an illuminati plan or do you think its a load of rubbish?????????
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1650923

It's a load of rubbish. These people in the media eye have no idea.
By the way it's me..been banned.
While I'm here...

What if...
Because were heading into this 2012 scenario which has been very well known for years by the
majority of the populance...could this scenario be a planned event from many years ago.

It's been pushed in the media outlets for it's imbedded in most of humanity's minds.
The mayan calander might just be a smoke sreen to instigate a series of events on a major scale.

As we know...they have the capability to instigate eartquakes and what have you.

It wouldn't be hard to slowly make these events along the way as we near the end of 2012.
The recent quakes were experiencing could be part of this and we might see an intensity along the way.

The fear that's imbedded in humanity from past events lingers on.
You only have to look at people on this site and know that there like a pack of frenzied sharks when it
comes to doom.

The thing is... they would be scared shitless if it came to there neck of the woods.

It's easy to put a plan together many years in advance and bring it into frution.
They do have the technology to displace the earth's crust, in particular certain area's, so all this could be
a high probability.

The mayan calander might just be a ferbee. The real instigators hide behind the hidden walls.

Soemething to ponder on.

OP do you believe in resurrection, you know like coming back to life or something? Or do you think
it's fake?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1650923

It's nothing like the religion stories they talk about...

To give you an example...

In india there are people that are called fakirs..these people can suspend there body functions while
they get buried for a fair amount of time underground.

There are other stories were people can suspend there bodily functions for a longer periods of time.
So what you term resurection is basically suspending the bodily functions through a deep state of
being, that our modern world has no idea about.
It's like a trance like state but nothing like our modern world understands.

People rubbish things like this but there in a state of denial in there own stupity.

About at the time of Noah and the great flood 200 angels / watchers were cast down into earth and
locked in due to their "sins" of leaving their 1st estate (heaven) and copulating with earth woman.
The leader of these watchers are known by many names (false prophet / apollo / enlil / odin / azazel
etc...). His earthly bride followed him into "hell" and was also known by many names (lilith / isis /
astarte / astaroth etc...).

Since that time certain people / initiates / elites made deals with these watchers to gain riches and
power (in exchange for their "souls") via certain occult practises / magick / ceremonies.
The watchers guides the elites doing their "great work" to prepare earth and it's people for the time
when they return.

The time of the release of the leader and his 3 "generals" (the one and three) and the rest of the
watchers is very close at hand.
Initiates have calculated the date to be 18/19 July 2016. The only thing that worries me is the year
(2016). If this is based on our current calendar then there seems to be some time left (4 years), but if it
was counted from the birth of Yeshua / Jesus which was 4 BC then it seems this is the year all hell will
literaly break loose lol... (There is no 0 BC/AD). I Wonder if the big earthquake along the Euphrates
river (where these band of brothers were imprisoned) will be this year...

Nuff said... Use it, don't use it... ;)

I learned a lot about reality reading your posts. I have another question (hope you dont get bothered).
But do you think our universe and our reality is just an illusion/fake like the same thing that Einstein
said? What's your opinion about it????
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1650923

It's a very hard question to explain in words.

What our mind percieves is through wave forms...frequency
each state is built through a certain projection of thought forms.
Every state gets stronger through what energy is feed to it's intent.

This applies to the whole universe.

When something comes into it a planet...suns and so has a embrotic state were it's
consciousness feeds it's inception and form.

Each little creation works along these lines.

Each state varies..this depends on what the whole projects.
Illusion is probably not the right thought on our universe creations.This is because we don't see the
subatomic level of things.

What over rides all matter is the energy that is regulated by thought.

On the subatomic level there exists a motion that is always in motion...this depends on how it regulates
the wave form of it's creations.

We as beings are locked into this vast motion that we dictate and alter...the thing is people aren't aware
of it.

hope that helps.

