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ZOO4 International Conference on

Power System Technology POWERCON 2004
Singapore, 21-24 November 2004

Distribution System Load Flow using

Object-Oriented Methodology
M.P.Selvan,Student Member, IEEE, and K.S.Swarup,Senior Member, IEEE

relatively high compared to a transmission system. This makes

AbsWct- DistributionSystem hns been analyzed in this paper the distribution system ill conditioned. Literature confirms that
using Objed-Oriented Approach. The important contribution of the conventional Newton Raphson method and the fast-
this paper b the development of sofiware objects for various decoupled power flow algorithm and their modifications are
distribution system components in such s way that they can be
not suitable for solving the load flow problem of such ill-
reused in most of the distributionsystem analysis programs. The
design, proposed in this paper, is used for developing load flow conditioned system [2f[3]. Several methods and solving
analysis program. Object-OdentedDesign replicatesthe physical algorithms have been proposed in the literature for distribution
system strumre exactly In the software. T h e extensibility of the load flow analysis, which can be essentially classified into
objeet-oriented design is exploited to extend the radial load flow three categories: direct methods, backward I forward sweep
analysis module for performing the load flow analysis of weakly methods and Newton-Raphson based methods. Backward and
meshed system by deriving few specialized objects from the
forward sweep algorithm exploits the radial nature o f the
fundamental objects used for radial load flow. Modeled objects
are implemented in C-H, an object-oriented programming distribution system and it is computationally more efficient
language, and tested with various test systems, The results [4][5]. Distribution system consists of several components of
obtained for 69-bus radial system and 33-bus weakly meshed different types. Representation of these components in
system are provided. Tbia design is being extendedfor developing software is an important task since the software model of the
load flow analysis module for %phase unbalanced distribution components decides the capability of the analysis tool.
system and distribution system with dispersedgenerations.
Escalating power demand and expanding distribution network
Index Terms- Distribution System, Object-Oriented Design,
make the operation of Distribution Management System
Load flow analysis,Radial and Weakly meshed system. @MS) more complex. Modern Distribution Management
System requires distributed computing and revision of existing
1. INTRODUCTION DMS application software. Reliable and flexible software are
required in DMS to meet the forthcoming computation
L OAD FLOW analysis is a steady state analysis of power
system, which provides information about the current
state of the system for a given generation and load conditions.
requirements [6]. Traditional programming methodologies,
which are based on functional decomposition, are not abIe to
represent the components in flexible and reusable manner. In
Load flow analysis is a basic function in both the Energy
power engineering research field object-oriented approach has
Management System (EMS) and the Distribution Management
been accepted as a feasible alternative to traditional procedural
System OMS) [l]. Distribution load flow is mandatory for
programming development due to its advantages over other
performing short circuit calculations in distribution system
methodologies 17-111. In object-oriented approach the
since the load currents are not small compared to short circuit
decomposition of problem domain is based on the physical
current and cannot be neglected. Distribution load flow
nature. of the components rather than based on their functions.
analysis also plays an important role in contingency analysis
Object-Oriented Programmiag (OOP)generally leads to more
to study the effect of outage of feeders. Results of the
flexible, modular and reusable code. The strengths of Object-
distribution load flow program are being used for the
reconfigumtion of'feeders to minimize the real power loss. Oriented Methodology (OOM) are exploited well by the
efforts involved during the analysis and design phases rather
Distribution system is usually radial or near radial (weakly
meshed) in nature in order to simplify the over current
than 60m the actual implementation [12]. Researchers have
exploited the features of the OOM for developing application
protection. In an electrical distribution system that operates
software for transmission systems. Little amount of focus is
radially, evefy segment of the system gets its power tiom only
also given to the Object-Oriented modeling of distribution
one substation, with a unique path fiom it to the associated
system software [13]. Losi and Russo [I41 proposed a method
substation. This pdth involves feeders, switches, transformers,
based on Newton Fbphson algorithm for object-oriented load
etc. The RIX ratios of branches in a distribution system are
flow. T h i s paper proposes a new object-oriented software
modeling of distribution system components. Object modeling
M.P. Selvan i s with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian has been done in such a way that they can be reused in
Institute ofTechnology, Madras, INDIA. (E-mail: selv"p@ yahoo.comj. different distribution analysis functions. Compensation based
KS.Swarup is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian distribution load flow algorithm, proposed by Shirmohammadi
Institute of Technology, Madras, INDIA. (phone: 914-22578404, fax: 91-
44-22570509; e-mail: !;warup@ee.iibn.cmet.iO). et al. [4], is the most appropriate technique for the proposed

