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1. is known for credible professional accounts including companies,
professionals & aspirants
2. is very popular brand amongst corporates giving huge potential for
employees and helps building career
3. Its main features help in effective filtering of searches, finding business contacts
& connecting with them
4. Detailing of every profile is very crisp and covers almost all aspects of
one's professional career is a very useful, and powerful, tool to promote your brand
6. has more than 50 million active users worldwide
7. More than 5000 people are employed with the brand
8. its customer is popular worldwide
9. Save time spent on HR( human resource) team mailing task
10. Allow employees to actively manage their information
11. Reduce the demand for paper records
12. Support the design of various types of reports.
13. Improved employee data generation process

1.The trend of searching for jobs on social networks is increasing
2. Expanded online recruitment career opportunities
3.The technological economy is growing rapidly
4.Learn new skills and experiences in the recruitment market in the form of data.
1. Technology replaced humans in workplace
2. New upcoming professional networking websites
3. Companies stopping investment in Viet Nam
4. Decreasing number of the age goups (18-65)
5. Government regulations for maintaining privacy
1. Fake profiles & alleged data leaks have hurt in the past
2. Allegations against the company for invasion of privacy through email has hurt
its brand image
3.The revenue is still low

SO (Strengths- opportunities) WO (Weaknesses- opportunities)

-Using a diverse recruitment network - Spend a lot of moneys running
to shorten recruitment time for people advertisement that help people
(S9,O2) recognize its brand easily.(W3,O2)
- Build more subsidiaried in every part - Build reputation on social media
of the province or back to the villages professionally and reliably (W1,O1)
or move out of country . (S2,O2)
ST (Strengths- threats) WT (Weaknesses- threats)
-Allow employees to actively manage - Connect to foregin and national
their information to improve strict company and being a sustainable
privacy regulations set by the partner (W3,T3)
government (S10,T6) - Install a security system to guarantee
- Diverse professions for many choices employees’s private information
with many forms of work which is not (T6,W2)
replaced by technology (S4,T2)

Advantages and disadvantages of the SPACE matrix

Advantages Disadvantages
Be proactive in choosing a strategy, The internal and external factors cannot
depending on internal and external be accurately assessed, so it is
factors affecting the organization necessary to coordinate with other
matrices (SWOT, BCG, EFE, IFE)

Can change the strategy to exit the The weighting factors evaluated are
market easily mostly subjective, not accurate, which
can lead to the wrong direction for the
Determine the strategic position, and Can only be done when the strict audit
evaluate the performance of the and statistical environment gives
organization accurate results

A strategic management tool where

strategic elements are clearly
presented, especially related to the
competitive position of the

Competitive position (CP) Industry position (IP)

Product quality Resources utilization -1
Technological know-how Growth potential
+5 +6
Market share Profit potential +6
Control over suppliers and distributors Financial stability +1
Grade point average: -5.00 Grade point average: +3.00
Final value on the horizontal axis: -2.00

Financial position (FP) Stability position (SP)

Working capital Technological changes +6
Cash flow Competitive pressure +6
Return on investment Demand variability +4
Liquidity Tax
+4 +6
Grade point average: Grade point average: +5.50
Final value on the vertical axis: +4.00

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