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List down 5 Filipino Health practices then explain its benefit or detriment in relation to

COVID 19 crisis. 50 points (10 points each)

Filipino Health Practices Benefits Detriments

1. Suob or Steam Steam inhalation may fight There is no proof that this
Inhalation symptoms of COVID-19 can cure sicknesses like
and cause relief such as Covid-19, and it can
eased breathing. It does actually cause injuries such
increase nasal patency and as burns or severe scalds
help in breathing properly
and alleviating cold
2. Faith healers Faith healing promotes There is no real
peace of mind and it improvement in the state of
reduces stress for some the patient has ever been
people who believe recorded after faith healing
especially with the COVID practices. Even when it
19 crisis in which it also does not result in death, it
strengthens their will to live. often prevents patients from
Patients who think that their receiving timely medical
condition is pre-determined assistance.
by the divine power usually
feel calmer, more positive,
and cheerful.
3. Self-Medication The symptoms of COVID- Incompatible medication by
19 may easily be treated by patient’s own choice may
self-medications such as result in treatment failures
fever, cough and headache. while making the
In addition to that, self- coronavirus disease more
medication empowers complicated.
individuals to resist with the
existing coronavirus
disease by their own
perception and
4. Herbalism and Plant Herbal and Plant medicines Herbal and plant medicines
Medicine are rich in variety of are not FDA-approved,
compounds that have been which means that they have
used in medications for not passed safety, efficacy,
thousands of years in which and human clinical trials.
may also treat symptoms of
5. Hilot Aches and pains are two of Hilot may put someone at
the symptoms of the risk of nerve injuries, blood
COVID-19 which can be clots, bone fractures and
treated by hilot. This type of further damage to muscle
health practice helps which may increase aches
alleviate symptoms by and pains to a person with
relieving pain, and pinched COVID-19.
nerves which may help a
person having a COVID-19
in reducing the aches and

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