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1.What is biodiversity?


It is the variety of life on Earth, in all its forms and all its interactions. If that sounds bewilderingly
broad, that’s because it is. More formally, biodiversity is comprised of several levels, starting with
genes, then individual species, then communities of creatures and finally entire ecosystems, such
as forests or coral reefs, where life interplays with the physical environment.

2. Define biotechnology and give its importance. 3pts

Biotechnology is technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to
develop or create different products. Biotechnology covers many different disciplines (eg.
genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, etc.). New technologies and products are developed
every year within the areas of eg. medicine (development of new medicines and therapies),
agriculture (development of genetically modified plants, biofuels, biological treatment) or
industrial biotechnology (production of chemicals, paper, textiles and food). Its importance has
helped improve food quality, quantity and processing. It also has applications in manufacturing,
where simple cells and proteins can be manipulated to produce chemicals.

3. Give the meaning of genetically modified organisms or GMO and write how it is created. 3pts

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms whose genetic material has been
artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. This creates combinations of
plant, animal, bacteria, and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional
crossbreeding methods. GMOs are created by selecting and inserting a particular gene into a plant
to produce a desired trait.

4. What is Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety? 2pts

It is an international agreement which aims to ensure the safe handling, transport, and use of living
modified organisms resulting from modern biotechnology that may have adverse effects on
biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human health.

5. What role does the environment play in addressing the needs of society? 5pts

The environment addresses the needs of the living beings by providing the ecosystem services.
The environment provides water, air, soil, minerals and other natural resources, which are
necessary for the survival, growth and development of the living organisms. Moreover, the living
beings interact among themselves to lead their life cycles by maintaining the mutualistic, parasitic
and other kind of symbiotic relationships.

6. How can people maintain the rich biodiversity in nature? 5 pts.

Biological diversity can be preserved by avoiding the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers
and pesticides in agriculture, by eradicating invasive exotic weeds, and by promoting the plantation
of native trees. It starts with proper education and enlightenment of ourselves, neighbors, families,
students etc. We need to get people aware of the consequences of over exploitation of biodiversity.
We have many friends that we can engage in this kind of discussions as we visit each other. Then,
let them know what to do as individuals such as avoiding over exploitation without replacement,
having mini-reserved areas in our surroundings, reporting encroachers to appropriate agencies etc.

7. In your own words, how is an organism’s genome manipulated. 5pts

Humans have manipulated genomes indirectly by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with
desired traits. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of one or more genes. Most
often, a gene from another species is added to an organism's genome to give it a desired phenotype.

8. What are the pros and cons of genetically modifying crops? 5pts

The pros are the reasoning usually involves making crops more resistant to diseases as they grow.
Manufacturers also engineer produce to be more nutritious or tolerant of herbicides. Crop
protection is the main rationale behind this type of genetic modification. Plants that are more
resistant to diseases spread by insects or viruses result in higher yields for farmers and a more
attractive product. Genetically modification can also increase nutritional value or enhance flavor.
All of these factors contribute to lower costs for the consumer. They can also ensure that more
people have access to quality food.

The cons are because genetically engineering foods is a relatively new practice, little is known
about the long-term effects and safety. There are many purported downsides, but the evidence
varies, and the main health issues associated with GMO foods are hotly debated. Some people
believe that GMO foods have more potential to trigger allergic reactions. This is because they may
contain genes from an allergen — a food that prompts an allergic reaction. Some researchers
believe that eating GMO foods can contribute to the development of cancer. They argue that
because the disease is caused by mutations in DNA, it is dangerous to introduce new genes into
the body

9. Will you eat GMO’s ? Why or why not? 5pts

I won’t because GMOs or genetically modified organism could pose harm to our body in the long
term. While many had touted the safety of consuming GMOs, there is still the possibility that we
could be harmed. Modifying plants had been around for the longest time--this is how we got the
maize in the first place and many other fruits that we have now. Those were done without altering
the DNA of the plants, however and over the course of time.


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