0-7803-8610-8/04/$20.00 0 2004 1EEE 1168

object-oriented software mode1 and data structure because of of object-oriented design. This method uses the fundamental
its less complication. A balanced single-phase approach has Kirchoff s Currrent Law (KCL) and Kirchoff s VoItage Law
been implemented for radial distribution system and extended (KVL) for solving the load flow problem. The steady state
for weakly meshed system. It is observed that the extension of equivalent circuit of any branch ‘j’ in a feeder can be
the load flow analysis program of radial system to weakly represented as shown in Fig.2.
meshed system becomes much effortless due to the advantages
of object-oriented design. The developed program using the
proposed design has been tested on a 10- bus, 23 kV [15], 33-
bus, 12.66 kV [16], 6 9 - b ~ 12.66
, kV [17] and IEEE-37 bUS I l-tl
[ 181 distribution systems.

Distribution system consists of several components and Fig.:! Steady state equivalentcircuit of a branch ‘j’
generally radial in nature. Fig. 1 shows the single line diagram The j* branch is characterized by 7 variables such as
of a typical radial distribution system. RadiaI distribution branch current I ~ Jresistance
, r,, reactance xj, sending and
system is fed at a single node called Root node, marked as ‘R’ receiving bus voltages Vi.1 and Vi, the currents of the load and
in Fig. 1. Single main and several lateral feeders are there in a shunt devices connected at the receiving bus ILJand Ish, and
distribution system. Feeders are composed of branches, which the current leaving the receiving bus (i.e. the current of the
may be a transformer, a switch, a transmission line section or a j+l* branch) Ihj+l. Load flow is a problem of finding the
cable. Usually a bus is connected with two branches and it is steady state value of the bus voltage magnitude and angle by
sending end bus for one branch and receiving end bus for solving the equations relating the current injections.
another branch, Fork node i s a bus to which more than two
branches are connected and marked as ‘F’ in Fig.1. A bus, FOR DISTRIBUTION
which is connected to only one branch is called Terminal node
A. Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA)

MT 10
The fundamental problem domain objects have been
identified in the Object-Oriented Analysis phase. Domain
analysis is the best way to identify the objects. By analyzing
the distribution system we can come up with the physically

’?-Pi 11 ll 13
existing components such as feeder, bus, transformer,
transmission line, switch, source, load and shunt devices
(shunt capacitor) etc. to be. modeled as s o h a r e objects. The
Fig.1 Single line diagram o f a typical radial distribution system distribution system itself cafl be modeled as an object since it
is a composition of other physically existing objects. Every
and marked as ‘T’.The bus numbers are marked with bold software object has prime attributes that represent the physical
letters and the branch numbers are marked with italic letters. A characteristics of the object, data processing and data
feeder section may start either h m the root node or eom a accessing methods that define the interfaces of the object.
fork node and terminate either at a fork node or at a terminal
node. B. Object-i%?nfed Des& (000)
Distribution loadflow Problem Object-Oriented Design involves the design of identified
objects and the establishment of their relationships. This
The power generated by the generators and the power section deals with the design of the folIowing objects:
consumed by the load and losses are essentially to be balanced
1) Load
for a steady state operation of the power system. The Load i s a basic component in electric power system, which
mathematical equations describing the power balance are consumes power. In reality load is an object, which is
termed load flow or power flow equations. The load flow connected at the node where the electric power is fed. This
analysis is the determination of steady state conditions of Q paper models the Iond as a software object by abstracting its
power system for a specified power generation and load power and voltage ratings as prime attributes.
demand, The radial nature and high R/X ratio of the 2) Shunt devices
distribution system makes it ill-conditioned. Literature Shunt devices (capacitors) are used in the distribution
confms that the conventional Newton Raphson method and system to provide reactive power support. They are also
the fast-decoupled power flow algorithm and their usually connected at the nodes. Shunt devices are modeled in
modifications are not suitable for solving the load flow the program as objects shunt. The prime attributes of the shunt
problem of such ill-conditioned system. Some efficient devices are their constant admittance, which is calculated from
algorithms for solving the load flow problem of a radial the reactive power and voltage ratings of the devices.
distribution network are exploiting the radial nature of the 3) BMS
system. One of such efficient algorithms based on Bus is a junction point (node) where different elements
compensation technique has been used for the implementation

