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Determine the Strategies for ACB

Student Name: NGUYEN MANH HA

ID No: 15030
MBAOUM0313 - Class K08A

Page 1 of 25 July 2014

Investigate a firm in Vietnamese business setting through questionnaire

survey, interviews, or observations, or the triangulation of these methods in
order to:

1) Find out and assess its mission statement, vision statement, and core
values (5%)

2) Build an EFE Matrix and a CPM Matrix for this firm (10%)

3) Build IFE Matrix (5%)

4) Develop a SWOT Matrix (20%)

5) Develop a QSPM Matrix (15%)

6) Determine its strategies, possibly based Michael Porter’s Five Generic

Strategies (10%)

7) Design a Balance scorecard for this firm (15%)

The Author would choose the ACB (Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank) for his
further study and building the strategic matrices for ACB strategy. The literature
review will be embedded with each matrix analysis.

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I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... ..4
II. EFE MATRIX FOR ACB BANK……………………………………………………….....7
III. CPM MATRIX FOR ACB ..………………………………………..…9
IV. IFE MATRIX FOR ACB ................................................................................................... .13
V. SWOT MATRIX FOR ACB BANK ……………………………………..........14
GENERIC STRATEGIES FOR ACB BANK………………………………………… ....19
IX. CONCLUSION & REFERENCES…………………………………………………….24, 25

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Asia Commercial Joint-Stock Bank (ACB) was established under the Business License
No. 0032/NH-GP dated 24 April 1993 by the State Bank of Vietnam and Establishment Permit
No. 533/GP-UB dated 13 May 1993 by the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. ACB
started operations on 04 June 1993.

Year 2005: Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) signed an agreement with ACB on a comprehensive
technical assistance, and became ACB’s strategic shareholder. ACB carried out the second phase
of IT modernization program, including (i) server upgrading, (ii) replacement of current
bankcard transaction processing software by a new one compatible with the core banking
platform and (iii) ATM installation.

Year 2007: ACB strongly expanded the branch network, with 31 new branches and sub-
branches and set up ACB Leasing Company. Besides that, ACB strengthened it cooperation with
various partners such as Open Solution (OSI) – Thien Nam for upgrading the core banking
solution, Microsoft Group on applying IT to operations and management, and Standard
Chartered Bank on issuing bonds. Finally, ACB succeeded in the issuance of 10 million shares
worth VND 100 billion par value with proceeds of over VND 1,800 billion

Year 2008: As of 8 October, ACB chartered capital was increased to VND 4,651,615 billion.
Moreover, the total nationwide branches and sub-branches have reached a number of 178.
Year 2010: In 2010, ACB made forecasts more often on business conditions for appropriate
decision-making. Also, flexible solutions were made for strict compliance with state regulating
policy as well as ensuring safe and effective operations. Prominently, the Board of Directors in
Quarter III had a profound discussion on new operating strategies. ACB’s Strategic Directions
for the period from 2011 to 2015 and Vision to 2020 was promulgated in January. Moreover,
ACB implemented a customer relationship management system, built a standard Data Backup
Center in Dong Nai Province, and developed non-traditional distribution channels by
transforming the Electronic Banking Department and Telesales Sub-department into sales units.
Year 2011: In January 2011, the Strategic Directions for the Period 2011-2015 and Vision to
2020 was issued. One focus is the transformation of the bank’s corporate governance practice in
the direction of compliance with Vietnamese rules and regulations and application of
international best practices. This program has the following major contents: (1) Clear definition

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and separation of the roles and responsibilities and decision making authorities of the board,
board committees and the management; (2) Strengthening the directing role of the Board of
Directors; (3) Enhancement of the role and strengthening the power of the Supervisory Board,
improvement of the capacity of the Internal Auditing Department, and development of an
appropriate risk management framework. At year-end, ACB established an enterprise module
data center in HCMC with a total investment value of nearly 2 million USD. This is one of the
first data centers of their kind built in accordance with international standards in Vietnam. In
addition, ACB Gold Manufacturing Center was the first business in the sector both certified by
QMS Australia for its quality management system meeting the standards of ISO 9001:2008 and
recognized by Accreditation of Vietnam for meeting standards of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in testing
and calibrating capacity (determining gold content). This was the first step for ACB Gold
Manufacturing Center to build a gold refining plant and gold age assessing lab attaining
international standards in the future. In the year, ACB inaugurated 45 additional branches and
1.1. ACB ownership structure
Shareholder Name Ratio
Standard Chartered APR Limited 9.04% Standard Chartered
Connaught Investors Limited 7.49% 9.04% Ratio APR Limited

