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A Historical Research of the

Ten Tribes Scattered

Into the Nations
Part 10
Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathways

A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes
Scattered Into the Nations

Part 10

By Prof (Dr) WA Liebenberg

Academic Proofread by: Ed Garner BTh. MSc.

The 1998 Scriptures Bible has been used as basis unless

otherwise referenced
All internet sites retrieved during November 2016

Distributed by:
Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute
Gauteng – South Africa
Mobile: +27 (0)83 273 1144
November 2016

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A special thank you to all who contributed to make this concise exposition of
A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations a reality. I
have cited you in the footnotes and salute you for your exceptional research
work, without your great insight this booklet would not be a reality. It is my
prayer that the citations will lead the readers to your individual work. This
series is written in such a way that it is easily understandable, yet
academically sound.

Special Thanks to These Expert Consultants

1. This is an academic research and does not represent any specific religion.
2. Re-unification of the Two-Houses of Israel without proselytizing: The publishers of this series recognize
the extensive damage done to the Jewish people over the centuries by Christian attempts to convert them
to Christianity. We do not support any of these missionary activities, either historically or currently. If you
are Jewish, we, the researchers, do not wish to proselytize, to persuade you to accept any other beliefs, or
to influence you to abandon your historic and correct faith. Rather, we strive to influence non-Jews to
return to the Hebraic Roots of the Original One True Faith, to Jewish Halachah, to Rabbinic authority and
to Torah.
3. This research reflects the opinions of the following consultants listed below and they may not
necessarily agree with the entire content of this research series.

Rabbi Avraham Feld. Founder of the Kol haTor Project: The Biblical
Prophetical Promise of the Restoration of the House of Israel: He graduated at the Yeshiva College with
studies in Jewish philosophy and psychology, earning his Rabbinic
degree in 1983. His activities include extensive research projects for
politicians and commentators on several topics. He maintains serious
projects of rescue, in which field he holds world-wide reputation. He is
author and co-author of several religious research publications on
Biblical topics. (Israel)

Prof Lela Tsitsuashvili. PhD Art History, Curator, Head of Temporary

Exhibitions Department, Georgian National Museum, Tbilisi 0105,
Georgia. 3 Purtseladze Street, University of Georgia. 77a Kostava
(Georgian Jew)

Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum. Founded the Azamra Institute in 1986: He is an internationally-known Torah teacher,
author of over twenty-five books, gained his MA in classics and social
sciences at Cambridge University. As a Harkness Fellow he studied at
Harvard and Columbia, after which he spent four years as a BBC Radio
news commentator and producer. (Israel)

Yair Davidiy. Founder of the The Brit-Am / Hebrew Nations, Lost Ten
Tribes of Israel Movement: as well as Hebrew
Nations: Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: Research, Representation, and
Reconciliation: Brit-Am /
Hebrew Nations works to Research the Whereabouts of the Ten Tribes;
to Reveal (and Represent) the Findings and Implications of this
Research; and to bring about a Reconciliation between the present-day
Jews of Judah and the Ten Tribes in Western Nations. (Israel)

Inna Ruchyova: Investigative and Critical Analytical Journalist. Faculty

of Journalism, Social Psychology, Specific Methods of Sociological
Research, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, (Russian Jew)

OvadYah Avrahami. co-Founder of the Kol haTor Project: Biblical

Prophetical Promise of the Restoration of the House of Israel: OvadYah Avrahami is an independent
research scholar. His publications have been circulated internationally
since the early sixties and have affected the thinking and Scriptural
interpretation of non-Jewish Bible scholars on all levels - from novice
right through to academically qualified teachers world-wide. (Israel)

David Ben Melekh (David Jirkvalidze). Scientist, Researcher of the

Israelite Tribes and Genetic Linages through DNA Genetic Inheritance
Structures (J2 Haplogroup frequencies), and author of the "Book of
Books". Citizen of Georgia. (Georgian Jew)

The Road To Success Is Always Under Construction…

Dolmens and Megalithic Monuments originated in Ancient Israel. The

prophet Jeremiah (31:21) is instructed to make it clear that the Ten
Tribes will construct a trail of Megalithic Monuments from their homeland
Israel to their places of deportation and further migration into the
nations, and evidence of this path will be a vivid reminder of their
forefathers and will also enable them to return. Such a trail undoubtedly
exists and is embedded in the earth’s crust! It is the Trail of the Dolmens
from the Middle East to the the various nations.

Megalithic Menhirs , Cairns, Dolmens, Cromlechs and Tumuli are

'believed' by archaeologists to be prehistoric burial chambers, unearthed
from different parts of the world, from the Golan Heights of Israel, Jordan
valley, the Nile delta, the Caucuses Mountains, North- Western Europe,
Southern Russia, Indian Subcontinent to Korea. But are they really
prehistoric and only connected to funerals? Why the refusal to use
Biblical evidence as the final authority of truth?

The bulk of the Megalithis Monuments are undoubtedly the concrete

evidence of the Israelite settlements, who escaped from the Assyrian
captivity in c. BCE 722.

These Israelites gradually merged themselves into the local milieu and
disappeared as separate entities. The Ten Tribes of Israel are believed
to have thus disappeared from history, and they are known as the 'Lost
Tribes'. Gradually, some of the Ten Tribes converted to Hinduism in
India to Christianity in Europe, to Islam in Afghanistan and Pakistan and
other religions of the world, only leaving the clues of these legendary

The megalithic stone monuments and memorials are vivid Biblical

confirmation to inform us where they actually went:

20 Is Ephraim my dear son? is he a pleasant child? for since I

spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore
my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon

Kol HaTor: Leadership & Advisory Board consist of Rabbi Avraham Feld, Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum,
OvadYah Avrahami and Brit Am: Leadership Yair Davidiy are experts in the scattering and regathering of the Ten Tribes. Much of their
work will be used during this research series. Please visit their Websites for additional information.

him, saith HaShem. 21 Set thee up waymarks [menhirs,
dolmens, megalithic stone monuments], make thee high heaps
[cairns, waymarks, memorials]: set thine heart toward the
highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin
of Israel, turn again to these thy cities. (Jer 31:20-21 )

HaShem is passionate about the Ten Tribes, headed by the Ephraim

Tribe also called the House of Israel, and they will surely return from
their scatterings to the land of Israel as prophecy states.

In this part we will focus on the Silent Witnesses: Roads and Pathsways,
to prove in which paths the Tribes have migrated.

Summary of Part 9

The genetic offspring of Jacob assimilated with the local peoples of the
Caucasus and lived so for more than thousands of years. They, the Ten
Tribes, including some of the House of Judah’s Two Tribes, not only lost
their Jewish customs and the natural desire to identify themselves with their
ancestors, but also in the political sense. Today they do not even want to
talk about it.

During private discussions with Christian and Muslim Georgians,

Ossetians, Chechens and other peoples of the Caucasus, they agreed that
they are indeed the descendants of Jacob, but because of the current
political realities, they do not want to admit it. Only HaShem can begin the
practical merger of the Two Houses of Israel: Judah and Ephraim (Joseph).

The Physical Similarity and Scientific Evidence, through DNA analysis of

the Georgian people, now firmly confirms what the previous research areas
already covered:

1) Biblical Evidence (TaNaCh, Talmud, Apocrypha’s)

2) Historical Evidence (Chronicles, Historiography)
3) Archaeological Evidence (Diggings, Museums)
4) Evidence of Names of Historical Tribal Entities
5) Evidence of Ethnic Affiliations (with Other Entities for whom proof
6) Social and Cultural Evidence
7) Linguistical Evidence
8) National Characteristical Evidence
9) Mythological Evidence

KJV with Names replaced by the researcher.

10) Physical Similarity Evidence
11) Scientific Evidence

A vast amount of the Georgian people carry the 'Jacob' haplotypes, thus
giving undeniable evidence that Georgia is the only country in a radius of
'one-and-a-half-years journey by foot, to the north', which meets all the
requirements and criteria of Arsareth’s location. Many place Arsareth in
other countries around the Black Sea, but with no scientific evidence at all.

Etymologies and Definitions


Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of Megalithic
Monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration:

"Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart
toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again,
O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities." (Jer 31:21)

'Waymarks' in Hebrew is 'tsionim' and 'high heaps' in Hebrew is 'tamrurim'.

The same message is repeated though the wording is changed since both
tamrurim (high heaps) and tsionim (waymarks) connote 'elevated-height' as
they are derived from the same root tamar.

Megaliths, Dolmens and Menhirs

'Megalith' is a Greek word consisting of two parts: 1) megas – huge and 2)

lytos – a stone. Megaliths are constructions of huge stones or processed
stone plates connected without usage of mortar.

All megalithic buildings made of 1) processed stones or 2) hollowed out in

monolithic rocks are called 'dolmens'. The term was taken from European
archeology and it is made up of Celtic words: Tol – 'a table' and Men – 'a
stone'. Thus dolmen means 'stone table'.

A solitary situated megalith is denoted as 'menhir'. The word came from

Breton root of the French: Men – 'a stone' and Hir – 'long'. Also called a
'monolith' meaning 'single stone' and is a large single upright block of
stone, shaped into or serving as a single pillar or monument.
Breton or IPA: [bre.hõ.ˈnɛk] (in Morbihan)) is a Celtic language spoken in Brittany (Breton: Breizh;
French: Bretagne), in ancient France.
The most archaic type of these megalithic monuments consists of a single huge stone rock, thrust
vertically into the earth. These rough monoliths are called in archaeology today menhirs or peulvans.

Constructions of many near-by (grouped together) standing menhirs are
called 'cromlechs': kromm – 'rounded' and lech – 'a place'. The classical
example of a cromlech is Stonehenge in England. 'Alinements' are stone
alleys (lanes / passageways / pathways) stretching for some kilometers in
huge 'stone circles' or 'straight lines' as in Carnac in France.

Types of Stone Structures

There are five main types of these stone structures that are found on the
migration paths:

1) Menhirs – Single long upright stones.

2) Cairns – Piles of rocks, usually in a cone shape.
3) Dolmens – A stone slab on three or more uprights (see types below).
4) Cromlechs – A circle of stones sometimes enclosing dolmens or
barrows (tombs).
5) Tumuli – Mounds of earth and stones covering a burial chamber
(barrows, burial mounds, or kurgans).

Types of Dolmens

There are four types of Dolmens as seen in the pictures:

1) 'Plate dolmens' according to their forms are close to stone boxes

where four walls and coverings
represent whole plates. (It is
established that 92% of all the known
Caucasus dolmens are plate
dolmens.) The oldest and dominating
dolmens which flourished in the
Caucasus culture are thought by
scientists to date back to 2700 BCE.

2) 'Compound dolmens' are built with

one or several walls made up of
smaller plates or stone blocks.

3) 'Trough-shaped dolmens' are
hollowed out in the whole stone and
are covered with removable plates.

4) Dolmens-monoliths are hollowed out

in one stone or rock together with

All four pictures from Dolmens, Journey to

the Cradle:

Why Do Modern People Erect Grave Stones?

The use of menhirs as funerary monuments existed in various countries, for

example Dacia, until late in historical times. In ancient geography,
especially in Roman sources, Dacia was the land inhabited by the Dacians.
The Greeks referred to them as the 'Getae' (sub-tribe of the Scythians),
which were specifically a branch of the Thracians north of the Haemus
Mons (the Balkan Mountains).

Dacia was bounded in the south approximately by the Danubius River

(Danube), in Greek sources the Istros, or at its greatest extent, by the
Haemus Mons. Moesia (Dobruja), a region south of the Danube, was a
core area where the Getae lived and interacted with the Ancient Greeks to
enhance trade between them. In the east it was bounded by the Pontus
Euxinus (Black Sea) and the river Danastris (Dniester), in Greek sources
the Tyras. But several Dacian settlements are recorded between the rivers
Dniester and Hypanis (Southern Bug), and the Tisia (Tisza) to the west.

At times Dacia included areas between the Tisa and the Middle Danube.
The Carpathian Mountains were located in the middle of Dacia. It thus
corresponds to the present day countries of Romania and Moldova, as well
as smaller parts of Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Ukraine.

Dacians (or Getae) had both peaceful and military encounters with other
neighbouring tribes, such as Sarmatians, Scythians (Royal), and Celts.
Romanian folk traditions mention even today the boulders of stone which

were placed near graves, as 'eternal memorials of the deceased', a
tradition still kept today by western people, the erecting of gravestones.

In medieval historical documents of Hungary, the columns of rough stone

from the ancient times are called 'balvan' , a word whose origin is the
Romanian 'bolovan' (stone boulder), identical in form and meaning with the
archaic term from France, 'peulvan'. Kovary writes in 'Szaz Tortenelmi
Regek' p.105 about a huge funerary column, or menhir, in archaic style. He
says: "In the forest called Rica from the Secui region of Transilvania, it can
be seen near the road which crosses this forest, a huge stone boulder
(bolovan), 18 feet high, which is called 'Petra Ricei'" (the Stone of Rica).
The local people say a queen was buried here whose citadel was on the hill
which rises above this valley.

In some parts of Romania there are entire ancient cemeteries with graves
which are indicated by big and unmarked boulders. From the village
Radauti, Dorohoi district, we are told: "It is known from our forefathers that
on the estate Miorcani, at the boundary with Radauti, were buried Getea,
Sasi or Lazi and that those graves the stones were big and unmarked".

In the western parts of Europe, the funerary columns were called in

7 8
medieval Latin 'staplus'. This word is explained by Baluzius as 'lapis stele'
for 'column’, in Slavonic 'stlepe', Romanian 'stalp' (post). Some villages in
Romania bear the name 'Stalp', from the stone columns which had been
erected there in ancient times.

The megalithic monuments called 'menhirs' are usually isolated, but

sometimes they are placed in groups. When these groups are in the shape
of circles, they are called 'cromlechs', and when they are placed more or
less in straight lines, are called 'alignments'. The most remarkable
alignments in France are at Carnac in Bretagne. These alignments consist
of three groups separated from each other by some space, but forming the
same megalithic system. The boulders are placed regularly, at small
intervals, and their dimensions reduce gradually towards the ends of the

For a long time these enormous monuments of rough stone, and especially
the dolmens, have been considered, without any reason, as being made by
the Celts or the Druids.

Cod.dip. Arpadianus continuatus, VIII. 174. y. 1267.
Spineanu, Dictionar geogr. al jud. Mehedinti, p.166; Filip, Study of military geography of Oltenia, p.76.
Lex Salica – Tit. LVII.3.
Capitularia, II. p.687.

Another group of megalithic monuments also connected to funerals in
archaeology is 'dolmens'. The dolmens are funerary monuments and
consist of a huge stone slab or table placed horizontally on two or more big
boulders, thrust vertically in the ground. The size of the slabs and the
boulders is usually so enormous, and their transportation and lifting present
such great difficulties, that we are astonished today when we contemplate
them, and we ask ourselves how those 'primitive people' could dispose of
such efficacious mechanical means, in order to move these gigantic
masses of stone, to bring them often from a big distance and to lift them on
hills or mounds, in order to place them at their destined place.

Inside them, these dolmens contain one or several stone rooms, in which
were laid the bodies of the deceased. In Europe they exist in a more
considerable number in France, Britain, Denmark, Sweden and north
Germany, also in Italy, Georgia, Abkazia, in the north-eastern parts of the
Caucas, (Russia and Ukraine), in Persia, India, Arabia, in the northern
regions of Africa and in Central America.

In Romania, the only dolmen about which we have some archaeological

notes is the construction of huge boulders, or the artificial cave from the
mountain Lespedea (the Slab), from the sources of Ialomita. Thus placing
Arsareth here as many scholars do will be a 'grave mistake'.

Another name for a burial site is 'tumulus' (plural tumuli). This is a mound of
earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. Tumuli also are known as
barrows, burial mounds, or kurgans, and may be found throughout much of
the world. A cairn, which is a mound of stones built for various purposes,
might also originally have been a tumulus.

From ancient time people erected grave stones to remember the dead,
today the same tradition is still applied; nothing is new or should be frowned
upon when viewing these ancient areas as cemeteries on the Ten Tribers’
migration path.

Many 'pillars' and 'high heaps', not associated with death, were also left as
'waymarks' on the paths just as in Biblical times.

Stones In the Bible

The Hebrew term for 'standing stone' (menhir) is 'massebah', (plural

massebot), also written as 'matsevah', (plural matsevot). A cairn is a 'raised
heap' and is 'gal' in Hebrew, which will be discussed later concerning
'Gilgal'. The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many
places, both positive and negative:

Gen 28:18, 22: And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took
the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar
[menhir], and poured oil upon the top of it. And this stone, which I
have set for a pillar [menhir], shall be HaShem's house: and of all
that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee.

Gen 31:45-46: And Jacob took a stone, and set it up for a pillar
[menhir]. And Jacob said unto his brethren, Gather stones; and
they took stones, and made an heap: and they did eat there
upon the heap [cairn].

Gen 35:7, 14: And he built there an altar [dolmen], and called the
place Elbethel: because there Elohim appeared unto him, when he
fled from the face of his brother. And Jacob set up a pillar in the
place where he talked with him, even a pillar of stone [menhir]:
and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil

Exod 24:4: And Moses wrote all the words of HaShem, and rose
up early in the morning, and builded an altar under the hill, and
twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel [cromlech].

Exod 20:25: And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou

shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon
it, thou hast polluted it [dolmen].

Deut 27:1–5: 1 And Moses with the elders of Israel commanded

the people, saying, Keep all the commandments which I command
you this day. 2 And it shall be on the day when ye shall pass over
Jordan unto the land which HaShem thy Elohim giveth thee, that
thou shalt set thee up great stones, and plaister them with
plaister: 3 And thou shalt write upon them all the words of this law,
when thou art passed over, that thou mayest go in unto the land
which HaShem thy Elohim giveth thee, a land that floweth with milk
and honey; as HaShem Elohim of thy fathers hath promised thee.
4 Therefore it shall be when ye be gone over Jordan, that ye shall
set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount
Ebal, and thou shalt plaister them with plaister. 5 And there shalt
thou build an altar unto HaShem thy Elohim, an altar of stones:
thou shalt not lift up any iron tool upon them [menhir, dolmen,

1 Sam 7:12: Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between
Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying,
Hitherto hath HaShem helped us [menhir].