such as line, transformer, load and shunt devices are bus for each loop at the loop break point. Two new soRWai-e
connected. Existing physical buses have been modeled as objects, “dummy bus and tie” have been derived to model the
software object Bus. Bus number, voltage magnitude, angle weakly meshed system.
and the references of the devices connected to the bus are the 7) Dummy bus
prime attributes. Several specialized classes have been derived Dummy bus is introduced at the loop break points. Dummy
fiom the base class of object bus. bus is an object of a special class derived fkom the class of
4) Branch object bur. It is a speciaI bus created by a parent bus object at
Branch is considered as an object and its abstraction is a the loop break point. The parent bus object is one of the prime
device connected between two buses. Transmission line, attributes of the object dummy bus. A dummy bus and its
transformer, cable and switch are the specializations of object parent bus together form a loop break point.
branch. 8) Tie
5) Feeder Tie is derived fromthe class feeder. Tie is a feeder having
Feeder carries power from the substation to the consumer single branch, which makes a loop. Since we are breaking the
premises. In reality, feeder is divided into several sections. loop and introducing a dummy bus, tie lines can be considered
Each section may be either a transmission Line or transformer. as a feeder starting at B node and terminating at the durnmy
Feeder is modeled as a software object, which is an bus.
aggregation of branches. Fig.4 shows the extended class diagram with new classes for
6) Dishibufiun ,ystem weakly meshed system. New classes are shown by thick lines.
Distribution system itself can be abstracted as an object
since it is a composition of other physically existing objects
such as bus, feeder. transformer and load etc.
Establishing the relationship between the objects is the next
step in the design phase. The most important relationships are
specialization (is a), association (has a), and aggregation
@art 08. The diagrammatic representation of these
relationships is shown in Fig.3. Triangle shape ( A ) indicates
specialization or inheritance relationship. Connections
represented by filled circles ( 0 ) indicate the association
relationship between objects. Connections between objects,
represented by diamond shape (0)at one-end and filled
circles ( ) at the other-end, indicate the aggregation of simple Fig. 4 Extended class diagram of Fig. 3 to accommodate weakly
objects to form a complex object [19]. The association meshed swtem
relationship describes the physical connection between the
objects. Transformer is a specialized object of branch with C. Object-Oriented Programming (UOP)
zero resistance and tap settings. Switch is a special branch Object-Oriented Programming is the final phase of object-
with zero impedance. oriented methodology in which implementation is carried out.
The proposed design is implemented in C-H programming
language. Classes have been developed for every designed
objects using Bottom-Up approach, which gives an ease
implementation. Class inheritance is used to implement the
specialization relationship. Association relationship is
implemented with the help of pointers. Each branch has two
pointers to point its sending and receiving end buses. Every
feeder has two pointers to address its starting and terminal
nodes. Every bus has an array of pointers to point the branches
connected to it. A method of distribution system object called
establkhlinh0 establishes the association relationship. This
method serves two purposes. First, replicates the physical
structure of the system in the computer memory by
Fig. 3 Class diagram for radial distribution system establishing the physical connection between the objects.
Second, serves the purpose of navigation from one object to
Design Extensionfur Weak& Meshed system another object. The aggregation relationship is implemented
Weakly meshed system, which is generally created under by containership. The classes, which are already developed by
maintenance or emergency operation, is a radial distribution the authors for various power system analysis programs, such
system with few loops. Loops are fomed by tie lines. Usually as sparse matrix, vector, linear system solver and complex
for analysis, the weakly meshed system is converted into a have also been reused in this application. This ensures the
radial system by breaking the loops and introducing a dummy reusability of the object-oriented design.

