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Ethiopian Civil Service University

College of Finance, Management and Development

Department of Development Economics & Management

Individual assignment-1

Course Title and code: Population, Gender and Development (3032)

Submission/due date: December 14, 2021.
Maximum pages: 7
Total Mark: 20%

1. Briefly explain how urbanization affects fertility and mortality (4 marks).

2. What are the targets articulated in relation to gender equality and empowerment
under the Sustainable development Goals? (3 marks)
3. What is demographic dividend? What are the benefits of a demographic dividend
to a given economy/country? (4 marks)
4. The Fourth World Conference on Women was held in 1995 in Bejinj, china. At
this conference, delegates had prepared a Declaration and Platform for Action
aimed at achieving greater equality and opportunity for women. The Beijing
Declaration and the Platform for Action is an agenda for women’s empowerment.
It aims at removing all the obstacles to women's active participation in all spheres
of public and private life through a full and equal share in economic, social,
cultural and political decision-making. Hence it sets strategic objectives and
actions for the advancement of women and the achievement of gender equality in
12 critical areas of concern.
A. What are the 12 critical areas of concern? (3 marks)
B. Summarize the strategic objectives set for each critical areas of
concern. (6 marks)

Prepared by: K/mariam Gidey (MSc) 1

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