Unified Magick School 1

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Unified Magic Part 1 of 32

Time Rifat says he’s an Illuminati who is now teaching magick to


The true secrets of Real World Magic have been hidden from mankind for too long now. Chaos has been
allowed to destroy humanity for too long also. Never before in human history has so much hidden
knowledge been released to all of humanity regarding this subject. Much of what has been taught in the
past is just plain wrong and that effects everyone and everything. Mankind has been kept in the dark for
long enough and must learn to understand that much of what they have tried to do to make the world a
more comfortable place to live in has not worked. You have not had the correct tools or knowledge before
now. You are warmly invited to have a look at the subject of magic that exists beyond the last veil of your
illusion. 2019 the year of Unified Real World Magic eliminates any need for blood ritual sacrafice and many
other practices as mentioned in this film and can be used for many good things in life which are much
needed. This is Illuminism. This is all free to use as explained in the video and there will be many more
videos in this series. We sell a magic kit as described below and will provide workshops but they are not
necessary as also explained in the video. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/supernatural... There are
various forms of magic Goetia, Enochian, Kabbalistic, Egyptian; then there’s Crowley’s work, Thelemic
magic and Tarot magic from the book of Thoth; Chaos magick derived from Austin Spare with Wicca and
Voodoo/Santeria. The genius of Tim Tony Stark Rifat is to find the science behind magic and make it
applicable to the public. In Atlantean and Lemurian technology crystals were used for occult procedures.
So wedding all the systems above into one synergistic system enables all magic to be carried out at the 5
dimensional level available at Atlantis and Lemuria. Magic is a science which is too sophisticated for
present day scientists to comprehend but nevertheless is a systematic system which is easy to use when
explained from a higher overview. We start with 34 Psychotronic Crystals to build a power circle that
charges the magician up with positive energies by simply being within it and excludes negative forces from
the practitioner. A triangle of art constructed from 3 Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystals that constrains
the supernatural spirit to squeeze it like a lemon to drain it dry. A Crystal Orb Spirit Capture to trap the
supernatural spirit in a 4 dimensional prison so its power can be bleed off to power the magician. An Elder
Wood Wand to link the magician to the two lowest levels of supernatural spirit realms and generate
Octonion grids to cage reality to conform to the magician’s will powered by the spirit in the spirit creature.
A Clear Quartz Psychotronic Crystal which generates the pentacle when held in the left hand and Star of
David because of the 6 fold symmetry of quartz crystals which is used to command supernatural spirits
and magic to charge the magician. In counterpoint, a Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystal held in the right
hand to wield the pentacle to command supernatural spirits to do the bidding of the magician with an
innate Star of David within the crystal to bind the supernatural’s spirit to the will of the magician and focus
its magic as directed. With Atlantean and Lemurian technology we add preprogrammed Psychotronic
Crystals to add 5 dimensionality, multidimensionality, intradimensionality using torsion fields that amplify
our sexual energy and emotion to enable micro-Higgs field fluctuations in multidimensional conduits to
power magic. Magic is simply science beyond 21st Century primitive technology and enables reality to
control reality minutely and has the requisite tools. 34 Psychotronic Crystals / 3 Smoky Quartz
Psychotronic Crystals / Crystal Orb Spirit Capture Elder Wood Wand / 1 Clear Quartz Psychotronic Crystal /
1 Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystal / Certificate SUPERNATURAL SPIRIT MAGIC SERVCE $1200 May

Info about Magick is corrupted

He states that the info that’s out there about magick has been
put out there incorrectly so people don’t figure it out. He mentions
that all magick books are corrupt including Crowley’s. All of the
magick is laced with booby traps.

Kabbalistic Magick

The most booby trapped. Madonna is the spokeswoman for it.

