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PEP 1- D4

What do my Study Habit Inventory Results tell me about

Understanding your learning style is a wonderful approach to examine your study habits and
choose the best strategy to study for a test or quiz. Knowing your learning style might help you improve
your study skills when it comes time for a big test. When I examined my Study habit results, I noticed
that my study habit components reflect on several levels. The scores I received were average, low, and
high, indicating that I still need to focus on my study habit factors and develop the elements that
influence my study habit.

First, my "Reading and Note-taking Techniques" yielded an average level score. It is correctly
claimed that an average score indicates that students may comprehend the information being read or
studied quickly enough. I may state that I am a person who has utilized and recorded taking notes.
When I listen to a discussion or read a report, I know how to organize and evaluate my thoughts; I think
critically about what I read; and I keep track of what I learn while listening. Taking notes during lessons
allows me, as a student, to accomplish the course's goal more comfortably and quickly grasp what is

When it comes to "Habit of Concentration," I also maintained an average score, indicating that
there is potential for development in terms of concentration habits. I am a person who focusses well
when studying yet is quickly distracted by what is around me. To concentrate on studies, we must
minimize distractions. This is a difficult task, but we must do so. While I can't eliminate all distractions, I
can make an attempt to lessen or eliminate as many as possible. One of the things to focus on is
maintaining a calm mind. Ignoring any negative ideas and focusing on good ones to concentrate and
move forward.

When it comes to "Distribution of Time and Social Relationships," I was expecting a low-level
score. It is believed that low to very low scores indicate that the learner may be readily influenced by
outside distractions and may require more time to complete the prescribed activity. My worst study
habit is cramming a lot of information the night before an exam. When it comes to studying, I struggle
the most with time management. Practicing time management will help me in this course since it will
allow me to effectively and completely finish tasks to the best of my capabilities.

By making specific plans and calendars, deadlines and due dates become less stressful and
simpler to fulfill. Creating a day planner is one of the most beneficial time management strategies I've
discovered. The concept of tiny due dates throughout the day motivates me to complete work on time.
Time management, in terms of success, will eliminate the chance of procrastination.

Finally, a High level from "General Work Habits and Attitudes." That is, students who scored high
to extremely high on this characteristic are more likely to have positive attitudes toward school and
employment in general. They have a tendency to "overlearn," or study more than is required of them.

Organizing the lesson material helps since I remember things better when they are organized. To
memorize or learn material, I practice start preparing. It also aids my memory in retaining and recalling
knowledge as necessary. This advancement will motivate me to continue studying even if I believe I have
conquered the subject, because it will only make me better and better. With these enhancements, my
exam performance should be excellent.

So, looking at myself from this vantage point, I have significant problems. There are several
areas that need to be improved. They are as follows: set goals, keep optimistic, reward yourself, create a
study environment, postpone unnecessary tasks, and most importantly, manage your time. There are
several major difficulties that hinder me from achieving the requirements of an online class. The most
important considerations, however, are time management and study space.

I am the type of person that draws hurdles since I always seem to have some massive problem
standing in my way, preventing me from succeeding. I don't blame anybody (including myself) or
anything for the difficulties in my personal or academic life. I feel it is possible to learn to overcome
some of my negative habits when it comes to studying and creating a solid plan for my academic future.

The study habit result is a huge help since they help me realize what I need to improve and what
I want to alter about myself. I want to modify the way I study in order to enhance my grades and
advance in my school. I realize that in order for me to change my study habits, I must make certain
changes in my life and surroundings. I need a purpose, activities, and goals if I'm going to change my
habit. Recourse and obstacles, I wanted to modify my study habits in order to be a better student. By
making all of these changes in my life, I will be able to become not just a successful online or normal
student, but also a responsible employee in the future.

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