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Traditional Houses of Malaysia

TUkang – Master Craftsman

House Owner works with the Tukang for the Construction of the House, then mistress is called to
measure her “Depa” or arm span.

Hasta – Tip of the finger to the Elbow joint

Jengkal – Finger Width

Measurement system is personalized

Malay House – Rural dwelling, doors on all sides , with generous kitchen

Basic Construction of Malay House – use of Wedges, Cantilivered Construction, Floor Construction,
Column Construction

Post and Lintel – 9, 12, and 16 post set

House is suspended held by vertical beams

Malay House Plan

Tiang Seri – Naval Posts

Raised in Stilts

East West Bearing ( has a religious significance

Serembi – Male reception area ( Living and Sleeping Area of adult males and reception area for male
guests} Face of the House

Rumah Ibu – Main house “Mother of the House” private section of the house

Dapur – Kitchen ( Used by Female Members of the Household, served as reception for female guests)
Functional Part of the House, Service Area

Stairs – Two Staircases ( One at the Front, One at the Back)

Traditional Roof “Bumbung Panjang” Overhangs at the front and rear, made of nipa and Rueda

House Horns used for Chiefs

Carving Wood

Floor – “Rasuk” Floor Beam, “Gelegar” Floor Joist, “Pelancar” Secondary Beam, “Papan Lantai” Timber

Cladding- vital part of the house, not a feature of value

Access to flights of ladders or stairs with odd numbers of steps

Decoration of Carving Rather than Paint

Traditional Houses of Indonesia
Foreign Influences: China North East, India, arabia, and Europe in the North West

Cultural Dynamics (most prevalent Influence India)

Vegetation (forests, bamboo and palm trees used as roof cladding walls and fences, timber (post and
beam, structural frame) clay tiles (java bali region), Wood Shingles ( KAlamantan Island), and thatch
made of palm trees (Sumatra eastern regions of Indo)

Pitched or Gable roof (widespread) straight or curved edge, rectangular or square plan

Developed building techniques to fit local traditions.

Houses built for close interactions, second from protecting inhabitants from the weather

Three Major Clusters of Typologies

Varies from North to South and west to east (west and south similar because of geographical setting)

 Haystack Houses – eastern Indonesia

 Raised Floor Houses – java and bali (home to 65% of people) varies from wealth of owner
 Houses on Stilts – Islands of Kalamantan, selebesi (crossed ventilation, enters cool brese from
below the house, prevents insects

RUMAH ADAT – there is no architect, made houses on their own with help of carpenter or master

Ethic groups of Indonesia vary as they vary from different architecture also

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