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History of Terrorism

Terrorism was being used by

governments instead of
18th civilians. "The Reign of Terror",

was a period of time during
the French Revolution where
anybody suspected of being
an enemy was killed by the

After the invention of

dynamite, terrorists began

using bombs. They used them
to rid Russia of its autocratic
czarist government or to get
rid of their government in

Ideological terrorism started

to hit the liberal and affluent
nations of western Europe.
Their goal was never quite
known but they were fed up
with capitalism.

600 attacks against civilians

and military targets due to

indigenous and foreign
terrorist campaigns in the
United States. America's
beliefs and politics also made
a huge target for abroad

Domestic terrorism frequency

is reduced due to the success
of counterterrorist activities.
1980s An attack in 1983 pushed
congress to pass a statute that
makes it a federal crime for a
terrorist to threaten, detain,
seize, kill, or injure an
American citizen abroad.

The first major use of

chemical weapons by
terrorists took place.

1990s Technology is starting to

become a big role in
terrorism, which could have
assisted the escalation of
dramatic incidents of
terrorism in the 90s.

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