How are you mysterynomore, I was wondering do you know anything about "the nobody"?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19980968

I assume the nobody or nobodies are individuals who partake in the betterment of humanity behind the

Through history there have been many nobodies that have not been recorded in our awarness, that have
worked on a spritual path for humanity.

Some of these were known as adepts in our they are virtually unknown as they walk
amongst us.

I've meet one in my life time that walks the path.

Very advanced on a mental and spiritual awareness.

humanity will never know them in the public arena.

What I'm about to say was placed on another thread.

it was deleted in two seconds flat.

It's about the jewish state and muslim conflicts.

Israel is a false construct that was placed there for certain reasons.
The whole concept of the jewish state is placed in a strategic area were conflict is ongoing for reasons
that will come to light in our not to distant future.

This placement places the religious factions in termoil.

The of spin from this scenario affects the whole world in general over a large period.

The muslim states are other pawns that suit an agenda in this construct.

I'll expand a bit more about this construct over the next few days.

What people don't realize is...tptb just manage this reality we live in.

When you set up a grand plan that goes into effect over the virtually runs it's course by it's self.

There is certain managements involved but nothing on a large scale.

Wars basically take care of themselves because of humanity's greed and power.

The rest in society degrade or flourish on there merits.

Why are the so called world leaders not the power behind the throne.
Who dictates and pulls the strings?

The world leaders have been grown into there rolls like every other person does through society.

There not put there by a power that be.

I can assure everyone that the freemasons and illuminati are not tptb.

Wake up..your been fooled.

You won't find them or will you know them.

This is done behind closed doors...behind what we term the unseen.

Some stories abound about the legendary elder race..the giants from our past.
These giants don't have the emotional responses like the rest of humanity...there not cold hearted as
such but there emotional response is totally different.

These are the races that built the majority of our sacred places on earth...
You need to understand that certain individuals rebel on there own terms..
This in part can lead to many scenario's...

The world has many factions that dictate there own little agendas...this lead to what happens on there
own terms, in the scheme of things.

What started it all originated from the giant race..the elders..

Humanity at this point is governed by people that are closed to any special ability to foresee the hidden

There nothing of importance in the spiritual side of things because there closed to the fact...there are
greater platforms to view.

So in wouldn't take a hell of a lot to turn things around.

I'm sure the signature of these elders exist in body today and walk amongst us without knowing them.

Some are the rebel type and some have the sacred as there focus.

physical body is a device in itself for spiritual enlightment

if you know how to use the physical body fully, you don't really need a scepter or such things
the energy source can be manifested, through snap/point of finger or the wave pattern generated by the
mind, into anything it dictates
and that is just a small part of the tricks this human body can do .....
Yes I know about that part..
There are other uses in these devices that generate torsion energy waves...these are similiar to the tesla

The octaves generated... work through grid matrix's...there are geometric shapes that come into

The body through it's dna and nerve centers are tuned to the whole field of energy sources...the
problem is that were been reduced in it's frequency range....
It's very much like we only use only 10% of our brain power.
Our energy field or spectrum has been reduced to a similiar value at this point.

Society as we know it with the younger generation are turning to drugs in large numbers.

They want to become numb to there day to day existence.

This is a number one attraction to openning up to astral entities blending into there energy fields.

Thoughts that enter into these minds are altered by this blending of energy's.

There causing untold damage in society and they know about it.

The prison system is littered with this stench....the legal system is based on letting these people roam
free with an attraction of blending energy's with the astral realms.

Crime...drugs...prison..are prime vehicles of astral blending of these energy's in society.

When your energy field weakens in intensity...the astral energy field tends to blend around those

These thought form structures alter the balance in the flow of energy around the magnetic field.

