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3.13 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan
tentang pendapat dan pikiran, sesuai dengan konteks

4.18 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan

dan merespon ungkapan menyatakan pendapat dan
pikiran, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai

Asking and giving opinion

Formal : informal :
1. Have you got any comments on ….. 1. I personally believe … /consider …./
2. Do you have any idea? feel ….
3. Do you have any opinion on …… 2. I hold the opinion ….
4. Would you give me your opinion 3. My own view of the matter is ……
on……….? 4. Well, personally …….
5. What is your reaction to …… 5. If I had my view, I would ….
6. What is your opinion about……….? 6. From my point of view…
7. What are you feeling about………….? 7. As far as I’m concerned…
8. How do you feel about that? 8. I am convinced . . .
9. What are your views on……….? 9. I am of mixed opinion…
Please give me your frank opinion? 10. I have no opinion on this matter…
10. What do you think of …? 11. I’d rather not say anything about it.
11. Do you have any thoughts on that? 12. I’m not sure I quite agree that …
13. I don’t quite see what people find in

Asking and Giving opinion

Informal Informal
1. What do you think of…….? 1. I think I … / I think that……..
2. What do you think about………? 2. I don’t think I care for it/ much of it.
3. What is your opinion? 3. In my opinion …… /In my case …..
4. Why do they behave like that? 4. What I’m more concerned with ….
5. Do you think it’s going? 5. What I have in my mind is………
6. How do you like? 6. The way I see is that…………
7. How was the trip? 7. No everyone will agree with me, but ….
8. How do you think of Rina’s idea ? 8. To my mind …..
9. How do you feel about this condition?9. From my point of view ….
10. Is it right what I’ve done… 10. If you ask me, I feel ….
11. Absolutely ………
12. As far as I know..
13. If I am not mistaken…

Dialogue 1
Harry : Guys, I have a serious problem right now.
Ron   : Just tell us, Harry.
Harry : Well, next week  I have to leave my study because my father was fired days
ago. This becomes hard time for my family to keep survive.
Peter : Come on. Actually it is not a really serious problem.
Harry : How can I solve it? No money to pay school fees.

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 1

Peter : Why don’t you see our headmaster to ask scholarship .Just tell that your dad
cannot afford your school fees.
Ron : I agree with Peter. You always get good rank. You’re
deserved to get that.
Harry : Thank you guys. I'll try to do that. 

Dialogue 2
Utami : Our headmaster wanted us to improve and increase the quality of our
English club. What do you think?
Krisna : Well. I think so. We should be able to do that.
Utami : So what should we do?
Krisna : I think that we have to improve our programs. It must be more
relevant to English.
Hani : That's a great idea. But don't forget. I think it is not only
that. We should also know the student's needs, because we handle different levels
and wishes.
Utami : Yes, I know that. Thank you. And then do we need new instructors
Krisna: I don’t think so.

Practice I. Give your opinion about cases proposed below!

1. What do you think of smoking teenagers?
= According to medical doctors, smoking is dangerous not only for teenagers but
also for adults.
2. What is your opinion about cheating during a test?
3. What will you say to realize so many young educated jobless?
4. How do you feel to see commercials on TV?
5. What are your ideas about the teaching style of some teachers in a classroom?

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 2


3.13 Menerapkan fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan memberi & meminta
informasi terkait pesan sederhana lewat telephone (taking simple phone
message) sesuai konteks di dunia kerja.
4.18 Menuliskan kembali teks pesan sederhana lewat telephone terkait
tempat kerja dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks dunia kerja.

 How may I be of assistance?
 I’m afraid the line is engaged/busy. 
 I’m afraid he/she is in a meeting/not available at the moment.
 I'm sorry, he/she's out of the office today.
 Can I put you on hold?
 Can I take a message?
 Would you like to leave a message?
 Could you give me your number, please?
 I'll make sure he/she gets the message.
 May I speak with Mr. Clarke, please?
 I would like to speak with Mr. Clarke, please.
 When do you expect him/her back in the office?
 I need to speak with him/her on an urgent matter.
 May I leave a message?
 Would it be possible to leave a message?
 Please tell him/her that...
 Please ask him/her to call me as soon as he/she gets in.
I. Choose the correct number A,B,C or D for each number!
1. Caller : Hello, . . .?
Nita : I’m sorry, he is out. Could you call back at four?
Caller : All right. Thankyou
A. Could you speak to Mr Azis, please
B. Can I take a message from you
C. Could I speak to Mr Aziz, please
D. Would you like to call him again

2. Rihana :...
Mrs Ani : I’m afraid you have the wrong number, Miss.
A. Hello, is this Mrs Ita’s house?
B. Excuse me, where is Mrs Kim?
C. Hello, who’s speaking please?
D. Could you tell me where your wife is?

