Pls. Refer To Page 101 and Answer The Activity Carefully

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Learning Activity Sheets #6 in Christian Living Education 10 – 2nd Quarter, Weeks11 - 12


Lesson 1: Jesus invites us to respect the truth

LEARNING COMPETENCIES: In this lesson you will learn to.

 Describe one’s identity and vocation in truth.
 Explain the eighth commandment upholding the value of truthfulness.
 Relate the sacrament of confirmation to the eighth commandment.


The command not to bear false witness against our neighbor is grounded on God who is truth
and on our dignity being created in his image and likeness (Gensis1:27). All are of His image and
likeness whose good name must be valued and protected. In the sacrament of confirmation, we
become soldiers of God. we become the salt of the earth and light of the world. We become bearers
and heralds of the truth. We become witnesses of Christ. it is contrary to our mission of spreading the
Lord’s presence in truth if we do not keep the eighth commandment.
This chapter takes up the final specific way we are to “love our neighbors,” namely, by respecting
their honor and good name in our everyday speech. We do this through speaking truthfully, especially
in public testimony. The theme of truthful witness flows naturally from the concern for justice in the
preceding chapter. For just as we are commanded not to steal our neighbors’ goods by using false
measures and weights, so we are commanded not to steal their good name and honor by false or idle
words in conversation with others. False words pervert justice even more than false weights do, for
they pollute the source and wellspring of social relationships that ground our communities and our
whole culture.

A. Guide questions

Answer the following questions.

a. What is the law that upholds the truth?


b. What does the eighth commandment command us to do ?


c. Why should one not bear false witness against one’s neighbor?

d. Why should we protect our good name?


e. How can we keep our good name?


B. Exercises:

Activity# 1: Good Name

(Pls. refer to page 101 and answer the activity carefully)
We are asked to respect the good name of others. But that we cannot expect from others to do
the same for us. We have to protect our reputation. write down three most important ways you
learn to protect your reputation.
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Activity# 2: A. Parents advice
(Pls. refer to page 93 and answer the activity carefully)
Give three reasons why most, if not all parents and elders, say that to their children.

A. Guide questions

1. The eighth commandment upholds the truth. (You shall not bear false witness against your
neighbors) (Pls. refer to page 95)
2. The eighth commandment commands us to speak the truth in all things at all times
especially concerning the good name and honor of others. Only truth can lead us to the
truth. (Pls. refer to page 96)
3. Bearing false witness against one’s neighbors is contrary to our identity and vocation.
(Pls. refer to page 97)
4. Our good name is something we share from God who is all good and loving and can affect
our relationship with other people (Pls. refer to page 97)
5. A good name is kept by living an upright life and defending oneself from false accusation.
Through the sacrament of confirmation, we become soldiers of Christ. (Pls. refer to page 98)

Lesson 2: Jesus calls us to the truth.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES: In this lesson you will learn to.

 Explain God as the basis of the vocation.
 Discuss the meaning, ways, and hindrances in bearing witness to the truth.
 Explain the value of prayer in the call of Christ to be witness.


A witness is not free to make up his own story; he must report the facts as he saw them. If the
witnesses are credible people who give consistent witness, the case is pretty secure. In our text,
Jesus continues His defense to the Jews, who were accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath and of
making Himself equal with God (5:18). Instead of backing off and responding with horror to such
charges, Jesus sets forth His case in even stronger terms by showing that He is one with the Father
in all of His actions. He asserts (5:22-23) that the Father “has given all judgment to the Son so that all
will honor the Son even as they honor the Father.” He asserts that He has life in Himself and that in
the future He will speak and all who have ever lived will come forth from the tombs for a resurrection
either of life or of judgment (5:26, 28-29). Clearly, Jesus is claiming to be equal with God. But, how do
we know that these claims are true? What evidence backs them up? Would they hold up in court? In
answer to these questions and in deference to Jewish law, which required at least two or three
witnesses to establish any legal matter, Jesus gives a number of witnesses to verify His claims.

A. Guide questions

Answer the following questions.

a. What does the call to “witness the truth” mean?


b. Who are called to witness the truth?


c. Why witness the truth ?


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d. How can we be true witness of the truth ?

e. How can we learn the act of witnessing ?


f. Why is prayer important in being His witnesses?


B. Exercises:

Activity# 1: E. Truth in a Nutshell

Answer the question below. Write your answer in the boxes.
Why do we witness the truth?

Activity# 2: B. Learning from others.

Living in, with and for the Church, we admit that there are people who inspire us to do
good, to fight for the truth, and remain in our faith with God, recall one person who somehow
inspired you to become true witness of truth. (Pls. refer to page 114 and answer the activity

A. Guide questions

1. To be witness the truth means to live the person and the mission of Christ. ( Pls. refer to
page 108)
2. Every catholic Christian is called to witness the truth. (Pls. refer to page 109)
3. There are five points we can reflect upon as reasons for witnessing the truth.
a. Many are lost and they need Christ. b. Christ commanded us. c. Many are truly hungry
for the Gospel. d. Our heart is filled with Christ’s love. e. We have the gift of eternal life.
(Pls. refer to page 110)
4. To become true witness, one must have faith in Christ, be free from sin, and be filled with
the Holy Spirit. (Pls. refer to page 111)
5 Martyrs are good example of people who bear witness to the truth. (Pls. refer to page 111)

Holy Bible
Jade M. Diaz Signs of the times, published in 2017, Manila, Philippines, Rex Publication

Prepared by: Sr. Bala Anthony

CLE 10 Page 3 of 7

Name: _________________________________________Gr. 10 – St. Dominic Date: ___________

I Unlock the code to complete the statement

 The __________________commandment forbids us to be false witnesses (B1 Vertical)

 The commandments call us to speak the _____________ (D5horizontal)
 Bearing false witness is contrary to our ___________ and ____________ (A8 horizontal ,
D1 vertical)
 We can keep our good name by doing ___________ ____________(C2horizontal, C7
1 G E N V T O N E
2 R I G O O D P G
3 A G A C E E E G
4 V H V A D C S O
5 E T E T R U T H
6 M H E I E R O R
7 C O W O R K S A
8 I D E N T I T Y

II. Write the word True if the statement is true and false if the statement is false.
______________1. Lies causes disunity.
______________2. Truth is purely subjective. It depends on the person.
______________3. It is better to tell lies than to hurt someone with the truth.
______________4. Our good name is something we share from God.
______________5. Hypocrisy is being untrue to oneself.