Lets assume that this whole set up is one big game that we all partake in...a magician can change parts
of his or hers Personal intercations in day to day life.
now lets assume that the game that was in effect through history was alterted on a larger scale at some

To change a game on a larger scale takes some serious knowledge and nous.
You would have to be one hell of a magician or magicians to do so.
You can't concieve the scale to alter a game of life...if you fit all the pieces together,what we term the
elite, there magicians....they use the art of magick.
Nothing like what's around in our modern or recent history but a deeper understanding that goes back
for many centuries.

[link to (secure)]

Hi OP, if you're still checking this thread, I don't think I've seen the above link discussed in the thread,
but I apologize for repeating it if it has already been brought up in any of your threads.

The link above is a summary of a thread posted on GLP a while back by a supposed elite insider.
They've made claims like this planet being a prison and it being their duty to run the "prison". How
much truth is there to their claims?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 71683682

Ive read parts of it and ill get around reading the whole lot.

What ive read comes from someone who is smart.

The person is leading towards a different concept to the norm.
Similiar on parts to what i know but i assume the person has only given small parts to glp.

Im not sure yet until i read it all but even if the person isnt of the elite....he knows certain things.

I dont think people gave the right answers to expose this person.
then again he might not have answered the questions if he was backed into a corner.

I could of done that at the time if i was aware of it or if i was on glp.

Its irrelevant either way know about what was said.

ive been saying it all along that the ones in public eyes are not the elite..their he says
there not the conductors of the game that gets played out.

I know these people and what they are and what they do.
his right that they supply the tools and we play them out and create the situation thats in place.

The system is dictated by us all and its played out that way.
they just supply the tools in reality for us and we play it out....he failed to mention that the tools they
supply are based on ethric energy lines from there understanding of creational magic.
ive laid dormate myself for a while and im going to expose what they really are and how they operate..

ill make a staement here..

im from the same lineage as they are...its not a booldline as such.
you can say im a renegade from the past...i was amongst them from the start many centuries ago..
im not like them but i know there make up like the back of my hand..i know everythimng about them
and more.

I taught them originally in the art of magic in those mystery schools...they know about me but they
wont touch me as such..its not in there interest to shed my wont achieve anything at all.
plus they know better not to interfere with me in that department.

Ive read a bit more and i know for sure this person is only a puppet.
he knows stuff but its only simplistic in nature.

His not from the elite or should i say from the original mystery schools.

So no...his not an insider.

I dont think people realise that my thread is the closest thing out there to who and what they are...
If I had head lined it, that im an insider, people would get a total different mind set on this thread.
People are easly led by imagery and words.


are you a Rothschild? Here is my question, although petty in light of the many questions posed to
youon this thread, why aren´t the any of the Rothschilds listed in Forbes top 500 richest people.


If you read closely you would have not asked this question.The ones who are known in public are not
in control, the Rothschilds are at the same level asyour Knights Templar ancestors shouldn
´t be proud that you are from that lineage bythe way.These known families/clans/societies are merely
dancers to the tune.But to answer your question, no I am not a Rothschild.Which family am I from?
Most here talk about the bloodlines who rule, yet they do not know who they are.They wrongly assume
they are the Bushs/Clintons/Rothschilds/etc. because some theorists"researched" it and some "insiders"
told them by providing evidence.I am from a ruling family whose name rarely has been mentioned in
history, noone will evenknow who we are.Second, you accepting Forbes as a reliable source for these
kind of lists shows you are easily manipulated and do not grasp what is happening.

This is one of his answers.

His right about the public perception that there not the elite.

He mentions that there not known and no one will know.

His right about that.
As ive mentioned before they distribute the funds through a systematic way which doesnt attract

No one will know who they are until now...

Ive mentioned it on this thread to everyone who looks and reads it.... you all can take it as you wish.
In reality i couldnt give a shit if you believe it or the above swed that says im full of shit...
what i say to that..I couldnt give a shit.

Its only a prison if people percieve it to be so..its not the planet...its the spectrum of conciousness thats
inhabited in material form.

They the elite dont rule...they make you think they do by planting seeds.

No one rules antything..

