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logan Bonner • Eytan Bernstein • Bruce R. Cordell • Peter lee
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logan Bonner (lead), Keven Smith
Eytan Bernstein, Bruce R. Cordell, Peter lee
Cover Illustration
Additional Design William O'Connor
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Andy Collins, Stephen Schubert Giorello, Woodrow Hinton III, Ralph Horsley, Howard
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later editions by David "Zeb" Cook (2 nd Edition);Jonathan
D&D Development and Editing Manager Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Andy Collins Adkison (3rd Edition); and Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D. d20. d20 System, W,ZARDS OF TH E COAST, Player's Handbook, Dunaeon Moster's Guide, Monster Manual, Arcane Power, FORGOnEN REALMS, all other
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Lightning and thunder, illusions and implements, for arca nc character · a election of magic tomes;
ongs and IImmonings. curses and chaos-all of everal new rituals· and a brief discu sion of arcane
the e are the tools of arcane character . They have backgrounds.
mastcred the art of marupuJatlllg reality through the Usc the Arcane Power supplement to start playing a
e of supernatural forces to wreak havoc on their new character with a new build, to pick powers that
e nemies or help their friends win the day. The most better deOne your existing character, or to evolve
accomplished of arcane characters can produce awe- your character with pecific feats. Th e paragon paths
orne result on the battlefield WitllOut ever needing introduced here might allow you to fully express the
to pick up a ""capon. style you always intended your character to have.
rcane Power™ is a manual of fantastic effects
and mysterious abilities. In it pages arc new ways to RElMAGINING YOUR CHARACTER
build an arcane character, along with new options to It happen . You've played your arcane character a
fill out your role as a bard, a orcerer a sword mage, a while, and suddenl Arcatle Power sho , up, offer-
, arlock, or a wizard. Members of non arcane classes ing many new possibilities-options you might have
might find an appropriate multlclass feat or some picked i[you had known about tl1em earlier.
eful rituals ill these pages but everything else is for Don't despa ir· you have a lew hoices. Retraining
arcane character . rules (see page 28 of the Player's®) make
tapping into Arcane Power easy. If retraining won't do
USING THIS BOOK the trick quickly enough, talk to your DM and your
you can ee by the table of contents Arcane feUow players about reworking your character along
Power is organized by c.Ia . W hether you h ave a the lines Arcane Powel· prOVides. Chances are you
character of a particular class or you want to make can overhaul your PC to match your desires without
a character of that class. all you have to do i consu lt . doing any harm to the campaign. Your DM might
the proper chapter for new class features builds, even have a way to make the change a part of the
po\\ers and paragon paths. T he fi nal chapter of the story. If doing that ultimately proves too difficult, a
book contains more than on e hundred n ew feats· dramatic exit for the older character could make way
new rules for familiars; nine new epic destinies for a new one.

.: BARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 4: WARLOCK ....... . ............ 70 Familiars . .. . . . ................. 137

ew Class Feature ................ 6 New Eldritch Pact ................ 72 Familiar Feats .... .. ........ . .. 139
ew Build .. ...................... 6 New Warlock Powers ............. 73 Familiar Descriptions .......... 139
ew Bard Powers ................. 6 New Paragon Paths .............. 88 Epic Destinies .. . ............... 142
ew Paragon Paths ......... ... .. 18 Arcane Sword ................ 142
5: WIZARD ....................... 96 Archlich ...................... 143
2: SORCERER ............. ...... 24 New Implements ................. 98 Archspell ..................... 144
\lew Class Feature ............... 26 New Builds ..................... 100 Feyliege ........... . ......... . 145
ew Builds ...................... 28 New Wizard Powers ............. 101 Immanence ............. ... ... 146
ew Sorcerer Powers.. ........... 28 New Paragon Paths ............. 116 Lord of Fate ................... 147
New Paragon Paths .... .. . .. ..... 42 Magister...................... 148
6: ARCANE OPT10NS ......... . 122
Parable ....................... 149
:.: SWORDMAGE ............ . .... 48 New Feats ...................... 124
Sage of Ages .......... . ....... 150
ew Class Feature ............... 50 Heroic Tier Feats .............. 124
Magic Ite ms: Tome .............. 151
ew Build ............ ... . . ...... 50 Paragon Tie r Feats ..... ....... 130
New Rituals ..................... 153
New Sword mage Powers . ........ 51 Epic Tier Feats ....... ....... .. 133
Arcane Backgrounds ............ 159
ew Paragon Paths .............. 64 Multiclass Feats ............ . .. 135

"Melodies haunt me: sonas ofjoy and sorrow, victory

and defeat. They surface from the past, and echo
faintly from futures yet to be."

As A bru-d, you ru-e an arcalle marvel capable

of calling magic from art itself. You ru-e Viscerally
moved by the poetry, songs. and narratives of ancient
days and are inspired to reproduce the wonders they
relate, or to create new legends of your own.
You are a consummate performer, and your
magic is just one aspect of a gra nd d i play. A master
of charm and illusion, you can spin a story 0 capti -
vating or a musical recital so engrossing that hours
might pass while the U tener stands transfIxed. In
combat, yo u put these same skills to use, but instead
of delighting an audience, you perform to destroy
a foe. You revel in drama and creativity even in the
midst of a vicious fight.
You are nothing if not versatile capable of fIghting
with both sword or bow and spell. Few enemies fully
appreciate your effectiveness-until it is too late. Your
broad range of talent encompasses artistic ability,
arcane lore and knowledge of things long past-with
glimpses of what is to come. You'll fInd support for all
your abilities in this chapter. It includes the follOWing
-+- New Class Feature: The Virtue of Prescience
grants the wisdom o[foreLllOugbt to your barclic
-+- New Build: Manipulate fortune and peer into the
future as a pre cient bard.
-+- New Bard Powers: ew power supplement the
bard builds described in the Player's Handbook~ 2
core rulebook, a well as the new prescient bard.
Bards who favor the bow over the blade wiJl also
fInd plenty of opportunities here.
-+- New Paragon Paths: se your talent to follow
one of six new path . Strike from afar with a
combination of archery and music, bring death
to evildoers with whispered verses of doom. or
call forth the song oflife itself.

The new Virtue of Prescience option for the Bardic
Virtue class feature is available to any bard. You can
choose this option i.nstead of Virtue ofC1Inning or
Virtue of Valor.
Virtue of Prescience: Once per encounter as an
immediate interrupt, when an enemy bHs one aDy
within 5 qua res of you, you grant that any a power
bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier to the defense
targeted by the triggering enemy until the end of that
enemy's turn.

Rhythm moderates tlle flow of your swordplay and

tlle tenor of your speI.1s. For you, aI.1 the world's a stage.
The Player's Handbook 2 core rulebook described the
cunning bard and the valorous bard. Th is chapter
presents a third build the prescient bard.

You have the foresight to navigate the twisting road of
luck a nd fate, emulating those heroes who were able
to sense the truths beyond mere reality. By manipu-
lating luck and glimpsing the future, you help your
allies exploit every advantage, attacking your enemies
weakest defenses and mishaps in combat.
You wield a ranged weapon, Witll which you can cast
speTIs at enemies from a distance while inspiring
allies. As with otller bards, you use Charisma for your Bards lead by emulating great heroes oflegend,
attack powers, so it should be your highest ability score. swaying the battle with exhortations to glory. T he
Choose Wisdom as your second-highest score, since prescient bard leads from the rear, literally calling
it enhances ilie effects of powers that lise tlle Virtue the shots. This section e..xpand lhe abilities of all
of Presc ience. A decent Intelligence score is useful for bards, with some powers focused on ilie presdent
improving your Armor Class and Reflex defense, as bard build and other, general spells suited to the rep-
well as boosting the knowledge skills that you often use. ertoire of any bard.
Suggested Class Feature: Virtue of Prescience
Suggested Feat: Extended Prescience*
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, History,
Insight, Perception
Suggested At-Will Powers: 8uidin8 striket,jinx hot*
Your expert shot renders your foe unaccountably clumsy.
Suggested Encounter Power: prophesied strike"
Suggested Daily Power: arrow ofwamin8* At-Will + Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
*New option presented in this book
Target: One creature
fPresented in Player's Handbook 2 Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. The first time the
DRAGONBORN BARDS target misses with an attack before the end of your next
turn, it falls prone.
With their naturally high Charisma scores, dragonborn Level 21: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
make admirable bards. Proud and honorable, many
choose the Virtue of Valor in order

to emulate the battle
exploits of racial warrior-heroes. Dragonborn bards keep
alive the sagas of ancient Arkhosia.


Arrow of Warning Bard Attack 1

Your shot hinders an enemy and aives its wOlt/d-be taraet the
You bur)' a bolt deep in YOltr opponent'sflesh. The bolt beains to
Olow red-hot. perfect opportuni 0/. o
Encounter. Arcane, Fire, Weapon Daily. Arcane, Weapon ~
Standard Action Ranged weapon Immediate Interrupt Ranged weapon CO
Target: One creature Trigger: An enemy within range makes an attack roll against :>
Attack: Charisma vs. AC an ally :>
Hit 1 [WJ + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of Target: The triggering enemy Z
your next turn, whenever an ally hits the target, the target Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
takes extra fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Hit: 3 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. The ally who was
attacked by the triggering enemy can make an at-will
Prophesied Strike Bard Attack 1 attack against that enemy as a free action. The ally gains
a bonus to this attack roll equal to your Wisdom modifier
You cast your mind's eye fonva rd a split second, predictina [he (minimum 1).
best momentfor a tellina blow. Miss: Half damage.
Encounter. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Yonr resoundina sona hammers YOLIIJoe, d088in8 -its steps and
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. The next time you makin8 escape impossible.
or an ally attacks the target before the end of your next Daily. Arcane, Implement, Thunder
turn, the attacker rolls a d20 twice and uses either result_ Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage.
V\'itll a resoundina ShOUL, you rattle your enemy and expose a
Effect: The target is affected by an echoing roar (save ends).
vul nerable spotin its defenses. While affected by the echoing roar, the target takes
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Thunder ongoing 5 thunder damage and cannot become hidden
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 or benefit from concealment or cover (except for total
Target: One creature concealment or superior cover).
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier thunder damage. Until the
Malevolent Mischief Bard Attack 1
end of your next turn, any attack against the target can
score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. You plaaue)'our foe with a spell of ill luck, causina knots to un-
ravel and straps to part so tha t it stwnbles like an oaf
Prophetic Action Bard Attack 1 Daily. Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
You study your enemy and deduce its next move, lettina an ally Target: One creature
dodae its attack. Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
Standard Action Ranged 10 Miss: Half damage.
Target: One creature Effect: The target is affected by ill luck (save ends). While
Attack: Charisma vs. Will affected by ill luck. the target is slowed until the end
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Until the of its next turn whenever you or an ally hits it with an
end of your next turn, the first time the target misses you attack.
or an ally with an attack, one target (your chOice) of that
attack can shift a number of squares equal to your Wis-
Saga of Rivalry Bard Attack 1
dom modifier (minimum 1) as an immediate reaction.
As you lawICh an arrow, ),O LL recite a tale of hatred and chal-
lenae. incitina one ofyour allies to fi8ht that foe to the end.
Thunder's Calling Bard Attack 1
Daily. Arcane, Weapon
You chant a verse of storm and thunder, sendina your foe tum- Standard Action Ranged weapon
bUna and leavin8 it openfo r a deadly shot Target: One creature
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Thunder Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Standard Action Ranged 5 Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
Target: One creature Miss: Half damage.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Effect: Choose an ally within 10 squares of you. The target
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you takes 5 damage at the end of its turn if it is not adjacent
slide the target a number of squares equal to your Con- to that ally (save ends). The ally gains a +2 power bonus
stitution modifier. If no creatures are adjacent to the to attack rolls against the target until th e end of the
target at the end of this movement, choose an ally within encounter.
10 squares of you to make a ranged basic attack against
the target as a free action.

Moment of Escape Bard Utility 2
You mock your foe's luck, usina your "erse to make your insults You distract your enemies with a quick refrain, aivina your em-
come painfully true. battled aCly a chance to aet away.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic Encounter + Arcane
Standard Action Ranged 10 Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Target: One ally
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Effect: You slide the target 4 squares.
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Miss: Half damage. Words of Protective Fate Bard Utility 2
Effect: The next time an ally misses the target with an at-
tack during this encounter, you roll a d20 and replace the
Your voice shields your allies aaainst misfortune, rumina ot11er-
wise deadly blows into less damaaiJla strikes.
ally's attack roll with yours.
Daily + Arcane
Standard Action Close burst 1 0
LEVEL 2 UTILITY SPELLS Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever a critical
Canon of Avoidance Bard Utility 2 hit is scored on the target, you roll a d20. If you roll a 10
Your son8 ojprotection trips from ally to art)\ c10akina each one or higher, the attack hits but is not a critical hit.
in a maaical shield.
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One ally
Effect: The target gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses
until the end of your next turn.
Fate has nothilla kind in storefor your enemies.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists. When you sustain the Encounter + Arcane, Weapon
effect, you can transfer it to another ally within 10 squares Standard Action Ranged weapon
of you. Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: l1W1 + Charisma modifier damage. The next time the
Clockwork Precision Bard Utility 2
target is hit by an attack before the end of your next turn,
You hum tLsimple tune of uni"/;)\ a Ilowina you and your allies to the attacker rerolls the attack's damage and uses the
better work toaether. higher result.
Daily + Arcane
Standard Action Close burst 1 0 Entangling Opening Bard Attack 3
Target: You and each ally in burst
A well-pLaced shot creates an openin8Jor a follow-up attack that
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each target gains a
+2 bonus to skill checks and to attack rolls made to aid knocks your foe prone. •
another. When a target successfully a ids another, he or Encounter + Arcane, Psychic, Weapon
she grants a + 3 bonus instead of a +2 bonus. Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Concerted Effort Bard Utility 2
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier psychic damage. The next
Your maBic hums around your allies, srowin8 in power as they time the target is hit by an attack before the end of your
redoubLe their if[orts toward the task at hand. next turn, it is knocked prone.
Daily. Arcane
Standard Action Close burst 10 Recitation of Foreknowledge Bard Attack 3
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each target gains a
You recount rhe tale oj asreat trickster-warrior, whose uncanny
+1 power bonus to attack rolls. Whenever a target hits awareness flusters opponents and inspires allies.
with at least one attack during his or her turn, the bonus Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Psychic
increases by 1 for each target whose turn has not yet Standard Action Ranged 10
started. Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1 d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Until the
HALF-ELF BARDS end of your next turn, the target grants combat advan-
tage to one ally within 1 0 squares of you.
With their innately superior Constitution and Charisma Effect: One ally within 10 squares of you gains a +4 bonus
scores, half-elves make excellent bards. Such charac- to AC against opportunity attacks until the end of your
ters gravitate to diplomatic roles, including t he half-elf next turn.
emissary paragon path (page 21). Though half-elves can Virtue of Prescience: The ally's bonus to AC against op·
readily exploit the Virtue of Cunning and the Virtue of portunity attacks equals 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Prescience, most are drawn to the Virtue of Valor so that
they can inspire allies to greatness.

e RA P TE R 1 I Bard
Rhyme of the Bard Attack 3
Blood-Seeking Blade You -whisper of the unquenchable fire that burns at the heart of
You swiftly loose a sltot while cltantin8 of sundered metal, and the world, causirlBflames to erupt deep within YOllr enem)~
your foe s amlOr no 10nBer withsta1lds your friend's strike. Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon Standard Action Ranged 10
Immediate Interrupt Ranged weapon Target: One creature
Trigger: An a lly misses w ith a me lee attack Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Target: The target of the triggering ally's attack Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
Attack; Charisma vs. Reflex Miss: Half damage.
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage. The target takes a -4 Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally
penalty to all defenses against the triggering ally's attack. hits the target, the target takes fire damage equal to your
Virtue of Prescience: The target's penalty to all defenses Charisma modifier.
equals 3 + your Wisdom mod ifier.
Strictures of Fortune Bard Attack 5
Song of the New Dawn Bard Attack 3 Your sona offorhme assists your all.ies and impedes your
You caUl/pon the sun's liaIrt to sear your foe and sh ine hope on enemies.

your allies. Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Radiant Standard Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. Each ally Miss: Half damage.
adjacent to the target makes a saving throw, rolling twice Effect: The next time the target would recharge a power
and using the higher resu lt. before the end of the encounter, the power instead does
not recharge, and you or an ally within 1 0 squares of you
regains the use of an encounter power.
Vigorous Cadence Bard Attack 5
Arrow of III Omen Bard Attack 5
Your chant inspires Ilea and \lalor. With each ofyour enemy's
The arrow you fire is a harbillaer ofyourfoe's doom. VVhere it attacks, an ally's wounds are mended.
strikes, death follows. Daily .. Arcane, Healing, Implement
Daily .. Arcane, Weapon Standard Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Ranged weapon Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage.
Hit: 2[WJ + Charisma modifier damage. Miss: Half damage.
Miss: Half damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter; whenever the target
Effect: Choose an ally within 10 squares of you. Until the makes an attack roll, your ally nearest to it regains hit
end of the encounter; when that ally hits the target but points equal to your Charisma modifier.
does not score a critical hit, you roll a d20.lfyou roll a
15 or higher, that attack becomes a critical hit, and this
Chord of Resilience Bard Utility 6

You croon a beauilinB melody. inducina your foe to wander vVith notes of steel and stone, you preseTlle your an)' from harm.
wherever YOll direct it. Encounter" Arcane
Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0
Standard Action Ranged 10 Trigger: An attack hits an ally
Target: One creature Target: The ally who was hit
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Effect: The damage the target takes is reduced by an
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you amount equal to 5 + your Charisma modifier.
slide the target 5 squares either at the start of its turn or
at the end of its turn (save ends). Until it saves, the target
cannot take move actions on its turn. You recite YO l!r allies' alor-iolLS tale, helpin8 to set th em in posi-
Miss: Half damage. You slide the target 5 squares either at tion for triumph.
the start of its turn or at the end of its next turn, and it
Encounter. Arcane
cannot take move actions on its next turn.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each target can shift
as a minor action.

Glimpse the Future Bard Utility 6 Rewrite the Future Bard Attack 7
Just as you, uphold t he examples of the past so too do YOll draw With a wave of the hand, this shot's arcane energy can change
on thefuture to inspire YOUT compan ions. an enemy's f Utt/,re.
Daily .. Arcane Encounter " Arcane, Weapon
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Ranged weapon
Effect: Roll a d20 three times and keep the highest roll. Target: One creature
Once before the end of the encounter; you can use this roll Attack: Charisma vs. AC
to r~place a d20 roll of an ally within 10 squares of you. Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier damage, and you roll a d20.
Until the end of your next turn, you can replace an ally's
Song of Speed Bard Utility 6 attack roll against th e target with your d20 roll or re place
the target's attack roll with your d20 roll as a free action.
With a rousinB Tefrain, you imbue an aUy or yourself with supe-
rior speed and agility.
Song of Duplicitous Allure Bard Attack 7
Encounter" Arcane
Minor Action Ranged 1 0 The soft tones ofyoUT voice draw)'ouT foe closer.
Target: You or an ally Encounter" Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target gains a Standard Action Ranged 1 0
+4 power bonus to speed and can shift 1 extra square Target: One creature
whenever he or she shifts. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you
Synchronicity Bard Utility 6 pull the target 2 squares. Until the end of your next turn,
each time the target is hit by a ranged attack, you pull it
A Single chord is all it takes to spur YOllr allies fo n vard. 1 square.
Daily .. Arcane
No Action Close burst 10
Target: You and each ally in burst
Trigger: You roll initiative As you shout a wOTd of power; health and vitality drain from
Effect: Each target gains a +5 bonus to initiative during this your foe and refresh a nearby all)(
e ncounte r. Encounter " Arcane, Healing, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target : One creature
LEV EL 7 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
Chillsong Stroke Bard Attack 7 Effect: An ally adjacent to the target can spend a healing
YOUT rhythm of winter draws viBorfromyour foe and inf uses it surge and also gains te mporary hit points equal to your
into your ally, who leaps fo rward. Intelligence modifie r.
Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Timely Distraction Bard Attack 7
Target: One creature "Lookl An owlbear!"
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Encounter " Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier cold damage, and t he
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
target is slowed until the e nd of your next turn. An ally
Target: One creature
within 3 squares of you can shift 4 squares as a free
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
target grants combat advantage until the end of your
Insightful Shot Bard Attack 7 next t urn.
As your arrow streaks forth, it Buides the way to ),olllJoe's most
vulnerable spot. L EVEL 9 DAILY SPEL L S
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Refl ex Yo ur son8 1nimics the beat ofyour foe's attacks, 50 that your
Hit: 2[Wj + Charisma modifie r damage. All th e target's allies match them strikefo r strike.
defenses are equal to its lowest defe nse unt il th e next Daily .. Arcane, Implement
time it is hit by an attack. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Virtue of Prescience: The next attack t hat hits the target Target : One creature
gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Wisdom Attack: Cha risma vs. Will
modifier. Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifie r damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Whenever the target misses with an attack, it pro-
vokes opportunity attacks from you and your allies (save

R~in of Starlight Bard Attack 9 LEVEL 10 UTILITY SPELLS
You address art ode to the stars, ca/li118 their brilliance to shower
down upon. your foes. Break Enchantment Bard Utility 10
Daily'" Arcane, Radiant, Implement Your arcane poemfreesyour aWes' minds.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares
Daily ... Arcane, Implement
Target: Each creature in burst
Minor Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Target: Each ally in burst
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
Effect: The target rolls a saving throw. If the saving throw
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is affected by showering sparks (save
is against a charm, a fear, or an illusion effect, the target $
gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Charisma IJJ
ends). While affected by showering sparks, the target Z
grants combat advantage. In addition, it gains no benefit
from concealment, total concealment, or invisibility.
Chant of Accuracy Bard Utility 10
Saga of Vengeance Bard Attack 9 You recite the le8etld of the arrow thatfound the sin8le 8ap in a
You punctuate a tale of bloody ven8ea.nce with your shot, each
foe's annol; insprrin8 )'0111" companions to strike true.
1V0rd inspirina your aWes. Daily'" Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 1 0
Daily ... Arcane, Healing, Weapon
Target: You and each ally in burst
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Effect: Each target gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls
Target: One creature
until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage. Idyll of Calm Bard Utility 10
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever an ally You hum a soft sona that cools your allies' tempers and helps
hits the target with an attack, that ally can choose to roll themfocus.
a saving throw or to regain hit points equal to your Cha-
Daily ... Arcane, Zone
risma modifier.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Effect: The burst creates a zone of calm that lasts until the
Symphony of Misfortune Bard Attack 9 end of the encounter. When you move, the zone moves
Yon unleash a 50na of missed chances, lost hope, and traaic ac· with you, remaining centered on you. Each ally within the
cidents, brinaina bad luck to your enemies. zone gains a +2 power bonus to Will, and any penalty to
attack rolls that such an ally takes is lessened by 2.
Daily ... Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst Illuminating Stars Bard Utility 10
Attack: Charisma vs. Will You invoke the Haht of the full moon and the allidina star of the
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier damage. north, revealina hidden foes to your allies.
Miss: Half damage.
Daily ... Arcane
Effect: The burst creates a zone of misfortune that lasts until
Minor Action Personal
the end of your next turn. Choose one of the follOWing mis-
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you and any allies
fortune effects; until the end of your next turn, each enemy
within 5 squares of you gain a +5 power bonus to InSight
that starts its turn within the zone is subject to that effect.
checks and Perception checks .
... The enemy is slowed .
.... The enemy takes psychic damage equal to your Cha-
risma modifier_ Mantle of Unity Bard Utility 10
... The enemy grants combat advantage to your allies. A 5wellina chonts of confidence elifolds your allies, 50 that the
Sustain Minor. The zone persists. You can choose a new strenaths of each mask another's weakness.
misfortune effect for the zone when you sustain this power. Encounter'" Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Wail of Anguish Bard Attack 9 Target: You and each ally in burst
A threnodx ofIoss and sorrow saps your foes' ability to escape Effect: Determine the highest AC, Fortitude, Reflex, and
harm. Will among all the ta rgets. Until the end of your next
turn, use these values for the corresponding defenses of
Daily'" Arcane, Implement
all the targets.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you can make the
following attack. Savior's Song Bard Utility 10
Opportunity Action Close burst 3 You inspire determination and focus in )four aWes with 110peful
Trigger: An enemy startS its turn within 3 squares of you verses of battles IVan despite dalmtina odds.
Target: The triggering enemy in burst Daily'" Arcane
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Minor Action Personal
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each ally who ends
cannot shift until the end of your next turn. his or her turn within 5 squares of you can reroll one sav-
Sustain Minor: The effect persists. ing throw that he or she fails during that turn.

Couplet of Deceptive Weakness Bard Attack 1 3 Fated Vulnerability Bard Attack 15
You draw on a le8endal)' strataaem,fei8nin8 vulnerability to Your foe cannot escape the terrible doom YO IL dictatejor it.
Jure your joe into a trap. Daily .. Arcane, Weapon
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon Standard Action Ranged weapon
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon Target: One creature
Trigger: An enemy moves into a square adjacent to you Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Target: The triggering enemy Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Choose acid, cold,
Attack: Charisma vs. AC fire. force, lightning. or thunder. The target grants combat
Hit: 1 [WJ + Charisma modifier damage, and an ally within advantage and gains vulnerable 10 to attacks that have
5 squares of you can shift 5 squares as a free action. That the chosen keyword (save ends both).
ally must end this movement adjacent to the target and Miss: Half damage. Choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning. or
then can make a melee basic attack against the target as thunder. Until the end of your next turn, the target grants
a free action. combat advantage and gains vulnerable 10 to attacks that
have the chosen keyword.
Enduring Struggle Bard Attack 1 3
You shout a verse of triumph as you fire, uraina your allies to
JW1t to tile end. Your maddenin8 chant sears YOlLr enemy's thouahts, blindina it
Encounter" Arcane, Healing, Weapon to your ally's threat.
Standard Action Ranged weapon Daily" Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Target: One creature Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Attack: Charisma vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 3[w1 + Charisma modifier damage, and each ally Attack: Charisma vs. Will
within 3 squares of the target regains hit points equal to Hit: 3d8 + Charisma r psychic damage, and one
your Charisma modifier. ally within 10 squares of you becomes invisible to the
target (save ends).
Insult of Passivity Bard Attack 1 3 Miss: Half damage. One ally within 10 squares of you becomes
invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.
Under a barraae ofjeers, your foe is rendered hesitant and
j earful.
Encounter .. Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10 You chant a verse ofthe northern ice as you draw your bow, and
Target: One creature hoarfrost alitters on the arrowhead as it leaps to its taraet
Attack; Charisma vs. Will Daily" Arcane, Cold, Weapon
Hit: ld8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the Standard Action Ranged weapon
target is dazed until the end of the encounter or until it is Target: One creature
hit or missed by an attack. Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Charisma modifier cold damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target takes ongoing 1 0 cold damage (save
Your qUick rejoinder speaks of endurin8 pain and misfortune, ends). If you or an ally hits the target with an attack, it
hinderina your enemy's aLlempt 10 throw off a harmful effect. automatically fails its next saving throw against this effect.
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0
Trigger: An enemy rolls a saving throw
Target: The triggering enemy Your piercina wit mocks your enemy's defensive maneuvers and
Attack: Charisma vs. Will renders it more easi~1 "It it.
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the Daily .. Arcane, Implement
target takes a -2 penalty to the saving throw. Standard Action Ranged 10
Virtue of Prescience: The target's penalty to the saving Target: One creature
throw equals 1 + your Wisdom modifier. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: ld6 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
Slippery Feet Bard Attack 1 3 affected by your satire of evasion (save ends). While the
target is affected by the satire, whenever an ally misses it
YOII recite an ode to the winter wind, coatil!a your foe's steps in ice.
with an attack, you can roll a dl0 and replace the ally's
Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Implement die roll with yours.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn,
Target: One creature whenever an ally misses the target with an attack, you can
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex roll a d20 and re place the ally's die roll with yours.
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier cold damage. and the target
is slowed until the end of your next turn. Wheneve r the
target is hit by an attack while it is slowed by this power,
you slide the target 1 square.

A snimmerina, poundina wall of thunder mmbles into existence. You brieflyaestilre, and your companion suddenly acts in a blur UJ

Daily. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Thunder ofmotion.

Standard Action Area wall 6 within 10 squares Daily. Arcane oQ.
Effect: You conjure a wall of contiguous squares filled with Minor Action Ranged 10
deafening thunder that lasts until the end of your next Target: You or an ally o
turn. The wall can be up to 4 squares high. A creature Effect: The target gains and immediate ly uses a standard 0::
that starts its turn adjacent to the wall takes 1 d6 + your action. CO
Charisma modifier thunder damage. If a creature moves
into the wall's space or starts its turn there, the creature Heroic Interjection Bard Utility 1 6
takes 1 d1 0 + your Charisma modifier thunder damage,
As your enemy presses the attack you call upon the innate hero· Z
and it is deafe ned until the e nd of the encou nte r. Each
ism ofyour companions to respond in kind.
enemy that is hit by an attack while it is adjacent to the
wall or in the wall's space is dazed until the end of its Daily. Arcane
next turn. Entering a square occupied by the wall costs 1 Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
extra square of movement. Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you spends an
Sustain Minor: The wall persists. action point
Target: You or an ally
Effect: The ta rget gains an action point that he or she must
Wracking Radiance Bard Attack 1 5
spend before t he e nd of the encounter. In addition, the
A bur t ofliflht damaaes your foe and wracks it with anauish. target can spe nd 2 action points during this encounter
As)'our enemy's slifjerina continues. bursts Ofli8ht heal yo ur instead of 1.
Ilea rbyallies.
Daily. Arcane, Healing, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Balance of Fortune Bard Attack 17
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage . You disrupt fortu ne's weave, shiftina it to aive )laur allies a little
Miss: Half damage. more luck at the expense of one ofyour foes.
Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 radiant damage (save
Encounter + Arcane, Weapon
ends). Whenever th e target fails a saving t hrow against
Standard Action Ranged weapon
this effect, each ally within 5 squares of the target reo
Target: One creature
gains 5 hit points.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Aftereffect: Each ally within 5 squares ofthe target regains
Hit: 21Wj + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
5 hit pOints and also gains a + 2 powe r bonus to AC until your next turn, whenever the target makes an attack
th e e nd of the target's next turn.
roll, you roll a d4 and subtract your roll from the target's
attack roll. Unt il the e nd of your next turn, whe neve r an
LEVEL 16 UTILITY SPELLS ally makes an attack roll against the target, you roll a d4
and add your roll to your ally's attack roll.
Virtue of Prescience: You roll a d6 instead of a d4 when
Allied Rhythm Bard Utility 16
modifying attack rolls.
The areatest heroes always had a little help from their friends.
Encounter. Arcane Inescapable Fate Bard Attack 1 7
Minor Action Ranged 1 0
Target: You or an ally
Like a well-rehearsed troupe, your allies circle around your fo e
as )lOlt strfke.
Effect: Until the end ofyour next turn, the target gains a
power bonus to each of his or her attack rolls equa l to Encounter. Arcane, Weapon
the number of allies adjacent to the ta rget of each of Standard Act.i on Ranged weapon
those attacks. Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit 3[W] + Charisma modifier damage. Unti l the end of your
Chorus of Vitality Bard Utility 1 6
next t urn, when the target is hit by an attack, the attacker
W ith a soarina oration to victol)' and. perseverance, you lift your rerolls the attack's damage roll and uses the higher result.
allies' pirits and dispel the pain of their wounds.
Daily. Arcane, Healing Resounding War Cry Bard Attack 1 7
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: You and each ally in burst
Yo ur war ClJ' echoes amana your foes, Imockina them offbal-
Effect: Each target can spend a hea ling surge. Also, each
ance and leavin8 them opell to )lour aUies' attacks.
target can shift 2 squares as a free action. Encounter . Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each e ne my in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage. If an ally
hits the target with an attack before the end of your next
turn, the target is dazed until the e nd of your next turn.

C HAP TE R] I Bard
Strings of Fate Bard Attack 1 7 Mocking Epigram Bard Attack 19
As you make an appeal to the fates ofbclttle, your arrows streak YOUT vidous lampoon enra8es your foe, cOllSine it to swin8
toward your enemies, by passin8 their annOT to bind theiT doom. bUndly.and harm its allies.
Encounter + Arcane, Weapon Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement
Standard Action Ranged weapon Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target One, two, or three creatures Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of Hit 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
your next turn, attacks against the target's AC instead affected by your mocking epigram (save ends). While
target its ReAex. affected by the mocking epigram, the target is weakened,
and whenever it hits an ally with an attack, that attack
Turning the Tide Bard Attack 1 7 also hits one enemy of your choice within range of that
attack, including the target itself. The target cannot hit a
You calL upon the le8ends ofBreat heroes' perseverance to inspire given enemy more than once with a Single attack.
your allies in their hour of need. Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn, the target
Encounter" Arcane, Healing, Implement is weakened, and whenever it hits an ally with an attack,
Standard Action Close blast 3 that attack also hits one enemy of your choice within range
Target: Each enemy in blast of that attack, including the target itself. The target cannot
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex hit a given enemy more than once with a single attack.
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, each ally who hits the target can spend a
Saga of the Harrying Foe Bard Attack 19
healing surge. An ally can spend only one healing surge
in this way. You declaim eL tale of810rious sin8le combat, compellin8 your
enemy to seek alit and do battle with your ally.
Daily .. Arcane, Psychic, Weapon
LEVEL 19 DAILY SPELLS Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Corralling Song Bard Attack 19 Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Be811iHn8 wOTds entice your foes to duster to8etller, exposin8 Hit: 2LWI + Charisma modifier damage, and you slide
them 1'0 devastatin8 area attacks. the target 5 squares to a space that must be adjacent to
an ally. That ally gains a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
against the target until the end of the encounter. In addi-
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
tion, the target takes 10 psychic damage at the end of its
Target: Each enemy in burst
turn if it is not adjacent to that ally (save ends).
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 5 squares to a
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. If the target
space that must be adjacent to an ally. That ally gains a + 1
is not adjacent to an enemy, you can slide the target 3
power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end
squares to a space that must be adjacent to an enemy.
of the encounter. In addition, the target takes 5 psychic
Miss: Half damage. if the target is not adjacent to an enemy,
damage at the end of its turn if it is not adjacent to that
you can slide it 1 square to a space that must be adjacent
ally (save ends).
to an enemy.
Effect Each target that is adjacent to an enemy after this
attack is resolved takes 10 psychic damage at the end of Spring to Action Bard Attack 19
its turn if it is not adjacent to an enemy at that time (save Intonin8 a ~m elod)' of dIe planes, you tl1in the boundaries be-
ends). tween realities so t/lCItyour allies trave/feLr in one step.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Teleportation, Zone
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
Your ma8ie grants your friends supeTior lu ck but the wheel of Target Each creature in burst
fate 8ives luck to your enemies in equal measure. Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier damage.
Daily + Arcane, Weapon
Miss: Ha lf damage.
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Effect: The burst creates a zone of warped space that lasts
Target: One creature
until the end of your next turn. While the zone persists,
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
you and any allies within 20 squares of you can use a
Hit 4 [WJ + Charisma modifier damage.
move action to teleport to an unoccupied space within
Miss: Half damage.
the zone.
Effect: The target is affected by linked fortunes (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
While it is affected by linked fortunes, as an immediate
interrupt, when the target is missed by an ally's attack, you
can roll a d20 and replace the ally's attack roll with yours.
Whenever you do so, the target can roll a dlO once during
its next turn and replace its attack roll with that roll.

HAP TER 1 I Bard


Assured Recovery Bard Utility 22 Chant of Bad Fortune Bard Attack 23 $

You aive an aUy a second chance to shake off an affliction. You,. sOrl8 ullraveis the skein offate, doom ina your fo es.
Encounter. Arcane Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic Cl
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 Standard Action Close burst 5
Trigger: An ally fails a saving throw Target: Each e nemy in burst "<
Target: The triggering ally Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Effect: The target rerolls the saving throw with a bonus Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the $
equal to your Charisma modifier. target takes a -5 penalty to saving throws until the end of I.LJ
your next turn. • Z
Note of ession Bard Utility 22 Effect: Each ally in the burst can roll a saving throw.

A shouted verse of battle raae spurs an unexpected attack.

Encounter. Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 10 You utter a strilla of distractina and disparaaina remarks, rumina
Target: You or one ally in burst your enemis attention(mvard you rather than toward your aUy.
Effect: The target can charge or make a melee basic attack Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
as a free action. Standard Action Ranged 10
Target One creature
Climactic Chord Bard Utility 22 Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 2dB + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Until the
You call on theJiahtilla spirit ofyour allies, compel/ina them to end of your next turn each ally who makes an attack roll
strike as one. against the target can choose to target its Will instead of
Daily. Arcane the defense normally targeted by the ally's attack.
Minor Action Close burst 1 0
Target: Each ally in burst
Reverberating Shot Bard Attack 23
Effect: Each target can make a basic attack or use an at·
will attack power as a free action, with a power bonus Your bow sllot echoes with (he power of leaendary heroes. assail-
to the attack roll and the damage roll equal to your Cha- ill8 your foe and fo rtifyin8 your allies.
risma modifier. Encounter. Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Ode to the Daring Bard Utility 22 Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Your son8 of praise i1lspires your allies to cast aside their inju-
Hit: 3[W) + Charisma modifier thunder damage. Each
ries and pains and fiaht. on. ally within 5 squares of the target chooses to gain a +2
Daily. Arcane, Healing power bonus either to AC or to attack rolls until the end
Minor Action Close burst 10 of your next turn.
Target: You and each ally in burst Virtue of Prescience: The power bonus equals 1 + your
Effect: Each target regains hit pOints as if he or she had Wisdom modifier.
spent a healing surge. Add 1 dl 0 + your Charisma modi-
fier to the hit points regained by each target. Each target
can also roll a saving throw.
You loose a shot as YOll inveiah aaaiJtSt your fo e, corifoundina its
difel1Ses so that an ally's strike is sure to score a deadly wound.
Encounter. Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
BARD1C V1RTUES Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
The virtues that bards espouse-cunning, valor; prescience, Hit: 3[Wj + Charisma modifier thunder damage. The next
and others-are more than just themes running through attack roll made against the target before the end of your
the tales of the ancient heroes. As a bard, you weave these next turn targets all of its defenses. For each defense the
virtues into your magic. Just as the words of your songs attack hits beyond the first, the attack deals 1 dl 0 extra
and tales inspire your allies to emulate the heroes of the damage.
past, your spells imbue your allies with t he essence of
the virtues, magically enhancing their capabilities. Your
magic can make your allies more cunning, more brave,
more prescient-in short, more like the great heroes they
are destined to become.

C HA P TE R 1 I Bard

Intimidating Visage Bard Attack 25 Binding Rhyme Bard Attack 27

lnyour enemies' ~(es,you and your allies become awe-inspirina You loose an arrow and chant a verse of imprisonment, bindina
fiaures. Yo ur foes are so im pressed by YO I! that rh ~( choose to your enemies witl! arcane strands.
remai 11 next to you. Encounter. Arcane, Force, Weapon
Daily. Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged weapon
Standard Action Close burst 10 Target: One creature
Target: Each ene my in burst that is adjacent to you or an ally Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Hit: 2[Wl + Charisma modifier force damage, and you slide
Hit! 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. The target the target 5 squares to a space that must be adjacent to
takes 10 psychic damage at the e nd of its turn if it is not one of its allies. Until the end of its next turn, the target is
adjacent to you or an ally within 10 squares of you. immobilized, and each e nemy that starts its turn adjacent
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target 1 square. to the target takes 20 force damage at the end of its turn
if t hat enemy is not adjace nt to the target at that tim e.

With a sil1gle shot ofyour weapol1., you il1 tensijjr your allies' Crescendo of Victory Bard Attack 17
attack agail1styollr adversary. Your attack is the beginnin8 of),ourfoe'S destruction.
Daily . Arcane, Weapon Encounter . Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit! 3[W] + Charisma modifie r damage. Until the end of Hit: 3 rWl + Charisma modifier damage. Until t he end of
the encounte r, whenever you or an ally rolls th e maxi· your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1 powe r bo-
mum result on any damage die against the t arget, reroll nus to attack ro lls against the target.
the die and add that result as extra damage to the total
damage dealt. Pounding Rhythm Bard Attack 27
Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn,
Your allies' attach f all like drumbeats, pummelin8 your f oes.
whenever you or an ally rolls the maximum result on any
damage die aga inst t he target, re ro ll the die and add that Encounter . Arcane, Implement, Thunder
result as extra damage to t he total damage dealt. Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each ene my in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: Id8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage. If an ally
Your sona no /onaer describes your enemy's fate - it creates it hits t he target before t he end of your next turn, the tar-
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic ge t is st unn ed until th e end of its next turn.
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each e nemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
It's aood to have second chances when your life is on the line.
Hit: 4dl 0 + Charisma modifie r psychic damage.
Miss: Half damage. Encounter . Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Effect: Roll a number of dl0s equal to the number of tar- Standard Action Ranged 10
gets you hit with this attack. Until t he end of t he e nco un- Target: One creature
ter, as a free action you can force an ene my wit hin 10 Attack: Charisma vs. Will
squares of you to replace an attack roll or a saving t hrow Hit! 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Each ally
with one of your rolls. You can use each roll only once. within 3 squares of the target can reroll one attack roll
before the start of your next turn.
Virtuoso of Misfortune Bard Attack 25
YOlt manipulate lu ck like a master musician, turnin8 800d fo r·
Strike from Legend Bard Attack 17
tu ne to bad and l1ictory to doom. You embody a hero of old, smitin8 your f oe with sava8efu ry
Daily . Arcane, Implement, Psychic
and fillina your allies with renewed hope.
Standard Action Area burst 1 wit hin 20 squares Encounter . Arcane, Healing, Weapon
Target! Each e ne my in burst Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Target: One creat ure
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifie r damage, and t he target Attack: Charisma vs . AC
takes a - 5 penalty to saving throws (save ends). Until the Hit : 4[W] + Charisma modifier damage. If the target is
end of the encounter, whenever the target fails a saving reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by this attack, each ally
throw, an ally within 5 squares of the target can roll a within 5 squares of the target gains a +2 powe r bonus to
saving throw. attack rolls until the end of your next t urn.
Miss: Half damage, a nd the target takes a - 5 penalty to If t he target is not reduced to 0 hit pOints or fewer by
saving throws until the e nd of you r next turn. t his attack, each ally within 5 squares of th e target can
spend a healing surge; add your Constit ution modifier to
the hit pOi nts regained by e ach ally.


Arrow of Destiny Bard Attack 29
V\that this arrow pierces soon falls.
Daily. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: l[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and t he target is
affected by your arrow of destiny (save ends). While the
target is affected by the arrow of destiny, whenever the
target is hit by an attack from an ally, you can use an im-
mediate interrupt to make the attack a critical hit_
Miss: Half damage. If the target is hit by an attack from
an ally before the end of your next turn, you can use an
immediate interrupt to make the attack a critical hit.

Horrifying Truth Bard Attack 29

Your cruel pronouncement becomes truer with ever)' strike.
Daily. Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Effect: The target is dazed (save ends).
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier damage. If the target is hit
by an attack while it is dazed by this power, it becomes
stunned instead (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.

Saga of Foretold Doom Bard Attack 29

A n ancient cyc/e·s prophesied victol)' resembles this one more
and more.
Daily. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: Slw] + Charisma modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: If the target is hit by an attack from an ally, it is
weakened until the end of the target's next turn (save

Shockwave Strike Bard Attack 19

Rollin8 bursts of tlnmder smash your opponents and continue
to ec110 amon8 them.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of
your next turn.
Sustain Minor: Each enemy within 5 squares of you takes
thunder damage equal to your Constitution modifier and
takes a - 2 penalty to AC until the end of your next turn.


"There is a say ina amon8 the fey creatures who trip
between worlds: Only throu8h dishonesty is JlOnor earned."

Prerequisite: Bard

Fey tricksters, gnomes, and tory tellers of every

race know many legends unfamiliar to other crea-
tures-tales from secluded forests, burrows deep
underground the lairs of powerful beasts and the
locked vaults of powerful monarch . And what they
don't know, they make up.
As a cunning prevaricator, you traffic in the hon-
ored (at least among some) traditions of exaggeration,
misdirection, and out-and-out lying. You study and
follow the teachings of great fabulists of the past-all
of them fictional almost certainly- and apply that
knowledge to your bardic skills. You transfer your
natural talent for illusion and deception to your
friends, granting th em some small measure of glory-
or so you try to convince them.

PATH FEATURES Trickery's Reward Cunning Prevaricator Utility 12

Virtue of Deceit (11th level): W hen you use VVith words of cunllln8 wisdom,yolIBuide your ally's defenses,
foilin8your enemies' attack one way or another.
your Bardic Virtue class feature, one ally you choose
within 5 square of you ga i ns combat advantage Encounter" Arcane, Healing
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1 0
against the target of his or her next attack.
Trigger: An attack misses an ally within 1 0 squares of you
Shrouding Action (11th level): When you spend Target: The ally that was missed by the attack

an action point to take an extra action, you and one Effect: The target gains a bonus to all defenses that the
ally you choose within 5 squares of you become invis- triggering attack targets equal to your Intelligence modi-
ible until the end of your ne-xt turn. fier. If the triggering attack misses, the target gains the
Trickster's Mercy (16th level): When you use bonus to those defenses until the end of your next turn. If
majestic word to heal a bloodied ally, that ally becomes the triggering attack hits, the target regains hit points as
if he or she had spent a healing surge. .
invisible until the start ofills or her next turn.
Nimbus of Cunning Prevaricator Attack 20
You cast ma8ical dust into your enemy's face, blurri118 its vision
Lying Ughts Cunning Prevaricator Attack 11
al1d confoundin8 its actions.
As YOlLr allies strike the chosen foe, they vanish in clouds of8lit-
Daily .. Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
lerina 1i8ht.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Encounter" Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Radiant Target: One creature
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Target: One creature Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex target is affected by your nimbus offalsehood (save ends).
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. Each ally While affected by the nimbus offalsehood, if the target
who hits the target before the end of your next turn be- misses with a melee attack, you can use an immediate
comes invisible until the e nd of his or her next turn. This interrupt to have the attack hit a different creature, in-
invis ibility ends if the ally makes an attack roll. cluding the target, within the attack's range.
Miss: Half damage. If the target misses with a melee
attack before the end of your next turn, you can use an
immediate interrupt to have the attack hit a different ~


creature, including th e target, within the attack's range. oz

When you use a bow as a n implement for a ranged
EUPHONIC Bow bard attack power, the power's range is increased
"Each arrow's release plucks the strina ofmy lethal instru- to the bow's normal range (if the power's range is ~0..
ment. My bow sin8s a diraefor )'our passina." shorter). You can also use the power at the bow's long
range, with the normal -2 penalty to the attack roll. ~
Prerequisite: Bard Harmonic Action (11th level): When you spend l:1
an action point to take an extra action one ally you <l:
You intertwine music archery and magic into a choose within 10 squares of you can make a basic ~
Ingle gloriOUS craft that is as artist ic as it is martial. attack as a free action. 0..
Your foes waver between fear and admjration even Volley Fire (16th level): If you score a critical Cl
a<; you draw a bead on them. Every hot from your hit with a ranged bard attack power you can make a ~
bowstring resonates with a melod iou tone, and the ranged basic attack against the target a a free action. :0
percu sion of your arrow finding their mark drive
the battle forward like a drwnbeat. Even your foes
cries of pain blend with the clash of weapons against
hields and armor. Your arcane might weaves it all
Arrow of Cacophony Euphonic Bow Attack 11
into a fantastic symphony of battle.
Creating thl wondrous performance depend par- Your shot releases a blast of sound that overwhelms your foe.
tially on your ability to ee an instant into the future. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Timing is everything. Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
EUPHONIC Bow PATH FEATURES Hit: 2[Wl + Charisma modifier thunder damage. and the
Bow Implement (11th level): You can use a bow target is deafened and dazed until the e nd of your next
as an implement for your bard attack power. Add turn.
the bow's enhancement bonus to attack rolls and
damage rolls as well as to any extra damage granted Song of Sonic Striking Euphonic Bow Utility 1 2
by a property (if applicable) when u lng the bow as an You hum a 101\1 tOile Lhat reverberates in the a ir, warping the
implement. You do not add your weapon proficiency flight ofyour anOI\ s so that they speed true to their marks.
bonus to the attack roll w ben you use your bow a an Daily + Arcane, Stance
implement. Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, your attacks with a bow
ignore cover and concealment, including superior cover
but not total concealment.

Anthem of Antagonism EuphoniC Bow Attack 20

Your foe's offenses return to it as a wa iling storm that engulfs
its allies while your bolV shots repay its evil deeds in fu ll.
Daily + Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Charisma modifie r thunder damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is affected by your anthem of anta8o-
nism (save ends). While it is affected by the anthem, at
the start of each of your turns, the target is the center
of a burst 5 explosion of clashing noise. Each enemy in
the burst takes thunder damage equal to your Wisdom
modifier. You gain a power bonus to the attack roll of
your next ranged weapon attack on that turn eq ual to
the number of enemies that take damage in this way.

HAPTER 1 I Ba.rd
"Some deserve nothin8 but death, and those most deserv-
in8 are marked by their crimes. Like a requiem's crescendo,
I pursue the marked ever more closely to 8ille them
their due."

Prerequisite: Bard

Rmnors of an ancient organization of assassin·bards

sometimes surface in taverns. Such tales are quickly
quelled as foolish romance, of course. If the existen ce
of the secret group to which you belong became
common knowledge, your work would be that much
harder to accomplish.
Your shadowy organization, known as the Grave
Caners, has tasked its m embers to seek out and slay
those who prey on the innocent. Its leaders identify
those tnclividuals to you through clever courier drops
or magical senclings, marking them indelibly as your
targets. You are making the world a better place
with each lmdesirable element that you remove, and
that knowledge drives you to continue your work.
Through your ancient and deadly song, you improve
the chances of all other creatures, one death at
a time.


Dirge ofInescapable Doom (11th level): Once
per encounter as a minor action, you can place a
deathmark on a stngle enemy within 10 squares
of you. The deathmark lasts until the end of the
encounter. If you miss with an encounter attack
power against a creature that has your death mark,
Cloak of Sound Grave Caller Utility 1 2
the attack still deals Id6 + yom Charisma modifier
damage. You shroud yowJonn in dark whispers; hinderins your quan:is
ability to see you.
Gravecall Action (11th level): When you sp end
Encounter . Arcane, Illusion
an action point to take an extra action, you gain a +4
Minor Action Personal
bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you are invisible to
Path to the Grave (16th level): W henever you a creature that has your death mark.
make an attack roll with an encounter or a daily
attack power against a creature that has yom death- Inevitability of the Grave Grave Caller Attack 20
mark, roll a d20 twice and use either result. You call out a series of deadb' notes, each one brin8i1l8 your foe
closer to its ordained demise.
GRAVE CALLER SPELLS Daily. Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Visions of Doom Grave Caller Attack 11 Target: One creature that has your deathmark
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Yo u sinB a secret n.ote that seeks aLIt your chosen enemy, wrack-
Hit: 3d1 0 + Charisma modifier damage. and ongoing 10
ins it with painful imaBes ofi.ts cominB demise.
damage (save ends). The target takes a - 2 penalty to its
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic saving throws against the ongOing damage.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Aftereffect: Ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
Target: One creature that has your deathmark Miss: Half damage, and ongOing 5 damage (save ends).
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d1 0 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Until t he
end of your next turn, one ally within 10 squares of you
gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target.

tion, allies within 10 squares of you apply this bonus .,..
LF-ELF EMISSARY to all checks with Charisma-based skills in which -
"There is strenath in numbers, and I have many friends you are trained. ~Co
who trust me and are willina to fiaht for me." Valorous Action (11th level): When you spend
an action point to take an extra action, allies you can 2
Prerequisite: Halfelf. bard see gain a +2 power bonus to ali defenses lmtil the end
of your next turn. In addition, you regain the use of <t
You hate to be tied to anyone location for too long; the encounter power you gained from your Dilettante
you'd rather be on the road , meeting new creatures <t
racial featme if you have used it dming this encounter. Co
and eeing new lands and nations. As a result, you Heal the Besieged (16th level): W hen ever you 0
feel at home nearly anywhere. Th is arne ability also use a bard healing power on an aliy, increase the ~
puts YOll in the good graces of people you meet along number of hit points regained by Id6 for each enemy CO
the way. that is adjacent to that ally.
Your inborn empathy and acquired diplomatic
skill allow you to fit into nearly any society-if not as
someone who has always lived there, then at least
as a tru ted friend. By understanding many kinds of
Emissary's Onslaught Ha lf-Elf Emissary Attack 11
people and creatures, you learn how to protect them -
or fight them if need be. As your weapon clashes aaainst your foe, a thunderclap re-
sounds and empowers all your nearby allies.
When things turn rougb, YOll can use your knowl-
edge of other creatme to your advantage in a fight. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
The more foes that try to stop you the better you can
Target: One creature
tangle their swords and spells, confounding their Attack: Charisma vs. AC
attempts to hurt you. Hit: 2fWl + Charisma modifier thunder damage. Each ally
within 2 squares of the target gains a bonus to his or her
HALF-ELF EMISSARY next attack roll against that target equal to your Constitu-
tion modifier.
PATH FEATURES Special: If there are more enemies than allies within 10
Skilled Speech (11th level): Your bonus to squares of you, the bonus to attack rolls increases by 2.
Diplomacy cllecks from your Group Diplomacy Count only active enemies and allies, not unconscious,
racial trait equals your Char isma modifier. In addi- dead, or dying creatures.

Emissary's Gambit Half-Elf Emissary Utility 12

You hearten your a11y to turn the odds in thefiaht to your
Daily + Arcane
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Effect: Choose one of the following benefits.
+ The target gains a bonus to its next attack roll equal
to the number of enemies and allies you can see
(maximum 10).
+ The target rolls a saving throw with a bonus equal
to the number of enemies and allies you can see
(maximum 10).
Count only active enemies and allies, not unconscious, dead,
or dying creatures.

Army of the Emissary Half-Elf Emissary Attack 20

W ith a. thrillin8 battle cry, you exploit your allies' numbers to
dEfeat your foes swiftly.
Daily + Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. AC
Hit: 3[WI + Charisma modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each ally who starts
his or her turn within 5 squares of you gains a bonus to
attack rolls and to all defenses equal to the number of

z your allies within 5 squares of you_


"Reality can be manipulated. Good works weave shininB Fated Action (11th level): When you spend an
marks into it, while evils done stain its threads. Both propa- action point to take an extra action, you can reroll any
Bate forward and backward in time, and their consequences single d20 roll you make this turn.
wil/find you late or soon." Karmic Virtue (11th level): If you use Virtue
of Prescience to increase an ally's defense and the
Prerequisites: Bard Virtue of Prescience class enemy's attack still hits the ally targeted by the trig-
feature gering enemy's attack Call spend a healing surge as a
free action.
Moral consequence is something all creatures face , Karmic Strike (16th level): When you use
whether they recognize its existence or not. The Virtue ofPresc.ience one ally witbin 10 squares of
effects of each creature's deeds influence the past, you can rna ke a ranged or melee basic attack as a free
present, and future. You do not hold thi view as a action against the triggering enemy.
philosophical belief: It is demonstrably true.
Each action a being takes is Hke planting a seed. KARMIC SHAPER SPELLS
Depeniling on the deed's nature, harvesting it') fruits
might bring joy or pain. You seek to increase your Karmic Wound Karmic Shaper Attack 11
own measure ofjoy in the world, while ensuring Your foe will pay for the injlllY it causes another.
that your foes reap equivalent pain for their past Encounter. Arcane, Weapon
misdeeds. Standard Action Ranged weapon
You are an interpreter of karma_ With your pre- Target: One creature
cient Sight, you can collect your foes' karmic debt in Attack: Charisma vs. AC
a timely, ometimes dramatic fa hion. On the other Hit: 2 [WI + Charisma modifier damage. If the target hits
band, your own actions touch only Hghtly on the with an attack before the end of your next turn, it takes
1 [W] + your Wisdom modifier damage.
karmic surface of cause and consequence. You shape
the fates of others without unduly affecting your own
ftnal destiny.
Warp Karma Karmic Shaper Utility 12
You twist rhe paths ofJate, reversil18your ally's misfortune.
Daily. Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10
Trigger: An ally in burst misses with an attack
Target: The triggering ally and one enemy in burst
Effect: Roll a d20 twice. The ally can replace his or her
attack roll with one of your rolls, and you can force the
enemy to replace its next attack roll with your other roll.

End of Luck Karmic Shaper Attack 20

All the 800d fortune YOllrfoe has e"yoyed up to now is balanced
by a tide ofillfavOl:
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and each
of the target's attack rolls is treated as a natural 1 (save
Miss: Half damage. and the target's next attack roll is treated
as a natural 1.


"When the scourae wind blows coldestfrom the heiahts, r
will be ready. My voice wit! be added to the metody that will
preserve the eladrillfrom an ancientfoe."

Prerequisite: Bard

Far to the north in the Feyw ild echo of the world a

freezing wind howls out of the ourge Mountain
every twenty years. Colloquially called the scourge
wind, thi is no conunon gale; it is the manife tation
of an ancient curse. created when an infant eIadrin
princess of elder blood was slain in her crib. That evil
deed resonates yet de pite efforts by later sovereigns
to make amends, build ing year after year until a sen-
tient, malevolent storm is born. lnfu ed with rage for
innocence lost the lethal blast i bent on freeZing to
death a many creatures as possible before it blow
itself out.
In answer to this recurring threat, the eladrin of
the foothiUs found a wa to keep the courge wind
at bay-a song oflife that diminishes the hatred and
fury of the storm and ameliorates its letha l cold. As a
life Singer, you have tudied this ong and honed your
voice to pacifY the scourge wind. Your sacred quest is
to travel the worlds, promoting peace and protecUng
life, so that you can infu e your ong with the experi-
ence you gain. When the scourge wind next blow
you and the chorus of other life siJlgers w ill be ready
to lift your voice in the great song oflife.


Find Another Way (11th level): Allie within
5 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to skill checks and Inspired Solutions life Singer Utility 1 2
ability checks. Your calm leadership inspires your allies to find creative, non-
Peaceful Action (11th level): Whenever an ally violent soluHons to a challen8e.
within 5 squares of you spends an action point to take Daily" Arcane
Standard Action Close burst 5
an extra action that is not an attack, that ally gains
Target: You and each ally ill burst
Id8 + your Charisma modiller temporary hit points. Effect Each target can take an extra standard action as
Serene Will (16th level): If you miss with an part of his or her next turn. The target cannot spend this
attack roll for an attack that targets wm, you can extra action to make an attack that deals damage.
reroll the attack roll. If this attack does not deal
damage, you gain a +2 power bonus to the reroll. Soothing Song life Singer Attack 20
You sina a aentle lullaby that causes )lourfoes to sink into a
LIFE SINGER SPELLS deep sleep and 8ives )lour allies a chance to catch their breath.
Daily" Arcane, Healing, Implement
Pacifying Voice life Singer Attack 11 Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
You croonhl quiet tones that calm the mae in your enemy's
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
heart. •
Hit: The target falls unconscious (save ends). Each ally in the
Encounter .. Arcane, Implement burst can spend a healing surge.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 If an ally attacks an affected target, the target
Target: One creature immediately awakens. The ally does not have combat
Attack: Charisma vs. Will advantage against the target for that attack and cannot
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and make a coup de grace attack against it.
weakened and takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to
your Intelligence modifier.

H PTER 1 I Bard

"Colors collide and explode before my eyes. Ener8Y

seethes in the Chaos, in the hearts of dra8ons, behind
the dependable cycle of the seasons, and amid the
unbridled fury of the storm's heart. This ener8Y
imprints my very blood!"

