Nationalization by Taxation

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May 4, 2011

“If potash companies objected to the point of shutting down operations and leaving the province, that
wouldn’t pose a problem because Saskatchewan has mined potash before, Lingenfelter says.”
- Melville Advance, April 13, 2011

Nationalization by Taxation: Lingenfelter Prepared to Drive Out Potash Companies With High Taxes and
Have Government Take Over

NDP Leader Dwain Lingenfelter says driving potash companies out of the province with high royalty rates
wouldn’t pose a problem because the government could just take over.

Speaking at a recent NDP nomination meeting in Melville, Lingenfelter said an NDP government would raise
potash royalty rates up to 50 to 80 per cent of profits, according to an article in the April 13, 2011 Melville

If potash companies objected to the point of shutting down operations and leaving the province, that wouldn’t
pose a problem because Saskatchewan has mined potash before, Lingenfelter said.

Saskatchewan Energy and Resources Minister Bill Boyd said it is astonishing that Lingenfelter is prepared to
drive one of Saskatchewan’s most successful industries out of the province.

“Today, there are 4,000 people working in the potash industry and thousands of more jobs are being created
through billions of dollars of new expansions of potash mines,” Boyd said. “Yet Dwain Lingenfelter says he
would have no problem driving potash companies out of the province.

“Dwain Lingenfelter may have no problem with driving the potash industry out of our province and putting
thousands of people out of work, but we have a big problem with that. His plan would destroy the potash
industry and drive Saskatchewan right back to being a ‘have not’ province.”

Lingenfelter also contradicted his previous statements about a “review” of potash royalties, saying it would be
possible to have a new royalty structure implemented almost immediately after the election.

“So much for Lingenfelter’s so-called review,” Boyd said. “He has his ‘nationalization by taxation’ plan ready
to go – jack up taxes, drive out the potash companies and have the government take over.”

Boyd said Lingenfelter’s plan to re-nationalize the potash industry would kill investment in every part of
Saskatchewan’s economy.

“Who would want to invest in a province where the government thinks it’s okay to drive companies out of the
province and just take them over?” Boyd said. “That’s the kind of backward NDP thinking that held
Saskatchewan back for years. Today, Saskatchewan is moving forward and we’re not going to let Dwain
Lingenfelter drag us back.”

-30 –

Contact Lisa Mrazek

(306) 787-4300

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