The present work assumes that the 3-phase distribution First, do the above calculations for the feeders terminating
system is balanced and can be represented by a single line at the terminal node. Then do for the remaining feeders that
diagram and the line to ground capacitance at distribution are terminating at the fork node. This branch current
voltage level are small enough to neglect. Compensation based calculation begins at the last branch and terminates at the first
algorithm, which has both forward sweep and backward branch of each feeder as shown by the thick lines in FigS.
sweep, is used to develop the distribution load flow analysis 2) Forward sweep
program using the designed objects. During backward sweep 3. Calculate the nodal voltages using equation (5).
the branch currents are calculated and during forward sweep v; = Vtl -z.I‘
1 kl (5)
bus voltages are calculated. zj - impedance of the jmbranch
FSS . Forward sweep starts from the feeder connected to the root
node and continues to the feeders emanating fiom this
feeder and so on as shown by dotted lines in Fig.5.
4. Check for convergence. Find the mismatch between
the calculated load power and the specified load power at
all buses. If the absolute value o f the mismatch at all buses
are less than certain tolerance value, then stop the iteration.
BSI Otherwise continue the backward and forward sweeping.
-F-S 3- - Due to the advantages of object oriented design the forward
Back ward Sweep

- -b
Forward Sweep
and backward sweeping calculations are done locally within
the feeder object. Actually feeder object completes its task by
communicating with the bus and branch objects.
Fig.5 Backward and Forward Sweeps
B. Akorithm for weaRly meshedsystem
A . Akorifhmfor Radial con$guration
Each loop in a mesh network can be opened by adding a
1) Backward sweep dummy or fictitious bus. The breaking point of a loop is called
1. Calculate the net nodal current injections using equation loop break point (LBP). The current flowing through the
(1). branch that makes a loop can be simulated by injecting the
1; = Is,j - (I;,j 4- (1) same current at the LBPs. Thus, by adding some dummy
where buses, it is possible to convert a mesh network into a radial
k - iterationnumber network. In this case, the number of dummy buses should be
1; - Net current injection at bus ‘j’
same as the number of Ioops in the original network. Thus,the
load flow problem of a mesh network can be solved using the
Is,j - Injected current by any source ‘s’ at bus ‘j’ technique of radial network, but a proper calculation of current
k injections at the LBPs is required. Algorithm for solving the
I , j - Load current at bus ‘j’
weaklv meshed network is as follows:
1. Make the network radial by breaking the loop and
(2) introducing a dummy bus for each loop.
2. Form the loop break point impedance matsix ,Z ,
S,,j - Complex load power Diagonal block
Zap,i,= s u m of branch impedances in loop ‘i’
I ks h i. - Current of the shunt device connected at bus mdiagonal block
‘j’ Z,,, = sum of the impedances of branches common to
= Y*+jv;-’ (3) loops ‘i’ and ‘j’
The sign is positive if the loops have same direction and
L,, - Admittance of the shunt element negative if they have opposite direction.
2. Calculate the branch current in all feeders using This can be cakulated by current injection method.Inject
equation (4). 1 p.u. and -1p.u. current at the loop break points after
k short-circuitingall the loads and source, then measure the
t , j = Ib,j+l- 1; (4)
voltages at all the loop break points. These voltages will
where form one column of the ZBp,This can be done by the
I:,,+] - current in the j+l” branch or current leaving radial load flow, which converges in a single iteration at
the j~ bus. the absence of loads. Object-oriented design makes this
straightforward by communicating with the objects.
Iir,j+t= 0 if the bus ‘j’is the terminal node of a feeder
3. Calculate the LU factors o f ZBp.
= if the bus ‘j’ is the fork node, 4. Start the loop iteration.
c 5. Inject zero current at all loop break points
e - emanating feeder sections from the fork node 6. Do radial load flow,

7. Calculate break point voltage vector V B p ~ BUS VOLTAGE MAGNllVDES OF THE 69-BUS RADIAL SYSTEM
8. Update the breakpoint current injections using equation
(6). Voltage Voltage Voltage


[A&] = [ZBp I-’ [V:+,]