2 Sam18:17-18: And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great
pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him:
and all Israel fled every one to his tent [tumulus]. Now Absalom in
his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself a pillar, which is
in the king's dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in
remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name: and
it is called unto this day, Absalom's place [menhir].

Jer 31:21: Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set
thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest:
turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities [cairn,

Prov 22:28: Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy

fathers have set. [Boundary stones are often said to bring a curse
on anyone who moves them]

From these verses and many more, it can be seen that the tradition of
erecting standing stones and heaps as monuments to people and events,
had a long history with the Hebrew peoples.

Rabbis’ Interpretation

Below are some commentaries of leading Jewish academic and Rabbinical

scholars concerning Jer 31:21’s 'waymarks and high heaps':

Prof Yair Hoffman of the Tel Aviv University states in his commentary on
'The Book of Jeremiah [Heb.], Olam HaTanach':

"The Prophet calls upon the Exiles to indicate with special signs
their pathway into Exile, in order that they may quickly return to
the land by the path they went in. This method of marking a
pathway is practised unto this day. And how would they know to
find the way in Biblical Times? How would they describe the way of
journey or the border line? It appears that in Biblical times it was
accepted practice to make note of prominent features."

Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel comment: "The prophet therefore spoke
concerning the Kingdom of Israel [of the Ten Tribes] SET THEE
UP WAYMARKS saying that when you go into Exile make signs
by the routes and waymarks like piles of rocks [i.e. cairns] or
stone monuments [Hebrew: Matzavah, i.e. dolmen] so that you
may set your heart to the route and remember in order that you
may return in the way you went in, return to your city."

The most literal explanation of this verse amongst the Classical

Authoritative Rabbinical Commentators is that given by the 'Radak'…
Rabbi David Kimchi (Radak) says: "SET YOURSELF UP
WAYMARKS" (Jeremiah 31): This was directed to the Community
of Israel, that in the generation when they would be exiled they
should set up waymarks [i.e. "tsionim"] such as PILED-UP
STONES OR STONE MONUMENTS. The purpose of these
monuments was to mark the paths [of migration for the sake of
future recognition]. The meaning was to say that even though you
will be exiled, hope is not lost and you are still destined to return to
these your cities. "MAKE YOURSELF HIGH HEAPS" [Hebrew:

Isaac ben Judah Abravanel (1437–1508), commonly referred to just as Abravanel, also spelled
Abarbanel or Abrabanel, was a Portuguese Jewish statesman, philosopher, Bible commentator, and
financier. Abravanel wrote many works during his lifetime which are often categorized into three
groups: exegesis, philosophy, and apologetics. His philosophy dealt with the sciences and how the
general field relates to the Jewish religion and traditions, and his apologetics defends the Jewish idea
of the coming of the Messiah. Abravanel’s exegetic writings were different from the usual Biblical
commentaries because he took social and political issues of the times into consideration. He believed
that mere commentary was not enough, but that the actual lives of the Jewish people must be
deliberated on as well when discussing such an important topic as the Bible. He also took the time to
include an introduction concerning the character of each Book he commented on, as well as its date of
composition, and the intention of the original author, in order to make the works more accessible to
the average reader. Christian scholars appreciated the convenience of Abravanel's commentaries, and
often used them when preparing their own exegetical writing. This may have had something to do
with Abravanel’s openness towards the Christian religion, since he worked closely with Messianic ideas
found within Judaism. Because of this, Abravanel’s works were translated and distributed within the
world of Christian scholarship.
David Kimhi (also Kimchi or Qimḥi) (1160–1235), also known by the Hebrew acronym as the RaDaK
(Rabbi David Kimhi), was a medieval rabbi, Biblical commentator, philosopher, and grammarian. He is
probably best known today for his Biblical commentaries on the Books of the Prophets. He also wrote
commentaries on the Books of Genesis, Psalms, and Chronicles. His Biblical work mirrors his
grammarian work, and focuses on issues of language and form as well as upon content. He explains
words on the basis of their grammatical construction and their etymological development. His
commentary also includes homiletic and philosophical material, niqqud (vocalization), rabbinic
tradition of the reading, and literal meaning of the words. He also addresses key issues such as the
authorship of the various books and the historical eras in which the prophets were active, as well as
other historical and geographical questions. His interpretations were the favourite of the translators of
the King James Version.

"tamrurim"]. The same message is repeated though the wording is
changed since both "tamrurim" [i.e. "high heaps"] and "tsionim" (i.e.
"waymarks") connote elevated-height [from the root "tamar"]..."

The verse in Jer 31:21 may therefore be understood to say:

"Set yourself up stone monuments [menhirs, dolmens] and high

heaps of stones [cairns] [i.e. megalithic monuments]. Set your
heart towards the prepared way: The way in which you went. Turn
back o virgin of Israel, return unto these cities of yours."

Rabbinical thought summary:

 The mode of expression employed by the prophet should be

understood differently from that used by Moses.
 When Moses gave a Commandment it had to be obeyed.
 When the prophets issue an order concerning future action it means
they are predicting what will happen. They are telling us what must be
learned from this action.
 Jeremiah is saying that (for whatever reason) the exiled Israelites will
have stone monuments set up. Through these monuments Jeremiah
predicts that it will be possible in the future to learn of the Israelite
paths of migration away from the Land of Israel.
 Lesson: Once this is learned it will serve as a means by which they
may be persuaded to return.
 The inferred commandment to the exiles to erect 'tsionim" is therefore
applicable to the dolmens and other so called Megalithic Monuments.
 Many of these monuments date from the Bronze and Iron Age periods,
but some were erected before that during the Stone Age period as
proven in this research section.
 These monuments are mentioned in the Bible as being set up by the
Hebrew Patriarchs and Judges as well as by others.
 The ancient Israelites were always familiar with bronze and iron
utensils but it should be noted that in some cases the use of stone only
was enforced. An altar had to be erected of whole unhewn stones,
Exod 20:25; "An altar of whole stones over which no man hath lift up
any iron". Joshua was commanded to circumcise Israelites born in the
wilderness with "knives of flint" (Joshua 5:2-3). The Hebrew has
"Charvoth Tsurim" which the KJV imprecisely translates as "sharp
knives". 'Tsur' means 'flint or sharp stone'.
 Dolmens and related monuments are found in the Land of Israel, in
Jordan, in the Caucasus, in Spain, Brittany (France), Britain, and
Scandinavia. There are several types of dolmens and examples have

also been reported from Ethiopia, Japan and India. Eastern dolmens
are somewhat different from those of Israel and the west. Even so in
India the dolmens are linked with legends of green-eyed Scythians and
with the Ten Tribes.
 The type of dolmen found in the area of ancient Israel (on both sides of
the Jordan River) is the same as that found in Western Europe.
 The conventional dating applied in Europe to dolmens and the like is
too early. Most Megaltihic Monuments in Western Europe were
erected in the Late Bronze or Early Iron Age after the Israelites had
been exiled. People of Israelite origin erected them!
 In archaeological and historical studies of Western Europe dolmens
are associated with the Celtic Druids. Wherever Celts and Druids were
found together, so too, were there dolmens.
 Iron Age artifacts are frequently found together with or in the vicinity of
dolmens. Iron was largely introduced to Europe after 700 BCE with the
coming of the Celts (Scythians). Some of the Israelite groups used
bronze tools, some reverted to stone-age ones (as did the Dutch
Boers in South Africa in the 1700s), but on the whole the migrating
Israelites may be associated with iron.
 Through Dolmens a good case may be made for tracing the migrations
of the Ten Tribes to Western Europe.
 Some understand Jer 31:21 in a partly figurative sense but taken
literally according to Radak it means that a trail of megalithic
monuments should be traceable along the paths of migration as
indeed it is. Megalithic Monuments begin in the land of Israel on both
sides of the Jordan. They have offshoots of uncertain nature into Asia
but exact reproductions are found in the Caucasus, in Bulgaria, in
Spain, West France, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, England, Ireland
and Scotland.
 They describe two 'main' migratory paths via land from Israel to
Western Europe. These paths show us how the Ten Tribes left their
land and where they went to.
 Jeremiah the prophet transmits the command of HaShem telling us to
take heed of the paths we went in, the monuments we set up, and the
way leading back to the cities of our forefathers in the Land of Israel.

Moving on to verse 22: "How long wilt thou go about, o thou backsliding
daughter? For HaShem hath created a new thing in the earth, a woman
shall compass a man."

Rabbi Isaac Abarbanel on this verse says it refers to the Ten Tribes who at
first would be weak like a woman but later would gain strength like a man
and overcome the pagan Gentiles.

Radak on this verse says: "A WOMAN SHALL COMPASS A MAN: It is the
way of the world that a man goes after and hangs around a woman, as the
Sages said: Someone who has lost something seeks after what he is
lacking. Here the female goes after and around the man, that is the
Children of Israel will repent and return to their God who will redeem them."

The expression A WOMAN SHALL COMPASS A MAN is considered an

allegory to the Children of Israel attempting to return to HaShem, as if Israel
is symbolized by a female wooing her man who is the God of Israel. For a
few years Yair Davidiy has studied the Book of Jeremiah in a weekly class
given by Rabbi Mordecai Machles in Jerusalem. Rabbi Machles has
pointed out that today it is becoming acceptable for a female to initiate
courtship with a male. In the past this was unthinkable. Rabbi Machles
suggests that this development is connected with the expression in
Jeremiah, "a woman shall compass a man", and that this is a sign that the
prophecies of Jeremiah are about to be fulfilled.

"A woman shall compass a man" in Hebrew can be said to also mean that
a woman shall surround a man. The Rabbis said (Yebamot 62) that a
person should get married. Every one without a wife dwells without
happiness; without blessing, without goodness, etc. In Israel they said,
without Torah is without a wall (to protect him from temptation) as it says, "a
woman shall compass a man" to protect him, she should be his helpmate.

On a symbolic level this verse has been applied to the Ten Tribes who will
initiate an approach to Judah to which Judah will reply.

From King Solomon to Christianity

Conventional history tells us that the stones were also put up by the
Phoenicians, which is partially true as the Phoenician colonisers were also
Hebrew, in fact the name 'Eber' which is where we get 'Hebrew' from,
means 'coloniser' in the Hebrew-Phoenician language.

From the time of Abraham in 2000 BCE to King Solomon, the Hebrew-
Phoenicians dispersed themselves among the native inhabitants of the
lands they colonised, absorbing some of their pagan beliefs and producing
the syncretistic cultures we associate with them in Europe, the Middle East
and Asia. This is why we see HaShem’s name mixed-in amongst others
such as Baal, Ishtar and Tammuz. Those that remained in Phoenicia
helped to establish King Solomon’s mighty empire around 1000 BCE.

Thank you very much to Yair Davidi’s article, Dolmens and Scripture: Please support his work.

We will prove later in this research series that sea voyages around the
world were fairly common during the time of King Solomon, the son of King
David, during Israel's 'golden age.' King Solomon's incredible wealth also
strongly points to the Los Lunas stone inscription as having been carved
during his reign. Financing sailing voyages of discovery and maritime trade
is no small feat. Vast sums and investments are required. King Solomon
was the wealthiest king who ever lived, and undoubtedly had the resources
to fund such far reaching and dangerous voyages. During this time the
Phoenicians were masters of the sea. Also, during his reign, Israel was in
league with the other major world powers of the day, including Tyre the
seat of the Phoenicians, and the nation of Egypt (Solomon married the
daughter of Pharaoh, thus cementing that alliance).

They built cities and industrial centres wherever they went, transforming
wilderness into farmland and establishing trade routes from Britain in the
west, to India and China in the east. There was a great exchange of
science and technology between Egypt, Crete and Sumer, which spread
along these highways into Europe. They were excellent craftsmen and
metalworkers as well as traders, and we find evidence of this in the intricate
artefacts of metal, glass, weapons and jewellery in the cairns that they left
behind. Tin from the mines of Cornwall, an area with a huge concentration
of megaliths, was used as far afield as India.

The Phoenician colonists aided and driven by King Solomon’s vast Empire,
were the first people to start the neolithic culture, and they also brought
with them the social structures that grew into our modern systems of
law and commerce. There are hundreds of Phoenician coins and
inscriptions that have been found around Britain and elsewhere, that
indicate that the early Britons were the same people as the Hebrew-
Phoenicians. Thus the oldest and most mysterious dolmens, menhirs, etc.,
were placed there under the authority of King Solomon as the first

The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone (also known as Commandment Rock) is a large inscribed rock located
at Hidden Mountain, near Los Lunas in New Mexico. The flattened front of the boulder is inscribed
with what is thought to be an abridged version of the Decalogue — the Ten Commandments . The
language of the inscription has been interpreted by some as a form of Paleo-Hebrew, leading to claims
that the stone, in combination with other artifacts found in North America, represents strong evidence
of pre-Columbian Semitic contact with the Americas. Too heavy to move, the Los Lunas Decalogue
Stone remains in situ and may be visited by anyone who wants to check it out and make up their own
mind. The first line of the inscription has now been destroyed by vandalism.
Sumer was the urban civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, modern-day
southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze ages.

The megalithic structures in Britain all appear to have been built using the
same unit of measurement, termed 'the Megalithic yard' by Prof Alexander
Thom, who surveyed over three hundred sites researching it. The
exception to this universal system of measurement is Stonehenge itself,
which was built using 'the Royal cubit', the unit of measurement used for
building the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt! (Recommended reading: "A
Hebraic Perspective: The Bible Explains the Origin of the Sphinx and
Pyramid of Giza" by the author of this research.)

This implies at the very least, an intimate relationship between the builders
of Stonehenge and the 'source' of the Pyramid of Giza, as well as contact
and understanding between Sumer and India, since each place used the
'megalithic yard' for construction purposes. Prof Thom also confirmed the
complicated astronomical alignments that many of the stone structures
have, more significantly their encoded messages. Stonehenge itself can be
15 16
used to tell the solstice and the equinox exactly, along with the phases
of the moon, letting the operators of it know when the correct time to sow
seed was. There is only 'one' combining factor linking the 'megalithic yard'
to all these structures – the Hebrew people!

Hebrew historical traditions credit Adam, Seth and Enoch with the first
understanding of the heavens. According to Flavius Josephus 94 CE,
"Enoch was the first of the Sethites to learn the secrets of the stars", and
we read in the Apocryphal book of Jubilees 4:17 that "he was the first
among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and
wisdom, and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of
their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years
according to the order of their separate months". (Recommended reading:
"A Hebraic Perspective About Why You Must Study The Stars" by the
author of this research.)

Similar alignments are found between the stone structures of Britain and
Europe, and those in the other places the Hebrews colonised. The stone
rows of Carnac in Brittany have their mirror image in the Do-ring monument
in Tibet, an area where the Scythians dominated. Both have alignments

Prof Alexander "Sandy" Thom (26 March 1894 – 7 November 1985) was a Scottish engineer most
famous for his theory of the Megalithic yard, categorisation of stone circles and his studies of
Stonehenge and other archaeological sites.
When the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion. The day of the solstice is either the longest
day of the year (summer solstice) or the shortest day of the year (winter solstice) for any place outside
of the tropics.
When the Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun, which occurs twice each year,
around 20 March and 23 September. On an equinox, day and night are of approximately equal
duration all over the planet.

drawn from east to west, with a cromlech at the western end. Avebury,
which is the largest stone circle in Britain, has its mirror image in Darab,
Persia, also a place there the Scythians (Parthians) dominated, which is
also aligned east to west. Sir Henry Morton Stanley, famous British explorer
was struck by the similarity between a cromlech on Mount Gerizim in
Israel, and the stone circles of Britain. He claims it to be nearly identical to
the circles of Britain, which is discussed in more detail later.
There isn’t much recorded of Druidry, a religion of the ancient Britons, as
they learnt everything orally and left little writing of their own. The later
Druids that Julius Caesar wrote about were not responsible for the
construction of the megaliths, but they did still retain aspects of the builders’
original system of belief in their own, as can be seen by the relative ease
with which it evolved years later into Christianity.

The educational system of the Druids can be traced to around 1800 BCE
when Hu Gadarn Hyscion ('Isaacson' meaning 'son of Isaac'), 'Hu the
Mighty' arrived in Britain, with a party of colonisers from Asia Minor. This is
written of in the Welsh Triad no 4:

"The first of the three chieftains who established a colony was

Hu, the Mighty, who came with the original settlers. They came
over the hazey sea from the summer country, which is now called
Defebani, that is where Constinoblys now stands." [Defebani and
Constinoblys are explained further below.]
Antiquarian William Stukely confirms that this original religion was first
introduced into Britain around the period of Abraham. He pronounces it

The modern English word druid derives from the Latin druides, which was considered by ancient
Roman writers to come from the native Celtic Gaulish word for these figures. Other Roman texts also
employ the form druidae, while the same term was used by Greek ethnographers as δρυΐδης (druidēs).
Although theory: no extant Romano-Celtic inscription is known to contain the form, the word is
cognate with the later insular Celtic words, Old Irish druí ‘druid, sorcerer’, Old Cornish druw, Middle
Welsh dryw ‘seer; wren’. Based on all available forms, the hypothetical proto-Celtic word may then be
reconstructed as *dru-wid-s (pl. *druwides) meaning "oak-knower". The two elements go back to the
Proto-Indo-European roots *deru- and *weid- "to see". The sense of "oak-knower" (or "oak-seer") is
supported by Pliny the Elder, who in his Natural History considered the word to contain the Greek
noun drýs (δρύς), "oak-tree" and the Greek suffix -idēs (-ιδης). The modern Irish word for Oak is Dair,
which occurs in anglicized placenames like Derry – Doire, and Kildare – Cill Dara (literally the "church of
oak"). There are many stories about religious figures, heroes, and oak trees, and also many local
stories and superstitions (called pishogues) about trees in general, which still survive in rural Ireland.
Both Old Irish druí and Middle Welsh dryw could also refer to the wren, possibly connected with an
association of that bird with augury in Irish and Welsh tradition (Wren Day). There are many theories,
which one is correct?
Student of antiquities or things of the past.

undoubtedly derived from the pure, undefiled religion of the Patriarchs
of Israel. The reason for his deduction was the family centred form of
worship, where the head of the family acted as priest whilst performing the
sacrifice. This goes back from before Abraham all the way to Adam, where
the first born from Seth onwards became the priest of the family.

