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Question 11.

Given a two-way ANOVA with two levels for factor A, five levels for factor B, and four
replicates in each of the 10 cells, with SSA=18, SSB=64, SSE=60, and SST=150

a) form the ANOVA summary table and fill in all values in the body of the table.

Source Degrees of Sum of Mean Square F

Freedom Squares (Variance)
A 1 18 18 9
B 4 64 16 8
AB 4 8 2 1
Error 30 60 2
Total 39 150

Factor Critical value of F at 0.05

A F 0.05 ( 1,30 ) =4.17

B F 0.05 ( 4,30 )=2.69
AB F 0.05 ( 4,30 )=2.69

b) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an effect due to factor A?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is

greater than 4.17, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with1
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =9, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor A

c) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an effect due to factor B?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is

greater than 2.69, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with4
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =8, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor B

d) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an interaction effect?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is
greater than 2.69, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with 4
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =1, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor AB

Question 11.20

Source Degrees of Sum of Mean Square F

Freedom Squares (Variance)

A 2 160 80 16
B 4 220 55 11.0
AB 8 80 10 2
Error 30 150 5
Total 44 610

Factor Critical value of F at 0.05

A F 0.05 ( 2,30 ) =3.32

B F 0.05 ( 4,30 )=2.69
AB F 0.05 ( 8,30 ) =2.27

e) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an effect due to factor A?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is

greater than 3.32, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with2
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =16, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor A

f) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an effect due to factor B?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is

greater than 2.69, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with4
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =11, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor B

g) at the 0.05 level of significance, is there an interaction effect?

using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if computed F STAT is

greater than 2.27, the upper-tail critical value from F-distribution with 8
and 30 degree of Freedom. Because F STAT =2, reject H 0 and conclude there
is an effect due to factor AB.

Question 11.22
At the 0.05 level of significance,

a) is there an interaction between die temperature and die diameter?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-

value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value (0.0799)>alpha value(0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is no significant evidence of interaction
between filling time and mold temperature.
b) is there an effect due to die temperature?

P-value for die temperature is 0.018 > 0.05 we do not reject the null
hypothesis that there is no significant evidence of interaction due to filling
c) is there an effect due to die diameter?

P-value for die diameter is 0.004< 0.05 so we reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is significant evidence due to die temperature
hence there is an effect due to die temperature.
d) Plot the mean unit density for each die temperature for each die diameter.
e) What can you conclude about the effect of die temperature and die diameter on mean
unit density?

The mean absolute density is reducing with increase in the die temperature.
In increase in the die diameter causes a decrease on the mean absolute
temperature. The relationship between both die temperature and die
diameter is inversely proportional to the mean absolute density.
Question 11.23

At the 0.05 level of significance,

a) is there an interaction between die temperature and die diameter?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-

value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value (0.561)>alpha value(0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is no significant evidence of interaction
between die temperature and die diameter.
b) is there an effect due to die temperature?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-

value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value(0.269)>alpha value (0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is no significant evidence due to die
c) is there an effect due to die diameter?
Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-
value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value (0.362)>alpha value(0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is no significant evidence due to die

d) Plot the mean foam diameter for each die temperature and die diameter.

e) What conclusions can you reach concerning the importance of each of these two
factors on the foam diameter?

Increase in mean die diameter causes decrease in the mean foam diameter
whereas increase in die temperature causes decrease in the mean foam

Question 11.24
At the 0.05 level of significance,

a) is there an interaction between filling time and mold temperature?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-

value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value (0.102)>alpha value(0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and
therefore conclude that there is no significant evidence of interaction
between filling time and mold temperature.
b) is there an effect due to filling time?
Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-
value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value ( 0.0019 ) <alpha value(0.05) so reject the null hypothesis and therefore
conclude that there is significant evidence due to filling time.
c) is there an effect due to mold temperature?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-

value is less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value ( 0.0311 ) <alpha value(0.05) so reject the null hypothesis and therefore
conclude that there is significant evidence due to mold temperature.

d) Plot the mean warpage for each filling time for each mold temperature

e) If appropriate, use the Tukey multiple comparison procedure to determine which of

the filling times and mold temperatures differ.
f) Discuss the results of (a) through (e).

There is no significant evidence of interaction between filling time and

mold temperature. There is significant evidence due to filling time hence
the null hypothesis is rejected. Basing on computed
p−value greater than alpha value (0.05)the null hypothesis rejected and its
concluded that there is significant evidence due to mold temperature.

Question 11.25
At the 0.05 level of significance,

a). is there an interaction between the breakoff pressure and the stopper height?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-value is
less than the alpha value. Because our computed
p−value (0.6396)>alpha value(0.05) do not reject the null hypothesis and therefore
conclude that there is no significant evidence of interaction between the
breakoff pressure and the stopper height.
b). is there an effect due to the breakoff pressure?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-value is
less than the alpha value. Because our computed p−value(0.235)>alpha value (0.05)
do not reject the null hypothesis and therefore conclude that there is no
significant evidence due to the breakoff pressure.
c). is there an effect due to the stopper height?

Using 0.05 level of significance reject null hypothesis if the computed p-value is
less than the alpha value. Because our computed p−value(0.235)>alpha value (0.05)
do not reject the null hypothesis and therefore conclude that there is no
significant evidence due to the stopper height.
d). Plot the percentage breakoff for each breakoff pressure for each stopper height.

e). Discuss the results of (a) through (d).

There is no significant evidence of interaction between filling time and mold

temperature. There is significant evidence due to filling time hence the null
hypothesis is rejected. Basing on computed p−value greater than alpha value (0.05)the
null hypothesis rejected and its concluded that there is significant evidence due
to mold temperature.

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