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One of the most representative authors who has contributed with his theories to my

uan of de most representatib audors ju jas contribut guit jis teoris to mi

field of study is Idalberto Chiavenato, Among his works, the book General Theory

faild of estudi is Idalberto Chiavenato, among jis gorcs, de buc general teori

of Administration can be found. In this book, the author stated some principles of

of administreicion can bi faund. In tis buc, de autor esteid som prainciples of

the administration theory that are the core foundations in this professional area.

de administreicion teori dat ar de cor fundeicions in tis profesional eiria

Likewise, he said that the relevance of these theories must be oriented towards

laikgaise, ji seid, dat de relevans of de tis teoris most bi orientet tugards

the understanding of professional behavior and reflective human beings.

de underestanding of profesional bijeivior and reflectiv jiuman biings

In the same extent, in the Human Resources Administrations book, Idalberto stated
in de seim extent, in de jiuman risurses adminitreicions buc, Idalberto estat

that the human capital has not only to do with physical capacities, but also with

dat de jiuman capital jas not onli tu du guit fisical capacitiis, but also guit

creativity, decision – making and intelligence in order to make a difference and to

creativiti, decision, meiking and intelingens in order tu meic a diferens and tu

develop and active role within a company and the society itself.

develoup and activ rol guitin a companu and de society itself

Finally, the author said that people are the key element in public, private

Fainali, de autor sied dat pipol ar de ki element in public, privait

organizations, profit or non- profit companies, since they are the ones who provide

organizeicion, profait or not profait companis, sins dei ar de uans ju provait

it with the ideas and energy to make it work.

it guit de aidias and enegi to meic it guorc

When I finish my university studies, I will have a brilliant career. I will contribute to

guen ai finis mai universiri estudis, i guil jab a briliant carier, i guil contribiut to

our society’s development and progress by being an honest and proactive worker. I

our societi, development and progres bai biin an jonest and proactiv guorker, ai

will be able to develop specific administrative tasks related to my area of

guil bi eibel to develop especific administrativ tascs relaitet tu mai eiria of

knowledge, to reflect upon my professional practices and to take an active role

nouleg,tu reflect upon mai profesional practis and to teic an activ rol

within my community.

guitin mai comuiniri

When I Finish my undergraduate program, I will run my own business, so I can

guen ai finis mai undergrued program, i guil ran mai oun bisnes, so ai can
provide people with the opportunities of getting a job. I will apply all the knowledge

proviaid pipol guit de oportunitis of gering a yop, ai guil aplai al de nouleg

that I have acquired along the time I spent at the university and all the experience I

dat ai jab acuairt alon de taim i espent ar de universiri and al de experiens ai

have gained there as well.

jab geint ter as guel

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