But who was this Hu the Mighty? Let’s get it directly from the Welsh
themselves in Hu Gadarn:

"The race of the Cymry have not always dwelt in the Isle of
Britain. In the dim past they inhabited the Summer Country
called Deffrobani. While they sojourned there a great benefactor
arose among them, to whom the name of Hu Gadarn, Hu the
Mighty, was given. He invented the plough, and taught them to
cultivate the ground. He divided them into communities, and gave
them laws, whereby fighting and contention were lessened. Under
his guidance they left the Summer Country, and crossing the Mor
Tawch in coracles came to the Isle of Britain, and took
possession of it under the protection of God and His peace.
Before that time no one lived therein, but it was full of bears,
wolves, beavers, and bannog oxen; no one, therefore, has a right
to the Isle of Britain but the Cymry, for they first settled in it.
They gave to it the name of the Honey Island, on account of the
great quantity of honey they found [Britain is a later name]. Hu
ruled them with justice, establishing wise regulations and
religious rites, and those who through God's grace had
received poetic genius were made teachers of wisdom.
Through their songs, history and truth were preserved
throughout the ages until the art of writing was discovered."

Now who are the Cymry from whom Hu Gadarn, Hu the Mighty and his
people come? They came from the people of Defebani and Constinoblys
across the Mor Tawch, where is it?

For the answer lets go to the The London University Magazine, Volume 1
printed by Hurst, Chance, and Company in 1829 (pp. 177-178). They give
the following staggering explanation:

Internet Sacret Text Archive, Hu Gadarn:

There we have it. Isaac-son and his people wanted to live peacefully and
chose to move to a distant country. These people came from the same
group known as the Cimmerians, which are the Gimri (Gymry), also called
the Saka as seen in Part 6 of the research, who are actually the Scythians.
So now we can conclude that the origin of the British people, according to
their own sources, The London University Magazine, proves that they are
of Scythian ancestory which makes them Israelites which explains the
Hebrew name Britain, Brit-Am, meaning Covenant People.

Now, according to many scholars, there are many parallels between the
'original' Druidism and the 'religion of the Patriarchs', a few are cited here:

 Both planted oak trees, and Abraham met three angels under one.
(Gen 21:33, 18:1-8.)
 Jacob hiding idols within a dolmen (also under an oak tree), which
shows that the dolmens were held to be sacred and untouchable/
unapproachable (Gen 35:3-4).
 The Druidic law of not using metal tools to shape their altars is the
same as the instruction given by HaShem in the TaNaCh.
 Sometimes the Druids would anoint these stones with rose oil in the
same way that Jacob did, with the first stone monument on record.
 The Druids also sacrificed animals for the expiation of sin and held to
the doctrine of the eternal soul, which according to Pomponius Mela
41 CE, was the source of the Briton’s bravery in battle: One of the
precepts they teach – obviously to make them better for war – has
leaked into common knowledge, namely that their souls are eternal
and that there is a second life for the dead.
 The Druid’s Supreme God of all, many years before Christians’
'Jesus' was born, was known as 'Hesus' or 'Yesu' to the Druids.
Further, they had the same expectation of a Mosciah (saviour) as their
brothers in the Middle East. (The start of the Iron Age proper is
considered to fall between around 1200 BCE to 600 BCE, depending
on the region, and this is the time of the Druid’s advent.)
 Both religions made the priesthood exempt from taxation and military
service and both taught similar accounts of creation.

Disclaimer: The researcher does not necessarily believe all that is being listed here. The original
Druid belief could or could not have closely resembled Judaism or Christianity. It is not the
researcher’s intent to convince any person.
A druid (Welsh: derwydd; Old Irish: druí) was a member of the educated, professional class among
the Celtic peoples of Gaul, Britain, Ireland, and possibly elsewhere during the Iron Age. The druid class
included law-speakers, poets and doctors, among other learned professions, although the best known
among the druids were the religious leaders.
Hebrew meaning Saviour.

 Although the Druids later prepared the way for Christianity in Britain,
with many of them becoming priests in the new order, not all of them
converted, and Druidry even continued for a few centuries after the
advent of Christianity.

The reverence for the Druidic holy sites and temples, was respected by the
Christian Church; is it possibly because they knew 'who' had originally
chosen the spots and erected the stones? They specifically did not destroy
these sites.

From all this, it can be seen:

 that the first monuments to be erected were by the Sethites (Neolitic

 then these were added to later by the descendants of Eber (King
Solomon and the Phoenicians), and
 then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes).

They built Stonehenge and many other Megalith Monuments and through
the ages continued to migrate into Europe and continuously increased
these structures. They also carried with them their religion, their law, and
their science. As time went on, their beliefs became adulterated with
corruptions introduced by the more recent colonists. This explains how
Canaanite gods like Bel and Eostre were brought to these shores.

The Megalith Monuments turn out to be yet more evidence of the true
identity of the British and European peoples, as the Tribes of Israel and the
people of HaShem’s covenant.

Megalithic Monuments Indicate the Migratory Paths

The dolmens and other related stone monuments form a connecting link
between Israel and related countries. On the other hand, the oldest
dolmens are believed to be those of Israel.

More than twenty-thousand megalithic monuments of all types (including

dolmens) have been found in the Land of Israel especially on the eastern
'Jordanian' side since, for various reasons, those on the west were
destroyed by local inhabitants.

Abraham Benhur and associate researchers, The Paths od the Dolmens:

There are many 'scattering' routes of a) the Sethites, b) the King Solomon /
Phoenician fleet, and c) the Ten Tribes as indicated on the sketch above:

1) From Israel via the Mediterranean Sea connecting with all the islands
and the coastal areas of North Africa, Western and Northern Europe,
the British Isles and eventually from there to the Americas and other
places (King Solomon / Phoenician fleet).
2) Via Persia nothwards into Kazakhstan then northwards into Russia
and also via the Caucasus towards Europe; others went eastwards
towards China and Korea (Scythians).
3) North via Assyria and Persia towards the Caucasus and from there to
Europe (Ten Tribes).
4) Northwest to Europe via Turkey and the Bosphorus Strait (Ten Tribes).
5) Via Persia southeastwards into Afganistan, Pakistan and India

The map on the right shows the

areas In Europe dominated by

For the purpose of this research we

will focus on 'route 3' from Israel via
Georgia to Europe and the British
Isles. 'Brit-Am' and 'Hebrew Nations'
on Internet cover the others areas
should you be interested.

Hebrew Nations: Waymarks or Waywards?:

To prove the accuracy of the Bible, the researcher will select only 'one' of
the many routes the Ten Tribers followed into the world’s various
destinations. The route selected for the research is indicated in red:

The countries that will be discussed very briefly will be:

1) Israel (point of departure) 10) Hungary

2) Assyria (Syria) 11) Slovakia
3) Cities of Mede (Iraq and Iran) 12) Poland
4) Turkye (northeast) 13) Czeck Republic
5) Armenia 14) Germany
6) Georgia (Abkhazia) 15) France
7) Russia 16) England
8) Ukraine (Transdniestria / Moldova) 17) Ireland
9) Romania 18) Scotland

Pictures will be listed wherever it is necessary to explain detail.

Israel: Point of Departure

Dolmens and related monuments are found in the Land of Israel. The type
of dolmen found in the area of ancient Israel (on both sides of the Jordan
River) is the same as that found in Western Europe:

Prof A. Mazar in Archaeology of the Land of the Bible says:

"The megalithic dolmens found in the Golan and Galilee are table-
like structures composed of two vertical basalt blocks roofed by
large rock slabs. A heap of stones usually covered the dolmens,
creating a tumulus. Such structures are known in Transjordan from
the Chalcolithic period, but in the Golan and Galilee they definitely
date to EB [i.e. Early Bronze] IV / MB [Middle Bronze] I...These
dolmens recall similar megalithic burial structures known
throughout Europe in the Bronze Age, but the significance of this
resemblance is unclear".

In the Golan Heights area, in the Israeli National park at Gamla, there are
hundreds of dolmens (prehistoric megalith tombs), which were erected at
the early Bronze Period. The dolmens are based on large basalt stones.
There are several types of dolmens, and many of them are based on a
three-tier structure: two vertical stones - or megaliths - and one horizontal
stone on top - the table. There are dolmens that are dug under the ground
and create a covered burial chamber. Many of the dolmens are covered by
a pile of stones (tumuli, or small mounds) and others are encircled by a
number of stones.

There are several clusters of dolmens in the Golan. Each cluster has
dozens or hundreds of Dolmens grouped in a small area. These are the
major areas:

 Givat Bazak – 1km east

of Gamla, on both sides
of the road – 150-200
dolmens, most of them
three-tier types (two
vertical stones and one
horizontal stone on
 Rujum el-Hiri – east of
Gamla, this prehistoric CBC News, Rujum el-Hiri – east to Gamla:
site (the 'Golan
Stonehenge') has about middle-east-1.3313796

Prof Amihai "Ami" Mazar (born 1942) is an Israeli archaeologist. Born in Haifa, Israel (then the British
Mandate of Palestine), he has since 1994 been a professor at the Institute of Archaeology of the
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, holding the Eleazer Sukenik Chair in the Archaeology of Israel. Mazar
is an author in the field of Biblical archaeology, his Archaeology of the Land of the Bible is a text used
in many universities.
Amihai Mazar, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, U.S.A. 1990. p.160.

100 dolmens and stone piles on the area around it.
 Yehudiye – a tumulus north of the ancient village.
 Nahal Bathra / Daliyoth – special types of dolmens which look like
small tanks.
 Maale Gamla – south side of Daliyoth valley, dolmens which are
covered by stones (tumulus, or small mound; plural is tumuli).

The Biblical text of Job 8:17 is the words of Bildad the Shuhite who argued
with Job about the injustice of the world - that the sinners prevail. It may
have something to do with dolmens, as it refers to a heap and place of
stones: "His roots are wrapped about the heap, and seeth the place of

The Hebrew term for 'standing stone' is massebah, plural massebot (also
written matsevah, matsevot). The most famous examples are from Tel
Gezer, comprising a straight row of ten stone stelae and a square stone
basin, all erected simultaneously during the Middle Bronze Age.

Assyria (Syria)

Quneitra is rich in archaeological sites and

Golan (southwest Syria old Biblical Israel
area) is full of Dolmen graves which date
back to the old Bronze Age.

According to Tishreen Daily, the word

'Dolmen' is derived from Ancient British
language. It consists of the word (Dol)
which means table and the word (men)
which means stone. These graves are
circular ones designed with a special The Syria Times, Dolmen Graves:
architectural style, height of 0,95m, sm/2326-dolmen-graves
thickness of 300mm and length of 1,6-
2,1m. At least seven distinguished samples of Dolmen Graves have been
discovered. The largest concentration can be found in southern Syria and
along the Jordan Rift Valley, the start of the deportation route. They are,
however, being threatened with destruction.

David Ussishkin (2006). Czerny E., Hein I., Hunger H., Melman D., Schwab A., eds. On the History of
the High Place at Gezer. Studies in Honour of Manfred Bietak, Vol. II. Leuven: Peeters Publishers. pp.
411–416. Retrieved February 2015.

Dolmens and standing stones have also been found in large areas of the
Middle East close to the Turkish border in the north of Syria: close to
Aleppo in the ancient Assyrian Empire.

Assyria is the first place the Ten Tribers were taken to and this was the exit
area from the Assyrian Empire area towards the Caucasus and falls
deadsquare in the migration path.

Persia (Iraq / Iran)

The cities of Mede (Persia) were the second area the Ten Tribers were
deported to apart from Assyria.

Megaliths have been found on Kharg Island and Pirazmian in Iran and at
Barda Balka in Iraq. Menhirs in Iran are also found in different villages and
areas of East Azarbaijan Province, Meshkin Shahr (Pirazmian) and Amlash
and the Deylaman areas in Gilan. A double menhir is also situated on
Kharg Island in the Persian Gulf.

Menhirs are called Sang-Afrāsht in Persian, and there are different studies
published in Iranian periodicals about the details of the Iranian menhirs,
especially in the periodical 'Barrasiha-yi Tarikhi' (Historical Studies).


At a number of sites in eastern Turkey,

large ceremonial complexes have been

Large 'circular structures' involving

carved megalithic orthostats are a typical
feature; e.g. at Nevalı Çori and Göbekli
Tepe. At Göbekli Tepe, four stone
circles have been excavated from an
estimated twenty to thirty meters across
The Syria Times, Dolmen Graves:
in diameter. It is in Turkey where the
/2326-dolmen-graves Tribers split up: northwards toward the
Caucasus, and westwards towards the
Bosphorus Strait. We will venture only on the path towards Caucus.
A site found in 1968 in Tillia Tepe (literally "the golden hill") in northern Afghanistan (former Bactria)
near Shebergan consisted of the graves of five women and one man with extremely rich jewelry, dated
to around the 1st century BCE, and probably related to that of Scythian tribes normally living slightly to
the north. Altogether the graves yielded several thousands of pieces of fine jewelry, usually made from
combinations of gold, turquoise and lapis-lazuli.


Lyubomir Tsoneva and Dimiter Kolev in the academic report

Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies say:

"It is evident that the Balkan megalithic area interacts not only with
West Mediterranean culture (Malta etc.), but also with East
megalithic centers like Caucasus (West Caucasus dolmens),
Armenia (menhirs in Zangezur) and Ural (various kinds of
megaliths near Sverdlovsk)".

At Karahundj the stones sit like soldiers

on a hill. The 204 ancient stone
monuments near the Sissian River have
caused a sensation in astronomical

The stone circle is located high in the

highlands of Southern Armenia and, The Mysteries Of
30 Armenia's Stonehenge:
predates England's Stonehenge. More
about astronomy later in this research. 1/armenianstonehenge.html

Georgia: Arsareth

In the geographical area of Georgia is the researcher’s 'research-outcome'

of the mysterious 'Arsareth’s' location. If this holds true, then there should
be a large number of dolmens and megalith structures in Georgia, which
Abkhazia, in the northwest, has always been part of…

Dolmens and megaliths are dominant in the south Caucasus area called
Georgia. The Western Caucasus, extending over 275,000 ha of the
extreme western end of the Caucasus Mountains and located 50 km north-
east of the Black Sea, is one of the few large mountain areas of Europe
that has not experienced significant human impact. Yet dotted within the

Балян В.: Загадката Зангезур, изд. Парекордзаган, Пловдив 2012 [V.Balyan: The mystery of
Zangezur, Publ. house Parekordzagan, Plovdiv 2012 (in Bulgarian)].
Lyubomir Tsoneva, Dimiter Kolevb, Megalithic structures and dolmen orientation in Bulgaria:
n_in_Bulgaria.pdf pg 2.
30, The Mysteries Of Armenia's Stonehenge:
The 1992-93 Georgia-Abkhazia War, in which ethnic Abkhazians effectively extracted northwestern
Georgia from Tbilisi’s control.

pristine landscape there are literally thousands of ancient megalithic
structures, many still undiscovered!

Huge concentrations of megaliths, dolmens (Adyghe: исп-унэ) and stone

labyrinths have been found (but little studied) throughout the Caucasus
Mountains, including Georgia (Abkhazia). Most of them are represented by
rectangular structures made of stone slabs or cut in rocks with holes in their

These dolmens cover the western Caucasus on both sides of the mountain
ridge, in an area of approximately 12,000 square kilometres of Russia and
the Abkhazian region of Georgia. Scientists say, the Caucasian dolmens
represent a unique type of 'unknown historic architecture', built with
precisely dressed large stone blocks. The stones were, for example,
shaped into 90-degree angles, to be used as corners or were curved to
make a circle.

Approximately 3,000 of these megalithic monuments are known in the

Western Caucasus, but, as said, more are constantly being found,
while some sadly are being destroyed. These monuments are situated in
the foothills (about 250-400 meters above the sea level) along the coast of
the Black Sea, the ideal migration environment. This chain is the biggest
conglomeration of dolmens in Europe.

While generally unknown in the rest of Europe, these megaliths are equal
to the great megaliths of Europe in terms of age and quality of architecture,
but are still a mystery to the world or archaeology; to vivid Biblical scholars
the truth is already declared in the Scriptures. In spite of the variety of the
Caucasian monuments, they show strong similarities with megaliths from
different parts of Europe and Asia, like the Iberian Peninsula, France,
Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark,
Sweden and India.

The dolmens of Abkhazia typically consist of four upright stones and a

capstone, some of them weighting as much as fifty tonnes. As in similar
places around the world, the people living there today cannot provide any
serious information about the civilizations that lived there before them.

Ancient Origins, The Mysterious Dolmens of the Caucasus:
World Heritage Encyclopedia, Dolmens, Archaeology of Russia, North Caucasus:
Terje Dahl, Can the history of Georgia give us answers to who the giants were?:

All of the dolmens are punctuated with
a portal in the center. Some are made
of more than one stone, and others
carved through a single stone. While
round portholes are the most common,
square ones are also found.

Related to these are the phallic-

shaped stone plugs, which were used Wikipedia, Dolmen:
to block the porthole, and are found
with almost every dolmen. The %D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0
entrance of a Caucasian dolmen is %B5%D0%BD
always at the south-side (as with the
Dutch Hunebeds ), meaning they face southwards towards Jerusalem.
The dolmens could also have been vaults and safes of metal objects and
jewelry of metal workers and traders.

Yair Davidiy states that the dolmens and megaliths are associated with the
Gimri (Cimmerians) and Saka (Scythians):

"There are more than 3000 dolmens in the Caucasus, in areas

otherwise associated with the Cimmerians and Scythians.
More than 90% of the Caucasus dolmens are of the chamber type
with a small window (often rounded) at its entrance. Caucasus
dolmens are of the same type as those found in Bulgaria.
Caucasus dolmens also show similarities to these found in West
Europe and that until recently were being constructed in India.
Conventional dating places the Caucasus dolmens at ca. 2000
BCE. The correct time is however more than a thousand years
later, close to ca. 600 BCE. Caucasus dolmens were often built
using specially dressed, precision-cut stone blocks."

