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Opinion and claim

Choose ONE of the following questions and answer the question below with an opinion
(write your opinion in 1 paragraph).
•Theme: Digital or print? 
Is it better to read books in print or digitally? Why?
•Theme: Important cause. 
In your opinion, what agricultural problem or issue deserves more attention than it currently
receives? Why should more time and money be invested in this cause?
•Theme: Reverse technology. 
Pick one technological advancement that you think the world would be better off without. Explain
your reasoning and persuade the reader.
1. GRAMMAR: use simple present tense and sentence starters for opinion writing = 30%
Remember the structure of opinion writing is  OREO: Opinion Reasons Example and restate your
Opinion and reason in different words.
▶️Opinion and claim (i think, to me, in my opinion)
▶️Reasons: At least write 2  - 3 Reasons (facts and personal reason), first, next, finally, second
▶️Example: Support your every reason with an example
▶️Opinion - Finally, restate your opinion with some of your supporting reasons to wrap up your
opinion (facts) (in conclusion)
3. WORD COUNT (10%)
Note: At the end of the paragraph please write the word number. This is also part of the scoring.
for example:---------------------------------------------- (150 words).
The maximum percentage for plagiarism is 5%. Not more than that, it would be better if below it
or none :) If your plagiarism score is more than 5%, you will get 25 points for your writing project.
You may check-in before submitting.

Pilih SALAH SATU dari pertanyaan berikut dan jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan
paragraf opini
(tulis opini Anda dalam 1 paragraf).

•Tema: Digital atau cetak?

Apakah lebih baik membaca buku dalam bentuk cetak atau digital? Mengapa?

• Tema: Penyebab penting.

Menurut Anda, masalah atau isu pertanian apa yang perlu mendapat perhatian lebih dari yang
diterima saat ini? Mengapa harus lebih banyak waktu dan uang diinvestasikan untuk tujuan

• Tema: Teknologi terbalik.

Pilih satu kemajuan teknologi yang menurut Anda dunia akan lebih baik tanpanya. Jelaskan
alasan Anda dan bujuk pembaca.

1. GRAMMAR: gunakan simple present tense dan kalimat pembuka untuk penulisan opini =


Ingat struktur penulisan opini adalah OREO: Opinion Reasons Example dan nyatakan
kembali Opini dan alasan Anda dengan kata-kata yang berbeda.
▶ ️Opini dan klaim
️Alasan: Setidaknya tulis 2 - 3 Alasan
▶ ️Contoh: Dukung setiap alasan Anda dengan sebuah contoh
▶ ️Opini - Terakhir, nyatakan kembali pendapat Anda dengan beberapa alasan pendukung
untuk menyimpulkan pendapat Anda

3. JUMLAH KATA (10%)

Catatan: Di akhir paragraf tuliskan kata nomor. Ini juga merupakan bagian dari penilaian.
sebagai contoh:---------------------------------------------- ( 150 kata).

Persentase maksimum untuk plagiarisme adalah 5%. Tidak lebih dari itu, akan lebih baik jika
di bawah atau tidak sama sekali :) Jika nilai plagiarisme Anda lebih dari 5%, Anda akan
mendapatkan 25 poin untuk proyek tulisan Anda. Anda dapat check-in sebelum mengirimkan.

Opinion and claim (i think, to me, in my opinion)

▶️Reasons: At least write 2  - 3 Reasons (facts and personal reason), first, next, finally, second
▶️Example: Support your every reason with an example
▶️Opinion - Finally, restate your opinion with some of your supporting reasons to wrap up your
opinion (facts) (in conclusion)

Saya percaya menjadi petani akan menjadi pekerjaan paling penting di masa depan karena
petani adalah tulang punggung masyarakat kita. Merekalah yang memberi kita semua
makanan yang kita makan. Akibatnya, seluruh penduduk negara bergantung pada petani.
Misalnya, petani yang menanam tanaman seperti padi. Karena pangan pokok Indonesia kaya,
budidaya dan produksi riil memiliki permintaan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, petani yang
menanam padi sangat penting. Kesimpulannya, petani memainkan peran terbesar dalam
penyediaan pangan, terutama petani padi.
I believe being a farmer will be the most pivotal job in the future because farmers are the
backbone of our society. They are the ones who provide us with all the food that we eat. As a
result, the entire population of the country depends upon farmers. For instance, farmmers
who grow a crop like rice. Since the indonesian staple food is ric , riice cultivation and
production have a high demand. Hence, farmers who grow rice are of prime importance. In
conclusion , farmer plays the biggest role in the food supply, especially the rice farmers.
Breakfast is the best meal. I think breakfast has by far the best kinds of food. Here’s why
breakfast rules. First, it gives me energy before i go to school. Next, orange juice is amazing,
pancakes too. Orange juice is healty, and pancakes always make me full. In conclusion,
breakfast is the best meal because it gives you energy to start your day and has delicious
drinks and food that not only make you nice and full, but can also be good for you.

•Theme: Digital or print? 

Is it better to read books in print or digitally? Why?

I believe that reading books in digitally will be better than digitally because it can

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