The Holy Kabbalah by A.E. White was the definite text book on
Kabbalah written by A.E. White who was the leader of the Golden Dawn
which Crowley belonged to, which splintered off into the OTO. The OTO
which teaches the 33 levels of the Illuminati and includes occult
magick. Eliphas Levi brought kabbalistic magic to Freemasons and is
used at the highest level by the elite. However, it’s booby trapped.
The most booby trapped is the Kabbalistic tree. He says the
kabbalistic pillars are reversed. One who practices magick using the
wrong system will expect good things but instead will get bad things
because they’re doing it wrong not knowing.
He talks about the Red String movement where celebrities are
wearing a red string on their left arm to indicate they study
Kabbalah. He says this is a trick by the illuminati on the celebs
because red on the left arm represents Geburah which is death,
destruction, mayhem, etc. and by doing this they are channeling all
of the negative energy of the illuminati onto themselves making
themselves the scapegoats for the illuminati, meaning that negative
backlash that should go to them will go to the celebrities.

Why is 7 so deadly or good? That also comes from Kabbalah.

Back to Holy Kabbalah by A.E. White
He says the reason why they use the book is because it’s the
least corrupted. He says aside from the Christian lean, it’s mostly
correct information. In here it lists the 7 double letters of the
hebrew alphabet which stand for 7 Holy things
- Life
- Peace
- Knowledge
- Wealth
- Grace
- Fruitfulness
- Dominion
These 7 things are from the right side, which is the good side.
On the opposite side you have their 7 opposites which are on the
left, which is the bad side. When people wear red arm bands, they
channel all of those positive things from their life, over to
illuminati masters like Tim Rifat. In turn, the 7 energies of
negativity are channeled from Tim Rifat and other illuminati masters
and absorbed into the red band wearers. This type of magic is one of
the Illuminati’s most effective. The channeling of good from other
people’s magic onto them and the channeling of the negativity from
them to be channeled onto the people using magick.

- Death
- Strife
- Ignorance
- Poverty
- Sin
- Sterility
- Slavery

The Jews who taught Madonna didn’t tell her they were doing this
to her and this is why in Madonna’s personal life, she gets shitted
on by everyone in the Illuminati.

Magick 101

Tim Rifat is going to teach magick to everyone of all types. He

says he can teach everything from little spells to high level magick
that elites do in their mansions. He decides to start from the top
and expose some high level shit. He starts with A.E. Waite The Book
of BlackMagic. It has all of the grimoires and is compiled of rare
texts that are hundreds of years old unavailable to the public. Shows
the historical roots of ceremonial magick.
He says he will teach this, but will show the safe way. He says
if you do it wrong, you get possessed and really bad things come into
your life. With his safe method, that won’t happen to you.
Modern day magic, which was developed from Crowley and made safe
for public consumption

Medevil Ceremonial Magic

He talks about Eyes Wide Shut which showed the sex orgy magic
and shortly after which Kubrick was found dead.
This magic is used to summon spirits which can possess people.
This can be used to add whatever characteristics you want to that
person. This is said to be the main use of magic. To take away from a
person, the spirit can grab “stuff” from the person. When it comes to
a male, the spirit grabs sexual energy when the person oninizes.

I can’t figure out what this means but he looks at the camera
laughing like he’s asking, do you jack off a lot? I’m almost certain
that’s what he’s referring to.

He also mentions women, when women masturbate and have lots of

oninism they lose sex energy and spirits can pick this up. I just
looked it up and onanism is masturbation. Onanism can also refer to
the act of pulling out during intercourse. It is the root for
spilling the seed. Onanism means spilling the seed. Seed spiller.

Banks use their magic to take people’s money and property. When
people spill the seed, it creates a vacuum where spirits can latch on
to you and steal your energy.

When they conduct spirit ceremonial magic, they conjure up

various kinds of spirits to take things away from people. Those who
control magic can add or take whatever they want to the population.
That is why they are the illuminati. .
The pyramid structure of the illuminati applies to people who
use magic. At the bottom are the zelators, then above them are the
adeptus major, which are the levels of the golden dawn. At the top is
the eye, which stands for He=sight = east in Kaballa.
So the eye represents He, the shekinah which is the God form of
Kaballah. So the eye bit, stands for the east, which is the left
pillar that starts with Binah, the 3rd sephiroth of Mother and would
be the hell space.
The right side, Chockman, which is blue stands for C spase.

He talks briefly about Enochian magick which he says is batshit

crazy but uses energy from 5th dimensional entities. The book of thoth
is tarot magic and crowley magic is will power aka us and russian
special programs, goetic = demonic, Abremalin = ascension, chaos =
chaos entities.