What is even more incredible is that fact that these stones in the Arsareth
area are laid out according the Mazzoroth Signs as mentioned in the
Bible. In the Book of Job, HaShem asks Job: "31 Can you bind the chains
of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion? 32 Can you lead forth the
Mazzaroth in their season, or can you guide the Bear with its children? 33

Holland is a flat country. There are no mountains or rocks. But in the north of the country within a
radius of only 30 kilometers, 53 megalithic monuments are scattered over a beautiful landscape. Built
of huge granite stones, some of them weighing over 25,000 kilograms, dragged to the spot and piled
up to form a rectangular stonegrave.
Yair Davidiy, Dolmens in the Caucasus:

Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule
on the earth?"

The 'Mazzaroth' is the Hebrew word for the twelve constellations within the
sun's apparent path through the heavens, commonly referred to as the
'Zodiac' in the Greek language. The Mazzaroth is in the form of pictures
constructed from the stars within that constellation: a woman (Virgo),
scales (Libra), a scorpion (Scorpio), an archer (Saggitarius), a goat-fish
(Capricorn), a man with a water pot (Aquarius), two fishes (Pisces), a lamb
(Aries), an ox (Taurus), twins (Gemini), a crab (Cancer), and a lion (Leo).

In HaShem's response to Job, He indicated that He alone brings forth the

'twelve signs' each year in their proper months.

Psalm 19, Jer 33:20-21 and the New Testament quote of it in Rom 10:16-
18, proves undoubtedly that the Mazzaroth was designed by HaShem as a
means of 'communicating astonishing messages' in pictures to all
languages of the earth. Therefore, Believers are commanded in the Torah
– Gen 1:14 – to study the heavenly bodies!

The great mystery passed down from Jacob in Genesis 49 is that each
Tribe of Israel symbolizes a sign of the Mazzaroth (Zodiac). When
Jacob pronounced the blessing on each of his sons before his death, he
left enough clues to match the character of each son to a sign of the
Mazzaroth. Jacob understood the Mazzaroth and his sons, and the
ministry of the Ruach inspired his communication so that later
generations would be able to know the truth. Dolmen and megalith
structures were instructed to be erected as 'signs and roadmarks' for
the future generation of the Ten Tribes who 'understand the Scriptures
and knows and what to look for'!

Job 38:31-33 English Standard Version Bible.
Jammeson Faucett Brown Commentary: "Canst thou bring forth from their places or houses
(Mazzaloth, 2 Kings 23:5, Margin; to which Mazzaroth here is equivalent) into the sky the signs of the
Zodiac at their respective seasons - the twelve "lodgings" in which the sun successively stays, or
appears, in the sky."
"The Bible outright prohibits divination through Pagan Astrology or any other means. Divination is
the use of the 'devil's lies to interpret the meanings of things and predict the future.' Almost all
astrology is divination because the devil's lies are the basis for interpretation. 'Divination' is an attempt
to determine spiritual meaning apart from Biblical truth. 'Divine viewpoint', in contrast to divination, is
application of Bible Doctrine (faith) in order to determine Spiritual meaning. Divine viewpoint is the
accurate interpretation of events 'based upon application of Bible Doctrine.'" You are encourage to
read A Hebraic Perspective About Why You Must Study The Stars by the researcher:

Martha & Andis Kaulins,, CAUCASUS DOLMENS as a PLANISPHERE of the HEAVENS:

In these awestruck mega-stone-structures are Divine secrets, embedded
so deeply that it defies description. These preplanned, preordained
structures such as Stonehenge and these dolmens in Georgia, to
mention a few, are presently beyond the understanding of the human
mind, but piece by piece they will be deciphered and become clearer.
Knowledge is certainly increasing at a tremendous pace!

The Ten Tribes thus were instructed by HaShem to leave, what the
researcher believes to be, encoded messages for a future knowledgable
generation, who will understand more as the future unfolds. The journey
continues to Russia…


The North Caucasus Circassian

dolmens make up a lost city by the
shore of the Black Sea. The
dolmens, as said, could have been
vaults and safes of metal objects
and jewelry of metal workers and
traders that were pillaged by the
invading tribes. We already
established that the Scythians
were the foremost traders of the
time and it is the researcher’s
opinion that these dolmens were
Wikipedia, Dolmens of North Caucasus:
associated with them. One
decorative motif that is quite th_Caucasus
common is found across the top of
the porthole slab. It can best be described as a lintel held up by two
columns resembling what HaShem’s Temple with the two main pillars in
front looked like.

The dolmens have a limited variety in their architecture. The floor plans are
square, trapezoidal, rectangular or round. All of the dolmens are
punctuated with a portal in the centre of the facade. While round portholes
are the most common, square ones are also found. In front of the facade is
a court that usually splays out, creating an area where rituals possibly took
place. The court is usually outlined by large stone walls, sometimes over a
meter high, which enclose the court. It is in this area that bronze and iron

In the last days knowledge will increase – Dan 12:4.

pottery has been found, along with human remains, bronze tools and silver,
gold and semi-precious stone ornaments.

The repertoire of decoration for these megalithic structures is not extensive.

Vertical and horizontal zigzags, hanging triangles and concentric circles are
the most common motifs. One decorative motif that is quite common, as
mentioned, is found across the top of the porthole slab. It can best be
described as a lintel held up by two columns, a picture of the Temple in
Jerusalem in Biblical times. Stone plugs usually appear above the two
columns of the porthole decoration, perhaps related to block the porthole,
and are found with almost every tomb. They are mostly phallic-shaped but
there are some square ones as well.

Some unusual items associated with dolmens are big round stone balls,
double balls and animal sculptures.

One of the most interesting megalithic complexes – a group of three

dolmens - stands in a row on a hill above Zhane River on the Black Sea
coast in the Krasnodar area near Gelendzhik. In this area there is a great
concentration of all types of megalithic sites including settlements and
dolmen cemeteries. Large stone mounds surrounded the two monuments.

The central dolmen is rectangular in plan, 4 x 4 meters, while the two

flanking dolmens are circular, 4 and 5 meters in diameter. The two round
dolmens had been bulldozed - probably in the 1950s - in order to harvest
the surrounding trees, but the main structure of the central dolmen had not
been damaged.

Another (fourth) dolmen near the Zhane River has a secret entrance at the
back of the chamber, and a façade, dummy entrance and courtyard at the
front of the dolmen. There, in addition to these pristine dolmens, were some
ruined dolmens as well.

Other important megalithic sites of Russia have been found along Russia’s
northern shores with the White Sea and the Barents Sea as well as at Vera

Ukraine (Crimea)

There are very interesting 'Boundary stones' located near the confluence of
the rivers and Savakleya Savakleychika, not far from the villages and
Nechaevka Golubievichi. The 'Boundary Stones' consist of two series of
fifteen pairs (a cryptic clue?) of parallel stone monoliths, an alley of
menhirs. The number 'fifteen' however is significant:

 Fifteen being a multiple
of five partakes of the
significance of that
number, also of the
number three with
which it is combined, 3
x 5. Five is the number
of grace, and three is
the number of divine
perfection. Fifteen,
therefore, specially
refers to acts wrought
by the energy of Divine
grace. Wikipedia, Boundary stones:
 Deity is seen in the
number fifteen, for the
two Hebrew letters which express it are ‫י‬, Yod (10), and ‫ה‬, Hey (5).
These spell the ineffable Name of ‫יה‬, YaH, who is the fountain of all
 A few examples of fifteen as Divine Grace:
o The Ark was borne by the Flood fifteen cubits upwards.
o Hezekiah's pardon from death was fifteen years.
o The Israelites were delivered from death under Esther on the
fifteenth day of the month. This is especially significant, as their
sentence to death was connected with the number thirteen.
o On the fifteenth day of the first month is the Feast of Unleavened
Bread (Pesach Seder celebration); and on the fifteenth day of the
seventh month is the Feast of Tabernacles.
o Fifteen songs were sung by the pilgrims coming up for the Shalosh
Regalim (Three Main Festival Seasons).
o Fifteen steps took you from the Women’s Court into the Jewish Court
to the Burnt Offering Altar in the Temple, and off course,
o There are fifteen steps in YHWH’s redemption plan as illustrated in
the Pesach Seder.

Rows are oriented from east to west (another cryptic clue for direction?),
just as the Tabernacle and Temple. The highest is 1.50 m, 1/10 of fifteen.
The distance between the adjacent rows of blocks increases.

Within a radius of 1-2 km from the 'Boundary stones' is located about

twenty barrows (kurgans) and many of them destroyed.

Kurgans (tumulus) are
large burial mounds
(some over twenty
metres high) and
provide the most
valuable archaeological
remains associated with
the Scythians (Ten
Tribes). They dot the
Eurasian steppe belt,
from China to Balkans, Tripeso, Kurgan:
through Ukrainian and
south Russian steppes,
extending in great chains for many kilometers along ridges and watersheds.
From these kurgans archaeologists have learned much about Scythian life
and art. Some of the Scythian tombs reveal traces of Greek, Chinese, and
Indian craftsmanship, indicating their vast trade connections and local
influences, at times full control of the areas, by the Scythians.

The Ukrainian term for such a burial mound is kurhán (Ukrainian: Курган)
for the Russian term kurgan, and it is also connected to a Turkic word for
It is accepted that the Scythian/Sarmatian cultures have given rise to the
Greek’s accounts of the Amazons. Graves of armed females have been

Gocha R. Tsetskhladze, "Who Built the Scythian and Thracian Elite Tombs?" Oxford Journal of
Archaeology 17 (1998): 55–92.
"kurgan." Merriam-Webster, 2002. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged (10
October 2006).

found in southern Ukraine and Russia. David Anthony notes, "About 20% of
Scythian-Sarmatian "warrior graves" on the lower Don and lower Volga
contained females dressed for battle as if they were men, a style that may
have inspired the Greek tales about the Amazons."

Excavation at Kurgan Sengileevskoe-2 delivered golden bowls which

depicted scenes showing their clothing and weapons.

Herodotus provides the first detailed description of the Scythians; he

states that the Scythians consisted of the Auchatae, Catiaroi, Traspians,
and Paralatae or 'Royal Scythians'. For Herodotus, the Scythians were
outlandish barbarians (ruthless fighters) living north of the Black Sea in
what are now known as Moldova, Ukraine and Crimea.


There are many megaliths and tumuli in Romania, example the Turtudui
menhir, a menhir near Fundul Pesterii. At Simeria there is a mound
(tumulus) across the Mures
river and located on a hill as
seen from the ancient
settlement Magura Uroiului
(photo below), and many

Histria or Istros was a colony

or polis near the mouth of the
Danube (known as Ister in
Ancient Greek) on the western
coast of the Black Sea.
The Megalithic Portal, Megaliths and Ancient Sites in
Histria is derived from the
Latin word 'Hister', meaning oad&name=a312&file=index&do=showgall&gid=270
'Danube', the local river
name. The city was located near, and '-ia', a suffix was added to a word to

Anthony, David W. (2007). The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the
Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-05887-3.
22, rew Curry PUBLISHED May. "Gold Artifacts Tell Tale of Drug-Fueled Rituals and "Bastard Wars"".
National Geographic News. Retrieved 2015-05-23.
Herodotus 4.6.
Michael Kulikowski, Rome's Gothic Wars from the Third Century to Alaric, pg. 14.
Hister (genitive Histri) is the Latin name for the Danube (especially its lower course), or for the
people living along its banks. It also appears as Ister, equivalent to the Ancient Greek ᾽´Ιστρος, which
also meant the Danube or the region around its mouth.

signify that it was a location or place, as in Gallia or Iberia. Altogether
Histria means 'On the Danube', 'Located near (or by) the Danube'. Histria
was founded originally by 'a people of the western coast of Anatolia' (an
area in ancient Turkey) the 7th century BCE (700-601 BCE).
Demosthenes wrote that about 400,000 medimns (63,000 ton) of grain
was exported annually from the Northern Black Sea Bosporus to Athens via
Western Anatolia, showing how powerful the Scythian nomadic aristocracy
really were. They not only served a middleman role, but also actively
participated in the trade of grain produced by dependent farmers as well as
slaves, skins and other goods. The Scythians dominated the trade routes
and the Middle-east during this time and the centuries to come.

At the beginning of the 7th century BCE, the Scythians crossed the
Caucasus and frequently raided the Middle East along with the
Cimmerians, playing an important role in the political developments of the
region. The classical period saw the rise of Sper in the 7th century BCE -
İspir (Georgian: სპერი Speri; Armenian: Սպեր Sber or Sper), (Kurdish:
Espîr), which is a town and district of Erzurum Province in the Eastern
Anatolia region of Turkey. İspir is the historical Speri for Georgians and
52 53 54
Sper for Armenians. The name Sper is thought by some to be
55 56
derived from Saspers, a tribe mentioned by Xenophon.

Speri was part of the Caucasus Iberia Kingdom of Tao-Klarjeti. In the 4th-
3rd centuries BCE it was organized into a province of the Iberian Kingdom
as noted by Strabo. Alexander the Great sent one of his generals, Menon,
to conquer Speri, but Menon and his forces were defeated and killed by the
Scythian ferocious war machine. Saspers’ origins have been attributed
to the Scythian people.

Demosthenes (384–322 BCE) was a prominent Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens. His
orations constitute a significant expression of contemporary Athenian intellectual prowess and provide
an insight into the politics and culture of ancient Greece during the 4th century BCE.
Titi Todurancea, Scythia:
"History of Central Asia". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Retrieved 31 December 2014.
David Marshall Lang (1997). Lives and Legends of the Georgian Saints (2 ed.). St. Vladimir's Seminary
Press. ISBN 978-0913836293.
E. Takaishvili. "Georgian chronology and the beginning of the Bagrationi rule in Georgia".- Georgica,
v. I, London, 1935.
Al. Manvelichvili. "Histoire de la Georgie", Paris, 1955.
K. Salia. "History of the Georgian Nation", Paris, 1983.
Donald Rayfield. Edge of Empires: A History of Georgia: Reaktion Books, 2013 ISBN 978-1780230702
p 18.
T. A. Sinclair, "Eastern Turkey an Architectural and Archaeological Survey", Volume 2, 1989, p272.
Vahan M. Kurkjian, Armenia as Xenophon saw it, 1958.

Histria was established by 'these Western Anatolia settlers' in order to
facilitate trade with the native Getae (also a Scythian subtribe). Histria is
considered the oldest urban settlement on Romanian territory. Scymnus of
Chios (c. 110 BCE), dated its founding to 630 BCE, while Eusebius of
Caesarea set it during the time of the 33rd Olympic Games (657 – 656

Histria was situated on a peninsula, about 5 kilometres east of the modern

Romanian commune of Istria, on the Dobruja coast. The ancient seashore
has since been transformed into the western shore of Sinoe Lake, as the
Danube's silt deposits formed a shoal which closed off the ancient
coastline. The current Sinoe Lake was at the time the open northern bay,
while another bay on the southern shore served as the port. The acropolis
with sanctuaries was established on the highest point of the coastal plain.
The settlement itself, erected in the 6th century BCE, was 800 meters to
the west of the acropolis. The settlement had stone paved streets and was
protected, by a strong wall. Water was collected along 20 km long
aqueducts, a masterpiece for its time.

During the classical period, many written sources describe the political
organisation of the area. The Odrysian Kingdom was involved in fighting
with the Scythians ruled by Ariapeithes and Histria was situated between
the two kingdoms. Due to that, most probably, the Histria town was forced
to join the Delian League. In the 5th century BCE, these colonies were
under the influence of the Delian League, passing in this period from
oligarchy to democracy.

Histria was destroyed in around 600 BCE. Another destruction of the city
took place, probably in 512 BCE, when Darius I undertook a war against
the Scythians.

From the many megaliths and tumulus we can clearly see that Romania
was a central part of the Israelites’ migratory path.

A shoal is a natural submerged ridge, bank, or bar that consists of, or is covered by, sand or other
sediment, meaning a place where a sea, river, or other body of water is shallow.
The Delian League, founded in 477 BCE, was an association of Greek city-states, members
numbering between 150 to 330 under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue
fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second
Persian invasion of Greece.
Aristotle, (V,6).
Herodotus, Works by Herodotus at Project Gutenberg.


Throughout history, the remains of prehistoric monuments have been

legitimately and repeatedly re-used and re-designed and destroyed until
what we see today is, very sadly, but a fraction of the original number of
prehistoric megaliths that once existed.

The canons of the Church councils of Arles (443-452), Tours (567), Nantes
(658), and Toledo (681 and 693), among others, contained passages that
condemned worshipping at non-Christian sanctuaries and encouraged the
Bishops and all Christians to neglect, to hide, to desecrate, and even to
destroy Megalithic Monuments, with the threat of excommunication for
those who did not obey.

John Chapman reported that in 1991 barrows (tumuli) in eastern Hungary

(and other countries such as Ireland ) were destroyed, because:

"many plainsfolk so loved the view of an unbroken flatness that any

deviation from horizontality was offensive to their eyes and they
would do their utmost to erase it. "
It is calculated that there are a total of 3,000 barrows in eastern Hungary.
The evidence speaks for itself.


There is the most beautiful dolmen in Holíč, Skalica district, Western

Slovakia. Very interesting pages about megaliths of Slovakia are in the
Website 'Megality' which gives extensive and detailed lists of twenty three
sites, some with photos to prove the existence of HaShem’s people
wandering throughout this beautiful country.

The Medieval Church:
The Gabhra (Tara-Skreen) Valley suffered the construction of the M3 motorway (2009), which passes
straight through the heart of one of Ireland’s most sacred prehistoric landscapes - destroying over 100
prehistoric sites in the process.
Chapman, John (1997) Places as timemarks—the social construction of prehistoric landscapes in
Eastern Hungary. In G.Nash (ed.) Semiotics of Landscape: Archaeology of Mind, pp. 31–45. British
Archaeological Reports, International Series 661. Oxford: Archaeopress.
John Chapman, Fragmentation in Archaeology: Pg 165.


A recent (2016) research and conservation project has revealed eighteen

huge Megalithic Monuments in a site near Dolice, Western Pomerania.
They are assumed to be tomb structures. Archaeologists from the
University of Szczecin have identified these longitudinal structures lying
along the ground level, and they speculate them to be the handiwork of the
'Funnelbeaker Culture' who dwelt in the proximate area from c. 4300 BCE
– 2000 BCE, which were most probably the Sethites. Yair Davidiy and
many others are of the opinion that these Megalithic Monuments are much
later and were built by the Ten Tribers.