BECAUSE SORCERERS call up spells

whose source is chaos in some form such characters
have a reputation for being slightly crazed . Though
some of them mjght in truth be a bit' ofT," or even
demented, the naIve do sorcerers as a group a great
disservice by mistaking their exuberance for lunacy.
Sorcerers are arcane power user ,and they call
upon the same general class of spell that wizards and
warlocks use. But ""here wizards learn their spells
from tomes and warlocks are given them by a patron
entity, sorcerers find the power to incant their spells
in their own blood. Whether a particular sorcerer's
blood "vas imprinted during his or her own lifetime,
or a sorcerer's entire bloodline is so touched and thus
is prone to producing sorcery, a sorcerer who takes
up the craft seeks always to master the magic born
inside, hoping one day to match, spell for pell, the
greatest arcanists of the age.
This chapter includes the following material.
• New Class Features: Storm Magic and Cosm ic
MagiC expand the possibilities for characters who
want to plumb the depths of the sorcerous arts.
• New Builds: This chapter introduces the storm
sorcerer and the cosrruc sorcerer, which embody
the torm's fury and nature's imperturbable cycles.
• New Sorcerer Powers: Dozens of new powers
are described in this chapter. including powers
that supplement Dragon Magic and W ild MagiC,
as well as powers that support Storm Magic and
Cosmic Magic .
.. New Paragon Paths: The new choices here
include general sorcerer paragon paths, as well -<

as paths uited to a speCific orcerer's Spell ."-..


Source. '"o


CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
As a sorcerer, you gain power through an instinctive
or in born can nection to an ancient arcane source.
Instead of the Spell Sonrce options of Dragon Magic
and Wild Magic (described in Player's Handbook 2),
you can select either Storm Magic or Cosmic Magic.
The choice you make grant you specific features and
al 0 proVides ball use to certain sorcerer powers, as
detailed m those powers.

The raw and unbridled fury of storm powers your
spells. While others might flee a storm, you embrace
it power internalize the force, and then unleash it.
The impetuous, unpredictable power resident in the
storm is your gr ate t ally. Like a lempest, you never
give up and never give in unt il you are completely
Storm Power: You gain a bonus to the damage
rolls of arcane powers equal to your Dexterity modi-
fier. Th e bonus equals your Dexterity modifier + 2
at 11th level and your Dexterity modifier + 4 at 21st
Storm Soul: You gam resist 5 thunder a nd resist 5
lightning. This resistance increases to 10 at 11th level
and 15 at 21st level.
While tJ1is resistance is active, yom arcane powers
ignore all targets' resistance to that damage type up
to the value of your resistance.
If you are hit by an attack, you can end this resis-
tance as an immediate interrupt to gain a +4 power
bonus to all defenses twill the end of yom next tmn.
If you do so, tJle resistance returns after you take a
short re t or an extended rest.
Storm's Embrace: When you roll a natural 20
on an attack roll {or an arcane power. wind snrges
around you and your enemy. You can push the target
1 square and then fly a number of squares equal to 1
+ yonr Dexterity modjfier after applying the attack's
other effects.


The singed and scarred youth holding forth on chaotic
structures in the tavern, the robed dragon born ascetic
chanting a low song of blood and wings, the halfling
whose hair bristles with static charge while standing on
the hilltop as the storm blows in, the tiefling astronomer
who reveres the sky and seasons-all of these individu-
als might well be sorcerers. A sorcerer is a character
whose essentially enthusiastic grasp on her powers
is certain to be noticed in small towns and teeming
metropolises alike.

The sun, the moon, and the tars speak to
you in the voiceless language of cycles. The
natural flow of the seasons tugs at your blood
as the tide acts upon the oceans, pushing and
pulling with gentle insistence regardless of
the storm's fltry the dragon's flight or the
antics of otherworlclly primordials. Just as
the constellations move around the sky in a
steady, imperturbable cadence, your spells
are strong and unshakable, and tied to ener-
gies that can all other .
Cosmic Persistence: While you are
not wearing heavy armor, you can use your
Strength modifier in place of your Dexterity or
Intelligence modifier to determine yom AC.
Cosm.ic Power: You gain a bonu to the
damage rolls of arcane powers equal to
your Strength modifier. The bonus equals
your Strength modifier + 2 at 11th level
and your Strength modifier + 4 at 21st level.
Soul of the COSIIl ic Cycle: At the end of
a short rest or an cxtended rest, you choose
a cosmic phase from those dcscribed below
and gain its benefits.
The fust time you become bloodied
during an encounter, your phase immedjately
changes to the next higher-nwubered pha e
(or back to the phase of the sun if you are in
the phase of the stars). For example, if you
beghl an encounter in the phase of the moon,
after becoming bloodied you would be in the
phase of the stars.
In addition, each time you use a daily
arcane attack power, you can choose to
change your phase to the ne1\.1 higher-num -
bered phase immediately after resolving the
effects of the power.
1. Phase ofthe Sun: At the start of your turn,
each enemy adjacent to you takes fIre and radi-
ant damage equal to your Strength modifier.
You also gain resist 5 cold.
2. Phase of the Moon: You gain a bonus to
AC equal to the nunlber of conscious enemies
adjacent to yOll .
You also gain resist 5 psychic.
3. Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's
attack misses you you can teleport a number
of squares equal to your Strength rnodiller as
a free action .
You also gain resist 5 radiant.
The resistance granted by this class feature
increases to 10 at 11th level and to 15 at 21st
level. While you have resistance from this
class feature your arcane powers ignore all
targets' resistance to that damage type up to
-~ Lhe value of your resistance . •

CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
Suggested At-Will Powers: blazin8 staJjall*,
burnina sprayt
Suggested Encounter Power: ray of the moon*
This book introduces two sorcerer builds: the storm Suggested DaiJy Power: cosmos can*
sorcerer and the cosmic sorcerer. *New option presented in this book
t Presented in Player's Handbook 2
= - _.- .- ._ -- ._ - . - ._ _ ._ . -
You embody the fury and power ofa thunderstorm.
Charisma is your primary abj]jty score, since you use
it to attack and deal damage. Dexterity is your sec-
ond-highest score, contributing to your AC and Reflex The powers presented here expand the choices for
and adding special effect to your attacks. Strength is sorcerers of all kinds.
your tertiary ability score.
Suggested Class Feature: Storm Magic LEVEL 1 AT-WILL SPELLS
Suggested Feat: Tempest Magic*
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Bluff; Intimidate, Blazing Starfall Sorcerer Attack 1
A of radiance falls upon your enemies and then bursts
Suggested At-Will Powers: li8htnin8 strike*, out creating a caBe ofbuming embers tllat are painful to pass
storm walkt tJlrou8l1·
Suggested Encounter Power: whirlwind* At-Will. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Radiant, Zone
Suggested Daily Power: howlin8 tempest'" Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
* ew option presented in this book Target: Each creature in burst
tP resented in Player's Handbook 2 Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d4 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
level 21: 2d4 + Charisma modifier radiant damage.
COSMIC SORCERER Cosmic Magic: The burst creates a zone bounded by
Your blood moves in tune with the phases of the burning ground that lasts until the end of your next tum.
moon the passing easons, and the chcUng stars Whenever an enemy within the zone leaves it, that
above. Charisma is your primary ability core, since enemy takes fire damage equal to your Strength modifier.
you use it to attack and deal damage. Strength is your
second-highest score, giving you better damage and Lightning Strike Sorcerer Attack 1
adding special effects to your attacks. Dexterity is Ughtnin8 strikes yoU/Joe and then ricochets to another enemy.
your tertiary stat choice. At-Will. Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Suggested Class Feature: Cosmic Magic Standard Action Ranged 10
Suggested Feat: Student of the Cosmos· Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Suggested Skills: Arcana, Endurance, InSight,
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. A
ature creature of your choice other than the target and within
10 squares of the target takes lightning damage equal to
your Dexterity modifier.
GENASl SORCERERS level 21: 2d8 + Charisma modifier lightning damage.
Genasi are usually described as energy embodied, chaos Storm Magic: You can apply your Storm Power bonus
either to the damage roll against the target or to the
and order united-as a race of inherent flexibility, passion,
damage taken by the e nemy within 10 squares of the
and diversity. Such a description seems an ideal fit for sor- target.
cery, especially for the branches of storm magic and wild
magic. Indeed, many genasi answer the call of sorcery that
lives in their blood. Because genasi originally hailed from
the Elemental Chaos, they are elemental creatures in some
ways. In fact, each genasi's elemental manifestation (earth-
Mists of Disarray Sorcerer Attack 1

soul, firesoul, stormsoul, watersoul, or windsoul) seems a Violet mist bursts out from a spot on the battlefield. As yomJoes
breathe in the fumes, they begin (0 reel in confusion.
perfect complement to nearly any style of sorcerer. Each
elemental manifestation offers particular beneflts and pro- Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
vides an associated encounter power. Indeed, a stormsoul
Target: Each creature in burst
genasi is already thematically a storm sorcerer: A genasi Attack: Charisma vs. Will
can promise the storm by invoking lightning living within, Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. and you
which calls out to its companion, the thunder. Sparks push the target 1 square.
dance across the genasi's skin, and the air around her Wild Magic: If you rolled an even number on the attack
darkens and rumbles. roll, you slide the target a number of squares equal to your
Dexterity modifier instead of pushing it.

CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
Pinning Bolt Sorcerer Attack 1 LEVEL 1 DAILY SPELLS a!
You launch tendrils of blue, crackling enerEJ)' thaL kTlock your w
enemy to the wound and inhibit its movement. 3:
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, lightning You shoot a ray of white liaht at your foe. The beam sears flesh
Standard Action Ranged 10 and eyes, and it takes tim e fo r your enemy's vision to fully
Target: One creature a!
'return. w
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex a!
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Radiant w
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, you knock
the target prone, and the target is slowed until the end of
Standard Action Ranged 10 U
Target: One creature a!
your next turn.
Attack: Charis ma vs. Refl ex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. Until the
Ray of the Moon Sorcerer Attack 1 end of your next turn, the target is blinded. Whe n the
.-\ ra.y of coldmoon1ight shines downfrom above, momentarily blinded condition e nds, the target then treats each crea·
disorienting your opponent. ture more than 5 squares away from it as having conceal·
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Implement ment (save ends).
Standard Action Ranged 10 Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn, the
Target: One creature target treats each creature more than 5 squares away from
Attack: Charisma vs. Will it as having concealme nt.
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage. and the target
cannot shift until the end of its next turn.
Cosmic Magic: The target takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls You access the vQ1'ie~)' of cycles within the cosmos, randomly
until the end of its next turn. pullina out a-fuTldamental force to blast your enemy's mind.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Tearing Claws Sorcerer Attack 1 Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Spectral claws strike out from yOllr body, slashin8 at YOUT foes Target: One creature
and shOVing dl em backwa rd. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Encounter. Arcane, Implement Hit: 2dS + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Roll a d6 to
Standard Action Close burst 1 determine the attack's addtional benefit.
Target: Each enemy in burst 1-2: The target takes ongOing 5 radiant damage (save
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex e nds) and the powe r gains t he radiant keyword.
Hit: 1 d1 0 + Charisma modifier damage, and you push t he 3- 4: The target is slowed (save e nds).
target 1 square. 5-6: The target is dazed (save e nds).
Dragon Magic: If the target is bloodied, you push it 3 Cosmic Magic: You choose the attack's additional benefit
squares instead of 1. instead of rolling.
Miss: Half damage.

Thundering Roar Sorcerer Attack 1

Howling Tempest Sorcerer Attack 1
YOtl emit t1le t hunderin8 roar of a Inmtin81ioTt, deafenin8 crea-
nlres near you. ou summon a howLin8 storm on the battlifield. The tempe.>t's
thunder decifens youI' foes, and its winds scatter them.
Encounter. Arcane, Fear, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Close blast 3 Daily. Arcane, Implement, Thunder, Zone
Target: Each creature in blast Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Target: Each creature in burst
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modi'fier thunder damage, and the Storm Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in
target takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of the origin square of the burst.
your next turn. Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and the
target is deafened (save e nds). You slide the target a
number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifie r.
)'ou create a small whirlwind that buffets creatures and knocks Effect: The burst creates a zone of deafening wind that lasts
them off their fee t. until the end of your next turn. Each creature that starts its
Encounter. Arcane, Implement turn within the zone takes thunder damage equal to your
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Charisma modifier. As a move action, you can move the
Target: Each creature in burst zone 3 squares.
Storm Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
the origin square of the burst.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 d1 0 + Charisma modifi er damage, and you knock
the target prone.

C H APTER 2 I S orc ere r

Focused Chaos Sorcerer Utility 2
A trio ofic)' javdinsfo rms around )'ou. aile at a time, you send To make chaos work for you, you must exercise a bit of control,
each spear shootill8 toward a different enem)( but Hot too milch. On your next spell you manane to achieve the
Daily. Arcane, Cold, Implement ou.tcome 1'OU desire.

Standard Action Ranged 10 Encounter. Arcane

Target: One, two, or three creatures No Action Personal
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Trigger: You use a sorcerer power that works differently
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier cold damage and ongoing depending on whether the attack roll is odd or even
5 cold damage (save ends). Effect: You choose to treat that power's attack roll as ei-
Miss: Half damage. ther odd or even, regardless of your actual roll.

Shocking Magnetism Sorcerer Attack 1 Spatial Trip Sorcerer Utility 2

You become a conduit for linhtnin8. The pulsill8 enerBY accu- You spin arou.nd, releasin8 a blaze of80lden ener8Y As you
mulates within your body, enablin8 you to shock those who come f inish yo ur revolution, you disappear and reappear a short dis-
near. tance awa)(
Daily. Arcane, Implement, lightning Encounter. Arcane, Teleportation
Standard Action Ranged 10 Move Action Personal
Target: One or two creatures Effect: You teleport a number of squares equal to half your
Attack: Charisma vs. Refl ex speed.
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, and you
pull the target a number of squares equal to your Dexter- Sorcerous Sirocco Sorcerer Utility 2
ity modifier.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each creature that
You exhale a manic-enhanced breath rhat briejly sends you and
starts its turn adjacent to you takes lightning damage equal an alb' jlyin8 throunh the air.
to your Dexterity modifier. You can dismiss the effect as a Encounter. Arcane
free action. Standard Action Close burst 1 0
Target: You and one ally in burst
Effect: Each target moves a number of squares equal
LEVEL 2 UTILITY SPELLS to his or her speed + 1. Each target can fly during this
movement but falls if he or she does not land by the end
of the movement.
You channel the pmver of the starlit to bolster yourself a8ainst
an attack and divertthe power to your next assault. LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Daily. Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You take cold, lightning, or thunder damage
Effect: Until the end ofthe encounter, you gain resistance You contort your hand as ifmimickinn a monstrous daw. A
black ·talon of acid then bursts from thin air and swipes at
to the triggering damage type equal to your Charisma
modifier. Your next attack before the end of the encoun- your foe.
ter that deals the triggering damage type gains a +1 bo- Encounter. Acid, Arcane, Implement
nus to the attack roll. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Deep Shroud Sorcerer Utility 1
Hit: 2dl 0 + Charisma modifier acid damage, and the tar·
You raise and then lower your hands, creatinn an obscurina get takes acid damage equal to your Strength modifier at
shadow 010t doaRs you and the area around you. the start of its next turn.
Daily. Arcane Dragon Magic: Each creature adjacent to the target takes
Minor Action Personal acid damage equal to your Strength modifier.
Effect: You create a shroud of supernatural shadow around
you. Until the end of your next turn, the space you occu·
py and each square adjacent to you are heavily obscured.
Your implementjlashes with the colors of the rainbolV, and as
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
the Haht touches your foe, chaos distorts the creature's nature.
Encounter. Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier force damage.
Wild Magic: If you rolled an even number on the attack
roll, the target loses all resistances until the end of your
next turn.

C H APTER 2 I Sorcerer
Searing Sands Sorcerer Attack 3 VI
You send a blast of seariJ18 sand at your f oes. The assmdtjla)'s The air around you tlLrns deathly cold, and frost coalesces on UJ
their skin and throws up a temporary curtain f or you to hide your body. creatin8 a protective shell of ice. $
behind. Daily. Arcane, Cold, Implement oc..
Encounter. Arcane, Implement Standard Action Close burst 1
Standard Action Close blast 3 Target: Each creature in burst 0::
Target: Each creature in blast Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude 0::
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier cold damage. UJ I
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage. Until the end of Miss: Half damage. U
your next turn, you have concealment. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power
bonus to AC and Fortitude and each creature that hits
Swirling Stars you with a melee attack takes cold damage equal to your
Sorcerer Attack 3
Charisma modifier. $
A cyclonic cloud of starr)' llwtes descends on tlte batlefie!d.Jol · UJ
[owin8 your 8estimlations to land in your enemies' midst.
Moon and Stars Sorcerer Attack S
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares A chill winter moon appears overhead, and aroul1d it swims a
Target: Each creature in burst myriad of radiant stars. You can unleash the power of either on
Cosmic Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in afoe.
the origin square of the burst. Daily. Arcane, Implement; Varies
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Standard Action Ranged 10
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier cold and thunder damage. Target: One or two creatures
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Thundering Gust Sorcerer Attack 3 Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier cold or radiant damage. The
damage type you choose determines the attack's addi·
You call forth the force of the ra8in8 storm and shriekinBBales. tional benefit.
·Wind howls about your f oes, buffetil18 them and slidil18 them.
Cold: The target is slowed and cannot shift (save ends both).
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Thunder Radiant: You can spend one healing surge (even if you hit
Standard Action Close blast 3 two targets).
Target: Each creature in blast Miss: Half damage (your choice of cold or radiant).
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you
slide the target a number of squares equal to your Dex·
terity modifier. You fap into chaosjUst as a f oe is about to hit )'ou. 8reenish
Storm Magic: If you choose not to slide any targets, until huejlickers across your skin as you teleport away. then make
the end of your next turn, you gain a fly speed equal to 1 + your olVn attnck.
your Dexterity modifier, and you can hover. Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 5
Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you hits you
LEVEL 5 DAILY SPELLS Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport your speed.
Corruption Orb Sorcerer Attack 5 Attack: Charisma vs. Will
You jlin8 a dis8ustina orb ofw een and ocher slime that drench· Hit: 2dl 0 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
es your enemy with a debilitat'iI18, addic poison. Miss: Half damage.
Daily. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Sun's Illumination Sorcerer Attack 5
Target: One creature Radiance pours down on an area, bllrllil18 creatlLres within the
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude light and revealin8 them to you in both body and mind.
Effect: The target takes ongOing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Radiant, Zone
Hit: 2dl 0 + Charisma modifier poison damage.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
DRAGONBORNSORCERERS Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier radiant damage
Many dragonborn thrill to a sorcerer's power, not least Effect: The burst creates a zone of piercing light that lasts
because the class's primary ability, Charisma, is one that until the end of your next turn. You gain a +2 power bonus
d ragon born are naturally endowed with. Similarly, many to Insight and Perception checks against each creature
within the zone. Each enemy within the zone grants
dragonborn are drawn to the dragon magic form of sor-
combat advantage. As a move action, you can move the
cery. The innate high Strength of dragonborn is also useful zone 3 squares.
for those who ignite the arcane dragon magic resident in Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
their blood, or those who choose cosmic magic.

C H A PT E R 2 I Sorcerer

Chaotic Defense Sorcerer Utility 6 Blazing Bolts Sorcerer Attack 7

You create a din of chaotic soundsJrom a woif's forlorn howl to '1\.vo bolts of violet liahtnina erupt from your hands causin8 a
a dead sailor's diTae. In the cacophony. you find temporary aid. shower ofwhite-hot, flam illa sparks where they hit.
Daily .. Arcane Encounter " Arcane, Fire, Implement, Lightning
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Ranged 20
Effect: Ron a d4 to determine the power's effect. Target: Two creatures
1: You gain temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Attack: Charisma VS. Reflex
Charisma modifier. Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, and the
2: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the target and each creature adjacent to it take fire damage
end of the encounter. equal to your Strength modifier.
3: Until the end of the encounter, each creature that at-
tacks you takes 2d6 damage.
4: You gain all three of the benefits described above.
With a wild aesture, you release a bolt of dazzlina, multicolored
chaos that folds >pace and makes your 0ppollent's mind reel.
Extinguishing Rain Sorcerer Utility 6
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation
Clouds emeraefrom your boa)~ saturatina the air. Fires no Ion· Standard Action Ranged 10
Bel' threaten )'ou, and nearby fla mes are dampened. Target: One creature
Daily .. Arcane, Implement Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Standard Action Close burst 10 Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
Target: You and each ally in burst target swaps positions with a creature within 3 squares
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each target gains of it.
resistance t o fire equal to your Charisma modifier. Make
an attack.
Target: One conjuration or zone that has the fire keywo rd
Attack: Charisma + 2 vs. t he Will of the target's creator Your body briefl), becomes a shower of dancill8 >parks that zips
Hit: The target is destroyed. All its effects end, including amonafoes, shockina dIem as you ao.
those that a save can end_ Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Standard Action Personal
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed + 2. You can
move through occupied squares during the shift, as long as
You tweak the course offate. turnina ill luck into aood fortune. you end in an unoccupied square.
Encounter" Arcane Target: Each creature whose space you moved through
Free Action Personal Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Trigger. You spend an action point to make an attack and miss Hit: 1 d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. •
Effect: ReroJl the triggering attack roll with a bonus equal
to your Strength modifier. Thunder Bomb Sorcerer Attack 7
YOlt opell ),our palm. revealina a >phere of arcane eneT8)' that
Lightning Shift Sorcerer Uti lity 6 speeds across the battlifield and detonates, Leavina your foes
W ith a flourish of snappins sparks your sinsle step speeds you thunderstruck.
lishtnina-quick, across the battlefield. Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Encounter" Arcane Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares
Move Action Personal Target: Each creature in burst
Effect: You shift your speed. You ignore difficult terrain Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
during the shift. Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and the
target is slowed until the end of your next turn. If the
Subtlety of the Green Wyrm Sorce re r Utility 6 target is in the origin square of the burst, it is immobilized
until the end of your next turn instead of slowed.
You listen for the Ja int whisper ofyour olVn blood. Tn its flow,
you find andem wisdom and unrivaled charm .
Thunder Wynn's Jaws Sorcerer Attack 7
Daily .. Arcane
Minor Action Personal You emit a draconic roar. n echo of the call bursts over your
Effect: You gain a +S power bonus to Diplomacy checks, foe's head, btiffetins your enemy as the sound bolsters you.
Insight checks, and Intimidate checks until the end of the Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder
encounter. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage. You gain
temporary hit points equal to 1 d6 + your Strength

CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
.... 0

LEVEL 9 DAILY SPELLS Howling Hurricane Sorcerer Attack 9

The cries of the wind compete wirh the sound of thunder as you
Bounding Bolt Sorcerer Attack 9 brin8forth a screamin8 vortex that spins your foes about.
Your spClrklil18j!ourish produces a bolt ofli8htnil18 rhat strikes Daily + Arcane, Implement, Thunder, Zone
your foe and thenjlies to nearby creatures. Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Daily + Arcane, Implement, lightning
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Ranged 10
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you
Primary Target: One creature
slide the target a number of squares equal to your Dex·
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
terity modifier.
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
Effect: The burst creates a zone of SWirling wind that lasts
ongOing 5 lightning damage (save ends).
until the end of your next turn. You slide each creature that
First Failed Saving Throw: Choose a secondary target.
starts its turn within the zone 2 squares. As a move action,
Secondary Target: One creature within 5 squares of you
you can move the zone 6 squares.
Effect: The secondary target takes ongoing 5 lightning
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: Choose a tertiary target.
Tertiary Target: One creature within 5 squares of the Ice Stalagmites Sorcerer Attack 9
secondary target. Stala8mites of ice burst up from the 8roune!, stabbin8 at your
Effect: The tertiary target takes ongOing 5 lightning dam- enemies and tumin8 the air around themfri8id.
age (save ends). Daily + Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement
Miss: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
GODS AND SORCERERS Hit: 1 d12 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and you must
Melora, Corellon, and loun are popular deities among slide the target 1 square.
sorcerers because of their influence over matters of Effect: You conjure an ice stalagmite in 1 square the target
chaotic wilderness, arcane magic, and knowledge, vacated. Each ice stalagmite lasts until the end of the
encounter, until destroyed, or until you dismiss it as a free
respectively. Melora and Sehanine are also favorites
action. Each ice stalagmite has AC 5, Reflex 5, Fortitude 21,
of cosmic sorcerers because of their ties to t he natural resist cold 10, and 40 hit pOints. Each creature that starts
cycles of the world or its seasons. Avandra is popular, as its turn adjacent to an ice stalagmite takes cold damage
she is with all classes, because of her association with equal to your Charisma modifier.
adventure. Asmodeus's association with power has
tem pted a few sorcerers into his sway, even if they're not
= actually evil. All the other deities in the pantheon have
-- a few sorcerer adherents. Even Kord has his followers
-_ among sorcerers, especially dragon sorcerers and wild
sorcerers, because they revere his power over thunder
-~ and his prowess in combat .
CHAPTE R 2 I Sorcerer
Season's Malaise Sorcerer Attack 9 Sorcerous Pulse Sorcerer Utility 1 0
Dark clouds appear over yourfoes. and you assault their minds You drown out the clash of combat and fo cus on one type of
with a psychic attack that causes depression and lethargy. enerWI which you challnel into your spells for extra power.
Daily . Arcane, Implement, Psychic Daily • Arcane
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Minor Action Personal
Target: Each creature in burst Effect: Choose acid, cold fire, force, lightn ing, necrotic,
At tack: Charisma vs. Will poison, psychic, radiant, or thunde r. Unt il th e e nd of the
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. encounter, wheneve r you use an arcane powe r that has
Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save the chosen keyword. you can roll the damage tw ice and
ends). Until the target saves aga inst this da mage, it ca nnot use t he higher result.
take immediate actions or opportunity actions.
Spirit's Eclipse Sorcerer Utility 10
Winds of Change Sorcerer Attack 9 A m ental bulwark helps 1'0 protect YO lL against your foe's attack
You become like the wind, blasting your enemies with theforce and renders the creature inca pable of seeing you fo r a ti me.
of a storm. Encount er . Arcane
Daily . Arcane, Impleme nt Immediate Interrupt Personal
Standard Action Close burst 3 Trigger: An e nemy hits you with an attack that targets Will
Target Each e ne my in burst Effect: Unt il the e nd of you r next turn, you gain a +5 bonus
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude to Will and are invisible to t he trigge ring e ne my.
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and you push the
target 3 squares. Storm of Energy Sorcerer Utility 10
Miss: Half da mage, and you push the ta rget 1 squa re.
With a wave ofyour hand, you increase the vigor of wllatever
Effect: Until the e nd of your next t urn, yo u gain a fl y speed
equal to your s peed, and you ca n hover.
tffects aiI your foes.
Daily . Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
LEVEL 10 UTILITY S PELLS Target: Each e ne my in burst that is ta king ongOing damage
Effect: Each instance of ongOing damage that each target is
Dragon's Resolve Sorcerer Utility 10 taking increases by 1 O.
Your blood boils with tlIe wrath of a dragon, givina YO lL weater
fury and power when th e situation seems most dire. LEVEL 13 ENCOUN I fR S PELLS
Daily . Arcane
Minor Action Personal Cyclone Pull Sorcerer Attack 13
Effect: Unt il the end ofth e encounter, while you a re
From the ground rises a cyclone that consumeSYOUTfoes in vio-
bloodied, you gain a +1 powe r bonus to attack rolls and
lence, battering them Clnd pul/in9 them towa rd its center.
a powe r bonus to saving throws equal to your Charisma
modifie r. Encounter . Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 3 w ithin 10 squa res
Target: One, two, or three creatures in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
In an in,tant, Jlour body melts into a cloud of fog. Hit: 1 d6 + Charisma modifi er damage, and you slide the
Encounter " Arcane target 2 squares closer to the origin square of the burst.
Immediat e Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are hit by an attack
Effect: You become insubstantial unt il the e nd of your next
The stars sendshcifts ofli9ltt down upon yourfo e, blastina its
turn. mind and leavina it confounded.
Encount er . Arcane, Implement, Psychic
HALF-ELF SORCERERS Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Half elves enjoy naturally high Charisma scores that Attack: Charisma vs. Will
well suit them for the sorcerer class. Despite that fact, Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifie r psychic damage. Until the
few half-elves take up the mantle of the wild spellcaster, e nd of your next turn, t he target ca nnot ta ke Immediate
possibly because a half-elf's naturally diplomatic nature actions or opportunity actions.
finds itself at odds with the tempestuous nature that Cosmic Magic: If yo u use this power w hile you a re in the
phase of the stars, t he target is dazed un til the e nd of your
many sorcerers exhibit. However, a few half-elves glory
next turn.
in the riotous presence that most sorcerers seem to cul-
tivate. With a half-elf's ability to learn any attack power
from a class other than hi s or her own, half-elves who
choose the sorcerer class might take an at-will power
from the paladin, t he warlock, or some othe r class
whose powers primarily draw upon Charisma in order
to broaden their abilities.

C HAPT E R 2 I S o rcerer
Downbeat of Wings Sorcerer Attack 1 3 VI
YOU8ive life to a memory of dragons in uleform of phantom Yo ur words ofbrin8forth an explosive doud f rom the Jleart of a W
wings. With a beat of these wings, you send your foe sprawlinB. Bale. Your f oes are JIung about like leaves in a tempest. ~
Encounter+- Arcane, Implement Daily +- Arcane, Implement, Thunder 0
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Standard Action Close burst 3 0.
Target: One creature Target: Each creature in burst cr:
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortit ude Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude cr:
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier damage. and you push the Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you W
target 2 squares and knock it prone. push the target a number of squares equal to your Dex- U
Dragon Magic: You shift a number of squares equal to
your Strength modifier.
terity modifier. The target is slowed (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.

Lightning Daggers Sorcerer Attack 15 W
You call upon the moon and 8ain a fraction ofits stren8 rh. Us- Slivers ofli8htninlJ leap fro m you,formin8 a bona with your foe.
in8 it, )'ou reach out and d utch your foe i.n a cold cage. Periodicalb' you can send another char8e to hock your enemy
Encounter+- Arcane, Cold, Implement Daily +- Arcane, Implement, lightning
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Charisma modifie r cold damage, and the tar- Hit: 2d4 + Charisma modifier lightning damage.
get is restrained until the e nd of your next turn. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can repeat the
Cosmic Magic: If you use this power while you are in the attack as a free action once per round during your turn.
phase of the moon, the attack deals extra damage equal to
your Strength modifie r. Prismatic Lightning Sorcerer Attack 1 S
Your words summon a storm of multicolored bolts. Some sear.
Primordial Storm Sorcerer Attack 1 3 others burn, and a few strike your foes blind.
You pull a fra8ment of the Elemental Chaos into the world and Daily +- Acid, Arcane, Cold, Implement, lightning,
let its fury wash Ollfr yourfoes. Psychic
Encounter+- Arcane, Cold, Fire, Implement, lightning, Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Thunder Target: Each creature in burst
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude, Reflex, or Will (choose one
Target: Each creature in burst defense for each target)
Storm Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in Hit (Fortitude): 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning dam -
the origin square of the burst. age, and ongoing 10 add damage (save ends).
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Hit (Reflex): 3d6 + Charisma modifie r cold and lightning
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier lightning and thunder dam- damage. and the target is immobilized (save ends).
age. At the start of the target's next t urn , it takes 5 cold Hit (Will): 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning and psychic
and fire damage. damage, and the target is blinded until the end of your
Wild Magic: If you rolled an eve n numbe r on the attack next turn.
roll, th e target takes 10 cold and fire damage at t he start of Mis.s (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will): Half damage.
its next turn instead of 5. If you rolle d an odd number on
the attack roll, th e target is also slowed until the e nd of its
As with half-elves, some humans are capable of absorb-
LEVEL 15 DAILY SPELLS ing new customs and new modes of thinkIng with ease.
Sorcery, w it h its wild and blood-linked powers, is an
Day and Night Sorcerer Attack 1 5 arcane skill t hat humans seem particularly adept at
Your arcane litany calls a blaze ofbrilliance and a.shroud of learning. Indeed, for many, picking up sorcery doesn't
chill shadow across your foe ill quick succession. require forma l instruct ion but instead merely listening
Daily+- Arcane, Cold, Implement Radiant to urges encoded in their blood (for those lucky enough
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 to have the potential for sorcery). Whereas human wiz-
Target: One creature ards, sword mages, and even warlocks are proud of their
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude particular learning, human sorcerers feel a specia l pride
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage, and the of their own that t heir magic comes naturally. Some
target is dazed (save ends).
take this feeling further and are conceited about their
Miss: Charisma modifier radiant damage.
Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target.
inborn talent.
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target
is immobilized (save e nds).
Miss: Charisma modifie r cold damage.

CHAP T E R 2 I S orcerer
LEVEL 16 UTILITY SPELLS Breath of Potency Sorcerer Utility 16
You cal1 upon your dracorlic !inease to bolster you asainst
Avatars of Chaos Sorcerer Utility 1 6 harm.
YOIL bri«ifl-y embody four principles of chaos, clil'idin8 yourself Daily. Arcane
into a quartet of poles, each of which is charBed with a pacem Standard Action Personal
threat. Effect: Until the end ofthe encounte~ you gain a + 1 power
bonus to all defenses. Whenever you use an arcane close
Daily. Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Force, lightning,
attack, this bonus is equal to your Strength modifier until
the end of your next turn.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You conjure images of yourself in 4 unoccupied,
nonadjacent squares within 10 squares of you, and Dominant Winds Sorcerer Utility 16
then you disappear from the world. Each round at the Hiler winds curl out of nowhere and lift )'ou or an ally briefly
start of your turn, choose one of the four images. Your into the air.
essence occupies that image, allOWing you to act normally At-Will. Arcane
(Including moving and making attacks). Move Action Close burst 5
When you conjure each image, choose a keyword for Target: You or one ally in burst
it from among fire, force, lightning, and psychic You can t Effect: The target can fly a number of squares equal to
choose the same keyword twice. While you occupy an your Dexterity modifier as a free action.
image, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when you use a
power that has a keyword that matches that image.
Each image lasts until the end of the encounter, until it
Thunder Buffer Sorcerer Utility 1 6
is destroyed, or until you dismiss it. Each image occupies Distant thunder 8Yumbles around you, Clnd ),ou can unleash it
1 square, and creatures cannot move through an image's asainst art attacker 10 hlock the creature backward.
space. An image can be targeted by attacks and uses your Daily. Arcane
defenses. Each image (including the one you occupy) has Minor Action Personal
1 hit point, and a missed attack never damages an image. Effect: Until the end of the encounte~ you gain a + 2 power
An image is destroyed if it is reduced to 0 hit points or bonus to AC and as an immediate reaction you can push
fewer. If you occupy an image when it is destroyed, you can each enemy that hits you with a melee attack a number
immediately move to any other image still present. If you of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
occupy the last remaining image when it is destroyed, you
reappear in that square.
As a minor action, you can dismiss all remaining images
and reappear in any square that was occupied by an image
when you took this action.
The Duel Arcane was the event in the city. Held every three "... BEGIN!" bawled the judge. A puff of sulfurous smoke
years, it afforded the city a wonderful influx of business as from a magical duel being conducted in an adjacent sand-
sorcerers wizards, and not a few charlatans descended pit washed across Harper, who actually mew led in terror.
on the city. Inns were full, and business in the bazaar was What's up with this BUY? wondered the sorcerer. Per-
brisk. Outfitters of all types expected booming sales. The haps Harper was newer to the craft even than Hennet. He
city welcomed the arcanists with open arms (especially shrugged, and whispered elements of a song that always
famous and rich arcanists). Shops and merchants scram- rang in his blood. Infused by magic from his waving finger-
bled to expand their inventory of magical implements, tips, the sound was transformed. A low growl, as of a lion
components, reagents, and other needful things while catching scent of its prey, issued from his open mouth.
the Duel ran. Inflated prices for rare components was a Hennet moved his hands even farther apart. As he
possibility every attending mage expected. did so, the growl's volume increased, becoming the ear-
For the young human sorcerer named Hennet, it shattering roar of a great cat screaming in triumph.
was almost too much. But he had paid his entry fee. The judge stepped back, nearby competitors stumbled
He had traveled to the city. Now all that remained was in the midst of their spells, and Harper was pushed out of
the Duel. the dueling circle.
Hennet's first competitor was a salt-bearded fellow The round was Hennet's. Even better; he had used the
called Harper. Harper stood in the circle across from first spell that he had ever mastered, one that had stolen
him darting glances to and fro. Sweat beaded the man's into his mind on the eve of his thirteenth birthday. He had
brow, and he rubbed his hands incessantly. Hennet's own used it often since then. But, he had to admit, never before
nervousness faded somewhat at seeing his competitor with such perfection.
so shaken. He restrained himself from offering the man It was going to be a good day.
encouragement. This was a competition, after all. - Adapted from Oath ofNerull by T. H. Lain-Cordell

CH A PTEH 2 I Sorcerer
L EVEL 17 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Thunderstroke Sorcerer Attack 1 7
A stroke ofli8htllin8 strikes yow'foe from overhead,follolVed by u..
Acid Shackles Sorcerer Attack 1 7 a concussive boom. 3:
Caustic words cracklefromyour mouth, takin8 physicalfonn Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Thunder oCl.
UTound yourfoes as bands of acid that further punish those Wll0 Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
move. Target: Each creature in burst uJ
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex c.c:
Encounter. Acid, Arcane, Implement IJ.j
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage. A target
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
in the origin square of the burst also takes 3d8 lightning u
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
damage. "o
Storm Magic: A target hit by this power is also knocked \I)
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier acid damage. If the target
moves before the end of its next turn, it takes 10 acid 3:uJ
Wild Magic: If you hit and you rolled an even number on LEVEL 19 DAILY SPELLS
the attack roll, add your Dexterity modifie r to the acid
damage dealt if the target moves before the end of its next Aspect of the Dragon Sorcerer Attack 19
turn. If you hit and you rolled an odd number on the attack
roll, one enemy within 2 squares of the target takes acid
YOllrfonn wavers and is rep/clced by a dra80n that releases a
damage equal to your Dexterity modiAer.
scourin8 blast offire. Dependil18 on the course of the battle. it
mi8h.t another appearance.
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast S
Blue claws ofliahtnin8 materialize around you and slash at foes Target: Each enemy in blast
that too close. Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Lightning Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier Are damage.
Standard Action Close burst 2 Miss: Half damage.
Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: The Arst time you become bloodied during the en-
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex counter, repeat the attack as a free action.
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modiAer lightning damage. If the tar- Dragon Magie: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with
get ends its next turn within 2 squares of you , it takes S this repeated attack.
lightning damage.
Dragon Magic: If the target ends its next turn within 2 Crashing Winds Sorcerer Attack 19
squares of you, it takes lightning damage equal to 5 + your
Dexterity modifier.
Everythin8 standin8 nearyo u is battered and knocked away.
and the win.ds continue to swirl in your vicinity.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Searing Radiance Sorcerer Attack 1 7
Standard Action Close blast 3
YOlt borrow a bi! of tile sun's radiance and llllr! it at your foe. Target: Each creature in blast
Encounter. Arcane, Healing, Implement, Radiant Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Ranged 10 Hit: 5d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage.
Target: One creature Miss: Half damage.
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Effect: You push the target a number of squares equal to
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. your Dexterity modifier.
Cosmic Magic: If you use this power while you are in the Storm Magic: Until the end of the encounter, at the start of
phase of the sun, you can spend a healing surge. your turn, you push each enemy adjacent to you a number
of squares equal to your Dexte rity modifier.
Stalking Frost Sorcerer Attack 1 7
\ wa,ve ofutter cold sweeps outward seepi118 in to the bones DWARF SORCERERS
ojyour foes. ifyour enemies dOIl't move, the cold Brows more
deadly. Not many dwarves are drawn to t he arcane wildness that
seems to be part and parcel of most kinds of sorcerers. On
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 3 the other hand, dwarves are known as a steady, endur-
Target: Each creature in burst ing people, and many dwarves are attracted to sorcery's
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude cosmic magic with its reliance on cycles, seasons, and
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier cold damage. If the target steady revolutions. The fraction of dwarves who learn sor-
does not end its next turn at least 4 squares away from cery but who take up wild magic, storm magic, or dragon
where it started its turn, it takes 10 cold damage.
magic are considered to be quite odd by other dwarves
who come across them. Which is rather the whole point.
most likely.

CH A PTE R 2 I Sorcerer
Primordial Slime Sorcerer Attack 19 Flight of Dragons Sorcerer Utility 22
With a flick ofyour wrist, you shoot an ooze at yonr foe. Vi/hen Afli8ht of phantom dra80ns swoops down and 8athers up you
the ooze stri~es, the creature be8ins to take on a8elatinous and your allies, bearin8 all ofyou aloft.
co nsistenC)f. Daily. Arcane
Daily. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Polymorph Standard Action Close burst 2.
Standard Action Ranged 5 Target: You and each ally in burst
Target: One creature Effect: Each target gains a fly speed equal to his or her speed
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude until the end of your next turn.
Hit: The target is slowed, cannot take standard actions, Sustain Minor: The effect perSists. When you fail to sus-
and takes half damage from melee and ranged attacks tain this power. each target floats to the ground without
(save ends all). taking falling damage.
Aftereffect: The target is slowed and takes ongOing 10 Dragon Magic: Each target gains resist 10 to your choice
acid damage (save ends both). of acid, cold, fire, pOison, lightning, or thunder while you
Wild Magic: If you rolled an even number on the attack sustain the effect.
roll, the target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until the
aftereffect ends. If you rolled an odd number on the at· Storm Body Sorcerer Utility 22
tack roll, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until
The spirit of the storm en8ulfs you, and you become as the wind
the aftereffect ends.
and li8htnin8, heedl.ess oj the earth and dall8erous to the t.ouch.
Miss: The target is slowed and takes ongOing 1 0 acid
damage (save ends both). Encounter. Arcane, lightning
Move Action Personal
Effect: Vou become Insubstantial until the sta rt of your
Radiant Wings Sorcerer Attack 19
next turn and can fly 10 squares with this move action.
You rise inw the air, borne aloft by rays of80lden sunli8ht that Each creature that makes a melee attack against you
simultaneouslY blast)'our fo e. during this move takes lightning damage equa l to your
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Radiant Charisma modifier.
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature Ultimate Resistance Sorcerer Utility 2. 2.
Effect: Before the attack, you can fly a number of squares
You become sheathed in sea1es of black white. blue, 01' some
equal to your Strength modifier.
other hue. and you8ain mi8hty resistance.
Cosmic Magic: At the end of this movement , each crea·
ture adjacent to you takes fire and radiant damage equal Daily. Arcane
to your Strength modifier. Minor Action Personal
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain resist 30
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier fire and radiant damage. against a damage type of your choice: acid, cold, fire,
Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, repeat the force, lightning, necrotic, pOison, psychiC, radiant, or
effect. thunder. Once per round as a minor action, you can
change the resistance to another of these types.


Crown of Flames Sorcerer Utility 22
You adam ),ourselfwith a halo offire that flickers and dances.
Rumbling Storm Bolt Sorce re r Attack 2. 3
Whenever your lesser spells fail , the flam es lick your fo es. You strike a foe witl1 li8Mtnin8, sendin8 it. sta88erln8. Then a
thunder wave rons in, slnasilin8 InlO a nearby creature.
Daily. Arcane, Fire
Minor Action Personal Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Thunder
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you miss Standard Action Ranged 20
with a sorcerer at-will or encounter attack power, the Primary Target: One creature
target takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, and you
slide the target a number of squares equal to your Dex·
HALFL1NG SORCERERS terity modifier. Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: One creature within 10 squares of the
Despite what some might think, halflings are drawn to the
primary target and in the primary target's line of sight
sorcerer class for several reasons. First, all sorcerers ben- Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
efit from naturally high Charisma scores, which halflings Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you
possess in spades. Second, the volatile nature that might knock the target prone.
sour other races on the class only serves to draw some
halflings to the class all the more fiercely. Furthermore, a
halfling's Small size is no detriment to taking up sorcery
because two-handed weapons are not associated with
the class. And, as with anything, a little luck never hurts.
Halflings who become sorcerers are most likely to favor
wild magic or storm magic.

HAPT E R 2 I Sorcerer

Aflare of sparks shoots outfrom your hand and hits Ihe aTound "
in your enemies' midst, explodilla with a roar. Acid Typhoon Sorcerer Attack 25 3
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Lightning A curlina wave of acid rolls into the world from the Elemental
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares Chaos, dissolvil18 thefl esh of creatures that stand ill ),our way
Target: Each creature in burst CC
Daily. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Thunder UJ
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex c:::
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares UJ
Hit 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage.
Target: Each creature in burst U
Storm Magic: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a fly
Storm Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in 0:
speed equal to your speed, and you can hover.
the origin square of the burst. o
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude

With the f orce of the solaT tide,)'ou blast your foe with aaout of
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier acid and thunder damage, 3UJ
and ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends).
eneI'm' that requires both endurance and quickness to withstand. Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Radiant
Standard Action Ranged 20 Cloak of Winter Storm Sorcerer Attack 25
Target One creature
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Cold explodes around ),011, and the air coalesces into whirlina
Hit 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
shards of ice.
target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Daily. Arcane, Cold, Implement, Zone
Effect: Make a secondary attack against the target. Standard Action Close burst 3
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Effect: The burst creates a zone of floating ice shards that
Hit 3d6 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. lasts until the end of the encounter. Each enemy that
Cosmic Magic: If you hit with both attacks you can change enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 2d6 + your
your phase in the cosmic cycle to the phase of the sun or Charisma modifier cold damage and is slowed until the
the phase of the stars. end of its turn.

Fury of Dragotha Sorcerer Attack 25

You scream an arcane word that resonates in your foes' minds. A vision oJDraaotha, a'nlmdead draaon,fllls ),our siaht. You
The world around you then fractures, causina space to dis ton. borrow a f raamem of its breath weapon to unleash a rottina
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation blast
Standard Action Close burst 3 Daily. Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Target: Each creature in burst Standard Action Close blast 5
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Target: Each creature in blast
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
teleport the target a number of squares equal to your Hit: 5d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.
Dexterity modifier. Miss: Half damage.
Wild Magic: If you rolled an even number on the attack Dragon Magic: Until the end of the encounter, each crea-
roll, the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. ture that starts its turn adjacent to you takes necrotic
If you rolled an odd number on the attack roll , you can damage equal to your Strength modifier.
teleport the target an additionall d4 squares.
Leaping Lightning Sorcerer Attack 25
Wyrmblight Sorcerer Attack 23
Storm bolts leap toward ),our enemy A fo e too close to ),ourjirst
V\Tith a draconic roar, ),01l100se a blast offire laced with black
victim suffers a discllaJ'aill8 !ialltnin8 blast for its trouble.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Lightning
Encounter. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Ranged 20
Standard Action Close blast 5
Primary Target: One creature
Target Each creature in blast
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage, and
Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier fire and poison damage.
ongoing 1 0 lightning damage (save ends). Whenever
the target takes the ongOing lightning damage, make a
ELF AND ELADR1N secondary attack as a free action.
Secondary Target: One creature within lO squares of the
SORCERERS primary target and in the primary target's line of Sight
Few elves or eladrin choose the path of the sorcerer. How- Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex.
ever, the high Dexterity of both races provides an edge to Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier lightning damage.
Miss: Half damage.
elf or eladrin sorcerers who choose wild magic or storm
magic. Since sorcerers are limited to wearing cloth armor,
Dexterity is also quite useful for defensive purposes. An
elf's wild step racial trait and an eladrin's fey step racial
trait are both good for getting away from an enemy's
melee attack in order to cast a spell.

H APTE R 2 I Sorcer e r
Wrathful Vapors Sorcerer Attack2S
Vapors shaotforthfrom your outstretched arms, jreezina or Your f oes are captivated by a vision of the moon, cold and en·
swrcll in8 each enemy they hit. aurin8. The imaae strikes tIleir hearts, leavina them paralyzed.
Daily + Acid, Arcane, Cold, Implement, lightning, Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Implement
Thunder Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Target: Each creature in burst
Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude or Re flex (choose one Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target
defense for each target) is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Hit {Fortitude}: 3d6 + Charisma modifier cold and thund e r Cosmic Magic: If you use this powe r while you are in the
damage, and you slide the targe t a numb e r of squares phase of th e moon , t he target is rest raine d instead of
equal to your Dexterity modifier. immobilize d.
Hit (Reflex): 3d6 + Charisma modifie r lightning damage.
Each creature adjacent to the target takes 2d6 + your
Dexterity modifier acid damage.
A talon af f orce sJaS/les at a foe that threatens you, then pushes
Miss (Fortitude or Reflex): Half damage.
you back to safety like a ara80n matriarch protectin8 its youna.
Encounter + Arcane, Force, Implement
LEVEL 27 ENCOUNTER SPELL S Immediate Reaction Melee 1
Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with a melee attack
Chaos Infusion Sorcerer Attack 27 Target: The triggering enemy
You puncture the weLlls between the Elemental Chaos and your Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
own plane, unleashin8 an elemental f orce that ovenvhelrns fo es. Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier force damage, and you
can shift a number of squares equal to your Charisma
Encounter + Arcane, Fire, Force, Implement, lightning,
modifie r.
Dragon Magic: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
with this power.
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex .

Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier fire, force, lightning, and Overpowering lightning Sorcerer Attack 27
psychic damage. 1'\ blast ofliahtnina overwhelms your foe sizzlina across its fl esh
Wild Magic: Until the end of your next turn , whe n you use and rendin8 its senses bereft off Wlcnon.
a powe r t hat grants an additional benefit on an odd or an Encounter + Arcane, Implement, lightning
eve n di e roll, gain th e be nefit of both th e eve n and the odd Standard Action Ranged 20
die results. If you can' t gain both be nefits, choose one. Target: One creature
Attack: Cha risma vs. Re flex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifie r lightning damage, and the
target is stunne d unt il t he e nd of your next turn.

C H A PT E R 2 I Sorc e rel"
Thunderous Might Sorcerer Attack 27 Hellish Firestorm Sorcerer Attack 29 I/)
AforceJuI thundercloud smashes ill to YOlIl'foes, bruising rheir You call up (he heart of afirestormfrom the Elemental Chaos w
flesh. and sendin8 them and drop the devastatin8 phenomenon upon your foes. $
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder Daily" Arcane, Fire, Implement, Thunder oc..
Standard Action Area burst' within 20 squares Standard Action Area burst 2 with 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst Target: Each creature in burst ~
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Storm Magic: You can choose not to target a creature in ~
Hit: 4dB + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you the origin square of the burst. w
slide the target a number of squares equal to your Dex- Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude U
terity modifie r. Hit: 3dl 0 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and on- oV1
Storm Magic: The target grants combat advantage to the going 10 fire damage (save ends).
next ally of yours who attacks it before the end of your Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
next turn. $
LEVEL 29 DAILY SPELLS Your foe's mind is like the ocean, able to be ilifluenced by cosmic
forces. By wieLding thoseforces, ),011 can seize control of it.
Cosmic Vengeance Sorcerer Attack 29 Daily" Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Your foes become l.ocked to the cycle of the sun, the moon, and Standard Action Ranged 20
tlte stars. This connection makes them suffer for attacking you. Target; One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Daily .. Arcane, Implement; Varies
Hit; 4dB + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
Minor Action Personal
target is dominated (save ends).
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, an enemy within
Aftereffect; The target is dazed (save ends).
5 squares of you that hits you with an attack ta kes cold,
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of
psychic, or radiant damage (your choice with each hit)
your next turn.
equal to your Charisma modifier. If that hit was also a
critical hit, the enemy also takes ongoing 5 damage of
the corresponding type (save ends). WyrmForm Sorcerer Attack 29
Cosmic Magic: Add your Stre ngth modifier to the damage Your heart is that of an andent dragon and TIO\II your bod)' is
dealt to an enemy that hits you. as well.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Polymorph; Varies •
Doom of Chaos Sorcerer Attack 29 Minor Action Personal
Youyell a word ofancient ori8in. Upon hearin8 it, your foe uc- Requirement; Yo u must not be bloodied.
ClImbs to the primeval ener8)' of chaos. Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you are
bloodied, you take the form of a huge black, blue, green,
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Psychic
red or white dragon (your choice when you use this pow-
Standard Action Ranged 20
er). You retain your statistics, hit points, and defenses,
Target: One creature
but you have a speed of B, fly 10 (hover). You can use
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
your arcane powers while in this form, and you gain the
Hit: 2dB + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and ongOing
following melee basic bite attack, breath weapon attack,
5 psychic damage (save ends).
and reactive attack.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, at the start of each
Melee Basic Bite Attack: Standard action; reach 2; your
of the target's turns but before it takes any ongoing dam·
level + 7 vs. AC; 3d' 0 + Charisma modifier damage. This is
age, choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. The
not an imple ment attack.
target gains vulnerable' 0 to t hat damage type until the
Breath Weapon Attack: Standard action; close blast
start of its next turn. If the target is still taking ongoing
S once per encounter; Charisma vs. Fortitude; SdB +
psychic damage from this power, it gains vulnerable' 5
Charisma modifier acid, lightning, pOison, fire, or cold
psychic instead.
damage (based on the form you choose).
Wild Magic: If you rolled an even number on the attack
Reactive Attack: Immediate reaction, when an enemy
roll, you can apply the effect to a creature within' 0
flanks you; make a melee basic bite attack. On a hit, you
squares of the target instead of to the target. If you rolled
also slide the ta rget a number of squares equal to your
an odd number on the attack roll, you can apply the effect
Charisma modifier.
to each creature adjacent to the target instead of to the
Dragon Magic: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls on the
attacks granted by this power.

Tieflings have high Charisma, which is the primary score
for sorcerers. like halflings, some tieflings are especially
drawn to the tempestuous nature of sorcery and the
image some sorcerers cultivate as carefree yet resonating
with barely contained power.

C HA'PTER 2 I S orc e r er
whether your heart yet shelters a warm hearth for
those you na me friend.


Icy Action (11th level): Whenever you spend an
"Winter freezes jlesll and scours the earth with icy winds action point to make an attack, each creature you hit
that shriek through hedgerows and mountain passes alike. I or . with the attack is slowed (save ends).
can't think of anything more poetic." Walk through Winter (11th level): While you
are immobilized, you can shift 1 square. WIllie you
Prerequisite: Sorcerer are slowed, your speed is 3 instead of2.
Chill Winds (16th level): Whenever you score a
In the frozen wastes, and in the frost-blasted fields criticaJ hit, you can slide any single creature within
of winter, you feel at home_ You find the cold, harsh 10 squares of you 1 quare.
condition hospitable, even comforting_ You can pull
winter storms from across the world, or even from the
ElementaJ Chaos, and llse them to min your enemies. BUZZARD MAGE SPELLS
When you attack your body is covered with ice
crystaJs, and your skin paJes_ Your spells fill the air Winter's Clutch Blizzard Mage Attack 11

around you with blowing snow or hail, and powerful Your hand is coated in frost as you sweep it ill frOtlt ofyou, en-
casitl8 nearby creatures in chillin8 wi tid and sheets qf ice.
winds whip up.
The blizzard is your best friend and your most Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
ferocious servitor. With its aid, you move creature
Target: One creature
about inside killing blasts and knock them down with Attack; Charisma vs. Reflex
freezing vortexes of driving snow and ice_ Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier cold damage. You slide the
Is it a ny wonder that your heart ha grown cold target 1 square and the target is immobilized until the
too? It is up to you whether your nature grows more end of your next turn. Also, you slide each ally within 20
and more a]ooflike the bleak season you embody, or squares of you 2 squares.

Cloak of Freezing Wind Blizzard Mage Utility 12

The icy chill ofwi titer surrounds YOlL as cold , whippi118 wind
protects you from at/"acks.
Daily + Arcane, Cold
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each creature that
hits you with a melee attack takes 1 d8 + your Charisma
modifier cold damage, and you push that creature 1 d4 +
2 squares.

Bli rd Blizzard Mage Attack 20

A chaotic swirl bw·sts out from you, blif.fetin8 everyone nearby
with wind and ice.
Daily + Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 1 0
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit 4d1 0 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and you
knock the target prone.
Effect: Each ally in the burst gains resist 10 cold until the
end of the encounter.
Until the end of the encounter, you are surrounded by
freezing wind and snow. At the start of each of your turns,
each ene my within 10 squares of you takes 2d6 cold
damage, and you slide it 2 squares.




CHAPTEH 2 I Sorcerer
teleport a nu mber of squares equal to your Strength III
CELESTIAL SCHOLAR modjfjer as a free action. You can also teleport as an 1:
UIn the sun's 80lden hall I blaze with li8ht. In the moon's immediate reaction after an attack hits YOlL ~
chambers, I be8tlile the mind. In [he firmament, Celestial Defense (16th Level): When you are
1 am the bri8htest star." in the pha e corresponding to your Phase Focus, you z
gain a +2 bonu to all defense.
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic clas «
The tradition of the cele tial scholar is more aca- c:::
demic than the paths of other cosmic sorcerers and
Celestial Sigil Celestial Scholar Attack 11 UJ

defInitely more cerebral than the path of other An arcane pattern appears briEifly on your arms as you snatch
power from rhe cosmos and hurl it COlVard afoe.
types of sorcerers. You plot the courses of the stars U
Encounter. Arcane, Implement; Varies c:::
and other celestial bodies, and through this knowl -
Standard Action Ranged 20 o
edge you gain access to a well of power as vast as the
Target: One creature
rught sky. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage
CELESTIAL SCHOLAR PATH FEATURES Effect: If you hit with this power, you gain an effect based
Celestial Action (11th level): When you pend on your current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase.
Phase of the Sun: Enemies within 2 squares of you
an action point to take an extra action you gain a
take fire and radiant damage equal to your Strength
+2 honu to attack rolls and damage rolls with cold modifier.
psycruc, and rad iantpowers until the end of your Phase of the Moon: Adjacent enemies take radiant
next turn. damage equal to your Strength modifier and take a - 2
Cosmic Concordance (11th level): When yo u penalty to saving throws until the end of your next turn.
use a daily arcane attack power and choose to change Phase of the Stars: You teleport a number of squares
your Soul ofthe Cosmic Cycle phase you can change equal to your Strength modifier as a free action.
to either of the two other phases.
Phase Focus (11th level): One of your Soul of Celestial Resistance Celestial Scholar Utility 1 2
the Cosmic Cycle phases becomes more powerful. You transform your resistance to ward a8ainsl a different kind
Choose one of the following benefits. of threat.
Blazin8 Sun: At the start of your turn 'I;",hile you are Encounter. Arcane
in the pha e of the un, each enemywithjn 2 quares Free Action Personal
Effect: You can change the resistance granted by your
of you takes fire and radiant damage equal to your
current Soul of the Cosmic Cycle phase to the type of a
Strength modifier. different phase (cold, psychic, or radiant), or you can in·
Watchin8 Moon: While you are in the phase of the crease your resistance against the current type by S. This
moon each enemy adjacent to you that faHs a saving benefit lasts until you change your phase.
throw takes radiant damage equal to your Strength
modifier. Celestial Seal Celestial Scholar Attack 20
Distant Stars: 'vVhenever you are in the phase of Your foe is surrounded by celestialli8hls and held in place by
the stars and an enemy's attack misses you you can cosmic bindin8s.
Daily. Arcane, Implement; Varies
Standard Action Ranged 20
THE THREE 'PHASES Target: One creature
Each celestial scholar focuses on one of the three cosmic Attack: Charisma vs. Will
phases. Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier damage. For this attack's
Blazing Sun: Followers of the phase of the sun wear damage, choose two damage types from among cold,
white and gold robes with ostentatious jewelry. SOcially, psychic, and radiant.
they favor blunt tactics (such as using Intimidate), and Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is immobilized (save ends). This effect
they can be incendiary and obstinate. However, some are
has an additional benefit based on your current Soul of
capable of surprising warmth. the Cosmic Cycle phase.
Watching Moon: Masters of subtlety, followers of the Blazing Sun: The target takes fire and radiant damage
phase of the moon wear black and silver, preferring flow- equal to your Strength modifier.
ing, high-collared robes. They are SOCially adept (favoring Watching Moon: The target takes a -2 penalty to all de-
Bluff and Diplomacy). fenses until the end of its next turn.
Distant Stars: Aloof and detached, these followers Distant Stars: You teleport the target 3 squares.
of the phase of the stars prefer ancient lore over social
skills. They wear dark, conservative clothing with little

CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
DRAGON GUARDIAN Indomitable Breath (16th level): When you
make an attack roU with a close blast power, you
"The draa on's traits are mine- its breath, its strenath, and ignore any resistance and immunity that creatures
its ability to withstand harm. With such weapons, who can
have to the attack.
hope to withstand me?"

Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Dragon Magic class DRAGON GUARDIAN SPELLS

Guardian's Breath Dragon Guardian Attack 11

D ragons a re your legacy. You embody one of the harm your fo es by breathina 011 them.jorcin8 them to suc-

manifestations of draconic might. The sheer physi - cumb to your power.

cal power of dragons inspires you. Your foes glimpse Encounter + Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
these truths when you demonstrate your powers.
Target: Each enemy In blast
You have studied the movements and strategies of Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
dragons as they fight, both when you heard or read Hit: ldl 0 + Charisma modifier damage. Until the e nd of
about dragon in epic stories and on a few occasions your next turn, the target is marked and has vulnerable 5
when you were menaced by one. You are drawn to to your attacks. Until the mark ends, if t he target makes
dragons' lairs or other places where dragons congre- an attack that does not include you as a target, it takes
gate, eager to learn more about the mighty bea ts that damage eq ual to 2d6 + your bonus from Draconic Powe r
after the attack is resolved.
are yOUT personal idol .

Shield of Dragon Might Dragon Guardian Utility 12

You breathe out a shield of ener8Y in response to an attack, and
PATH FEATURES it continues to protect you.
Dragon Breath Action (11th level): When- Daily. Arcane
ever you spend an action point to make a close blast Immediate Interrupt Personal
attack, the attack can score a critical hit on a roll of Trigger: You are hit by an attack
16-20. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you ga in a +1 power
Guardian's Resistance (11th level): Choose bonus to all defenses, and the resistance granted by yo ur
Dragon Soul also applies to another damage type of your
acid, cold, fire, lightning, pOison, or thunder. Add
choice (acid, cold, fire, lightn ing, pOison, or thunder).
that damage type to the resi tance granted by your
Dragon Soul. You can't choose a damage type that
Lasting Breath Dragon Guardian Attack 20
your Dragon Soul already grants you resistance to.
You exhale a bIas! of powerful dra80nfire thaI scours your foes
and draws their attention to you.
Daily + Arcane, Implement; Variable
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: ld1 0 + Charisma modifier damage, and ongOing dam -
age eq ual to 10 + your Strength modifier, and the ta rget
is marked (save ends both). The damage and the ongOing
damage are of the type associated with your Dragon Sou l
Until the mark e nds, if the target makes an attack
that does not include you as a target, it takes damage
eq ual to Sd6 + your bonus from Draconic Power after
the attack is resolved.
Miss: Half damage.

CHAPTER 2 I Sorceret·
"J am arcana incarnate, and Iknow maBie's true form ." ~
Prerequisite: Sorcerer Z
Your arcane power is innate. An essenti aJ par l of you r l.:l
being i bound to the magic you use. You are capable
of transforming yourse lf into spell energy and warp- <
ing your body into versatile forms. By leamlng to see cr::
inside yourself and reshape your very soul, you tran- UJ
scend the limits of mortality.
Essential Action (11th level): When you spend
an action paint to take an extra action, you ga in a +4
bonu to attack rolls with arcane powers W1tilthe
start of your next turn.
Energy Essence (11th level): If you hit with an
arcane attack power that deals more than one type of
damage, you dealld6 extra damage.
Essential Resistance (16th level): Whenever
you ga in resi tance, increase tJlat resistance by 3 (or
by 4 at 21st level and higher).


Essence of Arcane Blood Essence Mage Attack 11

Essence Form Essence Mage Utility 1 2
Your body vanishes, Jeaving behind a miasma of rippling.
The maBie infused in yOltT being bUTsts fro m YOllr bod)~ rending
sparking arcane energy
your Joe wi th chaotic destruction.
Encounter. Arcane
Encounter. Arcane, Implement; Varies
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Ranged 20
Effect: You become insubstantial until the end of your
Target: One creature
nextturn. If you hit with an arcane power wh ile you are
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
insubstantial, you gain temporary hit points equal to one-
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage. Choose two dam·
half your level + your Charisma modifier.
age types from among acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, ne-
crotic, pOison, psychic, radiant, and thunder. The attack
deals damage of these two types. Unt il the e nd of your Protective Essence Essence Mage Attack 20
next turn, you gain combat advantage against all targets As yOl~strike Ollt with an explosion of maaicalforce, your bod)'
of your arcane attacks. is veiled in swirls of kaleidoscopic color that protect youfro m
Daily. Arcane, Force, Implement
ESSENCE FORM Standard Action Close burst 2
As an essence mage, you might choose to manifest a Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
specific appearance when you use your essence form
Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier force damage.
power. You can base it on a specific damage type you Miss: Half damage.
use often, turning your body into a flickering green fire, Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain resist 5 to
a dark cloud that constantly roars with thunder, or a all damage. Until the end of the encounter, each time you
mass of connected planes of force . Other trappings of use an arcane power, each enemy adjacent to you takes
arcane magic can make for an interesting appearance. damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
You could become a swirl of runes from many differ-
ent scripts, an aurora of multicolored light, or a watery
shape that shimmers with images of hundreds of spell-
casters both alive and dead .

C HAPT EH 2 I Sorcerer
LIGHTNING FURY to lightning as not having that resistance. In addi -
tion, your lightning attack treat each creature that is
"In my chest beats the storm's heart, which churns with immune to lightning as instead having resistance to
80dlike power."
lightning equal to one-half it level.
Lightning Field (16th level): After you hit wilh
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Storm Magic class feature a lightning power, until the end of your next turn,
each enemy that moves into a square adjacent to you
Your greatest joy is the fulfillment you attain through or makes a melee attack against you takes 2d6 + your
your stormy outbmsts. Laughter rumbles from your Dexterity modifier lightning damage.
mouth like thunder when you tear into foes with
blinding bolts that scar the air and corch the earth.
Yom form is cloaked in a shi mmering haze of electric LIGHTNING FURY SPELLS
sparks and bolts that flash out to strike enemies that
threaten you. Furious Bolts lightning Fury Attack 11
When you defeat your foes, the fury in your blood Jaaaed streaks of 1i8htni 118fl)' from your hands and flash be-
subsides into quiescence, but it never moves too far tween several foes.
beneath the surface. Even in your dreams as ou rest, Encounter. Arcane, Implement, lightning
Standard Action Ranged 20
you can sense the thunderheads inside you roiling as
Primary Target: One creature
they wait for the next storm to brew. Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. Make a
Electric Action (11th level): When you spend Secondary Target: One creature within 10 squares of the
primary target
an actIon point to take a n extra action, you deal
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
lightning damage equal to your Dexterity modifier to Hit: 2d4 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. Repeat
one, two or three creature of yom choice witltin 5 the secondary attack against any Single creature you have
square of you. not yet hit with this attack. (You can continue attacking as
Unstoppable Lightning (11th level): Your light- long as you keep hitting and still have targets you haven't
ning attacks treat each creature that has resistance attacked yet.)
Effect: On your next turn, you gain a bonus to your first
attack roll equal to the number of creatures you hit with
furiOUS bolts.

lightning in the Blood lightning Fury Utility 1 2

You feel ener8ized as lightning arcs [hroll8h ),ollr veins and
flashes it! your eyes.
Daily .. Arcane, lightning
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter. your lightning at-
tacks deal an additional die of damage. (The die is the
same size the attack already deals.)

Bolt of Power lightning Fury Attack 20

You call down a tl'emendollS liahtning bolt that crashes into a
klT8e 8HruP offoes and lays waste to them.
Daily" Arcane, Implement, lightning
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d1 0 + Charisma modifier lightning damage. and on-
going 10 lightning damage (save ends). You can choose
to become dazed until the end of your next turn. If you
do so, each creature adjacent to the target takes ongOing
10 lightning damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongOing 5 lightning damage (save

CHAPTER 2 I Sorcerer
Cold: Creatures hit by your attacks are slowed until V'
IMORDIAL CHANNELER the end of your next turn.

-Earth, wind, and water dlurn inside me, yearnina to be free." Fire: Creatures hit by your attacks take ongoing fire <
damage equal to your Dexterity modifier (save ends). '"'"
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Wild Magic c1a s feature Liahtnilla: Creatures bit by yom attacks take a -2 ~
penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. L.:J
Vi aves of cold, fire, Iightrring, and thunder urge Thunder: Creatures hit by your attack are deaf- «
,"itbin you like a roiling elemental contained in ened ( ave ends). ~
h roud ofskjn. YOLI dream of being wept away in a Overwhelming Elements (16th level): W hen- Q.
conflagration whose size will grow w ithout bound ever you hit a creature with an attack that creature's 0::
and one day hreak through planar wall them elves. uJ
resistances are reduced by 10 (minimum 0) until the ,...
You've heard of the ancient one, the primordials end of your next turn.
who forged the world in an elemental explosion. You U
feeJ a kinship to tho e entitie ,and as yOll ga in more
and more power you begin to su.spect you are actu- V'l
ally related to them. J f your suspicion is more than
just conjecture. what does that bode for your future?
Primordial Rage Primordial Channeler Attack 1 1
You let loose a bolt oj pure primordial chaos, and itJeeds off the
effects oJyoul' wild maBie.
PRIMORDIAL CHANNELER Encounter" Arcane, Implement; Varies
PATH FEATURES Standard Action Ranged 20
Primordial Action (11th level): When you spend Target: One creature
an action point to take an extra action, each enemy Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
within 3 squares of you. takes damage equal to your Hit: 2d1 0 + Charisma modifier damage. You gain an addi·
tional benefit based on the resistance currently provided
Dell.'terity modifier. The damage type matches the type
by your Wild Soul.
of resistance currently prOVided by your Wild ouI. Cold: The target is immobilized until the end of your next
Primordial Manifestation (11th level): lfthe turn.
type of res istance currently prOVided by your Wild Fire: You push the target 1 square and knock it prone.
oul is cold, fire, lightning, or thunder, you also gain Lightning: The target is dazed until the end of your next
the benefit described beJow. turn.
Thunder: Each creature adjacent to the target takes
thunder damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Other: The target takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until
the end of your next turn.

Primordial Boon Primordial Channeler Utility 1 2

You exude a shield of enerBY [hat protects you from attacks.
Daily" Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain resist 15 cold, resist 1 5 fire, resist 15 light-
ning. and resist 1 5 thunder until the end of the encounter.

Primordial Rift Primordial Channeler Attack 10

A spout ofmaiter from the Elemental Chaos emer8es in front oj
yuu, blastin8fort11 uncontroTIed mera)'-
Daily .. Arcane Cold, Fire, Implement, Lightning,
Standard Action Close blast 2d6
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier cold, fire, lightn ing, and
thunder damage, and the target is stunned until the end
of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage. and the target is dazed until the end of
your next turn.
Effect: Roll on the Wild Soul table. Until the end of the
encounter, you gain the Wild Soul benefits of both your
current Wild Soul damage type and the new type. (If you
get the same result a second time, roll again.) If a later ef·
feet changes the damage type of your Wild Soul, you can
choose [0 change either one.

HAPTER 2 I Sorcerer

"lUy arcane powers are ancient, passed down

throu8h the centuries so that when I am called to
duty, my wardin8 holds fast."

SWORDMAGES ARE warriors who wield

ancient magic to supplement their martial skills. A
swordmage channels magic through hjs or her word ,
enhancing attacks, bolstering defenses and aiding
allies. Each time a sword mage presses the attack, a
foe must contend not only w ith the bite of steel, but
also with arcs of searing Hre, dazzling di charges of
lightnjng, and cold as chilljJlg as any blizzard.
As a swordmage, you share a bond with your
sword. When you and your sword are separated. you
can caJJ tJle weapon to hand with a mere thought.
Developing this powerful relationship with your
blade is the first step to becoming a swordmage, and
calling the weapon is the first lesson you mastered.
Swordmages are consummate tacticians, and they
recognize the value of teamwork. As a reult, YOll
focus your arcane talents on preserving allies against
foes' attacks. You have learned to create an arcane
link between yourself and your enemy. This ancient
magic is ilie swordmage's aegis, and it allows you to
punish a foe that dares to attack your aJJjes.
Thi s chapter includes the following material.
.. New Class Feature: Using ae&is of e115narernent,
you can compel a foe to move to you just when the
creature think f safe .
.. New Build: Foil your foes with cunning footwork,
entangling spells, and dazzling swordplay as an
ensnaring swordmage .
.. New Swordmage Powers: Capture your enemies
with entrapping powers, glide effortlessly across
the battlefield. or unleash bursts of elemental
magiC. Customize your arcane arsenal for con·
trol or damage .
.. New Paragon Paths: This chapter introduces ••
sLx new wordmage paragon paths. Inscribe
sigils in the air that pwtish your foes , or capital -
ize on an enemy's greatest weaknesses. Stalk the
ether between p lanes, or bend your Sword mage
Warding into a powerful ""eapon. z

C HA PT E R I Swordmane

Instead of selecting the aeBis of s11ieldinB or the aeBis of
assault as your Swordmage Aegis, you can select the
aeBis of ensnarement power.

Aegis of Ensnarement Sword mage Feature

You create an arcane link between yourself and a joe, aJlowin8
)'OU to ensnare that creature.

At·WiII ... Arcane, Teleportation

Minor Action Close burst 2

Target: One creature in burst
Effect: You mark the target. The target remains marked until
you use this power against another target. If you mark
another creature using other powers, the target is still , •, • •
marked. , .
" •
Until the mark ends, if the target makes any attack that •
does not include you as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to ,
the attack roll.
If a target marked by this power is within 10 squares
of you when it hits with an attack that does not include
you as a target, you can use an immediate reaction after
the target's entire attack is resolved to teleport the tar-
get to any space adjacent to you. In addition, the target •
grants combat advantage to all creatures until the end of
your next turn. If no unoccupied space exists adjacent to
you, you can't use this immediate reaction, and the target
doesn't grant combat advantage as a result of this effect.

Suggested Class Feature: ae8is of ensnarement

Suggested Feat: Grasping Ensnal'ement*
The sword mage c1as is featured in the FORGOTTEN Suggested Skills: Arcana Athletics, Endurance,
R EALM Player's Guide. This chapter presents an addi· lnsight
tional swordmage build, the ensnaring swordmage. Suggested At·WilJ Powers:foesnaret. stalker's
The ensnaring swordrnage focuses on battlefield strike*
control and on iJnmobiJizing, slOWing, and knocking Suggested Encounter Power: fox'S feint*
prone enemies. The build is also associated with a Suggested Daily Power: draBon s teet1t*
new aegis, the ae8is of ensnarement, which allows you * ew option presented in this book
to teleport a marked enemy to you. tPresented in the FORGOTTEN REALM Player's Guide

You are a sly hunter who closes in on your prey, pun·
ishing an enemy for any missteps, and hounding it THE MARKED COND1T10N
until it is vanqUished. As an ensnaring swordmage, When you mark a creature, you force it to engage you or
you are a clever defender who ga i ns lhe tactically suffer the consequences. While that creature is marked
advantageou ground in a fight. You circle opponents by you, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for any
and entrap them with careful swordplay, entangling attack that doesn't include you as a target, In addition,
spells, and CUnnUlg feints. You might also charge a powers, class features, magiC item properties, and feats
foe to try to gaiJl tl1e advantage or to keep the crea· might have effects that trigger when the creature takes
ture from your allies. certain actions.
Your lLse of spells to ensnare opponents requires A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time,
physical and mental endurance. Intelligence should and a new mark supersedes a mark that was already in
be yom primary ability score, because it determines place. The effect you use to mark a creature determines
the accuracy and potency of your spells. You should how long the creature remains marked by you. Regardless
also have a high Constitution score to strengthen your of the mark's duration, it ends if someone else marks that
ensnariJ1g spells. creature, unless an effect says otherwise.

CH P TER 3 I Swordmaoe
A swordmage must lise a variety of spells to assault Falcon's Mark Sword mage Attack 1
enemies and protect allies. The sword mage relies on You send your weaponjlyin8 to seek out an enemy beyond your UJ
aeais of shieldina, aeais of assault, or ae8is of ensnare- nomtal reach. Your masie then marks that creature as your foe. LJ
ment as the core ofh1s or her defense. Many powers 0<
Encounter" Arcane, Force, Weapon ~
become more potent depending on a swordmage's Standard Action Ranged 5 o
aegis. An ensnaring swordmage relies on the ae8is of Requirement: You must throw your melee weapon at the cc:
ensnarement to bring an enemy close, but he or she target. o
also lIses powers that immobilize, slow, or oth er wise Target: One creature 3:VI
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Reflex
inhibit the movement of a foe. The powers in this Hit: 1[WJ + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
chapter give the swordmage a more wide-ranging $
target is marked until the end of your next turn. w
suite of options, allowing him or her to focus on spe· Aegis of Ensnarement: You can instead mark the target Z
cific damage types or attack ranges. with your aesis of ensnarement power. Marking the target
does not re move the mark on another target affected by
your ae8is of ensnarement. The mark lasts until the end of
LEVEL 1 AT-WILL S PELLS your next turn.
Effect: Your weapon returns to your hand.
Luring Strike Sword mage Attack 1
You step behind YOlLr foe, strike qUickly. and then dart away. Fox's Feint Sword mage Attack 1
drawi118 the creatUl'e after you.
Your blade dances faster than the eye can follow, s uidil18 your
At-Will .. Arcane, Weapon foe's movement as you attack.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Encounter" Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Target: One creature
Hit: 1 [WJ damage. You shift 1 square and slide the target 1
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
square into the space you occupied.
Hit: 1 [Wl + Intelligence modifier damage, and you can
Level 21: 2[W] damage.
swap positions with the target.
Effect: Before or after the attack, you can shift 1 square.
Aegis of Ensnarement: Until the end of your next turn,
wh e n the target grants combat advantage to an attacker,
LEVEL 1 ENCOUNTER SPELLS that attacker gains a +4 bonus to the attack roll instead of
a +2 bonus.
Blazing Pursuit Sword mage Attack 1
You envelop your blade in fire and then strike. The jlames Sword of Sigils Sword mage Attack 1
create a liu8erin8 path that you. can travel alon8 to catch your As you sweep YOllr blade in a wide arc, itS/ows red and leaves
escapillfJ foe. arcane runes burnin8 ill the a ir a.bove yourfoes.
Encounter" Arcane, Fire, Teleportation, Weapon Encounter" Arcane, Force, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: One creature Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intellige nce vs. AC Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: llWj + Intelligence modifi e r fire damage. If the target Hit: 1 [WI + Inte lligence modifier damage, and the target
is within 5 squares of you at the e nd of its next turn, as is marked until the end of your next turn. Until the mark
a free action you can te leport to a space that must be ends, if the target makes an attack that does not include
adjacent to the target. you as a target, it takes force damage equal to your Intel·
Aegis of Assault: You can teleport to a space adjacent Iige nce modifier after the attack is resolved.
to the target even if you do not have line of Sight to that Aegis of Shielding: If a target marked by this power hits a
space. creature within 10 squares of you with an attack that does
not include you as a target , you can use an immediate inter·
rupt to reduce the damage dealt by that attack to any single
Crackling Burst Swordmage Attack 1
creature by an amount equal to your Constitution modifie r.
Your weal?on sends out spraw/in8 arcs ofli8htn il18 that hi t
nearby creatures, makil18 movement a80nizin8for them.
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Lightning HALF-ELF SWORDMAGES
Standard Action Close burst 1 Half-elves are accomplished diplomats. They naturally
Target: Each creature in burst learn a gamut of skills, and so half-elves viscerally appreci-
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex ate the fusion of magic and swordplay that sword mages
Hit: 1 dB lightning damage. If the target moves during its
employ. They have the physical resilience to make capable
next tum, it takes lightning damage equal to your Intel·
Iigence mod ifier. ensnaring sword mages or shielding swordmages. Many
half-elves take up blade and magic to defend themselves
when traveling th rough hostile lands. -
CHAPTER 3 I Swordma8e
LEVEL 1 DAILY SPELLS Lashing Asp Sword mage Attack 1
A spectral asp winds itself arotmd your sword. With each suc-
Dance of the Sword Sword mage Attack 1 cessfulstrikeyou make, the asp lun8es to attack nearby foes.
Your dllZzlin8 display of swordplay and maBie captivates Daily. Arcane, Poison, Stance
),ourfoes and causes them to neBlea combat tactics and Minor Action Personal
opportunities. Effect: Until the stance ends, wheneve r you hit an e ne my
wit h a melee attack, each enemy adjacent to the target of
Daily. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
that attack takes poison damage equal to your Constitu-
Standard Action Close burst 7.
tion modifi er. Also whenever you hit an enemy marked
Target: Each e ne my in burst
by your Sword mage Aegis power with a melee attack, it
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Will
takes poison damage equal to your Constitution mod ifier.
Hit: 1 d8 + Inte lligence modifier psychic da mage, and the
target cannot make opportunity attacks or shift (save
ends). Sweeping Frostblade Sword mage Attack 1
Miss: Half damage, and unt il t he e nd of your next t urn, th e You.5wmo your blade in a wide circle, unleashino a jreezin8
target cannot make opportunity attacks or shift. II ave that mlmbs nea rby foes.

Daily. Arcane, Cold, Weapon

Dragon's Teeth Swordmage Attack 1 Standard Action Close burst 1
\I\fhen you strike. darts offorce explodef rom your weapon. The Target: Each e nemy in burst
shards dl8 into your foes' flesh, 80adiliB them to move in your Attack: Inte llige nce vs. AC
direction. Hit: 1 [W] + Intellige nce modifi e r cold damage, and the
target is immobilized (save ends).
Daily. Arcane, Force, Implement
Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized unti l the
Standard Action Close blast 5
end of your next turn.
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Inte llige nce modifier force damage. The target L EVEL 2 U TILITY S PELLS
takes damage equal to your Strength modifier if it does
not e nd its t urn adjacent to you (save e nds). Arcane Transport Sword mage Utility 7.
Miss: Half da mage. Yo u extend your maaic to include a nearby friend as you step
throuBh an unseen. arcane corridor.
Daily. Arcane, Teleportation
Free Action Close burst 2
Trigger: You teleport using a sword mage powe r
Target: One ally in burst
Effect.: The ta rget te le ports to a space adjace nt to the
space you tele port to.

Dhal stopped. The t rail ahead twisted into a field of weath- He conjured his arcane warding w ith his free hand, erect-
ered boulders. The great pale stones lay scattered arou nd ing the invisible magical fie ld as a gua rd against some
a fey crossing, a place w he re t he world is warped by the unseen menace.
proximity of the Feywild. He came close to the base of t he mound that marked
The location was a nightly destination for Dhal. He re, the fey crossing. The eladrin sword mage stood on its top,
his instructor tutored hi m in the ways of blade and spell. outlined by the full moon.
Why the e lad ri n had selected Dhal as her sole student, he "Dhal," she said in a solemn voice, "are you ready for
had never learned. The question seemed irrelevant now. your final test7"
She was a sword mage, and she said she was passing her He swallowed nervously, but raised his sword in salute.
craft to him. That was enough for Dhal. "Yes, Teacher."
In the span of a year, he had learned secrets that would "Then prepare yourself."
have turned his parents' hair white. had they still been The wind t urne d colder yet. For a moment, a ll was
alive to care. He had developed his sword bond, mastered silent. Then the boulders around the mound began to
the ancient mysteries of the aegis, and discove red the tremble. All at once, they leapt together like joints on a
power of combining sword and sorcery. closing fist. Dhal cried out in surprise, but his voice was
This night, something seemed different about the boulder blanketed by the t hunder of grind ing stone.
field. A low wind breathed through the stones, whispering A troll of animate rock emerged from the collision of boul-
wamings. The shadows played against the moonlight, cast- ders and, without a moment's hesitation, charged Dhal.
ing bleary silhouettes of things that weren't there Dhal responded instinctively to the attack. Arcane
"Teacher?" Dhal called. power swirled around his blade and outward toward the
A chill gust was his only answer. charging troll, engulfing it in an inferno.
Dhal pulled his sword from its sheath and advanced. The test had begun.

C H A P TE R 3 I S wo 1'dma8e
Channeling Shield Sword mage Utility 2 Dimensional Vortex Sword mage Attack 3 Vl
You throw up a tempora ry shield to absorb some of the power of Lashinn out withyour sword, you wmp space, causinn your foe to UJ
a• foe's attack . appeal' a short distance away and lmleash its attack elsewhere. ~
Encounter" Arcane Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Teleportation o
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1 0 Immediate Interrupt Ranged 1 0
Trigger: An attack hits you or an ally within' 0 squares of Trigger: An enemy hits an ally with a melee attack
Target: The creature hit by the triggering attack
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Effect You reduce the damage the target takes from the Hit: You teleport the target 5 squares. The target then o
triggering attack by 5 + your Constitution modifier. makes its melee attack against a creature you choose. If ex:
Aegis of Shielding: The next successful attack you make no creatures are within range of the target, the attack is o
before the end of your next turn deals extra damage equal expended. ~
to your Constitution modifier. Aegis of Shielding: If the target is marked by your aeais of Vl
shieldina power, the target's melee attack deals extra dam- ~
Ghost Step Sword mage Utility 2 age equal to your Constitution modifier. UJ
Like a 8hos!, YOIl nlide unharmed throuah the battlefield.
Dual Ughtning Strike Sword mage Attack 3
Daily .. Arcane, Stance
Minor Action Personal Like aforked balt ofli8htnil18,youseem to trike two CTeatures
Effect: Until the stance ends. whenever you shift, you can at Ol1ce.
shift 1 additional square. Encounter" Arcane, lightning, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Host of Shields Sword mage Utility 2 Primary Target: One creature
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Yow' weapon pToduces a f ew small, 810IVil18 shields that orbit
Hit: , [WI + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. and
your body and ward offblolVs.
the target is marked until the end of your next turn.
Daily .. Arcane, Stance Effect: You teleport 5 squares and make a secondary attack.
Minor Action Personal Aegis of Assault: The number of squares you teleport
Effect Until the stance ends, you gain a +2 power bonus equals 4 + your Strength modifier.
to AC and ReAex. Secondary Target: One creature other than the primary
Ward of Brilliance Swordmage Utility 2 Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1[WJ + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
A brilliant flash of 1i8h t shields you and blinds your foe.
the target is marked until the end of your next turn.
Daily .. Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Personal
. An enemy marked by you hits you with a melee
Shadow Snake Lunge Sword mage Attack 3
attack Ukethe snadow make, YOUT strike bites wid1 deadly venom.
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex until With each movement YOUT fo e suffers from the poison you
the end of your next turn. Ifthe triggering enemy's attack iriflict
hits you despite the bonus, the ng enemy is Encounter" Arcane, Polson, Weapon
blinded until the end of your next turn. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
HIt: 2[WI + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end
of your next turn, when the target uses a move action, it
Blazing Lunge Sword mage Attack 3 takes poison damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
You 1unne tOlllard your enemy, your blade ablaze \Vith arcane
Encounter" Arcane, Fire, Weapon GODS AND SWORDMAGES
Standard Action Melee weapon Kord, (oreHon, and loun are popular deities among
Target: One creature sword mages because of these gods' influence over war,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
magic, and knowledge, respectively. Avandra is favored by
Hit: 2 [W] + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
some sword mages who travel the world. Vecna seduces
Aegis of Assault: When making an opportunity attack, you
can use this power in place of a melee basic attack. a few swordmages because of his influence over magic
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of and secrets. Those sword mages see worshiping Vecna as
a melee basic attack. a gateway to power.
The Raven Queen counts a handful of sword mages
among her followers, for some view her control over
destiny as a pat h to glory and legend. A few sword mages
prefer to pursue their own fortunes, favoring Sehanine's
doctrine of personal destiny.

H A PT E R 3 I Swordmane
Unseen Gauntlet Sword mage Attack 3 LEVEL 5 DAILY SPELLS
Your words of ma8ic create a 8auntlel'ed hand that wraps
around yoU/Joe, crushi1l8 its windpipe and leavi1l8 it 8aspin8 Dimensional Bond Sword mage Attack 5
for breath.
Your sword tlmlSt connects you with your foe and creates a ai·
Encounter. Arcane, Force, Implement mensiorral bond that allows )'Ou to teleport to its localion.
Standard Action Ranged 5
Daily. Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Target: One creature
Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Target: One creature
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and the
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Aegis of Ensnarement: The attack deals extra damage
Miss: Half damage.
equal to your Constitution modifier,
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can teleport 10
squares as a move action. You must end this movement
GENASl SWORDMAGES adjacent to the target.

Their combination of mental and physical prowess makes

Energy Theft Sword mage Attack 5
genasi perfectly suited to become sword mages. Genasi
You draw on your enemy's natllral resilience to protect your
are also ideal sword mages from an aesthetic standpoint.
allies from hann.
Sword mages can deal a variety of types of damage,
Daily. Arcane, Weapon
and a genasi's ability to manifest elements means that
Standard Action Melee weapon
both body and blade can crackle with lightn ing or burn Target: One creature
with fire. Attack: Inte lligence vs. AC
Genasi have a long tradition of becoming sword- Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
mages. Many genasi repudiate the claim that eladrin Effect: Choose acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poi-
invented the sword mage style. Genasi allege that their son, psychic, radiant, or thunder. The target gains vulner·
earliest ancestors were responsible for the combination able 5 to that damage type (save ends). Each ally within 5
squares of you gains resist 5 to that damage type until the
of magic and blade, though no evidence exists to confirm
end ofthe encounter.
either race's assertion.

CHAPTER 3 I Swordmaac
Enervating Slash Sword mage Attack 5 Unicorn's Touch Sword mage Utility 6 Vl

Your weapon turns pitch black as you strike. The wound it leaves Your blade briefly adopts the appearance of a unicorn hom, "UJ
behilld drail15 your enemy ofstren8rh when it attacks your allies. sendin8 out a focused pulse of curative en erm~ $
Daily . Arcane, Weapon Encounter . Arcane, Healing o0..
Standard Action Melee weapon Minor Action Close burst 1
Target: One creature Target: You or one ally in burst UJ
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Fortitude !J
Hit: 2[Wl + Inte lligence modifie r damage.
Effect: The target e it he r rolls a saving throw or regains hit
points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifie r.
Effect: The target's attacks deal half damage to your allies Cl
(save e nds). Zephyr of the Barren Sands Sword mage Utility 6
Mark of the Hound
You channel t'he power of the desert winds to briefly lift YO LI into $
Sword mage Attack 5 the air. Vl
WidJ a lVicked flo urish. you carve ),our mark inlO theflesh of Encount er . Arcane
)'0 II r foe, enabliJ18 you to fi nd the creature wherever it 8oes.
Move Action Personal
Daily . Arcane, Weapon Effect: You fly a numbe r of squares equa l to your speed. Z
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target : One creature
Attack: Inte lligence vs. AC LEVEL 7 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Hit: 2[Wj + Inte lligence modifie r damage.
Miss: Half damage. Dazing Rebuke Sword mage Attack 7
Effect: Until the e nd of the encounte r, you can automati- Your slVord swin8 unleashes a barra8e oj nettlin8 da rts ojfo rce
cally pinpoint t he location of the target while it is within that punish a foe for attackin8 one ofyour allies.
20 squares of you, eve n if line of Sight or line of effect
Encounter . Arcane, Force, Implement
would norm ally be blocked. You still take any pe nal -
Immediate React ion Ranged 5
ties for any concealm ent or cover that th e creature has
Trigger: An e ne my within 5 squares of you hi ts or misses an
against you. Also, unt il the e nd of the encounte r, you gain
a lly
the be nefi t of flanking against th e ta rget while you and at
Target: The trigge ring e nemy
least one ally are adjacent to th e ta rget.
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. Will
Hit: 1 d8 + Inte llige nce modifier force damage, and th e
Purifying Wound Sword mage Attack 5 targe t is dazed until th e e nd of your next turn.
Your attack.infl iCts a8rievouswound and unleashes a Bout of Aegis of Shielding: The targe t also takes a -2 pe nalty to
fl ame tha t COI15Ul11es your enemy. attack ro lls until the e nd of your next turn.
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Rejuvenating Strike Sword mage Attack 7
Target: One creature Your attack draws life fro m yourfoe s injury and instills you
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. AC with renelVed enerw
Hit: 2[W] + Inte llige nce modifie r damage, a nd ongOing
Encount er . Arcane, Healing, Weapon
5 fire damage (save e nds). When th e target takes the
Standard Action Melee weapon
ongOing fire damage, each enemy adjace nt to t he target
Target: One creature
takes 5 fire damage.
Attack: In tellige nce vs. AC
Miss: Half damage.
Hit: 2[W] + Inte lligence modifier damage. You can spend a
healing surge.
L EVEL 6 U TILITY SPELL S Aegis of Ensnarement: If you spend a healing surge, you
regain additional hit pOints e qual to your Constitution
Quickling Stride Sword mage Utility 6 modifier.

YOll move throlla h the battlefield in a blur.

Encounter . Arcane HALFL1NG SWORDMAGES
Move Act ion Personal Nimble and qUick, halflings rely on agility instead of size.
Effect: You move 1 2 squares.
Although the art of the sword mage is favored chiefly by
eladrin and genasi, the knowledge has percolated through
Sword mage's Decree Sword mage Utility 6
the world, and even a few halflings have picked it up. A
peak ina ancient words of ae8is bindin8, you 10IVer a l11antle of halfling who takes up blade and magic uses size and luck
maaie over your enemies that marks them as your foes.
to great advantage when defending. Rarely a battle goes
Daily. Arcane
by in which a halfling sword mage does not find use for his
Minor Action Close blast 3
or her second chance racial tra it. A halfling who becomes
Target: Each e ne my in blast
Effect: The target is marked by your swordmage Aegis pow- a sword mage is likely to be a shielding sword mage. Upon
er. Marking the ta rget does not remove t he mark on anot h- reaching the paragon tier, a halfling swordmage might
er target already affected by your Sword mage Aegis. If YOll choose the ghost blade paragon path (page 65) because
mark only one target with this power, you do not expe nd of its increased mobility and evasiveness.
the power but ca nnot use it again during this encounte r.

HAPTER 3 I S worama8 e
Shatterblade Sword mage Attack 7 Blade Bolt Sword mage Attack 9
In the blink of all eye, your weapon shatters into thousands of Throwina you'r sword, you tran~form the weapon into a bolt of
pieces that cut yourfoe. The weapon then reforms in yo ur hand. li8htnin8 that cripples )'ow-joe.
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon Daily .. Arcane, Ughtning, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature Requirement: You must throw your melee weapon at the
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC target.
Hit: 1 [W] + In te lligence modifier damage. Each creature Target: One creature
other than you that is adjacent to the target takes Attack: Inte lligence vs. Fortitude
damage equal to your Inte llige nce modifier + your Hit: 2 [W] + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
Strength modifier. th e target is slowed (save ends). Also, the target is
marked by your Swordmage Aegis power. Marking the
Thunderclap Strike Sword mage Attack 7 target does not remove the mark on another target al-
ready affected by your Swordmage AegiS.
Raisin8 your blade,you semI out a clap of thunder that sends Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of
your foes sprawlin8 a noise cascades over {hem. your next turn.
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder Effect: Your weapon returns to your hand.
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each creature in burst
Forceful Dismissal Swordmage Attack 9
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Intellige nce modifier thunder damage, and you Bored with yourfoes, you give them a. dismissive wave with your
knock the target prone. sword tha.t sends them tllmblina to the groulld.
Daily .. Arcane, Force, Implement
Watchful Strike Swordmage Attack 7 Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
As you strikeyour foe. you place anotherfoe under your aeais.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
Standard Action Melee weapon push t he target a number of squares equal to your
Target: One creature Strength modifier and knock it prone.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Hit: 2!Wl + Intelligence modifier damage. One e nemy
within 5 squares of you other than the target is marked
Hellspike Assault Sword mage Attack 9
until t he end of your next turn.
Aegis of Assault: The enemy you mark is marked by your Your blade bursts in10 flame as you stab a fo e. You and the foe
aeais of assault and takes damage equal to your Strength are th en whisked awa), to another enemy
modifier. Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon ,
Primary Target: One creature
LEVEL 9 DAILY SPELLS Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: llw] + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Arcane Deflection Swordmage Attack 9 Effect: Make a secondary attack.
Your weaves in a pattern that deflects attacks directed at Secondary Target: One creature within 5 squares of you
),our nearby allies. other than the primary target
Effect: You teleport to a space that must be adjacent to
Daily .. Arcane, Stance, Weapon
the secondary target. If you hit the primary target, you can
Standard Action Melee weapon
also teleport the primary target to a space adjacent to you.
Target: One creature
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Inte lligence modifier fire damage.
Hit: 21w] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you can make the following
weapon attack.
Immediate Interrupt Personal HUMAN SWORDMAGES
Trigger: An enemy hits an ally who is adjacent to you Like half-elves, humans are able learners and capable
Special: Make an Intelligence attack vs. the triggering of taking qUickly to the skills of the sword mage. Among
enemy's attack roll the many humans inhabiting the world, a few learn this
Hit: The triggering enemy's attack misses the ally.
ancient practice. Often, human sword mages are found-
lings who were raised by eladrin or genasi and taught
the ancient art. These swordmages are proud of their
heritage. and they can become as accomplished as any
eladrin sword mage. Humans do not favor a particular
style of sword mage fighting, instead leaning toward what-
ever technique their attributes fit.

H APT E R 3 I Swo.,.dmane
Tr~1I Rampage Sword mage Attack 9 Unerring Vision Sword mage Utility 1 0 VI
You charae YOllr foe, swinging your weapon savaael)~ As arcane Your ~yes glow silver, piercnlg the veils tha t separate you and w
enerM f uels your cha rge, afew ofyour minor wounds heal. your opponent ~
Daily+- Arcane, Healing, Weapon Daily+- Arcane o0..
Standard Action Melee weapon Minor Action Personal
Target: One creature Effect: Until the end of the encounter; you are automati-
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC cally aware of each creature within 5 squares of you,
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end of including those that are hidden or invisible. You know
the encounter, you gain regeneration equal to 2 + your the squares that any of those creatures occupy, but this Cl
Constitution modifier while you are bloodied. knowledge does not negate the effects of cover, superior 0::
Miss: Half damage. You regain hit points equal to 2 + your cover, concealment, or total concealment. o
Constitution modifier. ~
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of VI
a melee basic attack.
Aegis of Ensnarement: If you charge, you gain a + 2 bonus
to the attack roll instead of th e normal +1 for charging. Binding Light Sword mage Attack 1 3 Z
As your slVord connects with YOllr foe. a burst of arcane light
LEVEL 10 UTILITY SPELLS roots nearby enem ies to the ground.
Encounter+- Arcane, Radiant, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Like a Feather Sword mage Utility 10
Target: One creature
YOllfear no heightJor your maaic gives grace to any landing. Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Encounter+- Arcane Hit: 2[wI + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. Each e n-
Free Action Personal emy adjacent to you other than the target is immobilized
Trigger: You are knocked prone or fall until the end of your next turn.
Effect: You take no falling damage, and you are not Aegis of Assault: Whe n you use your oeais of assault to
knocked prone. teleport and make an attack, you can use this power in
place of the melee basic attack.
Feywild Grace Sword mage Utility 10
You move with otherworldly grace through even the 111051 dif- Ensnaring Bolts Sword mage Attack 13
Jimlt envirOil ments. Bolts oJpurple 7iahtnil1gjetfrom your blade and rip at your
Daily+- Arcane, Stance foes, pullin8 them toward you.
Minor Action Personal Encounter+- Arcane, Implement, lightning
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a + 2 power bonus Standard Action Close blast 5
to speed and a + 2 power bonus to Athletics checks, Target: Each enemy in blast
AcrobatiCS checks, and Stealth checks, and you ignore Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
difficult terrain. Hit: 1 d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
you pull the target a number of squares equal to your
Spider's Leap Sword mage Utility 10 Constitution modifier.
Aegis of Ensnarement: The target is also slowed until the
Like the deathjump spider, you can pOlUlce upon your prey with
end of your next turn.
friahtenin8 speed.
Encounter+- Arcane
Fist of Force Sword mage Attack 13
Move Action Personal
Effect: You make an Athletics check to jump with a + 10 Yourfae rniaht be expecting a strike of the sward. butinstea.d it
power bonus. You are considered to have a running start 8ets afarce-empowered Jist in tJle face.
and can move as far as the check allows. Encounter+- Arcane, Force, Implement
Aegis of Ensnarement: When you charge, you can use this Standard Action Melee 1
power as a fre e action. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Aegis of Assault: The attack deals extra damage equal to
SWORDMAGES IN THE WORLD your Strength modifier.
Effect: You push the target a number of squares equal to
The lone traveler walking along a distant, borderland road;
your Strength modifier and knock it prone.
a hero described in epic poems by bards; an eladrin with
wild hair and glyphs for tattoos; a human youth trained
in the Feywild with a skill that few understand-any of
these individuals might be a swordmage. Sword mages are
more unusual than your average warrior. The combination
of mental and physical skills makes a swordmage a rare
find. In the tavern, a sword mage tends to draw curious
glances at the least; more often, a sword mage is regarded
with fear or respect.

C H . PT E R 3 I Swordma8e
Hypnotic Swordplay Swordmage Attack 13 Burning Mantle Sword mage Attack 1 5
With a mesmerizi"ng twirl ofyouT weapon, )'ou make your oppo' As your sword wnnects with )'our foe'sjlesh, )'our body -ignites
nent's mind reel and rob the creature of its ability to react. into an aspect offiery doom.
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Psychic Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Reliable, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 1 Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target is Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end of
stunned until the end of your next turn. the encounter, each creature that starts its turn adjacent
Aegis of Ensnarement: If the target is marked by your to you takes 5 fire damage.
aegis of ensnarement, the psychic damage equals your Intel· Aegis of Assault: When you use your aegis of assault to tele·
ligence modifier + your Constitution modifier. port and make an attack, you can use this power in place
of the melee basic attack.
Silverlight Strike Swordmage Attack 13
Your strike causes silver Haht to jlare around )'our fo e, obscuring Death's Blade Sword mage Attack 15
its ability to perceive al1)'one but you. Your blade pulses with necrotic enerBJI. Your strike creates a
Encounter" Arcane, Radiant, Weapon wound that festers. causing )'OUT foe mind·numbing anguish.
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily" Arcane, Necrotic, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Melee weapon
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Target: One creature
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. Until the Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
end of your next turn, all your allies are invisible to the Hit: l[WJ + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. The
target. target takes ongOing 5 necrotic damage, cannot regain
Aegis of Shielding: The attack deals extra damage equal hit pOints, cannot recharge powers, and cannot spend
to your Constitution modifier. action points (save ends all).
Miss: Half damage, and ongOing 5 necrotic damage (save
Eldritch Chains Sword mage Attack 15
Assault of Fiery Cuts Swordmage Attack 1 5
Spectral chains lash outward from your weapon, strikinB at your
Your blade moves in a blur as )'ou assail your foe with cuts. enemies before binding them in place.
Then, from those cuts, you summonjlames to enBulfyour foe.
Daily .. Arcane, Force, Implement
Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Weapon
Standard Action Close blast 3
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: Each enemy in blast
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex ,
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: ld6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Until the
Hit: llW] + Intelligence modifier damage.
end of the encounter, whenever you end your turn
Effect: Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 3
adjacent to the target, the target is immobilized until the
implement attack centered on the primary target. The
end of your next turn.
secondary attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Miss: Half damage.
Secondary Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Se~ondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Hunter's Pursuit Swordmage Attack 1 5
, ,
You aauae )'our opponent's moves, attackina where the creature
DRAGONBORN SWORDMAGES is weakest and cuttil18 off its ability to escape.
Although a dragonborn's high Strength seems ideal as a Daily .. Arcane, Weapon
foundation for sword mage training, dragonborn rarely Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
take up the cerebral art of combining sword and sorcery.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
However, a few dragonborn do rise t o the intellectual Hit: 3 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage. and the target is
challenge. The heritage of dragon born promotes a strong immobilized until the end of your next turn.
bond with one's weapon, which encourages a few dragon- Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit the
born warriors to pursue this vocation. Natural strength target with a melee attack. it is immobilized until the end
and dedicated study of the arcane arts can make a dragon- of your next turn.
born suited to be an assault swordmage (described in the -Aegis of Ensnarement: Until the end of the encounter,
whenever you hit the target with a melee attack, you can
FORGOTTEN REALMS Player's GUide). A dragonborn who perse·
knock it prone instead of immobilizing it.
veres and continues his or her studies might then follow
the sword of assault paragon path (page 68). By taking
t his path, a dragon born sword mage can enhance his or
her aea;s ofassault and use his or her Strength to add extra
potency to already devastating magical attacks.

C HA P TE R 3 I Swordma8e

Aegis of Lost Souls Sword mage Utility 16 Dazzling Display Sword mage Attack 17 ~
.-\5 one ofyour foes fa lls, you send out a pulse ofma8ic that in- With dizzyil1g speed you slash and slice your foes. Your sword·
cites other enemies to attack you. play leaves yo ur foes offbalance and Imable to discern your
Encounter .. Arcane location.
Free Action Area burst 2 centered on Encounter" Arcane, Weapon
the triggering enemy Standard Action Close burst 1
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you drops to 0 hit Target: Each enemy in burst
points Attack: Inte lligence vs. Reflex
Target: Each enemy in burst Hit: 1[W I + Intellige nce modifier damage. Until the end
Effect: The target is marked by your Sword mage Aegis of your next turn the target grants combat advantage to Vl
power. Marking the target does not remove the mark you and your allies.
on another target already affected by your Sword mage Effect: Until the end of your next turn or until you move, you ~
Aegis. Using this power does not provoke opportunity have concealment. Z
Firelasher's Lunge Sword mage Attack 17
Borrowed Confidence Sword mage Utility 1 6 Flame licks ),ollr blade. then e.xplode in a fiery blast when you
For a brief moment. your doubts and fears are assuaaed by a n strike your foe.
ovenvhelming sense of confidence that drives you to Sllcceed. Encounter" Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Encounter" Arcane Standard Action Melee weapon
Minor Action Personal Target: One creature
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, when you make an Attack: Inte lligence vs. AC
attack roll or a saving throw, you roll twice and use e ither Hit: 21W I + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Each enemy
result. adjacent to the target takes fire damage equal to your
Strength modifier.
Shared Fortune Sword mage Utility 16 Aegis of Assault: When you use your aeais of assault to tele·
port and make an attack. you can use this power in place
With a few \\IIlispered. words of magic, you gain the power to of the melee basic attack.
share in an ally's aoodfortunes. Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of
Daily .. Arcane a melee basic attack.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Choose an ally within 3 squares of you. Until the
Snake Strike Sword mage Attack 17
end of the encounter or until you drop to 0 hit pOints
or fewer, whenever that ally succeeds on a saving throw Your sword extends into the fo rm of a s hadoH~ asp and bites
while you are within his or her line of Sight, you can end an enemy. if that foe dares to leave ),our side. pOison assai./s it a
one effect on you that a save can end. second time.
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Poison
Shield of the Swordmage Utility 16 Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Besieged Tower Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
The lllOrefoes stane! arrayed aaainstyou, the stronaeryolLT de· Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier pOison damage. If the
fensive maaic is. target ends its next turn in a space that is not adjacent
Daily" Arcane, Stance to you, it takes 1 d8 + your Constitution modifier poison
Minor Action Personal damage.
Effect: Until the stance ends, you gain a +1 power bonus
to AC. If at least two enemies are within 3 squares of you, Surprising Transposition Sword mage Attack 17
this bonus increases to +3.
You sever theJabric of reality, transportina an ally to safety
while redirecting an enemy's attack.
Unerring Parry Sword mage Utility 16
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Teleportation
W ith a quick fli ck of the wrist and a spell on t he lip ,you can Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10
8lwrd),ourself against the worst attacks. Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you hits an ally with
Encounter + Arcane a melee attack
Immediate Interrupt Personal Target: One creature other than the triggering enemy or the
Trigger: A melee attack damages you ally who was hit
Effect: The triggering attack deals half damage to you. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude. If the target is an ally you
do not make an attack roll.
Hit: The target swaps positions with the ally, and the target
is subject to the triggering enemy's attack.

Thundering Vortex Sword mage Attack 1 7 Ward of Scales Sword mage Attack 19
A whirlwind of arcane ener8Y lashes Olll to draw yourJoes closer You form a protective barrier oj scintillatina, silver draaon
to your blade. scales that strikes an enemy while providin8 shelter for an all)~
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder Daily .. Arcane, lightning, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 3 Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
Target: Each enemy in burst Trigger: An enemy hits an ally within 5 squares of you
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Target: The triggering enemy
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and you Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
pull the target 2 squares. The target is marked until the Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Aegis of Shielding: The target is marked by your ae8is of Effect: The ally who was hit gains resistance to all damage
shieldin8. Marking the target does not remove the mark on equal to your Constitution modifier until the end of your
another target already affected by your ae8is of shieldin8. next turn.
Sustain Minor: The effect perSists.
Whirling Threat Sword mage Attack 19
Forceful Rebuke Swordmage Attack 1 9 ppearin8 in ajlash ofli8ht in the midst ofyouTJoes,you are a
terror ojjlashina steel, tfrreatenina all adjacent enemies.
Just as your foes close in OIl),OlL, your sword strikes selld out
blasts offorce that repel the enemies and send them sta8aerina. Daily .. Arcane, Stance, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Close burst 1
Daily .. Arcane, Force, Weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you teleport 10 squares.
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each enemy in burst
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is
HIt: 21Wl + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you
marked until the end of your next turn.
push the target a number of squares equal to your Con-
Miss: Half damage.
stitution modifier.
Effect: Until the stance ends, once during each of your turns
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square.
as a free action, you can mark one enemy that is adjacent
to you. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn.
Marksman's Vision Sword mage Attack 19
"\fith one swipe, you ma.rk your opponent with a burnin8, ma8iL LEVEL 22 UTILITY SPELLS
si8il that distracts your foe and. ensures that the creature can' t
Borrowed Ascension Swordmage Utility 22
Daily .. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon You sprollt a pair of translucent maBie win8s 111at take ),011 aloft
Effect: Until the end of the e ncounter, you can see the to do battle jrorn the skies.
target of this power even if it is invisible or hidden. You Daily .. Arcane
take no penalty to attack rolls against the target for any Minor Action Personal
concealment, total concealment, cover, or superior cover Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a speed
it has, but you cannot see through walls or any other of fly 8 (hover). When the effect ends, you float to the
solid barriers. In addition, you gain the benefit of flanking ground and do not take falling damage.
against the target as long as you and at least one ally are Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
adjacent to it.
Target: One creature Boundless Sword mage Utility 22
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
You wreath yourselfin ma8ie and Imleash a burst of energy that
Hit: 31W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
lets you overcome even the most paralyzing afjlictions.
Daily .. Arcane
Planar Shock Sword mage Attack 19
No Action Personal
Your weapon sends an enemy jlyil1a throu8h otherworldly Effect: End any effects on you that impose the follOWing
space. Wllen the foe returns, it is reelin8from the experience. conditions: grabbed, immobilized, restrained, slowed,
Daily. Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon and petrified. Until the end of the encounter, you gain a
Standard Action Melee weapon +5 power bonus to saving throws against any effects that
Target.: One creature include those conditions.
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. You teleport the Ghost Walk Sword mage Utility 21
target 10 squares, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and you teleport the target 5 squares.
Your f01111 becomes immaterial like a ahost, and you aain the
PO\\ er to pass throuah walls.

Encounter .. Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You become insubstantial and gain phaSing until
the end of your next turn.

C 1-1 APTER 3 I Swordma8c

Oni's Gift Sword mage Utility 22 Freezing Sword burst Sword mage Attack 23 V'l
like the oni of children's fairy tales. )'OU can disappear from Ice creeps over your weapon and wJlen you trike. it explodes in ~

view until you are ready to strike. a cloud offrost that anchors nearb), foes in eldritch ice. 3
Daily .. Arcane, Illusion Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Implement, Weapon o
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: You are invisible until the start of your next turn or Primary Target: One creature
until you attack. Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Sustain Minor: You stay invisible or, if you are no longer in- Hit: 2[WJ + Intelligence modifier cold damage and the tar-
visible because you attacked, you become invisible again. get is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Make o
a secondary attack that is an area burst 1 implement ct:
attack centered on the primary target. The secondary o
attack does not provoke opportunity attacks. 3V'l
Secondary Target: Each creature in burst except you
Aegis Bolt Sword mage Attack 23 Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
You send a missile offorce flyin8 toward a distant foe, markin8 Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the tar-
itfor yOllT wrath. get is slowed until the end of your next turn. z
Encounter + Arcane, Force, Implement Aegis of Assault: When you use your ae8is of assault to
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 teleport and make an attack, you can use this power in
place of the melee basic attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Until the Lightning Bolt Charge Swordmage Attack 23
end of your next turn. the target is marked by your You slash yourfoe and transform into li8htnin8. racin8 across
swordmage Aegis power. Marking the target does not the ·battlefield to reappear and strike anew.
remove the mark on another target already affected by
Encounter" Arcane, Lightning, Teleportation, Weapon
your Sword mage AegiS.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Blink Assault Swordmage Attack 23 Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
III the blink of on eye, you and an ally appear next to a foe and Hit: l [W] + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
unleash a deadly assatLit. you teleport' 0 squares.
Miss: You teleport 5 squares.
Encounter + Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: Make a secondary attack.
Target: One creature Secondary Target: One creature
Effect: Before the attack, you and an ally who is adjacent Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
to you teleport 5 squares to spaces that must be adjacent Hit: 1 [W] + Intellige nce modifier lightning damage.
to the target.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Radiant Shield swordmage Attack 23
Hit: 3[WJ + Intelligence modifier damage. Arcane radiance bursts around your foes, searin8 them while
transformin8your allies into insubstantial creatures oflialJt.
Bravado Strike Swordmage Attack 23 Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Your successjid arrack lends you the strenath. al1d the inspiration Standard Action Area burst 2 within 1 0 squares
to keep onfiaJ1tin8. Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Encounter + Arcane, Healing, Weapon
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. and the
Standard Action Melee weapon
target is marked until the end of your next turn.
Target: One creature
Aegis of Shielding: The target is instead marked by your
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[Wj + Intelligence modifier damage. You can spend a
aeBis of shieldin8 until the end of your next turn. Marking
the target does not remove the mark on another target
healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your
already affected by your aeais of shieldinB.
Constitution modifier. You can also roll a saving throw.
Effect: Each ally in the burst becomes insubstantial until
the end of your next turn.
For eladrin, swordplay is a skill as valued as the arcane T1EFL1NG SWORDMAGES
arts. In fact, many believe that eladrin were the first to
Although tieflings are not as disposed to becoming sword-
combine blade and magic. As a race that promotes study
mages as eladrin or genasi are, their high Intelligence
and mental achievement, eladrin are perfectly suited to
scores make them skilled sword mages when they do
be any type of sword mage. Their cunning in battle helps
pursue the art- A tiefling's bloodhunt racial trait means that
them evade physical blows while wearing the light armor
most tieflings favor the assault sword mage style (desCribed
typical of a sword mage. Eladrin sword mages often learn
in the FORGOmN REALMS Player's GUide). Similarly, the tief-
wizard powers that allow them to better control the
ling's infernal wrath power makes a tiefling swordmage
battlefleld, favoring such spells as ray offrost.
tend to be more offense-oriented.

HAPTER 3 I Swordmaae
LEVEL 25 DAILY SPELLS Waves of Languor . Swordlnage Attack 2S
With Clsweep ofyour Slvord, you unleash a jlood of eneray that
Darksword Bolt Swordmage Attack 2S pacifies your foes, maRin8 them weak and sleepy.
W ith a deft toss. you turn your sword into a streak oJ black Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Sleep
li8htni118. It slams into your foe and causes the creaUlre's jlesh Standard Action Close burst 2
to rot away. Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Daily .. Arcane, lightning, Necrotic, Weapon
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
target is slowed and weakened (save ends both).
Requirement: You must throw your melee weapon at th e
First failed Saving Throw: The target becomes uncon-
scious (save ends).
Target One creature
Miss: Halfdamage, and the target is slowed and weakened
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
until the end of your next turn.
Hit: 3rWl + Intelligence modifier lightning and necrotic
damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends).
Aftereffect: The target takes ongoing S necrotic damage LEVEL 27 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
(save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing S necrotic damage (save Slash and Bum Sword mage Attack 27
Effect: Your weapon returns to your hand. Brandishing your Slvord in one hand, YOll slash at your enemy
while strikiTl8 it with a jlamiTl8fist that leaves it reelina.
Encounter" Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Invincible Rampage Sword mage Attack 25
Standard Action Melee weapon
Magie washes over you, steeling your body against pain as you Target: One creature
rain violence upon yourfoe. Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Daily .. Arcane, Healing, Weapon Hit: 2 [Wj + Intelligence modifier damage. Make the fol-
Standard Action Melee weapon lowing attack against the same target.
Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: Intelligence modifier fire damage, and you push the
Hit: 3[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end of target a number of squares equal to your Constitution
the encounter, you gain regeneration 10 while you are modifier. Also, the target is dazed until the end of your
bloodied. next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You can spend a healing surge. Steel Tempest Swordmage Attack 27
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of a
melee basic attack.
The air erupts with blades around your foe, cuttin8 any enemy
Aegis of Ensnarement: If you charge, you gain a +2
that tries to move through them.
bonus to the attack roll instead of the normal +1 for Encounter" Arcane, Weapon, Zone
charging. Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Mindsap Maneuver Swordmage Attack 15
Hit 3[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. The attack cre-
Your arcane swordplay daunts ),ourfoe and leaves it scrambling ates a zone of whirling blades in a burst 3 centered on
to use even its Simplest attacks. the target. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn
Dally .. Arcane, Charm, Weapon or until you dismiss it as a minor action. Each enemy that
Standard Action Melee weapon enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 10 damage.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Sword Chaser Assault Sword mage Attack 27
Hit: 4[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. The target can
use only basic attacks to attack (save ends).
YOlL t1trow your weapon at an enem)' tItat threatens an ally.
Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn, the tar-
Then, in the bli nk of an eye, you appeal' beside the fo e and seize
get can use only basic attacks to attack.
)four Slvord.
Encounter" Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 5
Sword Duel Sword mage Attack 15
Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you hits an ally with
An arcane bond cort1tectS}'OLL toyourfoe.lfthe enemy does not a melee attack
face ),011 in battle, your ma8ical pOlVer will erode its life. Requirement: You must throw your melee weapon at the
Daily .. Arcane, Weapon target.
Standard Action Melee weapon Target: The triggering enemy
Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport
Hit: 4[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. to a space that must be adjacent to the target.
Miss: Half damage. Effect: Your weapon returns to your hand.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, if the target does
not attack you during its turn, it takes 10 damage at the
end of its turn.

