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I. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD to fill in each blank. (1m)

1. Inside the larynx there are two flaps of muscle which are called the vocal ________.
2. The space between two flaps of muscle inside the larynx is known as the ________.
3. Three variables in this vibration that are relevant in speech are ________, frequency and
4. These ________ cardinal vowels are a standard reference system used to describe, classify
and compare vowels.
5. The shortening effect of p, t, k is sometimes known as ________ clipping.
6. In studying speech, we divide this stream into small pieces that we call ________.
7. When a word-initial consonant causes a change in a final consonant at the end of the word
that precedes it, the assimilation is called ________.
8. If the first syllable of the word in question begins with a vowel, we say that this initial
syllable has a ________ onset.
9. Stress is studied from the points of view of production and of ________.
10. ________ are the different realizations of a phoneme depending on the phonetic
environment the phoneme occurs in.

II. Decide whether each of the following sentences is true or false. Write T for
true and F for false. (1m)
1. ……… Voiced stops are aspirated when they are at the initial position of a word.

2. ……… When the soft palate is raised, the air can pass through the nose.

3. ……… Fricatives are continuant consonants, which means that you can continue making

them without interruption.

4. ……… Syllable-final fortis consonants have the effect of shortening a preceding vowel.

5. ……… Affricates begin as plosives and end as fricatives.

6. ……… The maximum number of consonants for an English coda is four.

7. ……… Alveolar is produced with the lower lip is in contact with the upper teeth.

8. ……… Syllabic consonant is a syllable which contains no vowel at all.

9. ……… Function words in co-ordinated structures are pronounced in weak forms.

10. ……… Stressed syllables are recognised as stressed because they are more prominent

than unstressed syllables.

III. How many phonemes are there in the following words? What is the phonetic
symbol for the last sound in each and what are its phonetic features? (2ms)
Number of Phonetic features of the last sound
E.g. pat 3 [t] – plosive, alveolar, voiceless

1. tape _________ ___________________________________

2. cloth _________ ___________________________________

3. cash _________ ___________________________________

4. man _________ ___________________________________

5. aisle _________ ___________________________________

IV. Identify the vowels in the following words and provide the articulatory
description. (2ms)
No. Word Length Height Frontness / Roundness
0 cat short low front unrounded
1 bird
2 cup
3 book
4 said
5 heat

V. Identify how many syllables there are in the following words. (1m)
0 engineer: 3
vegetable opera
lovely colonel
antique finale
suicide naturally
conference challenges

VI. Use narrow transcription to transcribe the following words phonetically. (1m)

0. style [ staɪɫ ] velarization
1. kite [ ] shortening
2. come [ ] aspiration
3. bank [ ] nasalization
4. width [ ] dentalization
5. avoid [ ] devoicing
6. party [ ] flapping
7. do it [ ] linking
8. eagle [ ] syllabicity
9. ask him [ ] elision
10. would you [ ] assimilation

VII. Mark the stress (') on the following words.

Example 'father

1. interviewee 11. political

2. virtuality 12. sociolinguistics
3. perspective 13. homelessness
4. semi-circle 14. archaeology
5. pandemic 15. content (n)
6. economic 16. Japanese
7. analysis 17. freedom
8. comment 18. specific
9. navigation 19. parachute
10. memorial 20. cigarette

--- THE END ---

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