Many scientists are of the opinion that Carbon Dating (C14) is not

"C14 dating is very accurate for wood used up to about 4,000

years ago. This is only because it is well calibrated with objects of
known age. Example: wood found in a grave of known age by
historically reliable documents is the standard for that time for
the C14 content. This standard content of C14 can then be used
for wood not associated with a historically documented date. Dates
up to this point in history are well documented for C14

For object over 4,000 years old [2000 BCE] the method becomes
very unreliable for the following reason: Objects older then 4,000
years run into a problem in that there are few if any known
artifacts to be used as the standard. Libby, the discoverer of the
C14 dating method, was very disappointed with this problem.
He understood that archaeological artifacts were readily available.
After all, this what the archeologists guessed in their
published books."

Mike Riddle agrees with the above statement in his extensive article
'Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?':

"All radiometric dating methods are based on assumptions about

events that happened in the past. If the assumptions are

The Funnel(-neck-)beaker culture, in short TRB or TBK (c. 4300 BCE–ca 2800 BCE) was an
archaeological culture in north-central Europe. It developed as a technological merger of local neolithic
and mesolithic techno-complexes between the lower Elbe and middle Vistula rivers, introducing
farming and husbandry as a major source of food to the pottery-using hunter-gatherers north of this

accepted as true (as is typically done in the evolutionary dating
processes), results can be biased toward a desired age. In the
reported ages given in textbooks and other journals, these
evolutionary assumptions have not been questioned, while
results inconsistent with long ages have been censored."

The dating of these dolmens is therefore open for discussion…

The overview plan of each megalith resembles an extended triangle. So

while their heights stood at only around 3 m, the ground-kissing tombs
encompassed impressive extensive lengths of about 150m, while
demonstrating variable widths ranging from 6-15 m.

When it comes to developing technology and tools, the Funnelbeaker

Culture is known for 'merging' the expertise of people residing between the
lower Elbe and middle Vistula rivers. In fact, they are known for propelling
the scope of agriculture and animal husbandry, which led to farming being
the major source of food production in the contemporary period, as
opposed to hunting and gathering. And as was the trend with every
advanced culture of its time, this community invested heavily on burial
methods and traditions. Initially these burial structures only comprised
cairns made of wooden frames that were plunged into elongated barrows.
But later on (Ten Tribers time?), these components evolved into
specially constructed passage graves and dolmens.

Unsurprisingly, given the Funnelbeaker culture’s limited tools and

constructional capacity (in relation to logistics), the extended triangular
tombs were only reserved for the elite members of the community. But
unfortunately, when it comes to Poland, many of these megalithic tombs
tend to be preserved only in forest areas. That is because, over time,
various agricultural lands had invaded such megalithic grounds – an
archaeological scope made even more precarious due to Poland’s status in
medieval times as the farming heartland of Europe.

It should be noted that other than the Dolice specimens, the archaeologists
have also (previously) identified Polish megalithic tombs at Skronie Forest
near Kołobrzeg and at a site near Płoszkowo. Moreover, the most famous
of these 'Polish pyramids' were discovered in Sarnów and Wietrzychowice,
and their original shapes were even reconstructed following a detailed
archaeological research.

Mike Riddle, Doesn’t Carbon-14 Dating Disprove the Bible?:

Lastly (and intriguingly), if we
accept the scientists’ dating,
then the date of the
constructions of these Dolice
megaliths approximately
coincides with the initial
building-phase of the
Stonehenge in Britain. If we
stretch the territory a bit, the
advent of 4th millennium BCE
also saw an increase of other
ambitious projects for Realms of History, Dolmen in Lancken-Granitz, one of
the preserved Funnelbeaker culture sites.:
megalithic monuments all
around Europe. -megalithic-tombs-found-in-poland/

These megaliths have long exerted a real fascination in the population

that came after them and lived around them. Many 'scattering' routes, as
said, were initiated by a) the Sethites, b) the King Solomon / Phoenician
fleet, and c) the Ten Tribes. It is very possible that the Ten Tribers followed
these ancient routes if these megaliths are indeed from 4800 BCE, if not,
they are erected by the Ten Tribers as many suggest.

Rescue of the structures is necessary because many megalithic tombs

have either been damaged by the passage of time, or have been
destroyed, with the re-use of the stones for other purposes.

Dr Agniezka Matuszewska, of the department of Archaeology of Szczecin

University, led the archaeological exploration in Pomerania, and told
IBTimes UK "In the Middle Ages the megaliths could have been destroyed
by Christians as places of pagan cult." Many of the megalithic tombs were
built on farmland and have also been removed to make space for
agricultural production. It means that most of the surviving monuments are
to be found in forests but are more difficult to spot in the leafy vegetation.

However, she was convinced that ancient secrets were still there, in the
forest waiting to be discovered and saved from oblivion. There are many
other structures such as the dolmen in Zachodniopomorskie, etc.

It is also almost certain that, because of their huge form as well as the effort
to construct them, the people who were buried underneath, were figures of
authority, likely to be political or religious leaders.

Dattatreya Mandal, Massive Megalithic Tombs Discovered In Western Pomerania, Poland:

Czech Republic

A number of menhirs exist in the Czech

Republic. These standing stones include
the menhir Kamenný Pastýř (Stony
Shepherd – photo right) near Klobuky.
Another mysterious place is in the area of
Czech Meran called Myslkov Dolmen,
which is a grouping of two massive
boulders covered with a large cap stone.
The cap stone has a flat bottom side and
is placed suspiciously straight. The inside
space bellow has a size of about 1x1x3 m.
Klobuky, Dolmen in Lancken-Granitz, one of the
preserved Funnelbeaker culture sites:

According to Czech tradition, these monuments are supposedly

remainders of an ancient migration of nations. They say these nations
migrated probably from the east to the west, mostly over the sea. There
were not found any weapons with the megaliths; this leads to an
assumption that the people were not warlike and were persecuted and
fled. However, these people had an exceptionally rich knowledge of
astronomy, mathematics and geometry, and mastered technology of
quarrying, transport and erection of big stone blocks. It is said that the
presence of megalithic construction monuments is the basic feature of
this civilisation.

Many of the megaliths were destroyed, only local names and legends
remained after them, and others were relocated. Regions with higher
numbers of preserved megaliths are the northwest from Praha (districts
Louny, Rakovník, etc.) and South Bohemia (district Strakonice). There are
megaliths also northwest from Praha (districts Louny, Rakovník),
Drahomyšl, Klobuky, Hřívčice, Smečno, Nečemice, Ledce, Rakovník,
Slavětín, Horoměřice, Droužkovice, Kounov, Družec, and a meqalithic
object in Holíč, Slovakia.

Klobuky is a village in the Central Bohemian Region. It is located in an

agricultural (growing mainly various grains, sugar beet and sunflower)
landscape about 10 km northwest of Slaný or 39 km northwest of Prague

Léa Surugue, Stone Age mystery tombs: Massive burial structures open window into our ancestors'

and has a population of 1,069 (2015). Neighbouring villages of Čeradice,
Kobylníky, Kokovice and Páleček are administrative parts of Klobuky.

In this site of Klobuky is an awesome menhir with a height of 3.3 m, the

tallest in the Czech Republic (photo previous page). It is an upright lonely
stone, called, as said, Kamenný Pastýř (Stony Shepherd) or Zkamenělý
Pastýř (Shepherd Turned-into-stone) or Kamenný Muž (Stone Man),
standing in a field several hundred metres northwest of the village, close to
the road towards Telce, the perfect 'waymark'.


In the area of present-day Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, up to 5,000 megalith

tombs were erected as burial sites; scientists say by people of the Neolithic
Funnelbeaker (TRB) culture. More than 1,000 of them are preserved today
and protected by law. The Germans, unlike many other countries where
they get destroyed, protect them.

Though varying in style and age, megalith structures are common in

Western Europe, with those in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern belonging to the
youngest and easternmost—further east, in the modern West Pomeranian
Voivodeship of Poland, monuments erected by the TRB people did not
include lithic (stone) structures, while they do in the south (Brandenburg),
west (Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein) and north (Denmark).

Though megaliths are distributed throughout the country, their structures

differ between regions. Most megaliths are dolmens, often located within a
circular or trapezoid frame of singular standing stones. Locally, the dolmens
are known as Hünengräber (giants' tombs) or Großsteingräber (large stone
tombs), their framework is known as Hünenbett (giants' bed) if trapezoid or
Bannkreis (spellbind circle) if circular.

The materials used for their construction are glacial erratics and red
sandstones. One hundred and forty-four tombs have been excavated
(2016) since 1945. The megaliths were used not only by the bearers of the
TRB culture, but also by their successors as in the other countries of
the migration paths, and have entered local folklore.
The dolmens were built from glacial erratics, with the gaps filled with red
sandstone. Presumably, standing stones were transported to the site using

Klobuky, Menhir Zkamenělý pastýř:
A glacial erratic is a piece of rock that differs from the size and type of rock native to the area in
which it rests.

rollers, slides, levers and ropes, and the interior of the unfinished dolmens
was filled with clay to form a ramp to enable the movement of the cover
stones into their final position. After removing the clay from the interior, a
barrow (tumulus) was then raised on top of the dolmen, which remained
accessible through a passage made from smaller stones. In addition, single
standing stones were sometimes placed around the dolmen, forming either
a rectangular or trapezoidal shape (Hünenbett), or a stone circle
(Bannkreis). Sometimes, large singular 'guardian stones' (Wächterstein,
Bautastein) were placed adjacent to these shapes. The interior of the
dolmen was usually divided into small compartments by slabs of red
sandstone, standing upright.

Often, the earth-filled megaliths and the mounds raised to cover them were
used for secondary burials. The bearers of the Neolithic Single Grave
culture buried their dead in the earth-filled chamber by removing cover or
78 79
wall stones. Of documented later, secondary burials, 27% are from the
late Bronze Age (c. 1500 – 1200 BCE), 29% from the pre-Roman Iron Age
(500 BCE – 0), 10% from the Roman Iron Age (0 – 400 CE) and 27% from
the Slavic period (c. 500–1000 CE). This proves undoubtedly that
megaliths are not ONLY an ancient concept, no; they were erected
throughout history, especially when the Ten Tribers migrated! Another
7% are of uncertain origin, and no secondary burials from the early German
period are recorded. According to Holtorf, the barrows erected for burials
in the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Slavic period were imitations of the
mounds elevated above filled megalith tombs. Some Neolithic mounds
containing secondary burials are found next to similar burial mounds from
the respective later period.

LAKD MV: Großsteingräber.
Kehnscherper, Günther. Hünengrab und Bannkreis (in German). Urania. (1983), p. 130.
LAKD MV: Großsteingräber.
Holtorf, Cornelius (2000-2008): Monumental Past. The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Electronic monograph. University of Toronto. Centre for
Instructional Technology Development. (2000-2008), 5.1.1.
Holtorf, Cornelius (2000-2008): Monumental Past. The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Electronic monograph. University of Toronto. Centre for
Instructional Technology Development. (2000-2008), 1.1.
Holtorf, Cornelius (2000-2008): Monumental Past. The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Electronic monograph. University of Toronto. Centre for
Instructional Technology Development. (2000-2008), 5.1.1.
Kehnscherper, Günther. Hünengrab und Bannkreis (in German). Urania. (1983), pp. 167-168.
Holtorf, Cornelius (2000-2008): Monumental Past. The Life-histories of Megalithic Monuments in
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany). Electronic monograph. University of Toronto. Centre for
Instructional Technology Development. (2000-2008), 5.1.6.

Knowing this, it makes perfect sense to use megalithic tombs (dolmens and
kurgans) as waymarkers. The reason, the cemetaries (tombs) in any town
or city are the most well preserved structures. Old buildings are demolished
and new buildings are erected in their place, graves with their tombstones
simply remain. HaShem in His infinite wisdom instructed these enduring
stone tombs to be used as waymarkers for three reasons:

1) they endure,
2) they are preserved, and
3) they serve as a vivid reminder for the rest of the migrants a) to think
about their ancestors laying here (as you do when you visit a beloved’s
grave), b) HaShem’s eternal plan for them, and c) that their offspring
will one day return this very same way.

A better waymark could not be used seen in the light that Israelites highly
respect burial sites, even today (which is explained at the end of this
research paper).

An important clue is that even though Brittany is well-known for its
tremendous concentration of megalithic monuments, it is in the far less
known region east of Paris, around the city of Sens, that some scholars say
the largest concentration in Western Europe can be found. The area is
largely urban and industrial and not a holiday destination like Brittany and
few people are, however, aware of this fact.

One person who did become intrigued by these stones was the Belgian
historian Marcel Mestdagh. His area of expertise was the Viking invasions.
He noted that the invasion pattern in Western Europe seemed to follow a
particular feature of the landscape that other researchers had been unable
to identify. Mestdagh believed that this pattern had to do with the
distribution of megaliths across the landscape. Furthermore, he noted that
this pattern seemed to focus in on Sens, which was unique from a Viking
perspective in the sense that the town was besieged, rather than sacked as
were all other towns. Aware that megaliths were often used by later people
as border stones, Mestdagh wondered whether they might actually be
markers along the roads. Since then, other researchers have come to

Brittany (Breton: Breizh, Gallo: Bertaèyn,) is a cultural region in the north-west of France.
Sens is a commune in the Yonne department in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in north-central France,
120 km from Paris. The city is supposed to have been one of the oppida of the Senones, one of the
oldest Celtic tribes living in Gaul. It is mentioned as Agedincum by Julius Caesar several times in his
Commentarii de Bello Gallico. The Roman city was built during the first century BC and surrounded by
walls during the third.

the conclusion that many megalithic monuments were indeed situated
along ancient roads.

If the megaliths marked roads – and noting that the Vikings found a Europe
(c. 800 – 1000 CE) that was largely rural, not urbanised, could it be that
they followed this system, eventually ending up in Sens? If so, then it
meant that all roads seemed to lead to Sens – which made sense, as,
having the largest concentration of megaliths, it might thus be the capital.
Furthermore, Sens was close to Paris, which in later years would become
the capital of France.

The Carnac stones are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites

around the village of Carnac, in Brittany, consisting of alignments, dolmens,
tumuli and single menhirs. They are the largest such collection in the world,
but their purpose has never been discovered (by archaeologists and
scientists), however Ten Triber scholars differ. More than 3,000 prehistoric
standing stones were hewn from local rock and erected by the pre/proto-
Celtic people of Brittany, and form the largest such collection in the
world. Most of the stones are within the Breton village of Carnac, but
some to the east are within La Trinité-sur-Mer. It is thought that the stones
were erected during the Neolithic period which lasted from 4500 BCE until
2000 BCE, but in reality archaeologists have had great difficulty in
establishing accurate dates as little material was found beneath them
that could be used for radiocarbon dating.

The first extensive excavation was performed in the 1860s by Scottish

antiquary James Miln (1819–1881), who reported that by then fewer than
700 of the 3,000 stones were still standing.
Extract from: Philip Coppens: "Casting Stones":
"The Celts (Celtic) were people in Iron Age and Medieval Europe who spoke Celtic languages and had
cultural similarities, although the relationship between ethnic, linguistic and cultural factors in the
Celtic world remains uncertain and controversial. The exact geographic spread of the ancient Celts is
also disputed; in particular, the ways in which the Iron Age inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland
should be regarded as Celts has become a subject of controversy." Wikipedia, Celts:
"Megaliths of Carnac: Introduction". Retrieved 2010-01-07.
Ancient Origins, The Mystery of the Carnac Stones:
James Miln (1819 – 1881) was a Scottish antiquary who excavated many sites around the French
village of Carnac in Brittany from around the 1860s. He worked on Roman military camps and other
Roman antiquities including the Bosseno Roman villa, but is remembered today for his studies of the
Carnac stones. These had long been the subject of myth, and from the 1720s various people showed
increasing interest in these features, but Miln was one of the first to carry out extensive excavations of
the stones. Miln was fascinated by these ancient monuments. Towards 1875, he engaged a local boy,
Zacharie Le Rouzic (1864-1939), as his assistant to carry his drawing materials as he surveyed the
excavations, and Zacharie learnt archaeology on the job. Miln published his results, Excavations at

Local myth states that a Roman legion was on the march when the wizard
Merlin turned them into stone. Since then, a wide variety of theories have
been put forward to explain the purpose of these mysterious stones:

 One researcher who studied the stones purported that they may have
been an elaborate earthquake detector.
 Another interpretation is that the stones were erected by ancient
people to honour their ancestors.
 Still others think they were astronomical in nature. In 1805, A. Maudet
de Penhoët claimed they represented stars in the sky and in 1887,
H. de Cleuziou argued for a connection between the rows of stones
and the directions of sunsets at the solstices. Among more recent
studies, Prof Alexander Thom from Scotland worked with his son
Archie from 1970 to 1974 to carry out a detailed survey of the Carnac
alignments, and produced a series of papers on the astronomical
alignments of the stones as well as statistical analysis supporting
92 93
his concept of the megalithic yard (lunar observatory). There
are also general theories on the use of the stones as astronomical
observatories, as has been claimed for Stonehenge. According to one
such theory, the massive menhir at nearby Locmariaquer was linked to
the alignments for such a
 Modern archaeologists think
that it is likely that the stones
were used for a procession.
This would specifically apply
to the individual stone rows,
but it seems not unlikely that
the entire series of stone rows
itself formed part of a larger Ancient Origins, The Mystery of the Carnac
whole processional path. Stones: http://www.ancient-
Carnac, in 1877 and 1881. After Miln's death in Glasgow, he left the results of his excavations to the
town of Carnac, and the James Miln Museum was established there by his brother Robert to house the
artefacts. Zacharie became the director of the Museum and an internationally recognised expert on
megaliths in the region. He too left the results of his work to the town, and the museum is now named
Le Musée de Préhistoire James Miln – Zacharie le Rouzic.
The Independent: Bretons fight for Carnac to stay in the Stone Age
"Megaliths of Carnac: Introduction". Retrieved 2010-01-07.
Annick Jacq. "Carnac". Retrieved 2009-05-05.
Carnac — Megalithic alignments of standing stones.
Wood, John Edwin (1978). Sun, Moon and Standing Stones (paperback 1980 ed.). Oxford: Oxford
University Press. ISBN 0-19-285089-X.
Philip Coppens, Carnac: A Promenade of Souls:

Although there are no specific site reports on excavations of associated
gravesites, the general consensus of anthropological opinion is given in the
'Carnac' article of the Encyclopedia Britannica, which states:

"The evidence demonstrates that the monuments were built by a

mixed population trading with the megalithic centres of
Grand-Pressigny (Touraine), the Iberian peninsula, northwest
Britain and Ireland…" (1961 edition)

Moreover, we have the name Brittany also written as 'Britani' (the Bretons).
'Brit' in Hebrew, as explained before, means 'Covenant', and 'am' means
'people of nation'. 'Ami' as in the suffix 'ani' means 'my people' in Hebrew.
Altogether, 'Britani' can easily mean 'My Covenant People'.

