Asignment 7 1

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Use Of ipads

By: Isebella Chaytor

What is an IPad

An ipad is an apple touch

screen tablet that has many
different uses. It was
first made in 2010 with the
lowest listed price of
$499. In 2010 the ipad was
9.7 inches whereas now its
offered in 10.2 inches as
well as different models
such as the ipad air and
ipad pro.
How iPads are used in the

iPads can be very In my class Ipads

useful in a classroom are used with non
setting. They can be verbal students so
used to help kids they can communicate
learn with different with us about their
apps and websites. needs. It can also
Students of all ages be used as a
can find use in them teaching tool and as
for anything from a reward.
math, english,
science, etc.
● A pro about the ipad is that is can be used as a
communication device for students in special
education and even kids who are ELL.

● Instead of printing all the pecks they have a

communication device installed on the ipad so it
can only be used for that.

“An online survey was conducted on 199 male

Pro About the ipad

learners, and a simultaneous multiple regression
analysis was conducted on the data. The results
indicated that a belief in the device’s
educational potential, a sense that it was
straightforward to use, and the perception that
the infrastructure would support usage were all
significant predictors of the behavioral
intention to use iPads. Social factors did not
indicate an acceptance of the device. The
findings highlighted areas of importance for
educators intending to adopt mobile devices in
second language instruction and partially
supported the application of the UTAUT.”
● Ipads can be very expensive
once you start getting into
buying cases for them and if
the student where to break it

Cons the ipad you or the school would have

to pay to get it fixed

● Teaching kids how to use the

ipad and where to go can be
hard for some students
Video & Website

Here’s a video
on how an ipad
can be used.



Abu-Al-Aish, A., & Love, S. (2013).

Factors influencing students’ acceptance of M-Learning: An investigation in higher education. The
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(5), 82-107. Retrieved from

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