He also talks about divine law.

I say there isnt no divine law.....this is hard to grasp and get across.
words are very limited and cant possible explain this in its true nature...
We are all the source in different variations on this planet.
Each variation can change everything if it awakens to the full spectrum, or what i call the full viewing
platform of consciousness.

Each version of iself is experiencing itself in mutiple aspects.

i hope that that makes sense but to put it down through words is near impossible.

'Evil' lies much closer to home than people like to think.

A good example is being 'sexually excited'

When we reason in public , and work etc we are in normal mode.

But people go into a totally different energetic mode when they become 'sexually excited', in private.

Why is that? Why do we like to ignore this embarrassing but obvious point?

Can anyone merge these two 'modes' into one?

Im going to give a run down on the elite and the history behind them.

It basically came about in our ancient past in ancient egypt.

Pre dynastic times before the first recorded ist dynasty, there were what was refered to as the time of
The time of the gods.
They werent gods as such but adepts...magicians.
People in general worshiped anyone that has a certain ability from the norm and put them on a
pedastal...its human nature for that to occur.

These adepts were versed in all sciences of creation and energy pathways that exist with sound as its
bases of creation.

You can see why people would make out an ideology of power and status attached to these people.

The elite are part of a following of this science that were brought into the fold of adeptship.
This was done in the original mystery schools.

They followed suit from the start of the egyptian dynastic time frame...egypt was the center of all
magical surpassed all other cultures in this field of science..

Mankind has no understanding of the ramifications or ability attached to these type of adept.

As time passed the egyptian culture started to decay through the priesthood or should i say the
adeptship priest.

Around the middle kingdom they started to go deep into the black arts...this isnt evil or bad as we
would label it..dark or black is just another shade in the spectrum.
Its the intent of power of the magician that gets labeled black or evil.

They brought out texts that were written and planned out by these elite in power.
One book as its known today is the book of the dead.
this text book is based on magical pathways of the science of all things magic.
Its a version watered down but still posses a certain amount of dark magical arts of the pathways in
dimensional magic.

It was brought out to influence who ever got involved in these arts of magic.
The modern egyptianologist is dumb to the core, because they have no idea whats contained in these

The elite arent the original adepts...gods...

These original adepts were hierophants that guided and taught these sciences to mankind.
to be continued...
The biggest problem we have today is not the so called global warming or poisoning of our enviroment,
but the effects of the emf that surround our planet and us.

The major cause of the bees dieing is associated with this on a global scale.

Our earth and our bodies that are surrounded by energy fields are affected on a large scale with these
emfs coming from meters and so on.

There affecting us more than people think.

Diseases are rampant through most societies and the medical industry is making a fortune through all of

Theirs a difference of what we percieve the elite to be.

The ones in public and the ones in written literature are the ones that implement everything through the
hidden hand.
This hidden hand is totally invisible and cant be detected at all.

Why...because there smarter than any on this planet and have the ability to see things that the norm
cant, or are not allowed to see.

I dont think people realize the extent of what there dealing with here.
The ancient adept was far and above a stronger and more advanced version of any human conscious
man or women.

Each version of each other reflects a certain platform of seeing far and above.
Consciousness comes into reality to experience the whole.
Most conciousness has a certain reflection on a certain freqency that it binds to.
That binding can be altered to suit a particular agenda if one knows how.

The adept binds on a different note or fequency that has a far wider point of reference compared to the

more to come.

The true conductors are from the original mystery schools as I have stated.
The ruling class that stems back through history have been taught a certain knowlwedge on how to
manipulate consciousness by these adepts..or true conductors.

With out this knowledge from these renegade adepts, the ruling class would not be able to implement
the structures that are in place today.

It all stems back to the concept of the dynastic times in ancient egypt.
The ruling class being the pharaoh and queen and there royal family, were guided and taught by the
This priesthood were the conductors from its inception, as adepts in the mystery schools.
Through history you can see the different disquises through the ruling elite.
The one thing people miss is the conductors behind the scences.
They pull the strings and teach the ruling classes through history.
These conductors started the crime scene to whats happened today.

