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Human Design Tools

9 Human Design Energy Centers

Human Design Tools 3 years ago

Do you wonder what the shapes

in the Human Design Body
Graph mean?
There are nine Energy Centers in the body graph and
they each show how you process information.

You can also feel the energy in the nine Human Design
centers in a defined or undefined way. Defined (colored
in) is felt in a consistent energy, it’s what you radiate
out to the world. Undefined (white) is where you take in
energy from the world around you and amplify it.

1. Head Center – Inspiration and ideas and it is a

pressure center.
Defined = Inspiration force on the planet. Only
1/8th of the population have it defined.
Undefined = Pressure to figure things out and
influenced by ideas of others. Use your Human
Design Strategy to figure out which ideas to take
action on.

2. Ajna Center – Concrete thinking, data processing,

data analysis and storage
Defined = You have a built in filing cabinet,
information goes in and sticks. Fixed way of
Undefined = Can see things from many
perspectives. Can struggle for certainty, but you
can always see it things many ways – so there is no
need to hold onto fixed ideas and beliefs.

3. Throat Center – Communication and

manifestation. The power of words and importance of
words as the creative process. If you don’t use your
Throat Center correctly, there is potential for
Defined = You speak in a specific voice based on
what gates or channels are defined in or connected
to your Throat Center. For example, if your Ajna
Center is connected to your Throat Center, you will
speak your mind.
Undefined = You have a natural ability to express
things in a way that best meets the needs of who
you are communicating with. You will be heard
better if you are recognized.

4. Self /G Center– Love, identity and direction. It is

what you are here to do.
Defined = You have a fixed sense of direction and
sense of self – who you are and you can either
embrace it or resist it. Your “why” may be
something you have known since you were little.
Undefined = You are more flexible with your life
path. You deeply understand love and may love in
many different ways. Your “why” may change daily
and you can struggle if you try to be on one set
path. You need to be in the right place with the
right people.

5. Will Center – Values, ego and willpower. This is

sometimes called the Heart Center.
Defined = You have a fixed set of values and you
have willpower. Only 1/8th of the population have
it defined. You work to rest, so make sure to build
in cycles of rest.
Undefined = You are here to be wise about what is
truly valuable., but until you understand this, you
may undervalue yourself. You do not have
consistent willpower, you may run on fumes of
energy from others, but you need to rest. Even
though society tells us to push through, it’s not
true, you are designed to rest and re-source.

6. Sacral Center – Life force and workforce energy.

It’s the energy for sex, seduction, feeding and raising
your children. Work is discovered through
Defined = You have sustainable workforce and life
force energy. Even if you dislike what you are
doing, you can force yourself to keep going. So
follow your Strategy and do what lights you up.
You will get burned out if you do too much of what
you don’t want to do. 70% have it defined.
Undefined = You can take in life force energy, but
you don’t sustain it, so you need to take breaks.
You will work in cycles according to your Human
Design Strategy. You are wise about management
of energy. 30% have it undefined.

7. Spleen Center – Time, intuition, health and

instinct for survival. They are a reactive response to
help you survive but we don’t need many of these
animal instincts in our daily life, so we then just
experience them at fears that can keep us stuck.
Defined = You have a defined way of receiving
intuition. You have a strong immunity, but you
may not realize you are sick until it’s too late and
then you get really sick.
Undefined = You have varied ways of receiving
intuition. You are highly sensitive and can be
medically empathic – where you feel others’ health.
You may struggle in society’s definition of time
because you can get lost in time.

8. Emotional Solar Plexus Center – Emotions and

creativity. It’s the energy for romance, poetry,
seduction, war, intimacy, marriage, nature, spirit,
abundance and imagination.
Defined = You have emotional waves that osculate
up and down. You have to wait for emotional
clarity when you make decisions. The wave is all
about emotions – it’s outward creativity on the top
and inward reflection on the bottom.
Undefined = You are an emotional empath, you can
feel other people’s emotions. You may avoid truth
and conflict because it’s hard to feel strong
emotions – especially if they are negative. Be a
screen, not a sponge – let the emotions go right
through you and not get stuck.

9. Root Center – Adrenaline pressure and stress.

Defined = You have pulses of adrenaline that turn
on and off. It can be hard to do things when the
pulse is “off”, but when it’s “on” you have a burst of
adrenaline. You do alright with stress.
Undefined = You are under pressure to do things,
you might even have a never-ending to-do list that
you maintain because when everything is done, you
will be free. Your list will always be there, so just
ask yourself every day, what is the worst thing that
will happen if I don’t do this today? Usually the
answer is nothing!

You will also notice that if you look at your own Human
Design Chart, some of the Centers are filled in with
color and some are white. This is what is called
definition and you can read more here.

If you don ‘t have your Human Design chart yet, get

your free chart.

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Tags: Chakra centers, Energy Centers, human design

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