Magick starts with the circle. The magician stands inside the
circle and depending on what he’s trying to accomplish he will stand
at one of the 4 cardinal directions. For magic that “takes” stand at
the North. The North is for physical/reality based magic. Text books
will say that for white magic, you stand at the east, but that is a
booby trap and the east is for deletion/taking. The true use of East
is for deletion/taking/hellspace stuff.
Adding stuff for white magicians is done at the west. This is
witchery, where people add stuff to themselves for whatever reason
such as appearing younger/more attractive. East/West is used for
adding/deleting to the body. Hardcore satanic stuff is done at the

In Kabbala, Green stands for good stuff. Money, property, good

looks, wealth, fortune, etc. White stands for spirituality, a line up
for the abremalin ritual.

Back to magick, they place stones all around the circle. 34 of

them. They can be charged with the magick ritual. Crystals can be
awakened and merged with the user’s energy. The crystals help with 5d
enochian magick. He says this is like what they show in the marvel
movies where they use crystals for magic. He says he can alter
timelines and travel in time which he uses for psychic warfare, etc.

34 crystals boost the body and the soul. The “biophysical”.

In Eyes wide shut, they had the circle and the guy with the
staff banging it on the ground. He says in the ritual, he does that.
This ritual was a sex ritual. This was a reference to how the
illuminati loves doing sex rituals which generate “sex bubbles” which
they can then use. This is why hollywood has been sexualized. This is
why pornography is such big business.
Crowley is the one who discovered this and made it the core of
Thelemic magic. Thelemic magic generates lots of sex and they
practice onanism. Crowley had sex with groups of women and men. He
said the best sex energy was from l. b, then l. g, thats why there
have been so many disappearances of children since they are fuel for
their rituals.
The media is used for the purpose of generating “onanism” by
pushing sexuality to the forefront.

Unified Magic – Part 2

He continues where he left off talking about how they do the

medivel sex ritual. He says all of their rituals have been planned
meticulously and researched beforehand.
Clothing can be charged with energy. He is wearing a shirt of
Jupiter which he says is the planet of all of the good stuff, money,
wealth, health, etc. The upward pentegram is protective against
spirits. The upside down pentagram indicates that one is a dedicated
black magician.
He explains that the crystals can be charged with the ritual
making the ritual easier, but it can still be done the old fashioned
way and he mentions they’ll talk about both ways.
He goes on to read from the books which lists all of the things
that are necessary for the ritual and gives instruction for
performing the ritual. It indicates they can summon whatever entity
they desire.
Negative and positive magic is done to create balance which
creates zero, which he calls the death force. This means their magic
works 100% of the time. He says if you do one type of magic all of
the time, it won’t work. It needs to be balanced, and that’s why the
illuminati does a lot of charity work. To create balance.
Psychic warfare is deletion magic, so Tim Rifat is now making
these videos as a way to create balance by sharing positive magic as
a way to give “good stuff” to the public. He’s doing it as a way to
increase his power.

The Triangle of Art

3 black tumble stones are used, and placed at a specific

cardinal direction. Inside the circle, this creates an energy vortex
that can change reality. The triangle is made up of a negative vortex
which you put the spirit into.
Depending on what type of magic, the triangle needs to face a
certain direction and point in that direction. For an eastern ritual,
it should point east, in the western pointing west, in the north etc.

East – fire
West – are
north – earth
South – water

Magical books mixed up the positions to booby trap. People who

learned magic from books or secret societies learned the wrong
methods so when they conjoured up entities, they were conjuring
incomplete beings due to the incorrect positiong of their magic.
The act of booby trapping rituals serves the same purpose as the
trick of telling people to wear a red arm band. It removes energy
from them and gives to others who have the capacity to collect it.

Tim Rifat then gives the real reason why he’s revealing this
stuff and it’s to spite some illuminati people who thought they were
above them, so he’s teaching youtubers magic to be better magicians
than the ones who were talking shit about him to prove he can make
better youtube magicians than them.

If you combine the North/South triangles of arts, you get the

star of david, which symbolizes how the jews have been using magick.

