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By: Tira Nur Fitria
Interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who
have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the
stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the "standard"
interview questions you will most likely be asked. Also review
sample answers to these typical interview questions.

Then take the time to research the company. That way you'll
be ready with knowledgeable answers for the job interview
questions that specifically relate to the company you are
interviewing with.
Interview Questions: Work History

1.Name of company, position title and description, dates of employment.

2.What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?

3.What were your starting and final levels of compensation? - What were your responsibilities?

4.What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?

5.Which was most / least rewarding?

6.What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position?

7.Questions about your supervisors and co-workers.

8.What was it like working for your supervisor? What were his strengths and shortcomings?

9.Who was your best boss and who was the worst?

10.Why are you leaving your job?

11.What have you been doing since your last job?

12.Why were you fired?

Job Interview Questions About You
1.Describe a typical work week. -
2.Do you take work home with you? -

3.How many hours do you normally work? -

4.How would you describe the pace at which you work? -

5.How do you handle stress and pressure? -

6.What motivates you? -

7.What are your salary expectations? -

8.What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? -

9.Tell me about yourself. -

10.What has been the greatest disappointment in your life? -

11.What are your pet peeves? -

12.What do people most often criticize about you? -

13.When was the last time you were angry? What happened? -

14.If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently? -

15.If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?
Job Interview Questions About You

1.Describe a typical work week. -

2.Do you take work home with you? -
3.How many hours do you normally work? -
4.How would you describe the pace at which you work? -
5.How do you handle stress and pressure? -
6.What motivates you? -
7.What are your salary expectations? -
8.What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make? -
9.Tell me about yourself. -
10.What has been the greatest disappointment in your life? -
11.What are your pet peeves? -
12.What do people most often criticize about you? -
13.When was the last time you were angry? What happened? -
14.If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently? -
15.If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?
16.Do you prefer to work independently or on a team? -
17.Give some examples of teamwork. -
18.What type of work environment do you prefer? -
19.How do you evaluate success? -
20.If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it? -
21.Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it. -
22.Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it. -
23.More job interview questions about your abilities. -
24.More job interview questions about you. -
Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company
1.What interests you about this job? -
2.Why do you want this job? -

3.What applicable attributes / experience do you have? -

4.Are you overqualified for this job? -

5.What can you do for this company? -

6.Why should we hire you? -

7.Why are you the best person for the job? -

8.What do you know about this company? -

9.Why do you want to work here? -

10.What challenges are you looking for in a position? -

11.What can you contribute to this company? -

12.Are you willing to travel? -

13.Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company

that you would like to know? -

Interview Questions: The Future
What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to

you? -
What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?

How do you plan to achieve those goals? -


What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term?


Questions about your career goals. -
1.The first interview happened at my university.  What goes
on in a
2nd interview?
2.How do I handle questions about my grades
or requests for my transcripts?
3.I am currently going through the interview process for a su
internship.  I wanted to know how honest
should I be during an interview.
4.It's my first job.  What can I do/say to convince the intervi
ewers I will be able to handle the job despite my
lack of experience?
5.You have a degree
.  Don't you think this position is a bit below your capabi
1.How can I ask the interviewer to negotiate (my salary)
, after the fact that I have already given him my price?  T
he interviewer acted as if the figure I gave was more than
what he had in mind.

2.What do you expect your starting salary to be?

I will need to take a step back in salary. I don't know how to
handle the question " What is your current salary"?
1.What are is the Situation Task Action Results (S.T.A.R.) method?
2.What is the proper way to ask for relocation packages and interview fees?
3.How do you explain why you are now returning to work after many years of child rearing?
4.How would a person deal with questions as to why they might have been off work due to a
previous injury?
5.I have a job interview and my baby is due in three weeks.  The company does not know that I
am expecting.
6.I have just been released from jail.   Any suggestions about interviewing with a felony record?
7.I have been employed as a temp with different companies.  How do I answer the question,
"Why have I had so many employers in the last two years?""
8.I am a female seeking a job in a male-oriented profession.  How do I show the interviewer
that I am not afraid to get my "pretty, clean hands dirty"?
9.What is a women's dress code for interviewing?
10.What steps can I take to increase my effectiveness in a telephone interview?
1.If hired, how soon will you be able to start work?
2.How do you explain being terminated from your last position
particularly when that position gave you the skills that you'll need to
succeed in your career field?
3.What do I say if I don't want a prospective employer to contact my
current employer?
4.What if a person has years of experience, but no college degree to
back it up?
5.What is the best way to "close" an interview?
6.With all your experience why would you want to take an entry
position job?
1.After an interview, when do I write a thank you letter?
2.Do I send a follow-up thank you letter after a second interview?
3.How long after the interview before I call to see if I have been hired?  What do
I say or ask?
4.How much follow-up is enough?  I have sent follow up letters and have made
numerous follow up calls to a start-up firm.
5.When do you notify a prospective employer of nonrefundable vacation plans?
Here's a listing of the questions, click on the question to review Matt and Nan's expert analysis.
1.Describe a challenging work issue you had to face, and how you dealt with it?
2.How do you handle conflict?
3.If you were on a merry-go-round, what song would be playing?  If you were going to be an animal on the merry-g
o-round, what would you be?"

4.In what way do you think you can contribute to our company?
5.Tell me a story.
6.Tell me about a time when you tried and failed.
7.Tell us about your analytical skills.
8.What are some of the things you find difficult to do?
9.What are your short and long term goals?
10.What can you add to what we have already asked you that should make us want to hire you?
11.What does "customer service" mean to you?
12.What do you wish to gain from our company?
13.What do you know about our company?
14.What do you think the employee's responsibilities are to the company?
15.What is your biggest weakness?
16.What motivates you?
17.What things make a good team member?
18.Why do you feel we should hire you for this position?
19.Why do you want to change jobs?
Why do you want to leave this job after only four months?

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