III. Identify what is described in each item.

______________1. It is one of the Ten Commandment that calls one to be true witness.
______________2. He is the truth.
______________3. It is contrary to our vocation.
______________4. With this faculty or capacity, we can judge things rightly.
______________5. It is the identity we share through Christ, our brother.

B. Performance task:
Goal: The goal of the task is to bring awareness of Covid – 19
Role: A front liner
Audience: The aged parents
Situation: The COVID -19 has taken many lives of the people, how could you safe guard the
lives of people from COVID-19 especially the aged parents.
Being a front liner, you are always appreciated for your hard work and selfless service
you are asked by your CLE teacher to interview 3 to 4 aged parents to explain about
Covid-19 and their safety measures. kindly have a picture with them.
Scoring Rubrics:
Proper information - 20 points
Picture and clearness - 10 points
Total - 30 points

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Learning Activity Sheets # 7 in Christian Living Education 10 – 2nd Quarter, Weeks13 - 14


Lesson 3: Jesus grounds our community on the truth

LEARNING COMPETENCIES: In this lesson you will learn to.

 Explain our call as children of God to remain truthful.
 Discuss the offenses against the truth.
 Describe the sacrament of baptism as a pledge to live in truth.


God is God of truth. Sharing in His divine nature, we are called to live in truth not in lies. Lying
surley contradicts the nature of God and our identity. “ The sum of our word is truth; and evevry one
of your righteous ordinanaces endures forever” and now, O Lord God, you are God, and yourwords
are true” this is why God’s promises always come true. God is truth itself, whose words cannot
deceive. This is why one can abanon oneself in full trust to the truth and faithfulness of His word in all
things. The beginning is sin and of man’s fall was due to a lie of the tempter who induced doubt of
God’s word, kindness, and faithfulness. Through the sascrament of Baptism, we receive the spirit of
adoption. We become childen of God. as such, we are called to be bearers of the truth about
ourselves, of others, the world, and God. We become a “ new creation” sharers in the divine nature
not simply creatures any more, but children of God His Son, Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, who
dwells withing us.
A. Guide questions

Answer the following questions.

a. What is lying

b. Why do we lie?

c. What are the different lies according to kinds, motivations, and situations ?

d. what is the more serious lie directly against our Neighbours ?


e. what is secret?

f. What does the church call us about lying?


B. Exercises:
Activity#1: Truth in a Nutshell
(Pls. refer to page 133 and answer the activity carefully)
Connect the boxes with a line to complete the description of lying.

Saying Something Doing

Untrue Purpose Deception

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Activity# 2: Friend
(Pls. refer to page131 and answer the activity carefully)
Friendship is hard to build, harder to keep, but easy to break, it is good to look into the kind
of friendship we may want to build or to keep. Mark with a check the kind of friend you like.
_________1. Relies on me.
_________2. Keeps my secrets.
_________3. Tells others about me.
_________4. Goes with me all the time.
_________5. Is honest and truthful.
_________6. Does not argue with me.
_________7. Insist his/her point of view.
_________8. Shares his/her point of view.
_________9. Speaks out what he/she feels.
_________10. Does not tolerate my wrongdoings.
_________11. Tells me what others say about me. ‘
_________12. Stay with me only when in good situation.
_________13. Is willing to sacrifice his/her happiness for me. giving his/her loyalty to me 100%whether I am right or wrong.
_________15. Disagrees with me when he/she finds something wrong.

A. Guide questions

1. Lying is saying or doing what is untrue with the intension of deceiving. (Pls. refer to page
2. though the reasons why we lie are manifold, it starts with self- deception. (Pls. refer to
page 123)
3. Lies according to kinds, motivations, and situations include white lies, escapist lies,
carless lies, malicious lies, lies form propaganda, hypocrisy, flattery, and silence. (Pls. refer
to page 124)
4. Defamation is a lie against our neighbor. It is taking away or lessening of another man’s
fame unjustly. (Pls. refer to page 124)
5. A secret is something that known privately to a person or only a few persons. (Pls. refer
to page 125)
6. The church calls us to condemn lying. (Pls. refer to page 126)

Holy Bible
Jade M. Diaz Signs of the times, published in 2017, Manila, Philippines, Rex Publication

Prepared by:
Sr. Bala Anthony

CLE 10 Page 6 of 7

Name: _________________________________________Gr. 10 – St. Dominic Date: ___________

List down the kinds of lying and defamation.

Lie Defamation

B. Performance task:

Goal: The goal of the task is to remind the people not to gossip on other people no matter
how bad they are.
Role: As a student
Audience: Grade 10 St. Dominic
Situation: Gossiping about other people becomes a means to express their envy or hatred
out. however, do not realize how devastating it is to the victim of gossip. It is the time to remind
others not to use gossip as a form of expressing angry.

Performance/Product: You are asked by your CLE teacher to write at least five reasons
using biblical verses why gossiping should be stopped.

Scoring Rubrics:
Proper information - 20 points
Picture and clearness - 10 points
Total - 30 points

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