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Part I

1.1 Introduction:
In this chapter, we shall discuss a new type of transform, Z-transform.
The progress of communication engineering is based on discrete analysis.
Z-transform plays an important role in solving difference equation which
represents a discrete system. Thus, the study of Z-transform is necessary
part for engineers and scientists. Z-transform has many properties like
Laplace transform but Z-transform operates on sequences {un } of discrete
integer-(½) valued arguments (k = 0, ∓ 1, ∓ 2,.. . . .) and Laplace
transform operates on a continuous function that is the main difference
between these transforms.

1.2 Z -Transform definition:

Let {x k } be a sequence defined for discrete values k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...... then,
the Z-transform of sequence {x k } is denoted by Z(xk ) and defined s:
œ œ
Z( xk ) = Σ xk z – k = Σ k=X z
( ) … … (1)
k =– œ k =– œ z
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Provided the infinite series (1) is convergent and X is a function of
complex number z.
For k < 0, x k = 0; the Z-transform is defined as:
œ œ
Z ( x k) = Σ xk z – k = Σ k
… … (2)
k=O k=Oz
As this is an infinite summation it will not always converge. The set of
values of Z for which it exists is called the region of convergence. The
sequence, xO, x1, x2 , …, x n , …, is a function of an integer, however, its Z-
transform is a function of a complex variable z. The operation of taking
the Z-transform of the sequence x k is represented by:
Z{x k } = F(z).

1.3 Sequences:

Example 1.1:
Find the Z-transform of the unit impulse sequence {ðk} = {1,0,0,… …, }

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Example 1.2:
Find the Z-transform of the unit step sequence {Uk } = {1,1,1, … …, }

Example 1.3:
Find the Z-transform of the causal sequence { a k } = {1, a, a 2 , a 3 ,… … }

Example 1.4:
Find the Z-transform of the finite sequence 1, 0, 0.5, 3.

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We multiply the terms in the sequence by z = z – k , where k = 0, 1, 2, . .
and then sum the terms, giving:
0 0. 5 3
F( z) = 1 + ( ) + ( 2 ) + ( 3 ) + ⋯
z z z
Example 1.5:
Find the Z-transform of the sequence { x k } = { k} = {0, 1, 2, 3,… … }.

expression in Z as :

In general;
d …… (3)
Z ( k n ) = −z dz [ Z(k n– 1 ] , n∈N
By the definition, we have:

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Z( kn) = Σ kn z – k
And; Z(k n–1 ) = Σ k n– 1 z – k by replacing (n) by ( n − 1) … (4)
Differentiating (4) w.r.t. z, we get:
d d œ œ
n– 1 n – 1
[ Z(k ] = [ Σ k z ] = Σ k n – 1 (−k)z –
– k
dz k – 1 dz
= −z – 1 Σ k n z – k = −z –1 [ Z ( k n )]

Thus; d pror ed
Z ( k n ) = −z dz[ Z(k n–1 ] ,

Example 1.6:
Find Z-transform for k 2 .
Taking n = 2 in (3), we get:
d d z 1. (z − 1)2 − 2z(z − 1)
Z (k ) = −z dz [Z(k ] = −z [ 2 ] = 4
dz (z − 1) (z − 1 )
z(z − 1)
(z − 1)3
1.4 Table of Z-Transform:

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1.5 Properties of Z-Transform:
1.5.1 Linearity:

Example 6:
Find Z-transform for 3k − 5e – 2 k .

1.5.2 First shifting theorem (Shifting to the


Example 1.7:

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Example 1.8:
Find Z(k + 1).

1.5.3 Second shifting theorem (Shifting to the


Example 1.9:
Find Z(x k –
3 ). Solution:

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1.5.4 Translation:

Example 1.10:
Find Z(2 k k).

1.5.5 Final value theorem:

Example 1.11: k
( ) .
Find limk→œ 2
z 2z
F ( 1 )k = =
2 z−
1 2z
−1 2

Example 1.12:
Using the final value theorem to find the final value of the sequence with
the following Z-transform:

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F(z) = 10z2 + 2z
(z − 1)(5z − 1)2

1.5.6 The initial value theorem:

Example 1.13:
Find the initial value of the sequence ( a k ) .

1.5.7 The derivative of the


Example 1.14:
Prove that;
F ( ka k) =
(z − a ) 2

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Part II
Inverse Z-transforms
1. Introduction:
There are many times when, given the Z-transform of a sequence, it is not
possible to immediately read off the sequence from the Table of
transforms. Instead some manipulation may be required and, as with
Laplace transform.

2. Inverse Z- Transform definition:

2.3 Method of manipulation:

2.3.1 By partial fractions:

Example 1:
Find the sequence { x k } for the following Z- transform:
F(z) =
z 2 − 5z + 6

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Example 2:
Find the sequence { x k } for the following Z- transform:
F( z) =
( z2 − 4z + 4)(z + 2)


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2.3.2 Convolution Theorem:
If Z – 1 F ( z ) = x k and Z – 1 G( z) = g k , then:

Z – 1 [F(z). G(z)] = Σ xm . g k – m = xk ∗ g k
Where, the symbol ∗ denotes the convolution operation.
We have; œ œ

Z{ xk } = F(z) = Σ x k z – k and Z { g k } = G( z) = Σ gk z– k
œ œ m=O

∴ F ( z) . G ( z) = Σ xk z – k . Σ gk z– k
k=O m=O

= (xO + x 1 z – 1 + x 2 z – 2 + x 3 z – 3 + … … + x k z – k )
× ( gO + g 1 z – 1 + g 2 z – 2 + g 3 z – 3 + … … +
gk z– k )

= Σ( xO gk
+ x1 gk – 1 +
x2 gk – 2 +
… … + xk – 1
g 1 + x k gO )
z– k
Z( xOgk
+ x1 gk – 1
+ x2 gk –
Z–1 [ ] by conrolution tℎeorem
2 + …… ( z − 2)2
+ xk – 1
g1 + xk
We have;
gO 2)
Z [ ] = 2k
= (Σz − x2m) .
∴ gZk– –1m[ z 2 ] = Z – 1 [( z ) ( z )]
m=O(z − 2)2 (z(− 2)
Hence; z − 2)

Z – 1 [F(z). G(z)] = Σ x m . gPages

12 of 21

k k

= Σ 2 m . 2 k – m = 2k Σ
2 m . 2 – m = 2 k (1+ k)
m=O m=O

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Part III
Recurrence Relation
(Difference Equation)
3.1 Introduction:

= 1, is of order (2), because the maximum shift

x k+2 – x k+1 − x k
between terms in the relation is (2), that is form k to k +

3.2 Initial terms:

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3.3 Solving of recurrence relation:
If the sequence { x k } satisfies a recurrence relation with given initial
conditions then the general term of the sequence can be found by using
the Z-transform where F { x k } = F( z) , this referred to as solv ng the
recurrence relation.

Example 3.1:
Using the Z-transform, Solve: x k+2 – 3xk+1 + 6x k = 1, with:
xO = 0, x1 = 1 for k = 0, 1, 2,. . . .. .

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Example 3.2:
Using the Z-transform, Solve: xk+2 – x k = 1, with:
xO = 0, x1 = −1 for k = 0, 1, 2,. . . .. .

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Supplementary Problems:

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