Dragon Financial Holdings Limited 7.02% 7.49%

Connaught Investors
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong)
6.42% 7.02% Dragon Financial
Holdings Limited
Dang Ngoc Lan 4.23%
6.42% Standard Chartered
Nguyen Duc Kien 3.47% 59.16%
Bank (Hong Kong)
Tran Huy Hung 3.16% 4.23% Limited
Dang Ngoc Lan
Others 59.16% 3.16%


Asia Commercial JS Bank constantly drives itself to be a leading commercial bank inVietnam,
characterized by its pro-active operations, diversified product portfolio, widespread and
diversified distribution network, modernized technology, safety and profitable performance,
sustainable growth, and professional, ethical employees


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Asia Commercial JS Bank priorly to create sustainable investment value for owners,
shareholders, partners and customers based on the professionalism of investors.


ACB want to become one of top 3 finance and banking groups of Vietnam in assets, business
performance and market capitalization.
ACB has always developed right strategy and suitable steps toward its goals of achieving robust,
sustainable and efficient growth for the bank. The priority was given to the following core areas:

First: Develop retail banking as core business to provide banking services and facilities to serve
the mass consumer and SME market.

Second: Invest for Product Innovation and Modern Banking Technology

Third: Invest in People

Forth: Establish international standards in banking governance and management

Fifth: enhance international cooperation with International FI and banks

ABC Core Values

Under the pressure of competition and rising deposit interest rate, ACB has applied flexible
measures to ensure capital growth and higher income from credit activities. The ACB continued
to enjoy the highest level of profitability among commercial joint stock Banks. Following are
some core values of ACB.

 Place customer interest and satisfaction at first priority

 Value addition to the stakeholders through attaining excellence in banking operation
 Maintain high ethical standard and transparency in dealings
 Committed to protect the environment and ensuring higher degree of motivation and
dignified working environment for human capital and respect optimal work-life balance


The main business activities of ACB and subsidiaries (the Bank and subsidiaries referred
to as the Group) is to mobilize short, medium and long-term capital in the form of time deposits,
demand deposits and certificates of deposits; receive investment funds; receive capital from

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domestic and overseas financial institutions; grant short, medium, and long-term loans; discount
commercial paper, bonds and valuable documents; invest in securities and companies; provide
settlement services to customers; deal in foreign exchange and gold; provide international
settlement services, factoring, to act as an agent and provide consultancy services for securities
investment; provide securities deposit services, corporate finance consultancy services,
underwriting services, asset management services, leasing and other banking services


External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix method is a strategic management tool often used
for assessment of current business conditions. The EFE matrix is a good tool to visualize and
prioritize the opportunities and threats that a business is facing. Accordance to Fred F. David, an
EFE matrix helps strategists and managers generate and evaluate the External factors assessed in
the EFE matrix that are subject to the will of social, economic, political, legal and other external

Here are five steps to do EFE Matrix advised by Fred F. David

1. Lists key external factors including both opportunities and threats that affect the firm and its

2. Assign to each factor a weight that ranges from 0.0 (not important) to 1.0 (very important).
The sum of all weight assigned to the factors must equal 1.0.

3. Assign a rating between 1 and 4 to each key external factor to indicate how effectively the
firm’s current strategies respond to the factor, where 4 = the response is superior, 3 = the
respond is above average, 2 = the respond is average and 1 = the respond is poor.

4. Multiply each factor’s weight by its rating to determine a weighted score.

5. Sum the weighted scored for each variable to determine the total weighted score for the

Following the above steps, the author builds the EFE for the ACB (Asia commercial Bank) as
stated in the table 1.