CHA PTER 3 I Swo rdmase

Thundering Burst Swordmage Attack 27 Mirrorblade Army Sword mage Attack 29 VI
You slam your sword into the around and send a sonorous boom From your intaae rejlected in your blade, you colvure an army of LL.I
outward. duplicates to llelp assartltyour foes anywhere on the battlifield. 3:
Encounter. Arcane, Thunder, Weapon Daily. Arcane, Conjuration o
Standard Action Close burst 1 Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: Each creature in burst Effect: You conjure a number of mirror images of yourself L.J
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) within ~
Hit: 2!'WI + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. If the range. Each mirror image occupies 1 square. Enemies can- :;::
target moves before the end of your next turn, it takes not move through an image's space, but allies can. Cl
2d8 + your Constitution modifier thunder damage. You can make attacks, including opportunity attacks, as c::
Aegis of Ensnarement: The target is also slowed until the though you occupied the same space as a mirror image. A 0
end of your next turn. mirror image still provokes opportunity attacks as normal 3:
for using a ranged or an area attack. VI
W rath of the Arctic Wind Sword mage Attack 27 A mirror image can be targeted by attacks. It has the ;;
same defenses, resistances, and immunities as you. A LL.I
Your blade unleashes a freezin8 aale that numbs your f oe and mirror image has 1 hit point, and a missed attack never Z
sends it tumblina. damages it. A mirror image reduced to 0 hit points is de-
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Weapon stroyed.
Standard Action Melee weapon Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Silver Lightning Assault Swordmage Attack 29
Hit: 2[wJ + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the
target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. In Your body streaks like silver liahtnina to afoe, even one you
addition, you either slide the target 3 squares or knock can't see. Reappearina, your li8htnina-charaed weapon sears
it prone. JOltr foe.
Aegis of Assault: When you use your aeais of assault to Daily. Arcane, Lightning, Teleportation, Weapon
teleport and make an attack, you can use this power in Standard Action Melee weapon
place of the melee basic attack. Target: One creature
Effect: Before the attack, you can teleport 20 squares to a
space that must be adjacent to the target. You do not need
l.EVEL 29 DAILY SPELLS line of sight to your destination.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Constrictor's Strike Sword mage Attack 29 Hit: 6lw) + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
You exhibit your mastery of the battlefield as you hany your you can then teleport back to your original position.
J oe and control its movements, l1Iakina it unable to escape your Miss: Half damage.
Daily. Arcane, Weapon Sword of Soul Rot Swordmage Attack 29
Standard Action Melee weapon The strike ofyour blade injures and debilitatesyour enemy; leav-
Target: One creature ina it l1J1able to heal or replenish itself.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Daily. Arcane, Necrotic, Weapon
Hit: 4!W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Miss: Half damage.
Target: One creature
Effect: The target is immobilized (save ends). Until the
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
end of the encounter, whenever you hit the target with a
Hit: 4[W] + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. The
melee attack, it is immobilized until the end of your next
target takes ongOing 1 0 necrotic damage, cannot regain
hit pOints, cannot recharge powers, and cannot spend
Aegis of Ensnarement: The target is restrained instead of
action points (save ends all).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save

Few dwarves choose to take up the arcane sword and through one's body and into the blade makes dwarves
earn the secret spells of the aegis. Many dwarves don't capable swordmages when they focus on shielding allies
have the patience for the blade, instead favoring hammers or ensnaring foes. Unlike assault swordmages (described
and axes in combat . Others simply disdain spellcasting, in the FORGO I lEN REALMs Player's GUide), dwarf sword mages
preferring to rely on martial exploits and divine prayers. focus on control and defense. Dwarves who excel as
Dwarves are not entirely unreceptive to the art, though, swordmages might consider the ward guardian paragon
'or their physical endurance makes them able defend- pat h (page 69), which further extends a sword mage's
ers. In addition, the resilience reqUired to channel magic ability to defend allies.

C H A P TE R 3 I Swordmaae
"Every creature is vulnerable to my blade for any resis-
tance can be overcome."

Prerequisite: Swordmage, ae8is of ensnarement

class featme

You are adroit at spotting chinks in your enemies'

defenses and taking advantage of those weaknesses to
inflict debilitating blows. Your arcane senses give you
the upper hand when you face creatures that rely on
natw·al resistances.
As an arcane hunter, you might have been trained
at an early age to visually recognize the physical
weaknesses of creatures. Since then, your magical
education has fmther refined those skills, allowing
you to extend tendrils of unseen energy to feel out a
foe's flaws.
In yom studies and adventures, you have learned
that adaptability is one of the best qualities when
facing a variety of foes. Instead of specializing in one
damage type or one type of attack, you prefer to have


Knowing Strike (11th level): When you spend
an action pOint to make an attack, that attack ignores Elemental Stance Arcane Hunter Utility 1 2
all resistances and the insubstantial quality. You speak a few words of an ancient spell, i/1stHlin8 YOUT attacks
Perfect Strike (11th level): Whenever you score with the power to bestow vulnerability on a foe.
a critical hit, your attack deals extra damage equal to Daily +- Arcane, Stance
Minor Action Personal
the target's hjghest vulnerability.
Effect: When you use this power, choose acid, cold, fire,
Exploitive Eye (16th level): Whenever you
lightning, or thunder. Until the stance ends, whenever
attack a creature that has one or more resistances, you hit an enemy, that creature gains vulnerable 5 to the
you treat those resistances as 10 lower than they are chosen damage type until the end of your next turn.
(minimwll 0).
Flaw Seeking Strike Arcane Hunter Attack 20
ARCANE HUNTER SPELLS You reco8nize a flaw in a creature's dqenses, and you focus you.r
attacks all Jhatweakness.
Exploit Weakness Arcane Hunte r Attack 11 Daily+- Arcane, Weapon; Varies
Your arcane insi8ht8uides you to an enemy's weakness.lettin8 Standard Action Melee weapon
you exploit that vulnerability. Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence V5. AC
Encounter+- Arcane, Weapon
Hit: 3[WJ + Intelligence modifier damage, and ongOing 5
Standard Action Melee weapon
damage of a type of your choice to which the target is
Target: One creature
vulnerable (save ends). If the target has no vu lnerabilities,
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
it takes ongoing 10 damage of a type of your choice from
Hit: 3fWJ + Intelligence modifier damage. This attack deals
among acid. cold, fire, lightning. or thunder (save ends).
extra damage equal to the target's highest vulnerability.
Miss: Half damage, and ongOing 5 damage of a type of your
choice (save ends).


CHAPTER 3 I Swordma8e
Slip the Weave (11th level): When you spend
"From the space between worlds I come, my killin8 blow as
an action point to take an extra action you become ~~
soft as a whisper."
insubstantial until the end of your next turn. Z
Prerequisite: Swordmage Here nor There (11th level): Whenever you use o\j
a tcleportation power, you gain combat advantage
Like many swordmages, you can effortlessly travel aga inst one target of the next weapon attack you «
the roads behind the ·world. Those arcane pathways make before the end of your next turn. «
offer you more than they do yoW' fellows though for Stalker of the In-between (16th level): While
you have aClually learned to slip through the space you are insubstantial or have phasing, each creature \j
between planes. marked by you grants combat advantage to you, and «
au add 2 quares to the distance yoW' teleportation ~
Your travels through the weave of reality have o
transformed your knowledge and skills. As you bend power allow you to teleport. ex:
space with cunning stroke of our sword you can o
be in two places al once, splittiJlg your physical body GHOST BLADE SPELLS $
between the dimensions. You mjght briefly take on
the seenting of a gho tly spirit, but this appearance is Ghost Sword Ghost Blade Attack 11
only a temporary transformation. Even when you step Your attack cuts throu8h all planes of existence, ensurin8 that
between worJds, yOtH blade doe l1't fade- remaining a even8hostly forms suffer your wrath.
very real threat to your enemie . Encounter. Arcane, Weapon
Your eerie form ha gained you the moniker of Standard Action Melee weapon
"gho t' in orne circle . You smile to hear uch nick- Target: One creature
names although they are untrue, because you knmv Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. This damage
that fear is a valuable weapon.
ignores the insubstantial quality.
Aegis of Assault: When you use your aeais of assault to
teleport and make an attack, you can use this power in
place of the melee basic attack.

Phase Evasion Ghost Blade Utility 12

YoU/Joe miaht have thouaht to 8et the better of)'ou, but before
its attack, )'ou wink out al1d attempt to dodae the assault.
Daily. Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: A melee attack hits you
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex against
the triggering attack, and until the end of your next turn,
you become insubstantial and gain phasing.

Omnipresent Assault Ghost Blade Attack 20

You step across dimensional boundaries, seemil1a to be every'-
where on the battlefield at once, tmleashil1a all attack aaaiTlSt
Daily. Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Standard Act.ion Melee weapon
Requirement: You must be phaSing or insubstantial.
Target: Each enemy you can see when you first use the
Effect: Before each attack, you teleport to a space that
must be adjacent to the target.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Inte lligence modifier damage.
Effect: Until you have attacked each eligible target once, you
can te leport adjacent to a different target and repeat the
attack against the new target. You then teleport back to
your starting position.
"Every combat creates bonds between attacker and PATH FEATURES
defender, bonds between allies. r see these bonds." Bond of Transport (11th level): When you
pend an action point to take an extra action, you can
Prerequisite: Swordmage, ae&is of ellS1larement teleport one creature that is adjacent to you 5 square .
class feature or you can teleport one creature that i marked by
your ae8is of ensnare ment 5 squares.
You can see the invisible bond that connect crea· Bond of Fury (11th level): When a creature
tures to the things around them. Your ability to marked by your ae8is of ensnarement hits with an
recognize where tllese bond are strongest and weak- attack that doe not include you as a target, you can
est gives you the power to trengthen or sever a bond deal 2d8 + your Intelligence mod iller lightning
when necessary. Your unique sight lets you see the damage to the creature as an immediate reaction.
paths that lie behind the world, and thus by cutting a At 21st level, this damage increases to 3d8 + your
creature's bond to the world you can send a foe or an Intelligence modifier.
ally hurtling along a hidden path. Bond of Escape (16th level): When a creature
You are a master of gaining tactically advantageous marked by your ae8is of ensnarement hits an ally w ith
positions in combat. You look for a central position an attack that does not include you as a target, you can
on the battlefield from which you can utilize all your teleport the ally 5 squares as an immediate reaction.
powers and abilities to send creatures careen i ng
through extrad imensional space. You are concerned SAGE OF FATE'S BONDS SPELLS
with terrains and obstacles only insofar as you can use
them to your advantage. Foe Binder Sage of Fate's Bonds Attack 11
Using your ae&is of ensnarement. you thwart your You slash at two nearby foes. and your attacks bind them to you.
foes' movements and leave them reeling. You can
Encounter" Arcane, Weapon
unlea h a vicious jolt of magical feedback that shock Standard Action Melee weapon
your foes. As a age oflate's bonds, you want powers Target: Two creatures
that aJJow you to mark as many foes as possible witll Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
your ae8is of ellsnarement thereby giving you control Hit: 2[WJ + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is
of the battlefield and the power to dole out numerous marked by your aeais ofensnarement. Marking the target
jolts of lightning. does not remove the mark on another target already
affected by your aeais of ensnarement.

Protective Bond Sage of Fate's Bonds Utility 12

You raise a ma8ical ward over one ofyour allies, allowing you to
summon that individual to your side and offer protection.
Daily .. Arcane, Teleportation
Minor Action Close burst 1 0
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target
is hit by an attack, as an immediate interrupt you can
teleport the target 5 squares to a space that must be
adjacent to you.

Deadly Ensnarement Sage of Fate's Bonds Attack 20

An enemy mi8ht have thou8ht to i81l0re you, but when you show
up behind it alld Imleash a deadly attack, )'ou teach it otherWise.
Daily .. Arcane, Teleportation, Weapon
Immediate Reaction Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy marked by you and within 10 squares of
you hits or misses an ally
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: You teleport the target to a space that must be ad-
jacent to you. The target grants combat advantage to you
until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 5 [W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
SIGIL CARVER Sigil of Safety Sigil Carver Utility 1 2 Vl
Just as your ally is about to suffer a blol'~You carve a few quick
"By carvin8 si8ils of stren8th and power into the air, I sup- runes in the air and transport the all)' out of harm's way. ~a..
portmy aUies and foretell the doom of my foes."
Encounter. Arcane, Teleportation
Prerequisite: Sword mage, ae8is ofshieldin8 class
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
Trigger: An attack hits an ally within 5 squares of you
feature l:l
Target: The ally who was hit «
Effect: You teleport the target to a space within 5 squares
Berea-arnadh is the ancient eladrin art of drawing of you. The target gains a +4 bonus to all defenses «
calligraphy with a blade. Bodyguards of the legend- against the triggering attack. I.iJ
ary eladrin queen Suiradrun were the fIrst to use l:l
bere8-amadh, and the practice has since become Sigil of Enmity Sigil Carver Attack 20 «
more widespread. Practitioners of this arcane tradi- Your rune-enhanced weapon strike marks a foe as the nemesis
tion inscribe magical, glowing characters ofReJianic ofyou and your allies, l1Iakin8 attacks a8ainst it more potenl. Cl::
script into the air with their blades. These hovering Daily. Arcane, Weapon o
runes are charged with arcane pml\ler from the cal- Standard Action Melee weapon S
ligrapher. The sigils hover for a hort time, emitting a Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
lambent radiance that evokes protection for allies or
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage.
enmity toward foes. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when any of your al-
Your mastery of the flying sword makes YOll an lies hits the target with a melee attack during his or her
ideal practitioner ofbere8-amadh. Whether you stud- turn, the attack deals 2d6 extra damage.
ied texts to learn the art yourself, or you earned the
right to study under a master of bere8-arnadh, you
have gained the ability to wield the arcane art on
the battlefield. On the tip of your blade, you sculpt
runes, the mere Sight of which trikes fear into your


Energizing SigH (11th level): When you spend
an action point to take an extra action one ally
within 5 squares of you can roll a saving throw
against each effect on him or her that a save can end.
Bolstering Sigil (11th level): Any allies adjacent
to you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses.
Punishing Sigil (16th level): Whenever an
enemy marked by you within 5 squares of you hits
an ally who is adjacent to you, you can make a melee
basic attack against that enemy as an opportunity
action. You can make the attack even if the creatl.lfe
is b eyond yom normal reach.


Aegis Sigil Sigil Carver Attack 11

YOlL etchthe air with siails of power. The runes lin8er for a mo-
ment and then bum into a struckfoe.
Encounter. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 3[W) + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: Until the end of the target's next turn, it is marked by
your aeais of shieldina. Marking the target does not remove
the mark on another target already affected by your aeais
of shieldina·

CHAPTER 3 I Swordma8e
SWORD OF ASSAULT movements and arcane utterances contribute to the
most devastating attack you can possibly deliver with
"The best defense is beatin8 your foe into submission." a Single swing of your blade.

Prerequisite: Swordmage, ae8is of assault class

Although arcane finesse and delicate sword work are Assaulting Charge (11th level): When you
fine for others, YOll believe that better ways exist to spend an action point to charge, you can lLse a melee
subdue your enem ies. You wonder why YOll should at·will attack power or a melee encounter attack
use subtlety when you can more quickly defeat your power in place of the charge'S melee basic attack.
foe with a powerfUl sword strike combined with a BattJemage Readiness (11th level): When
blast of arcane energy. you use your aeais of assault to teleport and make an
As a sword of assault, you are interested in fusing attack, you can use a swordmage melee at-will attack
magic with blade to create the most powerful attack po"ver in place of the melee basic attack.
you can. You have little tolerance for rigorous arcane Double Spell Assault (16th level): Whenever
training, preferring to use magiC in a blast of raw you Toll initiative, choose one of your at-will attack
eJemental energy instead of a carefully crafted spell. powers. Once before the end of the encounter, you
Similarly, you never saw the point of the refined can use that power as a mjnor action alier hitting
swordplay of your counterparts, instead favoring with a melee attack.
strength over finesse. You believe that displaying
your skill through elaborate parries and flourishes SWORD OF ASSAULT SPELLS
is an expression of a swordrnaster's ego, rather than
of skill. Tn your mind, such displays only slow battle. Spell Strike Sword of Assault Attack 11
On the other hand , you make sure that aD of your Your maaic i1'!filses a normal. weapon attack with arcane power
that miaht scorch,jreeze, Tot, poison, shock, or blast yourJoe.
Encounter. Arcane, Weapon; Varies
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 1 [W] + Intelligence modifier plus 2d6 + Strength
modifler acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radi-
ant, or thunder damage.

Aegis Reserve Sword of Assault Utility 1 2

Tit the heat ofbatt1e, sometimes one aeais is not enouah. Luckily,
youknolV a.spell that allows you to bestow another.
Encounter. Arcane
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: The target is marked by your aeais of assault. Mark·
ing the creature does not remove the mark on another
target already affected by your aeals of assault.

Fire and Thunder Sword of Assault Attack 20

Your weapon thrums with fire and thunder, which explode
across your foe and leave the creature aflame and senseless.
Daily.· Arcane, Fire, Thunder, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 5[WJ + Intelligence modifier fire and thunder damage,
and the target takes ongoing 5 fire damage and is deaf·
ened (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage.

CHAPTER 3 I SwordJnQae
"My wardin8 protects me, but it is more than just a shield. ~0..
By my will and ma8ie, it can become a deadly force, or a -
shelterin8fortification." z
Prerequisite: Sword mage l.?
In your earliest arcane training you learned to
sheathe yourself in a layer of magical protection. This UJ
protection i your Swordmage Warding, and it rep- l.?
resents an extension of your arcane mastery. Unlike <
other swordmages, though, you have taken this talent o
to the next le\1eI.
You have long studied the secrets of the Sword- "o
mage Warding, and you have learned that the S
magical field is more flexible than most wordmages
assume it to be. You have discovered that you can
shape and sculpt your warding. Through careful
study, you have learned to transform the warding into
a protective barrier for your allies and into a danger-
ous weapon to distract or strike foes.


Guardian's Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to make an attack, any allies
you can see gain the benefit of your Swordmage
';Yarding until the end OfyOUT next turn.
Spellshield (11th level): W hen you become
bloodied choose a defense other than AC. Until you
are no longer bloodied, your Swordmage Warding Sheltering Ward Ward Guardian Utility 1 2
grants a bonus to the chosen defense as well as to AC. W ith intense concentration and I1Ja8ical power, you expand
Reactive Spellshield (16th level): Any allies YOUT wardin8 to those around yotl.

within 5 squares of you ga in the benefit of your Daily. Arcane

Swordmage Warding against opportunity attacks. Standard Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any allies adjacent
to you gain the benefit of your Swordmage Warding.
WARD GUARDIAN SPELLS Sustain Minor: The effect persists.

Ward Force Assault Ward Guardia n Attack 11 Unseen Entanglement Ward Guardian Attack 20
Yotlswina at your foe and craft your wardin8 into a blunt force As you swin8. YOll shape the protective power ofyour wardi118
thatflattens your enemy when you hit into an entan81ing thread that thwarts your foe's defenses.
Encounter. Arcane, Force, Weapon Daily. Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. AC Attack: Intelligence vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Intelligence modifier damage. In addition, Hit: 5[Wl + Intelligence modifier + Constitution modifier
either you deal extra force damage equal to your bonus damage. In addition, the target takes a -3 penalty to any
from Sword mage Warding + your Constitution modifier, defense to which your Sword mage Warding is currently
or you knock the target prone. granting a bonus (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn, the
target takes a -1 penalty to any defense to which your
Sword mage Warding is currently granting a bonus.

CHAPTER 3 I Swordma8e

"By the Chains ofLevistus, the Thousand Eyes of

Gibbeth, and the pacts sworn in Bae! Turath, I curse
thee to the blackest pits of Hell!"

WARLOCKS CALL upon powerful, ancient

magic. They commWle with primeval entities, treat
with deviUsh or fey visitors in the darkest hours, and
spend hours studying the night sky \>"hile mouthing
the names of constellations and stars. A warlock's
pact might favo r a particuJar style of curse or hex, but
that fact doesn't pigeonhole a warlock into a specific
goal or ambition. Even if your warlock chooses the
infernal pact, he can remain a tome-toting scholar
captivated by omiuous lore. Ifyour warlock chooses
the star pact, she need not give herself over to enti-
ties of the Far Realm; instead, she might search for
elusive truths.
Warlocks are purveyors of secrets that others
wish to be ignorant of. Those secrets are the keys
that Wllock the power of hexes. curses, and eldritch
incantations. From one pOint of view. warlocks have
taken a shortcut to power. fnstead of undertaking
careful study and practice, a warlock swears a pact to
an entity that provides pO'wer in return for fealty. A
few warlocks are consumed by their oaths, becoming
the worst kind of spellcaster-one "vho uses magic to
tyrannize the weak without remorse. Those warlocks
who can withstand the dominating personalities of
their pact holders have the potential to become pow·
erful forces iu the world and across the planes.
This chapter supports the warlock builds pre·
sented in the Player's Handbook. It contains the
following material.
-+- New Eldritch Pact: The vestige pact allows a war-
lock to call on a diverse assortment of entities for
new powers .
.. New Warlock Powers: This section supple-
ments the star, fey, infernal, and dark pacts in
addjtion to providing powers for the vestige pact.
.. New Paragon Paths: This section provides
general paragon paths that any warlock can take
and presents paths [or specific Eldritch Pacts.
CHAPTE R 4 I Warlock
Your warlock has forged a pact with mysterious enti- Changing Your Vestige: You can gain temporary
ties that grant you spells, curse, and other abilities_ access to other vestiges by using certain daily attack
The pact you choose determines your at-will powers, pm.vers. (For ease of identification, all these powers
YOUI pact boon, and additional benefits to certain war- have names that begin with "Vestige.") When you use
lock powers_ A power' description details the effect a a power that gives you access to a dally power ve -
particular Eldritch Pact class feature has on it. tige, you can choose for that vestige to immediately
The Player's Handbook describes the fey pact, the become your active vestige. If you do so it remains
infernal pact and the star pact. The FORGOTTE RIiAU'IS your active vestige until you gain a cess to a different
Player's Guide de cribes the dark pact. Arcane Power vestige by using another dally attack power or until
introduces the vestige pact, which draws upon mis- the end of the encounter. If you don't immediately
laid spheres of power, forgotten eldritch influences. choose to change to that dally power vestige, your
and allegiances that most believe have been con- access to tbat vestige is lost until the next time you
cluded or discontinued. use that power.
After a short rest or an extended rest, you again
VESTIGE PACT select one of the two primary vestiges to be your
active ve tige. That vestige remains active wltil you
You have forged relationships with ve tiges-the
change to a daily power vestige or until you take
remnants of powerful forces and entities that once
another short rest or extended rest.
exercised great authority or demonstrated awfuJ
In addition, certain benefits (such as the Ves-
capabilities. These remnants are diverse in their
tige Adept feat; see page 130) allow you to change
background and motives. As a. vestige pact warlock,
your ve tige at a different time or under different
you can choose from behiVeen two or more vestige
pacts to fuel your arcane poweL
Eyes of the Vestige: You know the eyes of the ves-
aBe spell. You gain an additional effect, referred to
as an eyes of the vestise augment, associated with your
active vestige (see below) when you make a successful
attack with this power.
Pact Boon: You have a pact boon associated with
your active vestige.
When an enemy under your Warlock's Curse
drops to 0 hjt points or fewer, you gain tlle benefit of
your active vestige's pact boon_

You always have one active vestige. As a begin-
ning character, yo u have access to the two primary
vestiges: King Elidyr and Zutwa. You select one of
these as your active vestige after a short rest or an
extended rest.


How does your warlock character's build affect his or her
personality? Although a warlock need not have a person-
ality associated with his or her pact, it is easy to imagine
an infernal pact warlock as cunning and mischievous,
and a star pact warlock as absentminded_ A fey pact
warlock might be more caring, ensuring the preservation
of animals and plants, while a dark pact warlock might
see creatures of the surface as impediments to his or her
goals. A vestige pact warlock tends to be bookish and --
scholarly, more akin to a wizard_
H APTER 4 I Warlock
The pact boon associated with the primary vestiges

arc given below. Other pact boons are described in These new warlock powers {1esh out the vestige pact $
the daily attack powers that give you access to new and provide additional options for other warlocks.
vestiges. Spells of the vestige pact use your Constitution ~
King Elidyr Pact Boon: One ally adjacent to you score because managing numerolls and diverse ves- U
gain a +2 bonus to all defenses UJltil the end of your tiges takes a phy ical toll. The ancient powers of the 9
next turn. vestige pact hunger to consmne a warlock's body and "
Zutwa Pact Boon: The bonus to attack rolls from lLse it for their own purpose ,and a warlock must $
your Prime Shotincreases to +3 until the end of your resist these forces if he or she is to survive.
next turn. $
You're a vestige pact warlock who likes the ve tige of Eyes of the Vestige Warlock Attack 1
King Elidyr, so after an extended rest, you choose that Your enemy's eyes 8Iow with an eldritch li8ht as your vesti8e
to be your active vestige. takes hold and scours r.hal foe's minclwhile YOll curse another
During your fust encounter of the day, when you nearby foe.
use the eyes of tile vestige power, you gain the eyes of the At-Will. Arcane, Implement, Psychic; Varies
vesti8e augment associated with King Elidyr. If you Standard Action Ranged 1 0
curse a creature and that enemy then drops to 0 hit Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
pOints or fewer, YOUI King Elid r pact boon trigger .
Hit: 1 d6 + Constitution modifier psychic damage. Choose
Later in the same encounter, you decide to use the the target or a creature within 3 squares of the target
vestige of Mount Vaelis daily attack power. That power and within the target's line of Sight. You place your War·
gives you access to a new vestige Mount Vaelis and lock's Curse on that creature; if the creature Is already
you choose to make the change. When you adopt this cursed by you, you can deal your Warlock's Curse extra
new active vestige, your pact boon and your eyes of damage to that creature instead of to the target.
the vestige augment both change to the benefit that Level 21 : 2d6 + Constitution modifier psychic damage.
Augment (King Elidyr): One ally who hits the target be-
Mount Vaelis proVides. You no longer gain the ben-
fore the end of your next turn can roll a saving throw.
ents of the vestige of King Elldyr. The only time you Augment (Zutwa): You gain your Prime Shot bonus against
can change your active vestige back to King Elidyr (or the target until the end of your next turn.
to Zutwa, the other primary vestige) is after a short Augment (other vestige): See the "Eyes ofthe Vestige
rest or an extended rest. Augment" entry for the daily power that grants access to
Ifyou use another daily power in the arne the vestige.
encounter that gives you access to a new vestige, yo u
ca n choose for that daily power vestige to replace LEVEL 1 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Mount Vaeli as your active vestige.

You call lIpon Hadar, the Ebon Htl118er. Black tendrils erupt
K1NG EL1DYR AND ZUTWA from your body and batter nearby creatures, pushi1l8 them
Your first two vestiges are King Elidyr and Zutwa. They fromyou.
give out their power freely and recklessly. Encounter. Arcane, Implement
King Elidyr: A hundred years ago, Elidyr, the last king Standard Action Close burst 2
of Nerath, warred against gnoll invaders who marched Target: Each creature in burst
beneath the banner of the Ruler of Ruin. The gnoll upris- Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 dB + Constitution modifier damage, and you push
ing was finally quelled, but at the cost of the lives of King
the target 2 squares.
Elidyr, his heirs, and most of his trusted barons, dukes, and Star Pact: You push the target a number of squares equal
champions. King Elidyr's vestige is rueful over its failure, to 1 + your Intelligence modifier.
and it willingly gives its strength to any who call upon it.
Zutwa: An ancient being of manifest life force, Zutwa
was a towering figure as large as a mountain, composed T1EFL1NG WARLOCKS
of bark, boughs, grass, leaves, and petals. Its limpid eyes of The tiefling is the prototypical warlock. The race's innately
liqUid green could spawn life in barren sailor dead tissue, high Charisma and Intelligence tend to make tieflings
or deprive earth and flesh of vitality. Zutwa gave up its favor the class. Many tieflings swear pacts to vestiges, Far
existence to defeat a primordial of manifest dissolution. Realm creatures and ancient, fey entities, perhaps out of
Even as a vestige, Zutwa's energy seems inexhaustible to a desire to break the mold of their predecessors in Bael
those who make a pact with it. Turath, who often adopted the infernal pact.

CHA PTER 4 I Warlock

Chains of Levistus Warlock Attack 1 Sprite War Call Warlock Attack 1
Spectral chains ofice leap from your hands and lash around A n ann)' of sprites Jlickers into existence, 100sin8 a barr'aBe of
YOUT enemy 'nley pulse with cold each time your enemy moves. miniature arrolVS that stin8s YOUT enemy and induces letharBY
Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Implement in it.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Encounter" Arcane, Implement
Target: One creature Standard Action Ranged 5
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Fey Pact: The power's range is 1 0 squares.
Hit: 2d6 + Constitution modifier cold damage. If the target Target: One creature
moves before the end of your next turn, it takes 2d6 ex- Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
tra cold damage. Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifie r damage. Until the e nd of
Infernal Pact: If the target moves before the end of your next your next turn, the target is slowed and grants combat
turn, you also gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll advantage to you.
against the target before the end of your next turn.


You il1ll0ke Yuri th e Hlmter, ancI the sound of his bellowinB Decree of Khirad Warlock Attack 1
hom blasts your enemies into submission while inspirinB you.
A pale blueJlame appears aboveyour brow us you utter a con-
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Thunder demnation that makes foes mistake allies for
Standard Action Close blast 3
Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Target: Each creature in blast
Standard Action Close blast 3
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Target: Each e nemy in blast
Hit: 3d4 + Constitution modifier thunder damage, and the
Effect: Before the attack, you slide the target 2 squares.
target is deafened until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Vestige Pact: You gain 3 temporary hit points for each
Hit: The target makes a me lee basic attack as a free action
target you hit. Te mporary hit pOints gained in this way are
against a creature of your choice. If the target misses with
the attack, it takes 1 d6 + your Charisma modifier psychic
Darkworm Feast Warlock Attack 1 Miss: 1 d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
You speak a sinBle.forb idden word. summoninB shadow),
worms that burrow into your enemy's body Fortune's Reversal Warlock Attack 1
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Necrotic With a single lVord of power, you reverse a creature's Iuc'k, turn-
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 inBfortune and happiness into misfortune and sorrow.
Target: One creature
Daily . Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and the
Trigger: An e ne my within 10 squares of you scores a critical
target is slowed until th e end of your next turn.
hit or saves
Dark Pact: The target takes extra necrot ic damage equal
Target: The triggering e ne my
to your Intellige nce modifier at the start of its next turn.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. The target
takes a -2 penalty to saving throws and ongoing 5 psy-
Yo u call upon arcane power to wither YOUTfoe's Jlesh and cut its chic damage (save ends both). The target cannot save
connectioll to life. against this powe r until It takes the ongoing psychic
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Necrotic damage at least once.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Dark Pact The target takes a - 3 penalty to saving throws
Target: One creature instead of - 2.
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex Fey Pact: The target also takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls
Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifi e r necrotic damage. Until while affected by the ongOing psychic damage.
the end of your next turn, the target cannot regain hit Miss: The target takes ongOing 5 psychic damage (save
pOints, cannot gain temporary hit points, and takes a -2 ends). The target cannot save against this power until it
penalty to saving throws. takes the ongoing psychic damage at least once.
Vestige Pact: The attack deals extra necrotic damage
equal to your Inte lligence modifier.

Adrin is an elf rogue from the Witchwood, a cheerful and Adrin with arcane power he didn't possess before (reflected
gregarious citizen of a small, close-knit community of elves in the Pact Initiate feat, with t he fey pact). Adrin is terrified
and eladrin. Although he thrives on the company of other of what the fey being is going to ask in exchange for the
people, he also enjoys wandering through the forest-at power it gave him, and his sleep is tormented by night-
least, he used to. That changed when he encountered a mares about this encounter. After that experience, Adrin
presence, a fey being of enormous power, ancient wisdom, left the Witchwood for the nearby town of Brindol, and if
and primal hunger. The being scared him senseless, but left he never enters the forest again, he will be content.

CHAPTER 4 I War lock

Tyranny .o f Flame Warlock Attack 1 LEVEL 2 UTILITY SPELLS
Burned b), the fires of the Nine Hells, ),OUT enem), 8rovels, be8- "
8il18/or merg'. Caiphon's Leap Warlock Utility :2 $
Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement You caU upon Caiphon the Dream VVhisperer, and with his aid.
Standard Action Ranged 10 )'ou move out of harm's way.
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Encounter" Arcane, Teleportation u
Effect: You knock the target prone.
Immediate Reaction Personal
Trigger: An enemy cursed by you hits you with a melee attack "
Hit: 3d6 + Constitution modifierfire damage. and the tar-
Effect: You reduce the damage you take by your Charisma <C
get can't stand up from prone (save ends).
Infernal Pact: The target also takes a -2 penalty to saving
modifier. You then teleport 2 squares. $
throws against this power.
Devil's Trade Warlock Utility 2
Miss: Half damage. IJ./
You caU all iTifernal powers to trade a slh'er ofyour soulfor Z
Vestige of Khaeleth Warlock Attack 1 temporary relief
Khaeleth lVas a divine entity that8ave ofhimselfllnti! onl), a Encounter" Arcane
shred l'emained.lnvoRinB him, you perform a similar act on Minor Action Personal
behalf of an albr. Effect: You gain vulnerable 5 to all damage until the end
of your next turn, and you automatically succeed on one
Daily" Arcane, Implement
saving throw you make at the end of this turn.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex Eyes of the Spider Queen Warlock Utility 2
Hit: 1 d8 + Constitution modifier damage. You gain a bo- A cluster of dull black eyes appears on ),our forehead, 8ivin8 you
nus to the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modi- enhanced si8ht in darkness and the pOlVer to see the unseen.
fier fo r each ally adjacent to you. Daily .. Arcane
Miss: Half damage.
Minor Action Personal
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Khaeleth.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain darkvision
Khaeleth Pact Boon: An ally within 5 squares of you gains and can see invisible objects and creatures that are adja-
temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
cent to you.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: The first time your eyes of
the vestiBe target deals damage to an ally before the end
of your next turn, you can reduce that damage by any Fey Bargain Warlock Utility 2
amount and take damage equal to the amount of the You BaillBood Luck now in exchallBefor bad luck Later.
reduction. The damage has no type. Encounter" Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Vestige of Mount Vaelis Warlock Attack 1 Effect: You gain a + 2 bonus to your next attack roll, but
You tcll of thc victol)' of the pl'imordials aBainst the divine arm)' automatically fail your next saving throw before the end
at i\fount Vaelis, COlljuri118 the thunderous echoes of their success. of the encounter.
, Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: Id8 + Constitution modifier thunder damage, and the
target cannot walk or run (save ends).
You breathe out a doud of acidic black flies that streak across the
Miss: Half damage, and the target cannot walk or run until
battlefield, swarmi118 YOllr fo e and attel11ptinB to enter its bod)r.
the end of your next turn. Encounter" Acid, Arcane, Implement
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Mount Vaelis. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Mount Vaelis Pact Boon: One creature cursed by you and Target: One creature
within 5 squares of you gains vulnerable 5 thunder until Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
the end of your next turn. Hit: 2d6 + Constitution modifier acid damage, and the target
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vestiBe grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
attack deals 1 d6 extra thunder damage. Infernal Pact or Vestige Pact: On a miss, the target grants
combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Your passage through t he world leaves its mark. As you Nine Hells billowing around you. It's up to you to decide
w alk, arcane energy burns and congeals around you. whether your warlock is constantly surrounded by this
Depending on your pact and your idea of your character, concealing cloud-even while you' re walking down a city
you might imagine the effect of your Shadow Walk class street doing your shopping-or if it's only act ive while
feature as fey energy sparkling around you and hiding you're in combat. If it's always active, it's a good idea to
you from clear view, the utter blackness of the Under- remind your DM of it once in a while, so the NPCs you
dark clinging to you, or sulfurous smoke straight from t he meet respond appropriately.

CHAPTE R 4 I Warlock
Delban's Deadly Attention Warlock Attack 3 Vestiges' Calamity Warlock Attack 3
A bolt offrigid starliaht sliines down and bathes your foe, caus- W ith a sin8le word, you submerae yo ur enemy in a deluge of
ina the Cl'eature to suffer a spasm of agony just as it attacks you. chaotic energy.
Encounter .. Arcane, Implement, Necrotic Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Fire, Implement, lightning,
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 4 Thunder
Trigger: An enemy in burst hits you with a melee attack Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: The ng enemy Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. The target Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage. If the target
chooses either to deal half damage to you with its melee is cursed by you, it takes extra cold, fire, lightning, and
attack or to take 1 d8 extra necrotic damage. thunder damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Star Pact: The attack deals 1 d8 + your Intelligence Vestige Pact: If the target is cursed by you, the attack also
modifier extra necrotic damage. deals the extra damage to each creature adjacent to the
Fortune Binding Warlock Attack 3
You create etltereaI black ropes (har bind you CO your enemy. As LEVEL 5 DAILY SPELLS
the ropes twist )fOUr Luck improves and your enemy's fa lters.
Encounter " Arcane, Psychic, Implement Crackling Fire Warlock Attack 5
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 An eldntch storm offire and 1i8htnin8 eruptsfrom you to scour
Target: One creature your fo es, leavin8 them vulnerable to future attacks.
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement, lightning
Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier psychic damage. You end
Standard Action Close blast 3
one effect on you that a save can end, and the target
Target: Each creature in blast '
gains that effect until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Vestige Pact: The attack deals extra damage equal to your
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier fire and lightning damage,
Intelligence modifier.
and the target gains vulnerable 5 fire and vulnerable 5
lightning (save ends both).
Pipes of Winter Warlock Attack 3 Miss: Half damage.
With a 8esture, a set of81acial pipes appears at your lips. Blow·
in8 on it, you. produce a horrid keenin8 that chills your foes to Lure of Gibbeth Warlock Attack 5
the bone.
Ajleetil18 thou8ht of Gibbeth the Endless, an unknowable entiLy
Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Implement slain at tlte birth of the world but poised to retum at the world's
Standard Action Ranged 5 endin8, seizes your enemy's mind and draws yourfoe toward
Target: One creature you like a mot/t to flame.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target
Standard Action Ranged 10
is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Target: One creature
Fey Pact: Each enemy adjacent to the target is slowed until
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
the end of your next turn.
Hit: ld1 0 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you
pull the target 4 squares.
Shared Agony Warlock Attack 3 Miss: Half damage, and you pull the target 2 squares.
Sometimes pain is the price of Victory. To wrack your opponent 's Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you can pull the
mind, y011 mi8ht have to 8ive up a fra8ment ofyour own sanity. target 2 squares as a minor action once during your turn.
Encounter .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Tyrannical Threat Warlock Attack 5
Target: One creature You speak, and eachsyliabIe is a deadly insinuation; each utter-
Attack: Charisma vs. Will ance a dan8crous threat; each sentence, a dire curse.
Hit: 2d12 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Daily .. Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic
Miss: You can take 10 psychiC damage to reroll the attack roll.
Standard Action Close burst 3
Dark Pact: If you reroll the attack roll and hit, reduce the
Target: Each enemy in burst
psychic damage you take by your Intelligence modifier.
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: 1 d1 0 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and
you place your Warlock's Curse on the target.
Dragonborn have naturally high Charisma, which makes Infernal Pact: You place your Warlock's Curse on the
them excellent warlocks. Dragonborn warlocks put their target.
natural force of will to good use with star pact or fey Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever a creature
cursed by you attacks you, it takes psychic damage equal
pact powers. Despite their natural ability, dragonborn
to your Intelligence modifier.
warlocks are unusuaL Thus, a dragonborn warlock tends
to stand out more than a dragon born fighter or a tiefling
warlock might.

CHAPTEH 4 I W arlock
Venomous Webs Warlock Attack 5 LEVEL 6 UTILITY SPELLS Vl
Sticky webs slick with acid burn your f oe. poisonins its flesh with LlJ
eac1t step it takes. Life Siphon Warlock Utility 6 $

Daily .. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Poison It'S110t pretl); it's not kind, but sometimes you need to draw
Standard Action Ranged 10 power from an al/y's pain.
Target: One creature ~
Encounter" Arcane, Healing U
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier acid damage, and the target
Immediate Reaction Personal o
Trigger: An ally within' 0 squares of you takes damage c:::
grants combat advantage to you and your allies (save
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to one attack roll before <r:
Miss: Half damage.
the end of your next turn. $
Dark Pact: You regain hit points equal to your Charisma
Effect: If the target willingly moves before the end of its $
next turn, it takes ongoing poison damage equal to your W
Infernal Pact: You gain temporary hit points equal to Z
Intelligence modifier (save ends).
twice your Constitution modifier.

Vestige of Ugar Warlock Attack 5

Mercurial Form Warlock Utility 6
Upon his demise, U8ar the Unfol'[}il'in8 dissolved into sand and
Your f onn flows and shimmers, alJowin8 you [0 slip throu8h
vecame a lrarsh desert. Your words of power brinBforth the
searinaflame of that land to vurn your fo es. cracks. escape an enemy's claws. and evade even the mostpersis'
tent hunter.
Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
Daily" Arcane, Polymorph
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Minor Action Personal
Target: Each creature in burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you cannot be
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
marked, you are considered Tiny for the purpose
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
of squeezing, and you can automatically succeed at
Effect: The burst creates a zone of burning light that lasts
escaping from a grab as a free action.
until the end of the encounter. Each creature that enters
the zone or starts its turn there takes 1 dl 0 fire damage.
Creatures cannot benefit from concealment while within Racing Fire of Ulban Warlock Utility 6
the zone. YOltmove with the swiftness ofU/ban, whose bumin8 8101)' some-
Veruge Pact: You gain access to the vestige ofUgar the times flashes across the sky in afie ry streak ofbille and white.
Encounter" Arcane
Ugar Pact Boon: You can move the zone 3 squares as a
Move Action Personal
free action.
Effect: You move twice your speed.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vestise
attack deals fire damage instead of psychic damage. The
target loses concealment and cannot regain it until the
end of your next turn. PACTS AND POWERS
The warlock spells in the Player's Handbook all identify
Vestige of Xandor Warlock Attack 5 the pact they're associated with, but the spells in this
To /mow the borders of sani ty, one has to cross them. W ith the book don't include t hat information. After looking at
aiel ofXanc/or the Mad. you push your foe across that threshold. the Player's Handbook, many players felt constrained to
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic choose the powers associated with their pact, which is
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 far too limiting. If you're a fey pact warlock, you don't
Target: One creature have to choose only fey pact powers- any warlock spell
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
that uses Charisma (including dark pact powers and
Hit: 2d6 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and the
target is influenced by the vestige of Xandor (save ends).
some star pact powers) is a fine choice for you. If you
While It is influenced, at the start of each of its turns, It want t o, you can tweak the descriptions, flavor; or even
must choose either to be dazed until the start of Its next the names of your powers to reflect your pact or the
turn or to take psychic damage equal to twice your Con- particular patron you choose.
stitution modifier. Some powers in this book give particular effects based
Miss: 2d6 + Constitution modifie r psychic damage, and the on your choice of pact, and even offer different effects for
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
different pacts. For example, the fortune's reversal spell
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige ofXandor the
Mad. (page 74) has a baseline effect, a slightly different effect
Xandor Pact Boon: You can roll a saving throw. If you have if you have the dark pact. and a still different effect if you
no effect on you that a save can end, you instead gain have the fey pact. Furthermore, certain items and feats
temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. have benefits that apply when you use a warlock power
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vesti8e of a particular pact_ Such powers can be identified either
attack deals 1 dB extra psychic damage. by the pact name appearing in parentheses in the title
line of the power, or by the pact's name appearing as a
subhead in the power entry.

C H A PT E R 4 I W arlock
Spider Queen's Caress Warlock Uti lity 6 . Hero's Arrow Warlock Attack 7
You whisper to those who dwell in the darkness ofyour lIndyin8 You coryllre a maBie arrow and send it speeding (oward an en·
love and 10y(lI!)~ (lnd in return you gain the 8ift of stealth. emy.A hero's arrow that hits its mark both hurts a foe and aids
Daily. Arcane an ally.
Minor Action Personal Encounter. Arcane, Healing, Implement
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain a + 2 power Standard Action Ranged 10
bonus to saving throws and Stealth checks. Target: One creature
Dark Pact: Your Shadow Walk grants concealment to Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
you after you move 2 squares instead of 3. Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage. One ally adja·
cent to the target regains hit points equal to your Intel·
ligence modifier.
LEVEL 7 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Vestige Pact: Each ally adjacent to the target regains hit
points equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Acrid Decay Warlock Attack 7
YOII extend your hand. and two Sickly w een bolts spiral out from Mordant Rains of Dis Warlock Attack 7
yo liTfin8ers, burning and devourin8 your enemy. You open a portal to Dis above ),our foe's head. releasing a caus-
Encounter. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Necrotic tic rain upon your enemy.
Standard Action Ranged 10 Encounter. Acid, Arcane, Implement
Target: One or two creatures Standard Action Ranged 10
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Target: One creature
Hit: 1 dl 2 + Constitution modifier acid and necrotic damage.
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Vestige Pact: The target also takes a -2 penalty to attack Hit: 1 d6 + Constitution modifier acid damage. and the
rolls until the end of its next turn. target is blinded until the end of your next turn. I
Infernal Pact: Each enemy adjacent to the target takes
All the Sand, All the Stars Warlock Attack 7 acid damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
You make yoU/Joe see alt the 8 rains of sand in the desert and
alL ihe stars in the heavens, and it reels in shock. UTlable to wasp Nypacian Serpents Warlock Attack 7
ilymit;, You create semblances of the serpents of the Nypadan Outlands
Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic to attack an enenl)'
Standard Action Close blast 3
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Poison
Target: Each creature in blast
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Target: One creature
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage. The first time the
Star Pact: The attack deals extra psychic damage eq ual to
target takes damage before the end of your next turn ,
your Intelligence modifier.
it takes extra poison damage equal to your Intelligence
Fey Pact: The poison damage equals twice your
Intelligence modifier.

- •


You can take one of two basic approaches to your ability The second approach is to keep both your Charisma
scores as a warlock. First you can put your highest score and your Constitution high, making Intelligence your third-
in either Charisma or Constitution, choose only powers highest score (and probably a distant third). If you go t his
that use that ability for attack rolls and damage rolls, and route, you can choose any warlock power and know that
put your next highest score in Intelligence in order to get your attack rolls and damage rolls will be more or less
the best possible boost from powers that have secondary equal, so you have t he maximum flexibility in your power
effects based on your Intelligence. This is the approach selection. On the downSide, you won't get as much benefit
suggested in the Player's Handbook. The advantage to this from powers that have effects related to Intelligence.
approach is that you get the most bang for your Intelli- Which approach is best for you is really up to you to
gence buck, but if you select attack powers that don't use decide. It's worth spending some t ime when you create
the ability you chose, those will be clearly inferior to your your warlock character to think about the powers you're
other attack powers. Effectively, you're limited to half of going t o want as you progress through your career, so you
the available powers-the ones that use whichever ability can weigh the importance of Intelligence to your character
you choose as your highest score. and make the right choices for your ability scores.

CHAPTER 4 I Warlock
Shadow Strangler Warlock Attack 7 Storm Countess's Kiss Warlock Attack 9 Vl

A wraithlike creature appears behind your enemy and attempts You sarcastically blow a kiss at your enemy. creatin8 a swirlina "w
ro stranale il. With each of)'our foe's attacks, tlle >"pecter's arip aale that l·ifts your foe off the around and then tosses it aside. ~
li8htens. Daily .. Arcane, Cold, Implement o0..
Encounter" Arcane, Implement Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature ~
Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude U
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Hit: Charisma modifier cold damage, and the target is
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target takes held restrained 10 feet (w2 squares) off the ground (save ex:
a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. ends). <C
Dark Pact: Until the end of your next turn, whenever the Fey Pact: The target is held restrained off the ground a ~
number of feet equal to 10 + five times your Intelligence
target makes an attack roll, it takes damage equal to your
Intelligence modifier. modifier.
Aftereffect: The target falls, and you slide it 2 squares. 2
Miss: You push the target 2 squares, and you knock it prone.
Vestige of IImeth Warlock Attack 9
The primordial Tlmeth felt 501'1'0\\1 for the "lives he claimed in the
SOltis trapped in the Nine Hells are h1l1181)' for life. Openin8 a
DctWI1 War. and t1le warjrenzied titans under his command
temporary rijt, yoLL8ive them a. taste ofyourfoes' Vitality destroyed him for his weakness. You c1,amlel the sorrow ofthe
Daily" Arcane, Cold, Implement, Psychic, Zone slain primordial to wOUl'ld your enemy with rewet.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Teleportation
Target: Each creature in burst Standard Action Ranged 10
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Target: One creature
Hit: 1 d8 + Constitution modifier psychic damage and the
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
target is dazed (save ends).
Hit: 2dl 0 + Constitution modifier psychic damage. Until
Effect: The burst creates a zone of hungry spirits that lasts
the end of the encounter, whenever the target makes an
until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain.
attack roll against you, it takes psychic damage equal to
Each creature that enters the zone or starts its turn there
your Intelligence modifier.
takes 1 d8 + your Constitution modifier cold damage. As a
Miss: Half damage.
move action, you can move the zone 2 squares.
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of IImeth.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
IImeth Pact Boon: You and an ally within 5 squares of you
can swap positions as a free action.
Horrifying Hatching Warlock Attack 9 Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vestiae
Spider ea8s hatch inside your enemy's.flesh, unleash ina a deadly target also takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end
poison and causin8 the creature to thrash in panic. of your next turn.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Vestige of Shax Warlock Attack 9
Target: One creature Shax the Devastator is a dead primordiaL of the sea. With a
I Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude wave of)'Our hand, you summon a fraament ofhis pOlVer.
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement
Effect: The target takes ongOing 10 poison damage (save Standard Action Close blast 3
ends). Whenever the target takes this ongOing damage, Target: Each creature in blast
you can slide the target 1 square.
Effect: You knock the target prone.
Dark Pact: A~ a minor action, you can end the ongoing
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
poison damage to deal 2d1 0 + your Intelligence modifier Hit: 2dl 0 + Constitution modifier damage, and you push
poison damage to the target.
the target a number of squares equal to your Intelligence
Fey Pact: As a minor action, you can end the ongOing
poison damage to slide the target 3 squares.
Miss: Half damage.
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Shax the
ELADR1N WARLOCKS Shax Pact Boon: You can end one dazed, stunned,
Eladrin prefer to pursue careers as wizards rather than immobilized, or restrained condition on you or on an ally
warlocks. However, eladrin who do swear pacts to other- within 5 squares of you.
worldly entities discover that their education and hardened Eyes of the Vestige Augment: You push your eyes of the
minds make them ideal students of esoteric knowledge. vestiae target a number of squares equal to your Intel-
ligence modifier.
Their background in ancient history, fey entities, and dis-
ta nt sta rs gives them the know-how to safely form pacts.
Eladrin favor the fey pact because of their fey origin and
because the Misty Step pact boon enhances their ability
to teleport.

CH APTER 4 I Warlock

Bond of Brotherhood Warlock Utility 10 Dark Reach of Xevut Warlock Attac k 13

n ancient enclave of eladrill s11ared in each other's triumphs You call on Xevu.t He "" 110 Hun8ers, and send a dark mael-
and pain; you borrolV their maBie co benefit fro m your ally's strom at one enemy. which transfers that creature's affliction to
healill8· a nearby fo e.
Daily. Arcane, Healing Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Immediate Reaction Personal Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you spends a healing . An enemy within 10 squares of you saves against
surge an effect
Effect: You regain hit points equal to the amount the trig- Target: The triggering enemy
gering ally regains. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. One enemy
Curse of Nessus Warlock Utility 10 within 3 squares of the target gains the effect that the
target saved against.
You transform your bad lucl.? into ),our enemy's misfornme. Star Pact: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a bonus
Encounter. Arcane to saving throws equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Free Action Ranged 1 0
Trigger: You miss an enemy with an attack
Killing Flames Warlock Attack 1 3
Target: The enemy you missed
Effect: The target takes a -5 penalty to saving throws until You lISe an enemy's recent. injur), to fuel. infernalflames and
the end of your next turn. sear thefoe.
Encounter. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Destiny Inversion Warlock Utility 10 Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0 ,
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you becomes
You untan8'e the tllreads off ate, rearmn8in8 them to suit ),our bloodied
Target: The triggering ene my
Encounter. Arcane Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Immediate Interrupt Personal Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
Trigger: An attack hits you Infernal Pact: The damage Ignores resistance to fire.
Effect: You take no damage from the triggering attack.
Instead, you take ongOing damage equal to half the
triggering attack's damage (save ends). The ongOing
damage has the same damage type as the triggering attack. The son8s of the korred inspire a dance that can destroy one's
mind if iallored.
Transcendent Dance Warlock Utility 1 0 Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
For a moment, your mind and bod)' are in harmony, and )'OU
Target.: One creature
acllieve the pinnacle of Brace and speed. Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Daily. Arcane Hit.: 3d6 + Charisma modifier damage. If the target does
Minor Action Personal not move at least 3 squares during its next turn, it takes
Effect: Until the end ofthe encounter; you gain a bonus to 1 d6 psychic damage.
speed and saving throws equal to your Dexterity modifier Fey Pact: If the target does not move at least 6 squares
(minimum 1). during its next turn, it takes 1 d6 psychic damage.

What happens to your enemies when you lay your curse foe. Or you might briefly mention the target 's name
upon them? Unless you have a magiC item t hat imposes to whatever entity gives you your power, focusing that
additional effects, the effects in the game are very being's alien attention on your foe so your spells carry
straightforward: The target takes more damage from more power.
your attacks. But what's happening from the perspec- When you put your curse on a creature, the target
t ive of your character-and the monster you target with knows it . The creature might experience it as a chill down
your curse? the spine, a prickle at the back of its neck, a nauseated
Fundamentally, you're creating a bond between you feeling in its stomach, or an unpleasant sense of dread. It
and the target-that's part of the reason your curse might have a brief flash of vision revealing the source of
works only on the nearest target you can see. Perhaps your power; terrible and awesome in its mind. Many crea-
you simply create a conduit between yourself and t he tures respond to that feeling with fear, and many others
target that makes the power you wield flow more easily react with aggression directed at the source of the curse-
to the target, so you can imbue your spells with a li ttle you. It's never a bad idea to have a defender in place
extra st rength as t hey course along t hat conduit to your between you and the target of your curse.

CHAP T E R 4 I Warlock
Skirmisher's Volley Warlock Attack 13 Plague of Frogs Warlock Attack 1 5 III
Youfire arcane bolts at your enemies before movinB away. You summon hundreds of carnivorous froBS that bite and harry UJ
Encounter. Arcane, Implement creatures around them. ~
Standard Action Ranged 10 Daily. Arcane, Implement, Zone oc..
Target: One, two, or three creatures Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex Target: Each creature in burst ~
Hit: 1 d8 + Constitution modifier damage. Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Effect: After the attack is resolved, you shift 1 square. Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
Vestige Pact: You shift a number of squares equal to 1 + Effect: The burst creates a zone of hopping carnivorous "
the number of targets you hit with the attack. frogs that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is ~
difficult terrain. Each creature that enters the zone or starts ;;>
Wraith's Shadow Warlock Attack 13 its turn there takes 2d8 + your Charisma modifier damage.
As a move action, you can move the zone 3 squares. UJ
The shadows cOlweal and smother your foe in a sickly mass of Sustain Minor: The zone persists, and you can move it 1 Z
debi[itatina darkn ess. square.
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Vestige of Leraje Warlock Attack 1 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Leraje Bave up the lush woods to prove her mastelY of the bow,
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and the and was cast away for it. You borrow her skill, but not her pride.
target is weakened until the end of your next turn. Daily. Arcane, Implement, Poison
Dark Pact: You can choose to deal no damage with this Standard Action Ranged 10
attack and instead make the target immobilized and Target: One creature
weakened until the end of your next turn. Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d 1 0 + Constitution modifier damage.
Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
LEVEL 15 DAILY SPELLS Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Leraje.
Leraje Pact Boon: living plants temporarily grow around
Caution of Dispater Warlock Attack 15 you. Until the end of your next turn, you have cover against
Dispater remains in control of his part of Hell throuBh ClLnnina attackers that are not adjacent to you.
and by beatina rivals into submission. You borrow a paaefrom Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vestiae
his beak. target is also immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Daily. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Vestige of Solis Warlock Attack 1 5
Target: One creature A fallina sta.r soars downward , burninf} briaht as j{ strikes yOllr
Attack: Constitution vs. Will foe in a deafeninB explosion.
Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier psychic damage.
Daily +- Arcane, Fire, Implement, Thunder
Effect: The target takes 1dB + your Constitution modifier
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
psychic damage at the start of each of its turns until the
Primary Target: One creature
target is attacked or until it starts its turn without line of
Primary Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Sight to you.
Effect: 2d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
Infernal Pact: The power's effect does not end when you
Hit: The target takes ongOing 10 thunder damage (save
attack the target.
ends). Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 1
centered on the primary target.
Dark Rain of Mutuz-Vot Warlock Attack 15 Secondary Target: Each creature in burst
You brinBforth storm douds that e;mde droplets of liquid dark- Secondary Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
ness,just Ji:ke the rains of the massive ca.vern ofMutuz-Votin. Hit: The secondary target is dazed and deafened (save
the Underdark. ends both).
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Solis.
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
Solis Pact Boon: Each enemy within 3 squares of you is
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
deafened and grants combat advantage until the end of
Target: Each creature in burst
your next turn.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: If your eyes ofthe vestiae
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.
target makes an attack roll against any of your allies before
Effect: The burst creates a zone of raining darkness that lasts
the end ofthe target's next turn, the target takes fire and
until the end of your next turn. The zone's area is lightly
thunder damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
obscured. Each creature that enters the zone or starts its
turn there is blinded (save ends).

Dark Pact: You ignore the zone's effect. HALFL1NG WARLOCKS
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
Quick-witted halflings are drawn to becoming warlocks.
Their high Charisma enables halflings to excel with their
curses and spells, and their small size and innately supe-
rior Dexterity are effective complements to the paradigm
that deceptive warlocks embody.

C HAPTER 4 I Warlock
Amaan's Continuance Warlock Utility 16 Claws of the Magpie Warlock Attack 1 7
Invokin8 the remnant ofa dead80d you borrow irs lin8er. Aflock of spectral black QJuiwhite birds flies throuah your en·
in8 power to act when you would 110rmalb' !ie on the 8round, elllY; tearina out pieces of the creature's essence and power.
bleeain8· Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Daily. Arcane Standard Action Ranged 10
No Action Personal Target: One creature
Trigger: An attack reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer and Attack: Charisma vs. Will
doesn't kill you Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you do not become Effect: Until the end of the target's next turn, it can use only
unconscious from haVing 0 hit points or fewer. basic attacks or other at·will powers. Also, the target's
auras end and cannot be reactivated until the end of your
Hero's Defense Warlock Utility 16 next turn.
Fey Pact: You gain temporary hit points equal to your
Your haso/ spell draws on your 8reatest stren8th to covel' YOUI' Intelligence modifier.
Encounter. Arcane
Despair of Zhudun Warlock Attack 1 7
Immediate Interrupt Personal
. An enemy makes an attack roll against you You manifest an aspect of the blank face of dead Zhudun, caus·
Effect You gain a +4 bonus to your highest defense for this in8 your foe to collapse in fem:
attack only, and the triggering enemy's attack targets that Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic
defense. If the attack hits it deals half damage to you. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Painful Transference Warlock Utility 16 Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: 1 dB + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and you
You transform your debilitation into an altl s pain.
knock the target prone. If the target stands up during
Encounter. Arcane its next turn, it takes ldB psychiC damage and grants
No Action Personal combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Requirement: You must not be dying. Star Pact: If the target stands up during its next turn, it
Effect: You end an effect on you that a save can end. Each also takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
ally within 5 squares of you takes damage equal to your next turn.
Charisma modifier. If no ally is within 5 squares of you,
you take damage equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
Devouring Death Warlock Attack 1 7
This damage cannot be reduced or negated.
A bolt of black "ilTiol splashes over your foe, leavin8 it vulnera·
ble to further acid attacks and to your ma8ie of death and dem):
Warp Space Warlock Utility 1 6
Encounter + Acid, Arcane, Implement
Vsilt8 incomprehensible 108ic from beyond the stars, you rear· Standard Action Ranged 10
ranse the battlefield. Target: One creature
Encounter. Arcane, Teleportation Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Close burst 5 Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier acid damage. Until the end
Target: You and two allies in burst of your next turn, the target gains vulnerable 10 acid and
Effect: Each target teleports to a space within the burst. vulnerable 10 necrotic.
Dark Pact: The target loses any resistance to acid or
resistance to necrotic until the end of your next turn.


