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Nikki M.


Skills: Writing

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students will be able to:

 Differentiate direct speech from indirect speech

 Use writing skills to answer complex questions

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Direct and Indirect Speech


Materials: Video about direct and indirect speech, visual aids

Values Integration: self confidence, creativeness

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Greetings
2. Prayer
The teacher will choose a student to lead the prayer
3. Checking of attendance
4. Review of lesson
 Class, what was our discussion yesterday?
 What do we mean by tenses of verb?
 What are the tenses of verb?

B. Motivation

The teacher will show a video related to the lesson

Motive question:
What is the video all about?


Class, our lesson for today is all about direct and indirect speech.

F. Lesson Proper
The teacher will discuss direct and indirect speech including the rules.


1. When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it called direct speech.

Example. He said, "I am going to school."

2. When the main idea of a speakers words are reported by another person and the exact

words are not quoted, it is called indirect speech.

Example. He said that he was going to school.


1. In converting direct to indirect speech, the conjunction "that" is added before the indirect


2. The pronoun "I" in direct speech is changed to "he" in indirect speech.

3. In changing direct speech to indirect speech, the tenses, modals, pronouns, place and

time must often be change.

After discussing, the teacher will read a direct speech and the students will be the one to

convert the statement to indirect speech by writing it in a piece of paper.

G. Abstraction

The teacher will ask the students to recall what is direct and indirect speech.

H. Application

In this activity, student needs to find their partner.


1. Each pair has to agree on who would be the interviewer/journalist and interviewee

2. They need to agree on what occupation/profession the interviewee would be.

3. The interviewer need to ask 5 questions and to be answered by the interviewee.

4. The journalist need to write all the answer of the interviewee.

5. The teacher will give 2 points each per correct question and answer.

IV. Evaluation

Get 1 whole sheet of paper.

A. Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

1. "I never eat meat," he explained.

2. He said, "I'm waiting for Ann."

3. She said, "I have found a ballpen."

4. He said, "I have been waiting for ages."

5. "I took it home with me," he said.

B. Change the following sentences from indirect speech to direct speech.

1. She said that she didn't like fish.

2. She said that she's reading a book.

3. He said that he's tired of being poor.

4. She said that she's cute.

5. He said that he might be late.

V. Assignment

Direction: Watch a news and report it. Write your answer in a one whole sheet of paper.

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