Table 1: EFE matrix or External Factor Evaluation for ACB

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Key External Factors Weight Rating Score
The growth of Import & Export activities create the
1 8% 2 0.16
opportunities for exchange currency & gold
The huge Vietnamese oversea tend toward sending
money to Viet Nam for their investment & for their
2 12% 3 0.36
relatives in Vietnam, ACB could take advantage to act
as agent for foreign exchange services (Western union)
The Information Technology develop, ACB could take
3 advantage to open more networking nationwide and 10% 4 0.4
developing the online services.
ACBs would take advantage of the challenge of stock
4 5% 2 0.1
market to attract the potential customers
The development of security sectors are higher, ACB
5 7% 2 0.14
could open its insurance company
ACB could develop by corporate with other
6 5% 1 0.05
commercial Banks
Transaction though visa card increase 60.6% (cited
Lorijon Bacchi director of Visa) proving that
7 Vietnamese people tend to use Visa card for their 9% 4 0.36
payment, ACB could develop & exploit this potential
Government encourages the oversea Banks to invest in
Vietnam lead to the more tough competitions between
8 the Banks (eg. 100% HSBC or ANZ with strong 6% 3 0.18
financial capability, diversification in products &
Foreign Banks with strong financial capability willing
to buy out the share of ACB, this lead to the risk of
9 8% 4 0.32
merge and acquisition, and taking over & control the
Due to the economic crisis and public unrest
10 (contributed by the invasion of China in the sea) lead 3% 1 0.03
to reducing the rate of capital mobilization
The competitors tend to lure the best staff of ACB,
11 4% 2 0.08
leading to the jump of good employees.
Bank competitors have rush in interest rate incentive
12 5% 3 0.15
so several customers tend to change Bank system.
Real estate & Stock market are unstable condition
13 4% 3 0.12
affect to ACB investment decisions.
The development of modern information technology
14 and development of media & media crisis contribute to 7% 2 0.14
reduce the value and prestige of ACB in community,

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customer’s faith upon the ACB reducing (eg. rumor
that leaders of ACB arrested cause of huge
withdrawing from customers)
Economic unstable, ACB will face liquidity risk when
15 the inflation tend to increase, and cost of capital also 5% 3 0.15
increase by tightening monetary policy of state Bank.
16 Unforeseen risks (natural disaster, fire, safety…) 2% 1 0.02
Total 100% 2.76

Based on the analysis, the total weighted score of 2.76 indicates that the business has slightly
more than average ability to respond to external factors. Looking back to the factor list and
assigned weight for each factor, we can see the most important factor to being successful in this
business is ―Vietnamese oversea tend toward sending money to Viet Nam for their investment &
for their relatives in Vietnam, ACB could take advantage to act as agent for foreign exchange
services (Western union)‖ as indicated by 12% (0.12) weight, the highest score. Also, the total
weight 2.76 proving that the ACB are doing pretty well, taking the advantage of external
opportunities and avoiding the threats facing the Bank. There is absolutely room for more
improvement, though, because the highest total weight score would be 4.0. ACB would needs
exploiting Western union opportunity and ―Foreign Banks with strong financial capability
willing to buy out the share of ACB, this lead to the risk of merge and acquisition, and taking
over & control the Bank‖ threat.


According to Fred F.David stated, The Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) identifies a firm’s
major competitors and its particular strengths and weaknesses in relation to a sample firm’s
strategic position. The weights and total weighted scores of CPM Matrix and an EFE have the
same meaning. However, critical success factors in a CPM include both internal and external
issues, so the rating refers to strength and weaknesses compared the firm and its rivals, where 4
= major strength, 3 =minor strength, 2 = minor weakness and 1 = major weakness. In a CPM,
the ratings and total weighted scores for rival firms can be compared to the sample firm. This
comparative analysis provides important internal strategic information. To build the CPM Matrix
for ACB, the author would like to summarize the synthesized information from Annual Reports
and Company Data of the companies in period 2011-2013. The direct competitors of ACB

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currently are both State-owned Banks, State Commercial Banks and Commercial bank such as
VPBank, Techcombank, SeABank, SacomBank, EximBAnk, OceanBank, MB, VIB Bank.

Table 2: Chartered Capital of Some Commercial Banks To 2013

Name of Banks ACB VPBank Techcom. SeABank SacomBank VIBBank
Charter Capital
9,376 6,347 8,878 5,466 12,425 4,250
(Billion VND)