He pulls out a blue orb and says it is important in enochian

magick and he will talk about it in the next video.

Unified Magic Part 3 of 32

Back to the Enochian orb, it’s configured to go inside the

triangle of art, and is used to contain the spirit. Once the spirit
is in there, you masserate the energy so it is released and is
available to you. This is basically a “psychotronic energy” aka
psychic battery. So how to masserate? You use the power of lucifer to
“hellize” the spirit, which takes out their energy and traps them in
the orb eternally. Masseration is like a “cosmic meat grinder”.
Basically, they do what they do to kids here, to spirits from other
realms. Kidnap them, imprison them and steal their energy. The color
of the orb will correlate with one of the sephiroth of the Kabbalah
to correspond with the type of magick/spell you are casting.
Afterwards, whenever you want to recontact that spirit, you set
up your circle and summon the spirit from your orb/triangle of art.
The orb basically collects energy/spirits and you can put as many
spirits in there.

Abramelin Ritual

Rising your energy up the 16 chakras. Ascension to reach the

holy guardian angel and become an ascended master. This is being
posessed by your higher self/guardian angel. Magic is not a knowledge
based science, it is a power based science, so you need large amounts
of energy to ascend.
To do this using black magic, a really powerful demon is
necessary, he cites coraonzon, which he claims is powerful enough to
end civilizations. It is a chaos entity who posesses the population
of people who get it wrong. That is what happened to Crowley, he
summoned it wrong and released it into the world which increased the
“madness” in the world, which has gotten worse with time. All of
their followers have also become possessed.

He talks breifly about John Dee, the original 007 who used
enochian magick to help britian go from the poorest to one of the
richest countries in the world. He talks about the tradition of 007
using magick to help britian succeed.

Back to the ritual, he goes on about the various people you can
summon to imprison in your orb. When your ritual is finished and you
have imprisoned the spirit in the orb, you use your wand to roll the
orb outside of the circle to make sure whatever you summoned is gone.
You use the stick so you don’t step outside of the circle of
He advises to have multiple orbs, at least an outside orb and an
inside orb. The inside orb, you leave inside your house and is your
utlimate source of power. The outside orb you carry with you to power
your magic. Another use of the orb, is to imprison the spirit, if you
don’t, it can potentially posess you.

For certain types of magic, you don’t need the circles, just
crystals. A star of david crystal is used in the right hand to push
the spirits into the orb within the triangle of art. Another crystal
that is provided by rifat is held in the left hand.
He points out how cities are laid out like magical ritual
circles in which they put certain types of monuments at specific
cardinal directions as a way to generate magical power.


For the really crazy magic stuff, interdimensional energy is

needed to be captured form interdimensional entities. Wands are vital
for this type of magic. They use sticks, basically, probably from a
specific type of wood.
The wand allows you to access the lower 2 realms of the matrix
so you use a wand of wood. A wand allows you to reach 7 dimensions.

In magic, the number 6 means man. Hebrew letter Vau in gematria

is six. The direction is the S.E. Since S.E. is the male illuminati
magic principle, a lot of sorcerers tend to live in the S.E.. Witches
tend to live in the N.E.

The Octonian Grid

A mathematical grid that is used with magic. The magic collected

in the org can be collected in the wand and used to make magic
spells. The orb goes in the left pocket and is used to power the
magic in the octonian grid. This is like a net for magic.

Part 4 – Spell casting and magic wands

The way your triangle of art is pointed, has an effect on your

magic. If you have it pointed the wrong way, it could potentially be

You get a piece of paper and write down what spells you want to
cast. (conversely, get a piece of paper, and write down what spell
you want to cast, then enter it into gematria and check out the
results. The results are mixed, hits are abound but interpretation is

You put the paper inside the triangel of art. The 2 aspects of
magic, having 100% efficienty, and changing the reality to match the
spell you created. Your goal is to “shift” the timeline.
You use the Higgs field, which is what glues the
fields/timelines together. The power source for adding or subtracting
higgs field, is love. He talks about a ram’s head and mentions
“giving your love to the elohim who are sucking you dry.”
He instructs you to create spirals within the circle using your
magic wand. The spirals enforce your magic and repels opponents,
depending on which direction you cast your spirals. Spirals seem to
be important in magic. The rams horn, which depicts the two spirals
in both directions, also 007. This tech, controls reality, because
it’s the power of love, which connects to the Earth energy.
This form of crystal based magic is referred to as “Lemurian”.
The “rams horn” or cow/goat skull used in magic is a physical
representation of this 007/spiral concept, and is why they’re so
prevalent in magical rituals. The reason why the spiral has to be
performed in both directions, is because every other entity in the
universe working with magic will be trying to work against you,
because everyone is fighting for power.