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 3

Dialogue Practice
Situation : Mr Smith is calling to inform Mr Clark of something important.
Receptionist : Good morning, this is Happy Marketing. How may I be of assistance
Smith : I would like to speak with Mr. Clark, please
Receptionist : May I ask who’s calling?
Smith : This is Mr. Smith from the ACE Solutions company
Receptionist : Mr Smith, I’m afraid the line is enganged at the moment. Can
I put you on hold?
Smith : I’m afraid I have to go now, and I really needed to talk to him
on an urgent matter.
Receptionist : Would you like to leave a message , then?
Smith : That would be great. Please tell him that we revised the terms of the
contract and that we sent the documents 2 days ago through e-mail. He
needs to check it as soon as possible and then get back to us. If he didn’t
receive the email, please tell him to call my secretary and she will resend it.
Receptionist : Duly noted,m Mr Smith. Could you give me that phone number, please?
Smith : Yes, It’s 043-865-4821.
Receptionist : Thank you very much, Mr Smith. I’ll make sure Mr Clark gets your
message as soon as possible.

II. Answer these questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What did Mr Smith decide to do?
2. Did Mr Smith manage to talk to Mr Clark?
3. What did Mr Smith want to tell Mr Clark?

III. Situation of Role Play

You work as a receptionist and you receive a call from the secretary of a
company you collaborate with. They are calling to inform your manager that the
date of the opening ceremony for their new shop has been changed.  Your
manager is in a meeting, so you will have to take a message.  Your teacher will
act as the secretary. Switch roles afterwards.

IV. Discussion
1. In your line of work, do you often have to relay messages?
2.What do you think is the hardest part about taking messages?
3.What kind of skills must a good receptionist have?
4.If the person you are calling is not available, do you usually leave a message?
Why? Why not?


3.13 Menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks& unsur

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 4
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi
dan tidak resmi dengan memberi & meminta informasi
terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai konteks.
Perbedaan Surat Undangan Resmi & Tidak Resmi
No Perbedaan Surat Undangan Resmi Surat Undangan Tidak Resmi
1 Bentuk Baku Agak bebas
Ada kepala surat Tidak ada kepala surat
Ada perihal surat Tidak ada perihal surat
Jabatan dicantumkan Jabatan tidak dicantumkan
Ada tembusan surat Tidak ada tembusan surat
2 Bahasa Menggunakan ragam bahasa baku Menggunakan ragam bahasa tidak
baku ( bebas sopan)
3 Isi Bersifat kedinasan Bersifat pribadi

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Invitation letter? invitation Letter adalah permintaan formal

untuk individu kehadiran atau hadir untuk acara, makan malam, perayaan atau kesempatan
formal. Surat undangan sering didistribusikan untuk pernikahan, upacara pensiun, wisuda
perayaan, ulang tahun, pesta ulang tahun dan galas formal di masyarakat berupa surat yang
dikirim dari pengirim kepada penerima surat.

Tujuan/Purpose :
To inform a person about an upcoming event you’d like them to attend. ( Memberitahu
orang tentang suatu peristiwa yang akan terjadi untuk dihadiri).

Jenis Invitation Letter

 Formal Invitation Letter
adalah surat undangan dalam konteks resmi. Invitation Letter ini mempunyai format baku
yang harus kita gunakan saat membuat surat undangan formal ( Formal Incvitation Letter).
Adapun beberapa contoh Formal Invitation Letter seperti: Surat undangan pernikahan,
wisuda, etc.

 Informal /Personal Invitataion Letter

digunakan dalam konteks tidak resmi. Tidak jarang surat undangan ini hanya disampaikan
melalui pesan singkat atau memo singkat kepada penerima. Contoh Informal Invitation
letter seperti: Undangan Pesta, ulang tahun, makan malam, etc

Struktur Invitation Letter / Generic Structure :

1. Invitee : Siapa yang diundang
2. Body of invitation : Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:
 Occasion : Undangan ini dibuat untuk acara apa
 Day or Date : Hari dan tanggal
 Time : Waktu yang ditetapkan
 Place/Venue : Tempat yang diharapkan kehadirannya para undangan
 RSVP : please reply
 Salutation : Salam Pembuka/Greeting

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 Closing : Salam Penutup/ Sincerly, Yours Faithfully, Warm regards, etc
3. Inviter : Siapa yang mengundang

Example Situation the invitation:

wedding birthday party farewell party

Business gathering/dinner grand opening school event

Read the expression below!