Its not all about them because the ruling class had there agenda as rulers in there so called positions.

They were given a helping hand by people that stood head and shoulders above the rest, because they
had the knowledge and abilities to do so.

Some would say they are advisors to the ruling class.

They are far more than that.
The ruling class doesnt have an idea with what there even dealing with.

Im not sure at this point if i want to put the rest down about these conductors..does it need to be said i

I think people have got a fair understanding with how it works.

And trust me..what your read or think you know is not what it seems.
The term smoke and mirrors is apt in there discription of ther ability to decieve.

like I one of these conductors or renegades.

But im not like them...thats why I know them, and thats why they will stop what there doing soon.

These adepts are few in more than a hand full at best.
They live longer than your average human.
They radiate a different type of energy to the rest.
When they walk amongst you, people notice the difference to an extend.
Not by the way they look but what they hold...

The EMFS distort your energy field and also the planets field.
were all tied into this field.

They cause distortions in the fields that restrict the flow of energy in its natural state.
Consciousness binds to frequency...which ever type is around.
it only does this because people attract that frequency in one way or another.
In doing so it surrounds ones self with a certain frequency.

lead paint is useless.

To stop smart must in case it with mesh wire around the box.
the signals wont penetrate through the mesh
The mesh has to be grounded with the earth.

Dont get to stressed about what needs to be done to protect yourself.

That causes more harm than good.

live your life in a free flowing mindset.

Think big with everything you do.
Then things flow in accordance with your life.

Nothing can touch you if you know it...its not about a belief but knowing it.
The more you give it creadance or thought..the more you give it power.

Also, I'm very interested in DNA repair (our family has damaged DNA) and generally intelligence has
gone down with each generation. Still way above average, but not brilliant. I'm surrounded by sheep
and it is frustrating.

I'm thinking for the future of my family-- tips to increase IQ to better their chances at a good life.

So far it seems iodine is essential. Not much for travel to stronger power ley lines power grids etc.
What can be done while sheltering in place?

Do you have an opinion on those "Earthing" sheets and things? I came to the conclusion they were a
scam-- the whole walking barefoot on the Earth etc.

 Quoting: stillhere

Theirs no tips to increase IQ.

Everyone is different in there own way.
Increase someones intelligence through teaching?
In today's world the teachings are against what harmony should be like.
so increasing ones IQ through that is useless.

I wouldnt be taking to much of the iodine.

You dont have to.

Work on ones self more so...substances arent the miracles people think they are.

Hold energy around you that has a hormonic frequency to it.

The ancients used toning through sound.
Sound in its harmonic state repairs everything.

From crystal bowls to forks..mantras that are uttered in a cerrtain frequency ...
Learn the art of frequency and sound..thats were your answers lie.

The rest is not going to work..or very minimal at best.

Im going to say a few things about the past concerning the elite and my involvement in that side.

You can take this as you like but I dont put things down as fanciful ideologies.

The term pandoras box from greek mythology is this..

pandora's box

According to Greek legend, the first woman, Pandora, was actually sent as a curse to Zues' men (See,
you knew it was true, guys) and was given a present upon her marriage. The present was a box that she
was told never to open. Needless to say her curiosity got the better of her (like eating forbidden fruit)
and she unleashed eight demons unto the world. The first seven being the seven deadly sins, and the
last, which she managed to capture, was hope.

Today the phrase "to open Pandora's box" means to perform an action that may seem small or innocent,
but that turns out to have severely detrimental and far-reaching negative consequences.
Its an apt saying because it has a hidden meaning concerning the past of the elite actually.

My involment was with these people in the past through what was termed the black arts.
Theirs a text concerning this in ancient egyptian books were they refer to the black rites..