The following is said of Prof Alexander Thom, who was a surveyor and
engineer and has a 'formidable command of astronomy and mathematics',
who spent years surveying almost every standing stone on the island of
Great Britain 'with the very highest standards of accuracy':

"When Thom had completed surveying the monuments of Britain,

he transferred his attention to France, and it was while working
with the welter of megaliths around Carnac that he generated his
most controversial idea... The army of stones was, as at certain
other sites, a neolithic substitute for graph paper." (Thorndike,

Thom was shocked by the precision with which these people were
able to work out the various risings and settings of major
astronomical bodies, and found good evidence that they were able to
predict eclipses (an extremely complicated process). While there is some
reason to doubt that such complex knowledge is exhibited at Stonehenge,
here in Brittany there is no such doubt.

"Here we come to a bombshell dropped by a Scots professor of

engineering that makes Hawkins' [Stonehenge theories] seem like
a firecracker. . . the menhirs and cromlechs of Britain and Brittany,
in addition to whatever religious purposes they served, were
instruments for determining certain risings and settings not
only of the sun and moon but of first-magnitude stars. Indeed,
so astronomically accomplished were the neolithic priests that they

had a knowledge of the moon's motions that was not to be
improved upon for three thousand years." (Ibid.)

The father-son team of Alexander and Archie Thom worked from 1970 to
1974, drafting highly detailed 1:1000 plans of the Carnac alignments.
These showed that what looks to the casual eye like parallel rows
stretching into the distance actually have random fluctuations in the lines—
an attempt, perhaps, to 'readjust' the alignments due to the precession of
the equinoxes over thousands of years.

These people had knowledge far greater that what we perceive today, all
linked to the mysteries in the Torah.

One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge, is composed of a

circular setting of large standing stones set within earthworks. It is at the
centre of the most densed complex of ancient monuments in England,
including several hundred burial mounds.

Did it all start in Israel, and why was Jacob so intrigued with his stone circle
in Israel that is similar to the breathtaking Stonehenge in England?

"'So now come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a
witness between you and me.' Then Jacob took a stone and set it
up as a pillar. Jacob said to his kinsmen, 'Gather stones.' So
they took stones and made a heap, and they ate there by the
heap [a covenant meal]. Now Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha, but
Jacob called it Galeed." (Gen 31:44-47)

The significance of the new moon is that it marked the beginning of a new month (the Hebrew
calendar is lunar-based), and it was a time when the Israelites were to bring an offering to HaShem.
The beginning of the month was by the testimony of messengers appointed to watch for the first
visible appearance of the new moon in Jerusalem. As soon as the first sliver was seen, the fact was
announced throughout the whole country by signal fires on the mountaintops and the blowing of
trumpets. The Hebrew word for 'month' (hodesh) literally means 'new moon'.

The Gilgal Refa’im – Rujm el-Hiri structure. Is this Israel’s own version of Stonehenge?
(Photo: ‫צ‬.‫ אסף‬/ Wiki Commons)

Years after Jacob made a covenant with HaShem when he erected a

menhir at Bethel, he now does the same with another covenant, this time
with his father-in-law Laban at Gilgal (Galeed). Also erecting stones once
again, in the same area where the Israelites crossed the Jordan River
where also twelve stones were erected.

Another remarkable structure from ancient time is also still present to this
very day in Galeed as seen above in the photo. After the Six-Day War in
1967, archaeologists studying an aerial map of Israel discovered a strange
formation of five concentric rings of loose rock. The formation is not
recognizable from the ground, appearing as random piles of rocks, but from
above it is quite impressive, with an outer ring more than 152 meters
(nearly 500 feet) wide. It is called 'Rujm el-Hiri' in Arabic, meaning the
'Stone Heap of the Wild Cat', and in Hebrew as 'Gilgal Refaim', or 'Wheel of
the Giants' (see another photo under the heading 'Israel, Point of

At its center is a mound of loose stones 20 meters (over 65 feet) in

diameter and five meters (over 16 feet) tall, covering a six-meter-long
(almost 20 feet) burial chamber. The entire formation is composed of over
40,000 tons of loose basalt rocks. Most scholars generally place the
beginning of the construction as early as '3100 BCE'.

Harry Moskoff, author of 'The A.R.K. Report' and Remi Award Winning Film
Producer, is an internationally acclaimed expert on the Ark of the Covenant
and other hidden Temple artifacts. When asked by Breaking Israel News
about 'Gilgal Refaim' and a possible Biblical connection to the site known

as the 'pile of stones' referred to in the Bible (Gen 31:51) by Laban as
'Jegar-sahadutha' and by Jacob as 'Galeed', Moskoff agreed that there was
value in the connection.

Both names in the Scriptures have the same meaning, 'witness pile',
however 'Galeed' is Hebrew and 'Jegar-sahadutha' is Aramaic. The 'pile' of
Gen 31:44-45 served as a border between Laban and Jacob and as a
'physical symbol' of the covenant between them. As described in the
Bible, it had a pillar in the center and was used as an altar, similar to the
description of the Gilgal Refaim monument in the photos.

The idea intrigued Moskoff and he states concerning Jacob’s piles of

stones: "We know that the pile of stones was still around during the times of
King David, as he felt bound by the agreement in the Bible. It may only
exist today because the tzaddik (righteous) Jacob, our forefather, erected

The question now is: "Is Britain’s Stonehenge in anyway related to Israel’s
Stonehenge?" For that we need to backtrack to Adam and Noah to
establish the time period of the origin of both structures…

The Bible specifically dates Noah because it traces the genealogy of Adam
to Abraham through the line of Seth (Genesis 5). Abraham is known to
have lived about 2000-1900 BCE. Since the Bible states that Noah lived
about 1,000 years before Abraham, it places Noah at c. 3000 BCE during
the time of the building of the two Stonehenges: Israel’s and Britain’s (and
the other stonehenges in other countries).

Now, Noah’s father was Lamech and they onviously lived a number of
years together during this interesting period of c. 3100 BCE. Lamech was
777 years old when he died. He died 5 years before the flood. Also, the first
ten names in the beginning of the Torah have meanings that, when put
together from Adam to Noah tell a cryptic message.

1. Adam Man
2. Seth Appointed
3. Enosh Mortal
4. Kenan Sorrow
5. Mahalalel The blessed God
6. Jared Shall come down

Special thank you to Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz for his article’s insight 'Is Stonehenge-Like Structure in
Israel Biblical Jacob’s Monument?':

7. Enoch Teaching
8. Methuselah His death shall bring
9. Lamech Despairing
10. Noah Comfort and rest

Put those meanings into a complete sentence and you get a very
interesting message:

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God

shall come down teaching. His death shall bring (the)
despairing comfort and rest.

Moreover, Lamech (Despairing) was responsible for the "Song of the

Sword". In the poem, Lamech's stance resembles that of a 'supreme
warrior', able to 'avenge himself absolutely'. Lamech is also noted as the
'first polygamist' mentioned in the Bible, taking 'two wives', Adah and Zillah
(Tselah). Applying the principle of first use we can then say Lamech
possibly alludes to HaShem as HaShem also took 'two wives', the 'House
of Judah' and the 'House of Israel' (Ephraim). This of course is proven
undoubtedly in the research material to follow.

Getting back to Gilgal (Galeed) and the time period of Lamech at 3100

What is the meaning and significance of Gilgal in the Bible?

What is the significance of Gilgal mentioned in 2 King 2:1?

When HaShem was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah

and Elisha were on their way from Gilgal. The word 'Gilgal' is mentioned
in 39 verses in the Bible.

The name Gilgal has been associated by Bible scholars with at least five
different possible locations in and around the Promised Land, none of them
absolute certain, because Gilgal is not a town name at all; instead, it is
likely a word for a particular type of 'created site'.

Gilgal is first mentioned in Deut 11:30 but it gains its primary meaning and
significance in the Book of Joshua (Yehoshua in Hebrew). The first camp of
the Israelites after they crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land was at a
place called 'Gilgal'. This camp served as 'their base' of operations during
the initial conquest of the land under Joshua. Several other important
events in the Bible also took place at Gilgal and it has a story similar to that

of Bethel with the erection of stones. Gilgal is also many times associated
in the same Scripure passages with Bethel or an important event.

When the Israelites entered the land for the conquest of the land, the site
called 'Gilgal' is all about 'stones and circles'. Applying the 'principle of
first use in Scriptures', in this case conquering the land, it then gives us
great insight as to why the Israelites placed stones wherever they
migrated, it is a form of claiming the land as we will see.

It was long assumed that Gilgal was the 'name' of a town, like other towns
mentioned in the Bible. But as said, Gilgal is not a town at all. One subtle
hint of this is that almost everywhere 'Gilgal' appears in the original
Hebrew, it is preceded by a definite article—Hebrew’s equivalent of our
word 'the.'

The one exception is Joshua 5:9, which reads: "HaShem said to Joshua,
'Today I have rolled away from you the disgrace of Egypt.' And so that
place is called Gilgal to this day."

Everywhere else, it should really be 'the gilgal.' This suggests that 'Gilgal' is
not the name of the town, but rather a type of place, such as for example, I
will meet you at 'the river' or 'the mountain', or 'the mall', etc. and you
should think of it as 'the gilgal' when you read the Bible. In other words,
'Gilgal' should not have been written with a capital 'G'.

The word 'gilgal' in the original Hebrew of Joshua 5:9 is related to the word
'galal', which means 'to roll' (which is also mentioned in verse 9). Galal is
often used to refer to rolling heavy objects such as stones. So in Hebrew
the related word gilgal means a 'wheel or circle', or 'something that rolls'. In
particular, it seems to refer to a 'circle of stones', or 'to a circular altar' for a
'specific event'.

This brings us back to the remarkable example of a 'gilgal' at the place

known as 'Gilgal Refaim' in Hebrew (photo above). This ancient monument
is sometimes called 'the Stonehenge of the Levant,' or 'Israel’s

It is worth noting that archeologists believe it was built around 3,100 BCE.
This would mean that it was already over 1,500 years old when Joshua and
the Israelites began their conquest of the Promised Land. This ancient
gilgal, or stone circle, is located in the present day Golan Heights region,
east of the Sea of Galilee and not at the gilgal where the Israelites passed
over the Jordan with Joshua.

Many scholars say it is unlikely that the Gilgal Refaim monument
corresponds to any of the gilgals mentioned in the Bible, however, a more
recent discovery may very well be associated with the Biblical gilgals.

Starting in the 1980s, and continuing right up into the 2000s, archeologists
have discovered and done initial studies of five human-built foot- or
sandal-shaped constructions that have been dated to the same general
time period as the Israelites’ conquest of the Promised Land. The best-
known one, named in modern times is at 'Bedhat esh-Sha’ab'. It is located
just southwest of the Argaman settlement in the Jordan River valley, about
two-fifths of the way from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee.

To put this in Bible terms, Bedhat esh-Sha’ab is a little northwest of the

town of Adam. Why is this significant? Because when Joshua and the
children of Israel crossed the miraculously dried-up Jordan river to enter the
Promised Land, Adam and its neighbouring city of Zarethan to its north are
named as the location where the Jordan River’s "waters flowing from above
stood still, rising up in a single heap" (Joshua 3:15–16). Because of this
association, some scholars think that Bedhat esh-Sha’ab may actually be
the Gilgal mentioned in Joshua—though this does not square with its
description in Joshua 4:19 as being "on the east border of Jericho."

The point is why are these gilgals in the shape of feet, or sandals? And
what does this shape have to do with the Bible story? (See photo below.)

First, it should be stated that the Bible does not make any specific mention
of 'foot-shaped' sites. However, Israeli scholars Dr Adam Zertal and Dr Dror
Ben-Yosef, of the The Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa,
who have studied five 'foot-shaped' sites discovered in the Promised Land,
make the case that the 'foot-shape' does have Biblical associations.

See the article, "Footprints of Ancient Israel: Unusual stone circles may mark biblical 'Gilgal'"

Lee and Annette Woofenden, What is the Meaning and Significance of Gilgal in the Bible?:

In ancient times, setting one’s foot on the land and walking around the
borders of a particular area of land were ways of asserting ownership or
control of that land. The feet were also symbols of the defeat of enemies.
Here are a few Biblical examples:

 In Deut 11:22–32, HaShem promises the Israelites that if they obey his
commandments, "Every place on which you set foot shall be yours." In
line with the theme, these verses also contain the very first brief
mention of a 'Gilgal' in the Bible.
 In Joshua 6, all the Israelite warriors are commanded to "march
around the city seven times," once each day for seven days, led by the
priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant. This was an unmistakable
'signal' to the inhabitants of Jericho that the Israelites 'were
laying claim' to their city. After the seventh day of marching around
the city, the Israelites invaded and captured the city.

 In Joshua 10:16–27, Joshua ordered the commanders of the army to
'put their feet on the necks' of five defeated kings as 'a sign of
victory' over them. The kings were then executed, and the Israelites
took control of their territories.

The foot-shaped stone sites, perhaps built by the Israelites during this time
period, may have been 'symbols of their declaration of ownership and
control of the land', and their defeat of its previous inhabitants. It is likely
that these foot-shaped gilgals were used for sacred observances and
rituals. One of those rituals, scholars think, may have involved a
'ceremonial walking around the borders of the site', reflecting the
practice of walking around a parcel of land to claim ownership of it.

There are many other Biblical associations with these foot- or sandal-
shaped gilgals. It should also be mentioned that these foot-shaped gilgals
commonly had smaller circular arrangements of stone within them that
were probably used for sacrifices and other ceremonial purposes.

In short, even though these sites are not technically circular, they invoke
the circles represented by the Hebrew word gilgal in a number of ways,
including 1) being stone enclosures, 2) the ritual of walking around their
borders, and 3) the circular stone objects commonly placed within them.
Certainly, these discoveries throw a whole new light on what the Bible
means by 'gilgal'.

We don’t know how many gilgals there were in the Bible, or exactly where
any of them were. However, we don’t need to know all of the historical and
archeological details in order to understand the cultural and spiritual
significance of the gilgals, or stone circles, in the Bible. We only need to
read the stories of what took place at these important sites.

Though the gilgals certainly have a strong ritual significance in the Bible,
they have an equally strong 'association with military conquest', and
with 'new beginnings'.

Thus, the initial story of the Gilgal mentioned in Joshua is important to look
at to understand the significance of Stonehenge.

Now that we have a holistic overview of the background of the gilgal

concept in Israel, we can explore Stonehenge in England…

Special thank you to Lee & Annette Woofenden for their article insight, Spiritual Insights for
Everyday Life:

Stonehenge is a massive stone monument located on a chalky plain north
of the modern-day city of Salisbury, England. Dates of the construction
vary, but it is generally accepted that the initial phase is 3100 BCE,
exactly the same time as the one in Israel and other related countries on
the migration path such as Armenia.

The biggest of Stonehenge’s stones, known as sarsens, are up to 9 meters

(30 feet) tall and weigh 25 tons (22.6 metric tons) on average. It is widely
believed that they were brought from Marlborough Downs, a distance of 32
kilometers (20 miles) to the north.

Smaller stones, referred to as 'bluestones' (they have a bluish tinge when

wet or freshly broken), weigh up to 4 tons and come from several different
sites in western Wales, having been transported as far as 225 km (140
miles). It’s unknown how people in antiquity moved them that far. Water
transport through raft is an idea that has been proposed but researchers
now question whether this method was viable.

Recent discoveries indicate that Stonehenge’s landscape was a sacred

area, one that underwent constant change. There is no shortage of
theories, but nobody (secular) knows for sure what Stonehenge was used
for. Apart from the gilgal concept, it had also for sure something to do with
death, just look around the Stonehenge landscape and see the burial

One new theory about Stonehenge, released in 2012 by members of the

Stonehenge Riverside Project, is that Stonehenge marks the 'unification
of Britain,' a point when people across the island worked together and
used a similar style of houses, pottery and other items. It would explain why
they were able to bring bluestones all the way from west Wales and how
the labour and resources for the construction were marshalled.
In a news release, Prof Mike P. Pearson of the University of Sheffield said
that "this was very different to the regionalism of previous centuries.
Stonehenge itself was a massive undertaking, requiring the labour of
thousands to move stones from as far away as west Wales, shaping them
and erecting them. Just the work itself, requiring everyone literally to pull
together, would have been an act of unification."

Wikipedia and Brad Show Foundations – 3100 BCE, English Heritage, History Channel, Britannia –
3000 BCE, [Construction of Stonehenge was broken into three periods: Stonehenge Period I (c. 2950-
2900 BCE), Stonehenge Period II (c. 2900-2400 BCE), Stonehenge Period III (c. 2550-1600 BCE) – About
Stonehenge]. Jacob made a covenant with HaShem in c. 1908 BCE
Live Science, Stenehenge, Facts and Theories and Mysterious Monument:

There is also evidence that Stonehenge and the Durrington Walls were a
place of pilgrimage. What is clear is that people travelled some way to
Stonehenge. A skeleton found when studied was from a person
originating from what is Switzerland today for example.

Sunday Express, Stonehenge:


Here is a list of the events that took place at one or another of the gilgals in
Israel compared to Stonehenge in England:

 It is generally accepted that the construction of Gilgal Refaim in Israel

was in 3100 BCE.
 It is also generally accepted that the Stonehenge gilgal started
in 3100 BCE.

 Gilgal was the first place Joshua and the children of Israel camped
after their miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. (Joshua 4:19)
 The ancient Hebrews also had to cross The Channel Sea to get
to England to place their stones to take the land.