Table 3: Main criterion of ACB and its Three Random Competitors in 2013
Criterion to 2013 ACB VPBank TechcomBank SacomBank
(Billion VND)
1 Total Assets 166,599 121,264 158,897 161,377
2 Total Outstanding Loan 107,190 52,456 70,275 110,297
Total Debt(must be paid) 154,236 113,537 144,976 144,313
3 Total Fund mobilization 150,988 59,500 119,978 143,800
4 Charter Captial 9,376 6,347 8,878 12,425
5 Total profit before taxation 1,035 1,354 878 2,960
(Pre-tax profit)
6 Employees (person) 8,791 6,796 7,290 11,662
7 Annual average revenue of 169 180 - 192
employees (Million VND)
8 Branches and sub-branches 346 197 315 414
9 Presence at 64 Provinces, 47 33 - -
Cities (Units)
10 ROA (%) 0,6 0,91 1,75 1,18
11 ROE (%) 8,2 14 25,2 11,52
12 Bad Debt Ratio (%) 3 2,81 3,65 1,45
13 Outstanding Loan/ Fund 70 88 58,6 76
mobilization (%)
14 Outstanding loan/Total 64 43 44 68

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Assets (%)
15 Fund mobilization/ Total 90 49 75.5 89
Assets (%)
16 Total Dept/ Total Asset (%) 92 94 91 89,4

ROE & ROA of Some Commercial Banks

(Source: STB,BVSC, 2012)

Table 4: The Fund Mobilization situation of Commercial Banks period 2011-2013
Fund Mobilization ACB VPBank TechcomBank SacomBank
(Billion VND)
2011y 185,637 71,059 136,781 111,513
2012y 125,233 60,000 111,462 107,746
2013y 150,988 59,500 119,978 143,800

Based on the information analysis on main activities of Banks such as ACB, VPBank,
Techcombank, SacomBank, the Author builds the CPM matrix for ACB specified as following:
Table 5 : Competitive Profile Matrix – CPM for ACB

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ACB VPBank Techcombank SacomBank
Sussess critical Weight Rating Weighted Rating Weighted Rating Weighted Rating Weighted
Factor Score Score Score Score

1. Total Assets 8% 4 0.32 3 0.21 3 0.21 4 0.32

2. Outstanding Loan 7% 3 0.21 2 0.14 2 0.14 3 0.21
3. Charter Capital 9% 3 0.27 3 0.27 3 0.27 4 0.36
4. Total Fund Mob. 8% 4 0.32 2 0.16 3 0.24 4 0.32
5. Bad Debt (NPL) 8% 2 0.16 3 0.24 1 0.08 4 0.32
6. ROE % 8% 3 0.24 4 0.32 4 0.32 3 0.24
7. Quality of 15% 3 0.45 2 0.30 3 0.45 2 0.30
8. Brand Reputation 15% 2 0.30 2 0.30 3 0.45 3 0.45
9. Human Resource 7% 3 0.21 1 0.07 4 0.28 2 0.14
10. Networking & 15% 3 0.45 1 0.15 3 0.45 4 0.60
Total weighted 100% 2.93 2.16 2.89 3.26

According to the above analysis of CPM matrix we can see the main competitive issues of ACB
with other Banks as illustrated as following:

The SacomBank is the most competitive bank with the total score is 3.26 point. SacomBank has
the strengths and competitive capability in almost successful critical factors

ACB is the Bank has competitive capability right after Bank Saco bank with total score is 2.93
point, the successful critical factors that the ACB has strengths in controlling & evaluating
ROE% and mobilization the Fund Capital, and minor strength in quality services and its
networking and branches.

Techcombank has total weighted score 2.89 points, ranks third after ACB with its major
strengths in human resources and return on equity of Techcombank rather high compare to others
Banks, others minor strengths of Techcombank are, Networking & branches, Quality of services,
Brand reputation.

VPBank ranks fourth and having lowest weighted score in comparative Banks, VPBank has
small networking and branches & human resource, quality services is average. VPBank find

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difficulty in mobilization fund capital for its financial operations & orientation for development
in the short-term strategies.