Morethan members of other classes, warlocks are known secrets and ancient knowledge, even ifthey're not evil, might
for their impiety. Warlocks channel power from creatures revere Vecna. As the god of knowledge, loun has appeal
and entities that are often enemies of the gods, and thus for warlocks who seek to learn more about the enigmatic
warlocks are bound to wonder what the gods can offer creatures with which they make pacts. Beyond these three.
that they do not already have. However, in a world where all the deities in the pantheon count some warlocks among
the gods have specific goals and can manifest phYSically, their worshipers. Warlocks who view magical skill as an art
some warlocks realize that they cannot ignore the pan- form, including many elves and eladrin, worship Corellon.
theon entirely. A few warlocks find that devotion to a Dwarf warlocks who seek to protect their communities wor·
particular god can further their own goals as well as those ship Moradin. Pelor is popular among good-aligned warlocks
of the deity. who use their eldritch powers to scour evil, and the Raven
Avandra is a popular deity among warlocks because Queen is a favored deity among warlocks who seek only to
of her influence over adventure. Warlocks who search for deliver death with their powers.

CHAPTER 4 I Warl ock




Life Force Reclaimed Warlock Attack 17 Sea Tyrant's Fury Warlock Attack 1 7
rour bolt of arcane eneray draws vita lit)' from YO UT foe. Arcane waves sweepYOUT foes to the around as you harness the
Encounter" Arcane, Implement mae of the ancient Sea lYrant.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Encounter" Arcane, Implement
Target: One creature Standard Action Close blast 5
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Target: Each creature in blast
Hit: 3d8 -I- Constitution modifier damage. You gain tempo- Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
rary hit points equal to your healing surge value. Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and you knock
Vestige Pact: The number of temporary hit points you gain the target prone and push it a number of squares equal
equals your healing surge value -I- twice your Intelligence to your Intelligence modifier.
modifier. Vestige Pact: You and any allies within 5 squares of you
gain a + 2 power bonus to saving throws until the end of
your next turn.


Warlocks deal extensively with the life force of all life-stealer, manipulation of enemies' life force is clearly
beings-the energy that animates even undead creatures. sinister, and it's part of what makes all warlocks frighten-
W hen you place your Warlock's Curse on a creature, ing to common folk .
you bind its life force to yours. Your Prime Shot feature How does your warlock view this use and abuse of
unlike the ranger's similar feature) relies on your ability enemies' life force? Is it a distasteful but necessary part
o manipulate an enemy's life force when no competing of your magic? Do you derive pleasure or sustenance
sources of life force are nearby. Many of your powers from it? Is it an almost addictive, dangerous habit you
manipulate life force directly (such as life force reclaimed), would just as soon break if you could? Or is it a foretaste
and the life-stealer paragon path (Player's Handbook, of the destiny you will someday embrace, when as a
page 141) is the ultimate expression of th is tendency terrible demigod of annihilation you will feast on the
in warlock powers. For an infernal pact warlock like the lives of nations?

CHAPTE R 4 I Warlock
LEVEL 19 DAILY SPELLS Vestige of the Warlock Attack 19
Burned Emperors
Force of Nature Warlock Attack 19 The Burned Emperors ruled a re8ion rom by strife. Once defeat-
Your maBie creates a primordial force that hurls your f oe ed, t1tey became ashadow)f entity, which you now call upon.
throuflh the air. Daily. Arcane, Implement, Teleportation
Daily. Arcane, Implement Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: 2dl 0 + Constitution modifier damage. You gain abo·
Hit: 6dl 0 + Charisma modifier damage, and you knock nus to the damage roll equal to your Intelligence modi-
the target prone and push it a number of squares equal fier for each ally adjacent to the target.
to your Intelligence modifier. Miss: Half damage.
Miss: Half damage, and you push the target 1 square. Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of the Burned
Burned Emperors Pact Boon: You can teleport an ally
Maelstrom of Despair Warlock Attack '19
within 5 squares of you 3 squares.
You trap your foe in a crushin8 vortex of despair. wrackin8 its Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Each ally adjacent to
mind with each passill8 moment of affliction. your eyes of the vesti8e target can shift 1 square as a free
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Psychic action.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
You summon af ranment of a darll star and Imrl it at your f oe,
Hit: 3dl 0 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and ongo-
causil18 the creature's flesh to slou8h away.
ing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes Daily + Arcane, Healing, Implement, Necrotic
psychic damage equal to your Intelligence modifier Standard Action Ranged 10
whenever it rolls a saving throw. Target: One creature
Dark Pact: The psychic damage the target takes when- Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
ever it rolls a saving throw equals twice your Intelligence Hit: 4dS + Constitution modifier necrotic damage. The
modifier. target takes ongoing 1 0 necrotic damage, and whenever
Sustain Minor: The effect persists. the target would regain hit points, you regain the hit
Fey Pact: Whenever you sustain the effect, you gain a + 2 points instead (save ends both).
bonus to saving throws until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage, and ongOing 5 necrotic damage (save
e nds).
Vestige of Amaan Warlock Attack 19
Your maBie recalls Kaestela ria 's enslavement by the dead fl od LEVEL 22 UTILITY SPELLS
Amaan, imposin8 similar shackles upon your fo e.
Daily + Arcane, Implement Ascension of the Elder Warlock Utility 22
Standard Action Ranged 10 You use a planar pathway known by ancienrvesti8es to trans-
Target: One creature port yourself to the safety of the sky, where you can remain for
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude a time.
Hit: 3dS + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is Daily. Arcane, Teleportation
immobilized and gains vulnerable 10 to all damage (save Move Action Personal
ends both). Effect: You teleport 100 feet (20 squares) to a space di-
Miss: Half damage, and the target is immobilized (save rectly above you. Until the e nd of your next turn, you gain
ends). a speed of fly S.
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of Amaan. Sustain Minor: The effect persists. When you fail to sustain
Amaan Pact Boon: You can push or pull a creature cursed the effect, you float to the ground without taking damage.
by you and within 10 squares of you a number of squares
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: You push or pull your eyes HALF-ELF WARLOCKS
of the vesti8e target a number of squares equal to your
Intelligence modifier. Some half-elves feel t rapped between two worl ds
they're not truly part of, and they turn to dark pacts to
find escape or revenge. Others see their dual heritage as
a unique source of power, allowing them to harness fey
forces without being bound by those forces. Whatever
their situation or outlook, half-elves excel as warlocks.
putting their naturally high Charisma and Constitution
to work to help them master the spells of any pact with
relat ive ease.

C HAP TE R 4 I Warlock
Walk of the Kantakaran Warlock Utility 22 Maddening Whispers Warlock Attack 23 til

Your spen ofpeace borrows a lessonfrom the vesti8e of the Kan- Your foe Clasps its hands over its ears shriekin8 in panic as it is w
rakaran monks, an order of mystics that espoused neutrality. overcome by terror. $
Encounter" Arcane Encounter" Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic oa.
Minor Action Personal Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you cannot use an Target: One creature ~

attack power or be attacked. Attack: Charisma vs. Will

Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the
Wakeman's Invocation Warlock Utility 22 target is immobilized and grants combat advantage until ex:
the end of its next tum. At the start of the target's next <C
You employ a difensive technique developed by the scholar
turn, you slide the target 2 squares. $
trom Wakeman, who learned to use the power of Far Realm
Star Pact: At the start of the target's next turn, you slide $w
creatures without riskin8 one's sanity.
the target a number of squares equal to your Charisma
Daily .. Arcane, Teleportation modifier. Z
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end ofthe encounter, you gain a +2
Swarm of Fangs Warlock Attack 23
power bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks, and
whenever an enemy hits you with a melee attack, you Hi8h-pifdled, shriekill8 lauBltter echoes around your foe as a
can teleport that creature 2 squares as an immediate horde of tiny. needle-toothed. lI'in8ed f ey descends upon it
interrupt. Encounter" Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Wall of Inky Night Warlock Utility 22 Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
YOIl. pull anoi!y blackness oul ofthe ether to consum e your en-
Hit: 4d6 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is
emies ill darkness.
knocked prone.
Daily .. Arcane, Conjuration Fey Pact: All enemies within 2 squares of the target take
Minor Action Area wall 8 within 10 squares 10 + your Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect: You conjure a wall of rippling blackness that lasts
until the end ofthe encounter. The wall is 2 squares high
and blocks line of Sight. Any creature is blinded while LEVEL 25 DAILY SPELLS
within the wall. As a standard action, you can move the
wall 1 0 squares. Infernal Chains Warlock Attack 25
Flames dance alone the red-hot chains that you summon to
l.FVEL 23 ENCOUNIER SPELLS enlVrap your opponent
Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Arrow of Arcane Light Warlock Attack 23 Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Dral'ilina a boll' made of ra.diant ene,BY> you become like one of
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
KinlJ Elidy r's elite archers.
Hit: 4dl 0 + Constitution modifier fire damage, and the
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Radiant target is grabbed by fiery chains. Until the grab ends,
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 the target takes 5 fire damage at the start of its turn. The
Target: One creature target takes a -4 penalty to checks to escape the grab.
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex. This attack ignores all cover Until the end of the encounter or until the grab ends, you
and concealment, and the attack can score a critical hiton can make the follOWing attack as a minor action once per
a roll of19-20. round against the same target.
Hit: 3dl 0 + Constitution modifier radiant damage. Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Vestige Pact: You push the target a number of squares Hit: You slide the target 3 squares.
equal to your Intelligence modifier. Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).

Awaken the Dragon Warlock Attack 23

YOll rouse the soul of a lonn-dead draBon. caLlinn down its ne- DE VA WARLOCKS
crotic breath upon your foes. Most devas prefer the Wizard, avenger, invoker, or cleric
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Necrotic class. However, after enough reincarnations, some devas
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares are attracted to the idea of purSUing an out-of-the-
Target: Each creature in burst
ordinary career, and so one might take up the warlock
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier necrotic damage. If the class. Although a deva can't conSciously recall the details
target is cursed by you, it gains vulnerable 5 to all dam- of his or her previous life, a deva warlock often selects
age until the end of your next turn. . a pact connected in some way to previous experiences.
Vestige Pact: You gain temporary hit pOints equal to 5 + Such individuals t end to take the fey pact or the vestige
your Intelligence modifier. pact. They typically avoid the infernal, star, and dark pacts,
belieVing such oaths to invite corruption and rebirth as
a rakshasa.

HAPTE R 4 I W arlock
Instruction in Darkness Warlock Attack 2S Vestige of the Warlock Attack 25
You lower a black veil over your Joe and show the creature what Queen of Namhar
darkness tru~' means. You call upon the Queen oj amhar, who died oj t!tirst in the
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Necrotic amharid Desert, to selld yourJoe a vivid ima8e of death by
Standard Action Ranged 10 thiTst
Primary Target: One creature Daily + Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Primary Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Hit: 3d1 0 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. The Target: One creature
primary target is transported to a place of utter dark- Attack: Constitution vs. Will
ness (save ends). Whi le there, the primary target doesn't Hit: 4dl 0 + Constitution modifier psychic damage. and
have line of Sight or line of effect to anything. When the ongOing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
primary target saves, it reappears in the space it last oc- Aftereffect: The target is weakened (save ends).
cupied or in the nearest unoccupied space. When the Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save
primary target reappears make a secondary attack. ends). The target is weakened until the end of your next
No Action Area burst "1 centered on the turn.
primary target Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of the Queen of
Secondary Target Each enemy in burst Namhar.
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Will Queen of Namhar Pact Boon: The nearest creature
Hit: The secondary target is blinded (save ends). cursed by you is dazed (save ends).
Miss: The primary target is blinded (save ends). Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Your eyes of the vesti8e
target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
The Prince's Horde Warlock Attack 25
Thousands of tiny, insectlike warriors assault alld confuse your LEVEL 27 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Daily + Arcane, Implement Manipulating Thunderbolt Warlock Attack 27
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
1;Vit11 a clnp ofJ'our hands, your enemy is struck by a c1awlike
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
thunderbolt. which piCks up the a'eature alld f/ill8s it aside.
Hit 4d8 + Charisma modifier damage. Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Lightning, Thunder
Effect: The target is assaulted by a cloud of fairy warriors Standard Action Ranged 1 0
(save ends). While the target is affected by the cloud. the Target: One creature
target treats all creatures as haVing concealment. At the Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
start of the target's turn, the target and each creature Hit: 3d8 + Constitution modifier lightning and thunder
adjacent to the target take 1 dl 0 + your Charisma modifier damage. You slide the target 1 square, and it is immobi-
damage. lized until the end of its next turn.
Infernal Pact: You slide the target a number of squares
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Vestige of Land's Soul Warlock Attack 2S
YOI!r coil causes t1le earth to rise IIp alld crush yourJoe while
bestowill8'ife on you.
Shattering of the Sword Warlock Attack 27
You invoke the sha tterin8 oJKill8 Elidy r's sword- broken in
Daily + Arcane, Healing, Implement
lhe last moments oJhis life- and make your Joes Jeel the kin8'S
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude Encounter" Arcane, Implement
Hit: Sd8 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target Standard Action Ranged 1 0
is slowed (save ends). While the target is slowed by this Target: One creature
power, you gain regeneration 1 O. Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Miss: Half damage. Hit:: "1dl 0 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target
Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of land 's Soul. is stunned until the end of your next turn.
land's Soul Pact Boon: Each enemy cursed by you and Vestige Pact: The attack deals extra damage equal to your
within 5 squares of you takes S damage. and you regain S Intelligence modifier.
hit points for each enemy you damage in this way.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Until the end of your
next turn, your eyes of the vestiye target gains vulnerable DWARF WARLOCKS
5 + your Intelligence modifier to acid fire, lightning. or Though not known for their high Charisma, dwarves pos-
thunder (your choice). sess exceptional Constitution scores, which make them
ideal warlock candidates. Dwarves often become scourge
warlocks, and they favor the infernal pact and the vestige
pact, both of which play to their racial strengths. Dwarves
have a strong tradition as flghters, yet among dwarf clans,
many warlocks proudly pledge their eldritch powers to
the defense of the community.

HAPT . R 4 I Wa rIoek
Soul of-the Treant Warlock Attack 27 Forbiddance of the Ninth Warlock Attack 29 III
You awaken the spirit of a 10tla,dead trean!, which possesses your A waU of black flame rises from the floor at your behest. It pro- LU
enemy's body and makes the creature lash out aaatnst its allies_ tects you while unleashina BOUts offire on fo es. $
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Psychic Daily. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Fire o0..
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Standard Action Area wall 3 within 1 square
Target One creature Effect: You conjure a wall of flame that is up to 3 squares ::.::
high and lasts until the end of the encounter. The wall
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage. Each en- blocks line of sight.
emy adjacent to the target takes 1 d8 + your Charisma Entering a wall square costs 3 extra squares of move- CC
modifier damage. You push each enemy adjacent to the ment. Each creature that starts its turn within the wall's «
target a number of squares equal to your Intelligence space takes 2dl 0 + your Constitution modi'fier fire dam - $
modifier and knock it prone.
Fey Pact: You also knock t he target prone.
age, and any creature other than you that starts its turn
adjacent to the wall takes 1 dl 0 + your Constitution
modifier fire damage. Z
Zutwa's Incandescence Warlock Attack 17 As a move action, you can move the wall to a space
adjacent to you. Once per round, you can make the
You shine wit}l the Haltt ofZutwa'slife fo rce. which avenI/helms
following attack, which must include at least 2 wall
your foes vision.
squares in the blast.
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Radiant Minor Action Close blast 3
Standard Action Close burst 2 Target: Each creature in blast
Target Each enemy in burst Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex ,I
Attack: Constitution vs. Will Hit: 2dl 0 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier radiant damage, and the
target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Vestige of the Master Warlock Attack 29
Vestige Pact: The target takes a -2 penalty to saving
throws until the end of your next turn. of the 'Hidden Flame
You caU on the vestiae of the spellcaster called the Master of the
Hidden l]lame. Through him. you burnfoes by force of will.
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Arrangement of Disorder Warlock Attack 19
Target: One creature
Like the 5tH! point in a storm, you stand at the center of a burst Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
oj astral power that tears your enemies throu8h space while ar- Hit: Sdl 0 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
ran8in8 your aLLies to occupy the most adllanta8eous po iriotlS. Miss: Half damage.
Daily .. Arcane Implement Teleportation Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of the Master
Standard Action Close burst 5 of the Hidden Flame.
Target Each enemy in burst Master of the Hidden Flame Pact Boon: Each enemy
Attack: Charisma vs. Will cursed by you and within 5 squares of you takes ongOing 5
Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and you teleport fire damage (save ends).
the target to another space within the burst. Eyes of the Vestige Augment Your eyes of the vesti8e
Effect: You teleport each ally within the burst to another target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)_
space within the burst.
Vestige of Zuriel Warlock Attack 29
Eyes of the Victim Warlock Attack 29 As YOll attack, you scream a war Cl)' to Zuriel. a fOT80tten deity
From ma8ie, you craft an ancient conta8ion to eat alVay YOllr dedicated to wars ofjustice.
foes' siah t. Daily. Arcane, Implement
Daily. Arcane, Implement Necrotic Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Target: One creature
Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Attack: Charisma vs_ Reflex Hit: Sdl 0 + Constitution modifier damage.
Hit 3d1 0 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target gains blindness contagion (save ends). While Vestige Pact: You gain access to the vestige of luriel.
a creature is affected by blindness contagion, that creature is luriel Pact Boon: You gain a bonus to your next damage
blinded, and each enemy that starts its turn adjacent to that roll before the end of your next turn equal to your
creature gains blindness contagion (save ends). Intelligence modifier.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: You knock your eyes of the
vesti8e target prone, and the attack deals extra damage
ELF WARLOCKS equal to your Intelligence modifier.
like eladrin, elves are not known for making eldritch
pacts. Elves who become warlocks usually take the fey
pact to connect with their fey origin. Elf warlocks often
pick up some martial powers to supplement t heir arcane
abilities, relying on attacks t hat utilize Dexterity.

CH PTER 4 I Warlock
birth to bouts ofrutWess skulduggery and sinister
As a dark reckoner, you have internalized your
baleful emotions and feelings ofinjustice. From dark
DARK RECKONER alleyways and wllighted tunnel, you draw inspira-
"There is an old drow sayin8: 'Ven8eance is sweeter when tion and purpose. You understand tl1at vengeance is a
exacted in darkness.' " potent source of power.

Prerequisite: Warlock, dark pact DARK RECKONER PATH FEATURES

Shadow Action (11th level): When you spend
You deter creatures with physical and psychological an action pOint to take an extra action, you and any
threats when they intend to harm you, your allies, allies within 5 squares of you when you spend the
or other things important to you. You believe that action point gain concealment until the start of your
threat mean nothing, though, if you are not "~villing next turn.
to deliver on them. When intimjdation fajls, you visit Shadow and Threat (11th level): When YOll
vengeance swiftly andfuIJy upon tlle offending party. score a c.ritical hit with an attack that deals necrotic
In your mind. vengeance is a virtue. As a war- damage, you become invisible until the end of your
lock of the dark pacl, you viscerally understand the next turn or until you attack.
concept of vengeance. Many of the entities with Death Curse (16th level): When you apply your
wruch you make pacts are consumed by revenge. In Warlock's Cmse extra damage, YOll can choose to
the Underdark, lights and rivalries fester and give apply] d6 extra necrotic damage.


Deadly Judgment Dark Reckoner Attack 11

TIle pain your enemy suffers from your attack is also felt by its
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Each ene-
my within 2 squares ofthe target takes necrotic damage
equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Shadow Slip Oa rk Reckoner Uti lity 1 2

Speakin8 a sinister \\lord whispered onl), in the blackest parts
of the Underdark, ),ou disappear from the si8ht of those you
have cursed.
Encounter + Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you are invisible to
each creature cursed by you.

Cursing Vengeance Dark Reckoner Attack 20

You caTlup the spirit of a slain dro\\l priest, and her words
resound in your foe's ears, condenrnin8 the creature to a
wi/henna deat11_
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Until the
end of the encounter. the first time the target makes
an attack roll against you, it takes ongOing 10 necrotic
damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn, the first
time the target makes an attack roll against you, it takes
ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends).

CHAPTER 4 I Warlock
-Bend an ear and listen dose. You don t want to miss this, ~
do you? That's the way-calm and easy. See how eaSily 0-
: Du've fallen under my sway?" Z
Prerequisite: Warlock lJ
You are a figure of rumor and local folklore. You «0-
learned your craft from the First Order, ascended ~
qUickly to the Second Order and made your pacts U
o the invisible magi of the Third Order. In return o
[or your devotion they have given you tbe power to t:t:
beguile aJld warp mind . «
Your way are mysterious and frightening to ~
other creatures. When you use your spells and even
when you speak. people sit and listen, enraptured
by the hypnotic sound of your words and mesmer·
ized by your eyes. Few ever realize what they ri k
upon meeting your ensna ring gaze or listing to yoUl"
enthralhng voice. Those who do realize your true
power consider tllemselves lucky to have survived
the eJl.'perience.

Maddening Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point to take an extra action, one
creature within 5 sq uares of you takes ongoing 5 psy·
ch ic damage (save ends).
Mystic Rapture (11th level): Each enemy that Shroud of Adeptus Entrancing Mystic Utility 1 2
enters a space wilhin 3 squares of you or that starts its Your enemy moves to strike you, but you stare into its eyes and
turn there takes a -5 penalty to saving throws against rob the creature of its IViI/.
charm effects and a -2 penalty to all other saving Daily + Arcane, Charm
throws. Immediate Reaction Ranged 5
Mystery Given Form (16th level): You gain a Trigger: An enemy within 5 squares of you misses you with
an attack
+ 1 bonus to the attack roll of each charm power you Target: The triggering enemy
use. If you use an encounter attack power that has the Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
charm keyword and miss all targets with the attack,
you don't expend the use of that power. Ultimatum of the Entrancing Mystic Attack 20
Third Order
ENTRANCING MYSTIC SPELLS You speak in a secret tonalle, assaultina the minds ofyour foes
and presentill8 Lhem with a mental dilemma.
Hekiah's Trance Entrancing Mystic Attack 11 Daily + Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Your foe becomes lost in your eyes, shulflin8 in the direction of Standard Action Close burst 5
youraaze. Target: Each enemy in burst
Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Standard Action Ranged 5 Hit: The target chooses either to be stunned until the end
Target: One creature of your next turn, or to take ongoing 20 psychic damage
Attack: Charisma vs. Will (save ends).
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you Miss: The target chooses either to be dazed until the end
slide the target a number of squares eq ual to your of your next turn, or to take ongOing 10 psychic damage
Charisma modifier. The target is slowed until the end of (save ends).
your next turn.

C HAPTER 4 I Warlock
'When a 80d dies, it leaves behind power that lin8ers.l wil1
find a way to access one of these dead 80ds and tap into its
power. "

Prereqllisite: Warlock, vestige pact

Gods, primordials, and other powerful beings are

somellines preserved in the Astral Sea after their
deaths. Drifting through the starry mists like immor-
tal flotsam, they slumber through the millennia,
awaiting the divine spark that might reawaken them.
As the ages pass, the drifting corpses transform into
astral matter.
Your curiosity was kindled when you first
heru'd the term "dead god" while studying vestiges.
Something about the concept of dead immortals fa -
cinated you. And why not? When a god dies, where
does its power go? You discovered the a nswer to this
question: The power becomes dormant, crystalliz-
ing into a solid form within the Astral Sea. There,
it drifts across the starry expa nse, forgotten but not
destroyed . Deific Doom God Fragment Utility 1 2
You tudy the history of deceased deities pri - You borrow the remnants of po\Ver from a dead 80d. illStiUil'l8
mordials, and other legendary beings. From these your presence with an overwhelmin8 setlSe of loss and re8ret.
accounts, you learn to Siphon the beings'lost energy Daily .. Arcane, Zone
and dormant power. However, you know that real Minor Action Close burst 2
power lies in locating the crysta1lized es ence of Effect: The burst creates a zone of suffering, loss. and re-
gret that lasts until the end of the encounter. When you
one of these dead immortals and awakening its full
move, the zone moves with you, remaining centered on
force. you. Each enemy within the zone takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls and saving throws.
Lifegiving Action (11th level): When YOll spend Vestige of Karmath God Fragment Attack 20
an action point to take an extra action, you regain hit You overwhelm an enemy's mind with afTa8ment ofKarmath
points equal to your level the Un mourned God. 8il'in8 YO!L control over the creature's body.
Road to Reawakening (11th level): You gain a Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Necrotic
+3 bonus to death saving throws. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Dormant Power (16th level): When you. use a Target: One creature
warlock power against a creature and score a criti- Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated (save ends).
cal rut, the attack deals 2dlO extra damage to that
Aftereffect: The target takes 2d8 + your Constitution
creature. modifier necrotic damage.
Miss: The target is dazed (save ends).
GOD FRAGMENT SPELLS Effect: You gain access to the vestige of Karmath the
Unmourned God.
Karmath Pact Boon: One creature cursed by you that
Deific Decay God Fragment Attack 11
you can see takes a -2 penalty to all defenses (save ends).
You harness the necrotic power of a dead 80d's co)·pse. and ),OU Eyes of the Vestige Augment: Until the end of your next
hurl it at an unsllspectin8foe. turn, each enemy that starts its turn within 2 squares of
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Necrotic your eyes of the vesti8e target takes 1 d6 necrotic damage.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d12 + Constitution modifier necrotic damage.

HAPTER 4 I Warlock
Flames of Empowerment (11th level): When
"I have looked into ihe f iery heart of the ine Hells. There,
1 saw tantalizin8 powel'." you spend an action point to make a ranged attack. ~
and that attack hits it deals 2d6 e:>.:tra fU'e damage to Z
Prerequisite: Warlock, infernal pact the attack's target and each enemy that is adjacent to 0
the target. \)
Your choice to swear a pact to an infernal entity il1 No Pity, No Mercy (11th level): W henever you ~
exchange for power was not an easy choice, but it score a critica I hit against an enemy. that creature «
was a choice you made w ith open eyes. You under- grant combat advantage to you and gains vulnerable 0.
stand th moral dangers implicit in your pact. but S fire until the end of your next turn. ~
you believe that your souJ can withstand the phy ical Prince of Hell (16th level): Your arcane attack 0
and menta] for e of Hell. Though devils constantly powers ignore re istance to fue. ~
attempt to lure you into their sinister plots, you «
remain teadfast against their persuasion. HELLBR1NGER SPELLS $
When an opportunity came to claim even more
strength [rom your devilish patron, you leaped at Pillar of Power Hellbringer Attack 11
it. You accepted their empowering flames wearing You call up a pillar offire cha.t rises from the bowels of the
your might like a crown . Sometimes your al1 ie ·w orry Hells and incinerates your foe.
about Ule ultimate fate of your soul. but you laugh Encounter. Arcane, Fire, Implement
orf their concern. You a sure them that you a re in no Standard Action Ranged 1 0
danger, and that they need not pity you. However you Target: One creature
have heard the call of darkness and ometiJnes you Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
question ..."hat destination awaits you when you die. Hit: 2d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage. Each crea·
ture adjacent to the target takes fire damage equal to
half the damage dealt.

Gates of Hell Hellbringer Utility 12

You open a sate r11roush Hen to connect points on lhe battle-
f ield. Your allies Ca.ll pass throuah it unharmed. but your foes
call not.
Daily. Arcane, Fire
Minor Action Ranged 1 0
Target: Two unoccupied squares
Effect: You create a dimensional rift between the two tar·
get squares that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any
creature that enters one of the target squares can move
to the other target square as if it were adjacent to that
square. A creature cannot pass through the rift if either
square is occupied by another creature. Each enemy that
moves from one gate square to the other takes 1 dl 0 +
your Constitution modifier fire damage.
Sustain Minor: The gates persist.

Unleash the Inferno Hellbringer Attack 20

You call up an earth-shakil1S column offire, whid1 burns and
knocks down Jourfoes.
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 10
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2dl 0 + Constitution modifier fire damage. and you
knock the target prone.
Miss: Half damage.

CHAPTER 4 I Warl ock

HEXER Vengeful Hex Hexer Utility 12

'i\.rt can be created in an)' medium. Painters draw ima8es You balefolly eye the enemy who s11O! you. The creature mi8ht
think itself beyond your Teach, but it's wrong.
on canvas, bards write epic narratives, and musicians
Encounter + Arcane
compose sweet harmonies. l spit curses of such beauty and
Immediate Reaction Ranged 1 0
potenc), that aU who hear them are stricken." Trigger: An enemy hits or misses you with a ranged or area
Prerequisite: Warlock Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: You place your Warlock's Curse on the target.
Any warlock can scream "1 curse you!" but in your
opinion, such curses are shallow and meaningless. Hex of Abandonment Hexer Attack 20
Such a imple, insubstantial curse is a betrayal of the Your foe imagines that you and your aWes are manifestations of
warlock's ability to channel arcane might wrested its 1V0rs! nightmare that have come to torment and murder it.
from primeval entities. A normal curse might be Daily + Arcane. Implement, Psychic
enough to make an enemy quail. but you believe a Standard Action Ranged 1 0
curse should curdle the blood and elicit Wide-eyed. Target: One creature
slack-jawed shock. Attack; Charisma or Constitution vs. Will
Hit: 3d1 0 + Charisma or Constitution modifier psychic
You have delved deeply into the intricacies of craft-
ing curses. You have discovered that greater effects Effect: Until the end of the e ncounter. you can place your
can be wrung from a well-placed cur e than most Warlock's Curse on each enemy that ends its turn adjacent
warlocks realize. When you place a hex, your foes to the target, and that enemy takes 2d6 damage when you
reel from the power of your curse. You have learned curse it.
to weave your spells with your curses and your curses
with your spells. Your body and mind resonate with
the damning curses you articulate. When you peak.
aU who hear your words f1 inch.


Damning Curse (11th level): When you spend
an action paint to take an extra action, each creature
under your Warlock's Curse takes a -2 penalty to
attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Greater Hex (11th level): Instead of plaCing your
Warlock s Curse on the nearest enemy to you that you
can see, you can place your Warlock's Curse on any
Single enemy within 5 squares that you can see.
Walking Curse (16th level): Whenever your
Warlock's Curse deals damage to a creature, you can
slide that creature 1 square_


You scream an eerie curse that harms your enemies' minds

more than their ears.
Encounter + Arcane. Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in blast
Attack: Charisma or Constitution vs. Will
Effect: You can place your Warlock's Curse on the target.
Hit: 1 d8 + Charisma or Constitution modifier psychic

CHAPTER 4 I Warlock
~The stars are pOints Ofli8ht burnin8 beyond the world.
ome believe them to be windows thou8h which inimical
creatures study our cosmos. rn my view, that's a parochial
conception of stars, at best." -<
Prerequisite: VVarlock, star pact
You understand the true nature of sta r ,and your
knowledge surpasses that of nearly all other crea-

rures. You have tudied all the standard texts of "«

tar pact warlocks. You found the interpretation $
contained within those tomes to be catastrophic if
accepted a fact. Perhaps some tars are windows into
the Far Realm, as many star pact warlocks claim. You
suspect that many stars hold other secret though.
Thus, you have forged a new set of beliefs.
With your star chart, astrolabe, and viewing glass,
JOU have determined the luminosity and motion of
many stars. You have plumbed their colors, their
sizes, and most important, the power they offer to a
warlock. You under tand the ymbio i of nature and
magic that is embodied by the stars, and 0 you have
twisted your pact into omething different from those
of your counterparts. You no longer fear the depths of
the sky, for you are the master of the starry night.


Starcrossed Action (11th level): When you
spend an action point one creature cursed by you is
dazed until the end of your next turn. Minor Gift Master of the Starry Night Utility 1 2
Star-Blessed Wanderer (11th Level): If you use of Foresight
the bonus from your Fate of the Void pact boon on an You can see the doom ofyour enemies, and that foresi8ht lees
attack roll and you mis with the attack, you retain you benefitfrom your boon.
the bonus until the end of your next turn. Encounter. Arcane
Fate of the Body (16th level): As a free action Free Action Personal
during your turn you ca n expend your Fate of the Effect; You remove any number of Warlock's Curses you
Void bonus to gain an eqUivalent bonus to speed or to have placed on your enemies and gain the benefit of your
pact boon as if each of those creatures had been reduced
one defcn e until the end of your nex1: turn.
to 0 hit points.

MASTER OF THE STARRY NIGHT Shooting Star Master of the Starry Night Attack 20
SPELLS You release a starlike spear ofli8ht that impales your enemy
and enables you to further afflict it with eve')' successful attack
Stellar Debris Master of the Starry Night Attack 11 you make.
Brilliant stellar debris explodes outward from you, burnina your Daily + Arcane, Implement, Radiant

enemIes. Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Encounter + Arcane, Fire, Implement, Radiant
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Standard Action Close blast 5
Hit: 4dl 0 + Charisma modifier radiant damage. Until the
Target: Each creature in blast
end of the encounter, whenever you hit the target, it
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
takes 2d6 extra radiant damage.
Hit: 1 dB + Constitution modifier radiant and fire damage.
Miss: Half damage. Until the end of your next turn,
Until the end of your next turn, the target treats all crea-
whenever you hit the target, it takes 2d6 extra radiant
tures as having concealment.
damage .

CHA PTE R 4 I Warlock


"1 have looked upon the 8litterin8 sea that reflects past a11d PATH FEATURES
future. My visiol1s reveal both hope and disaster." Visionary Action (11th level): When you
spend an action pOint to u e an at-will or encounter
Prerequisite: Warlock, vestige pact attack power that misses all targets you gain an
extra standard action that you must llse before the
An oracle appeared to you in dreanl. She strode end of the encounter.
from a cave mouth arrayed in the sea-green robe Future Foreseen (11th level): The first time you
of a n ancient prophet. and caJled herself the scion fail a skill check an ability check or a saving throw
of the Sea Tyrant. . Behold!" she declared. revealing during an encowlter, you can reroll the cbeck or the
a vision of a terrible flood in whicl1 legions of angels saving throw. You must use the second result.
were swept into eternal chaos. After shOWing you this Future Evaded (16th level): The first time an
disaster, the oracle bathed your eyes in water, and enemy cu.rsed by you ends its move adjacent to you
your vision was forever changed. during an encounter. you can shift 2 squares as all
Like the prophets of old, you are capable of gaining immediate interrupt.
horrible in ights into the future. In rno t cases your
predictions extend so far ahead in time that you can SEA TYRANT ORACLE SPELLS
do little to affect the course of events. However, you
sometimes predict imminent event, and in these Doomsday Portent Sea Tyrant Oracle Attack 11
cases you can take steps to avert or fulfill the occur- You propi1esize the ofyour enemy,fillin8 it with horrw-
rences you fore aw. in8 vision.s of its deatfl.
Encounter. Arcane, Fear, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Will
Hit: The target is dazed and weakened until the end of
your next turn.

Prepared by Fate Sea Tyrant Oracle Utility 1 2

Usin8 your powers offoresi8ht, you anticipate a coriflict and are
ready fo r it.
Daily. Arcane
No Action Personal
Trigger: You roll initiative
Effect: You gain a +20 bonus to the initiative check.

Vestige of Sea Tyrant Oracle Attack 20

the Sea Tyrant
Your ma8ie evokes the wrath of the Sea Tyrant, sweepin8 your
foes awa)'.
Daily. Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Constitution modifier damage, and you push
the target a number of squares equal to your Constitu-
tion modifier and knock it prone.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You gain access to the vestige of the Sea Tyrant.
Sea Tyrant Pact Boon: You slide one creature cursed by
you that you can see a number of squares equal to your
Constitution modifier.
Eyes of the Vestige Augment: You also slide your eyes of
the vesti8e target a number of squares equal to your Intel-
ligence modifier.

C H APTER 4 I Warlock
-The world reels from my wrath,for 1 ride upon storms and Lightning Quick (11th level): When you spend ~
.:arry wind and 1i8htnin8 in my footsteps." an action point to take an extra action you become 0.
lightning quick until the end of your next turn. While Z
Prerequisite: Warlock, fey pact you are Bghtning quick, you can shift 1 square as a 0
free action each time you hit or miss w"ith an attack. lJ
In a small tome called Fey Pacts ofAncient Da.ys, you Zebecrual's Blessing (11th level): You gain resis· ~
discovered the names of ancient arch fey once revered tance to lightning equal to one·half your level + your ~
by primitive humans. The tome described eifion Charisma modifier.
rbe Lord of Bats, Zebechial the Lord of Lightning, and Eldritch Storm (11th level): You can choose to ~
.\ lorrisa the Lady of Swords. have your eldritch blast deal lightning damage. 0
You were amazed and intrigued. You could Servant of the Lord of Lightning (16th level): ~
feel a power within each name calling out to you. When you hit a creature with a lightning attack «
These a ncient entities so long forgotten, offered you power, each enemy adjacent to the target takes light· ~
strength in exchange for devotion. ning damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
You eventually acquiesced, swearing yourself
to the fey creature who e ethos you believed most STORM SCOURGE SPELLS
matched your own: the Lord of Lightning. ow, the
entity whispers secrets of the storm to you frorn his Judgment of the Storm Storm Scourge Attack 11
floating demesne within the FeywiJd. You listen You unleash bolrs ojlia}rtnil18 upon tlwse who offend yo u, smiL·
careflIlly to each utterance every growl of the storm ina them with your power.
or roar oflightnlng. Although the Lord ofLightning Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Lightning
seems rna t concerned with unleashing the force of Standard Action Ranged 1 0
the storm, you have gained much power IInder his Target: One or two creatures
tutelage. It might be only a matter of time before your Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
own spells rival the power of your master. Hit: 1 d1 0 + Charisma modifier + Intelligence modifier
lightning damage.

Lightning Dance Storm Scourge Utility 1 2

Liahtnin8 crackles around you, strikina allY enemy rhat hits you
and al/owil18 )fou to close with it.
Daily + Arcane, Lightning, Teleportation
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever a melee
attack hits you, the attacker takes lightning damage
equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you can teleport
to any space adjacent to the attacker as an immediate

Wrath of the Clouds Storm Scourge Attack 20

Li8htninaleaps around )four enemy, lashil18 the creature when·
ever it is distracted bv another attack.

Daily + Arcane, Implement, Lightning

Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d1 0 + Charisma modifier + Intelligence modifier
lightning damage.
Effect: Whenever the target is hit by an attack, the target
takes lightning damage equal to your Intelligence modifier
(save ends). The target cannot save against this effect until
it is hit at least once.

CH P TE R 4 I Warlock

, Spells trip from my tonaue and sizzle from my

jinaertips. Few can aainsay me. A lifetime of arcane
study is my burden, but also my deliaht. '

THE WIZARD embodies arcan magic to

mQSt people. and rightfully so. Of all who deal in the
arcane. you truly understand the magical principle '
that underlie r ality. Others might exploit it power.
but only imperfectly.
A a painter compo e an image on a blank canvas
or a culptor reveals the form imprisoned in dull
stone. you manipulate magic to create expre ion
of pow r. Your art. although beautiful. i al 0 lethal.
You are driven to constantly improv your craft.
studying ever more intricate ritual.. acquiring newer
and more powerful implement. and developing even
mightier pell .
Beyond the orb, rod. tam . and wand familiar to
arcane caster. another implement is the purview of
wizard alone. Your tome i a repository of cribblcd
arcane ecret through which to channel your pm er.
Whether you prefer to attack your foe directly
or work your deviou will against them. thi chapter
contain omething for every kind of wizard. In it
you will fmd the following material.
• ew Implements: eh a new way to u e
orb . or take up a new implement. e the arcane
secret found in your tome to make the mo t of
your n w power .
• ew Builds: IUu ioni t wizard and summoner
wizard focu on specialized magical di ciplines.
• New Wizard Powers: Learn n w ways to hinder
your foe, including iIlu ion and summoning
p II . and di cover peUs that complement your
chosen implement.
• New Paragon Paths: ix new path beckon
a your wizard increases in power. foctl ing on
pecialized t chniquc uch a invi ibilityand
teleportation. or even exploitin o random chance.



. HAPT E R 5 I Wizard '"
rna tery because of it obvious b nefit to their um-
moning peB . This form of ma teryal 0 prOVide
benefit to certain conjuration power.
The Players Handbook describes how wizards an . Tome of Readiness: \Vhen you elect thi form
make u e of orb . till . and wands to help channel of implement mastery, choo e a wizard encollnter
and direct their arcane power. ow wizard can add attack power of your level or lower that you don't
the tome to their available implements and choose it already know. That power i now tored and available
for their Arcane Implement y la feature . for your use at a later time.
Once per encounter a a free action, you can use
the ·tored power by expending another unu ' ed
NEW ARCANE IMPLEMENT wizard encounter attack power of its level or higher.
M ASTERY O PTION S You mu t still take the normal action r quir d to use
vVizard can choo e a ne\\' form of orb lI1a teryor the stored power.
elect to master the tome implement. Each time you reach a level that let YOll choose an
encounter power, you can replace the power
with a new wizard encounter attack power of your
level or lower that you do not aIr ady know.
Many wizard u e an orb implement to strengthen
You must wieJd a tome to ben fit from feature .
and xtend their pell . duration. but orne hay per-
\Vizard of all build appr eiate thi form of mastery
fected it u ' e as a tool of trickery.
because of the fleXibility it allow them during combat.
You can hoo e Orb ofD ceplion as a new Arcane
Implement Mastery cJa s feature .
Orb of Deception: Once per en ounter a a fre NEW YWORD : S UMMONING
action, when you mis an enemy with a wizard iUu- Powers that have the ummoning keyword brina
sion power. choose another enemy withiJ) 3 square cr ature from other plane to serve you in a variety
of t he mi ed target. The chosen enemy cannot also of ways.
be a ta rget of the original attack. Repeat the attack
against this n w target. with a bonus to the attack roll SUMMONED CREATURE
equal to your Charisma modifier.
A creature you summon uses these rules. unless a
You mn t wield an orb lO benefit from this 6 ature.
power description says otherwise.
lIIusioni t wizard elect thi form of mastery to •
'pread a wider net of deception over foes . • Allied Creature: When you use a summoning
power. you ~reate a creature that is an ally to you
and your allies. The power determines where the
summoned creature appears.
Wizards who hoo e the tome implement can select
from two forms of Arcane Implement Mastery. one • Your Defenses: The summoned creature's defenses
useful to u mmoncr wizard and the other of more equal yours when you summon it, not including any
g neral benefit. temporary bonuses or penalties to your statistics.
Tome of Binding: Once per encounter, as a free • Hit Points: The summoned creature's maximum
a tion, ifvou use your tom when using an arcane
, J
hit points equal your bloodied value. When the
summoning power. aIJ creatures summoned by that summoned creature drops to 0 hit points, it is
power gain a bonu to damage rolls equal to your destroyed, and you lose a healing surge. If you have
Con titution modifier. no healing surges left, you instead take damage
You mu t wield a tome to benefit from this fea- equal to half your bloodied value.
ture. ummoner wizard prefer thi form of rome


Meriele sighed as the fiery soldiers surrounded the pala- From that pOint, the creature she was calling aided
din. "Well, Daren," she said, "looks like I'm saving your her in the spell. She summoned, it answered, and it
hide again." worked its tentacles into the breach to open a clear
She drew a slow breath and closed her eyes for a pathway into the world from whatever space Beyond it
moment, fixing the darkness in her mind . The first syl- normally inhabited.
lable that issued from her mouth came out as a screeching To Meriele, the seconds stretched as the black devourer
sound near Daren's position that made the paladin cringe. wormed its way through the tear in space, unfurled its long
Meriele extended her wand and flexed the fingers of her tentacles, and took up its position near the fire archons.
other hand into a claw, and her next syllable opened the Then the spell was cast, time resumed its normal pate, and
rift into darkness. the black devourer began its devastation.

1l ,\P TER 5 I Wiza r d

+- No Healing Surges: The summoned creature lacks
healing surges. but if a power allows it to spend a
healing surge. you can spend a healing surge for it.
The summoned creature then gains the benefit of
•the healing surge, instead of your gaining it.
Speed: The summoning power determines the
summoned creature's speed.
+- Commanding the Creature: The summoned crea·
ture has no actions of its own: you spend actions
to command it mentally. You can command the
creature only if you have line of effect to it. When
you command the creature. the two of you share
knowledge but not senses.
As a minor action, you can command the
summoned creature to take one of the follow·
ing actions. if it is physically capable of taking that
action: crawl, escape. fly. open or close a door or a
container, pick up or drop an item. run. stand up.
shift, squeeze, or walk.
The summoning power determines any
special commands you can give the summoned
creature and gives an action type for each com·
mand. If a special command is a minor action. you
can give that command only once during each of
your turns.
+- Attacks and Checks: If a summOning power
allows the summoned creature to attack. you make

an attack through the creature. as specified in the
power description. If the summoned creature can
make a skill check or an ability check, you make
the check. Attacks and checks you make through
the creature do not indude temporary bonuses or
penalties to your statistics.
+- Duration: Unless the summoning power states
otherwise. the summoned creature lasts until the
end ofthe encounter and then disappears. As
a minor action. you can dismiss the summoned

Fighters and wizards are both exceedingly rare in the
world, but wizards are perhaps slighdy more so. Common
soldiers, mercenaries, and bandits aren't fighters, but
fighters might emerge from among those sorts of people.
It's harder to find examples of people among the mass of
common folk who have the potential to rise to the status
of a full-fledged wizard. You might once have been a scribe,
a scholar of history or arcane lore, a priest ofloun or some
other deity, an herbalist, or an alchemist in your town or
village. But the moment you learned your first cantrip, you
were set on a path toward a greater destiny. You are far
more than a scholar or a sage- you're a hero who wields
the power of arcane magic. and that ability forever sets

~ you apart from, and indeed above, the common folk of

~ the world.

score let •vou enhance some illusion efTee ts. Choo e
power that have the illusion keyword. and take the
Orb ofD ceplion form of Arcane Imp! m nt Ma tery
Thi chapter include two additional wizard build to to gel the most out of them.
upplement those in the Players Handbook: uggested Cia s Feature: Orb ofOe eption
the illu ioni t wizard and the ummoner wizard. Suggested Feat: Phantom Echoe •
Suggested Skills: Ar ana. Diplomacy. Dun-
gconecring. Insight
ILLUS IONIST IZARD Suggested At-Will Power : inusory ambush".
Your my terious power cloud the mind and assault phantom bolt· •
the senses. The imaoinary land cape and I uggested Encounter Power: 8l'aspin8 shadows·
creatures you create impede. distract. and redirect your Su ggested Daily Power: horrid whispers·
foe. j othing is what it when you're in control. • ew option pre ellted in thi book
Intelligence hould be your highest ability score.
ince it governs your attack power. A high Chari ma
Terrifying creatures obey your call. and you order
them to aid you and to fight for you. In addition to
binding these monsters. you are skilled at conjuring
object made of magical energy to imped or harm

foe. You mllst u e vour

own action to ontrol
your ummoned mon -ter . 0 your role in combat i
quite differenl from that of other wizard .
s wil h ot her wizards. a high Intelligence core is
crucial to attack roll and damage rolls. Your sum-
moned reature' hit points depend on your own.
and many conjuration spell deal additional damage
or have improved effects that depend 011 itu -
tion. so make that your econd-highe t core. e
the Tome of Binding form of Arcane Implement
Ma tery. in e it improve your ummoning :pell .
elect daily powers that have the ummoning key-
word. and encoul1ter and at-will powers that have
the conjuration keyword.
Suggested Clas Feature: Tome of Binding
Suggested Feat: areful ummoner·
Suggested Skills: Arcana. Dungeoneering.
In ight. 1 ature
Su gge ted At-Will Power : scorch ina bur t. torm
Suggested Encounter Power: astralwa p.
Suggested Daily Power: summon f ire warrior·
• 'ewoption presented in thi book
- ====-

Wizards who employ are masters of unreality_Their cause their targets to dive away, fall prone, or otherwise try
spells reach into opponents' minds to play havoc with per- to evade the seeming threat_
ceptions, imposing visions of danger that are convindng More powerful illusions can override a target's senses.
enough to temporarily overwrite reality. Sometimes, even Instead of its true surroundings, a foe might witness cata-
if only briefly, illusions are not entirely in the mind of the clysmic visions of ruin, or a harmless vista of inanimate
beholder. Psychic damage is the forte of illusion magic objects. Such extreme deceit is more difficult to pull off,
Imaginary dangers cause harm by accelerating heart rate, but it renders a foe uniquely vulnerable as it stands by,
impeding breathing, and sending victims into shock. watching imaginary visions. ignorant of its true doom.
Illusion spells might convince a creature that beetles are Perception is reality. from the observer's point of,view.
swarming over its flesh, that a bolt of fire is on an intercep- Thus, illusion magic is ultimately about control. Although
tion course, that it is in the path of stampeding elephants, illusionist wizards choose such powers almost exclu~ively, !:
or that the floor beneath it is giving way. Such lesser effects control wizards often learn a few illusion powers as well. ;z
" IIAPTER 5 I Wi=ard
This section include plenty of pell for both the

il\usioni t wizard a nd the ummoner wiza rd. as we ll
as xpanded pow r uitable for the war '.vizard and -
cont rol \Vi zard build.


You create an illusion ofswi rling spectral assailants that swarm
orer your enemy.
At-W ill + Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psych ic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. and the
target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
your next turn.
Level 21: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.

Vou wave your hand. and your foe sees a bolt offire streakin8
toward it. The enemy dives awayf rom the imagined threat.
At -W ill + Arcane, Illusion, Im plemen t, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10 • LEV EL 1 ENCOUNTER S PELLS
Target One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Astral Wasp . Wizard Attack 1
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you
slide the target 1 square.
crystalline wasp with 80 samer lvinJjs appears next. 10 your
foe and stin8s it then buzzes about. waitin8for another open
Level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
in8 to attack.

Encounte r + Arcane, Conj uration, Implement
Standard Action Ra nged 10
A cracklin8 column ofli8htnin8 appears amid your enemie . Ta rget One creature
/ashin8 out al any who move near ir. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
At-W ill + Arcane, Conjuration, Im plement, lightni ng Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier damage .
Standa rd Action Ranged 10 Effect: You conjure an astral wasp that appears in 1 square
Effect: You conjure a pillar of crackling e nergy in an unoc- within the target"s space. It la ts until the end of you r next
cupied square within range. The pillar occupies 1 square turn.
and lasts until the end of your next turn. Each enemy that If the target moves out of the astral wasp's square. it takes
moves into a square adjacent to the pillar takes 1 d6 + damage equal to your Constitution modifie r. If the ta rget
you r Intelligence modifier lightning damage. ends its turn more than 2 squares away from the astral wasp.
Level 21: 2d6 + Intelligence mod ifie r lightning damage. it takes damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

- - •

Wizards who use summoning magiC can call a host of mon- spells that manipulate magical energy: a pillar of persistent
strosities from other locations or produce lingering effects lightning in the midst of enemies, blasting those that remain
from magical energy to harry, attack, and block their foes. too dose; a pool of slippery oil bubbling up from the ground
A symmoner wizard might call forth an arrowhawk, a around a foe's feet:; or a wall of sdntillating colors that lashes
creature of elemental wind and fury, to slash at enemies nearby creatures with a variety of effects.
throughout a battle. A snarling mastiff leaps to fasten Summo ning vs. Conjuration: Summoning spells are
jaws upon a foe, then returns to the wizard 's side, ready daily powers and produce long-lasting, physical effects in
to attack again upon command. Alternatively, a stolid the for r11 of creatures_ Some conjuration spells (mostly at-will
defender appears at the wizard's side to interpose itself and encounter powers) create temporary effects that take
between its master and an enemy's attack. the forll1 of creatures. Such conjured attackers don't have
Despite the name, a summoner wizard doesn't always hit points or act at the wizard s command, but they behave
~ summon creatures. His or her repertoire includes conjuration much like creatures and exert control over a spednc area.


- C H APT£!{ - I Wi=ard
Empowering Ughtning Wizard Attack 1 Staffstrike Corrosion Wizard Attack 1
Green and yellow li8htnin8 twines around your wand. then You tap your staff on tile 8rotmd. and add boils up 10 envelop
jlashes toward your enemy and in a shower of sparks. your tar8er in a cawlic haze.
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, lightning Encounter + Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20 Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage. and you Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage. Until the
push the target 1 square. end of your next tum, creatures more than 5 squares
Wand of Accuracy: The next time you use the Wand of away from the target have concealment against it.•
Accuracy class feature before the end of the encounter, you Staff of Defense: The next time you use the Staff of Defense
also gain a bonus to that attack's damage roll equal to your class feature before the end of the encounter, the attacker
Intelligence modifier. also takes acid damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Grasping Shadows Wizard Attack 1 LEVEL 1 DAILY SPELLS

[your command. shadows reach out. 8rab hold ofyour foes.
and wreache tlle area in darkness. Grease Wizard Attack 1
Encounter + Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic, Zone lippel)' oiljloods the 8rourtd under your foes. sendin8 chem
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 quare [umblina to the 8round.
Target: Each creature in burst
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Zone
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Effect: The burst creates a zone of slick grease that covers
target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
all horizontal surfaces until the end of the encounter. The
Effect: The burst creates a zone of writhing shadows that
zone is difficult tel lain. You can make the following attack.
lasts until the end of your next turn. Each creature that
using a square within the zone as the origin square.
enters the zone takes psychic damage equal to your
Free Action Close burst 1
Intelligence modifier and is slowed until the end of its
Trigger: A creature enters the zone
next turn.
Target: The triggering creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence ,vs. Reflex
Orbmaster's Incendiary Wizard Attack 1 Hit: You knock the target prone.
Detonation Miss: You slide the target 2 squares. ,

Gouts ofjlame pulsefrom your orb and explode amid your en·
emies. settin8 the area ali8hc and roasrin8 them as they artempt Horrid Whispers Wizard Attack 1
to escape. Your enemies are seemin8ly beset by dreadful noises. Desperare
Encounter + Arcane, Fire, Force, Implement, Zone to find the source.' they are oblivious to che [rue chreac posed by
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares you and your allies.
Target: Each creature in burst Daily + Arcane, Illusion Implement, Psychic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 squares
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage, and you Target: Each enemy in burst
knock the target prone. Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Effect: The burst creates a zone of licking flames that lasts Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
until the end of your next turn. Each enemy that enters the target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls
zone or starts its turn there takes 2 fire damage. (save ends both).
Orb of Imposition: You can extend the duration of this Aftereffect: You knock the target prone.
effect, even though it is not an at·will power. If you do Miss: The target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to attack
so, the area expands to burst 3 and doesn't affect you or rolls until the end of your next turn.
your allies.

. " - - ------
How did your character acquire his or her spell book? Did carefully copied by the hand of a master scribe during the
you receive formal instruction at something like a wizard rule of one of the world's ancient empires]
academy, where you were handed a blank spellbook on What's in your spellbook aside from your spells and
the first day of school and proceeded to fill it with notes, rituals? Does it contain a detailed history of the study of
spells, and rituals over the course of your education? Did magic, penned by an archwizard of Bael Turath? A trea-
you study with a more experienced wizard who gave you a tise on Underdark fungi and their use in arcane rituals?
book from her collection as a gift recognizing the comple- Scattered notes on summoning creatures, with marginal
tion of your study? Is your spell "book" a loose collection annotations in several different hands (including. yours)?
of notes you scrounged together as you figured out the Or is it mostly blank pages, reflecting the fledgling state
secrets of magic in secret? Or is it a finely bound tome, of your knowledge? .

C J-lApr~. H - I Wizard

Phantom Chasm Wizard Attack 1 L EVEL 2 UTILITY SPELLS Vl
You create the ima8e of a bottomless chasm that opens beneath
yourfoes, convincin8 them that they are plummetina to their ;>
Daunting Presence Wizard Utility 2
Shadows deepen around you,your voice deepens to a rumble,
Daily + Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic and you appear to 8row lar8er as you corifront those foo lish
Standard Act ion Area burst 1 within 20 squares enouah to dispute your wishes.
Target: Each creature in burst
Encounter + Arcane, Fear
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 pow-
target is knocked prone and immobilized until the end of
er bonus to Intimidate checks, and creatures adjacent to
its next tu rn.
you take a - 2 penalty to attack rolls that target you.
Miss: The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

Rolling Thunder Wizard Attack 1

You rise a few inches above the around and 8lide over min or
Elemental thunder creatures tumble throuah your fo es and
knock them about ..
Daily + Arcane
Daily + Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Thunder
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You hover 6 inches above the ground until the e nd
Primary Target: One or two creatures
of the encounter or until you fall. You ignore movement
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
penalties and restrictions due to terrain, do not set off
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage, and you
pressure-sensitive traps, and cannot be detected with
slide the primary target 3 squares.
tremorsense. You also gain a bonus to Stealth checks
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the primary target 1 square.
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can float ove r only a
Effect: You conjure a thunderball in 1 square within each
solid surface or a liqUid surface directly beneath you. For
primary target's space. Each thunderballiasts until the
example, you cannot use this power to cross a chasm or a
end of your next turn. Each thunderball can make a
pit; if you try to do so, you fall normally.
secondary attack.
Opportunity Action Melee 1
Trigger: A creature moves out of the thunderball's square Guardian Blades Wizard Utility 2
Secondary Target: The triggering creature Three spectral blades appear around you,jloatin8 in a rina that
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex wards away your fo es.
Hit: 5 thunder damage. Daily + Arcane, Force
Sustain Minor: Each thunderball persists. Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you become
Summon Fire Warrior Wizard Attack 1 unconscious, each enemy adjacent to you that makes an
A soldier ofjlame strides throuah a planar veil. [t lifts a shim- attack roll takes force damage equal to your Intelligence
merin8 axe above its head as it moves to attack. modifier. No enemy can take this damage more than
once per turn.
Daily + Arcane, Fire, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Medium fire warrior in an unoc- Phantasmal Terrain Wizard Utility 2
cupied square within range. The fire warrior has a speed You make already treacherous terrain evenl110re difficultfo r
of fly 6 (hover). It has a +2 bonus to AC and a + 2 bonus your enemies to traverse.
to Fortitude. You can give the fire warrior the following
Daily + Arcane, Illusion, Zone
special commands.
Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10 squares
+ Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; Effect: The burst creates a zone of illusory obstacles that
Inte lligence vs. Reflex; 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier fire
lasts until the end of the encounter. Difficult te rrain wit h-
in the zone costs 2 extra squares of movement to ente r
+ Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; instead of the normal 1 extra square. Additionally, hazards
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier fire
and traps within the zone gain a bonus to attack rolls
damage. against your enemies equal to your Intelligence modifi e r.
Using an arcane power-whether it's a wizard spell or a Yo ur powers requ ire constant study to keep those syl-
spell belonging to a different arcane class-shouldn't feel lables fresh in your mind and ready for use, so you m ight
the same as using a martial or a divine power. Wizard spells spend eve ry short rest or extended rest immersed in
in particular involve the recitation of complex arcane for- reviewing your spell book, rehearSing the precise formulas
mulas, mystiCsyllables in no known language that tap into in your thoughts. However, resting your mind and body is
the magica l power that flows though the world_You might also essential for proper performance of your spells, so you
also perform precise gest ures, positioning your implement might insist on taking the fi rst or last watch of the night so
and your free hand in just the right way to shape and chan- you can sleep uninterrupted .
nel the energy you wield.

CHA P TE R 5 I W i z ard

Summon Shadow Serpent Wizard Utility 2 Pinioning Vortex Wizard Attack 3
Shadows flicker at ),owJeet, swirl before you, and coa lesce into f\ miniature tornado roars forth to batter your enemy and lift it
the form of a black serpent. into the air.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Summoning Encounter. Arcane, Implement
Minor Action Ranged 10 Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a Small shadow serpent in an unoc- Target: One creature
cupied square within range. The shadow serpent has a Attack: Inte lligence vs. Fortitude
speed of 6. It has a +5 bonus to Stealth checks and takes Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide the
no penalty to Stealth checks for moving more than 2 target 10 feet (2 squares) vertically. The target remains
squares_ You can give the shadow serpent the following aloft until the start of its next turn; while aloft, it is dazed
special command. and immobilized, and it grants combat advantage to you
• Minor Action: Until the end of your turn, you can see and your allies. At the start of its next turn, it lands on its
through the shadow serpent's eyes. You cannot gain line feet in the space it formerly occupied or in the nearest
of Sight or line of effect for your powers from the serpent's unoccupied space of its choice.
square, but you can make Perception checks from it to spot
hidden objects or creatures. Shock Beetle Swarm Wizard Attack 3
f\ slldden mass of insects limn ed with liahtnina crawls over your
LEVEL 3 ENCOUNTER SPELLS foes. Eneray arcs between ),ollr enem ies as the swann feasts on
their flesh.
Chill Claws Wizard Attack 3 Encounter. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Lightning
Skeletal hands appear around ),o llr taraets, rippina into them Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
with icy claws and sappilla their will to fiaht. Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Encounter. Arcane, Cold, Implement
Hit: 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and you
Standard Action Ranged 10
conjure a shock beetle in 1 square within the target's
Target: One or two creatures
space. Each beetle lasts unti l the end of your next turn.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Each enemy that starts its turn in or adjacent to at least 1
Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifie r cold damage, and the tar- square containing a shock beetle takes lightning damage
get takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
eq ual to your Constitution modifier.
next turn.