 Joshua commanded one hand-picked leader from each of the twelve

tribes of Israel to set up at Gilgal twelve large stones, taken from the
middle of the river, as a sign and remembrance of that miraculous
crossing. (Joshua 4:1–9, 20–24)

 In a reconstruction of Stonehenge there are 'ten' standing
stones (House of Israel’s Ten Tribes) in the center with 'two'
major ones at the entrance (House of Judah). Judah is
Lawgiver, or Mechoqeck in Hebrew, as the Guard of the
Torah, and they stand at the entrance of Stonehenge
protecting Stonehenge.

 At Gilgal, all of the Israelite men who had grown up during the forty
years of wandering in the desert were circumcised, thus renewing the
Israelites’ earlier covenant of circumcision with HaShem. (Joshua 5:2–
 Was Stonehenge built as a place for the Ten Tribes to renew
their Covenant on arrival in Brit-Am (Covenant People)?

 At Gilgal, the Israelites also celebrated the Passover for the first time
in the Promised Land. The very next day, the manna that had been the
Israelites’ staple food during their forty years of wandering in the
desert ceased, and they began to eat the produce of the land instead.
(Joshua 5:10–12)
 Britain, the Islands (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) is an
extremely fertile landmass, and can therefore be seen as a type
of Covenant place for the Ten Tribers, as the Passover meal
speaks of covenant.

 Gilgal was Joshua’s base of operations for the Israelites’ initial

conquest of the Promised Land. (Joshua 10:6–15, 40–43.)
 Stonehenge is the oldest structure in England and would
certainly be the center of activities, not only for the Isles but also
indirectly for the world.

 The kingship of Saul, the first king of Israel, was reaffirmed at Gilgal
after Saul led a victorious campaign against the Ammonites. (1 Sam
11:14–15; see also 1 Sam 10:1, 8). Also after King David’s son
Absalom mounted an unsuccessful revolt against him, David was
greeted by the people and reaffirmed as the king of Israel in Gilgal. (2
Samuel 19:9–15, 40)
 Britain's first Crown Jewels were found at Stonehenge and
archaeologists have recreated the famous Bush Barrow burial,

Full teaching on this topic in the research material to follow.

where a Bronze Age chieftain was buried in regal splendor.
Israelite descent?

 However, Gilgal was also where Saul twice ignored HaShem’s

commands, and there Samuel informed him that HaShem had rejected
him as king, and that his dynasty would not continue. (1 Sam 13:1–15;
1 Sam 15). Late in Israel’s history, the prophets Hosea and Amos
condemned the Israelites for wickedness and corrupt worship in Gilgal.
Amos associates Gilgal with Bethel in its ruin and disgrace. (Hosea
9:15–17, 12:11–14; Amos 4:4–6, 5:1–6)
 Many pagan festivals and rituals are preformed today at
Stonehenge, certainly not accepted by HaShem.

 Finally, in the course of calling the people of Israel to account for their
abandonment of HaShem, the prophet Micah reminded them of
HaShem’s care for them in their early days in Gilgal and elsewhere—
thus bringing the story of Gilgal full circle. The Hebrew mindset to look
at Scripture is not linear like the Greeks with a beginning and an end
in a straight line, but rather starting and moving circularly always
returning the the beginning. (Micah 6:1–5)
 Stonehenge must be used to the glory of HaShem, thus
returning to the original use.

The gilgals of Israel and Stonehenge are far more than physical places,
they are places of spiritual significance. Gilgal should definitely be a
place of departure for new beginnings, but always returning back to it
for a monumental reminder.


Megalithic Monuments can be found all across Europe and are particularly
famous in Ireland, in fact this country is saturated with ancient megalith
Martin Byrne for his informative article Irish Megalithic Monuments says
there are four main types of megalithic monument to be found in Ireland.
These are 1) chambered cairns (also known as passage tombs or passage
graves) with perhaps 300 - 500 in the country, 2) Court cairns, (court

Mail Online, Were these dazzling artefacts at the King of Stonehenge's burial site Britain's first
Crown Jeweles:
Thank you to Martin Byrne for his informative article Irish Megalithic Monuments on his Website
The Sacret Island at: The researcher encourages the
reader to venture on his megalith tours.

tombs), about 400, 3) dolmens (portal tombs or cromleacs), some 190
examples and 4) wedges, around 400 monuments. A fifth type or category
is unclassified monuments of which there are at least 200. There is a sixth
much smaller group, called Linkardstown cists, not very common.

Chambered cairns (Category 1) are the main type of megalithic/neolithic

monument at Carrowkeel in County Sligo, one of the major Irish complexes.
Moytura, on the east shore of Lough Arrow is one of the best places to see
the four types of monument. Heapstown and Shee Lugh are passage
graves; the Labby Rock is one of the larger dolmens in Ireland; there are a
number of wedges and an unusual court structure, as well as many tall
erratic standing stones.

There are similarities and differences between the types of monuments.

Courts and dolmens are thought to be the oldest types, and wedges at a
later stage. There is a large amount of variety to the 1,600 or so megaliths
remaining in Ireland. Some are huge like the Boyne Valley cairns, some are
tiny like the circles in Carrowmore. Many have been destroyed where they
made convenient building materials or stood on good farming land. Others
are so ruined that there is little left to see of the monument. Some are in
great condition and easy to visit like the Labby Rock and Creevykeel in
County Sligo.

Court cairns (Category 2) come in all shapes and sizes, and many
monuments are quite ruined. There are only 12 of the great central courts,
of which Creevykeel is the best example; all found in the northwest around
Donegal Bay. Courts are not found in the south of the country; all but five
are found in the northern portion of the island.

Dolmens (Category 3) seem to be markers for boundaries or territory. They

are often found in valleys close to a stream, and the view does not always
seem too important. Dolmens are well known for their large imposing
capstones; Irish dolmens range from about 10 tons at Carrowmore to an
estimated 100 tons at Brownshill in Country Carlow. Some of Ireland's
largest dolmens are found in County Dublin, though many are collapsed.

Megalithic chambers are really artificial caves built as free standing

structures from large slabs of stone, and in fact many of the earliest
megaliths in County Sligo are found near caves.

The megalithic structures are then covered by a heap of stones (as in the
Bible), which stabilises the freestanding structure, defines the monument
visually from a distance, and creates a viewing platform which can be
used to survey the horizon. It is thought that the capstones of large

dolmens were left free of the cairn of stones. Some sites have external
features such as standing stones, stone settings, raised banks and stone
boxes known as cists. Two monuments, Cairn F at Carrowkeel and Cairn L
at Loughcrew have standing stones within the chambers.

Passage graves demonstrate a great interest in astronomy: chambers are

often oriented to the sun, moon, another heavenly body, or another
monument or a landscape feature.

To most archaeologists, megalithic monuments are tombs, places where

the bones of the ancestors were laid to rest. However, the numbers don't
really add up, the amount of burials is quite small in comparison to
the amount of labour that went into erecting a monument. In some
sites, for example Creevykeel in County Sligo, no bones or cremations
were found at all; in others such as Newgrange, the remains of only five
people were found. Newgrange is much more of a neolithic temple or
cathederal than a tomb. At Carrowkeel, the remains of about thirty-two
people came from the chambers of twelve cairns.

The fourth type of megalithic chambers are the wedges (Category 4), stone
boxes that are found all around the country, and often in clusters with other
types of monument.
Prof William C. Borlase wrote a comprehensive work on the dolmens of
Ireland before the era of carbon dating and other modern procedures.
Indications are that these dating procedures are often incorrect and
they may have done more harm to revealing what 'really' happened in
the past, than assisting. Much of the present-day conceptions concerning
Megalithic Monuments will need to be re-thought and re-written. The
work of Prof Borlase may well still be pertinent.
Yair Davidiy, as mentioned before, and his associates are very outspoken
and all agree about the dating of the megaliths to the extent that modern
secular archaeologists, and scientists, must relook at:

"Brit-Am and Company say that the Megaliths were constructed

after ca. 700 BCE while MOST academics give dates like 4000
BCE (or earlier) to ca. 1500 BCE."

Prof William Copeland Borlase (2 February 1696– 31 August 1772), Cornish antiquary, geologist and
naturalist. From 1722 he was Rector of Ludgvan, Cornwall, where he died in 1772.
The dolmens of Ireland, their distribution, structural characteristics. And affinities in other
countries; together with the folk-lore attaching to them; supplemented by considerations on the
anthropology, ethnology, and traditions of the irish people:

Davidiy who is one of the leading experts on the dispersion and regathering
of the Ten Tribes has an informative article on Prof Borlase on his
Website 'Brit Am' and Company endorse the work of Prof Borlase.

Prof Borlase undertook a thorough research work on the dolmens of

Ireland. Incidentally, he also examined megalithic finds all over the world.
Based on his findings Prof Borlase concluded that dolmens in Ireland had
all been constructed by 'one single ethnic group' whose activities had
continued from the Stone Age right up to and then into the Christian
Era. The question is who is this 'ethnic group'?

New findings now indicate that in Europe the so-called 'Neolithic (New
Stone Ages)' did not exist as a separate era but was coeval with the
Bronze and Iron Ages.

Sages’ and Bible scholars’ understanding of Biblical Passages along with

archaeological findings show that megalithic dolmen-type monuments had
been set up by the Ancient Israelites in the Land of Israel. Ten out of
the original Twelve Israelite Tribes were exiled and lost their identity. They
became known as the Lost Ten Tribes. They migrated in stages to
Western Europe amongst whose peoples and their overseas offshoots are
to be found their descendants today. In their places of eventual settlement
and along their migratory routes are to be found megalithic monuments of
the same type as those that may be attributed to the Israelites. These prove
their places of origin in the Ancient Israelite area.

The Prophet Jeremiah (31:21) predicted that this is what they would do and
that they would set up such 'signs' of their origin. He indicated that in the
end-times they would be enabled 1) to use these monuments as proof of
their ancestry and 2) would enable them to return.

Prof Borlase described in great detail, parallels between the

monuments of Ancient Ireland and those of what he calls 'Syria' which
is in fact the general area of Ancient Israel. He also described similar
customs associated with these monuments and practised in both 'Syria'
and the 'native' inhabitants of Ireland.

Here are extractions from Prof Borlase's research work The Dolmens of
Ireland, Volume III Part 2 ff, pp. 726 ff. (It is important to take note that Prof

Thank you very much for Yair Davidiy’s article Israel-Syria-Ireland in Megalithic Parallelism at The researcher encourages the reader to read Yair Davidiy’s
book, available here: or here

Borlase’s work was published in the 1800s when the term 'Syria' could
mean present-day Syria, Jordan, parts of Lebanon, and Israel):

Quote Extracts: The Irish Connection Highlighted.

"a dolmen near Heshbon represents a structure wonderfully like

the "Giant's Load" at Ballymascanlan, in Louth [Leinster s-e
a Syrian example… on account of the important points of
comparison it affords with structures everywhere found in the west
of Europe. ...To the south-west of Rabbath Ammon [Jordan] is a
dolmen, which Captain Conder assigns to the semi-dolmen class
of French archaeologists...
Most singular and interesting is it to find that not only are these
structural resemblances to the rude stone monuments of Western
Europe so close, but that the superstitions which prevail in the
dolmen-bearing districts of Syria and Moab are identical with those
of the dolmen-bearing districts of the West...
...for parallels to which phenomenon we may turn to the instances
(in Cornwall [s-w England]) of the "Three Brothers of Grugith," and
in Clare [Ireland] at the dolmen at Newgrove, near Tulla.
...All this is identical with Irish custom and tradition...
Now, in no country was such a devotion so likely to have originated
as in a parched and desert district where wells were few and far
between, and where to have dug one was to cause the name of
the chieftain or patriarch who conferred so great a blessing on the
community to be sainted and held in perpetual veneration. It is
hard to see how a saint in Ireland, a country alive with springs,
could confer any particular blessing on a tribe by causing, as we
are told in the legends he often did, a well to spring up
miraculously; but it is not difficult to see what a benefactor he
would have been had he caused one to be dug in the deserts of
...Stones in similar position and of singular form, intended
apparently to represent horned heads, formed a characteristic
feature in the little Irish structures...
...They are called by the Arabs Kubur Beni Israel, that is, "Graves
of the Children of Israel." ...This remark would hold good, I think, in
the case of most of the dolmens of Western Europe, and of those
of Ireland in particular. ... often found associated in Ireland.
...I know no description of dolmens which recalls so precisely the
more compact ones of Clare [Ireland] as does that of the ones in
this group.

...The resemblances between Irish antiquities and those of Syria by
no means stops short at the dolmen epoch."

There can be no doubt of Ireland’s connection with Israel as the ancient

structures and what Prof Borlase confirms.

As mentioned before in this research, Megalithic Monuments according to

many researchers were aligned according to astronomical phenomenon.
This has been confirmed by scientists’ various evidence and can be
experienced today by any visitor to the Caucasus Dolmens, Stonehenge,
and the New Grange in Ireland.

Let’s prove the point: What is a solstice? A solstice is an astronomical

event that occurs twice each year (in June and December) as the Sun
reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on
the celestial sphere. In other words, in layman’s terms, a solstice is either
the longest day of the year (summer solstice) or the shortest day of the
year (winter solstice) for any place outside of the tropics. Known as the
'June solstice' and 'December solstice', referring to the months of year in
which they take place. It is known in simplicity 'when the sun turns back'.

Knowing this background, Newgrange is an ancient passage tomb located

in the Boyne Valley in Ireland's Ancient East. The mound is 85 meters in
diameter and 13.5 meters high, an area of about 4047 square meters (1
acre). A passage measuring 19 meters leads into a chamber with 3
alcoves. The passage and chamber are aligned with the rising sun at the
Winter Solstice. Newgrange is surrounded by 97 large stones called
kerbstones some of which are engraved with megalithic art; the most
striking is the entrance stone.

Archaeologists classified Newgrange as a passage tomb, however

Newgrange is now recognised to be much more than this. A more fitting
classification is a place of
astrological, spiritual, religious
and ceremonial importance.

The 19 meter long inner passage

leads to a cruciform chamber
with a corbelled roof. The
amount of time and labour
invested in construction of
Newgrange suggests a well- Ancient Order of Hibernians, Tomb of
organized society with Newgrange:
specialised groups responsible

for different aspects of construction.

Newgrange is part of a complex of monuments built along a bend of the

River Boyne known collectively as Brú na Bóinne. The other two principal
monuments are Knowth (the largest) and Dowth, but throughout the area
there are as many as thirty-five smaller mounds.

Newgrange is best known for the illumination of its passage and chamber
by the winter solstice sun. Above the entrance to the passage at
Newgrange there is an opening called a roof-box. This baffling orifice held a
great surprise for those who unearthed it. Its purpose is to allow sunlight to
penetrate the chamber on the shortest days of the year, around December
21st, the winter solstice. At dawn, from December 19th to 23rd, the sun
begins to rise across the Boyne Valley from Newgrange over a hill known
locally as Red Mountain, a narrow beam of light penetrates the roof-box
and reaches the floor of the chamber, gradually extending to the rear of the

As the sun rises higher, the

beam widens within the
chamber so that the whole
room becomes dramatically
illuminates. This event lasts
for 18 minutes, beginning
around 9 am. The beam of
light stretches into the
passage into the central
chamber where it
illuminates the 'rear stone'
of the central recess of the
chamber. The accuracy of Ken Williams (Shadows and Stones), Winter Solstice:
Newgrange as a time-
telling device is astounding and very hard to explain. (South Africa (Zebulon
Tribe) has a similar massive granite stone building in Pretoria, where the
sun falls onto a stone 'covenant book' on 16 December, which is known as
'The Day of Covenant'.)

The intent of the Stone Age builders who built Newgrange was
undoubtedly to mark the beginning of the new era, or, better, a new

The astonomical phenomenon is only valid on the assumption that the

length of the solar year is the same today as it was when the monuments
were constructed. Immanuel Velikovsky, World in Collision, 1950, claims

that around 700 BCE, as a result of cosmic calamities, the calendars of
all ancient peoples were changed from a year of 360 days to one of
365 1/4 days as it is now. Davidiy says it is immaterial to us as to whether
the exlanation of Velikovsky for this phenomen is correct or not. What is
important is that if the length of the year did change the Megalithic
monuments must have been erected after the change took place, i.e.
after 700 BCE.


Who were the megalith builders in Britain, and what purpose did their stone
structures serve? Although the common secular belief is that they were
Pagans, there is a wealth of evidence to show that they were descendants
from the Promised Land, and that the Druidry religion was originally
descended from Patriarchal practices, which were corrupted as time
went on.

Before we continue, let’s summarise the five main types of stone structures
found all over Britain:

1) Menhirs – Single upright stones

2) Cairns – Piles of rocks, usually in a cone shape
3) Dolmens – A stone slab on three or more uprights
4) Cromlechs – A circle of stones sometimes enclosing dolmens or
barrows (tombs)
5) Tumuli – Mounds of earth and stones covering a burial chamber
(barrows, burial mounds, or kurgans)

These types of stone monuments do not only appear in Britain, but are
found all over Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East, marking out the
routes that the Sethites and Israelites took on their various dispersions, as
they expanded across the earth.

Brit Am, Megalithic Monuments Describe Migratory Pathers:
The belief system of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, which was Torah-based and believing in a coming

Aryan, Callanish Cromlech in the shape of a cross, Scotland:

Irish traditions connect the origin of megalithic monuments to two

invasionary peoples:

1) One of these races, the oldest, has in Irish traditions the name Fri–
Bolgi, and they are shown as men of a normal height, with brown or
dark hair.
2) This Fri-Bolgi people, who had hold for a while the ethnic and political
rule over Ireland, was later overrun by another race of peoples, the
so-called Danians, who had a generally tall stature, blond hair and
blue eyes. [Please note Dan-ians as it is discussed in detail in the
following research material.]

The Danians, according to Irish traditions, continued to use, like the

Fri-Bolgi had done, the megalithic monuments, up to the time when
their domination over Ireland was overturned by another invasionary
people called Scots.