An IFE Matrix or Internal Factor Evaluation ―summarizes and evaluates the major strengths and
weaknesses in the functional areas of a business‖ (Fred R. David, 2013). A thorough
understanding of the factors included is more important than the actual numbers. The strategy-
formulation tool is similar to EFE Matrix. The thing to be noted is that when assign a 1 to 4
rating to each factor has different meaning, 1 = a major weakness, 2 = a minor weakness, 3 = a
minor strength and 4 = a major strength. The strengths must receive a 3 or 4 rating and
weaknesses must receive a 1 or 2 rating. Based on the Annual Report of ACB period 2011 - 2013
and synthesized information from many related primary data sources of company, the author
builds the IFE Matrix for the firm as the following table:
Table 6: IFE Matrix for ACB
Internal Factor Evaluation
Strengths Weight Rating Score
1 Total Asset of ACB 7% 4 0.28
2 Charter Capital 7% 3 0.21
3 Networking & Branches 8% 3 0.24
4 Human resource strategy 8% 4 0.32
5 Fund Mobilization capability 10% 4 0.40
6 Quality of Services 11% 3 0.33
7 Diversification products & services 9% 3 0.27
1 Return on Asset 7% 2 0.14
2 Organization Model 4% 1 0.04
3 Organization culture 6% 1 0.06
4 Renovate technology 8% 2 0.16
5 Bad debt ratio 5% 1 0.05
6 Brand reputation 6% 1 0.06
7 Total debt 4% 2 0.08
Total Weighted Score 100% 2.64

According to the above analysis of IFEmatrix we can see the some issues of ACB with other
Banks as illustrated as following:

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ACB has strong capital resource, ACB has its strong strategy partnership, shareholders such as
Standard Chartered APR Limited (Banks), Connaught Investors Limited (Investor), Dragon
Financial Holdings Limited (Investor), Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (Bank),
and each these shareholder hold a greater 5% of share.

ACB possesses a strong human resource, ACB’s staff of highly qualified with over 90% possess
university degree and post graduate supported by IFC (an international financial company) for
professional training and this one of the reason ACB successes in mobilizing the fund capital.

ACB is one of the leading Banks in Vietnam with offices located in 64 provinces of Vietnam
(over 133 branches), diversification in products & services

ACB is member of SWIFT (Social for worldwide interbank Financial Telecommunication);

guarantee to serve the customers 24/7(twenty four hours and from Monday to Sunday)

ACB should improve the technology, and improving the bad debt as this ratio is low compare to
other banks.

In general, ACB is still in the safety zone as analysis by the IFE matrix, the total weighted score
2.63 above the average point 2.5 indicate that ACB has a strong internal position.

V. SWOT Matrix for ACB BANK

SWOT matrix or Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities—Threats Matrix is an important

matching tool that helps manager develop four types of strategies: SO strategy, ST Strategy &
WO strategy, WT strategy. Matching the key internal and external factors is required good
judgment, knowledge and critical thinking.

Based on the analysis of IFE matrix and EFE matrix, all the key internal factors and the external
factors will be used to build SWOT matrix and the matching strategies for the internal & external
factors for ACB.

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Strengths Weaknesses
1. Total Asset of ACB 1. Return on Asset
2. Charter Capital 2. Organization Model
3. Networking & Branches 3. Organization culture
SWOT Matrix For ACB 4. Human resource strategy 4. Renovate technology
5. Fund Mobilization capability 5. Bad debt ratio
6. Quality of Services 6. Brand reputation
7. Diversification products & 7. Total debt

Opportunities SO Strategies: WO Strategies:

1. Matching (W1,W5,W7,O1,O5)
1. The growth of Import & Export 1. Matching (S1,S2,S7,O1,O6) ACB
ACB increase the activities in
activities create the opportunities with its strong finance resource
exchange currency & gold, open
for exchange currency & gold would takes its opportunity open
insurance company to improve
2. The huge Vietnamese oversea tend one more exchange currency &
bad debt ratio and the return.
toward sending money to Viet gold platform
2. Matching
Nam for their investment & for 2. Matching (S3,S4,O5,O6) ACB
(W2,W3,W4,W6,O3,O6) ACB
their relatives in Vietnam, ACB could open a insurance company
could cooperate with other
could take advantage to act as 3. Matching (S3,S4,S6,O2,O3) ACB
Bank system to improve the
agent for foreign exchange expand the foreign exchange
company image, and improving
services (Western union) services
the technology to enhance its
3. The Information Technology 4. Matching (S3,S4,S7,O6,O7) ACB
product & services online
develop, ACB could take improving and expand the Visa
advantage to open more card, MasterCard to the middle
networking nationwide and class and high class people.
developing the online services.
4. ACBs would take advantage of
the challenge of stock market to
attract the potential customers
5. The development of security
sectors are higher, ACB could
open its insurance company
6. ACB could develop by corporate
with other commercial Banks
7. Transaction though visa card
increase 60.6% (cited Lorijon
Bacchi director of Visa) proving
that Vietnamese people tend to use
Visa card for their payment, ACB
could develop & exploit this
potential segment.
Threats ST Strategies: WT Strategies:
1. Government encourages the 1. Matching (S1,S2,S5,T1,T2,T4), 1. Matching
oversea Banks to invest in ACB could take advantage its (W2,W3,W4,W5,T3,T5,T7),
Vietnam lead to the more tough strength in financial resource, ACB should rebuild
competitions between the Banks capability in mobilization the fund organization structure, refresh

