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Q: What is the SDP COACH?.......................................................................................................................... 2
Q: What are the specific things that an SDP COACH can help with? ............................................................ 2
Q: If I did not attend the Meet and Greet, can I still contact an SDP COACH? ............................................. 2
Q: Do I need to contact my Case Manager if I want an SDP COACH? .......................................................... 2
Q: I think I need an SDP COACH, what do I do? ............................................................................................ 2
Q: Can anyone be the SDP COACH? .............................................................................................................. 2
Q: Which are the 4 SDP COACHING agencies? ............................................................................................. 2
Q: Which are the SDP COACHING Agencies that can provide direct Spanish Language services? ............... 2
Q: How can we contact the SDP COACHING agency? Is there a website we can visit to learn more? ........ 3
Q: How much does the SDP COACH cost? .................................................................................................... 3
Q: What is the difference between the Person Centered Planner, SDP COACH, and Independent
Facilitator? .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Q: How does the Person Centered Planner, SDP COACH, and Independent Facilitator get paid? .............. 3
Q: Can the Person Centered Planner, SDP COACH, and Independent Facilitator be the same person?...... 4
Q: Who were the presenters at the November 30th Meet and Greet? ....................................................... 4
Q: Who were the Spanish Speaking SDP COACH representatives at the November 30th Meet and Greet? 4
Q: Were there other resources that were shared at the November 20th Meet and Greet? ........................ 4
Q: I don’t think I need an SDP COACH, how do I make progress in my transition? ...................................... 5
Q: Is there a general overview of the steps or processes needed to transition into SDP? .......................... 5

Q: What is the SDP COACH?

A: The SDP COACH is a support created by SDP selected individuals and their loved ones for SDP Selected
Individuals and their loved ones. It rose out of the recognition that more support is needed to navigate
the process of being selected by DDS for the SDP program, and completing your transition into SDP. At
this time, SDP COACH Roles are available as part of your initial transition into SDP.

Q: What are the specific things that an SDP COACH can help with?
A: They can help you with connecting you to a Person Centered Planner, and access funding for it; they
can help you understand your Individual Budget so you can certify it; they can help you brainstorm
services and supports that may be included in your Spending Plan; they can help you complete your
Spending Plan; they can be present and participate in the Person Centered IPP meeting; and they can
help provide general guidance of “what comes next” at every step of the transition.

Q: If I did not attend the Meet and Greet, can I still contact an SDP
A: Yes. The Meet and Greet was an opportunity for you to meet the coaches all together, but it is not a
requirement for you to choose one.

Q: Do I need to contact my Case Manager if I want an SDP COACH?

A: No. If you are committed to your transition into the Self Determination Program, and need support to
do complete your transition, you may contact an SDP COACH

Q: I think I need an SDP COACH, what do I do?

A: Contact the Coach you would like to work with. Maintain options open in case your preferred SDP
COACH does not have capacity to accept more SDP Participants. They will work with you to determine
your level of support and you will sign a Coaching Agreement with them. Let your Case Manager know
you have selected an SDP COACH and will work toward your SDP transition with them. This will keep
your Case Manager in the loop and knowledgeable about your case progress.

Q: Can anyone be the SDP COACH?

A: No. 4 agencies have independent contracts with RCEB. Only the agencies who have independent
contracts with RCEB may provide SDP COACHING support.

Q: Which are the 4 SDP COACHING agencies?

A: The 4 SDP COACHING agencies are: Neuronav, Abound Services, Ally Comprehensive, PRAGNYA

Q: Which are the SDP COACHING Agencies that can provide direct
Spanish Language services?
A: There are 3 SDP COACHING Agencies that have Staff to provide direct Spanish Language services.
Those are NEURONAV, Ally Comprehensive, and PRAGNYA.

Q: How can we contact the SDP COACHING agency? Is there a website

we can visit to learn more?
A: You may contact the SDP COACHING agency by telephone or email. You may visit the website listed
here to learn more about each


Sabrina Kappe 707-225-2911
NEURONAV www.neuronav@org
Will Sanford
Abound Services Chris Wecks 510-269-7518
Ally Katie Ramirez 310-933-5112
Kishan 408-660-6753
Kavita Sreedhar 408-832-8881

Q: How much does the SDP COACH cost?

A: The SDP COACH is of no cost to you. They have independent contracts with RCEB.

Q: What is the difference between the Person Centered Planner, SDP

COACH, and Independent Facilitator?
A: The Person Centered Planner helps with initial planning for your transition into SDP by initiating a
process where you decide what’s important to you, and you plan for what’s important for you. The SDP
COACH helps you to make progress based on RCEB procedures until you complete the Transition in SDP.
The Independent Facilitator helps with making informed decisions regarding their individual budget;
Locating, accessing and coordinating services and supports , Identifying immediate and long-term needs
and developing options to meet those needs; Leading, participating, and/or advocating on behalf of
participants in the person-centered planning process and development of the IPP; and, obtaining
identified services and supports- sometimes an IF can only help once completed the transition into the
Self Determination Program.

Q: How does the Person Centered Planner, SDP COACH, and

Independent Facilitator get paid?
A: The initial Person Centered Plan is funded under Traditional Model POS (Purchase of Service) when
you discuss with your Case Manager that one is needed. The SDP COACH is funded by DDS under
independent contracts with RCEB. The Independent Facilitator gets paid by the SDP Participant when
they have completed Transition into SDP by putting their cost or fee into the Spending Plan.

Q: Can the Person Centered Planner, SDP COACH, and Independent

Facilitator be the same person?
A: Yes. You may elect to have the same person or SDP COACH agency help you in each of these roles, if
they offer them outside of the SDP COACH contract. You may also keep in mind the positives and
negatives of having one person support you with all of your planning for Self Determination. Some
positives include having a point person who is familiar with your case and situation, and an established
rapport. Consider the effect of one person or agency and the circle you create for yourself or your loved

Q: Who were the presenters at the November 30th Meet and Greet?
A: At the November 30th Meet and Greet, you met:

 NeuroNav- Sabrina Kappe Ramos and Will Sanford

 PRAGNYA- Kavita Sreedhar and Kishan
 Abound Services-Chris Wecks
 Ally Comprehensive- Katie Ramirez

Q: Who were the Spanish Speaking SDP COACH representatives at the

November 30th Meet and Greet?
A: Two SDP COACHING Agencies had representatives who presented in Spanish at the November 30th
Meet and Greet:

Sabrina Kappe Ramos from NEURONAV

Katie Ramirez from Ally Comprehensive

Q: Were there other resources that were shared at the November 30th
Meet and Greet?
A: Yes. We met loved ones of selected SDP Participants, and self-advocates who were selected for SDP.
Jocelyn Manalac is a special education teacher and shared she has knowledge and practice working with
and communicating with individuals whose communication is impacted by their disability. She has
offered to be are source to SDP Coaches, Person Centered Planner, who may need more insight about
her knowledge-base and creative ideas about how to work with people with disabilities. Her email is We also met Shawn Costello, who has offered to provide computer tutoring
services, and has experience working with computers since 1980’s. His contact information is , and 925-551-8082.

Q: I don’t think I need an SDP COACH, how do I make progress in my

A: Contact your Case Manager and notify them that you are ready to proceed with the Self
Determination Program.

Q: Is there a general overview of the steps or processes needed to

transition into SDP?
A: There is a recourse called the Participant SDP Checklist, which gives a general overview of the steps
needed and documents needed to complete your transition into SDP. Keep in mind every transition and
case is unique.

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