- Magnitude

in p.u.
- Bus

system system
0 I .woo 23 0.9566 46 0.9998
[aip]can be calculated using the LU factors of the 1 0.9999 24 0.9564 47 0.9986
matrix ZBP. 2 0.9999 25 0.9564 48 0.9947
9. Inject the calculated current at LBPs and repeat fiom step 3 0.9998 26 0.9563 49 0.9942
6. 4 0.9990 27 0.9999 50 0.9786
5 0.9901 28 0.9998 51 0.9785
10. Continue the above steps till the Convergence. 6 0.9808 29 0.9997 52 0.9747
7 0.9786 30 0.9997 53 0.9714
v. hPLEMENTATIONAND RESULTS 8 0.9775 31 0.9996 54 0.9669
The proposed design has been implemented in C t b 9 0.4725 32 0.9994 5s 0.9626
10 0.9714 33 0.9990 56 0.9401
programming language. The developed program has been 11 0.9682 34 0.9989 57 0.929 I
compiled using Microsoft Visual C+ 6.0 compiler, in a 12 0.9653 35 0.9999 58 0.9248
Pentium IIl machine. Every class has a method to establish 13 0.9624 36 0.9998 59 0.9198
links (associative rdationship) with the objects of other class. 14 0.9595 37 0.9996 60 0.9124
A method of object ‘Bus’ called ‘injecrcurrent() ’ will inject 15 0.9589 38 0.9995 61 0.9121
16 0.9581 39 0.9995 62 0.91 17
the ament at the loop break points, which simulates the 17 40 0.9988
0.9580 63 0.9098
current flowing through the loop. The methods 18 0.9576 41 0.9986 64 0.9093
‘dofo~ardcul~larions() ’ and ‘dobackwardcalculuti~~()’ of 19 0.9573 42 0.9985 65 0.9713
object ‘Feeder’ perform the forward sweep and backward 20 0.9568 43 0.9985 66 0.9713
sweep computations. A method of object ‘Branch’, 21 0.9568 44 0.9984 67 0.9679
22 0.9567 45 0.9984 68 0.9678
‘findcurrent() ’ calculates the branch current during backward
sweep. The method ‘updotevoltuge()’ updates the voltage of
the receiving end bus during forward sweep. The developed
program has been tested on a 10- bus, 23 kV, 33-bus, 12.66 -

VoltaEe Mamitude Voltane

System System system System

0 1.0000 1.0000 17 0.9131 0.9541
1 0.9970 0.9971 18 0.9965 0.9953
2 0.9829 0.9863 19 0.9929 0.9807
3 0.9755 0.9826 20 0.9922 0.9766
4 0.9681 0.9791 21 0.9916 0.9729
5 0.9497 0.9711 22 0.9794 0.9807
6 0.9462 0.9702 23 0.9727 0.9700
7 0.9414 0.9691 24 0.9694 0.9626
8 0.9351 0.9658 25 0.9477 0.9701
9 0.9293 0.9654 26 0.9452 0.9689
10 0.9284 0.9654 27 0.9337 0.9637
11 0.9269 0.9655 28 0.9255 0.9603
12 0.9208 0.9621 29 0.9219 0.9571
13 0.9185 0.9609 30 0.9178 0.9539
Fig. 6 69-bus Radial Distribution System 14 0.9171 0.9606 31 0.9169 0.9534
15 0.9158 0.9588 32 0.9166 0.9536
16 0.9137 0.9552

kV, 69-bus 12.66 kV and IEEE 37-bus distribution systems.

Fig. 6 shows the 69-busdistribution system.Table I provides
the magnitude of the voltage of all buses in the 69-bus radial
distribution system. These results are exactly in agreement
with the results published in the Ref. [ 5 ] . Fig.7 shows the 33-
bus distribution system with 5 loops. The system data is given
in the appendix. The thick lines are tie lines, which make the
loops. Table II gives magnitude of the voltage of all buses in
the 33-bus system for both radial and weakly meshed
configuration with total system load of 3715 kW and 2300
Fig.7 33-bus Distribution System with 5 Meshes

VI. CONCLUSION [I91 J.Rumbaugh, MBlaha, W.Pennerhoi, F.Eddy, W.Loreosen,”Object
Oriented Modeling und Design”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
The proposed object-orienteddesign for distribution system J ~ ~ .
gives more flexibility and extensibility for developing
Distribution Management System analysis programs. The m. APPENDIX
proposed design has been used for developing load flow
d y s i s program for radial distribution system and extended 33-Bus RADIAL S y s m DATA
for weakly meshed system. The robustness of the developed
program has been tested with various test cases and it is Branch From To Rin Xin End Bus
observed that the results were in exact agreement with the No. Bus Bus Obms O h
P &V Q War)
results reported in the literature. Extension of the proposed 1 0 1 0.0922 0.0470 i00 60
object-oriented design for unbalanced load flow analysis and 2 I 2 0.4930 0.2511 90 40
other DMS functions is currently under implementation. 3 2 3 0.3660 0.1864 120 80
4 3 4 0.3811 0,1941 60 30
5 4 5 0.8190 0.7070 60 20
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