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(ex. 100% HSBC or ANZ with capital to improve its abilities, the company image, cutting the
strong financial capability, training employees, corporate in-efficiency operations,
diversification in products & with other commercial Banks to focusing on mobilization fund
services) reduce the risk of M&A and capital supporting the
2. Foreign Banks with strong compete with 100% foreign investment capital and enhance
financial capability willing to buy Banks. the liquidity.
out the share of ACB, this lead to 2. Matching (S3,S4,S5,S6,T3,T6,T8)
the risk of merge and acquisition, ACB has talent in mobilize the
and taking over & control the fund capital, and its networking &
Bank. branches is quite good, ACB
3. Due to the economic crisis and could enhance the quality of
public unrest (contributed by the product & service to access more
invasion of China in the sea) lead the potential customers in
to reducing the rate of capital consumers or looking for new
mobilization segmentation such as agriculture
4. The competitors tend to lure the segmentation increasing its
best staff of ACB, leading to the competitiveness.
jump of good employees. 3. Matching (S3,
5. Bank competitors have rush in S4,S6,S7,T5,T7,T8), ACB
interest rate incentive so several research & develop and diversify
customers tend to change Bank the new products and services to
system. serve the potential customers.
6. Real estate & Stock market are
unstable condition affect to ACB
investment decisions
7. The development of modern
information technology and
development of media & media
crisis contribute to reduce the
value and prestige of ACB in
community, customer’s faith upon
the ACB reducing (ex. rumor that
leaders of ACB arrested cause of
huge withdrawing from customers)
8. Economic unstable, ACB will face
liquidity risk when the inflation
tend to increase, and cost of capital
also increase by tightening
monetary policy of state Bank.
9. Unforeseen risks (natural disaster,
fire, safety…)


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The QSPM matrix or Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix is analytical technique designed to
determine the relative attractiveness of feasible alternative actions. QSPM matrix allows
strategists to evaluate alternative strategies objectively, based on previously identified external
and internal critical success factors. The components of QSPM consist of: Strategic Alternative,
Key Factors, Weights, Attractiveness Scores (AS), Total Attractiveness Scores (TAS) and the
Sum Total Attractiveness Scores. The range for AS is 1 = not attractive, 2 = somewhat
attractive, 3 = reasonable attractive and 4 = highly attractive. The way to do QSPM Matrix
somehow is similar to build EFE and IEF Matrix. From the EFE, IEF and SWOT Matrix stated
above, the author suggests two alternatives strategies for ACB.
- Developing & Renovating Conventional Market Strategy
- Taking a M&A Chance Strategy
Table 7: QSPM Matrix for ACB
Developing Taking a
QSPM MATRIX & M&A chance

Strengths Weight AS TAS AS TAS

1. Total Asset of ACB 7% 2 0.14 2 0.14
2. Charter Capital 7% 4 0.28 1 0.07
3. Networking & Branches 8% 3 0.21 2 0.16
4. Human resource strategy 8% 3 0.24 3 0.24
5. Fund Mobilization capability 10% 4 0.40 1 0.10
6. Quality of Services 11% 3 0.33 1 0.11
7. Diversification products & services 9% 4 0.36 1 0.09
8. Return on Asset 7% 2 0.14 1 0.07
9. Organization Model 4% 1 0.04 3 0.03
10. Organization culture 3 0.18 2 0.12