From the point of view of prehistoric ethnology, the Fri-Bolgi, who,

according to Irish traditions, had first introduced the megalithic funerary
monuments in the western countries of Europe, appear to have been only

Henri Martin, De l’origine des monuments megalithiques, p.14.

a migrated branch west of the big Pelasgian people of the
Hyperboreans, settled in ancient times north of the Black Sea [in the
Scythian Kingdom] at the Lower Danube River which flows into the
Black Sea, and who, in the monuments of antique geography, appear
under the name of 'Pirobori'.

The country of the Hyperboreans from the north of the Lower Danube,
meaning the Scythians, was renowned even during the period of Pindar
(c. 522 – c. 443 BCE) for its colossal monuments of rough stone.

The second ancient race, the so-called Danians, mentioned by the Irish
traditions, appears to have been in the great ethnic movement of the
ancient world, just some tribes of Danai (Danaoi), as Homer calls these
Greek settlers (Iliad, III. 33.464; IV. 232; VII.382; XIII. 680), who had
advanced westwards, on the migration routes of other earlier Neolithic
Pelasgian tribes. We know the Scythians had very close realtionships and
trade exchange with the Greeks and even allowed the Greeks to build
harbour cities in the north of the Black Sea in the Scythian controlled
areas. The populations identified as 'Pelasgian' spoke a language that at
the time the Greeks identified as 'barbaric' and not at all Greek, proving
them not to be Greeks. Although some ancient writers, because 'these
people settled' in Greece, described the Pelasgians as Greeks, which
obviously is mistaken, they were the Scythians.

A tradition also survived that a large part of Greece had once been
Pelasgian [Scythian] before being Hellenized. These parts generally fell
within the territory which, by the 5th century BCE, was inhabited by those
speakers of ancient Greek who were identified as 'Ionians'. These
"The name Pelasgians (Greek: Πελασγοί, Pelasgoí; singular: Πελασγός, Pelasgós) was used by some
ancient writers to refer to populations that were either the ancestors of the Greeks or preceded the
Greeks in Greece, "a hold-all term for any ancient, primitive and presumably indigenous people in the
Greek world". In general, "Pelasgian" has come to mean more broadly all the indigenous inhabitants of
the Aegean Sea region and their cultures before the advent of the Greeks." Wikipedia, Pelasgians:
In Greek mythology the Hyperboreans (Ancient Greek: Ὑπερβόρε(ι)οι, Latin: Hyperborei) were
mythical people who lived "beyond the North Wind". The Greeks thought that Boreas, the god of the
North Wind (one of the Anemoi, or "Winds") lived in Thrace, and therefore Hyperborea indicates a
region that lay far to the north of Thrace, the Scythian area.
Border in modern-day Ukraine.
Ptolemy,Geogr.lib.III.10.8– Piroboridava near the river Hierasus, Siret.
Pindar (Greek: Πίνδαρος Pindaros, Latin: Pindarus) (c. 522 – c. 443 BCE) was an Ancient Greek lyric
poet from Thebes. Of the canonical nine lyric poets of ancient Greece, his work is the best preserved.
See Part 6 for the Historical Evidence.
Wikipedia, Pelasgians:
"Unlike ‘Aeolians’ and ‘Dorians’, ‘Ionians’ appears in the languages of different civilizations around
the eastern Mediterranean and as far east as the Indian subcontinent. They are not the earliest

Danai, or 'Greek area settlers', appear in the primitive times of
European history as the people who immediately follow the

About the immigration of the Danai in Pelasgian territories, there was

preserved until late, a tradition in 'Ellada' (the Greek name of ancient
Greece).This was described by the poet Eschyle (526 to 456 BCE) in
his poem named 'Supplices':

"Danaos (the representative of the Danai), persecuted by his

brother Aegyptos, emigrates from Lybia to the vast empire of
Pelasg (leader of Pelasgian, the Scythian territory), to ask for
protection and a place to settle."

It is very interesting to know that 'El' in Hebrew is 'God' and 'Ada' is a

feminine. The name traces to Hebrew origin and is sometimes spelt 'Adah' -
ָ meaning "adornment" It can also be a short form of names such as
‫ה ָדע‬,
Adelaide and Adeline. Thus, 'Ellada' means 'God’s adornment' and is
directly associated with the stripping of the Ten Tribers’ adornment
because of their unbelief, in many Scriptures.

Even the ethnic type of the Fri-Bolgi and Danians of the Irish
traditions, wholly correspond to the physical and moral aspect of the
ancient Pelasgians and the Danai.

Pelasgians appear in the ancient monuments of Greek literature as a race

of men with a darkish colour, or suntanned, robust and with a dominating
character. Pelasg, the founder of the empire of this race was, as the
ancient poet Asius (c. 700 BCE) tells us, born from the 'Black Earth'. The
Black Earth or Central Black Earth Region or Central Chernozem Region or
Chernozemie is a segment of the Eurasian chernozem belt that lies within
Central Russia, the seat of the ancient Scythians. The Black Earth
Region is famous for its very good soil, therefore it is called 'Black Earth'.

On the other hand, the ancient Greek area settlers, or Danai, are shown in
the traditions of the Homeric period, as men with a tall stature, blond hair
and blue eyes.

Greeks to appear in the records. The trail of the Ionians begins in the Mycenaean Greek records of
Crete." Wikipedia, Ionians:
Eschyle, Aeschylus (in ancient Greek Αἰσχύλος / Aiskhúlos ), born in Eleusis in 526 BCE and died in
Gela (Sicily) in 456 BCE. He is the oldest of the three great Greek playrights.
Isaiah 3:16-24, Ezek 16:11-12.
Prehistoric Dacia, Part 1 - Ch.IX:

The signs and figures engraved on various megalithic monuments of the
west, which consist of spirals, serpentine lines (Draco), arched lines or
semispherical disks, wheels of the sun and scattered points. These imitate
the sky with the stars, present a remarkable affinity with the system of
ornamentation and the symbolic signs of the eastern Pelasgians.

These mystical characters from the megalithic monuments of the west

show us the traces of Pelasgian knowledge of the sky, the sun and the
stars. The colossal forms of these monuments tell us that they belong to a
heroic people with an enormous ambition to transmit to the future
generations the memory and glory of HaShem.

We have now set the stage for the understanding of Scotland’s megaliths…

The megalithic monuments of Scotland’s Kilmartin, are a detailed sky map

of the heavens.

The monuments of Kilmartin cover a 20 km diameter of terrain and employ

the hermetic principle, 'as above, so below' in creating a mirror-image
of the stars on the surface of the earth. Kilmartin was, and still is, a
mammoth ancient 'star' project.

The home page of the Kilmartin House Museum reads (2016):

"There are more than 800 ancient monuments within a six-mile

radius of the village of Kilmartin, Argyll, many of them are
prehistoric. This extraordinary concentration and diversity of
monuments distinguishes the Kilmartin Glen as an area of
outstanding archaeological importance. It is one of Scotland’s
richest prehistoric landscapes."

The beauty of decipherment is that once one knows the solution to the
monumental puzzle, that solution is open to anyone who has, or obtains a
minimal understanding of, astronomy and the stars of the heavens. As said,
studying the stars in the heavens is commanded in the Torah, and the
researcher proved this in his other research material where the Mazarroth’s
(Zodiac’s) 12 constellations are directly linked to the 12 Tribes of Israel.

The key to the decipherment is
the initial identification of the
three constellations of:

1) Leo: Lion next to Leo Minor.

2) Draco: Dragon between the
Cygnus and Leo.
3) Cygnus: Swan in the form of
a 'cross' on the sketch.

The rest follows once you

understand the main role- 2
It was proven that the
decipherment was indeed 1
correct, and the other stars fit.

1. Leo: We all agree that the

constellation of Leo is Judah.
Judah, as said, is the guardian
of the Torah, the Lawgiver, till
Shiloh (Moshiach comes) as
the prophecies in the Torah Andis Kaulins, Megaliths and Megalithic Sites Around
state. Leo is the 'House of the World:
Judah' and consists of the Tribe of Judah and the smaller tribe, The Tribe
of Benjamin (Leo Minor next to the Leo constellation).

2. Draco: In Judaism, yetzer hara (Hebrew: ‫רֶ ֵצר ַע ַרה‬, for the definite
'the evil inclination'), or yetzer ra (Hebrew: ‫רה‬‎ַ ‎‫רֶ ֵצר‬, for the indefinite 'an
evil inclination') refers to the congenital inclination to do evil, by
violating the will of HaShem. The term is drawn from the phrase 'the
imagination of the heart of man [is] evil' (Hebrew: ‫דדה ֶבל רֶ ֵצר‬ ָ ‫רה ָע‬,ַ
yetzer lev-ha-adam ra), which occurs twice in the Hebrew Bible, at
Gen 6:5 and 8:21. (Christians call this concept 'satan'.) So Draco is
directly associated with evil and is situated between Leo and
Cygnus, implying it brings division.

3. Swan: Most authorities concur that 'swan' is an incorrect

translation in the original King James Version of the Bible. Most
modern English translations of Lev 11:18 and Deut 14:16 do not

Andis Kaulins, Megaliths and Megalithic Sites Around the World:
Gen 49:10.

have the word 'swan', but rather, 'white owl' or 'little owl' as in the
NIV and NKJV translations. The Hebrew word tanshemeth (Strong’s
Exhaustive Concordance #8580) is used to designate an unclean
creature (unfit for human consumption). Tanshemeth is used twice in
Leviticus and once in Deuteronomy. The Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia suggests 'swan' is a mistranslation. Leeser’s Old
Testament English Translation of the Hebrew Bible states, "It is
inaccurate to translate the Hebrew word tanshemeth, as swan."
Additionally, the TaNaCh: A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures
According to the Traditional Hebrew Text has it as a 'white owl' or
'little owl', not 'swan'. There is no mention of swans, geese or ducks
as being unclean. Moreover, speaking of the swan, the International
Standard Bible Encyclopedia states, "White and gray swans … are
among the most ancient birds of history; always have been used for
food; … so there is no possibility that they were ever rightfully placed
among the birds unsuitable for food" ('Swan').

Interesting features of the 'Swan': They are among the most ancient
birds of history. Most water fowl are faithful to one mate over long
periods of time, however, the swan is a champion of marital fidelity.
Couples are faithful for life. Researchers say that they have recorded
no cases of divorce among successfully reproducing couples. Nor do
they report any case of marital infidelity among swans. They are
highly territorial. They are sometimes met within the Jordan and the
Sea of Galilee. White and gray swans spend their winter migratory
season on the waters of the Promised Land. In literature the swan
was fabled to sing a melodious song, especially at the time of its
death. Ancient Romans believed that the swan was a symbol of a
happy death. In Celtic folklore, swans were a symbol of love and
purity, their music was considered magical. If this represents a
person today it will have to be the perfect being, perhaps a type of
the Mochiach to restore the Ten Tribes back to Judah?

In summary, the three main constellations Leo, Draco, and Swan, when
viewed from an eschatological point of view according to Gen 1:14 were
to be for 'signs', and for 'seasons' (Biblical Feast days – moedim in

Is it coincidence that we find this end-time phenomenon embedded in

Scotland’s crust, knowing Scotland is one of the 'final' destinations the
Ten Tribers would migrate to in Western Europe, and needed this last

Eschatology: study of end time events. Eschatological – end-time retated.

piece of cryptic evidence as encoded in the Menhirs, Cairns, Dolmens,
Cromlechs, and Tumuli?

Resemblence: Jewish Tombs of Today and The Ancient Dolmens

Dolmens and megalithic monuments originated in Ancient Israel, the point

of departure for the ancient Israelites to their destinies in the uttermost ends
of the world. Question: is it a dolmen with the hole in front covered with
many stones on Mount Olive graveyard overlooking Jerusalem, or is it a
just a plain Jewish tomb? If so, why the resemblance?

Wikipedia, Jewish cemetery: Life in Russia, Mysterious Caucasus Dolmens:

The 'land' of the Jewish cemetery is considered holy and a special

consecration ceremony takes place upon its inauguration. According
to Jewish tradition, Jewish burial grounds are sacred sites and must
remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Establishing a cemetery is one of
the first priorities for a new Jewish community settlement. A Jewish
cemetery is generally purchased and supported with communal funds.

Showing proper respect for the dead (kevod ha-met) is intrinsic to

Jewish law. The connection between the soul and the human body after
death is an essential aspect of Jewish belief in the eternity of the soul.
Thus, unearthing the dead, deriving benefit from a corpse or grave, or
acting in any way that may be perceived as 'ridiculing the helpless' (l’oeg
l’rash), such as making derogatory remarks or joking, but also partaking in
the pleasures or needs of the living, such as eating, drinking or smoking
after a funeral, are outright forbidden in the presence of the dead. (Now
you know why Jews do not bring flowers or eat anything after a funeral.)

"IAJGS cemetery site". Retrieved 2012-12-25.
Lamm, M (2000). The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning. New York: Jonathan David Company Inc.

HaShem in His infinite wisdom used the single most preserved element,
'tombs with stones', as lifelong waymarkers. The Israelites left for a new
beginning and new life and left tombs on their trail; their tombs will also be
used to bring them back to the Promised Land for a new beginning and a
new life!

Finally, in the Diaspora (outside the land of Israel), it is traditional to bury

the dead with the feet in the direction of Jerusalem. Amazingly most
of the dolmens also face to Jerusalem! Dolmens say: "Study me and
find your way back the Jerusalem" in direction, and a message of hope
concerning the Moshiach as proclaimed in the heavenly constellations.


Jer 31:21 says that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of megalithic
monuments from Israel to their places of exile and further migration, so as
to find their way back. This indeed happened with unprecedented accuracy.
These megaliths are also associated with the stars, which believers of
today are only now really starting to study and understand, this as
commanded in the Torah.

The Bible makes clear reference to these structures in many places, and
covenants were strongly associated with them, therefore the megaliths had
a long history with the Hebrew peoples. The use of menhirs as funerary
monuments also exists from ancient time till late in historical times.

Megaliths have been erected in various phases: the first monuments to be

erected were by the Sethites (Neolithic Period), then to these were added
later by the descendants of Eber (King Solomon and the Phoenicians), and
then later still by the descendants of Jacob-Israel (Ten Tribes) all the way
into the Christian Era. Many Rabbis and leading Jewish scholars believe
that most of the megaliths outside Israel were erected by the Ten Tribers
on their migration routes. Thus, the megalithic monuments indicate the
migratory paths.

There are four main migratory paths northwards. The path through Georgia
was selected to prove the fact that the Ten Tribes will construct a trail of
megalithic monuments from Israel to their places of exile and beyond.
Megaliths, arranged in special formations were found on this migration path
giving valuable information. Each country that is studied offers more cryptic
Craigs Dolmen (also known as the Broad Stone) is situated three miles north of Rasharkin, County
Antrim, Northern Ireland faces south-east. The Labby Rock dolmen on Moytura also in Ireland faces
south-east. The dolmens of northern Sardinia in Italy face to the south-east quadrant. Dolmens in
Sakar Strandzha in Bulgary face south. Most Dolmens in West Caucasus face south, etc.

information and clues. Megaliths on the migratory paths deserve further
studies evolving into a doctorate dissertation.

There are direct parallels between megalithic structures such as the

Caucasus, Stonehenge, Newgrange, and Kilmartin, not to mention the
smaller groups on the migration path. Scotland is one of the 'final'
destinations the Ten Tribers migrated to in Western Europe and a last
piece of vital cryptic eschatological evidence is encoded in its menhirs,
cairns, dolmens, cromlechs, and tumuli.

In the next part we will focus on the Silent Witnesses: Signs and Emblems
Evidence to reinforce what has already been researched.

Commonwealth of Israel (COI)
(Chever HaAmim HaYisraeli)

The leadership of the Commonwealth of Israel Reconciliation Projects (COI) comes

in equal proportions from both sides of the opposing factions in this controversial
Historic Feud where this reconciliation is required. Our leadership have been elected
from leading and well informed commentators who have a sincere zeal for bridging
the destructive and bottomless void between two factions of the same ‘Family’ – the
Nation of the God of Israel. The audience that we cater for are those who sincerely
seek encompassing and in-depth knowledge in order to make an informed decision
regarding the Way forward. The principle behind this Reconciliation Project is for
both sides to approach each other in good faith, being willing to understand and
respect the other side’s point of view. For this reason we want to avoid any
disruptive comments, actions or situations which will disturb peaceful relations.

We totally shun coercion of souls by our associates and leaders on both sides. While
allowing freedom of expression of convictions, we need to take great care not to
offend and destroy the Peaceful co-existence which is our main Goal. For this
reason we commend the golden principles to “Agree to disagree” on controversial
issues, while building on that which we do agree upon. (Refer our ‘Uniting Factors’).
For this reason we operate from THREE platforms in this Web Site:

1) The re-identifying House of 10-Israel which is rising across the Globe

(referred to in the Bible as Ephraim / Yoseph);
2) The house of Judah (Jews) – Guardians of the Word of God for 3500 years,
as exposed by God to Moses and the Prophets of the Bible;
3) And in the centre COI – with representatives from both Houses. We strive
to establish Reconciliation between these 2 divided Houses of Israel, which
have been greatly divided since 2700 years ago.

From this Central Platform, COI strives to prove that reconciliation and living fruitfully
side by side within parameters that please the God of Israel, IS indeed possible.

The COI Vision

Our leadership, who are scholars and experts with individual experience through
their involvement in this Restoration and Reconciliation Process, have all reached
the same conclusion. Coming from different fields in life, they discovered that the
Main Purpose of God and the Main Theme of the Bible, is to restore the 12-Tribed
Kingdom of Israel as that Entity that God will work through when He establishes His
Universal Rule on earth. This requires that the two greatly divided Houses of Israel,
which came about when the Kingdom of Israel was taken away by God from King
Solomon 3000 years ago and broken up into two sections, be re-unired. These two
sections are frequently referred to in the Bible as “Judah and Israel”. Both Houses in
time were banished from the Land of Israel and exiled amongst the nations – but the
Promise of God remained as a Challenge, that He would in the End times restore
'the Fallen Tabernacle of David'.

The COI Vision entails that we have now reached that Moment in Time. That God is
re-awakening His people and Calling them together. But insurmountable Stumbling
Blocks remain to keep these Two Houses apart. The Final Redemption can NOT
take place and God’s Universal Kingdom can NOT be established unless these Two
Houses embrace in Peace and re-Unite.

THIS re-uniting in Peace is our Vision and our Mission.

Website of COI:


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