Hypnotic Pattern Wizard Attack 3 LEVEL 5 DAILY SPELLS

f\ swirlina pattern of colors appears before your foes. Their eyes
alaze over as the pattern enthralls th em and lures them doser.
Encounter. Arcane, Conjuration, Illusion, Implement You transform the around beneath your enemies'jeet to hellish
Standard Action Ranged 10 slime that eats away at flesh and bOlle.
Effect: You conjure a swirling pattern of colors and lights Daily. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Zone
in an unoccupied square within range that lasts until the Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
end of your next turn. You can make the following attack, Target: Each creature in burst
using the pattern's square as the origin square. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Opportunity Action Close burst 3 Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier acid damage.
Trigger: An e ne my starts its turn within 3 squares of the Miss: Half damage.
pattern Effect: The burst creates a zone of caustic slime that lasts
Target: The triggering enemy in burst until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult ter-
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will rain. Each creature that enters the zone or starts its turn
Hit: The ta rget is pulled 3 squares toward the pattern and there takes 5 acid damage. Whenever a creature falls
is slowed until the end of your next turn. It can move into prone within the zone, it takes 5 extra acid damage.
• the pattern's square. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

, Maze of Mirrors . Wizard Attack 3 Glitterdust Wizard Attack 5

YOII envelop your enel1lies in an illusory labyrillth made of mir- You call forth aflash of brilliant liaht that leaves aolden dust
rors, which collceals the world arolllld them. on aI/nearby creatllres. The dust sparkles witl! a supematural
Encounter. Arcane, Illusion, Implement Illster.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Daily + Arcane, Implement, Radiant
Target: Each creature in burst Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Target: Each creature in burst
Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the ta rget is immo- Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
bilized and takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Hit: 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and the
Intelligence modifier. target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The ta rget gains no benefit from concealment or
invisibility, nor ca n it become hidden (save ends).

e ll A I'TER 5 I W izard
--- --.-, ,- .- . .-- -,~-. - -" .' ,
Phantasmal Assailant . Wizard Attack 5 IJ't
Yo u craft an elaborate imaae of a deadly assassin IVhose blade You are slVathed ill ripplinaj!al11es that turn alVa), both fire and W
cuts deeply into YOUlJoe. chill but scorch an),ol1e who strikes ),011. ;$
Daily +- Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic Daily +- Arcane, Fire oa..
Standard Action Ranged 20 Minor Action Personal
Target: One creature Effect: You gain resist 10 cold and resist 10 fire until the
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. Wi ll end of the encounter. Whenever a creature makes a
Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. melee attack roll against you, it takes 2d6 + your Intel-
Effect: The target takes ongOing 5 psychic damage and ligence modifier fire damage. No creature can ta ke this -;$
grants combat advantage to you and your allies (save damage more t han once per turn.
ends both).
.. -- ,'-- -.-. .---: ~
. Spectral Hound . . Wizard Utility 6'. L'
Summon Abyssal MalA' . wizaid Atta~k 5 . Z
You call the allOstl)' imaae of a pOlVerfulmastif.{ that fo llows you
TIle air is filled with the sound ofal1ash in8 teeth as a voracious protectively.
creature of the Elemelltal Chaos appears and chews il1to an),- Daily +- Arcane,
thil18 it can reach. Standard Action Ranged 10

Daily +- Arcane, Implement, Summoning Effect: You bring forth the illusion of a spectral hound,
Minor Action Ranged 10 which appears in an unoccupied square wit hin range.
Effect: You summon a Medium abyssal maw in an unoccu- The hound does not occupy that square but does count
pied square within range. The maw has a speed of 6. You as an ally for t he purpose of flanking. Addit ionally, as long
can give the maw the following special commands. as the hound remains within 10 squares of you, you gain
+- Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature; a +1 power bonus to all defenses, along with a +5 power
Intelligence vs. Refl ex; 2d6 + Inte lligence modifier damage. bonus to Perception checks, since the spectral hound
+- Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; warns you of approaching danger.
Intellige nce vs. Reflex; 1 dS + Intelligence modifier damage. Sustain Minor: The spectral hound persists, and you can
In addition, if an e ne my adjacent to the maw makes a move it 5 squa res; t he hound ignores difficult terrain. The
me lee attack that does not include the maw as a target, illusion ends at the end of you r turn if t he hound is out of
t he maw can make an opportunity attack against that your line of Sight.
enemy after t he enemy 's attack is resolved.
... ..... . ' - . . - ..
Summorflron Cohort . . ..
. .
.Wizard Utility 6 :
A dwarf-sized humanoid creatme of ea rth al1d iron are appears
The illusion of a fabulous treasure appears out of thin air. Your near you. "'''hen you come under attack, it steps ill to absorb the
enemies throw aside ca ution to seize it. force of the blow.
Daily +- Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Zone Daily +- Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Area 1 sq uare with in 10 squares Minor Action Close burst 2
Effect: The power's area becomes a zone of illusory Effect: You summon a Small iron cohort in an unoccupied
treasure t hat lasts until the end of you r next turn. Once square within the burst. The iron cohort has a speed of 6
per turn, you can make the following attack, using the and has a + 2 bonus to AC. You can give t he iron co hort
zone as the origin square. the following special command.
Minor Action Close burst 5 +- Immediate Interrupt: When you a re targeted by a
Target: Each e nemy in burst ranged or melee attack and the iron cohort is adjacent to
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will you, t he iron cohort becomes t he attack's target instead.
Hit: The zone pulls the target 3 squares. A target that ends
this movement wit hin the zone or adjacent to the zone is Wizard's Escape Wizard Utility 6
immobilized (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. Whe n you sustain the
\"fith a j!ash, you are aone.
power, you can repeat t he attack as a minor action. Encounter +- Arcane, Teleportation
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An ene my hits you with a melee attack
LEVEL 6 UTILITY SPELLS Effect: You teleport 5 squares to a space that is not adja-
cent to an e nemy.
Emerald Eye Wizard Utility 6
A mote of areen el1eray appears above YO Il. A a laril1S, alien eye
peers from it, ail/il18 YO Il il1siSht into your foe's trlle nature. ELADR1N W1ZARDS
Encounter +- Arcane Eladrin value the arcane arts over all others, and an
Minor Action Ranged 1 0 eladrin wizard armed with a wand is a deadly adversary.
Target: One creature Their innately high Intelligence allows eladrin wizards to
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +5 pow- easily target foes with their spells and to deal impressive
er bonus to InSight checks against the target and a + 2 damage. High Dexterity leads them naturally to choose
power bonus to attack rolls against the ta rget's Will.
the wand of accuracy form of implement mastery, which
further enhances their ability to hit even the most elu-
• •
sive enemies.

CHA P TE R 5 I Wizard

LEVEL 7 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Worms of Minauros Wizard Attack 7

You drop a mass of writhin8 l71a8gots onto your enemy. The
Enemies Abound Wizard Attack 7 horrors feast on irs flesh, dissolvin8 it with acidic dmo/.
YOII weave a veil Of ill liSion over the eyes ofyo ur enemies. ca li S' Encounter . Acid, Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
in8 them to view their own allies as threats. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target: One creature
Encounter. Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
Attack: Intellige nce vs. Fortitude
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
Effect You conjure a mass of worms in 1 sq uare within the
Target: Each enemy in burst
target's space. They last until the end of your next tu rn.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier acid damage. If the target
Hit: 2d8 + Inte lligence modifier psychic damage. Until the
ends its turn within 2 squares of the worms, it takes 10
end of your next t urn , you and your allies treat the target
acid damage.
as an ally of yours for the purpose of flanking.

Concussive Echo Wizard Attack 7 LEVEL 9 DAILY SPELLS

AfoCllsed blast of thunder slams into your foe. and the ener8Y
of the blast is stored in your enemis body. When il next attacks.
that ener8Y is released in a conCllssive burs/. You create a vision of the reaper of souls before YOllrfoes ' eyes,
Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Thunder and they freeze in terror of their impendin8 death.
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Daily. Arcane, Fear, Illusion, Implement
Target: One creature Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Target: Each creature in burst
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier thunder damage. The first Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
time the target makes an attack roll before the end of Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends).
your next turn, it deals 5 thunder damage to itself and to First Failed Saving Throw: The target is helpless (save
each enemy within 3 squares of it. e nds).
Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
Tomebound Ooze Wizard Attack 7 Miss: The target is immobilized (save e nds).
Aftereffect: The target is slowed (save ends).
YOUlJoe is en8u!fed by an acidic,jellylike mass Ihal continues to
eat at it wh en thatfoe tries to attack.
Mordenkainen's . Wizard Attack 9
Encounter. Acid, Arcane, Conjuration, Implement .. _.
Standard Action Ranged 10 . .. Guardian
'. .
Hound .. . .

Target: One creature The ghostly form of a snarling wolfhound "ppears before you
Effect: You conjure an ooze that fills the target's space. It and leaps inlOthe fray.
lasts until the end of your next turn. If the ta rget moves, Daily. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
the ooze moves with it while it remains within range. Standard Action Ranged 10
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Effect: You conjure a Medium guard ian hound that occupies
Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier acid damage. Until the 1 square within range, and the hound makes the fo llowing
end of your next turn, whenever the target makes melee attac k. Once per round as a minor action, you can
an attack roll, it takes acid damage equal to your have the hound repeat its attack. As a minor action, you can
Constitution modifier. move the hound 6 squares. The hound lasts until the e nd of
Tome of Binding: When the target first makes an the encounter or until you dism iss it with a free action.
attack roll before the end of your next turn, the ooze Target: One creature adjacent to the hound
exp lod es. The explosion deals acid damage equa l to your Attack: Inte lligence vs. Reflex
Constitution modifier to all enemies within 2 squares of Hit: 3d4 + Intelligence modifier damage. The target
the target, and t he effect e nds. takes a - 2 penalty to its next attack roll that targets you.

Twist of Space Wizard Attack 7

YOII bend and fo ld the fabri c of space, scatterin8 YO llr enemies
across the batlltifleld. ELF W1ZARDS
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Teleportation Unlike the ir eladrin cousins, many elves disdain the
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 sq uares arcane arts, favoring instead the martial path or the
Target: Each creature in burst primal powers of the wild lands. Those who do choose
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Will the arcanist's robes over archer's garb are equally adept
Hit: 1 d6 + Inte lligence modifier damage, and the target as control wizards or war wizards. Many elves choose
is teleported 3 squares and slowed until the end of your
next turn.
the staff of defense form of implement mastery because
of its flexibility as well as increased protection. Others
opt for the wand of accuracy to take advantage of their
high Dexterity.

C H 1\ PTE H 5 I W i za rd
- .-, " . -
Summon Arrowhawk . Wizard Attack" 9 .- . LEVEL 10 UTILITY SPELLS
With a minhty shriek, a!our-win8ed creature of the Elemental w
Chaos appears above yourfoes and swoops in to attack. Illusory Wall Wizard Utility 10 S
Daily +- Arcane, Implement, Summoning A seemin8'y solid wall materializes before your foes. dividin8
Minor Action Ranged 10 tIle battlefield with your convincil18 illusion.
Effect: You summon a Medium arrowhawk in an unoccu- Cl
Encounter +- Arcane, Illusion ex:
pied square within range. The arrowhawk has a speed of
fly 8 (hover). It has a +2 bonus to AC and a + 2 bonus to
Standard Action Area wall 8 within 20 squares «
Reflex. You can give the arrowhawk the following special
Effect: You create the illusion of a contiguous wall of solid -
material (stone or metal. for example). The wall can be $
up to 4 squares high. The wall blocks line of sight for
+- Standard Action: Shift 3 squares and attack; melee all enemies (but not your all ies). Whenever an enemy $
1; targets one creature; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 dl 0 + UJ
moves adjacent to the wall, you can make an Intelligence Z
Intelligence modifier damage. and the target is marked by
vs. Will attack against that enemy_ If the attack hits. the
the arrowhawk until the end of your next turn.
enemy cannot move through the wall on its current turn.
+- Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; but it can try again on later turns. If the attack misses.
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier
the wall no longer blocks line of sight or movement for ·
damage, and the target is marked by the arrowhawk until
that creature.
the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The wall persists.
_ •L ",' ,',"", .... ",.~. " .

.,' Wizard Attack 9 .

Taunting Phantoms Mass Resistance
.. - ... . --

Wizard Utility.1 0 ,
--,--,.. _ ...

Your fo es are beset by tOrJIlentin8 ima8es that dart all1on8

YOlL wrap arcane strands about yourself and all YOllr allies, insu-
them. daril18 them to attack and drivin8 them to lash Ollt with
latill8 all a8ainst a particular ty pe of dal11a8e.
recllless abandoll.
Daily +- Arcane
Daily +- Arcane, Illusion, Implement
Minor Action Close burst 10
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: You and each ally in burst
Target: Each creature in burst
Effect: Choose acid. cold. fire, force, lightning, necrotic,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
pOison, psychic, radiant, or thunder. Until the end of the
Hit: The target makes a melee basic attack roll against a
encounter, each target gains resistance to that damage
creature of your chOice. including itself.
type equal to one-half your level + your Intellige nce
Effect: The target takes 5 damage each time it misses with a
melee attack (save ends).
.- -. ....-~~~, . . .- ".- -,...--.""-
-,.- -
'.- "' .. Summon Hammemst Crusher Wizard Utility 10 •.
Visions of Ruin • Wizard Attack 9
A hulkill8 creature of rock appears before you. It strikes too
Yourfoes scream ill terror as a areat cataclysm seems to destroy
slowly to possibly hit a livill8 creature, but its lI1i8hty fi sts turn
the world arollnd them. Only the small area they occupy is safe
walls alld doors into rubble.
from the horrid destruction they witness.
Daily +- Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Daily +- Arcane, Fear, Illusion, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Minor Action Ranged 10
Standard Action Area burst 1 wit hin 10 squares
Effect: You summon a Medium hammerfist crusher in
Effect: The burst creates a zone of illusory safe ty. A target
an unoccupied square within range. The hamm e rfist
that is forced to leave the zone takes 2d8 + Intelligence
crusher has a speed of 3. It has a + 2 bonus to AC and a
modifier psychic damage. and this effect ends for it. The
+ 2 bonus to Fortitude. You can give the crusher the fol-
zone lasts until no creature is subject to this effect.
lOWing special command.
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intell igence vs. Will
+- Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one object;
Intelligence vs. Reflex; 5d6 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Hit: The target is affected by visions of ruin (save ends).
While affected by visions of ruin, it cannot voluntarily
leave the zone, and it does not have line of Sight to
targets outside the zone. Your eyes alow with arcane 1i81lt, leHill8 nothill8 escape your
Miss: Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot si8llt.
voluntarily leave the zone, and it does not have line of
Daily +- Arcane
sight to targets outside the zone. Minor Action Personal
Special: A creature whose space is partly within the zone Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain darkvision,
can move only into squares within the zone. and you can see invisible creatures and objects wthin 10
squares of you that are within your line of Sight. You also
gain a +5 power bonus to InSight checks and Pe rception

C HAPTER 5 I W i z ard

LEVEL 13 ENCOUNTER SPELLS Orbmaster's Umbral Assault Wizard Attack 1 3

A shroud oj roilina shadows coalesces around your orb. Your
enemies see a alobe of utter blackness fla re Ollt to enBuif them.
The BFound creaks and moans, and a creatllre oj roell and earth Encounter" Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
emer8es 10 smash ),ourfoes. Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Encounter" Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Standard Action Ranged 10
Hit: 1 d6 + Inte lligence modifier necrotic damage.
Target: One creature
Effect: The burst creates a zone of illusory darkness that
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
lasts until the end of your next turn. All creatures are
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you s lide the
blinded while they are within the zone.
target 3 squares. You conj ure a Medium earth brute in a
Orb of Imposition: You can extend the duration of this
square adjacent to the target after this movement. The
effect, even t ho ugh it is not an at-will power. If you do so,
earth brute occupies 1 square and lasts until the end of
the zone expands to a burst 3 and doesn't affect you or
your next turn .
your allies.
Whenever a creature starts its turn in or enters a
squa re adjacent to the earth brute, that creature takes 5
damage, and the earth brute pushes it 1 square. LEVEL 15 DAILY SPELLS

Entangling Force Wizard Attack 1 3 Ball Lightning .. . Wizard Attack 15

A burst offorce erupts around your enemies, knockina them off 1\ coruscatina alobe oJ liahtninajlashes Jorth and flies about,
balance and impedin8 their movement. lash ina out with tendrils of electricity.
Encounter" Arcane, Force, Implement Daily .. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, lightning
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 1 0 sq ua res Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: Each creature in burst Effect: You conjure a Medium ball of lightning that occup ies
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex 1 square within range, and the ball makes the following
Hit: 3d6 + Intell igence mod ifier force damage . Until the attack, which is a close burst 1. Each creature that starts
end of your next turn, t he target is slowed and can't tele - its tu rn adjacent to the ba ll is slowed until the end of your
port, and it provokes opportun ity attacks when it shifts. next turn. Once per round, as a minor action, you can
Wand of Accuracy: On a miss, you deal force damage to have the ball repeat its attack. As a move action, you can
the target equal to your Intelligence modifier. move the ball up to 10 squares. It can fly and hover.
The ba ll lasts unt il t he end of the e ncou nter o r until you
Illusory Assailant Wizard Attack 1 3 dismiss it with a free action.
Target: Each creature in burst
You produce a lifelille illusion of a wnrrior that atracks your
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
enemies and aids YOllr allies.
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence mod ifier lightning damage.
Encounter" Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Evard's Dreadful Mist Wizard Attack
.. 15
Effect: You bring forth a Medium illusory warrior in an .

unoccupied square within range, and the warrior makes You call forth a thick, ominous fOB' As it descends upon your
the follOWing melee attack. Enemies cannot enter the foes, sounds ojanashin8fanas and snappin8 claws echo from it.
illusory warrior's space, but all ies can, and the illusory SOl11ethinf) lurks within. Somelhin8 horrible.
warrior is considered an ally for the purpose of flanking. Daily .. Arcane, Fear, Implement, Psychic, Zone
The illusory warrior lasts until the end of your next turn, Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squa res
Target: One creature adjacent to the warrior Primary Target: Each creatu re in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. Hit: The primary target is immobilized (save ends).
Miss: The primary target is slowed (save ends).
Mirror Sphere Wizard Attack 1 3 Effect: The burst creates a zone of th ick fog that blocks line
of Sight until the end of your next turn. You can make a
Illusory barriers surround yourfoe, causin8 it phal1tom pain
secondary attack, using a square within the zone as the
when it attacks YOIl and your allies.
origin square.
Encounter" Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic Opportunity Action Close burst 1
Standard Action Ranged 1 0 Trigger: An enemy enters the zone or starts its turn there
Target: One creature Secondary Target: The triggering enemy in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Secondary Attack: Intellige nce vs. Reflex
Hit: 1 dl 0 + Inte lligence modifier psych ic damage. If the Hit : 2dl 0 + Inte lligence modifier psychic damage.
target makes an attack roll before the e nd of its next Sustain Minor: The zone persiSts.
turn, it takes damage and is subject to all other effects
of that attack as if it had hit itself. Any resistances and
immunities of the target do not affect t he damage it
deals to itself in th is way. It still attacks the origina l
target normally.

C I IAPTEH 5 I Wizard


You clench ),our fists as you call on the earth to obey),oll. The . , . - - .

around bllckles amid ),our foes, creatina a mass ofjaaaed rocks. Clever Escape. ' . ,.
Wizard Utility 1 6 •
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Zone As your foes close in Jar the kill, ),OUblly time Jar escape \\lith a
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares cunninaly craJted duplicate oJ),ourse!f
Target: Each creature in burst
Daily + Arcane, Illusion, Teleportation
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Minor Action Personal
Hit: 5d6 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: You become invisible and teleport 6 squares. You
leave behind an illusory image of yourself in the space
Effect: The burst creates a zone of jagged stone that lasts
you occupied. The illusion stands in place, takes no ac-
until the end of your next turn. Each creature that moves
tions, and uses your defenses if it is attacked. It lasts until
into the zone or within it without shifting or crawling
the end of the encounte r or until it is touched or hit by
takes 2d6 damage and is knocked prone.
an attack. Your invisibility lasts until the end of your next
Sustain Minor: The zone persists.
turn or until you make an attack roll.

,-Summon Chain bearer . .. A creature ca n recognize the illusion by making a suc-

·c' " Wiz~rd Arlack 1 5
- cessfullnsight check (DC 15 + one-half your leve l + your
1\ blast oj wind rushes over the battleJield as a dozen aleamina Inte lligence modifier).
chains soarfrom ),our outstretched hand and wrap th emselves
into a hlll11anoie/fonn that lashes YO II,r enemies. " Phantonl'Mask WizardUtility 16
- ... - . -

Daily + Arcane, Implement, Summoning W'ith a aesture, ),011 enable ),011 and ),oll r allies to ("(Ike on (1
Minor Action Ranged 20 nea rly impenetrable disallise.
Effect: You summon a large creat ure made of chains in
Daily + Arcane, Illusion
an unoccupied 2 -square-by-2-square space wi thin range.
Minor Action Close burst 10 ;:-,1
The cha inbearer has reach 2 and a speed of 6. It has a +4
Target: You and each ally in burst
bonus to AC and a +4 bonus to Fortitude. You can give
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, each target assumes
the cha inbearer the fo llowing special commands.
the appearance of a humanoid creature of your s ize, even
+ Standard Action: Melee 2; targets one creature;
the appearance of a specific individual you have seen.
Intelligence vs. Fortitude; 1 d l 0 + Inte llige nce modifier
You can choose a different disguise for each target. A
damage, and you slid e the target 2 squares.
creature can perceive a target's t rue form by succeeding
+ Opportunity Attack: Melee 2; targets one creatu re; on an Insight check (DC 20 + one-half your leve l + your
Inte lligence vs. Fortitud e; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier
Intel ligence modifier).
damage, and you slide t he target 2 squares. The
As a standard action, you can modify th is illusion to
chainbeare r has threatening reach, allowing it to make
cause any of the ta rgets to assume the appearance of a
opportunity attacks against targets within its reach of 2
different humanoid creature.

Phase Shift - .· ·Wizard Utility 16 -

Yo u \\Ihisper an arcane phrase and transform ),ollr bod)' into a
Your enemies staaaer and flail their arms as the \\Iorld seems to
mere phantom.
spinJuriolls!y around them.
Daily + Arcane, Polymorph
Daily + Arcane, usion, Implement
Minor Action Personal
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Effect: You become insubstantia l and gain phasing unti l
Target: Each enemy in burst
the end of your next t urn.
Attack: Intellige nce vs. Will
Hit: The target is affected by vertigo (save ends). Whil e .- - -
. ' .
affected by ve rtigo, the target can't stand up from prone, Spectral Vision , Wizard Utility 16
and if it moves, the target must move at least 4 squares Your surroundinas shimmer and chanae. W hat \Vas once a
or it falls pro ne at the end of its movement. squalid cave is nOIll all opulent throne rOO Ill.
Aftereffect: The target is affected by a lesser form of Daily + Arcane, Illusion
vertigo (save e nds). While affected, the target ca n't stand
Minor Action Close burst 5
up from pron e, and if it moves, the target must move at
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you mask the te rrain
least 2 squares or it falls prone at th e e nd of its movement.
around you, changing the appearance of all unattended ob-
Miss: Until the end of your next turn, the target can't
jects and terrain features. The objects are still visible, but you
stand up from prone, and if it moves, the target must
disguise their true nature, making them look, smell, sound,
move at least 2 sq uares or it falls prone at the end of its
and sometimes even feel like something e lse. For example,
you cou ld make a pool of lava look like a plush carpet, or
Effect: Until the end of the e ncounter, the target provokes
make a pile of coins look a nd feel like mud. If an object is
opportunity attacks when it shifts.
removed from t he area, th is effect ends for that object.
A creature can see through your dece ption by sue·
ceeding on an InSight check (DC 20 + one-half your le ve l
+ your Inte lligence modifier)_A creature automatica lly
sees through the illusion if it takes damage from a dis-
guised object or disguised terrain (s uch as walking on an
illusory carpet that is actually lava).

C H A l' T E I{ 5 I Wi z a rei
Summon Diamond Falcon Wizard Utility 16 Gripping Chains Wizard Attack 1 7
A areal bird of pre)' with aleamin8 white feath ers appears fro 111 You speak a rin8in8 word of dolefill power, enmeshin&),our fo es
a planar portal and whisks ),011 or an all)' to safety. in spectral bonds.
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Summoning Encounter .. Arcane, Force, Implement
Minor Action Ranged 5 Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 sq uares
Effect: You summon a Medium diamond falcon in an unoc· Target: Each creatu re in burst
cupied square within range. The falcon has a speed of Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
fly 8 (hover). It has a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Until the
Reflex. You can give the diamond falcon the follow ing end of your next turn, the target is slowed, and it pro·
special command . vokes opportunity attacks when it shifts.
.. Move Action: The diamond fa lcon ca n carry you or one
Medium or sma ller ally that is adjacent to it when the Phantasmal Horror Wizard Attack 17
falcon begins its move. The carried creature moves with
YOllr enem), is assailed b)' all imaainQf}' mOl1Ster ripped from
the falcon and occupies its space; if the falcon provokes
its niahtmares,fri8hlenina it into a catatonic state.
opportunity attacks, the attacker can target either the
falcon or the carried creature. At the end of the falcon's Encounter" Arcane, Fear, Illusion, Implement
move, the carried creatu re can either remain in the Standard Action Ranged 1 0
falcon's space (continuing to be carried) or land in a square Target: One creature
adjacent to t he falcon. A carried creature grants combat Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
advantage and takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls. Hit: The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
While the target is stunned by this power, you gain a bonus
to damage rolls against it equal to your Charisma modifier.
Shard of the Wiiard Attack 1 7
Dancing Bolts Wizard Attack 1 7
Endless Avalanche
SJlappin8 blue arcs oflialltnin8 erupl.jJ'OII1 thearolllld, leapin8
Vou coryure a massive boulderfrom the Elemental Chaos
from one foe to another.
thM smashes Ihrou8h ),our enemies' ranks, then shatters and
Encounter" Arcane, Implement, Lightning dissipates.
Standard Action Ranged 2 0
Encounter" Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Primary Target: One creature
Standard Action Ranged 20
Primary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Effect: You conjure a Medium boulder that appears in 1
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifi er lightning damage, and you
square within range, and you move it 5 squares. At the
slide the target 1 square. If, after this movement, the tar·
end of this movement, the boulder disappears. While it
get is within 2 squares of an enemy that has not yet been
moves, you can make the follOWing attack.
attacked by th is use of t his power, make the fol lowing
Free Action Melee 1
secondary attack against that enemy, using the primary
Trigger: The boulder enters a creature's space
target as the origin square of the burst.
Target: The creature whose space was entered
Free Action Area burst 2
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Secondary Target: One enemy in burst
Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
the target 2 squa res.
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, and
Special: The boulder can attack any Single creature only
you slide the target 1 square. If, after this movement, the
once, even if it enters that creature's space multiple times.
target is within 2 squares of an enemy that has not yet
been attacked by this use of this power, make the fol low·
ing tertiary attack aga inst that enemy, using the second· LEVEL 19 DAILY SPELLS
ary target as the origin square of the burst.

Free Action Area burst 2 Evard's Ebon Bindings · Wizard Attack 19
Tertiary Target: One enemy in burst
. Tertiary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex With incantations ofimprisonmetlt,),oll trap your foe in writh·
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage, ina black runes that seem almost alive,forcin8 it to obcy your
and you slide the target 1 square. command.
Daily .. Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic

Furnace of Sand . Wizard Attack 1 7 Standard Action Ranged 1 0

Target: One creature
You creat.e a powerjulstorm of dese rt winds and red·hot sand. Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Encounter .. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone Hit: The target is immobilized (save e nd s).
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares First Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned (save
Target: Each creature in burst ends).
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is dominated
Hit: 2d6 + Inte lligence modifier fire damage. (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates a zone of red·hot swirling sand Aftereffect: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage,
that lasts until the end of your next turn. All creatures are and the target is immobilized and dazed until the end of
blinded while they are within the zone, and the area is your next turn.
lightly obscured. Each creature that enters the zone takes Miss: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
1 d1 0 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

C I-I I\ P TEI~ 5 I W i z ard

." -,""- (- -,. .
'W'· ".
- ,",,"

Oppress.ive FO,ree ' Wizard Attack

-_. '.

A massive barrage of arcane energy slams yourfoe to the


ground and grinds it into the dirt. Globe of Invulnera~i1ity , " '-~Wiza~d' Utility22 .
Daily " Arcane, Force, Implement A transparent bubble offorce appears around you, preventing o
Standard Action Ranged 20 anythingfroll18ettin8 ill or out -
Target: One creature
Attack: Inte llige nce vs, Reflex Daily .. Arcane, Conjuration, Force
Hit: 3d1 0 + Intelligence modifier fo rce damage, and the Minor Action Personal
target is knocked prone and affected by oppressive force Effect: You create a globe of force around you that lasts
until the end of your next turn, Whenever you move
(save ends), While affected by oppressive force, the target
ta kes ongoing 10 force damage and can't stand up from (including teleportation), the globe moves with you, You
prone, cannot gain line of effect to any target other than your-
Miss: Half damage, and the target is knocked prone and self, and no creature or effect can gain line of effect to
affected by oppressive force (save e nds), While affected by you, The globe doesn't block line of Sight, It blocks ob-
oppressive force, the target takes ongoing 5 force damage jects and creatures attempting to pass through it,
and can't sta nd up from prone, The globe, although impenetrable, is not impe rviou s to
damage, Attacks against the globe automatically hit, and
• ~ ~~ .. -,,_--_._':-:;-~', ;-7'~----r:-C - .-- .--'- .- , ., '-- ,
it has 100 hit pOints.
Plague of Illusions ,..' ". . ,~ Wizard Attack'19 ' Sustain Standard: The globe persists,
Yo u invade your enemy's mind 10 produce a bew ildering ar· ,

ray of illusions: nightmares sprun8 to life, gapin8 rifts ill the

,- ,-
- - - ,,'
-'. '

Mordenkainen's Lucubration
.,. --, '-,
. Wizard Utility 22
ground, and hissing, encirclin8 snakes, ,

Your mastery of the arcane arts allows )'O U to push yOllr mind
Daily .. Arcane, Implement
far beyond its limits, tapping into reserves of lIIagic that allow
Standard Action Ranged 20 yo ur spells to endure.
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Daily .. Arcane
Hit: The target can not use attack powers (save ends). Minor Action Personal
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is blinded (save Effect: Until t he e nd of the encounter or until you become
ends), unconscious, your arcane powers that ca n be sustained
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized instead last unt il the end ofthe encounter.
(save ends), , .

. . . .-
',- ,
. -.
Miss: The target is blinded (save ends), Phantom legion ,. .Wizard Utility 22 .
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is immobilized A dozen illusory forms appear around you, crealill8 a sp rawlin8
(save ends). scene to deceive your enemi es.
_.;;u-~' ,~ ,~.c' .• ' ~ -- •• r . ,_ ,_, ., Daily .. Arcane, Illusion
Summon Black Devourer Wizard Attack 19 Minor Action Ranged 30
Your fingers claw open an inky portal and draw forc h a terror Effect: You create up to twelve Medium illuso ry creatures
of solid darkness: a razor-toothed maw surroll nded by dozens of or objects, each of which appears in an unoccupied
whipping tentacles. square within range. Each can make sounds and gestures
Daily .. Arcane, Implement, Summoning but cannot voluntarily leave its space, a nd each of its
Minor Action Ranged 20 defe nses is 10. An illusory creature or object lasts until
Effect: You summon a Large black devourer in a n unoccu- the e nd of the encounter, or until an attack hits it or a
pied 2-square-by-2-square space within ra nge, The black creature to uches it.
devourer has reach 2 and a speed of S, It has a +4 bonus As a move action, you can cause as many of the
to AC and a +4 bonus to Will. You can give the black illusory creatures or objects as you wish to move up to 6
devourer the follOWing special commands, squares each. Each acts as an indepe ndent e ntity, saying
.. Standard Action: Melee 2; ta rgets one creature; whatever you wish and react ing as you choose to other
Intelligence vs, Reflex; 2d4 + Intelligence modifier damage, creatures. However, you must have line of effect to an
and the target is grabbed, The devourer gains a +4 bonus illusory creature or object to control it in this way. If you
to attack ro lls and damage ro lls against a ta rget it is already do not have line of effect, it does not move or respond.
grabbing, '
.. Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Intellige nce vs, Reflex; 1 dB + Intellige nce modifie r damage, DWARF W1ZARDS
and the target is knocked prone. Dwarves' generally high Wisdom means that those of
th is race who choose the wizard's path favor control
and the orb of imposi t ion form of impl ement mastery.
A dwarf wizard's orb is often a polished piece of min -
erai mined from his or her mountainous home, Because
dwarves value clan ties and ancestry, those who have
wizards among their forebears are more likely to take
up Wizardry themselves.

C II A PT E R S I Wizard
Wall of Force Wizard Utility 22 . Freezing Bolts Wizard Attack 23
A transparent barrier offorce sprin9s up where you command. A thin layer of ice coats your wand, unleashingfrigid waves as
Daily + Arcane, Conjuration, Force unstoppable as winter itself.
Standard Action Area wall 12 within 20 squares Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Implement
Effect: You conjure a solid, transparent wall of contiguous Standard Action Ranged 20
squares filled with magical force that lasts until the end Target: One, two, or three creatures
of the encounter. The wall can be up to 6 squares high. Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
The wall blocks line of effect and movement. No creature Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the tar-
can enter a square containing the wall, and phasing crea- get is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
tures can't move through it. Wand of Accuracy: Reroll any missed attack with this
Attacks against the wall automatically hit. The wall power.
has 200 hit points, and attacking any square deals dam-
age to the entire wall. If it is reduced to 0 hit pOints, the Orbmaster's Wizard Attack 23
wall shatters, dealing 3d1 0 force damage to each crea-
ture adjacent to it. Insuperable Lethargy
A blood-red sphere of arcane power emanates fro 111 your orb to
surround YOllr foes, sinking into them and sappin8 their ener8Y.
Encounter + Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Astral Claw Wizard Attack 23 Target: Each creature in burst
For a moment, the borders between the worlds blur. The massive Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
claw of an enormous beast reaches through the planes to crush Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is
yowJoe and hurl it to the around. either weakened or immobilized (your choice) until the
Encounter + Arcane, Conjuration, Implement end of your next turn.
Standard Action Ranged 20 Orb of Imposition: You can extend the duration of this
Target: One creature power, even though it is not an at-will power. If you do so,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude each target is both weakened and immobilized until the
Hit: 3d1 0 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide end of your next turn.
the target 5 squares and knock it prone.
Effect: You conjure an astral claw in 1 square ofthe target's ,
Staffstrike Shock . Wizard Attack 23
space after this attack is resolved. The claw lasts until the You Wip your staff as you shout a mystic phrase. The staff
end of your next turn. If the target stands up while the transforms into a cracklin8 bolt ofli8htnin8 that hurls YOll away
astral claw is in its space, the target takes damage equal to from an attack.
your Constitution modifier.
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, lightning
Standard Action Ranged 20
Deceptive Shadows Wizard Attack 23 Target: One creature
Darkness swirls around your foes, distrac/in8 them and cloak- Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
in8 you and your allies frol11 view. Hit: 3d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Encounter + Arcane, Illusion, Implement Staff of Defense: The next time you use the Staff of Defense
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares class feature before the end of the encounter, the enemy
Target: Each creature in burst whose attack you interrupted also takes 10 lightning
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will damage, and you teleport 5 squares as a free action.
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. Until the end of
your next turn, the target can gain line of Sight only to the
creature nearest to it (ally or enemy). If multiple creatures
are equally near to the target, it can see all of them .

Three factors combine to make the wizard one of the to use 8host sound, ma8e hand, or prestidi8itation in skill
most versatile classes in the game: spell books, cantrips, challenges, roleplaying interactions, and even combat
and rituals. Unlike members of other classes, a wizard encounters to accomplish unexpected things. Finally, rit-
can keep a selection of daily attack powers and utility uals- which any class can use, but wizards have superior
powers in a spell book, allowing him or her to choose the access to-proVide a never-ending supply of interesting,
right spell for the job-given some knowledge of what unique effects. Some wizards find that they rely on the
dangers lie ahead on a given day. (Divination rituals are same one or two rituals in a variety of situations, while
a good way to get some of that knowledge!) Cantrips are others employ lots of different rituals and might never
minor spell effects, but incredibly flexible. Look for ways use the same one twice.

CHAPTEH 5 I Wizard


Cinder Storm. . . Wizard Attack 25

A spi rming cloud offlaming ash surrounds your enemies, burn-
-- ~. - . ..
illg them and blinding their allies.
Bubbling Acid '., , Wizard Attack 25
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
You toss a green globe toward your enemies. It explodes, shower-
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
ina them with acid and creaHrt8 a boilin8 pool of caustic stuff
Primary Target: Each creature in burst
that moves at your command.
Primary Attack: Intell igence vs. Reflex
Daily. Acid, Arcane, Implement, Zone Hit: Sd6 + Inte lligence modifier fire damage, and ongoing
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares 10 fire damage (save e nds).
Primary Target: Each creature in burst Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Primary Attack: Inte llige nce vs. Reflex Effect: The burst creates a zone of flaming ash that
Hit: 6d6 + Inte lligence modifier acid damage. lasts until the end of your next turn. You can make a
Miss: Half damage. secondary attack, using a square within the zone as the
Effect: The burst creates a zone of bubbling acid that origin square.
lasts until the end of the encounter. Each creature that Opportunity Action Close burst 5
enters the zone or starts its turn there takes 10 acid . A creature fails its saving throw against this
damage. As a move action, you can move the zone up to power's ongoing damage
5 squares. Secondary Target: The triggering creature in burst
You can make a secondary attack, using a square Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
within the zone as the origin squa re. Hit: 1 d8 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and the
Opportunity Action Close burst 1 secondary target is blinded until the end of its next turn.
Trigger: A creature enters the zone or starts its turn there
Secondary Target: The triggering creature in burst
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude DRAGONBORN W1ZARDS
Hit: The second ary ta rget is blinded until the end of its
With a culture that focuses on glory in battle, dragonborn
current turn.
do not normally turn to wizardry. Those who do take up a
wizard's implement are particularly driven to learn their
esoteric craft, often sacrificing personal commitments or
an easy route to success in the process. Many dragon born
'"-<: wizards are surpriringly adept at illusion magic.

ellA PTER 5 I Wizard,
Orbmaster's Prismatic Sphere Wizard Attack
.. 25 Summon Abyss~1 Horde Wizard Attack 25
Your orb swirls with a rainbow of colors thaijlash out and cloak Three horrid creatures, little more than Iivin8 toothy mouths,
your foes in a sci n Lilla tin8 alobe. appear around YO lll-joes to devour them.
Daily. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Poison Daily. Arcane, Implement, Summoning
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares Minor Action Ranged 20
Target: Each creature in burst Effect: You summon up to three Medium abyssal maws,
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude, Reflex, Will eac h appearing in an unoccupied square within range.
Hit (Fortitude): 3d6 + Intelligence modifier poison dam- Each maw has a speed of 6. You can give the maws the
age, and ongoing 1 0 poison damage (save ends). following special commands.
Hit (Reflex): 3d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and • Standard Action: Melee 1; targets one creature;
ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage.
Hit (Will): The target is dazed (save ends). + Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Special: You make one attack roll per target and compare Inte llige nce vs. Reflex; 1 d6 + Intelligence modifier damage.
that result against all three defenses. A target might be In add ition, if an enemy adjacent to the maw makes a
subject to any, all, or none of the consequences of a hit melee attack that does not include the maw as a target,
depending on how many of its defenses were hit. The the maw makes an opportunity attack against that enemy
target must roll a saving th row against each condition or after the enemy's attack is resolved.
instance of ongoing damage separately. Special: Whenever you use a standard action or a minor
Orb of Imposition: If you impose a penalty to saving action to issue a command, all the summoned maws take
throws against this power, the pena lty applies to all tar· that action. Only one maw within range of a target can
gets instead of just one. make an opportunity attack against that target. You do
not lose a healing surge until all the maws summoned by
-, '" .."'t'"- - .... "':;:--,

Phantom Reality

-.~Wizard Attack 25
.... .. ..
' . ,
this power are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer.
.-, -
'. ~
-- -~"

You create an intricate illusion in your enemy's l11ind, convinc-

ina it that friends are foes and leadin8 it wherever yo u desire. LEVEL 27 ENCOUNTER SPELLS
Daily. Arcane, Illusion, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20 Lost in the Mists Wizard Attack 27
Target: One creature You create a phantom world around your enemy and mimic
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will reality so closely that you manipulate thefoe as ifit \Vere n
Hit: The target is affected by phantom reality (save ends). puppet.
While it is affected by phantom reality, whenever the target
Encounter. Arcane, Charm, Illusion, Implement
makes a melee or ranged attack roll, you can change the
Standard Action Ranged 20
target of that attack. If it makes an area attack, you choose
Target: One creature
the attack's origin square if applicable. The target cannot
Attack: Inte lligence vs. Will
attack itself in this way. Also, whenever the target moves,
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next
you can slide it 4 squares after it completes its movement.
turn. While dominated, it gains a bonus to its attack rolls
Miss: Until the e nd of your next turn , whenever the target
and damage rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
makes a melee or ranged attack roll, you can change the
target of that attack. If it makes an area attack, you choose
the attack's origin square if applicable. The target cannot Sequestering Force Wizard Attack 27
attack itself in this way. Your spell rips nparl the planar boundnries, bnttering your en-
-- emies and trappin8 them in a fold of buckled space.
GREAT W1ZARDS OF H1STORY Encounter. Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Some of the greatest wizards of the past have left their Target: Each creature in burst
mark on the study of magic in the form of spells and ritu- Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
als that bear their names: Bigby (of the many hand spells), Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier fo rce damage. Until the
Mordenkainen, Otiluke, and Evard all have spells in the end of your next turn, the burst becomes an area of
Player's Handbook and in this book that are named after twisted space. A creature hit by this attack cannot leave
them. Tenser, Leomund, and Drawmij survive in ritual the area by any means, including forced moveme nt and
names_ These names have been part of the DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game since its earliest days-largely because
they were player character wizards in some of the first
D&D'IO campaigns. You crook ),ollr hand ill a mystica lgeSlttre, and your foes shriek
ill a80ny as their souls nre consumed by hiddenjlnllle.
If your wizard has a bit of an egomaniacal bent (and
many wizards do), you might consider appending your Encounter. Arcane, Fire, Implement, Necrotic
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
own name to some or all of your spells. That change
Target: Each creature in burst
might be nothing more than a reflection of your own Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
inflated sense of self-importance, but perhaps you have Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier fire and necrotic damage,
researched a variat ion that makes Kathra's acid mire and the target is weakened until the end of your next
notably different from the run-of-the-mill acid mire spell turn.
described in this book_

CHA I'T EH 5 I WizQnl

. -.- .,-,
'.- ... ,:'
Prismatic Wall Wizard Attack 29 til
You divert the river of time, stealing a moment from YOllr en- You dmw your hands apart to form a mystic rainbow, which w
emy for you I' own use. grows into a wall of shimmering colors. $
Encounter. Arcane, Implement Daily. Arcane, Conjuration, Fire, Implement, Poison o
Standard Action Ranged 20 Standard Action Area wall 1 0 within 10 squares
Target: One creature Effect: You conjure a wall of contiguous squares filled o
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will with many-colored light that lasts until the end of your a:
Hit: The target is stunned until the end of your next turn. next turn. The wall can be up to 5 squares high. Enter- N
You gain an extra standard action, which you must use ing a square occupied by the wall costs 1 extra square of -$
before the target recovers frm this stunned condition. movement. The wall blocks line of Sight.
You can make the following attack, using a square
within the zone as the origin square.
Tomebound Bloodbeast Wizard Attack 27 ..u
Opportunity Action Close burst 1 Z
Prom your tome sprin8s a writhin8,formless creature covered Trigger: A creature starts its turn inside the wall or
with long spikes that drinks your foes' blood (lnd transfers their adjacent to the wall or moves through it
vi80r to you. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude, Reflex, Will
Encounter. Arcane, Conjuration, Implement Target: The triggering creature in burst '.

Standard Action Ranged 10 Hit (Fortitude): 3d4 + Intelligence modifier poison

Target: One creature damage, and you teleport the target 5 squares.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit (Reflex): 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, and
Hit: 4d8 + Intelligence modifier damage. ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).
Effect: You conjure a tomebound bloodbeast that occupies 1 Hit (Will): The target is dazed (save ends).
square in range. It lasts until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The wall persists.
Whenever a creature adjacent to the blood beast moves, Special: You make one attack roll per target and compare that
that creature takes damage equal to your Constitution result against all three defenses. A target might be subject to
modifier, and you gain the same number of temporary hit any, all, or none of the effects depending on how many of its
points. These temporary hit pOints stack with each other defenses were hit. The target must roll a saving throw against
and with temporary hit points from other sources. each condition or instance of ongoing damage separately.
Tome of Binding: If you increase the damage dealt by
this power to a creature that moves, all allies within 5
squares of the bloodbeast also gain the temporary hit
pOints. You part the planar walls to call a sentient mass oflivin8 rock
from the Elemental Chaos. It emerges to crush yourfoes beneath
its 8ranite feet.
LEVEL 29 DAILY SPELLS Daily. Arcane, Implement, Summoning
, Minor Action Ranged 20
Miasma of Enfeeblement , "
Wizard Attack 29 Effect: You summon a Huge living mountain in a 3-square-
Black dust whirls up around yourfoes, sappin8 their strength by-3 -square unoccupied space within range. The living
and dOllding their vision. mountain has a speed of 3. It has a +4 bonus to AC and a
+4 bonus to Fortitude. You can give the living mountain
Daily. Arcane, Implement, Necrotic, Zone
the following special commands.
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
• Standard Action: Melee 3; targets one creature;
Target: Each creature in burst
Intelligence vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Hit: 5d6 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the
• Standard Action: Close burst 5; targets enemies only;
target is weakened (save ends).
Intelligence vs. Fortitude; 1 dl 0 + Intelligence modifier
Miss: Half damage.
damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of clinging black dust that
blocks line of sight for all creatures damaged by this • Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature; Intel-
ligence vs. Fortitude; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage.
power until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The zone perSiSts .
Visions of Wrath Wizard Attack 29
With blood-curdling cries, your enemies fall upon each other.
T1EFL1NG W1ZARDS Daily. Arcane, Illusion, Implement
TiefJings who have a talent for the arcane often yield to Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares
the example of their ancestors and choose to be warlocks. Target: Each enemy in burst
However, they make fine wizards, too; their superior Intel- Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
ligence makes them the equal of eladrin mages (although Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). If you do not
most eladrin are unwilling to admit this truth). TiefJings compel the target to make any attack rolls during its
turn, it automatically saves to end this condition at the
are generally more likely to become war wizards than
end of that turn. If you compel the target to make any
to concern themselves with the subtleties of illusion or attack rolls but it does not hit any creatures, it automati-
control. Many of those who do take up illusion magic cally fails saving throws against this condition until the
(and the orb of deception form of implement mastery) start of its next turn.
are formidable masters of their craft. Miss: The target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

C II APTER 5 I Wizard
=. - . -. - .--.- .==.- ..--.-.~:
, '.' .. . .


"Distance is an illusion, a construction of the mind shack-
led to the physical \Vorld."

Prerequisite: Wizard

Time and space are barriers to most creatures. Only

gods, primm-dials, and legendary beings can break
down those barriers. And- perhaps-people like you.
You have already learned several powers that
allow you to instantaneously trave l between two
nearby pOints. But now, as an arcane wayfarer you
see more clearly into (he mechanism beh ind tele-
portation. As your knowledge grows, you teleport as
naturally and easily as you wa lk moving from spot
to spot by flexing your mind instead of your muscles.
You don't restrict th is knowledge to yourself; you also
enjoy targeting others with spatial eHects, sending
ffiends to safety and transporting foes into dangerous
Although time yet rema ins beyond your grasp,
you know that space is not insurmountable. as most
believe it to be. Indeed, sometimes the shortest dis-
tance between two locations is not a straight line.


Blink Strike (11 th level): Whenever you sco re a Wayfarer's Evasion . Arcane Wayfarer Utility 12
critical hit with a wizard attack power, YOll can also As YOII/Joe's weapoll falls UpOIl you. )'OU suddenly whisk Cl\\la)(
teleport the target 4 SqUCl res. Daily + Arcane, Teleportation
Wayfarer's Action (11th level): When you Immediate Interrupt Personal
spend an action point to take an extra action, you can Trigger: You are hit or missed by an attack
Effect: You teleport 10 squares.
also teleport 4 squares a a free action.
Wayfarer's Step (16th level): Vall gain teleport 2
as an additional movement mode. Terrifying Journey Arcane Wayfarer Attack 20
You send )'Ollr enemies . .. elsewhere. Somewhere terrible.
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Teleportation
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 20 squares
- Target: Each creature in burst
Hammerfall Step Arcane Wayfarer Attack 11 Attack: Intelligence vs. Will

YOIl transport both enem ies and allies. Your allies experience a Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target is
pleasant trip to safety;),our enemies end lip illjeopardy teleported to an interplanar space (save ends). While in
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Teleportation the interplanar space, the target cannot take actions and
Standard Action Close blast 5 cannot be targeted. On a save, it returns to the space it
Target: Each enemy in blast was last in. If that space is occupied, the ta rget returns to
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude the nearest unoccupied space of its choice.
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport Miss: Half damage, and the creature is dazed (save ends).
the target 3 squares.
Effect: You teleport each ally in t he blast 3 qua res.

ClIi\PTEH 5 I Wizard
"To me, my servants! You shall share in my stren8th and in Summoner's Slip (11th level): Whenever you -~
my victory." use an arcane po'wer that has the conjuration or sum- 0..
moning keyword , you can teleport 2 squares as a free z
Prerequisite: Wizard action afi:er using th e power, 0
Summoner's Action (11th level): 'vV hen you LJ
You are fascinated by the magic of summoning and spend an action point to take an extra action , as a free ~
conjuration. The power of the planes draws you almost action you can issue one minor action command to <
as strongly as your own arcane strength pulls the crea- each of your summoned creatures,
tures you call to your side. You form a stronger link Summoner's Might (16th level): Creatures you ~
than others with the creature you snmnlon, granting summon gain regene ration 10. <t:
yOll increased control over them. This closer commu- -
nication even allows you to manipulate the boundaries BONDED SUMMONER SPELLS
between planes. You are a beneficent master, though,
and YOll imbue your summoned servants with greater Planar Gateway Bonded Summoner Attack 11 •

vitality-in exchange for even more dedicated service. You create a rift between the planes, drawinfl raw power
throuflh it that tlllllbles your enemies about like skittles.
Encounter . Arcane, Conjuration, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 10
Effect: You conjure a planar gateway tha t occupies 1
square within range and lasts until the e nd of your
next turn. You can make the following attack, using the
gateway's square as the origin square.
Free Action Close burst 1
Trigger: A creatu re starts its turn in the planar gateway or
enters a square adjacent to the planar gateway
Target: The triggering creature in burst
Attack: Inte llige nce vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you slide the
target 3 sq uares.

. Enduring Summons Bonded Summoner Utility 1 2

You call on the power of the planes to surae throuflh ),our sum·
moned creature, ensllrin8 its survival.
Encounter + Arcane, Healing
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature you summoned
Effect: The target regains hit points equal to your healing
surge value.

Summon Bonded Summoner Attack 20

Bonded Protector
You call a massive humanoid·shaped statue of metal and stone
that pounds ),our foes and fo rces them awa), from )'ou.
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Summoning, Teleportation
Minor Action Ranged 20
Effect: You summon a Large bonded protector in an unoc-
cupied 2-square-by-2-square space within range. The
bonded protector has reach 2 and a speed of 5. It has a
+4 bonus to AC and a +4 bonus to Will. You can give the
bonded protector the follOWing special commands.
+ Standard Action: Close blast 3; targets each creature in
blast; Intelligence vs. Reflex; 2d4 + Intelligence modifier
damage, and the target is dazed (save e nds).
+ Opportunity Attack: Melee 1; targets one creature;
Inte llige nce vs. Reflex; 2d6 + Inte lligence modifi er damage,
and t he target is knocked prone. The bonded protector
can make this opportunity attack against a creature that

attacks you or that attacks a creature you summoned .
-,-< + Minor Action: You and the bonded protecto r swap

CHAPTER 5 I W i za rd
"Drive them into the alcove. I've arran8ed a little welcome
for them there."

Prerequisite: Wizard

Few things please you more than creat ing nasty magi-
cal surprises for your foes. Although your traps are
illusory, the)' are no less deadly to foes who stumble
into them. As well, you love to add your own arcane
flourishes to mundane traps, catching enemies
off guanl when they believed them elves safe.
Admittedly, you might take unseemly glee in your
phantasmal pyrotechnics. But wreaking havoc is so
much fun!
Still, you must not incur your companions' wrath
by scattering sllch deadly tricks too liberally, or put-
ting them where tlley could be triggered by accident.
So YOll are carehil ... as careful as a saboteur can be.

HERMETIC SABOTEUR Sabotage Trap Hermetic Sabo·t eur Utility 12

PATH FEATURES Sometimes the wrona person tri8aers the trap. Fort llnately. you
Attune Target (11th level): Once per encoun- have all answerfor that.
ter, when you use a wizard power that is a blast, a Encounter. Arcane, Teleportation
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10
burst, or a wall, you can choose one square within 20
Trigger: A creature triggers a trap within range
squares of you as that power's origin square instead of Primary Target: The triggering creature
its normal origin square. Secondary Target: A different creature within 10 squares
Saboteur's Action (11th level): W hen you spend ofthe primary target
an action pOint to use an area or close wizard attack Effect: The primary target and secondary targets swap
power, all targets of that power grant combat advan - positions, and the secondary target is considered to have
tage to you until the end of your next turn. triggered the trap. If the secondary target is you or an ally,
he or she gains a +4 bonus to all defenses against that
Adjust Attunement (16th level): All targets of
trap's attacks until the end of the secondary target's next
attack powers ailected by your Attune Target path turn.
feature grant combat advantage to you until the end
of your next turn, regardJe s of whether those targets
were hit or missed by your attacks.
You have a punishin8 response to those who are foolish el10ulJh
to attack you.
HERMETIC SABOTEUR SPELLS Daily. Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Zone
Standard Action Close burst 10
Psychic Detonations Hermetic Saboteur Attack 11 Effect: The burst creates a zone of warding magic that
You tap 011 the floor, and three illusory traps are set under the lasts until the end of your next turn. You can make the
feet ofyour enemies. following attack, using a square within the zone as the
• •
ongm square.
Encounter. Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
Opportunity Action Close burst 10
Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Trigger: A creature in burst makes an attack roll aga inst
Effect: You bring into being three illusory traps in three
separate squares that last until the end of your next turn.
Target: The triggering creature
Each trap can make the following attack the first time it
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
is triggered.
Hit: 2d6 + Inte lligence modifier psychic damage.
Opportunity Action Close burst 1
Effect: The target is dazed (save e nds).
Trigger: A creatu re starts its turn in or moves adjacent to a
Special: Triggering this attack is consid ered triggering a
square containing a trap
trap for the purpose of your sabotQ8e trap power.
Target: The triggering creature
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. When you move, the zone
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
moves with you, remaining centered on you, unless you
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
used your Attune Target path feature to change the origin --
target is knocked prone. z
square of the burst. In that case, you can move the zone 5 2
Special: Triggering this attack is considered triggering a --
squares as a move action.
trap for the purpose of your sabota8e trap power. -

C HAPTER 5 I Wizard
RIMETONGUE CALLER Blizzard's Action (11th level): When you spend
an Hcllon pOint to take an extra action, each enemy -,
"It tal?cs a cold heart to wi.eld SUell power." adjacent to YOll takes 5 cold damage and is slowed 4:
until the end of yo ur next turn.
Prerequisites: Wizard, Pri mordiallanguage At 21st level, the cold damage increases to 10. z
Frostbite Summoning (16th level): Creatures
Summoned creatu res can always be improved upon. you sum mon gain the frostbite aura, described below.
Other arcane paths, such as the bonded summoner,
deal wit h infusing magical energy into summoning Frostbite (Cold) aura 1; each creature that ends its turn within the "
speUs to create a more perfect arcane cohort, but your aura takes 10 cold damage.
way seeks the maste ry of elemental cold. Using Pri-
mordial words of power, you have learned to enhance RIMETONGUE CALLER SPELLS
each su mmoned servitor with the essence of primor-
. •
dia I icc. Wall of Winter Rimetongue Caller Attack 11
This influx o[wintery power is not confined to
Issuin8 words oJPrimordialfromJrost-covered lips,you co l~u re
just those creatures you summon; it has also trans- an unstable wall oj elemental ice and wind.

formed your nature into something more elemental.

Encounter" Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement
You have adopted the innate abilities and resistance Standard Action Area wailS within 20 squares
of primordial cold. Your skin, as well as the outward Effect: You conjure a wall of contiguous squares filled with
appearance of your summoned creatu res, takes on frost and raging wind that lasts until the end of your next
an ice-blue pallor, and your hair becomes a shock of turn. The wall can be up to 4 squares high.
snow-white strands. Even your arcane flames burn Each creature t hat starts its turn adjacent to the wall
with a r imcflre blue color. ta kes 1 d8+ your Intelligence modifier cold damage. If
a creature moves into the wall 's space or starts its turn
there, it takes 2d8 + your Intelligence mod ifier cold dam·
RIMETONGUE CALLER age, and it is slowed (save ends). Entering a square occu-
PATH FEATURES pied by the wall costs 1 extra square of movement. The
squares occupied by t he wall are heaVily obscured, and
Winter's Embrace (11th level): You and your
the wall blocks line of Sight.
summoned creatures gain resist 3 colel; any existing
resistance to colel instead increases by 3. This resis-
Icy Calling Rimetongue Caller Utility 12
tance stacks with other resistance to cold granted by
powers o[ effects. You inJuse your summonin9 with the essence oj an ice mote oj
the Primordial Chaos.
At 21st level, this resistance improves to 5 (or
Encounter" Arcane, Cold
increases by 5).
Free Action Personal
Effect: The next creature you summon before the end of
your turn is immune to cold and deals 1 d6 extra cold
damage with each attack.