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11. Renovate technology 4 0.24 2 0.16
12. Bad debt ratio 1 0.05 3 0.15
13. Brand reputation 4 0.24 4 0.24
14. Total debt 2 0.08 2 0.08
SubTotal 100% 2.93 1.76
15. The growth of Import & Export activities create the 3 0.24 1 0.08
opportunities for exchange currency & gold
16. The huge Vietnamese oversea tend toward sending
money to Viet Nam for their investment & for their
relatives in Vietnam, ACB could take advantage to 12% 3 0.36 2 0.24
act as agent for foreign exchange services (Western
17. The Information Technology develop, ACB could
take advantage to open more networking nationwide 10% 3 0.30 2 0.20
and developing the online services
18. ACBs would take advantage of the challenge of 2 0.10 3 0.30
stock market to attract the potential customers
19. The development of security sectors are higher, ACB 2 0.14 2 0.14
could open its insurance company
20. ACB could develop by corporate with other 3 0.15 1 0.05
commercial Banks
21. Transaction though visa card increase 60.6% (cited
Lorijon Bacchi director of Visa) proving that
Vietnamese people tend to use Visa card for their 9% 3 0.27 2 0.18
payment, ACB could develop & exploit this potential
22. Government encourages the oversea Banks to invest
in Vietnam lead to the more tough competitions
between the Banks (ex. 100% HSBC or ANZ with 6% 4 0.24 2 0.12
strong financial capability, diversification in products
& services)
23. Foreign Banks with strong financial capability
willing to buy out the share of ACB, this lead to the 1 0.08 4 0.32
risk of merge and acquisition, and taking over &
control the Bank.
24. Due to the economic crisis and public unrest
(contributed by the invasion of China in the sea) lead 3% 2 0.06 2 0.06
to reducing the rate of capital mobilization
25. The competitors tend to lure the best staff of ACB, 3 0.12 1 0.04
leading to the jump of good employees

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26. Bank competitors have rush in interest rate incentive 3 0.15 1 0.05
so several customers tend to change Bank system
27. Real estate & Stock market are unstable condition 3 0.12 1 0.05
affect to ACB investment decisions
28. The development of modern information technology
and development of media & media crisis contribute
to reduce the value and prestige of ACB in 3 0.21 1 0.07
community, customer’s faith upon the ACB reducing
(ex. rumor that leaders of ACB arrested cause of
huge withdrawing from customers)
29. Economic unstable, ACB will face liquidity risk
when the inflation tend to increase, and cost of 2 0.10 1 0.05
capital also increase by tightening monetary policy of
state Bank
30. Unforeseen risks (natural disaster, fire, safety…) 2% - -
Subtotal 100% 2.64 2.05
Sum Total Attractiveness Score 5.57 3.81

Based on the doing calculation the QSPM matrix, The Author conclude that ACB should pursue
the Developing & Renovating Conventional Market Strategy is the best option, with more
market penetration. This is given by the Sum Total Attractiveness Score figure the Developing &
Renovating Conventional Market Strategy 5.57 points higher than Taking a M&A Chance
Strategy as small score 3.81 points.

Porter's generic strategies framework constitutes a major contribution to the development of the
strategic management literature. Generic strategies were first presented in two books by
Professor Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School (Porter, 1980, 1985). Porter (1980,
1985) suggested that some of the most basic choices faced by companies are essentially the
scope of the markets that the company would serve and how the company would compete in the
selected markets

Page 19 of 25 July 2014
Michael Porter’s Five Generic Strategies, Michael Porter has argued that a firm’s strengths
ultimately fall into one of two headings: Cost advantage and differentiation. By applying these
strengths in either a broad or narrow scope, there generic strategies result is that Cost
relationship, differentiation & focus. These strategies are applied at all business unit level.
Following table is illustrates Porter’s generic strategies:

Type 1: Cost Leadership – Low cost; Type 2: Cost Leadership – Best Value; Type 3:
Differentiation; Type 4: Focus – Low Cost; Type 5: Focus – Best Value.
Table 9: Main Aspects Michael Porter’s Five Generic Strategies

Cost Differentiation Focus


Large Type 1 Type 3 -

market Type 2

Small - Type 3 Type 4

Market Type 5

Followings are some information analysis of the Bank industry market based on the Porter’s 5
(five) force Model. These will help the ACB choose the most attractive strategy.