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 6

A: “What are you doing on Friday night?”
B: “Nothing special. Why?”
A: “Do you wanna see a movie?”
B: “Sure! What time?”
A: “Can I pick you up around 7?”
B: “Sounds good.”
A: “We’re going to the Italian restaurant. Would you care to join us?”
B: “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another commitment this evening. Maybe another
Contoh Personal Letter :

I. Match the phrases in left column to the right column!

1. That reminds me . . . to finish the letter
2. Why don’t we . . . to apologize
3. I’d better get going . . . . to thank the person for writing
4. Thanks for your letter. to begin the letter
5. Please let me k now. . . . to change the subject
6. I’m really sorry . . . . to ask a favor
7. I am happy to hear that. . . . before signing the letter
8. Could you do something for me? to suggest or invite
9. Write soon. to ask for a reply

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 7

10. Did you know that. . . . to ask for a response
to share some information

II. Read the text and Anwer these questions below!

I hope you (1) . . . and join us for dinner party in the evening to celebrate
(2) . . .Sunday, May 20th, 2015
At 07.00 – 10.00 p.m.
In the Etam Restaurant. I would be (3) . . . if you can come
1. A. Come B. keep C. enter D. arrive
2. A. From B. at C. on D. in
3. A. Fine B. upset C. glad D. nice

III. Please Answer in a short statement!

1. What kind of invitation card is this?

2. When will the event be held?
3. Where will the event be held?
4. Who are invited?
5. Who invites the guests?


3.17 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur berbentuk
manual dan kiat-kiat (tips), sesuai dengan konteks

4.25 Menangkap makna teks prosedur, lisan dan

tulis, berbentuk manual dan kiat-kiat (tips).

4.26 Menyunting teks prosedur berbentuk manual

dan kiat-kiat (tips), dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks.
Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 8
Definition :
1. “Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something.” or
2. “Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved
through a sequence of actions or steps.”

The characteristic of procedural text:

1. Simple Present Tense (S + V1)
2. Imperative: cut the carrots into pieces, put the sugar on the cup, boil the water, etc.
3. Action verbs: make, take, boil, cook,
4. Temporal Conjunctions, contoh: First, then, next, after that, last.
5. Adverb of time: for five minutes, leave a few minutes

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Generic structure :
1. Goal : giving the information of the purpose or the conclusion of the step
2. Materials : the ingredients or material need for doing the steps.
3. Steps : the list of instruction or activity to do to achieve the goal.
4. Result : the result of the steps that have been done.

Read the sample below!

1. How to plant chilies
Aim / Goal
Planting chilies is really easy. Not only easy, planting chilies is also useful to get fresh and
hygienist chilies from our own garden. My mom plants several chili-plants in my backyard
house. She thinks that planting chilies can save some money because the price of chilies in
the market is so high. 
Before we plant chilies, we need to prepare several things such as chili seeds, small spade,
compost, and vessels. After all tools and materials have been prepared, then we begin to
plant some chilies.
First, get a handful of chili seeds. Make sure you have already dried it under the sunlight.
Second, make small hole on the soil by using the small spade and put the seeds on it then
close with soil. Make sure to put it on the open area. Next, wait for several day until it
come out the sprout. Finally, take the sprout off the soil and put it on the vessel which full
of soil and compost. The sprout will grow bigger and yield us some fresh chilies. Make
sure to watering the plant regularly. 

2. How to Brushing your teeth

I. Read the text and Answer these questions below!

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 10

First of all, switch off the phone. Second, pull the battery lock on the back of the phone,
and hold it in this position. Next slide the cover and lift the battery. Then insert the SIM
card into its slot, but remember, do it very carefully. One more thing, don’t forget to make
sure the golden connectors on the cards face into the phone and the opposite of the battery
until it snaps into place. Now, slide the cover back onto the mobile phone. Finally, switch
on the phone and you’ll see the signal of the SIM card on the phone screen and do you
know what that means? it means that you can start using the phone now.
1. What is the step after pulling the battery lock?
A. Insert the SIM card into its slot
B. Slide the cover and lift the battery
C. Hold the phone in thus positions
D. Slide the cover back onto the mobile phone
2. How do you insert the SIM card?
A. into the slot
B. lift the battery
C. very carefully
D. always remember
3. Which way must the golden connectors face?
A. into the phone
B. lift the battery
C. from the phone
D. always remember
4. What will happen if you insert the card before pulling out the battery?
A. the battery will broken
B. the card can not be inserted
C. It is right way to do so
D. The card can be used properly


3.17 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk
melaksanakan fungsi social teks ilmiah (factual report) dengan menyatakan
& menanyakan tentang teks ilmiah factual tentang orang, binatang, benda,
gejala & peristiwa alam & social, sederhana sesuai konteks.