Up jumps

He starts talking about this. I’m not sure what he’s referring
to, but he’s going on about how celebrity couples make this possible,
and references “branjelina”

The sprials you create with your wand affect the higgs field to
allow the timeline shift which makes your magic possible.

The Power of love is the powersource for magic. To make your

magic 100% effective, you have to go between “C space and H space”
which is the I and the -i. In the middle would be the “death force”
which is why magicians are always sacrificing/killing things because
it produces the force which creates 100% reality which locks the
higgs field reaction done by love, into 100% reality. Killing creates
100% death force.
Tim Rifat offers wands and crystals with death force in them, so
you don’t have to kill. Witches can access the death force by using
the image or music of ariana grande ? Without the death force, this
type of magic isn’t 100% effective.

Alphabets for magicians

The paper with your spell on it is burned inside the triangle of
art. You can write your scripts in hebrew, which is used for kabbala.
The intention is what’s important.
Theban alphabet can also be used. One or the other will be more
efficient for you.
Celestial script is another used in celestial magic.
Runic/Futhoric is used for nordic magic.
Malachim is used for demonic magic.
Passing the river script for passing the river hades, good for
anti-death and rejuvenation magic.
Writing of the Magi script, for magis.
Heiroglyphs for Egyptian/Sun magic done during the day
Greek alphabet
Ogham alphabet

The Power of the shirts

You wear a shirt with an archetype on it. The archetype is stuck

on the shirt. You put the shirt on and you are within the archetype.
This is very helpful for conducting magic. The pentagra/hexagram
protect against evil sprits.
He gives magical descriptions of the planets. All of the
information can be had in a mgical sense, by wearing it on a t shirt.
Rifat sells specific shirts.


You can use gematric values in your spells/scripts. You add up

the values to get 1 number, then you condense it down to a single
Daath is the gateway for magic spells. It might be a code for
the Death Force. The illuminati has to constantly kill people to
create “death force” that’s why there’s so much death in the world.
The 3 pillars male, spiritaul and female.
Most Tree of life images are reversed. Bina should be on the
right side.
The steps describe here is for magic of self (money, luck, etc)
Part 5 - Timelines and the Higgs Field

Daath can be summoned into the triangle of art. You can summon
any archetype or spirit. Tune love to death, for this, ala romeo and
juliet. Love that leads to death.

Magic spells can be stored in the wand.

When you shift timelines, it won’t happen right away. It can,

but normally, you have to work your way to it. If you have more
power, you can jump over instantly. If it happens over time, you need
to collect the energy over time to force the timelines. The energy is
collected in the orb.

The reason why aliens steal humans is to steal their love energy
since apparently they’re incapable of it. The energy is used to feed
the entities or elites.

Love/Hate energy combined together is used for certain types of


You can make a spell into a talisman. You can make these out of
metal. Specific metals are related to specific entities. Tattoos can
also provide magical properties.
The way you cast the spell determines where the energy comes
from to give you what you want, in other words, who pays for it. In
one way, you will get what you want but will lose something you
didn’t expect. Rifat says you can do it in a way that charges the
spirit for it.

A talisman can be used to generate energy. You do this by going

from a higher higgs field, to a lower one. That means you use
microscopic energy.

Love allows universal change, which is magic. Talisman is

basically just something that allows you to have energy available.

When two people procreate, they produce new “higgs field” aka a
new universe.
Part 6


This is summoning up sorcerers to use their magic basically.

Basically, Shang Tsung. You can also summon any spirit that has
passed away or any spirit that is alive.

He goes on to list and talk about various sorcerers from the

past that you can summon. This also serves as a list of things to
study to gain a history of magic.

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