power of

Bargaining Theat of
Rivalry in
power of Substitute
Supplies Products

Threat of

Page 20 of 25 July 2014
- Threat of new Entrants in banking industry is low because of the government regulations
& capital requirement strictly, other factors also affecting the threat of new entry barriers
such as Government Licensing, Skills management, high initial investment, entry of foreign
- Bargaining power of suppliers is high, it concerning to the customer deposits, mortgage
loans & securities or loans from other financial institutions. Other factors affecting to
bargaining power such as providers of funds, interest rates, valuations.
- Bargaining power of customer or buyers are high, it come from the individual customer,
customer loyalty & the technology. Other factors effecting such as long term finance, Bank
competitors, retail lending, margin & volumes.
- Competitive rivalry is high, the banking industry is considered high & intense competitive,
high risk of M&A, factors affecting such as too many players of same size & similar
strategies, less product differentiation, price competition, low market growth rates, barriers
for exit are high.
- Availability of substitutes is medium, largest threats of substitution are usually come from
the non-financial competitors, investors. Products such as insurances, mutual funds, fixed
income securities as offered by non- banking companies, factors affecting threats of
substitutes such as close customer relationships, switching cost, conservative customers.

As the overview & analysis of QSPM and aspects Porter’s Five forces model, the Author
suggests ACB should deploy the Focus Strategy Type 4: Focus – Low Cost; Type 5: Focus –
Best Value.

ACB continue to focus on Developing & Renovating Conventional Market Strategy, ACB
concentrate on a particular of a group customers or niche group (consumers, manufactures,
enterprises), ACB Bank should design a specific product line segments to serve a well-define
market for example foreign exchange platform, mobile money, online payment platform or
services similar to money gram, western union.

Page 21 of 25 July 2014

The Balanced Scorecard developed in 1993 by Harvard Business School professors Robert
Kaplan and David Norton, and refined continually through today, the Balanced Scorecard is a
strategy evaluation and control technique. An effective Balanced Scorecard contains carefully
chosen combination of strategic and financial objectives tailored to the company’s business as a
tool to manage and evaluate strategy. The Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy evaluation
aims to balance long-term with short-term concerns, to balance financial with nonfinancial
concerns, and to balance internal with external concern - Fred F. David.

Table 11: Main aspects of the Balanced Scorecard

Based on the general information and extracted data from annual financial report 2013 of ACB
Bank, with the analysis of the EFE matrix, IFE matrix, SWOT matrix, and QSPM matrix, the
Author would like to design the Balanced Scorecard for ACB bank as showed in table 12.


Area of Objectives Measure or Target Time Expectation Primary Responsible

Customers: Lower Advertised

interest rate

Page 22 of 25 July 2014
1. Competitive product Number of product Expect to increase
offers offerings per year/ Sales 2% -5% period
volume 2015-2017

2. Competitive pricing Cost of doing business / Expect to reduction

competitive price 3% period 2015 -
comparisons 2017

3. High quality service Number of complaints / Decrease the

customer satisfaction numbers of
rating complaints 5% year

Managers/employees: Adjust interest rate as


1. Competitive Annual market review Increase 5% year

compensation 2015-1016

2. Participation in Bonus pay per person Increase 4% yearly

organization performance

3. Improve job skills Training completed Increase 10%


4. Quality evaluation of Comparison to best Evaluate yearly

performance standards

5. Increase upward career Number of internal Increase 3%

movement promotions

Community /Social

1. Provide community Extent of employee Implementing in

support activities participation 2015

2. Act as a good Extent employees vote / Implementing in

corporate citizen extent employees 2014 afterward
support outside

Financial / Lower interest rate

shareholders: and leading to increase

Page 23 of 25 July 2014
1. Achieve asset growth Asset growth rate Expect 10% yearly
ratio 2013y 166,559
Billion VND,
expect 2014

2. Achieve ROE% Net interest margin / ROE % 2013y

non-interest expense 0.6%, expecting
2014y increase
90% is 1,14%

3. Achieve ROA% Net interest margin / ROA% 2013y

non-interest expense reaching 8.2%,
expecting 2014y
increase 90% is
16% respectively.

4. Achieve efficiency Overhead expenses Increase 5%


5. Loan loss ratio Number of problem Reduction 10%


Based on the deploying of EFE matrix, IFE matrix, SWOT matrix, and QSPM matrix, and
designing the Balanced Scorecard for ACB, the Author suggest the best strategy would be
focusing on the conventional market. There are some orientations for ACB such as customer
orientation, sustainable financial growth, efficiency and effectively, business ethics. ACB
business strategy for period 2014-2017y, firstly, ACB continuing concentrate on the middle &
high income clients segmentation, with strategy is attracting the new clients and retaining the old
customers. ACB provides the financial services to enterprises with target selected customers are
average & small enterprises. ACB provides the selling & insurance services for clients demand
for gold purchase.

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