4.25 Menangkap makna dalam teks ilmiah factual lisan & tulis sederhana
tentang orang, binatang, benda, gejala & peristiwa alam & social sesuai

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 11

a) What does each picture above suggest?
b) What kinds of information do you find when reading scientific text /report?
c) What strategies do you apply to read scientific text?
d) What do you know about skimming, scanning, previewing, predicting and inference?

Faktual Report Text : teks yang mendiskripsikan sesuatu berdasar kaidah ilmiah sepeerti
fakta, data, contoh & teori pendukung baik berupa lisan & tulisan untuk menyajikan
informasi secara transparan, benar, akurat & ilmiah , bersifat objektif dan mengandung
kebenaran umum yang bisa dipahami semua orang.

Fungsi Factual Report :

1. Mempresentasikan tentang sesuatu
2. Menjelaskan Fakta tentang sesuatu
3. Pendukung dalam karya ilmiah

Generic Structure Factual Report

1. General Classification : pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan,
keterangan & klasifikasinya menyatakan klasifikasi aspek umum hal hewan, tempat
umum, tanaman
2. Description : memberikan gambaran fenomena yang terjadi baik bagian-bagiannya,
sifat, kebiasaan ataupun tingkah laku

Karakteristik Factual Report Text

1. Berisi fakta ilmiah dalam Simple Present tense
2. Tidak menampilkan judul spesifik dan bersifat umum
3. Menggunakan kata benda umum ( general noun)
4. Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan
5. Terdiri dari sebuah objek ditambah objek tentang alam

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 12

6. Menjelaskan kelompok / aspek umum bukan individu secara khusus
7. Menggunakan conditional logical conjuction : when, so, furthermore, in addition
8. Menyajikan gambar, data statistic, diagram/peta untuk meyakinkan bahwa hasil
penelitian dilakukan secara ilmiah

I. Read the text and Answer the questions below!

Kene Wae Service Station
Your Friendly Neighborhood Service CenterKene Wae is your one stop shop for all your
automotive service and repair needs. Prices may vary depending on cost and availability of
parts. Our goal is to provide our customers with great service at a fair price. We understand
that the best of advertising is word of mouth. We pride ourselves on being able to return
your vehicles you in a timely manner, usually the same day and fixed right the first time.
As a company we made a choice: you can either be the best or you can be the cheapest.We
strive to be the best! We are committed to giving our customers the excellent service that
they deserve.
1. What is being advertised?
A. a service station
B. spare part price
C. a friendly neighbor
D. an automotive shop

2. What is the service station aim at?

A. Designing specific body styles for modification.
B. Selling second hand spare parts at a higher price.
C. Giving great service to customers at a fair price
D. Providing information about black market products

II. Read the text and Answer the questions shortly!

The word tornado comes from Spanish language and means to twist or turn. A tornado is a
whirlwind produced by atmospheric conditions, mainly extremely low pressure, during a
severe thunderstorm.

Tornadoes usually turn counterclockwise. They appear as funnel shaped columns of

violently rotating winds that reach down from a storm and touch the ground. Although a
tornado is not always visible to the eye, tornado conditions can still be picked up on radar,
or the tornado may become visible once debris and dirt are pulled into it.

A tornado may also be referred to as a funnel cloud, but this is technically not a correct
term. While the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, a funnel cloud is different,

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 13

not in its make up, but in the fact that it does not touch the ground. Another name that is
often used to describe a tornado is twister, due to its violent twisting motion.

The tornado is one of the most unpredictable and destructive forces of nature, often
destroying everything in its path. A tornado is usually preceded by severe storms, which
may include lightning, high winds, and frequent hail. It can change course without notice,
and is usually accompanied by a roaring sound, or as some describe it, the sound of freight

1. What does the word tornado mean?

2. How do tornadoes usually turn?
3. What does tornado look like?
4. What are the other names of tornadoes?
5. Why is a tornado described as a twister?


3.13 Menilai hal yang dapat diteladani dari tokoh dalam teks biography dan
menganalisis fungsi social, struktur teks & unsur kebahsaan sesuai konteks

4.13 Mengungkapkan hal-hal yang dapat diteladani dari tokoh dalam teks
biography secara tertulis & lisan serta menyusun dan menyajikan teks
biography tokoh sesuai konteks.