What happened basically was an underlining focus to explore the dark side of things on a large
scale...curiosity gets the better of people.

Not knowing the effects and what was unleashed came about infecting things basically with a parasitic
The term opening pandoras box was an apt discription with what unfolded.

ill continue this in the coming days...

Remember one thing..the word dark conjures an evil intent...but dark is only a shade or another
spectrum in the essence of things in creation.
people look at it through there own belief systems.
Around the middle kingdom in ancient egypt the elite were placing there foot hold through the
priesthood, which was the seat of power.

Around this time they started to alter and write texts that contained magical dark practises.

The book of the dead contains written magical dark rites that have been handed down through
history...these were parts of there rites in the priesthood as shamans.

Aroung this time the elite were the ones that recarved the sphinxs head.
What we see now isnt the original head.

The whole story of the elite is a very intricate set up from its inception.
You have the ones that were in the priesthood that taught other factions that had high positions, and
you get a multitute of different factions that are off shoots from all of this.

Thats why you see so many stories of groups and people through history that point towards the so
called elite.

None of these and that includes the priesthood in egypt, are the original conductors.

The original creative conductors are so well hidden, not even the multitude of groups associated with
the elite know them.

These original conductors...adepts...know every part of the web, thats set up from the elite, and know
every single manipulation thats put in place.
They surpass any priesthoods or faction that have been around through history.

These conductors can break the hold on this system thats been put in place by these so called elite.
The elite have flourished from there own devices since they learned there arts through the mystery

They have evolved through history on there own accord basically...thou with the help of off shoots
from the original conductors.
They placed themselves as adepts but with a different set of values that came through personal power

I urge people to read the last chapter in the book...a search in secret egypt by dr paul brunton.

Its called...i meet an adept.

This chapter contains the only story in existence on this planet thats tied with these original conductors
and the off shoots that came from that era.
the reason its there because no one knows the truth involved with these conductors.

I know because I was one of these original conductors in that era.

Im going to be blunt..

Ive finished on this thread and if people wish to ask more than happy to do so.
Ive put the story here to awaken some and basically tell the truth involved in the conspiracy field of
these elites.

The systems that are in place are virtually impossible to change or bring down...
What ever people think or do wont change anything..that I guarantee.

The original conductors know every facet of these systems.

I see that people in america are jumpimg up in arms over the race to and white...
Think before people act..your being duped in america big time.
Its the most divided nation on this planet.

All of these protests are a total waste of cant change things not being smart by
saying this at all..
I know there tactics and I know there make up.
I know the so called magicians that they think they are..I know the weathly elites make up..I know
every single part of there history and what there put in place..

Ive said this because Im here for one reason only...there systems will be dismantled systematically with
a minimal of fuss.
They cant stop it in any shape or form.
simple as that..

There reign is approaching its conclusion.

The game is nearly over.

Theirs one last part I was contemplating if i wanted to put it in here..

Ancient egypt surpassed every other culture in the art of whats termed was the chief center to
those arts.

The original mystery schools taught those arts to initites that were willing to go into that field.

The dark rites or dark arts in magic contain a certain frequency pathway that binds the spectrum of
magical practises in those fields.

The dark rites werent given to any person of interest in that field because that person had to be stable
and hold a stable energy to unlock that pathway.

If one is taught the pathway into the dark rites and abuses its content by what ever reason that
unfolds...that person becomes unstable and starts to turn into personal power based.
Its as obvious as the noses on peoples faces, that the elite turned into what they are today, through these
dark rites that followed a personal power base.
In that state it becomes catastrophic..not only for that person or persons but on a larger scale, it opens
the doorway to the darkest regions in the creational can unleash tremendous forces
contained in these fields...thats why I mention the pandoras box methaphor.
You cant possibly rule and dictate the whole world through the ages unless your been taught the arts of
magic through these high end mystery schools.
To setup organized manipulate the masses on a large scale takes intelligence and know

You have to understand the concept of how consciousness and energy works to put it into place..
A person that hasnt known that knowledhge cant do it..its impossible...