Afliant oj CClrved ice a nd Jrosifi re stridesJrom an elemental

eatelVay. and your enemies tremble with cold and Jear.
Daily .. Arcane, Cold, Implement, Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 20
Effect: You summon a Large rimefire brute in an unoc-
cupied 2-square-by-2-square space within range. The
rimefire brute has reach 2 and a speed of S. It has a +2
bonus to AC and a +4 bonus to Fortitude. You can give
the rimefi re brute the fo llOWing special commands .
.. Standard Action: Reach 2; targets one creature;
Intelligence vs. AC; 2dl 0 + Intelligence modifier cold
damage, and the target is knocked prone .
.. Standard Action (1/encounter): Close blast 3; ta rgets
each creature in blast; Intelligence vs. Fortitude; 2d8
+ Intelligence modifier cold damage. and the target is
immobilized (save ends) .
.. Opportunity Attack: Inte llige nce vs. AC; 2d1 0 +
Intelligence modifier cold damage.
Special: The frostbite aura of a rimefire brute you summon
has a range of 2 squares instead of 1.

e llA I'TER 5 I W i za rd
UNSEEN MAGE Unseen Action (11th level): W hen you use an
action pOint to take an extra action, yo u become invis·
"Have you ever met someone who wasn't there?" ible until the end of your next turn.
Unseen Advantage (16th level): W henever you
Prerequisite: Wizard use an aracne attack powcr and hit a target that cannot
see you, you dealld6 extra damage to the target
To sec but go u nseen, to affect t he world bu t remain
unaffected by it-thi s ability is at the heart of true
magical power. Thus you have devoted yourself to the UNSEEN MAGE SPELLS
art ofinvis"ibililY, renderingyouI" body as transpar' . .

ent as a window w ithout smear or blemish , through Vanishing Act Unseen Mage Attack 11
which no hint ofyollf presence can be detected . You Yo u strike, and in the wink of an eye, are 80ne.
are an unseen mage; t here is no stopping you . Or, Encounter " Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
more important, seeing you. Standard Action Ranged 1 0
Target : One creatu re
Since you ca n van ish with great alacrity and facil·
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
ity, you must learn to watch your step to avoid being Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
trampled by your own alli es. Even walking invisibly Effect: You become invisible until the start of your next turn.
in the street requires constant Vigilance, lest some
_.-.- ---- .. _---

ca rr iage or palanquin un knOWingly run yOll down . • Guillaum~~s Veil .~:':>:·". Un:se_e&)vlage' lHility 12
And wuh sllch great power comes the potential for You make a series of mystical passes, and YO ll a nd your COI11 '
abuse, against which yo u must be vigilant. panions fade from view.
Daily .. Arcane, Illusion, Zone
UNSEEN MAGE PATH FEATURES Minor Action Close burst 2
Enhanced Invisibility (11th level): Whenever Target: You and each ally in burst
YOll u se an arcane power that turns you invisible, Effect: The target gains invisibility unt il t he end of your
next t urn or until he or she hits or misses with a n attack,
roll a d20 at the end of the invisibility's duration . On
The burst creates a zo ne of invisibility that lasts until the
a roll of 10 or higher, YOll instead rema in invisible e nd of your next t urn. Whenever you or an ally e nds his
until the end of your next turn or until you m a ke an or her t urn within the zone, that individual becomes in·
attack roll. visible until the end of his or her next turn or until he or
she hits or misses with an attack.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists. As a move action, you ca n
move the zone 4 sq uares.
-. , _.-.- --~~~,- .. - ..
Vanishing Legion ... , ... ·Unse~~ MageAttack 20
You sweep you r hands and lash yo ur enemies with a devastQ!ln8
attacll, then collect its residual ener8Y to cloak your allies.
Daily . Arcane, Illusion, Im plement, Psychic
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 sq uares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 3d1 0 + Intel lige nce modifier psychic damage.
Miss: Half dam age.
Effect: You and your allies within 10 squares become invis·
ible to t he target (save ends).


Archmages are rare wonders of the wizardly profeSSion:
few mortals have both the drive and the luck to reach the
heights of arcane spellcraft And only one, Guillaume the
Unseen, was so fascinated by the concept of invisibilit)
t hat he retired to his sanctum sanctorum at the end of
a long and storied career to focus on that type of magic.
The fru it of his study sometimes makes its way into the
world in the form of seemingly blank parchments bear·
ing the Guillaume crest. Lege nds say that those who can =
reveal the pages' hidden messages can learn great secrets -
about invisibility.

C II APTER 5 I Wizard
Once per round, when you roll a d20 and dislike Vl
the result, you can spend any number of entropy 1:
"There is no sreat desi8n or hi8her purpose. All is
happenstance." per point spent. If you have spent entropy points since Z
the star t of your turn, you cannot spend more until 0
Prerequisite: Wizard the start of your next turn. lJ
Entropic Action (11th level): When you spend ~
You appreciate the cosmos for what it is: a senseless aJl action point to take an extra action, you can roll a "1-
place where mad gods play, primordials cavort, and d6. If the roll is an even number, YOll add that many .....
wizards can make their ma rk. You understand that the entropy points to your pool and teleport that many a
world and its echo planes are not the result of deliber- squares. If the roll is an odd number, you subtract ~
ate design but of uncounted cons of slow iteration. that many entropy pOints from your pool (to a mini- r.....
fn a universe where gods control the fate of souls, mum of 0) and teleport an enemy within 5 squares of ~
weave the threads of destiny, and embody overarch- you that many squares.
jng principles, few find your philosophy reasonable. Play the Odds (16th level): Once per encounter
Some might even think you mad. But you have no as a free action, before you make an attack roll using

illusions about ultimate meaning or purpose. If any- an arcane attack power, you can roll a d6 and add
thing, your morality is purer: You perform acts of the result to that attack roll. If the attack h its, it deals
goodness not because you fi)lIow a code or seek some ld6 extra damage and you add entropy pOints to your
greater purpose, but b ecause you choose to do so. pool equa l to the d6 roll. Ifit misses, you take 2d6 +
your Intelligence modifier damage, and you subtract
WEAVER OF CHANCE PATH FEATURES entropy pOints from your pool equal to the d6 roll.
Channel Entropy (11th level): You can store and
channel the entropic flux that surrounds YOll. This WEAVER OF CHANCE SPELLS
barely controlled chaos is represented by a pool of
entropy pOints. Your pool has 0 entropy points at the Entropic Reshuffling Weaver of Chance Attack 11
end of a short rest OT an extended rest. Whenever you
You distort probability with ripples of randomness thatflow
roll a natural 20 on any dlO roll, you add 1 entropy tltroulJh your enemies, ca usin8 thelll to behave unpredicta bbr.
point to th is pool. W henever you roll a natural 1 on
Encounter. Arcane, Implement
any d20 roJl, you subtract I entropy pOint from the Standard Action Close blast 5
pool (to a minimum of 0). Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. If you rolled an
even number on the attack roll, you slide the target 3
squares. If you rolled an odd number on the attack roll,
you push the target 3 squares.

Agency of Chance Weaver of Chance Utility 1 2

You are shrouded by the essence of chalice, which distorts every
spell )'ou cast.
Encounter. Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the e nd of your next turn, you add 1 entropy
pOint to your pool whenever you roll a natural 10 or
higher on a d20, and you subtract 1 e ntropy po int from
your pool whenever you roll a natural 9 or lower on a d20.
- -- . . - -. . .- . _.. . . .. -- .--.-.----- --,---

Random Spell .. Weaver of Chance Attack 20

You tap into the random forces of the cosmos to make some-
thin8 happen. ' ,Vhat that lIIi8hr be, not evell you kllow.
Daily. Arcane, Implement; Varies
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a Single use of one of the follOW ing wizard
powers. Roll a d6 to determine the power from the list
below. Alternatively, you can spend 2 entropy points to
choose one of the powers on the list. You must use the
power before the end of the e ncounter, or it is lost.
l - Prismatic beams 4-Disinte8rate
2-Acid wave 5- Evard's black tentacles

3- C/oudkill 6-Prismatic spray


CJIAI'TER 5 I W izard

IN I HF Du GEONS & DRAGONS game, more

options mean more fun. This chapter focuses on
expanding the choices that allow you to customize
your arcane character. With few exceptions (such as
the multiclass feats), the options here are solely for
such pes.
Many characters of an arcane bent are especially
fond of collecting rituals, whether in books or on
scrolls, to expand their magical repertoire. And like
any other character. your arcane character is likely
interested in discovering new feats. What arcane
character won't at least consider the idea of having
a famiHar, a magicaJ entity to serve as one's faith-
ful friend? Last but not least. every character who
urvives long enough might eventually gravitate to a
special destiny, perhaps one of epic proportions.
This chapter includes the following material.
• New Feats: A feat improves an ability, power, fea-
ture, or trait you already have, and a few prOvide
abilities that are characteristic of other classes.
• Familiars: A familiar is a spirit you have allied
with and beome the master of All familiars pos-
sess some amount of arcane knowledge.
• Epic Destinies: An epic destiny isn't merely about
acquiring even more power. It is more about defin-
ing your place in the universe. This chapter offers
several more epic destinies for your arcane charac-
ter to choose from.
• Tomes: A tome is a thick book packed with arcane
knowledge about the casting of spells. Some
classes can use tomes as implements.
• Rituals: Complex ceremonies that create magi-
cal effects not deSigned for combat, rituals can be
performed by a wide variety of classes. However.
the rituals described in this book are best suited to
arcane characters. The Player's Handbook covers
the basics of ritual casting; the rituals described
in this chapter further expand your capabilities.
• Arcane Backgrounds: This section prOVides
several brief character backgrounds you can use
or adapt to your own arcane character.


CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options
Benefit: Choose a kind of implement associated
with any arcane class other than your own. You can
use that kind of implement with your arcane power.
Feats offer a remarkable opportunity to customize your I f that implement is also a weapon, you do not add
character. These feats focus on arcane activity and pro- the weapon's proficiency bonus to attack rolls made
Viding interesting options for arcane characters. while you wield it as an implement.
You must meet a feat's prerequisites, if any, to take
the feat. If you ever lose a prerequisite for a feat (for ARCANE RESERVES
example, if you use the retraining system to replace Prerequisite: Human, any arcane class
training in a prerequisite skill with training in a dif- Benefit: If all your arcane encounter attack
ferent skill), you can't use that feat thereafter. A feat powers are expended, you gain a +2 bonus to damage
that has a class as a prerequisite is available only rolls with your arcane at-will attack powers until the
to members of that class, including characters who end of the encounter or until you regain the use of
have joined the class through a class-specific multi- one of your arcane encounter attack powers.
class feat.
FAMILIAR FEATS Prerequisite: Con 13, wizard
Benefit: Creatures created by your arcane sum-
Familiar feats give arcane characters the ability to moning powers gain a +1 bonus to all defenses.
gain a special type of spirit companion that accompa-
nies them as a friend and cohort. Some of these feats
have powers associated with them, which follow the
feal description. The complete rules for familiars and
Prerequisite: Sword mage
the associated feats are found beginning on page 137. Benefit: When you use a ranged or area sword-
mage attack power and hit an enemy, you gain a +1
bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls with melee
HEROIC TIER FEATS swordmage attack powers until the end of your
Any feat in this section is available to a character of next turn.
any level who meets the prerequisites. Heroic tier
feats and multi class feats are the only feats you can COMBAT CASTING
take if you are 10th level or lower. Prerequisite: Swordmage
Benefit: When you use a melee swordmage
ACCURSED COORDINATION attack power and hit an enemy. your ranged and area
Prerequisite: Warlock, Warlock's Curse class swordmage attack powers don't provoke opportuni~
feature attacks until the end of your next turn.
Benefit: You can place your Warlock's Curse on
a creature that is already affected by another charac- COMBAT VIRTUOSO
ter's Warlock's Curse. In addition, you have combat Prerequisite: Bard
advantage against any creature affected by more than Benefit: When you use any attack power gained
one Warlock's Curse. through a multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing, or
the half-elf's Dilettante racial feature, you can use
ARCANE FIRE Charisma for the power's attack rolls rather than the
Prerequisite: Int 13. any arcane class ability score normally used to make the attack. You
Benefit: When you hit a target with an arcane fire still determine damage normally.
power, that target gains vulnerable 5 cold against the
first arcane attack power you use against it before the CURSE OF 10'5 BLOOD
end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Dragonborn, warlock, Warlock·s
Curse class feature
ARCANE FURY Benefit: While you are bloodied. you add 1 + yo
Prerequisite: Half-orc, any arcane class Strength modifier to the damage dealt by your War-
Benefit: When you use your furiOUS assault racial lock's Curse.
power to deal extra damage to the target of an area or
close arcane power, you deal the extra damage to all CURSED ADVANTAGE
targets you hit with the power, not just one. Prerequisite: Draw, warlock. Warlock's Curse
class feature
ARCANE IMPLEMENT PROFICIENCY Benefit: You gain combat advantage against
Prerequisite: Any arcane class bloodied enemies cursed by you.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

DARKFlRE IMPLEMENT the attack roll when you use your longsword as an
Prerequisite: Drow, any arcane class implement. ~UJ
Benefit: When you hit a target with your darlifire If you have any feats or class features that apply a U.
racial power and you are wielding an implement benefit when you wield a wand, you can also apply a:
usable by your arcane clas . your darkfire also deals these benefits when you wield a longsword. If such -t-
damage to that target equal to twice the implement's benefits apply to attacks, they apply only when you
enhancement bonus. use the longsword as an implement for a wizard
attack power.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, wizard ELADRIN SWORDMAGE ADVANCE l:
Benefit: When you use an arcane attack power Prerequisite: E1adrin, swordmage
and hit two or more creatures, you gain a +2 bonus to Benefit: When you use your fey step racial power
that power's damage rolls. to teleport to a square adjacent to an enemy, you can
This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level and to +4 make a melee basic attack against that enemy as a
at 21st level. free action.


Prerequisite: Warlock, Warlock's Curse class Prerequisite: Genasi, swordmage
feature Benefit: When you use a sword mage power that
Benefit: When you spend an action pOint to take has the acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder keyword,
an extra action and you have already dealt your War- you gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls.
lock's Curse extra damage during your current turn, This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3
you can deal the extra damage a second time during at 21st level.
this turn.
DRACONIC SPELLCASTER Prerequisite: Genasi, any arcane class
Prerequisite: Dragonborn, any arcane class Benefit: When you use the genasi racial power
Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls associated with your elemental manifestation, you
when you use an arcane power that deals the same gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to
damage type as your breath weapon. The bonus da mage rolls with arcane powers until the end of
increases to +2 at 15th level and to +3 at 25th level. your next turn. The bonus to damage rolls increases
to +4 at 11th level and to +6 at 21st level.
Prerequisite: Warlock, Shadow Walk class ELEMENTAL EMPOWERMENT
feature Prerequisite: Genasi, wizard
Benefit: When you have concealment from your Benefit: When you use a wizard power that has
Shadow Walk, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls. the acid, cold, fire, Ughtning, or thunder keyword,
you add your Strength modifier to damage rolls.
Prerequisite: Dex 13, any arcane class ELVEN ARCANE PRECISION
Benefit: When you use an arcane attack power Prerequisite: Elf, any arcane class
and you are wielding a magiC implement in each Benefit: You can use your elven accuracy racial
hand, you can add the off-hand implement's enhance- power to reroll the attack rolls of a Single arcane
ment bonus to damage rolls. attack power against every target you choose.
Both of your implements must be usable with this
power, and you must be capable of Wielding both ENLARGE SPELL
implements, to gain this benefit. Prerequisite: Wis 13, wizard
Benefit: Before using an arcane attack power, you
ELADRIN SWORD WIZARDRY can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage
Prerequisite: Dex 13, eladrin, wizard rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast
Benefit: You can wield a longsword as an imple- or its burst by l.
ment when using wizard powers. Your longs word You can't use this feat on a power that doesn't roll
adds its enhancement bonus to attack rolls and dice for damage.
damage rolls and any extra damage granted by a
property (if applicable) when used as an implement.
You do not gain your weapon proficiency bonus to

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options


Arcane Fire Int 13, any arcane Target power gains vulnerability to cold
Arcane Fury Half-orc, any arcane class Deal extra furious assault damage to multiple targets
Arcane Implement Proficiency Any arcane class Gain new arcane implement
Arcane Reserves Human, any arcane class +2 to damage with at-will powers when encounter powers
are expended
Darkfire Implement Drow, any arcane class Darkfire deals twice implement damage
Draconic Spellcaster Dragonborn, +1 to attacks that have same damage type as your
any arcane class breath weapon
Dual Implement Spellcaster Dex 13, any arcane class Add off-hand implement enhancement to damage rolls
Elemental Echo Genasi, any arcane class +1 to attack, +2 to damage after using racial power
Elven Arcane Precision Elf, any arcane class Reroll elven accuracy against all targets of a power
Fanged Magic Longtooth shifter, Deal extra damage while longtooth shifting
any arcane class
Magic of the Ages Deva, any arcane class +1 to attack roll with memory of a thousand lifetimes
Magic of the Mists Gnome, any arcane class Retain fade away effect when you attack
Mountain Hammer Spell casting Goliath, any arcane class Ignore resistances after using stone's endurance
Nimble Spellcaster Halfling, Dex 13, Area arcane powers don't provoke opportunity attacks
any arcane class
Predatory Magic Razorclaw shifter, Shift as free action while razorclaw shifting
any arcane class
Rune-Scribed Soul Dwarf, any arcane class +1 to attacks, bonus to damage after using second wind
Twist the Arcane Fabric Eladrin, any arcane class Fey step an ally out of your power's area of effect
Wrathful Magic Tiefling, any arcane class Use infernal wrath against missed target

Combat Virtuoso Use Charisma for attack rolls of all multiclass powers
Extended Prescience Bard, Virtue of Prescience Ally's bonus to defense lasts longer
Feyborn Charm Eladrin or gnome, bard Bonus to attack and damage with charm powers,
+1 to Bluff, Diplomacy
Friendly Deception Bard, words of friendship Apply words of friendship bonus to Bluff check
Infernal Clamor Tiefling, bard Allies gain +1 to attack against infernal wrath target
Infuriating Escape Halfling, bard Enemy grants combat advantage after second chance
Prescient Fortification Bard, Virtue of Prescience Ally gains greater bonus to his or her defense
Rousing Voice Human, bard Ally who uses second wind gains temporary hit points

Focusing Spe Sorcerer +2 to damage itting at-will power

Rising Spellfury Sorcerer +1 to attack after hitting single enemy with at-will power
Sorcerous Assassin Drow, sorcerer +2 to damage with poison or psychic powers, +1 Stealth
Student of the Cosmos Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic Gain additional benefit based on your current phase
Tempest Magic Sorcerer, Con 13, Dex 13, Extra damage with lightning or thunder powers
Storm Magic
Triggered Chaos Halfling, sorcerer, Shift or slide an enemy after using second chance
Wild Magic
True Dragon's Soul Dragonborn, sorcerer, +1 to defenses after being bloodied, breath weapon
Dragon Magic ignores resistance
Warding Soul Half-elf, sorcerer, Adjacent allies gain your resistances
Spell Source


Prerequisite: Bard, Virtue of Prescience class Prerequ isite: Longtooth shifter, any arcane class
feature Benefit: Each time you hit with a ranged arcane
Benefit: When you use your Virtue of Prescience attack power while you are under the effect of your
to grant a power bonus to an aJly's defense, that bonus !on8tooth shiftin8 racial power, one enemy adjacent to
lasts until the end of the ally's next turn. the target takes 2 damage. This damage increases to
4 at 11th level and to 6 at 21st level.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcan e Options


Closing Advantage Sword mage +1 to melee attacks damage hitting

a ranged or area power
Combat Casting Sword mage Ranged and area attacks don't provoke after hitting with
a melee power
Eladrin Swordmage Advance Eladrin, sword mage Make basic attack after fey step U
Elemental Blade Attunement Genasi, sword mage +1 to damage with acid, cold, fire, lightning, or -o
thunder powers
Grasping Ensnarement Sword mage, Target of aegis is slowed :z:
aegis of ensnarement
Immortal Warding Deva, swordmage, Swordmage Warding persists while you're unconscious,
Sword mage Warding resistance bonus
Improved Swordmage Warding Dex 13, sword mage, Increase AC bonus from Swordmage Warding
Sword mage Warding
Risky Aegis Human, sword mage, +2 to attacks and damage against target affected by aegis
Swordmage Aegis

Coordination Warlock, Curse your curse on a creature another

Curse of lo's Blood Dragonborn, warlock, Deal extra damage with curse when bloodied
Warlock's Curse
Cursed Advantage Drow, warlock, Gain combat advantage against cursed enemies
Warlock's Curse
Dooming Action Warlock, Warlock's Curse Deal curse damage again with action point
Empowering Shadows Warlock, Shadow Walk +1 to damage when you have concealment
Reckless Curse Human, warlock, +1 to attack against cursed creatures
Warlock's Curse
Vengeful Curse Tiefling, warlock, Curse enemy that hits you as immediate reaction
Warlock's Curse
Vestige Adept Warlock, Vestige Pact Change your vestige after pact boon is triggered

Summoner Con 13, creatures gain to

Destructive Wizardry Dex 13, wizard +2 to damage if you hit two or more creatures
Eladrin Sword Wizardry Dex 13, eladrin, wizard Use longsword as implement with wizard powers
Elemental Empowerment Genasi, wizard Add Strength modifier to damage with keyword powers
Enlarge Spell Wis 13, wizard -2 to damage to increase size of blast or burst
Gnome Phantasmist Gnome, wizard +1 to attack and damage with illusion powers
Phantom Echoes Cha 13, wizard Gain combat advantage against target hit by power
Remembered Wizardry Wis 13, deva, wizard Add additional daily and utility powers to spellbook


Prerequisite: Eladrin or gnome, bard Prerequisite: Bard, words off riendship power
Benefit: When you use an arcane charm power, Benefit: W hen you use words of fri endship, you can
you gain a +1 feat bonus to attack rolls and damage app ly the p ower bonus to a Bluff check instead of a
rolls. The bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and to Diplomacy check.
+3 at 25th level.
You also gain a +1 feat bonus to Bluff checks and GNOME PHANTASMIST
Diplomacy ch ecks. Prerequisite: Gnome, wizard
Benefit: W hen you use an arcane illusion power,
FOCUSING SPELLFURY you gain a +l fea t bonus to attack rolls and damage
Prerequisite: Sorcerer rolls. The bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and to
Benefit: When you use a sorcerer at-will attack +3 at 25th level.
power and hit two or more enemies, you gain a +2
bonus to damage rolls with ranged and m elee attack
powers until the end of your next turn.

CHAPTER 6 I A r c an e Options
Prerequisite: Swordmage, ae8is of ensnarement Prerequisite: HalOing, Dex 13, any arcane class
power Benefit: When you use an area arcane power, you
Benefit: When you use ae8is of ensnarement to do not provoke opportunity attacks from the crea-
te1eport an enemy, that enemy is also slowed until the tures you target with that power.
end of your next turn.
IMMORTAL WARDING Prerequisite: Cha 13, wizard
Prerequisite: Deva, swordmage, Swordmage Benefit: When you use an arcane j llusion power
Warding class feature and hit a target, you gain combat advantage against
Benefit: Your Swordmage Warding remains that target until the end of your next turn. If the
active even while you are unconscious. illusion power has an effect that a save can end, you
Add the bonus to AC granted by your Swordmage instead gain combat advantage against the target
Warding to the necrotic resistance and radiant resis- until it saves against that effect.
tance granted by your Astral Resistance racial trait.
IMPROVED SWORDMAGE WARDING Prerequisite: Razorclaw shifter, any arcane class
Prerequisite: Dex 13, swordmage, Sword mage Benefit: When you use a close arcane attack
Warding class feature power while you are under the effect of your razor-
Benefit: While you are wearing cloth armor, claw shiftin8 racial power, you can shift 1 square as a
leather armor, or no armor, the bonus to AC from free action before or after using the power.
your Swordmage Warding increases by 1.
INFERNAL CLAMOR Prerequisite: Bard, Virtue of Prescience class
Prerequisite: Tiefling, bard feature
Benefit: When you use your irifernal wrath racial Benefit: When you use your Virtue of Prescience
power, each of your allies who can see you gains a +1 to grant a power bonus to an ally, increase that bonus
power bonus to his or her next attack roll against the by2.
enemy that hit you.
INFURIATING ESCAPE Prerequisite: Human, warlock, Warlock's Cur e
Prerequisite: Haliling, bard class feature
Benefit: When you use your second chance racial Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
power and the enemy's second attack roll misses you, against creatures affected by your Warlock's Curse,
that enemy grants combat advantage to the next one and creatures affected by your Warlock's Curse gain
of your allies that attacks it before the end of your a +l bonus to attack rolls against you.
next turn.
MAGIC OF THE AGES Prerequisite: Wis 13, deva, wizard
Prerequisite: Deva, any arcane class Benefit: Choose one wizard daily attack power
Benefit: When you use your memory of a thou- and one wizard utility power of every level you know.
sand lifetimes racial power to add to the attack roll of Add these powers to your spellbook.
an arcane power, you gain a +1 bonus to the trigger- Each time you gain a new level of wizard daily
ing roll. attack powers or wizard utility powers, you learn one
extra power of that level.
MAGIC OF THE MISTS This feat doesn't change the number of daily attac .
Prerequisite: Gnome, any arcane class powers or utility powers you can prepare each day.
Benefit: When you use your fade away racial
power, making an attack with an arcane power does RISING SPELLFURY
not end the effect. Prerequisite: Sorcerer
Benefit: When you use a sorcerer at-win attack
MOUNTAIN HAMMER SPELLCASTING power and hit only one enemy, you gain a +1 bonus
Prerequisite: Goliath, any arcane class to attack rolls with area and close attack powers until
Benefit: When you use your stone's endurance the end of your next hun.
racial power, your arcane powers ignore your ene-
mies' resistances until the end of your next turn.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

RISKY AEGIS rolls against that target when you use sorcerer powers ~'l
Prerequisite: Hllman. wordmage, Sword mage that have the poison or psychic keyword. This bonus ~
Aegis class feature increases to +4 at 11th level and to +6 at 21st level. UJ
Benefit: When you use the immediate action You also gain a +1 feat bonus to Stealth checks. c:
effect of your Swordmage Aegis against a target
marked by you, that target gains combat advantage STUDENT OF THE COSMOS

against you until the end ofits next turn, and you
gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic class
Benefit: You gain an additional benefit based on c:
against that target until the end of your next turn. UJ
your current phase in the cosmic cycle. :I
ROUSING VOICE Phase of the Sun: You gain a +2 feat bonus to initia-
Prerequisite: Human, bard tive checks and Heal checks.
Benefit: When an ally within 10 squares of you Phase of the Moon: You gain a +2 feat bonus to Bluff
uses second wind, he or she gains also temporary hit checks and Stealth checks.
paints equal to your Charisma modifier. Phase of the Stars: You ga ina +2 feat bon us to
InSight checks and Perception checks.
Prerequisite: Dwarf, any arcane class TEMPEST MAGIC
Prerequisite: Sorcerer, Con 13, Dex 13, Storm
Benefit: When you use your second wind, you
ga in a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus to damage Magic class feature
equal to your Constitution modifier with arcane Benefit: When you use an arcane power that has
powers you use before the end of your turn. the lightning or thlmder keyword, you gain a +1 feat
bonus to damage rolls. While you are bloodied, this
bonus becomes +2.
At lIth level, this bonus increases to +2 (or +4
Prerequisite: Drow, sorcerer
when bloodied). At 21st level, it increases to +3 (or
Benefit: When you have combat advantage
+6 when bloodied).
against a target, you gain a +2 feat bonus to damage

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

TRIGGERED CHAOS enemy that hit you since your last turn. Treat that
Prerequisite: Hallling, sorcerer, Wild Magic class target as the enemy that hit you for the purpose of
feature other feats and abilities that modify the effects of
Benefit: When you use your second chance racial irifernal wrath.
power, you gain an additional benefit based on the
result of the reroll. If the enemy's reroll is an even PARAGON TIER FEATS
number, you can slide the enemy 1 square after the A character must be at least 11th level to select any of
attack. If the enemy's rero)J is an odd number, you the feats in the following section.
can shift 1 square after the attack.
TRUE DRAGON'S SOUL Prerequisite: 11th level any arcane class
Prerequisite: Dragonborn, sorcerer, Dragon Benefit: Choose one arcane power that you know.
Magic class feature and choose acid , cold, fire. lightning, or thlmder. The
Benefit: The first time you become bloodied power now deals that damage type in addition to its
during an encounter, you gain a +l bonus to Forti- normal damage type and gains that keyword.
tude, Reflex, and Will until the end of the encOlmter. Each time you gain a level, you can choose to rea -
If your breath weapon deals the sa me type of sign either the power to which this feat's effect applies
damage as the resistance granted by your Dragon Soul, or the additional damage type applied (OT both).
your breath weapon ignores all targets' resistance to Special: You can take this feat more than once.
that damage type up to the value of your resistance. Each time you select this feat, choose a different
power. You can't apply this feat to the same power
Prerequisite: Eladrin, any arcane class
Benefit: Before you use an area or close arcane ARCANE RITUALIST
power, you can use a free action to expend your fey Prerequisite: 11th level, any arcane class
step racial power to teleport an ally rather than your- Benefit: Choose a ritual that you know. Change
seL£ If you do so, select one ally within the area of the key skill of that ritual to Arcana and gain a +2
effect targeted by the arcane power and teleport that bonus to skill checks made as part of that ritual.
ally 3 squares. Each time you learn a new ritual. you can change
the ritual affected by this feat to the newly learned
Prerequisite: Tiefling, warlock, Warlock's Curse Special: You can select this feat more than once.
class feature Each ti me you select this feat, choose a different ritual
Benefit: When an enemy hits you, you can use your
Warlock's Curse as an immediate reaction against that COSMIC SPELLFURY
enemy, even ifit is not the enemy nearest to you. Prerequisite: 11 th level, sorcerer, Cosmic Magic
class feature
VESTIGE ADEPT Benefit: Whenever you hit at least one enemy
Prerequisite: Warlock, Vestige Pact class feature with a sorcerer at-will attack power, you gain a ben-
Benefit: When your vestige pact boon is trig- efit based on your current phase in the cosmic cycle
gered, as a free action you can choose to change This benefit applies after the attack is resolved.
your active vestige to any other vestige that has been Phase of the Sun: You can ron a saving throw.
an active vestige for you since your last short rest or Phase of the Moon: You gain concealment until the
extended rest. end of your next turn.
Phase of the Stars: You become insubstantial until
WARDING SOUL the end of you r next turn or II ntil you are hit by an
Prerequisite: Half-elf, sorcerer, SpelJ Source class attack.
Benefit: Each ally adjacent to you gains any resis- DISHEARTENING PRESENCE
tance granted by your Spell Source. Prerequisite: 11th level, bard
Benefit: While you are conscious and not blood-
WRATHFUL MAGIC ied, bloodied enemies adjacent to you take a -1
Prerequisite: Tielling, any arcane class penalty to attack roIJs.
Benefit: When you miss with an arcane attack
power, you can use your infernal wrath racial power ENSNARING FLOURISH
as a free action. You gain the benefits of irifernal wrath Prerequisite: llth level, swordmage, aeiJis of
against the target you missed. instead of against an ensnarement power
CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options
Benefit: When you use ae8is of ensnarement to tele· IMPROVED ORB OF IMPOSITION Vl
port an enemy. you gain a +5 bonus to damage rolls Prerequisite: 11th level, Wis 15, wizard, Orb of ~UJ
on melee attacks against that enemy until the end of Imposition class feature u...
your next turn. Benefit: Each time a creature you have designated "
with your Orb ofImposition fails a saving throw ::!
GREATER AEGIS OF SHIELDING against the effect you have specified, it takes damage ~
Prerequisite: 11th level, sword mage, ae8is of equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier. ~
shie1dil18 power lJ
Benefit: When you use your ae8is of shieldin8 IMPROVED STAFF OF DEFENSE <..;
to reduce the damage from an enemy's attack, you Prerequisite: 11 th level, Con 13, Dex 13, wizard, "
reduce the damage by an additional 5 points. Staff of Defense class feature <
Benefit: While you wield a staff, you gain a +1
GREATER SWORDMAGE WARDING bonus to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will.
Prerequisite: 11th level, Str 13, Con 13, sword·
mage, Swordmage Warding class feature IMPROVED TOME OF BINDING
Benefit: While your Swordmage Warding is Prerequisite: 11th level, Con 15, wizard, Tome of
active, you ga in a + 1 feat bonus to all defenses. Binding class feature
At 21st level, this bonus increases to +2. Benefit: While you wield a tome, creatures ere·
ated by your arcane summoning powers appear with
10 temporary hH pOints.
Prerequisite: 11th level, Cha 15, wizard, Orb of
Deception class feature
Prerequisite: ] Ith level, Con 13, Wis 13, wizard,
Benefit: While you wield an orb, any creature
Tome of Readiness class feature
you hit with an arcane illusion power grants combat
Benefit: After you prepare your daily and utiHty
advantage to your next ally who attacks it before the wizard powers after an extended rest, choose one
start of your next turn. daily or utility power in your spell book thal YOll didn't
prepare and store this power in your tome.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

Arcane re Any arcane class type to one arcane power

Arcane Ritualist Any arcane class Change the key skill of a ritual to Arcana

Disheartening Presence Bard Adjacent enemies take -1 to attacks

Majestic Rescue Bard, majestic word Grant target of majestic word a saving throw
Prescient Aid Bard, Virtue of Prescience Ally gains bonus to one attack roll
Song of Inspiration Bard, Song of Rest You and allies can spend a healing surge to gain
temporary hit points

Cosmic Spellfury Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic Gain additional benefit based on your current
Sorcerous Reserves Sorcerer +1 to attacks when all daily powers are expended
Sorcerous Vision Sorcerer Substitute Arcana check for Perception or Insight
Storm Sorcerer, Storm Magic Fly 2 squares after hitting with at-will power

reater Sword mage Warding Str 13, Con 13, sword mage, +1 to defenses Warding
Swordm~e Warding
Ensnaring Flourish Sword mage, +5 to damage against teleported enemy
aegis of ensnarement
Greater Aegis of Shielding Sword mage, Aegis reduces enemy's damage by additional 5 points
aegis of shielding
Vigorous Assault Sword mage, aegis of assault Gain temporary hp when you teleport

Relentless Curse Warlock's Curse Use curse as free action when cu enemy
Shared Pact Warlock, Warlock's Curse, Ally gains benefit of your pact boon
any warlock pact
Vestige Versatility Warlock, Vestige Pact Access two vestiges at a time

Improved Orb of Deception Cha 15, wizard, Creature hit with illusion power grants combat advantage
Orb of Deception
Improved Orb of Imposition Wis 15, wizard, Target that fails a saving throw takes extra damage
Orb of Imposition
Improved Staff of Defense Con 13, Dex 13, wizard, +1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Staff of Defense
Improved Tome of Binding Con 15, wizard, Summoned creatures have 10 temporary hit points
Tome of Binding
Improved Tome of Readiness Con 13, Wis 13, wizard, Access spell book power during an encounter
Tome of Readiness
Improved Wand of Accuracy Dex 15, wizard, Your arcane powers ignore cover
Wand of Accuracy

Once per encounter as a free action, you can use MAJESTIC RESCllE
this stored power by expending another unused Prerequisite: lIth level, bard, majestic word power
wizard power of the appropriate type (daily or utility) Benefit: W h en you use majestic word, you can
of its level or higher. You mu st still take the normal grant the target a saving throw in addition to the
action required to use the stored power. other effects of the power.


Prerequisite: 11th level, Dex 15, wizard, Wand of Prerequisite: 11th level, bard, Virtue of Pre-
Accuracy class feature science class feature
Benefit: While you wield a wand, your arcane Benefit: When an ally w ithin 10 squares of you
p owers ignor e enemies' cover (but not superior cover). mis e with an attack roll. you can use your Virtue

CHAPTER 6 I A r ca n e Options
of Prescience as an immediate interrupt. That ally If you would ordinarily be required to choose Vl
gains a power bonus to the attack roll equal to your between the two primary vestiges, this feat enables ~
Wisdom modifier. you to have both of them as active vestiges. If you use ~
a daily attack power that gives you access to a new "
RELENTLESS CURSE vestige, you can choose for that daily power vestige to :::
Prerequisite: 11th level, warlock, Warlock's replace either of your two active vestiges. I-
Curse class feature
Benefit: When an enemy cursed by you is VIGOROUS ASSAULT
reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your Warlock's Prerequisite: 11th level, wordmage, aeais of
Curse as a free action. assault power
Benefit: When you use your aeais of assault to tele-
SHARED PACT port, you gain temporary hit pOints equal to 3 + your
Prerequisite: 11th level, warlock, Warlock's Strength modifier.
Curse class feature, any warlock pact
Benefit: When your pact boon is triggered, you EPIC TIER FEATS
can designate an ally within 3 squares of you to The following feats are available only to characters of
receive the benefit of the pact boon instead of you. 21st level or higher.


Prerequisite: 11th level, bard, Song of Rest class Prerequisite: 21st level, Con 15, lnt 15, Cha 21,
feature bard
Benefit: At the end of any rest during which you Benefit: When you wield a bard implement while
use your Song of Rest, you and each ally who can using an arcane power, you can score a critical hit on
hear you can spend a healing surge. Each character a roll of 19-20.
who spends a healing surge in this manner gains
temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Charisma BINDING ENSNAREMENT
modifier, instead of regaining hit points. Prerequisite: 21st level, sword mage, aeais of
ensnarement class feature
SORCEROUS RESERVES Benefit: When you use your aea[s of ensnarement
Prerequisite: 11th level, sorcerer to teleport an enemy, that enemy is immobilized until
Benefit: When you have expended all your sorcerer the end of your next turn.
daily attack powers, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls
with sorcerer at-will attack powers until you regain the
use of one of your sorcerer daily attack powers.
Prerequisite: 21st level, swordmage, Sword mage
Aegis class feature
SORCEROUS VISION Benefit: When you use a charge attack and hit an
Prerequisite: 11 th level, sorcerer enemy, you can use a free action (instead of a minor
Benefit: Whenever you would make a Perception action) to mark that enemy with your Swordmage
check or an InSight check, you can make an Arcana Aegis power, rather than ending your turn immedi-
check instead. ately. If you mark an enemy in this way, the penalty to
attack rolls imposed by your mark is -3 instead of -2.
STORM SPELLFURY After you use this free action, your turn ends.
Prerequisite: 11th level, sorcerer, Storm Magic
Benefit: Whenever you use a sorcerer at-will Prerequisite: 21st level, warlock, Warlock's Curse
attack power and hit at least one enemy, you can fly 2 class feature
squares as a free action after resolving the attack. Benefit: When you attack an enemy cursed by
you, that enemy grants combat advantage to your next
VESTIGE VERSATILITY ally who attacks it before the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: 11th level, warlock, Vestige Pact
class feature EPHEMERAL STRIDE
Benefit: Whenever you are allowed to change Prerequisite: 21st level, warlock, Shadow Walk
your vestige, you can choose to have two active ves- class feature
tiges instead of one. When your pact boon is triggered Benefit: While you have concealment from your
or when you use your eyes of the vestiae power, you Shadow Walk, you can move through enemy-occupied
choose which vestige's benefit applies. spaces and are treated as insubstantial against oppor-
CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

Spellcasting. Any arcane class extra critical damage against any hit target
Quickened Spellcasting Any arcane class Use at-will power as minor action
Trusted Spellcasting Any arcane class Encounter power deals half damage on miss

Expertise Con 15, Int 15, Cha 21, bard Score critica
Multiclass Mastery Bard Gain two multiclass feats
Prescient Resurgence Bard, Virtue of Prescience Regain Virtue of Prescience when you spend
action point
Supreme Majesty Cha 19, bard, majestic word Target t wo creatures with majestic word

Fury Storm Sorcerer, Magic maximum

Master of t he Cosmic Cycle Sorcerer, Cosmic Magic Choose your phase when it changes
Ruthless Spellfury Sorcerer Use at-will power as free action after critical hit
Sorcerer Implement Expertise Str 15, Dex 15, Cha 21 , sorcerer Score critical hit on 19 or 20

Binding Ensnarement Sword mage, aeais ensnarement Target of aegis is i

Charging Aegis Sword mage, Sword mage Aegis Mark a target after charging
Extended Aegis Sword mage, Sword mage Aegis Extend range of aegis to 20 squares
Shared Wa rding Sword mage, Swordmage Warding Adjacent allies gain +1 to AC

Curse Doom Ensu Warlock's Curse Enemy grants combat advantage to next ally
Ephemeral Stride Warlock, Shadow Walk Move through enemy spaces as if insubsta ntial
Vestige Mastery Warlock, Vestige Pact Daily vestige becomes primary
Warding Curse Warlock, Warlock's Curse +2 to defenses against cursed creatures
Warlock Implement Expertise Con 17, Cha 17, warlock Score critical hit on 19 or 20

Focused Wizard +2 to against creature in burst

or blast area
Nightmare Wiza rdry Cha 17, wizard Target dazed after critical hit
Vengeful Summoner Con 17, wizard Summoned creatures deal damage when killed
Wizard Implement Expertise Dex 15, Int 21 , Wis 15, wizard Score critical hit on 19 or 20

EXPLOSIVE SPELLCASTING Benefit: When you use an arcane burst or blast

Prerequisite: 21st level, any arcane class attack power and only one creature is within the area
Benefit: When you score a critical hit with of effect, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
an arcane area or close attack power and you are
wielding an implement that deals extra damage FURY OF THE STORM
on a critical hit, you can choose to deal that extra Prerequisite: 21st level, sorcerer, Storm Magic
damage against any single target that you hit with class feature
the attack. Benefit: When you score a critical hit with a
sorcerer attack power, your critical hit extra damage
EXTENDED AEGIS dice automatically deal maximum damage.
Prerequisite: 21st level, swordmage, Swordmage
Aegis class feature MASTER OF THE COSMIC CYCLE
Benefit: You can use the immediate action of your Prerequisite: 21st level, sorcerer, Cosmic Magic
Sword mage Aegis when the marked target is within class feature
20 squares of you, instead of 10 squares. Benefit: Each time you change your phase in the
cosmic cycle, you can change it to either of the other
Prerequisite: 21st level, wizard

CH APT ER 6 I Arcane Options

Prerequisite: 2 1st level. bard Prerequisite: 21st level, Con 17, wizard ~L.I.I
Benefit: Gain n vo multiclass feats for which you Benefit: When a creature you create with an IJ.
meet the prerequisites. arca ne summoning power is reduced to 0 hit points VI
or fewer, each enemy adjacent to that creature takes
damage equal to 2dlO + your Constitution modifier.
Prerequisite: 21st level Cba 17. wizard -
Benefit: When you score a critical hit with an VESTIGE MASTERY
arcane illusion power, the target is also dazed until Prerequisite: 21st level, warlock, Vestige Pact
the end of your next turn. class feature
Benefit: Choose a warlock daily attack power that
PRESCIENT RESURGENCE you know that grants access to a vestige. Add that
Prerequisite: 21st level, bard. Virtue of Pre- vestige to your list of primary vestiges. You can now
science class feature select this as your active vestige any ti me that you are
Benefit: When you spend an action point to gain allowed to change your vestige.
an extra action, you also regain the use of your Virtue Each time you learn a new warlock daily attack
of Prescience. power, you can change the vestige granted by this feat.
If you swap out the power with which this vestige
QUICKENED SPELLCASTING is associated, you lose this feat's benefit until you reas-
Prerequisite: 21st level, any arcane class sign the benefit to a new warlock daily attack power
Benefit: Choose an arcane at-will attack power that grants access to a vestige.
that is used as a standard action. Once per encounter,
YOll can use that power as a minor action. WARDING CURSE
Prerequisite: 21st level, warlock, Warlock's Curse
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses
Prerequisite: 21st level, sorcerer
against any creature currently affected by your War-
Benefit: Once per turn when you score a critical
hit Witll a sorcerer at-will attack power. you can use a lock's Curse.
sorcerer at-will attack power as a free action.
Prerequisite: 21st level, Con 17, Cha 17, warlock
Prerequisite: 21st level, swordmage, Sword mage Benefit: When you wield a warlock implement
Warding class feature while using an arcane power, you can score a critical
Benefit: While your Swordmage Warding is active hit on a roll of 19-20.
each ally adjacent to you gains a +1 bonus to AC.
SORCERER IMPLEMENT EXPERTISE Prerequisite: 21st level, Dex 15. Int 21, Wis 15,
Prerequisite: 21stlevel, Str 15, Dex 15, Cha 21, wizard
Benefit: When you wield a wizard implement
while using an arcane power, you can score a critical
Benefit: When you wield a sorcerer implement
while using an arcane power, you can score a critical hit on a roll ofI9-20.
hit on a roll of19-20.
SUPREME MAJESTY Some of these feats have paragon muJtjclassing in a
Prerequisite: 21st level, Cha 19, bard, majestic particular class as a prerequisite. To qualify for such
word power a feat, you must have chosen paragon multiclasstng
Benefit: When you use majestic word, you can (Player'S Handbook, page 209) in that class rather than
affect two targets instead of one. taking a paragon path.


Prerequisite: 21st level, any arcane class [MULTICLASS SWORDMAGE]
Benefit: Choose one arcane encounter attack Prerequisite: Any multic1ass swordmage feat.
power that you know and that does not already deal paragon multiclassing as a swordmage
damage on a miss. That power now deals half damage Benefit: Choose a Swordmage Aegis power. You

on a mISS. can use that power once per encounter.

CHAPTER 6 t Arcane Options


Arcane Aegis Any feat, Swordmage: mage Aegis

paragon multiclassing as a sword mage
Bardic Ritualist Int 13, Cha 13 Bard: training in Arcana, Bardic Training
Healing Song Any multiclass bard feat, Bard: Song of Rest and Skill Versatility
paragon multiclassing as a bard
Heart of the Blade Con 13, Int 13 Sword mage: training in Athletics or Endurance,
Implement Master Any multiclass wizard feat, Wizard: Arcane Implement Mastery
paragon multiclassing as a wizard
Learned Spellcaster Int 13, Wis 13 Wizard: training in Arcana, Nature, or Religion,
Ritual Casting
Sorcerous Power Any multiclass sorcerer feat, Sorcerer: bonus to damage with sorcerer powers
paragon multiclassing as a sorcerer
Soul of Sorcery Str 13, Cha 13 Sorcerer: resist 5 to one damage type
Student of Malediction Con 13, Cha 13 Warlock: Warlock's Curse 1/encounter
Walker in Gloom Any multiclass warlock feat, Warlock: Shadow Walk
paragon multiclassing as a warlock


P r e r e quisite: lIlt 13, Cha 13 P r er equisite: Any multic1ass sorcerer feat, para-
Benefit: You gain training in the Arcana skill. gon mu lticlassing as a sorcerer
You gain the bard's Bardic Training class feature . Ben efit: You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of
arcane powers equal to your Strength modifier or
HEALING SONG fMULTlCLASS BARD] your Dexterity modifier.
Prerequisite: Any mu]ticlass bard feat, paragon At 21st level, this bonus increases by 2.
multiclassing as a ba rd
Benefit: You gain the bard 's Song of Rest and Skill SOUL OF SORCERY
Versatility class features. fMULTlCLASS SORCER ER]
P rerequisite: Str 13, Cha 13
H EART OF THE B LADE Benefit: Choose acid, cold, fire, force, ligh tning.
fMULTlCLASS SWORDMAGE] necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder. You
P rerequisite: Con 13, lnt 13 gain resist 5 to that damage type.
Benefit: You ga in training in the Athletics skill or
the Endurance skill. S TUDENT OF MALEDICTION
You gain the sword mage's Swordbond class fMULTlCLASS WARLOCK]
feature. Prerequisite: Con l3, Cha 13
Benefit: Once per encollnter, you can llse the
IMPLEMENT MASTER Warlock's Curse cl ass feature. The curse ends the
fMULTlCLASS WIZARD] first time you deal th e extra damage from War-
Prerequisite: Any multiclass wizard feat, paragon lock's Curse.
multi classing as a wizard
Benefit: You gain the wizard's Arcane Implement WALKER IN GLOOM
Mastery class feature. fMULTlCLASS WARLOCK]
Prerequisite: Any multiclass warlock feat, para-
LEARNED SPELLCASTER gon mu]ticlassing as a warlock
fMULTlCLASS WIZARD] Benefit: You gain the warlock 's Shadow Walk
P r erequisite: Int 13, Wis 13 class feature .
Benefit: You gain training in the Arcana skill, the
Nature skill, or the Reilgion skill.
¥ou gain the wizard's Ritual Casting class feature.

CHAPTER 6 I Arc an e Options

• Death of a Familiar: Your familiar dies when you
die, and it is restored to life when you are restored
to life. After you are restored to life, your familiar -
A familiar is a spirit that accompanies you as your reappears in passive mode in your space. -
friend and ally. It's not a real creature, and it doesn't Immunity: A familiar can't be hit by its master's
need to eat or breathe. The most common type is a attacks. You, as the master, can choose to ignore
creature familiar-a spirit that takes the form of a this benefit.
little animal or monster. • Senses: Some familiars have special senses, such
Many consider a familiar and its master to be as blindsight or low-light vision. These apply to your
one and the same, and some familiars do act as familiar, not you.
mere extensions of their masters' wills. However,
• Communication: You and your familiar can speak
most fanli1iars grow personalities all their own, and
to one another in a special arcane language. Other
undertake the commands oftheir masters with indi-
creatures hear only gibberish from you, and grunts
viduality and, sometimes, attitude. All familiars have
and squeaks from your familiar. Your familiar doesn't
some amount of arcane knowledge_
understand other languages, but can parrot back
what it hears, allowing you to understand anything it
GAINING A FAMILIAR repeats back to you in a language you know.
• You gain a familiar when you take the Arcane Famil- • Size: Tiny.
iar feat.
• No Flanking: A familiar can't flank.
• Objects: Unless otherwise noted, a familiar
cannot pick up or manipulate objects. This does
• You gain a different familiar by retraining the not mean it ignores solid objects. It cannot walk
Arcane Familiar feat and replacing your former through walls.
companion with a different kind of familiar.
• Switching Modes: You can switch your familiar
• Attacks: A familiar can't attack. between passive mode and active mode by using a
• Defenses: A familiar uses your defenses. minor action.
Skills and Checks: A familiar uses your bonuses • Passive: A passive familiar is on your person, perch-
for all skill checks and ability checks. ing on your shoulder or hiding in your pocket. In this
• Hit Points: A familiar has 1 hit point, but a missed mode. it shares your space.
attack never damages it. No Tar8etin8: A passive familiar can't be targeted
by any effect.
• Destruction of a Familiar: If your familiar is
No Oamaae: A passive familiar cannot be dam-
reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, it is destroyed.
aged by any effect.
After your next short rest or extended rest, it reap-
pears in passive mode in your space. • Active: In its active mode, a familiar is not on your
person, and you can move it around. It takes up the
space of a Tiny creature.
Movement: A familiar has a speed and movement
HOW DO FAM1L1ARS WORK? modes. By using a move action, you can move your
The Arcane Familiar feat (see page 139) lets you choose a familiar its speed.
familiar. You can deterilline how your familiar looks, and Ranae Limit: Unless otherwise noted, a familiar
suggest to your DM what sort of personality it has_ can't move more than 20 squares away from you.
Familiars have two modes: active and passive. Both If. at the end of your turn, your familiar is more than
modes give you constant benefits, but you lose them if 20 squares away, it teleports into your square and
your familiar is destroyed. You can keep your familiar in enters passive mode.
passive mode to protect it. In active mode, your familiar Actions: A familiar can use skills and take actions
can scout ahead or grant you special abilities described as normal, but you must use the relevant action
in its statistics block. You can control a familiar when it's to order it to do so. Your familiar does not have its
in active mode by using your actions, but a familiar isn't own set of actions to use.
a combatant. It can't attack on its own, and it vanishes
for a while when it is destroyed.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

PERSONALITY describing what your familiar says and does when it
disagrees with you.
Every familiar has an individual personality, despite A classic familiar personality, especially for a crea·
the fact that it is a spirit and not a physical entity. A ture such as a dragonling or a book imp is a superior
rami liar tends to act in a way that reflects its master's
"1 know better than you" attitude that can generate
personality. A power-hungry warlock's rat familiar
interesting, unexpected ideas when one of these
might constantly seek out food to nibble on, while a
incorrigible creatures devises its own plans.
secretive wizard might have a book imp that hides
within the folds of his robes, its red eyes glowing from
the shadows. ROLEPLAYING
You Ilught decide that your familiar's personality YOUR FAMILIAR
is simple and acquiescing, which makes it a perfectly
Your DM might maintain some light touch of control
trained servant. On the other hand, familiars that
over how your familiar acts, or might allow you to
show a little initiative might also have an individu-
completely control it. However, since your familiar
alistic streak that makes tl1em reluctant to follow aU
can communicate only with you (see "Communica-
your commands, or at least reluctant to do so imme-
tion,' above), roleplaying your familiar's verbal skill
diately lithey believe tl1ey know better.
to vex and delight others is not an option. On the
Although primarily a devoted servant, a famil-
other hand, haVing your fan1iliar act or move in
iar is an independent creature that can argue with
certain reactive ways gets across an idea you want
its master, push for its own plans, and offer advice
the familjar to commw1icate just as effectively as
(whether or not it is needed or wanted). In the end.
the poken word. However, limit the amount of time
though, a familiar always obeys its master.
that you take up at the table during combat encoun-
Your familiar's personality is ultimately up to you,
ters describing the antics of your familiar. Other
since it is an extension of your character. Your DM
players might grow frustrated at the amonnt of time
might have some advice or suggestions, and he or she
your char acter (and familiar) takes each time it is -
also has the authority to occasionally take the reins, •
your turn.


CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options -

Arcane Familiar Any arcane class You gain a familiar -

Bonded Familiar Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar Communicate telepathically with your familiar -
Shielding Familiar Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar, Trade power for shie/dlnsfami/iar power
6th-level or higher utility power
Spell seer Familiar Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar, Trade utility power for spellseerfamiliar power
6th-level or higher utility power

Your familiar attracts your fruitlessly expended arcane ener8y.
Feats in this section are available to characters of any
channelin8 power back to you to allow you to make another
level, as long as they meet the prerequisites. attempt.
Daily + Arcane
Prerequisite: Any arcane class Requirement: Your familiar must be in its active state.
Benefit: You gain a familiar. For each familiar feat Trigger: You miss a target with an arcane encounter attack
you have beyond this one, your familiar gains a +1 power
Effect: Reroll the attack roll and use the new result, even if
bonus to its defenses.
it is lower.


Prerequisite: Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar CUSTOMIZING
Benefit: You and your familiar can COllullunicate
Several different familiars are described in this sec-
telepathically out to a range of 10 squares. You must tion. Each one has a basic look, but that doesn't mean
have line of sight and line of effect to your familiar to your familiar has to look like every other spellcaster's
communicate with it in this manner. familiar, even if you choose something as common as
a raven or a cat.
SHIELDING FAMILIAR [FAMILIAR] Within the realm of reason, you can customize
Prerequisite: Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar your familiar to look like nearly anything, as long as
feat, 6th-level or higher utility power the identity of the basic creature isn't lost. Your ability
Benefit: The shieldin8famiLiar feat power replaces to customize your familiar's look and qUirks is \'ast.
one of yom 6th-level or higher utility powers. but it can't change the familiar' combat ability or
Also, while your familiar is in its passive state, you skill checks.
gain a +1 bonus to Reflex. Just as you have the ability to customize hmy
your familiar looks when it is active, you can also
Shielding Familiar Feat Power determine what happens when your familiar enters
Your familiar leaps to dejlea an attack, sacrificinn itself to save passive mode. It could do something more spectacu-
you_ lar than simply climbing into a pouch.
Daily + Arcane For instance, perhaps your book imp discorpo-
Immediate Interrupt Personal
rates into a puff of smoke and returns to apparent
Requirement: Your familiar must be in its passive state.
r: You are hit by an attack
existence at the sound of its name. Your owl could
Effect: The triggering attack deals only half damage to you, become a small stone statue you carry with you,
and your familiar is destroyed. only to return to apparent flesh when you toss it to
the ground. Imagine how you could impress your
SPELLSEER FAMILIAR [FAMILIAR] fellow adventurers if the tattoo on your arm suddenly
Prerequisite: Any arcane class, Arcane Familiar unwound itself to become your serpent familiar. Or
feat, 6th-level or higher utility power perhaps when you whistle, your falcon familiar flies
Benefit: The spellseer familiar feat power replaces down from an unseen height.
one of your 6th-level or higher utility powers.
While your familiar is in its active state, you gain FAMILIAR DESCRIPTIONS
a +1 bonus to attack rolls with arcane powers against Each fanliliar description includes the benefits a
targets adjacent to your familiar. familiar provides.
Constant Benefits: A famil iar prOvides you
with these benefits as long it has at least Il1it point,
regardless of its current state.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

Active Benefits: When your familiar is in active
mode, in addition to being able to take the actions TIlis humanoidfiaure has indistinct features and looks like it's
available to it in that mode (see "Familiar Modes," made of day. Arcane crafters use homunculi as skilled assistants.
above), it provides its active benefits. Speed 5
Constant Benefits
You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks.
You gain a +2 bonus to skill checks related to rituals of the
Bats are common familiars for warlocks and those who prefer creation category.
subtle maBic and stealth. Active Benefits
Senses blindsight 5 Blood Feast: An enemy adjacent to your crafter homunculus
Speed 2, fly 6 (hover) takes a -1 penalty to all defenses against alchemical items. Your
Constant Benefits crafter homunculus is immune to your alchemical items.
You gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks and Stealth checks.
Active Benefits
See the Unseen: As a minor action, you cause enemies
Dragonling Familiar
adjacent to your bat familiar to lose the benefits of Sorcerers who follow the draconic tradition, alol18 with other
concealment (but not total concealment) against you until the spellcasters who rely 011 endurance and physical miaht, manifest
end of your current turn. draaonlina familia rs.
Speed 5, fly 6 (hover)
Book Imp Familiar Constant Benefits
You can read and speak Draconic.
Book imps are masters ofknowled8e, dispatched by the powers of When you spend a healing surge, you regain 2 additional hit
Hell to offer advice to and tempt mortal spellcasters. points.
Speed 5, fly 6 (hover) Level 11: 3 additional hit points.
Constant Benefits Levell1: 4 additional hit points.
You gain a +2 bonus to Arcana checks and History checks. Active Benefits
You can read and speak Infernal. Dragon's Breath: Once per encounter, you can use your
You gain resist fire 5. If you already have resist fire, increase dragonling's space as the origin square for a close blast arcane
your resistance by 2. attack power.
Active Benefits
Deceptive Move: As a minor action, you cause your book imp
to become invisible until the end of your next turn.
Warrior spellcasters, those that love to wade into the fray. see the
fiahtil1afalcol1 as the idealfamiliar.
Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
This lIaly blob offlesl1 is a creature bound to your service, but it Constant Benefits
would prefer to be back in ti,e Abyss. You gain a +2 bonus to Perception checks.
Speed 5, fly 3 (hover) You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks.
Constant Benefits Active Benefits
You gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks. Hunting Falcon: Once per encounter, you can determine range
You can read and speak Abyssal. for your ranged arcane attacks from your falcon until the end of
Active Benefits your current turn.
Alchemical Synergy: Once per encounter, when you hit a Soaring Spirit: A falcon familiar has a range limit of 40 squares
bloodied creature adjacent to your bound demon, you gain 1d8 from you.
temporary hit points.
Level 11: 2dS temporary hit points.
Level 21: 3dS temporary hit points.
A common symbol of wisdom and Imowledae. owl familiars are
known for their 800d counsel and insi8ht.
Cat Familiar
Senses low-light vision
Cats arc willful. independent familiars, and their willin811ess to Speed 2, fly 6 (hover)
act alone makes them excellent spies. Constant Benefits
Senses low-light vision Owl's Counsel: Whenever you make an Insight check or
Speed 6 Perception check, add 1 d4 to the result.
Constant Benefits Active Benefits
You gain a +1 bonus to Acrobatics checks, and you can make Owl's Eyes: As a standard action, you can see through your
an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage you take from familiar's eyes until the end of your next turn. You do not gain
falling even if you are not trained in that skill. the ability to cast spells or attack through the familiar, and you
Active Benefits determine if a target has cover and concealment from you as
Independent Spirit: A cat familiar has no range limit on the nOI I'll a I. but you might spot an enemy coming around a comer
distance it can exist away from you. or notice a foe hiding behind a wall.
Silent Predator: A cat familiar gains a +5 bonus to its Stealth

C H APT E R 6 I A rcane Options

Rat Familiar Serpent Familiar
The rat is a scaven8er capable of infilrratin8 even the most ti8htl)' The serpent is a deceptive creature, and it offers its master the
e uarded places. same master; of8uile and cllnnil18. -...J
Speed 6 Spee d 6 -
Constant Benefits Constant Be ne fits
You gain a +2 bonus to Stealth checks. You gai n a +2 bonus to Bluff checks.
Active Benefits W hen you shift, you can ignore 1 sq uare of difficu lt terrain
Rat's Cunning: A rat familiar ca n carry an object t hat weighs 2 during that move ment.
pounds, a nd it ca n ma nipulate objects to ma ke Thi every checks. Active Benefits
It gai ns a +2 bonus to such checks. A rat ga ins a +5 bon us to its Se rpe nt's Startle: Once per encounter as a minor action ,
Stea lth checks. all creatures adjacent to yo ur se rpent familiar can't make
opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn .

Spider Familiar
Rm'ens are known for their keen senses and skill in uncoverinn
hidden Rnowledee. Spiders are euardians of hidden RIlowled8e that wem'e webs
Se nses low·light vision capable of8rabbine and movin8 small objects.
Spee d 2, Ay 6 (hover) Speed 4, climb 4
Constant Benefits Constant Be nefits
You ga in a +4 bonus to Pe rception checks made to find hidde n You gain a +2 bonus to Climb checks.
objects. Enemies take a -1 p e nalty to saving t h rows against you r a rc an e
Active Be nefits powers that immobilize or slow the m.
Raven's Speech: A raven ca n speak any language you know, and Act ive Be nefits
it can converse with other creatures. When It speaks, you hear Spider's Web: As a minor action , a spider can slide an
everything it says and hear everything spoken to it. You can object within 5 squares of It 2 squares. The object must be
dictate its answers if you so choose . unattended , and it can weigh no more than 5 pounds.

Familiars are known for their exotic appearance and • Tiny flames burst from its mouth when it hiccups, which
eccentric behavior. Come up with a few visual and per- is frequently
sonality quirks for your familiar, using these examples • Has a squeaky, high-pitched roar
for inspiration.
Bat • Glows with golden light in bright sunshine
• Has miniature metal spikes for fur • leaves small rodent corpses in your sleeping bag
• Flies at people's faces to greet them
Book Imp • Can move eyes and beak to different parts of its head
• Is translucent, except for glowing eyes • Hoots when it thinks it's found a mate for its master
• Quotes ancient texts, usually to undercut your ideas
Bound Demon • leaves a cloud of black ash and trail of soot as it moves
• looks like a miniature version of a proper demon • Chews on your spell book (or other arcane implement)
• Is too lazy to walk or to fly, and rolls wherever it goes and magiC items

Cat Raven
• Appears to be made of shadow • Has a streak of silver feathers
• Has vestigial bat wings • Raps its beak on objects when it is being ignored
• licks the blood from its fur after battle • Croaks a catchphrase at opportune times

Crafter Homunculus Serpent

• Is made of clay, but has clockwork jOints • looks like rippling mercury when it moves
• Makes a tiny statue of every monster you defeat • Hisses at anyone who touches you (its master)

Dragonling Spider
... Is colored like a type of chromatic or metallic dragon • Glows a poisonous green
• Trails tendrils of smoke from its nostrils • Constructs complex webs to mark where it has been

C IJ A P TE R 6 I Ar c ane Options
Your epic destiny is the mythic archetype you aspire
to achieve. Once you reach 21st level, the greatness
you knew you were destined for is no longer theoreti -
cal, but within your reach.

Spells of destruction infuse your blade, and no enemy can
stand in your way.

Prerequisites: 21st level, sword mage

Barriers of shimmering arcane incantations sheathe

your body, deflecting and dissipating your enemies'
attacks. The sword in your hand has become an exten-
sion of your will, a rnagicallimb suffused with the
combined art of spell and swordcraft. Eldritch power
reverberates between you and your sword creating an
arcane conduit that promises nothing but destruction
for any who stand in your way. You are a swordmage,
and your goal is nothing less than perfection.
You have become the utmost practitioner of your same as their sword , creating a named artifact that
art; it has been long since you've sought others to persists in the world through all its future ages.
teach you their secrets. You have become your own
teacher, and your ceaseless study into the dual arts of
blade and magic has yielded a bounty of techniques
Spellsword Recall (21st level): When you spend
that combine martial skill with magical prowess.
an action point to take an extra action, you regain
Others believe that you apply your incredible and
one of your expended sword mage encounter attack
growing skill to achieve ends important .to you. That
powers before using that action.
is true, to a point. In fact, you take up eplc quests and
Sword's Vengeance (24th level): Once per da).
engage terrible foes in order to improve your art. Your
when you die, your sword fights on in your stead until
ambition transcends other concerns, but also uses
the end of the encounter. Each round, the sword can
thelTl as a foil. You might save the world, but in doing
move and make attacks as if you were still wielding it.
so, you seek to become the ultimate sword mage, an
but it cannot be the target of any attack.
Arcane Sword .
At the end of the encounter, after a short rest, the
sword returns to your body, and if your body is still
IMMORTALITY? present, you return to life with 1 hit point.
Arcane Swords all hunger to improve their skill, but If your body is missing, you will need other magic
even these perfectionists one day recognize when to return to 1i fe.
they have reached the height of their art. Different Spellsword Perfection (30th level): Cboose one
Arcane Swords follow different routes to immortality; sword mage encounter attack power that you know.
one of these might be your path. You can now use that power as an at-will power
Martial Seclusion: When you complete your rather than an encounter power.
final quest, you sequester yourself in a place where
few are likely to find you. Here you create your own
private sanctum, a place of peace where you can tra i n ARCANE SWORD POWER
day and night, eventually becoming one with your
blade and your magic.
Mass Aegis Arcane Sword Utility 16

Dojo Master: When you complete your final 1'ou unleash a frenzy of strikes, slicinB all around you with your
blade. Your attacks trail a blaze of maBie. markin8 all enemies
quest, you might decide to teach others something of
that stand too near.
what you have learned. Instead of a private sanctum.
Encounter + Arcane
you create a school where you teach the best sword-
Minor Action Close burst 1
mages of a generation the secrets of your craft. Target: Each enemy in burst
Relic Sword: A few stories relate how some Effect: Each target is marked by your Sword mage Aegis
Arcane Swords meld into and become one and the power until the end of your next turn.

C HAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

ARCHLICH You watch the world and all that goes on upon it V1
by means of a cadre of spies and magical sensors. You _
You fail to remain livin8, but also fail to die. Undead, you
ensure your ability to defend a8ainst evil forever.
reside in a secluded citadel deep underground or in -
a far corner of one of the planes. You are content to I-
let the events of the world roll on, watching; however, .....
Prerequisites: 21st level. any arcane class
you are not completely indifferent. ow and then, you ...J

You pursue eternal life as an undead creature. Most

can provide a clue to help those in need. -a.
wizards who search for and achieve easy immortality w
by way of esoteric necromantic texts are evil. avari- ARCHLICH FEATURES
ciOllS spellcasters who stop at notluJ1g to achieve their Archlich Knowledge (21st level): Your Intelli-
ultimate goals. For some, that goal is ]ichdom itself. gence core increases by 2.
But you have a greater, nobler purpose. Archlich's Phylactery (21st level): You create
Unlike many who have become liches before you, a magical receptacle that contains your life force.
you have trained your mind to avoid succumbing to When you drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you and your
the madness that necromantic preservation often possessions crumble to dust. A day later, you reappear
brings. For instance, you did not perform the foul alive with maximum hit points in a space adjacent to
ritual that traded your life for animation the moment your phylactery, with all your possessions.
you found it; you waited until your power was equal Your phylactery can be destroyed. It has 40 hit
pOints and resist 20 to all damage. The typical phy-
to the change. Nor did you accept the aid of Orcus,
Demon Prince of the Undead, to empower the ritual, lactery is a sealed metal box filled with parchment
but you waited to find methods outside his control. In inscribed with magical phrases written in your blood.
doing so, you escaped his touch, though you bear his Phylacteries can come in other forms, such as rings,
personal en mity to this day. gems, or amulets, but they always have 40 hit points
and resist 20 to all damage. If your phylactery is
destroyed, you can make a new one by spending 10
IMMORTALITY? days and 50,000 gpo
When you complete your final quest, an age of the Shroud of Life and Death (21st level): Any
world concludes. It is time to make way for new living enemy that comes within 3 squares of you or
heroes. However, you do not go too far. tarts its turn there takes 5 necrotic damage. Any
undead enemy that comes wthin 3 squares of you or
starts its turn there takes 5 radiant damage.
Lich Resistances (21st level): You gain resist
necrotic and resist poison equal to 5 + one-half your
Mastery over Death (24th level): Once per
day, when you die, you can empower your undead
form instead of dying. You regain hit points equal to
half your maximum hit points. Until the end of the
encounter, you can't spend heaJj ng surges, and any
creature that attacks you and deals damage takes
ongOing 20 necrotic damage (save ends).
Essence of Un death (30th level): YVheneyer
an enemy within 5 squares of you is reduced to 0 hit
points or fewer, you regain the use of an expended
arcane encounter power.


Archlich Potency Archlich Utility 16

Fell spells resonate more flUidly within your animated mind.
Daily .. Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You regain one arcane fear or necrotic encounter or
daily power that you have already used.
You gain resistance to all damage equal to 5 + one·
half your level until the end of the encounter.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

ARCHSP£LL day they might be great, but only if they improve their
technique wHh the spell in question. If they show
When you especially like a spell, you squeeze every last
interest, you are more than happy to demonstrate
advantaae from its castina.
your skill with your spell.
As you progress in power and mastery, your
Prerequisites: 21st level, any arcane class
reputation as a connoisseur of your signature spell
also grows. In fact, your name begins to become
In your expert opinion, of all the varied spells that
synonymous with the spell. You can hardly imagine
have passed the lips of casters down the ages, there
anything more satisfying: With every casting, your
is one whose elegance, power, and conceptual funda-
name, too, is spoken aloud.
mental beauty surpasses all others. You should know,
because you have endured much to master H. You
refer to this spell of spells (With some pride) as yOUT IMMORTALITY?
"Signature spell." Upon completion of your final quest, you gain a final
Other arcane characters might cast the same spell, inSight into the elegant compleXity that lives within
but your study ofit, with an attention to detail none your spell. Having cast it so many times, you awaken
could ever hope to match, has unlocked intricacies of a resonance between it and your own soul.
the power that have been lost on all others. Of course, Once you put your mortal affairs in order, you
it would be impOSSible to research every spell in your embrace that resonance. One last time, you cast your
arsenal wjth such exacting care. There is not time signature spell. As the final syllable leaves your lips,
the casting infuses every fiber of your being. You
enough in anyone life for such a project. That's why
and your spell become one and the same. As long as
you have chosen just one spell to devote yourself to
entirely. A single spell, one which no other creature anyone else knows your spelJ, you persist in that cast-
will ever cast as magnificently as you cast it. er's living mind and in the dusty texts of old tomes,
Sometimes you take pity on others you happen encoded in the spell's formula. Perhaps one day when
to encounter that also cast your Signature spell. You some special mage rediscovers and casts the spell,
might approach these unenlightened mages and offer you will return in phYSical form, ready to help the
them encouragement, and explain to them that one world again with a mastery only you can provide.


Archspells gain many benefits based around a single
power chosen "vith the Signature Spell feature.
Signature Spell (21st level): Choose one of you r
arcane daily attack powers. You gain a +2 bonus to
attack rolls with that power. If you retrain that power.
you can choose a new arcane daily attack power as
your Signature Spell.
Returning Spell (24th level): Once per day,
when you die, you regain half your hit points on you r
next tu rn. If you have already expended your Signa-
ture Spell daily attack power, you regain it.
Living Spell (30th level): You can use your Sig-
nature SpelJ as an encounter power rather than a
daily power.


Channel the Signature Archspell Utility 16

You brin8 the power ofyour si8nature spell to your lips. but
rather than castin8 it. you hold it resonatin8 in yaur mind. nul
YOII cast it, you Siphon ener8Y 10 resist the attacks of others.

Encounter. Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain resist 1S to all damage until the end of the
encounter or until you use your Signature Spell. -z

C HAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

You command le8ions of poweiful eladrin, tappil18 into the -z
ma8ical potential of the Feywild. -f-
Prerequisites: 21st level; any arcane class; must Cl
have the fey origin, be a half-elf, or be a warlock with U
the fey pact -
Your mastery over the mystical arts that twine
through the Feywild has earned you the respect of
eladrin and other noble fey creatures. You are seen
as a great leader in the sometimes fanciful, won-
d rous echo of the world. Where castles of eladrin
nobles raise their gleaming spires, your name has
been bandied about as a potential lord of great
power. Where shadowed hillocks cover twilight tun-
nels into the brooding Feydark, your name is also
whispered, but as a Cllrse.
As a lord of the FeywiJd, you are sometimes called
upon to use your power to defend the interests of the
faerie realm. However, your interests are wider still,
and you often use your knowledge and ties to aid you
in your own quests and errands. Sometjmes, a future
version of yourself steps back through the world lines
to offer aid , and in so doing provide a glimpse of what
one day might be in a fey echo of reality.

Upon completion of your final quest, you retreat to the end of the encounter. If you die while in the form
the Feywild for good, but your coming is foretold. of your future self, you're dead.
Indeed the Court of Stars, that storied city that At the end of the encounter, your future self
crowns the Feywild 's heart, has sent envoys, invita- restores you to life if your body is still present. Your
tions, and inquiries regarding your bloodline. There current hit pOint total is unchanged, and you no
are intimations that you might be, in truth, of the longer have concealment.
lineage of Lord Oran or Queen Tiandra. If your body is missing. you wil1 need other magk
You have a choice before you. You could find a to return to life, but you can continue adventuring as
secluded spot and build a towering edifice among your future selfjfyou would like to do so.
the trees, then live out a peaceful life in the mists Dominion over the Mind (30th level): When-
and shadows behind the world. You could take the ever you use an arcane charm power and score a
guise of a simple traveler, passing from settlement to critical hit against an enemy, that enemy is domi-
settlement in the Feywild and in the natural world, nated until the end of your next turn.
appearing as an itinerant elderly nomad, but one
capable of dispensing great wisdom. Or, you could
accept your destiny and the summons from the Fey-
wild's heart, and take a seat of wisdom and power in
Shields of the Eladrin Host Feyliege Utility 26
the Court of Stars . a seat that will someday be the one
that overlooks all others. Spectral eladrin klli8hts sprin8fr0m all sides, protectin8 you
and your allies from dan8er, transportin8 all of)'ou to safety.
and then disappear back into the Feywi/d.
rEYUEGE rEATURES Encounter + Arcane, Teleportation
Feywild Charm (21st level): Your Charisma Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5
score increases by 2. Trigger: An attack hits you or an ally within 5 squares of you
Eternal King on an Eternal Throne (24th Target: You and each ally in burst
level): Once per day, when you die, an older, more Effect: Each target gains a +4 bonus to AC and Reflex until
regal version of yourself steps from the mists of time the end of his or her next turn. After the triggering attack
is resolved. any target can swap positions with another
to take you r place. You heal to half your maximum hit
points and gain concealment against all attacks until

HAPT E R 6 I Arcane Options

IMMANENCE powerful is your control over energy that when your
body takes too much hurt, you can convert yoursel f to
All life is energy. You can see the flows and associations
a field of substanceless particles.
where others see only inanimate matter.

Prerequisites: 21st level, any arcane class IMMORTALITY?

When you complete your final quest, your under·
Magic is less complex than most believe it to be. standing over the nature of energy expands. You
Beneath the incantations, the beautifully fashioned suddenly grasp the frnal truth with whkh you have so
implements, the intricately carved circles and sigils, long struggled: Only one energy field exists, and the
and the lore scribbled in tomes Ufillwl1bered lies one entirety of the cosmos is made up of this undulating,
simple truth: Everything is energy. Energy comes in many·layered expanse. The cosmos and you are one
many forms, but once the first fu ndamental truth and the same. The same field that makes up every·
is grasped, all later use of magiC becomes applied thing else is part of you.
manipulation of energy. Energy can be tuned, After putting your mortal affairs in order, you
directed, drawn away, or multiplied. It can be slowed transform spontaneously into a being of pure energy,
so that it seems to be a solid, or converted to an insub- leapfrogging the state of divinity to become a fixture
stantial fluid of potential. of the cosmos itself After all, even the gods and the
Others who lack your understanding find you primordia]s are made of energy. You are an Imma·
obscure or mystical, but in fact you could not be more nence; you are everywhere.
practical. In the grand scheme of things, only energy
is eternal and true; all its shapes and flows are tem- IMMANENCE FEATURES
porary. and will shift into unrecognizable patterns as Variable Resistance (21st level): After the first
time advances. time you take damage of a particular type during
Your comprehension of these truths grants you an encounter, you gain resist 20 to that damage type
exceptional and growing power over the world that until the end of the encounter.
others believe is mostly physical. Hazardous dis- Spirit of Energy (24th level): Once per day,
charges flow around you like water. You can even when you drop to 0 hit points or fewer, you regain hit
extend a fraction of your protection to your allies. So points equal to half your maximum hit points and
become a spirit of energy. Until you regain hit points
from a healing power or take a short rest, you are
insubstantial and have phaSing.
Also, at the start of your next turn, each enemy
adjacent to you takes 20 damage of one of the follow-
ing types, chosen when you take this form: acid, cold .
fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychiC, radiant, or
Shared Resistance (30th level): While any ally
is adjacent to you, he or she gains your resistances
and immunities.


Vary Resistance Immanence Utility 26

With a passina thouaht. you tune the eneray ofyour body to
resist a n(!wform of damaae.
Encounter .. Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must have already gained a type of
energy resistance during this encounter from your Variable
Resistance feature.
Effect: Change your current Variable Resistance to one of
the follOWing types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic,
poison, psychiC, radiant, or thunder.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. -z
Fate's weave requires a cosmic balance. -l-
Prerequisites: 21st level. any arcane class, o
unaligned alignment u
You have mastered whole libraries of arcane lore.
With aU that knowledge, you have glimpsed a uni-
versal truth: A cosmic balance hides behind all
things. weighing the energies of existence and per-
haps judging them. Life, motion, and the intricacy of
existence itself participate in a constant interaction
of warring forces, but a war subtly harmonized by
the balance.
Your understanding of this balance informs your
actions. Seeing the need for moderation in all things,
you seek to damp down fiery passions and heart-
wrenching attachments. If you attack the forces of
evil, or struggle against chaos, you do so simply to
bring the adversary back into a state of balance with
virtue and order. You accept that life must include
both despair and joy, both beauty and horror.
You are becoming an agent of balance-a living
exemplar of the cosmic fulcrum.

As the last mortal breath escapes your lungs. your
hard-won knowledge that life and death are eter-
nal twins fills your dissipating perception. In that LORD OF FATE POWER
instant, your soul flashes out into the multiverse,
beyond the grasp of the gods or the natural order. Golden Mean Lord oHate Utility 26
The force you sensed as a mortal, the underlying You show YOLLr power over fate. and let the balance rei8n over
cosmic balance behind aU things, accepts you as part enemies and allies alike.
of itself. You are transfigured into a sentient incarna- Daily .. Arcane, Zone
tion of that cosmic balance. It permeates existence, Minor Action Close burst 5
and so do you. Your knowledge multiplies a thou- Effect: The burst creates a zone of balanced fate that
sandfold. In your hands rests the future balance of lasts until the end of your next turn. Each creature
within the zone doesn't make d20 rolls to resolve
the cosmos. attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving
throws. Instead, these rolls are resolved as if the crea-
LORD OF FATE FEATURES ture rolled a 10 on the die.
Turnabout (21st level): When you roll initiative, Sustain Minor: You can sustain the zone until the end of
deSignate any creature you can see as the target of your next turn. The zone's area shrinks by 1 each time the
your Turnabout feature. Until end of the encounter, zone is sustained. When the zone is a burst 1, it can no
longer be sustained.
any condition that target imposes on anotller creature
through the use of an attack power is also imposed on
the target.
Balanced Sum (24th level): Once per day, when
an enemy's attack drops you to 0 hit points or fewer,
you regain hit points equal to your healing surge
value, and you gain temporary hit points equal to
your attacker's current hit point value.
Fulcrum of Power (30th level): When you are
damaged by an attack power that a creature can
l recharge, the attacking creature can't attempt to
, recharge that power until you make an attack roll
i against it.

CIlAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

~ ...
Ma8ie flows throuah you as it flows throu8h all the worlds. Magister's Knack (21st level): One ability score
Ma8ie that flows throu8h you onee is yours forever. of your choice increases by 2.
Magic's Flow (21st level): Whenever you use an
Prerequisites: 21st level, any arcane class arcane encounter or daily attack power, you gain a +4
bonus to the defense or defenses that power attacks
Your reputation as a powerful spellcaster has only until the end of your next turn.
grown in the telling, perhaps sometimes even outpac· Retmll of the Magister (24th level): Once per
ing your actual abilities. Indeed some credulous few day when you drop to 0 hit paints or fewer or are
have gone so far as to call you the "mouth of magic," about to take enough damage to kin you, you can
implying that you are the ultimate expert on all spend a healing surge, teleport 15 squares as a free
things arcane. action, and roll saving throws against all effects on
You don' t go out of your way to dissuade such you that a save can end.
talk. After all, you are a powerful practitioner of the Magic's Master (30th level): Twice per day, you
arcane arts. You are a protege of powerful wizards, can perform any ritual you have mastered as a stan·
sorcerers, and warlocks (if not in the flesh, at least dard action.
in the study of their lives, their rituals, and the
spells they preferred to cast). Furthermore. spells MAGISTER POWERS
and rituals have been your daily fare [or longer
than you can recall. You are mortal, yes , but the Magister's Key Magister Utility 26
flux of magic that daily flows through your form You rmew the maBical potential of an already used maBie item
lifts you closer and clo er to something finer with with a tOllch.
each arcane utterance. Daily. Arcane
Any wizard warlock, or other spellcaster can Minor Action Personal
study hard and eventually master a wide variety Effect: You rega in the use of an expended da ily power of
of magical stratagems. It is not impossible to grow any single magic item in your possession.
in power and ability. But a few who do so sense an
underlying unity to magic, a thread that connects
apparently disparate magical functions. Those few,
like you, claim the title of Magister and the enhanced
magical prowess that goes with it.
Regardless of what others sayar what you believe,
empirical evidence has proved it: You have become
one of the most powerful spellcasters in history. You
manipulate magiC as easily as you breathe.

Your ultimate destiny is certain to be colorful, but is
otherwise open-ended. It is likely to be whatever best
suits the unique expression of your class. You might
be a chaos sorcerer who decides to live deep within
the Elemental Chaos, returning in some future age to
help assuage the world's need . You might be a great
bard whose magic eventually challenges the immor-
tals. and perhaps wins you a place in the courts of
the gods on your own terms. You might be a wizard
whose studies have rewarded you with a natural flu -
ency that none could have predicted early in your
career, but whose popularity and notoriety live on
for centuries afterward-aided by the fact that you
remain accessible, ifinactive, in a grand tower lUdden
in a Feywild mountain pass. •

HAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

The material world is an illusion. rook behind the world, z
but not for the truth-for the next layer of delusion. --
Prerequisites: 21st level, wizard -
The world is not real. It is a story whose teller is the -
cosmos itself; a cosmos unaware of its own ongoing -
process of coming more £lIlly into being. Time is an
illusion, merely a prop for the unfold ing tale. With·
out time, matter, too, is mere imagination. Gods and
mortals, primordials and angels, and every other
creature that strives, lives, and dies upon the stage
of supposed existence, is facade thrown up by the
cosmos. The solid-seeming earth is anything but, a nd
the distinctions between the heavenly realms and the
infernal most pits is a paper-thin fict ion.
Or, at least, sllch is your creed, and you have
good reason to believe it's true. The wise know that
stories are narratives that give structu re to knowl-
edge, and you arc w iser than most. This n arrative
principle runs far m ore deeply than most presume-
you believe it is the core axiom of creation itself.
However, knowing reality for the illu sion it is, you
have begun to alter your own story. In so dOing, yo u
have risen above the masses that still believe real -
ity is more than a cloak over the nothingness that
lies beneath everything. In taking a hand in your
own tale, you have become a living parable, perhaps
one capable of w renching existence onto a t.rack
designed by you . Life's Illusion (30th level): Once per day. ,,-hen
you d ie, you can return to life at maximum hit poin
IMMORTALITY? 10 squares away from the space where you died _In
The act of completing your final quest also proved fact, you only seemed to die-your enemy killed a
that you could change the course of the unfolding perfect illusion of you , while you stood a short di s-
cosmic yarn according to your own desires. Your mas- tance away.
tery over the illusion that serves as creation's tissue is
nearly com plete. Only a few final threads offlgment PARABLE POWER
elude you .
So you retreat. from all the competing stories of Figment Step . . . . .- .. : ....< .;-.•... - . . . -,
... ...- .
.' ..
Parable Utility 16
the world , fading into t he illusion, becoming a part The attack, the creature, and even your own physical form are
ofit. W hen next you take a step, you do not emerge not real. Chanae the story, and you chanae realilY
as a discrete entity only feet away from your previ- Encounter" Arcane, Illusion
ous position. Instead, your body and mind leap into Immediate Interrupt Personal
a t housand different stories in a thousand diffe rent Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack
times and places. You seek to become part of the Effect: The triggering enemy's attack does not occur. You
underlying story, the first story, the parable that pre- disappear from your space and reappear 5 squares away
cedes all othe rs. In so dOing, YOll hope to promote in a space of your choosing. The triggering enemy loses
the action ta ken to make the attack, but retains the power
yourself above all others. No longer will yOll be a
used fo r the attack.
character in the story, but the storyteller.

As ifIllusion (21st level): Whenever you move,
yOll ignore diffic ult terrain.
Never Really There (24th level): You never take
g damage from a mjssed attack.

-< C II A J>TER 6 I Arcane Options

SAGE OF AGES few who have earned the title Sage of Ages, you take
up the lonely task of a keeper of secrets, history, and
Knowled8e is power. Once that fact is understood,
unfettered knowledge.
the power of the 80ds themselves becomes somethin8
When the time is right, you retreat to a secret
place only you know of, a place where you find knowl ·
edge within the natural bends and crevices in space
Prerequisites: 21st level. any arcane class
and time. You begin to observe a river of events and
store them away in your mind. Age, cares, and the
Knowledge is power, freedom, life, and love. With the
needs of the flesh flow around you, not through you.
proper information, you can unravel the secrets of
You are a fountainhead ofkllowledge that other crea-
the universe and be the master of your own fate. You
tures, sometimes even gods, seek out because of your
have always believed this. Your curiosity about all
perfect enlightenment.
things is legendary. Even as a child, you asked "why?"
more often than any other question. As you matured,
you sought knowledge about harder-to-reach places, SAGE OF AGES FEATURES
traveling first the world. then other planes of exis- Paragon of Learning (21st level): You gain a +6
tence. Knowledge is your solace, your hope, and your bonus to Arcana checks, Dungeoneering checks, His-
support. Faith might be fine for others, but you see tory checks, Nature checks, and Religion checks.
it as a shallow edifice. Only objective study and the Keeper's Prescience (24th level): At the start of
knowledge gained thereby allows one to see things as each of your turns, roll a d20. You can use the result
of that roll in place of anyone d20 roll you make
they truly are.
before the start of your next turn.
The petty bickering ofkings and nobles holds less
a nd less interest for you, and as you learn lTIOre and
Reverse TilDe (30th level): Once per day, when
more about the facade of flesh that mortals wear to an attack would normally drop you to 0 hit points or
hide their souls, even earthly delights begin to lose fewer or kill you, you do not die. Instead, you regain
their flavor. All else pales before the pursuit of pure maximum hit points and move your place in the ini-
knowledge. tiative order to directly after the creature that made
the attack.

When you complete your final quest, you make
your plans to withdraw from the world. You have
Trick of Knowledge Sage or Ages Utility 26
accumulated so much knowledge that you have
become a force of nature itself. As one of a select VOllr vast learnin8 wants you dif.ferenl illsi8hifitl advanta8es in
different situations.
Encounter + Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You make an Arcana check and gain a benefit based
on your check result until the end of the encounter.
30 or lower: No effect
31-35: +5 bonus to saving throws
36-40: +2 bonus to all defenses
41-45: + 2 bonus to attack rolls with arcane powers
46-50: Make saving throws at the start of your turn instead
of the end of your turn
51-55: Pick two benefits you can gain from a roll of 31
through 50
56- 60: Pick three benefits you can gain from a roll of 31
through 50
61 or higher: Gain all four benefits you can gain from a roll
of31 through 50

CHAPTE R 6 I Arcane Options
and the damage rolls ofirnplement powers you use V1
through the tome, and you can use its properties and ~
powers. Otherwise, you gain no benefit from wield- I-
A tome is a thick book packed with knowledge about ing a tome_ -
casting a spell. The materials that make up the cover -v
of a tome range from leather and thin wood to heavy level 5+ ct
pieces of metal. The pages of a book can be paper, The paBes of this tome have scorch marks alon8 the ed8es. ~
leather, thin pieces of metal, or other flexible materi- Lvi 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvi 20 +4 125,000 gp
als. You can't make melee attacks with a tome. Lvi 1 0 +2 5,000 gp Lvl25 +5 625,000 gp
If you can wield a tome as an implement, you Lvl15 +3 25,000 gp Lvi 30 +6 3,125,000 gp
Implement (Tome)
can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: + 1 d8 fire damage per plus
Property: When you use a wizard fire power through this
tome, the target's resistance to fire (if any) against that
attack is reduced by 10.
1 Magic tome +1 360 Level 15 or 20: The resistance is reduced by 20.
2 Tome ofthe replenishing flame +1 510 Level 25 or 30: The resistance is reduced by 30.
3 Tome offorty steps +1 680 Property: This tome contains two wizard daily fire powers.
Tome ofthe north wind +1 680 Both powers must be of a level equal to or lower than that
of the tome. Choose these powers when you acquire the
4 Tome of arrest +1 840
tome; they cannot be changed later. You can add these
5 Book of undeniable fire +1 1,000
powers to your spell book.
5 Summoner's tome +1 ' , 000 Power (Daily'" Arcane, Fire, Implement): Free Action.
6 Magic tome +1 1,800 Choose a power conta ined in this tome and expend an
7 Tome ofthe replenishing flame +2 1,600 unused wizard da ily attack power of an equal or higher
8 Tome of forty steps +1 3,400 level. You ga in the use of the chosen power during this
Tome of the north wind +1 3,400 encounter. The power is lost if you do not use it before
4,20 0 t he end of t he encounter.
9 Tome of arrest +1
10 Book of undeniable fire +2 5,000
10 Summoner's tome +1 5,000
1'1 Magic tome +3 9 ,000 A simple to me, enchanted to channel Menne eneTS),·
12 Tome ofthe replenishing flame +3 13,000 Lvi 1 +1 360 gp Lvl16 +4 45,000 gp
13 Tome offorty steps +3 17,000 Lvi 6 +2 1,800 gp Lvi 21 +5 225,000 gp
Tome ofthe north wind +3 17,000 Lvl11 +3 9,000 gp Lvl26 +6 1,125,000 gp
Implement (Tome)
14 Tome of arrest +3 11 ,000
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
15 Book of undeniable fire +3 15,000 Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus
15 Summoner's tome +3 15,000
16 Magic tome +4 4 5,000
17 Tome of the replenishing flame +4 65,000 Outl ines of creatures are burnt into the cured-hide cover of this
18 Tome offorty steps +4 8 5,000 book, which holds mall)' suml110nina secrets.
18 Tome ofthe north wind +4 85,000 Lvi 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvi 20 +4 125,000 gp
19 Tome of arrest +4 105,0 00 Lvi 1 0 +2 5,000 gp Lvi 25 +5 625,000 gp
20 Book of undeniable fire +4 125,000 Lvl15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl30 +6 3,125,000 gp
10 Summoner's tome +4 125,000 Implement (Tome)
11 Magic tome +5 115,000 Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
11 Tome ofthe replenishing flame +5 315,000 Critical: + 1 d6 damage per plus
23 Tome of forty steps + 5 425,000 Property: When you hit with an opportunity attack using
a conjuration or summoning wizard power through this
23 Tome ofthe north wind +5 415,0 00
tome, the target takes extra damage equal to this tome's
24 Tome of arrest +5 515,000 enhancement bonus.
25 Book of undeniable fire +5 6 25,000 Property: This tome contai ns two wizard daily summoning
25 Summoner's tome +5 615,000 powers. Both powers must be of a level equal to or lower
26 Magic tome +6 1,125,0 00 than that ofthe tome. Choose these powers when you
27 Tome ofthe replenishing flame +6 1,615,000 acquire the tome; they cannot be changed later. You can
18 Tome of forty steps + 6 2,125,000 add these powers to your spell book.
Powe r (Daily ... Arcane, Implement, Summoning); Free
28 Tome ofthe north wind +6 1 ,125,000
Action. Choose a power contained in t his tome and ex-
19 Timeless tome +6 2,625,000
pe nd an unused wizard daily attack power of an equal or
29 Tome of arrest + 6 2 ,625 ,000 higher level. You ga in the use of t he chosen power during
30 Book of undeniable fire +6 3,125,000 t his encounter. The power is lost if you do not use it be-
30 Summoner's tome +6 3,125,000 fore the end of the enco unter.

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

This lOme enables you to further manipulate the boundaries lncluded witllin this curious tome are a number of arcane fO,.·
of time. rmt/as for manipulatill8 speed and time.
Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Lvi 3 +1 680 gp Lvl18 +4 85,000 gp
Implement (Tome) Lvi 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl23 +5 425,000 gp
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp Lvi 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Implement (Tome)
Property: When you use the time stop power, you gain three Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
extra standard actions instead of two. (You still can't use Critical: + 1 d6 damage per plus
these actions to attack other creatures.) Property: Your summoned creatures gain a + 1 item bonus
Power (Daily): Free Action. You expend an unused wizard to speed.
utility power oflevel 22 or higher and gain the use ofthe Power (Daily): Free Action. Tri88er: You use a wizard
time stop power during this encounter. The power is lost summoning power. Effect: Each round while the
if you do not use it before the end of the encounter. summoned creature exists, you gain an additional move
action that you can use only to command the creature.

This tome's cover is emblazoned with the symbol of a 80lden

clenched fist. Covered in a thin patina offrost even in blazin8 heat, this tom e
Lvl19 +4 105,000 gp unlocks the secrets of ice ma8ic.
lvl4 +1 840 gp
Lvi 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvi 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvi 3 +1 680 gp Lvl18 +4 85,000 gp
Lvl14 +3 21,000 gp Lvi 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Lvi 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvi 23 +5 425,000 gp
Implement (Tome) Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp Lvi 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Implement (Tome)
Critical: + 1 d8 force damage per plus Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Property: When you use a wizard power that immobilizes Critical: + 1 d8 cold damage per plus
an enemy through this tome, that enemy also takes extra Property: When you use a wizard cold power through this
damage equal to your Constitution modifier. tome, and the target of the power is slowed, that target
Power (Daily): Free Action. Tri88er. You use a wizard sum- takes damage equal to your Constitution modifier if it
moning power. Effect: Until the end of the encounter or moves while slowed.
until the summoned creature is dismissed, creatures that Property: This tome contains two wizard daily cold powers.
shift provoke opportunity attacks from the summoned Both powers must be of a level equal to or lower than that
creature when moving out of a square adjacent to the of the tome. Choose these powers when you acquire the
summoned creature. tome; they cannot be changed later. You can add these
powers to your spell book.
Power (Daily .. Arcane, Cold, Implement): Free Action.
Choose a power contained in this tome and expend an --

unused wizard daily attack power of an equal or higher

level. You gain the use of the chosen power during this
encounter. The power is lost if you do not use it before c-
the end of the encounter. :z

CHAJ)TER 6 I Arcane Options
ifome of. ttl epJEmJshlng Flame LevelH Th e rituals in this section are listed on tJle table
This tome's copper bindin8 is plellsrultly warm to the touch. b elow.
LvI 2 +1 520 gp Lv11? +4 65,000 gp
LvI? +2 2,600 gp Lvl22 +5 325,000 gp ANTHEM OF UNITY -ex:
Lvl12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl27 +6 1,625,000 gp
The anthem's inviBoratinB notes f ill the audience with
Implement (Tome)
pride and sinBIe-minded purpose. ~
Enhancement: Attack rolls a nd damage rolls UJ
Critical: + 1 dl 0 fire damage per plus Z
Property: Whe n you use a wizard fire power that can be level: 8 Component Cost: 135 gp,
sustained through this tome, you regain hit points equal Category: Binding 680 gp
plus a focus worth
to the tome's e nhancement bonus each round that you Time: 10 m inutes Market Price: 68 0 gp
sustain the power while bloodied. For example, if you used Duration: 1 day Key Skill: D iplom acy
the jJaminB sphere powe r with a tome of the rep/enishin8
Prerequisite: Bard
jJame +1, you would regain 2 hit points each round you
sustain the jJamin8 sphere while you are bloodied.
Property: This tome contains two wizard daily fire powers. When you perform the Anthem of Un ity for a crowd of
Both powers must be of a level equal to or lowe r than that ord inary peop le-peasa nts, commoners, artisans, and the
of the tome. Choose these powers when you acquire the like-you unite them beh ind a Single cause. Only creatures
tome; t hey ca nnot be changed late r. You can add these whose level is at least 2 lower than yours are affected by
powe rs to your spell book. this ritual.
Power (Daily .. Arcane, Fire, Implement): Free Action. The crowd must not be hosti le to you and m ust be
Choose a power contained in this tome and expend an
ab le to see and hea r you fo r t he ent ire perfo rm ance. At
unused Wizard daily attack power of an equal or higher
level. You gain the use of the chosen power during this the end of the rit ual, yo u can re quest a single servi ce
encounter. The power is lost if you do not use it before f rom the crowd, to w hich the members of the aud ience
the end of the encounter. respond as if you were a trusted f riend. You can req uest
anything that doesn't involve Vio lence, put the listeners
at ino rdi nate ri sk o r imperil t heir fr ie nds or fami ly, o r
place t hem in financial ruin. For examp le, you might ask
the listeners to help put out a fire raging in the city, hide
you and your allies from searching guards, or provide
The world is flus h with sacraments, rites, cerem o-
you w ith shelter or food. A Diplomacy check made at
nies, and other procedures that wring incredible
th e end of th is ritual determines what sort of hel p you
effects from an input of time, components, and
ca n req uest.
learning. Th ese d isp arate workings are known col-
lectively as r ituals . See Ch apter 10 of the Player's
Handbook for instru ction s on how to use a r itual in
the D&D game.
19 or an action lasts
up to 1 hour and that benefits them in at
RITUALS BY LEVEL least some small way'.
20-19 The listeners perform a task that lasts
Purify Water up to 1 hour and that poses no risk or
or Religion
reward to them.
1 Unseen Servant Arcana
30-39 The isteners perform a task that lasts up
1 lower Water Nature
to 6 hours and that poses a mild risk but
3 Fool's Gold Arcana
at least some benefit to them.
4 Beast Growth Nature
40 or higher The listeners perform a task that lasts
4 Call of Friendship Diplomacy
up to 1 day and that poses a mild risk
5 Object Reading Arcana
without any benefit to them.
6 Preserve Flame Arcana
6 Shrink Arcana
The number of individua ls affected extends to anyone
8 Anthem of Unity Diplomacy
w ho witnesses t he enti re perfo rmance. so t he large r t he
9 Detect Treasure Arcana
ve nue, the more peo ple you ca n affect.
9 Magic Map Arcana
Focus: A musica l instrum ent yo u playas pa rt of per-
11 History Revealed Arcana
for ming the ri tua l.
11 Arcane Barrier Arcana
14 Telepathic Bond Arcana
14 Whispers of the Edifice Arcana
16 Farsight Arcana
18 Guards and Wards Arcana
18 Imprisonment Arcana

CHA PTER 6 I A r c an e Op t ion s

You create a tou8h, translucent wall that blocks a passa8e- Your son8 calls to a person's heart,jillin8 it with feelin8s of
way or covers a doorway. kinship. affection, and perhaps even love.

level: 12 Component Cost: 1,000 gp level: 4 Component Cost: 50 gp,

Category: Warding Market Price: 3,200 gp Category: Exploration plus a focus worth 50 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key . Arcana Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 215 gp
Duration: 4 hours D ura tion: Special Key Skill: Dip lomacy
Prerequ isite : Bard
You create a magica l barrier of force that is 2 squares long
and 2 squa res ta ll. It is large enough to block a standard You target one non hosti le natural humano id creature that
doorway or seal off a hallway. The obstruction is invis- is at least 2 levels lower than you. The target must remain
ib le from more than 10 squares away, but if viewed from within 10 squares of you and hearthe entire perfor-
closer than that, it is discernible as a translucent, shim- mance. Once you complete the ritual, make a Diplomacy
mering, paper-thin wa ll. check to determine the effect it has on the target. Once
When you perform the ritual, you allow for certain the ritual's duration expires, the target's attitude returns
other creatures or types of creature to pass through the to normal. The ritua l does not affect the target's memory

barrier, ignoring its effects, in the same manner as for In any way.
Arcane Lock (Player'S Handbook, page 301). Your Arcana
check, with a +5 bon us, sets the DC for the wa rd to
be defeated by ritua ls such as Knock. The DC to break
through the barrier with a Strength check is 5 higher 19 or target acts as a
than that. assisting you as he can, but he takes no
If you spend 4 hours and four times the component actions that put him at any risk or that
cost to perform this ritual , the duration becomes per· require an expense of more than 5 gpo
manent. A ritua l caster who performs a ritual, such as 20-29 The target acts as a friend for 1 hour,
Knock, to pass through a permanent Arcane Barrier can assisting you as he can, but he takes no
choose to bri ng the Arcane Barrier down temporar- actions that put him at any risk or that
ily (in which case it seals again after 5 minutes) or to require an expense of more than 25 gpo
destroy it. 30-39 The target acts as a friend for 6 hours,
assisting you as he can, but he takes no
actions that put him at any risk or that
BEAST GROWTH require an expense of more than 50 gpo
T he beast8rows to incredible size and exhibits tremendous The target acts as a friend for 1 day,
40 or higher
stren8th. assisting you as he can, but he takes no
actions that put him at any risk or t hat
level: 4 Component Cost: 70 gp
require an expense of more than 500 gpo
Category: Exploration Market Price: 175 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Sk : Nature (no check)
Focus: A musica l instrument you playas part of per-
Duration: 8 hours forming the ritual.
A non hostile Sma ll or larger natura l beast, such as a
dog, horse, camel, or e lephant, must remain within DETECT TREASURE
5 squares of you while you perfo rm this ritual. Upon You use a801d rod to indicate where nearby treasure is
the ritua l's completion, the creature's size increases by found. After a moment, the rod be8ins to vibrate, pulIin8
one category. This change does not alter the beast's you toward a lar8e cache ofloot.
statistics, though its Strength is considered 8 higher
for the purpose of determining how much the creature level: 9 Component Cost: 325 gp
can carry, drag, or lift. In addition, the beast ga ins a +4 Cat egory: Exploration plus a focus worth 1,000 gp
powe r bo nus to Strength checks (but not to attack rolls Ti m e : 10 minutes Market Price: 800 gp
or damage rolls). D u ration: 5 minutes Key Skill: Arca na
The ritua l's effect ends if the beast dies, at which point
it reverts to its no rmal size. You hold out a gold rod while you focus your mind on
finding nearby treasure. The rod pu lls in your hands, point-
ing toward the most valuable concentration of wealth
within a number of squares determined by your Arcana
check result. You can reduce the range if you choose.

CHAPTER 6 I A r c an. e Option.s

10 squares
10-19 20 squares You turn a pile of base metal or lesser coins into a mound «
ofBold. I-
50 squares
100 squares
40 or higher 200 squares l evel: 3 Component Cost : Varies
Category: Deception Market Price: 125 gp
Whe n you finish performing the ritual, you can comma nd Time: 1 minute Key Arcana
the rod to detect on ly valuables within certain categories: Duration: Special
metals, gems, other (a rt objects, maps, ritua l components,
and so on), or any combination of the above. You create an amount of il lusory gold that van ishes after
Focus: A gold rod you use in the performance of the a certa in amount of time. The gold looks, feels, and
ritual. smells like real gold and weighs as much as real go ld . You
create an amount of fa lse gold equal to the amount you
spend as the ritual's component cost times a multiplier
FARSIGHT based on your Arcana check result. You r Arcana check
You extend your senses to the horizon when you will it. result also determ ines how long the ill usory gold exists.
For example, if you expend 100 gp as the compone nt
level: 16 Component Cost: 3,600 gp, cost and you achieve a result of 25 on your Arcana check,
Category: Scrying plus a focus worth 2,500 gp you crdeate 1,000 gp worth of illusory gold that lasts for
Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 9,000 gp 4 hours.
Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana

Farsight functions as the Wizard 's Sight ri tual (Player's 1 hour/x2 multiplier
Handbook, page 315), but you can place your scrying 10-19 2 hours/x5 multiplier
sensor in any square you can see. You can see and hear as 20-29 4 hours/xl 0 multiplier
if you were standing in that square. and you have darkvi- 30-39 8 hours/ x 20 multiplier
sion through the sensor. Your Perception skill determines 40 or higher 24 hours/xl 00 multiplier
whether you hear quiet sounds or notice unobtrusive
things while observing an area through the sensor. You Any creature can discern the true nature of the illusory
cannot place the scrying sensor in a location yo u can see gold by succeeding on a Perception check or Arca na
only by usi ng a scrying sensor. check against a DC equal to your Arcana check result.
Your Arcana check result determines how long the
sensor lasts. GUARDS AND ~RDS
You finyour castle with dense areas offOB. arcane locks,
19 or 2 rounds and false portals to hinder and confuse intruders_
20-24 3 rounds
level: 18 Component Cost: 5,000 gpo
25-29 4 rounds
30- 39 5 rounds Category: Warding plus 5 healing surges
40 or higher 6 rounds Time: 1 hour Ma rket Price: 17,000 gp
Duration: 24 hours Key Skill: Arcana
The ritual creates a scrying sensor-a shimmer in the (special)
air-that watchful creatu res might notice. Creatures must
succeed on a Perception check (DC 10 + your level) to YOLI layer e nchanted defenses over an area you own or
notice the sensor. They can't disrupt or interact with the inhabit no larger than 30 squares by 30 squares and 100

sensor In any way. feet (20 squares) in height.
SuffiC iently powerful warding magic, suc h as the The area fi lls with dense fog that makes the area
Fo rbiddance ritual (Player's Handbook, page 305), heavily obscured. You and any creature you invite into
can block Farsight. If the location is warded in such a the area can see through the fog as if the fog was not
man ner, you learn that fact as soon as you begin the there. You can grant a creature a temporary invitation
ritua l, so you can interrupt the ritua l and not expend of any set length or revoke an invitation if you are in the
any compone nts. presence of the invited creature or in the area of the
Focus: A mirror or a crystal ba ll that conveys what you ritual's effect.
see and hear. All doors, Windows, and other sealable nonmagical
portals are locked using Arcane Lock (Player's Handbook,
page 301). You create a number of hallUCinatory items as
per the ritua l of the same name (Player's Handbook, page
306) equa l to one-fifth of your Arcana check result. The

C HAPTER 6 I Arcan.e Options

hallucinatory items created most often are false doors this ritual more than once on the same creature invari·
and false walls. Consult the Arcane Lock and Hallucina- ably displays the same scenes unless the creature has
tory Item rituals for their effects, and use your Arcana experienced defining moments since the last time you
check result to determine their properties. performed the ritual.
The warding effect lasts for 24 hours, but you can
extend this duration by spending a healing surge every Arcana Check Result Number of Scenes
24 hours to sustain it. You do not need to be in the same 9 or lower 1 scene
area or even on the same plane to sustain the effect. If 10-19 2 scenes
the ritual's effect is sustained without interruption for a 20-29 3 scenes
year and a day, the effect becomes permanent. 30-39 4 scenes
40 or higher 5 scenes
You touch the dis8raced 8eneral, conjurin8 ima8es in your IMPRISONMENT
mind of a lavish masquerade ball, a military coup, and a You inscribe runes upon your foe, and it falls into a space
horrible massacre. beyond the normal bounds of the cosmos from which it
mi8ht never return.
Level: 11 Component Cost: 600 gp
Category: Divination Market Price: 2.900 gp Level: 28 Component Cost: 170.000
Time: 10 minutes Key : Arcana Category: Warding gpo plus 5 healing surges
Duration: 5 minutes Time: 1 hour Market Price: 500,000 gp
Duration: Permanent Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
When you complete the ritual. you touch a willing or
helpless creature and see the most defining moments You imprison a creature within a demiplane created
of the creature's life. The images appear in order from by this ritual. The creature to be imprisoned must be
the most important to the least. Your Arcana check either helpless or willing, and it must be present for
determines the number of past scenes you see. The the entire performance of the ritual. When the ritual
scenes you view are those most pivotal to the creature's is complete. an invisible magical field envelops the
history and are not chosen by any agency. Performing creature. putting it into suspended animation. and the

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

creature falls into a space beyond the normal bounds of the area, the focus is drawn to the creatu re's exact loca -
the cosmos. Only divination rituals performed by crea- tion as depicted on the map. As you watch, the focus fol -
tures of your level or higher can dete rmine the location lows the creature's movement.
of the imprisoned creature. Your Arcana check determ ines the duration of t he -
You must set one or more possible conditions that time during which you can pinpoint the creature's loca-
re lease the creature, should they come to pass. You can tion. This ritual is on ly as accurate as the map that is used. 3u.J
set an imprisoned creature free by performing a ritua l of Z
release that has no component cost and takes 1 hour. A Arcana Check Result Duration
freed creature has no memory of the events that occurred 19 or lower 1 round
during its imprisonment, and it appears in the world on 20-29 10 rounds
the ground closest to where it was imprisoned. 30-39 10 minutes
40 or higher 1 hour
Focus: A crystal plumb bob worth at least 100 gp, and
The water vanishes into the wound as ifit fears your pres-
a body part or personal object ofthe creature.
ence and power.

level: 2 Component Cost: 25 gp OBJECT READING

Category: Exploration Market Price: 100 gp You touch the mysterious object and see ima8es in your
Time: 10 minutes Key . Nature mind of its history.
Duration: 1 hour
level: 5 Component Cost: 25 gp
You ca use a body of water to reduce in depth. Your Category: Divination Market Price: 250 gp
Nature check determines how many squares the water Time: 1 hour Key Skill: Arcana
lowers. The space of water you can affect has sides eq ual Duration: 5 minutes
to your level in squares. For example, if you are level 12,
you affect a space that is 12 squares on a side. If you You see images yo u wish to see related to an object you
lower the water to ground level or lower, the affected hold at the completion of the ritual. Your Arca na check
area becomes dry. In large bodies of water, the water out- result determ ines the number of images you see that are
side the area is unaffected by the void you create. To an associated with the object's past. You might choose to
observer, the sides of the area appear to be wal ls of water. see a sword's last owner, the creature that forged it, and
At the end of the ritual's duration, wate r returns to fi ll the the last creature it killed.
vo lume it preViously occupied.
Arcana Check Result Images Displayed
Nature Check Result Depth 9 or 1 image
19 or lower 2 squares 10-19 2 images
20-29 4 squares 20-29 3 images
30-39 8 squares 30 or higher 5 images
40 or higher 16 squares
Under winter rain or the ocean's depths, this fla me burns
You swill8 a crystal focus in circles above a map until it j ust as well as in the dry heat of midsum mer.
stops, hoverin8 over a particular spot that ind.icates where
your quarry is located. As you watch, the crystalfocus level: 6 Component Cost: 75 gp
moves across the map, tracin8 the route taken byyour Category: Exploration Market Price: 360 gp
quarry_ Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Duration: 8 hours
level: 9 Component Cost: 325 gp,
Category: Divination plus a focus worth 100 gp You alter one fire within 5 squares of you that is the size
Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 800 gp of a bonfire or smaller. No amount of water or effort can
Duration: Special Key Skill: Arcana douse the flame until the ritual 's duration expires.
You can vo luntarily end this effect as a minor action.
When you perform this ritua l, choose a specific creature.
You must have an object that is tied to the creatu re, such
as a bit of hai r, a favorite scarf, or a persona l weapo n. You
hold the object in one hand and suspend the focus from
the other hand, holding it above a map representing a
region no larger than 50 by 50 mi les. If the creature is in

CHAPTER 6 I Arc an e Opt i ons

9 or lower minutes
The lake, tainted by a now-dead demon that laired in its 10-19 30 minutes
depths, becomes crystal dear and refreshina to drink. 10-19 1 hour
30-39 3 hours
Level: 1 Component Cost: 10 gp 40 or higher 8 hours
Category: Exploration Market Price: 50 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana, Nature,
Duration: Instantaneous or Religion
Why bother with real servants when maaical ones are so
You purify a volume of water. The amount of water you much more obedient?
can purify is determined by the result of your Arcana
check, Nature check, or Religion check. Level: 1 Component Cost: 20 gp, plus
Category: Creation a focus worth at least 25 gp
Skill Check Result Amount of Water Time: 10 minutes Market Price: 50 gp
9 or lower 1 square Duration: Until your next extended rest or until you dis-
10-19 1 squares miss the servant
10-34 4 squares Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
35 or higher 10 squares
You conjure a Medium unseen servant of invisible force. It
obeys your commands, moves at your speed, can lift up to
100 pounds, and performs basic functions and repetitive
With a final flourish, you shrink the statue down to a tasks, such as cleaning, making camp, and moving, hold-
much smaller size. The 8uards will never notice it hidden in ing, or carrying objects.
your boot. An unseen servant never tires. It cannot move more
than 20 squares from your space. It does not occupy any
Level: 6 Component Cost: 50 gp space and cannot attack or be attacked. Each unseen ser-
Category: Exploration Market Price: 360 gp vant you currently control doubles the component cost t o
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana create the next.
Duration: Special Focus: A ceramic hand. The person who holds this
focus is empowered to command any unseen servants
You shrink an object. Your Arcana check result deter- summoned with it. If the focus is broken or not in
mines how small the item becomes and how long the anyone's possession for a minute or longer, all unseen ser-
effect of the ritua I lasts. vants bound to it disappear.

Arcana Check Result Size/ Duration

or lower
,. ,
true size/1 hour
10-19 50% of true size /6 hours You speak to the essence of a place, and the room reveals its
10-19 15% of true size /11 hours darkest secrets and exposes its hidden skeletons.
30 or higher 10% oftrue size /14 hours
Level: 14 Component Cost: 800 gp
Category: Exploration Market Price: 4,200 gp
Time: 10 minutes Key Skill: Arcana
You link hands with your allies,joinina your minds with a Duration: 5 minutes
psychic bond. Now, no matter where you each are, you can
speak mind to mind. You ask questions of and receive verbal answers from a
Single room or area. Your Arcana check result determines
Level: 14 Com ponent Cost: 1,1 00 gp
the number of questions you can ask. The room or area
Category: Exploration Market Price: 4,200 gp
can be no larger than four times your level in square feet.
Time: 10 minutes Key : Arcana
The room knows what has happened inside it for its
Duration: Special
entire existence, but"it is incapable of making any judg-
ments or analysis.
For the duration of the ritual, you and up to eight allies
can communicate telepathically. You do not need to
Arcana Check Result Questions Allowed
share a common language to communicate telepathi-
9 or I(>wer None
cally. Your Arcana check result determines the duration
10-19 1 question
of the ritual.
10-19 1 questions
30-39 3 questions
40 or higher 4 questions

CHAPTER 6 I Arcane Options

A great conflagration of magic enveloped your home Z
when you were a child. Your family fled, and your :::l
The background section in Chapter 3 of Player's Hand- parents became bitter, angry people who denounced
book 2 fleshes out the basics of character generation_ spells and those who worked them. ~

It provides story hooks for a character's background
Your family never explained to you the nature of U
and adds game benefits that reflect who you were the magicaJ disaster that destroyed your home (and ct
before you became an adventurer- perhaps even the city or region where you lived as ~
Here are five backgrounds you can use or adapt a child). This event stirred a great curiosity in you Z
to your arcane character. After choosing your back- because of a strange red scar you have on the back of ct
ground elements, you can (With your DM's consent) your hand-a remnant of your flight from the disaster. ~
select one of the following background benefits. Some nights. the scar glimmers with its own light. ct
• Gain a +2 bonus to checks with a skill associated VOll began secretly exploring arcane magic. Your
with your background. study was enhanced when you found an old locked
• Add a skill associated with your background chest in your surviving parents' chamber. It was filled
to your class's skills list before you choose your with dusty. old books describing arcane fields of
trained skills. study. Before long. you were working basic spells on
your own-but then YOllr parents found out. Vou were
• Choose one language connected to your back-
banished and cOlTllllanded never to return.
ground. You can speak, read. and write that
You wander now, looking for ways to increase your
language fluently.
arcane knowledge and trying to discover more about
• If you are using a campaign setting that offers the magicaJ disaster that over hadows your life.
regional benefits (such as the FORGOTTEN REALMS Associated Skills: Arcana. History
setting), gain a regionaJ benefit.
ARCANE AGENT A great secret has been entrusted to you. and you
Vou are a member of a secret arcane society. The are that secret's sentinel. Vour secret might be your
public believes that your secret society is composed guardianship of a tome containing dire.and w~n­
of thieves and assassins. and it has been outlawed. drous prophecies, the location of a magIcal shnne
Your society believes that your particular tradition or planar gate. or your identity as the heir of some
of magic is unduly prosecuted in the area where arcane tradition hunted to extinction except for the
you reside. Whether this beliefis correct or not, you last few who cling to their aJlegiance to the order.
are an avid supporter of your society, and you look You are not completely aJone. A few others share
forward to the rare times when you receive secret your burden. Sometimes YOll note the secret sign of
communiques from other members of your society. your sentinel affiliation scribed in magical runes on
Sometimes these messages take the form of magicaJ the side of a buiJding. written on a dungeon wall. or
sendings; others are inked on parchments that are whispered in a dream. Until the next gathering of
magically treated to nash into a h upon being read. your fellow sentinels, reading these secret signposts is
Most are of the "keep the faith" variety. though a few the safest way to maintain contact with your fe)]ows
instruct you to undertake minor quests for the soci- without betraying your secret trust.
ety. So far. none of these missions have taxed you or Associated Skill: Arcana
put you in a precarious moraJ situation.
Associated Skills: Stealth, Streetwise
ARCANE MERCENARY You are on the trail of a wondrous thing. It might be a
manifestation that appears only under a full moon or
YOll work for pay. You'll take coin if that's all your an eclipse. a spe)]warped beast whose rampages lash
patron has to offer. but YOll prefer to be paid in magic. into the world from another plane. a Uch assassin who
Magic items, magical lore. magicaJ secrets-you value killed your master and stole relics meant for you, or a
these more than gold. demon child who rides an albino erpent through the
More than any other form of payment. you want dreams ofits hapless victims. Vou pledged yourself to
an artifact. Gaining an artifact is your goal. You this hu nt, knOWing full well that the nature of your
might even have a specific artifact in mind_ quarry could lead you far across the world and per-
You recognize that artifacts, as magical quasi- haps even beyond it. You know that when you finally
entities "'lith temperaments and goals aJI their own. catch what you are chaSing, a great trove of arcane
cannot be bought and sold by gold. That knowledge knowledge will be yours for the taking.
only stokes your burning desire to possess one. Associated Skills: Dungeoneering. Nature
Associated Skills: Diplomacy. History
CH A PTEH 6 I Arcane Options
You are a master of magic, a wielder and sh aper of raw arcane
power. Armed \\ith your favorite staff. sword, or other imple-
ment, you stand ready to crush the forces arrayed against you .

Thi Dl;:-';GEO:-':S & DRAGO, s®supplement presents n ew pow-

er . feats, paragon paths. and epic destinies designed for the
bard. sorcerer. swordmage, warlock, and wizard classes. It also
include the vestige pact for warlocks, rules for familiars, a new
kind of implem ent (tom es), and n ew builds and class features
that allow you to play new versions ofyour favorite arcane class-
es- from the p re cient bard or storm sorcerer to the illusionist
\\izard or summoner wizard.



ISBN: 978-0-7869-4957-'

SU9. Retail: US 529.95 CAN 534.00
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