Pre Reading Activities

Personal Connection
Imagine 30 years from now someone will write a biography about you.What would you
want the world to know About you? Focus on what you would do for people and your

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 14

Biography is subgenre of narrative nonfiction/historical nonfiction. Sometimes, it is called
biography recount. Biography presents the facts about an individual’s life and makes an
attempt to interpret those facts, explaining the person’s feeling and motivations.
Biography text is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by
someone else, it is nonfiction text.
(Teks Biografi adalah suatu teks yang menggambarkan detail dari riwayat hidup seseorang
secara nyata dan ditulis oleh orang lain.)

Function of Biography
 To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this
person may be known for.
Untuk mengetahui kisah seseorang tentang kehidupannya di luar pencapaian apa pun,
orang ini mungkin dikenal.
 To give much information easily and educate the readers.
Untuk memberikan banyak informasi dengan mudah dan mendidik para pembaca.

Types of Biography
 Short Biography (focuses only on highlights of a person’s life)
 Long Biography (about life and times of someone in a lot more detail)

Generic Structure :
1. Orientation / introduction : opening paragraph / berisi tentang biodata yang
dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap, tempat, tanggal lahir dan informasi umum tentang
pengenalan tokoh
2. Events /Peristiwa : bagian kejadian/peristiwa yang dialami tokoh
berisi penjelasan cerita baik berupa pemecahan masalah, proses berkarir, peristiwa
yang pernah dialami
3. Re-Orientation/ closing : Conclusion ( kesimpulan) berisi tentang pandangan
penulis pada tokoh yang dikisahkan
Contoh Biography Text

Steve Jobs

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 15

Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, and he died on October 5,
2011. He was an American entrepreneur, businessman, inventor, and industrial designer.
He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.; CEO
and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company’s board of
directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs
and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak are widely recognized as pioneers of the
microcomputer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s.
Jobs was born in San Francisco and adopted at birth; he was raised in the San
Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s. Jobs briefly attended Reed College in 1972 before
dropping out. He then decided to travel through India in 1974 seeking enlightenment and
studying Zen Buddhism. Jobs’ declassified FBI report stated that an acquaintance knew that
Jobs had used illegal drugs marijuana and LSD while he was in college. Jobs once told a
reporter that taking LSD was “one of the two or three most important things” he did in his
Jobs and Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak’s Apple I personal
computer. The visionaries gained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, one of the
first highly successful mass-produced personal computers. In 1979, after a tour of PARC,
Jobs saw the commercial potential of the Xerox Alto, which was mouse-driven and had a
graphical user interface (GUI). This led to the development of the unsuccessful Apple Lisa
in 1983, followed by the breakthrough Macintosh in 1984. In addition to being the first
mass-produced computer with a GUI, the Macintosh introduced the sudden rise of the
desktop publishing industry in 1985 with the addition of the Apple LaserWriter, the first
laser printer to feature vector graphics. Following a long power struggle, Jobs was forced
out of Apple in 1985.

After leaving Apple, Jobs took a few of its members with him to found NeXT, a
computer platform development company specializing in state-of-the-art computers for
higher-education and business markets. In addition, Jobs helped to initiate the development
of the visual effects industry when he founded the spinout of the computer graphics
division of George Lucas’s Lucasfilm in 1986. The new company, Pixar, would eventually
produce the first fully computer-animated film, Toy Story—an event made possible in part
because of Jobs’s financial support.
In 1997, Apple merged with NeXT. Within a few months of the merger, Jobs
became CEO of his former company, reviving Apple on the verge of bankruptcy.
Beginning in 1997 with the “Think different” advertising campaign, Jobs worked closely
with designer Jonathan Ive to develop a line of products that would have larger cultural
ramifications: the iMac, iTunes and iTunes Store, Apple Store, iPod, iPhone, App Store,
and the iPad. Mac OS was also revamped into OS X (renamed “macOS” in 2016), based on
NeXT’s NeXTSTEP platform.
Jobs was diagnosed with a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in 2003 and died on
October 5, 2011, of respiratory arrest related to the tumor.

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 16

I. Please Read the text above and Answer these questions with True or False!
1. Steve Jobs never knew who his real parents were.
2. His adoptive parents were rich.
3. Steve Jobs was a university graduate.

II. Based on the text above about Steve Jobs, fill the blanks the worksheet below!

Mrs. Natalia M, S.Pd, - English Handout Grade XI 17

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