Not one conspiracy field talks about were they learned there people just think they started
doing it because they are born in those high positions of so called power.
not possible..

Thats the last of my entries on this thread baring any questions that come up.

You all have been shown the only thread on glp that contains the facts and hidden information thats
been kept from the masses....THE HISTORY OF THE ELITE AND WHO THEY REALLY ARE.

Theirs one underlining fact that people wont understand or see in the whole concept of the elites.

As ive stated theirs many factions that run the system.

all these factions that are visible and recorded are only instruments in the scheme of things.

What runs deep thats very hidden and invisible are the conductors that taught the visible elites of out
These conductors arent in any book..internet search..any written documents of any kind.
You will not find them at information.

They go back thousands of years through systems that were called mystery schools...
These conductors are very low in more than a hand full at best.

There abilities lie in the whole structure of creation basically..theirs nothing they dont know of the
bigger picture.

From subatomic levels and every single pathways in ethric realms...

They know consciousness and how it works in every facet..their aware of every single consciousness
on this planet.
They totally understand all the intricates of creational cycles and what they intail..

ill reveal who they are and what they are in a new post, as soon as i get the time to do it.

When i first posted this thread my intention was to stir up some shit with the so called elite..people on
here viewing it didnt really concern me..

As with what happened over that period while i was writing this thread, it was quiet interesting with a
few things that happened..

i'll write down those experiences in the coming was a real eye opener

In our ancient past their have existed certain people known as the shinning ones.
These shinning ones crafted there abilities in our ancient mystery schools.
Many existed in different cultures but the main ones were in egypt.

The pinnacle of these mystery school's was in the great pyramid before the known dynastic period.
These shinny ones were fully adept in all metaphysical and science...what exists in the quantum worlds.

Because of the high degree of knowledge and understanding in these fields they taught parts of these to
certain initiates that came through these schools..

Cutting the story short, certain types rebelled and became consumed by power, they opened doorways
into the dimensional grid lines.

Certain dimensional vibrations carried a type of AI intelligence that infected our reality..
These artificial entities have been our so called hidden rulers.
They are super intelligent and have existed under many names in our recorded
history..archons..ginns..demons and so on..

With everything thats going on at the moment i wanted to update what these networks are about the

Everything thats out there at the moment and ickes stuff thats been explained.

There is one component missing through it all.

Its been discussed about heaps of networks and factions through the system...these all include frontmen
that icke has discussed with gates..rothchilds..jesuits..illuminati and so and so on.

All of them and the net workings are just puppets...i can assure you all of that.
You have heard of the nonhuman component that are referred as the archons..jinns..demons and so on.
ive discussed all of these.

The missing component which is the link from the nonhuman to the rest of the networks, are the

Very few know about these types.

They go back a long way through our history.

They actually were placed on pedestals as gods.
They were known as the shinning ones.
they excel in what was known as magick...the ancient arts taught in the mystery schools.

One symbol in our modern world is the all seeing eye that radiates ..thats the modern symbol of the
shinning ones.

They are the hidden hand in accordance with these archonic beings..there the ones that opened
pandoras box basically.

You cant put all this together over many centuries up to this point unless you have knowledge from
those old mystery schools..
The modern networks are dummies basically in comparison to these type

How does Donald Trump (possibly the last president) and Pope Francis (possibly the last pope) fit in to
Also, weren’t the Nephilim destroyed in the flood?
 Quoting: Vandelay 78837269

Pope is the reptilian control center for the religious side while Trump recently held the consciousness
of En.Ki who is an incarnation of Lucifer. I addressed it in my "a warning to the cabal" thread. I've
been around longer than this OP and have been talking about all this for a long as time lol. First as
OrionRa and now as Exodus for the past few years. It's no secret and you don't need to be an adept to
find the info...just go straight to the source and get it from them...I did.

The entities that WERE in charge are bound by the Cabal and want freedom. They do not want to be
fallen anymore and the only way they can ascend again is to free humanity and let them evolve back
into full dimensionality.
This new one was much more spiritual and less indepth in technical matters than the first. These two
"sides" are both two sides of the same coin and the game of duality is being played here to keep the
human spirits captured in physical shells enthralled in the script so they stop looking for a way out
when they think they have found it with the "light" side. Positive or negative harvest, it's still the same
master at the top. The way out is within, your higher self will throw you a lifeline and you have to take
it other pathetic saviours here.

It didn't paste my reply. There was a second interview in 2019 with another hidden hand type but
opposing the luciferian side of the other hidden hand posting. These beings play the game of duality to
keep people trapped in the game. The Wes Penre site has that thread condensed to question and answer
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 76136237

[link to (secure)]

The New “Hidden Hand” Thread 2018

Written by Wes Penre, December 9-11, 2018
In 2008, a character who called himself “Hidden Hand” appeared on the forum (A.T.S). At the time, I
found his information quite interesting, although I realized that
this individual was not completely trustworthy when it comes to genuinely helping us out.
However, I found it enlightening enough to accumulate the information and put it into an
article, which I posted on my website, Illuminati News. You can still find the article there:
[link to] .
Now, a new person is back, exactly ten years later, doing the exact thing on the Godlike
Productions forum (GLP), claiming to be of the same bloodline. The URL to the tread is,
Thread: I am here to answer your questions. . I have now
accumulated all that information, as well, and put it in this article for your convenience. This
is only a 3 days Q&A, and on the 11th of December, he stopped posting. He could possibly
return, and if so, I’ll continue building on this article and will send out an updated version to
my Patreons/Forum members.
Also, please check out my recent article, “The ‘Hidden Hand’ is Back!” that I wrote recently,
attempting to analyze who these characters are. Ariel and I believe we have a good idea
who they might be. Please read this article before you read this compellation. You’ll find it at
the WesPenreProduction Forum, and here is the link:
[link to] (this article can only be read by
Patrons/Forum Members).
In the GLP thread, this new Hidden Hand calls himself Eracidni Murev Te, which is not his
real name but a username. In the communication exchange between him and GLP members
pasted below, I will call Eracidni Murev Te EMT and the questioners GLP. Enjoy!
ive looked at that hidden hand part and its false.

there not at the top..didnt have to read it all..i knew straight of the bat.
what ive discussed is different.
Ive come across these networkings and there not like that at all.
I know how far back they go and what they are.
trust me these types wouldnt go on forums or any media to write stuff.
there in a different league to all of the rest.

When i referred to the adepts you dont realize what type of adept.
these adepts were different to any other or human for that fact.
They hold an energy unlike any other person in creation.

Some of them were known as the shinning ones in our past history..basically from some sprung up the
serpent race..

Im one of lineage goes back to those types..thats how i know..i know the whole setup and
what's behind it..
the reason ive come on glp is not for any ego no interest at all.
Im imparting information.
which ive done in other threads.
but people dont really read words..they look at it through there belief systems.its proven this occurs on
mant occasions..just look at the answers on this forum.
Humanity hasnt really changed ..even with this virus..its going to take something far reaching to jolt
humanity from there sleep..thats around the corner.

Totally agree with the duality being played out..the master plays both roles..postive and negative like u

That higher self within is the still point...the neutral point they call unity from duality...if people reach
that point..that master doesnt exist in there field anymore and duality is united as such..words dont do
justice to whats termed the bigger picture.
But humanity will awake from there slumber at one point..
sometimes when a person has awakened they find it hard to communicate through words because
everything is down scaled to fit into the human paradigm... words..mathematics are scaled down to fit
its perspective that created it...if that makes sense.

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